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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialização midiatizada: o papel da televisão na recepção de adolescentes de instituições de acolhimento

Cruz, Fernanda Guimarães 14 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:24:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Tendo como objetivo central investigar como se processa, no âmbito da recepção, a socialização midiatizada operada pela televisão em se tratando de adolescentes que vivem em instituições de acolhimento em Porto Alegre, procuro compreender quais elementos do fluxo televisivo se instituem como matrizes de socialização, bem como quais apropriações, especialmente de valores e princípios morais, os adolescentes fazem do conteúdo televisivo, tendo como mediação desse processo a própria instituição de acolhimento, os grupos de relações e amizades e o habitus. A pesquisa também propõe compreender quais reconfigurações na identidade desses adolescentes são operadas a partir das aprendizagens que se estabelecem na relação desses com a televisão. Para dar conta das especificidades do objeto/problema investigado, trabalhei com os conceitos de midiatização e socialização, e articulei perspectivas teóricas para a compreensão da recepção (recepção, mediações, apropriações, aprendizagens, interação e identidade). Em relação / The main aim of this research is investigate the process of the socialization through the media, operated by the television in the scope of the reception by the teenagers who live in institutions of shelter in Porto Alegre. So I try to understand which elements of the television flow if they institute as first of socialization, as well as which appropriations, especially of moral values and principles, the adolescents make of the televising content, having as mediation of this process the proper institution of shelter, the groups of relations and friendships and habitus. The research also tries to show which changes are operated in the teenagers identity through the learning by the television. So, to understand the details of the central problem, I have worked with the concepts of mediatization and socialization, and I have also articulated theoretical perspectives to understand the reception (reception, mediation, appropriations, learnings, interaction and identity).Related to the metodologic strategies,

Educação, migrações e sociabilidades juvenis bolivianas em São Paulo e Buenos Aires

Dias, Danilo Borges 19 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-09-17T19:43:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DaniloBorgesDiasTese2018.pdf: 1797367 bytes, checksum: 0508d5ca05d5c43afed815902f2a0ef9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-09-17T19:44:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DaniloBorgesDiasTese2018.pdf: 1797367 bytes, checksum: 0508d5ca05d5c43afed815902f2a0ef9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-17T19:44:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DaniloBorgesDiasTese2018.pdf: 1797367 bytes, checksum: 0508d5ca05d5c43afed815902f2a0ef9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-19 / The Bolivian youth and its sociability are the aim of this search. It is focused to know how is the school environment among Bolivian students living in São Paulo and Buenos Aires with their hosts. It also concerns to identify how are the sociation and socialization mechanisms built among this youth, their vision about the roles of the school and the education, as well as observe how this relationships between this young people have a new meaning based on their daily experiences, and, lastly, it wonders whether exist or not, observing this two different realities, situations which allow combined statements to both of them. The methodological approach is set on qualitative basis, using the ethnography, group discussion and in-depth interviews. The main theoretical sources are George Simmel, Paul Willis, Pierre Bourdieu and Paulo Freire. Synthetically, the results show that the sociation and socialization among these young Bolivians, initially, happen exclusively by the entrance of the nationality roof, branching, lately, by the varied eligibility of its likes and the relation of this young ones with their environment. The role of the school also shows itself as a variable with many bifurcations, oscillating, with bigger intensity between a persistent disassociation of the topics worked in class and the realities of this young people, passing through some element of preparation for the future until, in a minor proportion, as an element of life and a real function for the present. This search also observed that, even though the young Bolivians from the two cities present a strong inclination to an intra-community way of life, connected to ancestry, they create a new meaning of how to relate with others as they grow and develop themselves with basis on the established links with the receptor society. Finally, it features that there are macro situations which get closer to the realities of São Paulo and Buenos Aires, but it is possible to identify variables which these phenomenons happen in their own way, making impracticable combined statements. / As juventudes bolivianas e suas sociabilidades são o foco da presente pesquisa. Objetivou-se saber como se dão as relações no ambiente escolar entre os jovens bolivianos radicados em São Paulo e Buenos Aires com seus pares nacionais. Da mesma forma, buscou-se identificar como são constituídos os mecanismos de sociação e sociabilidades entre estes jovens, suas visões sobre o papel da escola e da educação, bem como, observar como as relações entre estes jovens são ressignificadas a partir de suas relações cotidianas e, por fim, quis-se saber se entre as duas realidades observadas existem situações que permitam afirmações conjuntas para ambas. A abordagem metodológica assentou-se em bases qualitativas, tendo o uso da etnografia, valendo-se ainda de grupos focais e entrevistas em profundidade. Os principais referenciais teóricos foram Georg Simmel, Paul Willis, Pierre Bourdieu e Paulo Freire. Sinteticamente, os resultados obtidos destacam que as sociações e sociabilidades entre os jovens bolivianos, incialmente, se dão pela entrada exclusiva do teto da nacionalidade, ramificando-se, na sequência, para elegibilidades variadas a partir do gosto e da própria relação do jovem com o meio. O papel da escola, também, mostrou-se como uma variável com várias bifurcações, oscilando, com maior intensidade, entre uma consistente desvinculação dos conteúdos trabalhados nas aulas com a realidade que vivem os jovens, passando por um elemento de preparação para o futuro até e, em menor proporção, como um elemento de vida e de real função para o presente. Observou-se também que os jovens bolivianos das duas cidades, mesmo que apresentando forte tendência para a vida intra-comunitária vinculada às ancestralidades, ressignificam seus laços na medida em que crescem e se desenvolvem com base nos vínculos estabelecidos com as sociedades receptoras. Por fim, destacamos que existem macro-situações que aproximam as realidades de São Paulo e Buenos Aires, mas também identificamos variáveis onde tais fenômenos se desenrolam às suas próprias maneiras, não nos abrindo espaços para afirmações conjuntas.

