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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A systematic literature review on drones’ application in last-mile delivery.

Persson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, companies such as Amazon and DHL have started to develop alternative last-mile delivery options because of the growing trend in e-commerce. Last-mile deliveries refer to the terminal to customer deliveries and have become increasingly challenging to manage, as traffic congestions in cities has risen. Therefore, companies have begun searching for alternative delivery methods, such as autonomous drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The purpose of this thesis is to investigate drones in the current literature on last-mile delivery. First, by conducting a systematic literature review on the current literature available in two major databases. Second, by analyzing the collected literature sample and presenting it through a descriptive analysis focusing on bibliometrics and a thematic analysis that identifies emerging themes for drivers for drones’ application in last-mile delivery, barriers for drones’ application in last-mile delivery, and approaches for implementing drones in last-mile delivery.                        Drones’ application in last-mile delivery has the potential to reduce cost, decrease delivery time, reduce emissions, and reduce energy consumption. However, barriers that hinder the implementation, such as governmental regulations, need further consideration for the implementation to occur. Some evident gaps can be found related to the barriers. Both managers and researchers might find the thesis useful, as it provides a holistic view on the subject, with theoretical, managerial, and societal implications being presented.

Investigating the Impact of Informal Engineering Education on Middle School Girls’ Engineering Identity Development

Clark, Abigail M. 20 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Extensions of Earned Value Management : A Systematic Review

Savklint, Oliver F., Danielsson, André January 2021 (has links)
Earned Value Management is a project methodology that has powerful features, still, it is underutilized in practice. This paper presents a systematic literature review examining the extensions made by researchers to the Earned Value methodology and further compares this to the project environments where the extensions have been utilized in. The classification system used in this paper is based on the Project Process and the Project Knowledge Areas and enables in-depth examination of the different extensions. The contribution of this paper is mainly based on the collection of all peer-reviewed articles presenting extensions to Earned Value Management, as well as incorporating the Earned Value methodology into larger frameworks. It also reveals that the Earned Value methodology has been extended to include nine of the ten Projects Knowledge Areas, and three out of the five Project Processes, this means that Earned Value Management has the capability to include comprehensive features.

Musikens påverkan på patienter som genomgår en regional anestesi : En systematisk litteraturstudie / The impact of music on patient’s undergoing a regional anesthesia

Arvidsson, Ida, Olsson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Ångest och rädsla beskrivs som vanligt förekommande känslor inför operativa ingrepp. Musik kan i många situationer avleda människors uppmärksamhet från negativa faktorer samt minska oro och stress. Regional anestesi är en vanlig operationsmetod som har mindre hemodynamisk påverkan på patienter. Anestesisjuksköterskan har en betydelsefull profession i teamet och skall få patienten att känna sig trygg och när patienter skall genomgå en anestesi har anestesisjuksköterskan ett stort ansvar. Musik är kostnadseffektivt och har lugnande effekter på patienter inför en anestesi. Ny och ökad kunskap behövs för att minimera risken för ångest samt öka patienters välbefinnande. Syftet var att utforska musikens påverkan på patienter som genomgår en regional anestesi. Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie. Elva stycken artiklar inkluderades i resultatet, en kvalitativ artikel och tio stycken kvantitativa. Dataanalys genomfördes och resulterade i huvudkategorier och subteman. Resultatet infattar två huvudkategorier: Musikens psykologiska påverkan på patienten och Musikens fysiologiska påverkan på patienten samt fem subteman: ångest, välbefinnande, vitala parametrar, kemiska parametrar samt smärta. Patienterna upplevde mindre ångest och ökat välbefinnande inför ingreppet när de lyssnade på musik. Vitalparametrar såsom blodtryck, hjärtfrekvens och andningsfrekvens blev lägre i musikgrupperna. Musik hade även en positiv effekt på smärta, blodsocker och kortisol. En del av studierna påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad på kategorierna. I diskussionsdelen diskuterades studiens valda metod med för- och nackdelar samt studiens resultat där bland annat skillnader och likheter jämfördes. Bli erbjuden musiklyssning under sin regionala anestesi kan ha både positiv och negativ påverkan på patienter. / Anxiety and fear are described as commonly occurring feelings before surgical procedures. In many situations, music can divert people’s attention from negative factors including worries and stress. Regional anesthesia is a common surgical method with less hemodynamic effect on the patient. The nurse anesthetist has a significant profession within the team and will make the patient feel safe and the nurse anesthetist has a great responsibility when the patient is to undergo anesthesia. Music is cost-effective and has soothing effect on the patient before anesthesia. New and increased knowledge is needed to minimize the risk of anxiety but also to increase the patient’s well-being. The purpose was to examine music’s impact on patients who are undergoing regional anesthesia. The method used was a systematic literature study. Eleven articles were included in the result, one qualitative and ten quantitative. Data analysis was performed and resulted in main categories and sub-teams. The result includes two main categories: the music´s psychological effect on the patient and the music’s physiological effect on the patient as well as five sub-teams: anxiety, well-being, vital parameters, chemical parameters and pain. The patients experienced less anxiety and increased well-being before the procedure when they were listening to music. Vital parameters like blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate became lower in the music groups. Music also had a positive effect on pain, blood sugar and cortisol. Some of the studies showed no significant difference between the categories. In the discussion part, the study’s selected method’s pros and cons, as well as the study’s result with a comparison of differences and similarities are discussed. Being offered to listen to music during a regional anesthesia can have both positive and negative effects on the patient.

