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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Min räddning är eyepads” : En korpus- och attitydundersökning om engelska skönhetslånord

Marinescu, Nicoleta Lavinia January 2021 (has links)
Länder med det officiella språket engelska dominerar idag inom import och industri. Som konsekvens började engelskan utöva ett starkt inflytande på andra språk och språkdomäner, bland annat skönhetsbranschen i Sverige. Syftet med denna uppsats är att inventera bruket av engelska skönhetslånord i svenska språket samt att undersöka undermedvetna attityder till dem. Studien bygger på två delundersökningar: en korpusundersökning och en attitydundersökning. Korpusundersökningen ämnar inventera nyare engelska skönhetslånord som inte är belagda i SAOL:s 12:e upplaga, med fokus på direktlån och betydelselån. Dessutom undersöks lånordens frekvens samt deras integrering till svenska språkets struktur. Materialet bestående av 575 belägg har samlats in från 12 tidningsnummer. Metodanalysen innebar beräkningen av de olika lånordens frekvens samt en analys av lånordens integrering till svenskan utifrån ett mångfaldigt perspektiv: på formnivå, på menings- samt frasnivå, på morfologisk nivå och på ortografisk nivå. Attitydundersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av ett matched guise-test. Dess stimulustext handlade om en sminkrutin och matched guise-testet gjordes på 91 informanter. Resultat av korpusundersökningen visar att de 575 beläggen fördelar sig på 31 olika lånord, där huvuddelen utgörs av direktlån. Det finns endast fyra olika betydelselån, men de förekommer ofta. Detta faktum återspeglas i materialets högfrekventa lånord mask, serum och foundation, där de första två är betydelselån. Lånordens integrering ses på formnivå, på menings- respektive frasnivå och på morfologisk nivå. Deras ursprungliga ortografi har dock bevarats. På formnivå är de flesta av de flerledade beläggen sammanskrivna. På menings- och frasnivå innehåller de flesta meningar inga andra engelska lån. Huvuddelen adjektiv respektive particip står i attributiv position, med inhemska huvudord. Alla verb har svenska subjekt och objekt. Runt 75 % av beläggen ingår i en större fras, oftast nominalfraser. På morfologisk nivå har både direktlånen och betydelselånen anpassats i samma utsträckning, runt 50 % vardera, dock är flera betydelselån anpassade. Båda uppvisar också främst böjda former, men direktlånen omfattar flera avledda och hybrida former.  Enligt attitydundersökningen är svenskar i stort sett negativa till engelska skönhetslånord, men det beror också på målgrupp. Resultaten utifrån variablerna visar att yngre, kvinnliga, lågutbildade och starkt branschintresserade individer är mer positiva till engelska än de andra grupperna. Personer med ett starkt branschintresse är dock mest positivt inställda till engelska av alla. När engelskan är positivt värderad så är det oftast på kompetensdimensionen, i vissa fall på dynamik och sällan på superioritet (relaterad till en traditionell offentlig gemenskap). Svenskan står starkare när det gäller sociabilitet och superioritet.

Arkitektonisk kvalitet med fokus på skönhet – En fallstudie av hyresgästers betalningsvilja för skönhet i Garnisonen / Qualitative architecture with focus on beauty – A case study of tenants’ willingness to pay for beauty in Garnisonen