Cidadania desigual : socialização política comparada em escolas públicas e privadas de Porto Alegre/RS

Zorzi, Felipe Bortoncello January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um estudo comparativo de socialização política de jovens em escolas pública e privadas de Porto Alegre/RS. Utiliza-se o conceito de competência cívica, entendido como sistema complexo de desempenho psicossocial, com o objetivo de comparar o acúmulo de recursos políticos afetivos e cognitivos desenvolvidos nos dois modelos de escola, que podem ser mobilizados para o engajamento político. A hipótese central é, no processo de socialização política, dada a grande diferença de qualidade da educação, as escolas públicas e privadas reproduzem as desigualdades sociais e econômicas no âmbito da formação da competência cívica dos jovens, o que impacta na sua capacidade de participar politicamente. Para isso, utiliza-se dados de pesquisa survey realizada no âmbito do Núcleo de Pesquisa sobre América Latina da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em 2015. O trabalho identifica que o sistema público de ensino básico não forma cidadãos capacitados para participar politicamente. Pelo contrário, a desigualdade de recurso entre os grupos é significativa em todas as dimensões avaliadas. Enquanto, os jovens de ensino privado se apresentam mais próximos de um ideal assertivo de cidadania, os jovens de ensino público reproduzem as características de uma cultura política híbrida, demonstrando mais apatia, ineficácia e descrença, e menos informação e habilidades cívicas. / This master’s level dissertation presents a comparative study of political socialization of youths in public and private schools of Porto Alegre/RS. Based on the concept of civic competence, understood as a complex system of psychosocial performance, the work aims to compare the reserves of affective and cognitive political resources developed in both types of school, which may be mobilized for political engagement. The hypothesis is that, in the process of political socialization, given the difference of quality of education, public schools propagates socioeconomic inequality in the ambit of the formation of civic competence in young people, which impacts in their capacity to participate politically. For this goal, survey data is employed, which was develop by the Research Center on Latin America (NUPESAL) of the University of Rio Grande do Sul in 2015. The work identifies that the public basic system of education does not form capable citizens to participate politically. On the contrary, resource inequality is significant in all evaluated dimensions. While students in private school are closer to an assertive ideal of citizenship, those in public schools reproduce the characteristics of a hybrid political culture, presenting more apathy, inefficacy and disbelief, and less civic information and abilities.