Data selection for cross-project defect prediction

Hosseini, S. (Seyedrebvar) 25 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract Context: This study contributes to the understanding of the current state of cross-project defect prediction (CPDP) by investigating the topic in themes, with special focus on data approaches and covering search-based training data selection, by proposing data selection methods and investigating their impact. The empirical evidence for this work is collected through a formal systematic literature review method for the review, and from experiments on open source projects. Objective: We aim to understand and summarize the manner in which various data manipulation approaches are used in CPDP and their potential impacts on performance. Further, we aim at utilizing search-based methods to produce evolving training data sets to filter irrelevant instances from other projects before training. Method: Through a series of studies following the literature review of current state of CPDP, we propose a search-based method called genetic instance selection (GIS). We validate our initial findings by conducting the next study on a large set of data sets with multiple feature sets. We refine our design decisions using an exploratory study. Finally, we investigate an existing meta-learning approach, provide insights on its design and propose an alternative iterative data selection method. Results: The literature review reveals lower performances of CPDP in comparison with within project defect prediction (WPDP) models and provides a set of primary studies to be used as the basis for future research. Our proposed data selection methods make the case for search-based approaches considering their higher effectiveness and performance. We identified potential impacting factors on the effectiveness through the exploratory study and proposed methods to create better CPDP models. Conclusions: The proposal of numerous approaches in the literature over the last decade has led to progress in the area and the acquired knowledge and tools apply to many similar domains and can act as parts of academic curricula as well. Future directions of study can include searching for better validation data, better feature selection techniques, tuning the parameters of the search-based models, tuning hyper-parameters of learners, investigating the effects of multiple sources of optimization (learner, instances and features) and the impact of the class imbalance problem. / Tiivistelmä Tausta: Tämä tutkimus edistää projektienvälisten virheiden ennustamisen nykytilan ymmärtämistä (CPDP) tutkimalla aihetta teemoissa, keskittyen erityisesti tiedollisiin lähestymistapoihin ja hakuperusteisen harjoitusdatan valintaan esittelemällä datan valintamenetelmiä ja tutkimalla niiden vaikutuksia. Tämän työn empiirinen todistusaineisto on koottu muodollisella systemaattisella kirjallisuuskatsauksella ja avoimen lähdekoodin projekteissa tehdyillä kokeilla. Tavoite: Pyrimme ymmärtämään ja tiivistämään tavan, jolla erilaisia datan käsittelyn lähestymistapoja käytetään CPDP:ssa sekä niiden potentiaalisia vaikutuksia suorituskykyyn. Lisäksi, tavoitteenamme on hyödyntää hakuperusteisia menetelmiä muodostamaan kehittyviä harjoitusdata-settejä suodattamaan epäolennaisia esiintymiä muista projekteista ennen koulutusta. Menetelmä: CPDP:n nykytilan kirjallisuuskatsauksen jälkeen tehtyjen tutkimusten avulla ehdotamme hakuperusteista menetelmää, jota kutsutaan geneettisen esiintymän valinnaksi (GIS). Todistamme alustavat havaintomme suorittamalla seuraavan tutkimuksen suurella joukolla datasettejä, joilla on useita ominaisuuksia. Jalostamme suunnittelupäätöksiämme käyttäen tutkivaa tutkimusta. Lopuksi, tutkimme vallitsevaa meta-oppimisen lähestymistapaa ja tarjoamme näkemyksiä sen suunnitteluun ja ehdotamme vaihtoehtoista, toistuvaa datan valintamenetelmää. Tulokset: Kirjallisuuskatsaus paljastaa CPDP:n heikomman suorituskyvyn verrattuna projektinsisäisten virheiden ennustamisen (WPDP) malleihin ja tarjoaa joukon primaaritutkimuksia, joita voidaan käyttää perustana myöhemmälle tutkimukselle. Ehdottamamme datan valintamenetelmät puoltavat hakuperusteisten menetelmiä niiden paremman tehokkuuden ja suorituskyvyn vuoksi. Tunnistimme potentiaalisia tehokuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä tutkivien tutkimusten avulla ja ehdotimme metodeja parempien CPDP mallien luomiseksi. Johtopäätökset: Viime vuosikymmenten aikana kirjallisuudessa esitellyt lukuisat menetelmät ovat edistäneet alaa ja hankittu tieto ja työkalut soveltuvat monille samanlaisille alueille ja voivat toimia myös osana akateemisia opetussuunnitelmia. Tutkimuksen tulevat linjaukset voivat sisältää validointiin paremmin soveltuvan datan haun, paremmat ominaisuuksien valintatekniikat, hakuperusteisten mallien parametrien hienosäädön, oppijoiden hyper-parametrien hienosäädön, tutkimuksen useiden optimoinnin lähteiden vaikutuksista (oppija, esiintymät, ominaisuudet) ja luokan epätasapaino-ongelman vaikutuksesta.