Kölborg, Emma, Mähler, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
In the Real Estate market there are a large number of commercial properties with offices. As a company or business you are faced with many decisions when choosing your office space. This bachelor thesis examines the concept of architectural quality with focus on beauty and its value for office tenants. The ambition is to find out if beauty is a decisive factor in the selection of office and if there is a willingness to pay for it. The selected question is studied in a case study of Garnisonen where tenants, a property owner and an architect are interviewed, all with connection to the examination object. Garnisonen is well suited as a case study because it is Stockholm's largest office complex with buildings from three different architectural eras. Tenants in the survey represent all architectural styles and have different industry affiliation. As a theoretical framework a literature study is presented where the importance of beauty for the individual, the built environment and society are treated, and also how the office can be used for branding purposes. The interviewees’ views of beauty and their opinions on beauty at work in Garnisonen are presented in the results. To find out if there is a willingness to pay for beauty the respondents get to put a value on beauty based on rental changes given in per cent. The analysis links the results with the theory chapter. The conclusion interprets the analysis and discloses the willingness to pay for beauty in Garnisonen with the aspiration to give an indication of a more general view of the value of beauty. / På fastighetsmarknaden finns ett stort antal kommersiella fastigheter med kontor. Som företag eller verksamhet ställs man inför flera beslut vid val av kontorslokal. I det här kandidatarbetet undersöks begreppet arkitektonisk kvalitet med fokus på skönhet och dess värde för kontorshyresgästen. Syftet är att ta reda på om skönhet är en avgörande faktor vid val av lokal och om det finns en betalningsvilja för det. Den valda frågan studeras i en fallstudie av Garnisonen där hyresgäster, fastighetsägare och en arkitekt intervjuas, alla med anknytning till undersökningsobjektet. Garnisonen lämpar sig väl som fallstudie då det är Stockholms största kontorskomplex med byggnader från tre olika arkitektoniska tidsepoker. Hyresgästerna representerar samtliga arkitekturstilar och har olika branschtillhörighet. Som teoretiskt ramverk presenteras en litteraturstudie där betydelsen av skönhet för individen, den byggda miljön och samhället behandlas, därtill hur kontoret kan användas i varumärkesbyggande syfte för ett företag. I resultatet redovisas intervjuobjektens syn på skönhet och deras tankar kring skönhet på arbetsplatsen i Garnisonen. För att ta reda på om det finns en betalningsvilja för skönhet får respondenterna sätta ett värde på skönhet utifrån en hyresförändring angiven i procent. I analysen sammankopplas resultatet med teoriavsnittet. Slutsatsen tolkar analysen och behandlar betalningsviljan för skönhet i Garnisonen med viljan att ge en indikation om en mer allmän syn på värdet av skönhet.

Att iaktta en inkarnerad gestalt : En idéanalys av Kristi gestalt i Hans Urs von Balthasars teologiska estetik / Observing an incarnated form : An idea analysis of the form of Christ in Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theological aesthetics

Sjöstedt Pellikka, Arvid January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The million program – how does densification affect the quality in a area / Miljonprogrammet – hur påverkar förtätning kvaliteten i ett område

Pedersen, Frida, Stopner, Märta January 2016 (has links)
The current housing shortage in Stockholm is a fact and a daily problem for the society, to ease this problem and modernize neighborhoods built in the early 1960s, densification has often been used as an solution to the problem. Densification consists of building new properties in older areas to create a closer community and more homes. The expectation is that these older areas through durability, functionality and beauty should become more sought after, but it is difficult to achieve in areas with already poor reputation. The aim with this study is to get a better understanding of how quality with, amongst others, service and security in a neighborhood is affected parallel by a densification. Based on a survey study, the students shall figure out how a densification affects a residential area with current problems regarding criminality and what it takes to recreate improvements in the residential area. Students will examine what makes quality increase in a residential area and based on the study come to a conclusion. The result of the study survey shows that the region has not improved in terms of quality, service and security. Most of the population believes that the changes is not obvious and requires greater resources to improve the area. They believe mainly that there must be an improvement in the current public transport to ease the traffic flow, to and from the area. It would require that a more diverse group of people were to move in the area for not to promote criminality that today originates in the area. Hopefully these are aspects that will be considered within the next step of the densification that is now at the planning stage. This means that in order to create an optimal residential area that will attract more people to settle in Östberga a substantial improvement regarding public transportation and various activities, which will entertain the residents and thus reduce crime and increase safety, is required. / Den rådande bostadsbristen i Stockholm är påtaglig och dagligen ett problem för samhället, för att underlätta detta problem och modernisera de bostadsområden som uppfördes under tidigt 1960-tal har man valt att använda sig av förtätning. Förtätningen utgörs av att man bygger nya fastigheter i äldre områden för att skapa ett tätare samhälle och fler bostäder. Förhoppningen är att dessa äldre områden genom hållbarhet, funktion och skönhet skall bli mer eftertraktade, men det krävs stora krafttag för att uppnå detta i områden med tidigare dåligt rykte. Syftet med arbetet är att få en ökad förståelse för hur kvalitet, med bland annat service och trygghet i ett område påverkas parallellt av en förtätning. Utifrån en enkätstudie skall studenterna komma underfund med hur ett redan drabbat bostadsområde påverkades av en förtätning och vad som krävs för att åter skapa förbättringar inom bostadsområdet. Studenterna skall undersöka vad som ökar kvaliteten i ett bostadsområde och utifrån studien komma fram till en slutsats. Resultatet av studiens enkätundersökning visar på att området inte har förbättrats när det gäller kvalitet, service och trygghet. De flesta anser att förändringen inte är påtaglig och att det krävs kraftigare resurser för att förbättra området. De anser främst att det måste ske en förbättring gällande kollektivtrafiken för att underlätta framkomligheten till och från området. Det krävs att det rör sig en mer varierande folkgrupp för att inte framhäva den kriminalitet som idag härstammar i området. Förhoppningsvis är detta aspekter som kommer tas i beaktning inför nästa steg i förtätningen som nu är under planeringsstadiet. Det innebär att för att skapa ett optimalt bostadsområde som skall locka fler individer till att bosätta sig i Östberga krävs en kraftig förbättring gällande kollektivtrafiken samt varierande aktiviteter som skall underhålla de boende och därmed minska kriminaliteten och öka tryggheten.