L'impact des études supérieures sur les valeurs des étudiants / Higher Education's impact on students values

Olivier, Florian 26 June 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse part d'une idée simple : ce que l'on fait, ce que l'on vit nous change. Or au sein des expériences collectives vécues, l'une tend à devenir de plus en plus partagée : le passage par des études supérieures. Aussi peut-on être surpris de constater que peu nombreuses sont les études s'intéressant à l'impact que peuvent avoir les cursus disciplinaires sur le jugement des étudiants, population dont l'identité – ne serait-ce que professionnelle – reste en construction. A partir d'une enquête par questionnaire inspirée des European Values Survey et des Enquêtes sur les pratiques culturelles des Français et menée auprès d'un échantillon final d'étudiants de 11 filières universitaires, notre travail montre que l'idée controversée d'une socialisation disciplinaire mérite d'être considérée. Car si dès la première année, les disciplines tendent à s'attirer les faveurs de populations aux profils déjà différenciés, l'avancée dans les études tend de son côté à remodeler ces particularisme initiaux. Les contenus disciplinaires jouent indéniablement un rôle dans ce remodelage, via l'acquisition ou le renforcement de dispositions et (sentiments) de compétences spécifiques. Mais de façon concomitante, la particularisation des profils étudiants au fil des études apparaît relever d'un phénomène de socialisation anticipatrice faisant qu'avancée dans les études et appropriation de la future et probable place occupée dans l'espace social vont de pair. / This thesis comes from a simple idea : what one does, what one lives change us. Now, within the collective experiences, one tends to become more and more shared : going for higher studies. It is therefore surprising to note that few studies have examined the impact that majors may have on the judgment of students, whose identity – so much as professional - remains under construction. From a survey inspired by the European Values Survey and the Survey on The Cultural Practices of the French, and conducted with a final sample of students from 11 academic disciplines, our work shows that the controversial idea of a socialization deserves consideration. For if from the first year the disciplines tend to attract populations with already differentiated profiles, they tends at the end to reshape these initial particularisms. Disciplinary contents undoubtedly play a role in this remodeling, through the acquisition or reinforcement of specific skills and dispositions. But concomitantly, the particularization of student profiles over the years appears to be a phenomenon of anticipatory socialization : becoming an advanced student and the appropriation of the future and probable place occupied in the social space go hand in hand.

"A família e as medidas socioeducativas: a inserção da família na socioeducação dos adolescentes autores de ato infracional".

Paula, Liana de 19 November 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação visou discutir a relação entre o Estado e as famílias de adolescentes autores de ato infracional a partir das propostas do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Por intermédio de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, procurou-se traçar uma abordagem histórica e teórica que permitisse salientar a possibilidade de transformação da interferência do Estado na vida familiar, no sentido de uma redução das tendências repressivas e do estabelecimento de outros tipos de controle, que visam regulamentar os processos de socialização e individualização de crianças e adolescentes pobres. / This dissertation aimed to discuss the relationship between the State and the families of the juvenile delinquents by analysing the proposals of the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Using the data of the documentary and bibliographical research, historical and theoretical approachs were adopted in order to emphasize the possible changes regarding the interference of the State in the familial life. These changes indicate a reduction of the repressive trends and the establishment of other kinds of regulation towards the socialization and individualization processes of the poor children and adolescents.