Ekstedt, Emma, Mossberg, Luna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att närstående till äldre kan ha svårigheter att kunna anpassa sig till den nya boendesituationen på äldreboendet. De närstående brottas med upplevelser av både lättnad och skuld, medan sjuksköterskorna har svårt att inkludera de närstående i omvårdnaden av sina anhöriga. Det framkommer även att miljön har betydelse för den upplevda hälsan. Syfte: Att beskriva äldre personers upplevelser av att bo på äldreboende. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie med beskrivande syntes där resultatet grundas på elva vårdvetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: De äldre upplevde att deras autonomi blev bristande efter flytt till äldreboende, de upplevde även att deras identitet gick förlorad när de tagits ur det sammanhang som det tidigare hemmet givit dem. För att de äldre på äldreboendet ska uppleva hälsa var det viktigt att bevara och skapa meningsfulla relationer med familj, andra boende och sjuksköterskor. Det var även viktigt för de äldre att delta i aktiviteter på äldreboendet som upplevs meningsfulla för att skapa ett nytt upplevt sammanhang på det nya boendet. Slutsats: Det finns behov av att kunna utföra den personcentrerade omvårdnaden som planerat. Detta för att värna de äldres hälsa och för att deras upplevelser av att bo på äldreboende ska bli positiva.