Skönhet, också i ett klädstreck? : Om Levinsons distinktioner beträffande skönhet och skönhetens mångfald / Beauty, also in a clothesline? : On Levinson's distinctions regarding beauty and the multiplicity of beauty

Enberg, Mårten January 2022 (has links)
The starting point for this paper is Jerrold Levinson's taxonomy of perceptual beauty. Despite the ambiguity of the concept, we think we can recognize beauty in different shapes and contexts, which suggests that the different manifestations of beauty have a common feature or a common underlying nature. My claims are 1) that there are good reasons to believe that there are different species of beauty, 2) that everyday scenes can accommodate real cases of beauty that Levinson does not capture in his framework, and 3) that the essay's examples of an everyday scene - Laura and the clothesline - do not fit into Levinson's seven main categories. The conclusion is that we need a new category to accommodate this instance of prosaic beauty. The multiplicity of beauty is greater than we usually assume and that says something about the importance of beauty in human life.

Fetisch, mode, performativitet : en studie av relationen mellan kropp och estetik

Arvidsson, Hillevi January 2010 (has links)
For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault’s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler’s works on normativity and performativity are being used. Carolyn Korsmeyer’s work on aesthetic theory from a feminist point of view, specifically what she writes about beauty and the sublime, is also utilized, together with Sigmund Freud’s theories on variant sexuality. As human beings, we have a tendency to view each other as followers of a certain norm; more specifically a gender based one. We divide each other into either men or women, but always as heterosexuals with a desire to procreate. What happens then when we come across someone who either is gay, bi- or transsexual, a transvestite, or someone who’s primary sexual interest is focused on a body part, a piece of clothing, on giving or receiving pain, physical restraint, or to dominate or being dominated? There still exist a social tendency to view these as being outside the norm, but my point in this essay is that these are just as much a performative action as is the one being a heterosexual man or woman. This because we humans are performative at our core, we always stage our gender and sexuality, as well as philosophical and political attitudes, with everyone else being both the audience and fellow actors. Fetishistic practices and BDSM are part of the aesthetic world by their close relationship with aesthetic sublimity. By engaging in one or both of these, the fetishist or BDSM-enthusiast uses his or her body as a mean to experience the delight that is the core of sublimity, as well as beauty. Beauty and sublimity are also the keywords used to describe the pleasure derived from the visual appearance of the female body and the power eminated from the male. These have been highlighted through clothing such as corsets, high heels and uniforms, and all of these have also found their way into both the world of fashion and into the wardrobes of fetishists and those engaging in BDSM. These practises have had a high influence on the haute couture of fashion, mostly due to their provocative values. My point in this essay is then that the aesthetic world consists of something more than just art, for example a painting hung on a wall. It consists of bodily actions and responses, all of which can be seen as parts of a purely aesthetic experience.