As meninas de agora estão piores do que os meninos: gênero, conflito e violência na escola / Today´s girls are worse than boys: gender, conflict and violence in the school

Neves, Paulo Rogério da Conceição 04 April 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado investiga a violência praticada por garotas de ensino fundamental II em uma escola pública da rede estadual de São Paulo. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma escola na zona norte do município de São Paulo durante o último trimestre de 2006 e contou com enorme participação do corpo docente, discente e equipe gestora. Para tal investigação empírica foram utilizados diversos métodos de coleta de dados: observações em campo, questionários, reuniões com grupos de alunos/as e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a análise dos dados coletados foi utilizado como aporte teórico as contribuições de Hannah Arendt no que se refere à educação e violência; a discussão acerca da violência na escola desenvolvida no Brasil desde os anos de 1980 e o conceito de gênero elaborado por Joan Scott. Constatou-se que mais determinante do que o bairro ser ou não violento, é no ambiente doméstico e escolar que as jovens percebem o uso da violência como forma de restauração da ordem, do respeito, da tranqüilidade e, também, da individualidade, entre outras e, também, de rompimento da invisibilidade de gênero da qual são vítimas. Verificou-se, então, que as brigas protagonizadas pelas meninas estavam nesse rol de coisas a serem restauradas e não envolviam, como freqüentemente divulgado na escola, a presença de rapazes como motivo para as agressões. Por fim, foi constatado que a) as agressões praticadas pelas jovens dentro do ambiente escolar desafiam a tarefa histórica da escola educar os/as mais novos/as para a vida em sociedade , b) resistem aos estereótipos de gênero responsáveis por defini-las como frágeis e indefesas, além de mais pacíficas que os rapazes e, ao mesmo tempo, c) reproduzem parte desses estereótipos que compõem a hegemonia masculina: aquela que divulga ser a violência a melhor forma de solução de conflito. / This Masters dissertation investigates the violence committed by girls who are students in middle school in a public institution in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The research was conducted in a school located in the north area of the city of São Paulo along the last term of 2006 and had the strong involvement of teachers, students, and the school management staff. For the empirical investigation, several methods of data collection were utilized: field observation, questionnaires, meetings with groups of students and semistructured interviews. The theoretical approach used to analyze the collected data included the contributions by Hannah Arendt on education and violence; the debate about violence in school taking place in Brazil since the 1980´s, and the concept of gender developed by Joan Scott. The research found that, more important than whether the neighborhood is violent or not, it is in the domestic and school environment that young girls perceive the use of violence as a way of restoring order, respect, tranquility and, also, individuality. It also meant breaking the invisibility of gender which the girls are a victim of. As a result, it was found, too, that fights involving the girls took part in a list of things that need to be restored and did not involve, as often talked about in schools, the presence of boys as a reason for aggressions. Last, it was found that a) aggressions involving young girls in the school ambience are a challenge to the schools historical task educating the youngest so they can live in society , b) resist gender stereotypes which define girls are fragile and defenseless, in addition to being more peaceful than boys and, at the same time, c) they partly reproduce the gender stereotypes that make up the masculine hegemony: the one that discloses violence as the best way of resolving conflicts

Gestão da diversidade e pessoas com deficiência: percepção dos gestores e empregados sobre os impactos da lei de cotas / Management of diversity and people with disabilities: perception managers and employees on the impacts of the law of quotas