Från intern kund till slutkund : En studie om förhållandet mellan intern marknadsföring och kundorientering, ett bidrag och en genomgång. / From internal customer to end customer : A study of the relationship between internal marketing and customer orientation, a contribution, and a review

Ternander, Gustav, Puhls, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Frågeställningar:  Vad är förhållandet mellan intern marknadsföring och kundorientering inom den svenska banksektorn? Vad finns det för kunskapsgap i förhållandet mellan intern marknadsföring och kundorientering? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är tvådelad. För det första syftar studien till att bidra med förståelse för hur förhållandet mellan intern marknadsföring och kundorientering kan studeras genom empirisk granskning av teorier på en oprövad kontext. För det andra ämnar studien upptäcka förhållandets framtida forskningsfokus genom en systematisk litteraturgenomgång. Metod: Genom brukandet av en deduktiv ansats har kvantitativa data insamlats från anställda inom svenska banksektorn. En webbenkät distribuerades till flertalet lokala bankkontor vilket resulterade i 66 fullständiga svar som ligger till grund för studiens första slutsats. Genom en systematisk litteraturgenomgång har framtida forskningsområden identifierats och presenterats.  Slutsatser: Det finns ett signifikant samband mellan anställdas uppfattning av praktisk intern marknadsföring och deras vilja att agera utefter kundorienterat beteende inom den svenska banksektorn. För att fastställa generaliserbarhet av relationen mellan variablerna har ett framtida forskningsfokus identifierats. Vidare studier bör tillämpa flermetodsforskning när fenomenet studeras. / Research questions:  What is the relationship between internal marketing and customer orientation within the Swedish banking industry? What are the knowledge gaps in the relationship between internal marketing and customer orientation?  Purpose: The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, the study aims to contribute with an understanding of how the relationship between internal marketing and customer orientation can be studied through empirical examination of theories in an untested context. Secondly, the study intends to discover the relationship's future research focus through a systematic literature review. Method:  By using a deductive approach, quantitative data has been collected from employees in the Swedish banking industry. An online survey was distributed to a number of local bank branches, which resulted in 66 complete responses that form the basis of the study's first conclusion. Through a systematic literature review, future research areas have been identified and presented. Conclusions:  There is a significant correlation between employees' perceptions of internal marketing practices and their willingness to act according to customer-oriented behaviours in the Swedish banking industry. To establish generalizability of the relationship between the variables, a future research focus has been identified. Future studies should apply multi-method research when studying the phenomenon.

Critically questioning an African perspective on psychopathology : a systematic literature review

Hassim, Junaid 17 June 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to collate and analyse academic literature with regards to possible African perspectives on psychological distress. The purpose of conducting the literature review was to explore thirty years of critical arguments supporting and refuting an African perspective on psychopathology. Literature (e.g. Bhugra&Bhui, 1997) appeared to suggest that some of the relatively recent views regarding psychopathology fail to adequately address psychological distress as it presents in Africa. A systematic literature review was selected as the methodology for this study, and the specific method of the review was research synthesis (Gough, 2004; Popay, 2005). Reviewed literature was sourced between the years 1980 and 2010. The theoretical point of departure was integrative theory, thus falling within the postpostmodern framework. As such, literature regarding psychological theory formed a substantial part of the research, including literature relating to psychodynamic theory, cognitive-behavioural theory, postmodernism, phenomenology, existentialism, critical theory, and systemic patterning (Becvar&Becvar, 1996). These theories formed part of the analysis, thereby allowing contextual analysis as the interpretive method. The review’s themes highlighted the following outcomes: current psychiatric nosology employed a universalistic approach to diagnosis and intervention, thus limiting cultural conceptions of mental illness; holistic intervention requires the inclusion of traditional epistemological tenets; collaboration between modern practitioners and traditional healers would probably better meet the patient’s needs; and that culture-fit assessment and treatment often indicated improved prognosis. The outcomes evidenced the operation of an African perspective on psychopathology. In fact, much of the reviewed literature also suggested culture-contextual perspectives on psychopathology. Furthermore, the way in which lack of cultural coherence appears to exist between patients and some clinicians suggested that diagnostic flaws may be a relatively frequent occurrence. Potential benefits of the investigation include increased awareness that culture-related conceptualisation be further explored in the clinical field; that future researchers use the current review as a foundational reference for primary investigations; that contemporary clinical classificatory systems be reviewed in terms of cultural applicability; and that clinicians reconsider the diagnostic process in terms of culture-fit manifestations of psychopathology. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Psychology / unrestricted