The Significance of Beauty Consumption : The gaze of performing and observing beauty / Innebörden i skönhetskonsumtion : Synvinkeln i att utföra respektive i att observera fenomenet skönhet

Borgström, Charlotte January 2011 (has links)
Beauty is a phenomenon situated within society that everyone is subjected to. A lot of people perform activities of beauty everyday and when interacting socially they observe how other people have performed beauty. Previous research on the topic of beauty declares how beautiful people get more out of life and are treated better in schools and by employers. People even trust beautiful people more compared to the individuals that are argued to not be attractive. Research also claims consuming beauty is an experience in expressing once self but also physical consumption has transformed into physiological experiences where for example the corset has developed into dieting. The author’s aim is to discuss the relationship between the consumption of beauty as an activity of performance and the activity of observing. Both men and women have been incorporated in the study, creating a better understanding of the society in total and also in declaring differences and similarities between the genders. The study has a deductive approach and is based on a literature study including theories by Bourdieu, Foucault and Evans et al.. These authors are involved in topics such as dominant structures within society, the power situated in surveillance and the cause of motivation in consumption referring to Freud and Maslow. The investigation was performed using focus groups and had a qualitative method approach including interviews and questionnaires. The collection of data was divided into four main areas of where the base was the literature study. The data was analysed on the bases of the theoretical framework, and further the results were summarized. The results of this study demonstrate that for women the activity of performance and the activity of observing are just as important. Men also perform beauty but are less observant of others compared to women. Men having a higher level of education invest more time and money on beauty compared to those having less education. This division was not obvious among women who performed beauty more homogeneously. The gaze in the activities of beauty is female according to both men and women. The power within the context of beauty is situated within the dominant culture where the power is trickled down to the individuals. However, the norms changes depending on what social place and part an individual has in a specific social context. The results are in line with previous research on the topic.

När skönheten är odjuret : En studie om unga kvinnors attityder till framställningen av skönhetsingrepp på Instagram – med inriktning på deras självbild.

Smahl, Rebecca, Shanni, Levi January 2022 (has links)
Kroppens yttre utseende har varierande betydelser i människors liv, men alla har en uppfattning om hur de tänker och känner kring sin kropp. Vår kroppsuppfattning influeras oftast av yttre faktorer, inklusive sociala medier som presenterar innehåll som kan påverka vårt tankesätt. Under det senaste decenniet har Instagram blivit en integrerad del av vårt vardagliga liv och spelar en avgörande roll för att utveckla vår attityd och inställning till vårt utseende.  Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur unga kvinnor i åldrarna 18-25 får upplever framställningen av skönhetsingrepp på Instagram, vidare ligger uppsatsen fokus på om respondenterna själva upplever att de vill, eller redan har genomgått ett skönhetsingrepp med Instagram som bidragande orsak. Med hjälp av kvalitativa fokusgrupper och en kvantitativ enkätundersökning har vi undersökt om kvinnorna själva upplever att Instagram är en bidragande orsak till att vilja förändra sitt eget utseende genom skönhetsingrepp.  Studiens syfte har uppnåtts med följande frågeställningar:  -  Hur upplever unga kvinnor framställningen av skönhetsingrepp på Instagram? -  Upplever respondenterna att framställningen av skönhetsingrepp på Instagram är  en bidragande faktor till att förändra sitt utseende med hjälp av estetiska ingrepp?  Resultatet har analyserats i enlighet utifrån teorierna ideologi i visuell kommunikation, parasociala interaktionsteorin, teorier om identitet och interpellationteorin samt utifrån tidigare forskning kring ämnet. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet av enkätundersökningen att majoriteten upplever att det finns ett rådande skönhetsideal på Instagram och att de känner sig pressade att se ut på ett visst sätt. Kvinnorna fick även ta ställning till huruvida framställningen av skönhetsingrepp på Instagram påverkar dem i den mån att de själva vill förändra sitt utseende och mer än hälften menar att dem är påverkade. / The external appearance of the body has varying meanings in people's lives, but everyone has an idea of how they think and feel about their body. Our body image is most often influenced by external factors, including social media that presents content that may affect our way of thinking. Over the past decade, Instagram has become an integral part of our daily lives and plays a crucial role in developing our attitudes towards our appearance.  The essay aims to investigate how young women aged 18-25 may experience the presence of beauty procedures on Instagram, furthermore, the essay focuses on whether the respondents themselves feel that they want to, or have already undergone a beauty procedure with Instagram as a contributing cause. With the help of qualitative focus groups and a quantitative survey, we have investigated whether the women themselves feel that Instagram is a contributing reason for wanting to change their appearance through beauty procedures.  The purpose of the study has been achieved with the following questions:  -  How do young women experience the portrayal of beauty procedures on Instagram? -  Do the respondents feel that the presentation of beauty procedures on Instagram is a contributing factor to changing their appearance with the help of aesthetic procedures?  The results have been analyzed by the theories ideology in visual communication, parasocial interaction theory, theories of identity, and interpellation theory and based on previous research on the subject. In summary, the results of the survey show that the majority feel that there is a prevailing beauty ideal on Instagram and that they feel pressured to look a certain way. The women also had to decide whether the presentation of beauty procedures on Instagram affects them to the extent that they want to change their appearance and more than half believe that they are affected.