Martinez, Victor de La Paz Richarte 14 August 2008 (has links)
Esse trabalho sobre diversidade pretende estudar os impactos para colaboradores e gestores, e conseqüentemente à organização, com a contratação de pessoas com deficiência a partir da promulgação da lei 8213/91 que estabelece cotas de admissão para as empresas. O estudo apresenta como variáveis a Gestão da Diversidade, a Socialização Organizacional e Valores Organizacionais. Os principais modelos teóricos adotados foram Golembiewski (1995) e Cox (2001) para Gestão da Diversidade, Van Maanen (1989) para Socialização e Schein (1984) para aspectos da Cultura Organizacional. A unidade de pesquisa é a empresa têxtil Vicunha S.A que conta, em junho de 2008, com 276 pessoas com deficiência homologadas. Vinte e uma pessoas das unidades São Manuel e Central participaram dessa pesquisa, sendo 11 pessoas com deficiência e 10 gestores, representados pelo CEO, Gerente de Recursos Humanos, Gerente da Unidade e gestores diretos. Como método de pesquisa foi adotado o estudo de caso simples (Yin, 2005) e para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais, grupais e grupos focais. A interpretação dos dados se deu por meio da análise de conteúdo categorial (Bardin, 1977), a observação assistemática e a análise documental. Os achados da pesquisa indicaram que uma gestão da diversidade estruturada, com valores organizacionais de inclusão e a atuação dos líderes no apoio e promoção da diversidade conjugam para a integração da pessoa com deficiência em ambiente de trabalho e identificação com a organização. Os achados de pesquisa apontam que há forte tendência para que a gestão da diversidade em consonância com processos adequados de socialização contribuam para a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência em ambientes de trabalho. / This research on diversity aims at investigating the impacts to employees and managers and, consequently, to the organization, of hiring of people with disabilities since the enacting of law 8213/91 which establishes admission quotas for companies. The study presents as its variables Diversity Management, Socialization Process, and Organizational Values. The main theory models applied were Golembiewski (1995) and Cox (2001) for Diversity Management, Van Maanen (1989) for Socialization, and Schein (1984) for aspects of Organizational Culture. The research was performed in the textile company Vicunha SA which employs, as of June 2008, 276 people with disabilities. Twenty-one people from São Manuel and Central plants took part in this research, divided in eleven people with disabilities and ten managers, represented by the CEO, Human Resources Managers and Plant Managers. The adopted research method was the simple case study (Yin, 2005) and the data collection was performed by semi-structured interviews with individuals, groups and focal groups. The data was interpreted through content analysis (Bardin 1977), systematic observation, and document analysis. The research findings indicated that both a structured diversity management with organizational values for inclusion and the role of leaders in diversity support and promotion work together for the integration of the person with disabilities in the workspace and their relating to the organization. The findings point to a strong tendency for diversity management in accordance to adequate socialization processes which contribute to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workspace.

Tracing Agency in a Middle School, Youth Participatory Action Research Class

Filipiak, Danielle Renee January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation study explored the literacies and socialization practices that middle school youth used while engaging in a school-wide Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) class. The primary aims of the dissertation were to contribute to literature on YPAR and to examine the literacy and socialization practices that young people drew upon as resources in developing agentive identities. Relying on what is named as an agentive ecological approach, this study built upon sociocultural theories of literacy and learning to emphasize young people’s development of agency through their shared participation in a YPAR class that was shaped not only by the multiple identities they carried with them into the classroom, but also by factors such as the pedagogy of the teacher, the philosophies of school administrators, and the sociopolitical context of school. This study also relied on the ongoing traditions of critical literacy and critical pedagogy to highlight the ways that YPAR served as a mediator of important critical literacies that allowed students to learn about and directly respond to the social, historical, and cultural contexts of inequality that they encountered. Situated in one of New York City’s most ethnically diverse middle schools, this critical ethnographic study used multimodal and ethnographic methodologies to excavate the experiences of 7th and 8th grade students enrolled in a newly implemented YPAR course at their school. In this year-long course, students were apprenticed as critical social researchers of educational issues while simultaneously provided with opportunities to utilize digital media tools toward civic ends. Methods for this study included 112 hours of participant observation where the researcher captured field notes, weekly memos, and photographs of classroom life across six months of the course; three semi-structured interviews each with six randomly selected students enrolled in 13 sections of YPAR; and multimodal literacy artifacts that included YPAR film materials, Google Classroom assignments, photographs, and digital stories. Three focus group interviews were also conducted with a group of students selected for enrollment in a “YPAR filmmaking course”, where they were tasked with creating a film about the impact of YPAR on the school. This group had a unique vantage point in that that they participated in iterations of YPAR across all three years of their middle school experiences, affording a much needed phenomenological perspective. Finally, two semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teacher of the course, who also provided curriculum and planning documents for analysis. Constant comparative method and Critical Discourse Analysis were the primary methodological tools used to analyze the data in the study. Major findings revealed how the cultivation of critical literacies in the YPAR course afforded youth the opportunity to identify and respond to barriers in their educational contexts, allowing them to assert more humanizing portraits of themselves and their communities. Moreover, students’ leveraging of digital media tools toward civic ends permitted them space to offer perspectives concerning issues like Islamophobia and global violence, assisting them in the brokering of sociopolitical identities that changed the way they saw themselves, others, and the world surrounding them. Findings from the YPAR filmmaking class revealed the ways that youth constructed stories about imagined futures and their perceived role in shaping those futures, signaling new ways that critical digital literacy practices might be cultivated in service of healthy social, civic, and academic identities.