Faktorer som påverkar kvinnors beslut om intrauterina preventivmedel : En systematisk litteraturöversikt / Factors influencing women's decisions about intrauterine contraception : A systematic literature review

Gimnes, Marie, Wagner, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Kvinnor har länge använt olika metoder för att skydda sig mot graviditet. Omkring 1,1 miljarder kvinnor världen över är i behov av preventivmedelsrådgivning och familjeplanering. Ett av de vanligaste reversibla preventivmedlen är intrauterina preventivmedel. Det är ett säkert preventivmedel och ett allt mer populärt sådant. Samtidigt florerar negativa uppfattningar och erfarenheter kring preventivmedlet vilket gör att kvinnor inte vill använda det. Trots att det finns kunskap om ämnet finns det begränsat med kunskap om vilka faktorer som påverkar kvinnans val av preventivmetod. Genom att identifiera olika faktorer kan detta bidra till en förbättrad sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa för kvinnor. Syftet är att beskriva och sammanfatta faktorer som påverkar kvinnors beslut om att använda och inte använda intrauterina preventivmedel. Systematisk litteraturöversikt valdes som metod, där tretton artiklar med kvalitativ och kvantitativ design granskades. Två huvudteman med tillhörande subteman identifierades; Faktorer som relaterar till beslut om att använda intrauterina preventivmedel och Faktorer som relaterar till beslut om att inte använda intrauterina preventivmedel. Faktorerna kategoriserades vidare in i subteman och benämns som ett säkert preventivmedel, en trygg relation till vårdpersonal, rädsla för preventivmetodens egenskaper, negativ påverkan från samhället och kunskapsbrist hos patient och professionell vårdare. Resultaten visar att flera olika faktorer spelar in i kvinnans val gällande att använda eller inte använda intrauterina preventivmedel som preventivmetod. Ojämlikhet rörande ansvarstagande inom preventivmedel kan ses. Delaktighet och informerat val behövs för att skapa en god vårdrelation. / Women have used various methods to protect themselves against pregnancy. Around 1.1 billion women worldwide are in need of contraceptive counseling and family planning. One of the most common reversible contraceptives is intrauterine contraception. This contraceptive is a safe method and an increasingly popular one. At the same time, negative perceptions and experiences about the contraceptive abound, which means that some women do not want to use it. Although there is in-depth knowledge of the subject, there is limited knowledge about the factors that influence a woman's choice of contraceptive method. By identifying various factors, it can contribute to improved sexual and reproductive health for women. The aim of this study is to describe and summarize factors that influence women's decisions to use and non-use intrauterine contraceptives. A systematic literature review was selected where thirteen articles with qualitative and quantitative design have been reviewed. Two main themes and associated sub-themes were identified; Factors related to decisions to use intrauterine contraceptives and Factors related to decisions to not use intrauterine contraceptives. The factors were further categorized into sub-themes and are referred to as a safe contraceptive, a trusting relationship with healthcare staff, fear of the qualities of the contraceptive method, negative impact from society and lack of knowledge among patients and professional careers. The results show that several different factors play a role in a woman’s choice to use or non-use intrauterine contraceptives as a method of contraception. Inequality regarding responsibility in contraception can be seen. Participation and informed choice are needed to create a good care relationship.

Generating innovative ideas through systematic literature review and research synthesis : A design of a practical methodological framework for literature review

Önnered, Simon January 2021 (has links)
This is an action-oriented study aimed at designing a practical methodology for generating evidence backed solutions for practical problems by means of literature review. Three iterations of systematic review are applied which evaluates different search strategies and reporting structures to provide a framework for an ideation technique. Resulting in an adaptation of a previously used framework which can be deployed to different extents that appears to result in design propositions alongside individual interventions.

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