Vad säger den om dig? : En kvalitativ socialsemiotisk analys av en utställningsaffisch från Moderna Museet samt dess roll som identitet- och livsstilsmarkör för individen på Instagram. / What does it say about you? : A qualitative social semiotic analysis of an art exhibition poster by Moderna Museet and their role in portraying identity and lifestyle for the individual on Instagram.

Hein Olsson, Ida January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to examine the concept of an individual who hangs an exhibition poster from Moderna Museet on their wall and shares it on Instagram. Questions regarding what that individual wants to tell the audience about themselves, their individuality and lifestyle, through sharing it on a public forum have been the main topic. The material was an image of a poster from Moderna Museet in Stockholm (an Andy Warhol exhibition from 1968) hanging inside someone's home. The picture was found amongst Instagram-posts that had been tagged to connect with the account @modernamuseet_butiken. At the basis of the analysis is the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu concerning capital, taste, beauty and museums. The method was a qualitative social semiotic approach that began by looking at the material on a denotative and connotative level, before branching out to the social semiotic level by applying the theoretical framework. The research found that through the content it is possible to make strong connotative readings concerning the person's education, background and awareness of art and art history. A conclusion is made concerning Bourdieus work in a modern day, which says that it is possible to use it to get a fundamental understanding, but it is at the same time important to approach the theories critically, because of the fact that the lines between different social classes are getting more blurred.

The Wild and the Beautiful : Aetiology and awareness in the aesthetics of nature

Thorlaksdottir, Una January 2021 (has links)
In this paper I argue that aesthetic appreciation of nature should be reflective and based on respect for nature. I believe first-hand experience is crucial and that nature can be aesthetically experienced freely in a multi-sensory way. Aesthetic experience will bring attention to features of the environment which the subject needs to reflect on and make sense of. My main argument is how Yuriko Saito’s metaphorical notion of “lending your ears to nature’s own story” and “recognize its reality as apart from your own” can manifest the moral obligation of reflecting on what is given in experience. Some implications of this notion will be looked at. First, the perplexity that nature has its own reality and story apart from us while nature is also what encompasses our own life and grounds the experience of judging it. Contemplation on this issue may bring with it a strong sense of self- and environmental awareness that potentially can result in a sublime response. Second, to lend your ears to a story of a landscape leads to considerations about authenticity and true wilderness. I argue that one can think of wildness and authenticity to acquire a better understanding and one should not see those terms as a basis for value judgments. I will then take a closer look at the links between the moral considerations and the aesthetic experience itself. To preserve the autonomy of taste I separate the perceptive and reflective parts of aesthetic experience, saying that although both levels can inform one another, knowledge or moral considerations don’t necessarily determine aesthetic judgment. Departing from other cognitivists, I don’t think the wild is per definition beautiful, it is even sometimes difficult to aesthetically appreciate at all. In the last chapter I consider the significance of the sublime affect in establishing aesthetic relationships with more diverse environments.

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