Disposições de gênero e violências escolares: entre traições e outras estratégias socializadoras utilizadas por jovens alunas de uma instituição privada no município de São Paulo / Gender dispositions and school violences: between cheating and other socializing strategies used by young students of a private school in the city of São Paulo

Neves, Paulo Rogério da Conceição 26 February 2014 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado apresenta os resultados da investigação realizada com jovens estudantes do ensino médio em uma escola particular localizada no distrito do Jabaquara, no município de São Paulo. Seu foco foi especialmente direcionado para as disposições de gênero acionadas por jovens alunas em diferentes episódios que envolviam violências, tanto nos relatos sobre sua socialização na família quanto na escola em questão. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, de natureza qualitativa que procura articular as contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu, no que se refere à teoria de habitus, com os estudos de gênero para a análise das violências vividas e produzidas na instituição escolar. A investigação empírica realizada na instituição escolar utilizou como técnicas para a coleta de dados observações e entrevistas individuais com alunas, alunos e representantes da gestão escolar. Foram consideradas, tanto nas observações quanto nos relatos, as distintas estratégias de sociabilidade utilizadas por garotas e garotos em relação às diversas expressões da violência, com destaque para a estreita relação entre as socializações e as disposições de gênero. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que as socializações na família e na escola (dentre outras agências socializadoras), são responsáveis pela incorporação das disposições de gênero utilizadas pelas/os jovens, tendo na traição um episódio típico tanto de reprodução de padrões tradicionais de gênero quanto de superação dos mesmos. No caso específico da escola particular pesquisada, os dados revelam que estas socializações encontram-se imbricadas ao modo pelo qual a gestão escolar intervém sobre a indisciplina e sobre os conflitos oriundos das relações escolares ou outros conflitos externos que nelas teriam influência. Como resultado, por fim, conclui-se que a combinação entre incorporação das disposições de gênero, estratégias para lidar com as violências e a prática propositiva e dialogada da gestão escolar, configura disposições de cultura que contribuem para a baixa frequência de conflitos físicos na escola. Mas estes recursos não são suficientes para superar a existência de outras expressões de violências no ambiente escolar ou da reprodução de padrões tradicionais de gênero, como as manifestadas no caso de traição analisado. / This doctoral dissertation presents the results of a research with young high school students in a private school located in Jabaquara district, in the city of São Paulo. It focuses specifically on gender dispositions enlisted by young female students in different situations involving violences, according to their accounts about their family and school socialization. This is an exploratory qualitative research that seeks to articulate Pierre Bourdieus theory ofhabitus with gender studies to analyze violences experienced in school and also the ones created by the school institution itself. As method for data collection, the empirical investigation carried out in a private school employed observations and individual interviews with male and female students, as well as members of the school administration. In both observations and interviews, different sociability strategies used by girls and boys regarding the numerous expressions of violence were considered, with focus on the close relationship between socializations and gender dispositions. The results show that family and school (among other socialization agents), are responsible for the incorporation of the gender dispositions utilized by young people. The cheating incident is a typical episode which reveals simultaneously the reproduction and the superation of traditional gender patterns. In the specific case of the investigated school, data show that these socialization processes are intertwined with the way the school administration intervenes on indiscipline and conflicts that emerge from school relations or other outside conflicts that might influence them. The conclusion is that the combination of incorporation of gender dispositions, strategies for dealing with violences and schools proactive dialogic practices has set up cultural dispositions that contribute to the low occurrence of physical conflicts in school. However, these resources are not efficient enough to inhibit other expressions of violences in the school environment or the reproduction of traditional gender norms, as expressed in the cheating case analyzed in this dissertation.

Parents d’ailleurs, enfants d’ici : invention des parcours de jeunes de la banlieue parisienne : le cas de la socialisation des lycéens descendants de maghrébins, entre réussite scolaire et réussite sociale / Parents from elsewhere, children from here : invention of youth courses in the Paris suburbs : the case of the socialization of high school students from Maghreb, between academic success and social success

Lamouri, Samir 26 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le discours des jeunes descendants d’immigrés maghrébins en situation de réussite scolaire. En s’appuyant sur 20 entretiens semi-directifs, cette recherche qualitative montre, comment les jeunes évoluent dans la société et notamment dans différents espaces de socialisation.Les résultats montrent différentes formes de socialisation chez ces jeunes lycéens dans différents espaces : famille, pairs, habitat, culturel, cultuel, sport et scolaire. Les espaces de socialisation les plus investies sont la famille, les pairs scolaires, la culture et le cultuel.La recherche met en évidence la place centrale de la mère dans l’espace de socialisation familiale composé de plusieurs sous-espaces de socialisation, dont l’espace maternel où se situe le maximum d’interactions sociales entre mère et enfant. On notera de nombreux sous-espaces familiaux comme celui avec les beaux-frères, peu connu des chercheurs.Les pairs scolaires sont également omniprésents dans les relations sociales et scolaires de ces lycéens qui réussissent, tous font références à des relations de proximité avec des camarades.La culture et le savoir en général occupent une place importante dans la socialisation du jeune lycéen, la fréquentation des bibliothèques, des musées et des lieux culturels font partie prenante du paysage social de ceux qui réussissent.Enfin, la place de la religion et de la culture arabo-musulmane est omniprésente dans les relations sociales et le quotidien. Les jeunes descendants d’immigrés maghrébins sont fortement attachés à leur culture et notamment à leur religion. Ces derniers fréquentent en nombre les associations musulmanes et sont en interactions sociales avec des pairs communautaires pour apprendre la religion de leurs parents, de leurs ancêtres. / This doctoral thesis studies the discourse of the young descendants of Maghreb immigrants in a situation of academic success in high school. Based on 20 semi-structured interviews, this qualitative research shows how the young people interviewed evolve in society and in particular the different spaces of socialization.The results show different forms of socialization among these young high school students in different areas : family, peers, habitat, cultural, cultic, sport and school. The areas of socialization that are the most important to young people are family, school peers, culture and worship.The research highlights the central place of the mother in the family socialization space composed of several sub-spaces of socialization, including the maternal space where the maximum social interaction between mother and child is located. There are many family sub-areas such as the one with brothers-in-law, little known to researchers.School peers are also ubiquitous in the social and educational relationships of these successful high school students, all interviewees refer to close relationships with classmates or high school students.Culture and knowledge in general are an important part of the socialization of the young high school student, the attendance of libraries, museums and cultural places are part of the social landscape of those who succeed.Finally, the place of religion and Arab-Muslim culture is omnipresent in social relations and everyday life. Young descendants of Maghreb immigrants are strongly attached to their culture and especially to their religion. The latter frequent large numbers of Muslim associations and are socially interacting with community peers to learn the religion of their parents, their ancestors.

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