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體驗模組、體驗價值與顧客滿意、顧客忠誠關係研究-以中國信託銀行財富管理為例 / The study of the relationships among strategic experiential modules,experiential value,customer satisfaction and loyalty:A case study of Chinatrust's Financial Advisory Club胡雅晴 Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 在體驗行銷的構面之中,對體驗價值相對影響力最強是關聯體驗,而最弱是情感體驗。在體驗價值的構面之中,對顧客滿意影響最強的是美感價值,對顧客忠誠的影響最強的是卓越服務價值。
(2) 顧客滿意與顧客忠誠之間,具有一定的影響關係(β值為0.309)。
(3) 體驗行銷與體驗價值之間呈現顯著正相關,而體驗價值與顧客滿意、顧客忠誠之間亦呈現顯著正相關。
(4) 在人口變項所產生的差異中,婚姻情況對於各構面之差異性有顯著的影響。
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楚河與漢界:台灣民眾的兩岸政治經濟態度對國家認同影響之分析 / The two sides:the difference in political and economical attitude陳正偉 Unknown Date (has links)
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台電服務品質與顧客滿意度之關係研究-以台電台北南區營業處服務中心為例 / Relationship study of service quality and customer satisfaction for Taipower Company-a study of Taipei South Branch Service Center劉芳俞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過皮爾森積差相關(Pearson Product-moment Correlation)分析,瞭解影響台電台北南區營業處服務中心服務品質之各構面:「有形性」、「可靠性」、「反應性」、「保證性」、「關懷性」、與「透明效率性」,與整體顧客滿意度呈現正相關,並透過迴歸分析(Regression Analysis)找出「可靠性」影響整體顧客滿意度強度較其他構面大;進一步,透過績效水準模式(Importance-Performance)分析找出「停車方便」、「標示清楚」、「辦理業務不需久候」以及「有足夠人員提供服務」之服務品質屬性在用戶期望與實際感受之落差程度差異甚大,藉此找出台北南區營業處服務中心在服務品質上應改善之處。
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桃園縣國民小學校園創意設計之研究 / A study of creative designs in elementary schools in Taoyuan county王湘婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究調查對象為桃園縣30 所國民小學,訪談對象為該校校長或主任,共
計19 位校長與3 位主任。實地觀察各國民小學校園創意設計的表現情形,並訪問校長對該園校園創意設計的動機與原則,以及對校園創意設計思考歷程進行了解。在資料分析上,觀察與訪談主要以描述性的方式記錄,並使用次數分配、t考驗與單因子變異數分析進行分析。
三、學校歷史在「求新」面向具有顯著差異, 15 年以下學校表現較佳
最後,本研究針對教育行政主管機關、學校與後續研究提出具體建議。 / This research is aimed to investigate the current situations on school creative design of elementary schools in Taoyuan County, and to analyze the relation between school creative design and school environmental variables. Moreover, the purposes of this research are to understand the planning, the thinking process and the difficulties
in school creative design, and to provide recommendations for schools according to the research findings.
In this research, 30 elementary schools in Taoyuan County were surveyed, and 19 principals and 3 directors from these schools were inquired about the motivations, concepts and the thinking process of school creative design to obtain complete personal conceptions of school creative design. In data analysis, observation and interview are recorded descriptively. The statistical methods include descriptive
statistic, t-test and one-way ANOVA.
According to the findings of the research, these conclusions were summarized below:
1.In the application of school creative design in Elementary schools in Taoyuan County, the principle of innovation is much easier to practice, so the frequency of
statistical results are much higher than others; the frequency of principle of improvement is the second one. It shows the emphasis on educational meaning of school environment.
2.There are significant differences between “new schools” and “old schools” on the principle of innovation on school creative design. In addition, new schools scored
higher than old schools.
3.There are significant differences in “school history” on the principle of innovation on school creative design. In addition, schools founded in “15 years” scored higher than those in “15-30 years” and more than “30 years”.
4.There are significant differences in “scale of schools” on the principle of excellence and the whole principle of school creative design. In addition, small-scale schools scored higher than small-scale and large-scale schools.
5.There are significant difference in “school land area” on the principle of excellence on school creative design. In addition, schools covering below “2 hectares” scored higher than those over “2 hectares”.
6.Principals think the most important concepts of school creative design are safety. economy and utility.
7.Principals place the importance of the thinking process of school creative design on interior and exterior school environmental factors and users’ needs.
8.Principals think the most difficulty in school creative design is the lack of funds and personnel communication.
9.Principals think the goals of school creative design in the future are to make space or facilities much better, and to integrate environment with teaching and learning.
Finally, the study offers suggestions to the administrative department and Elementary schools in Taoyuan County.
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創意平台之關鍵成功因素 — 以IBM Innovation Jam為例 / A study of key successful factors on ideas creation platform – IBM Innovation Jam as example張俊才 Unknown Date (has links)
創意無所不在,而從創意的發想,透過怎麼樣的一種有效率的過程,成為有具體的結果,從成功的企業創新活動的過程裡,能夠找出一些關鍵的成功因素。而為求創新之企業,常以創造企業內組織之創新文化為目的,舉辦許多創新的活動,影響員工養成創新行為。本研究以IBM公司所舉辦的Innovation Jam創意活動為例,以個案研究的方式,針對創新流程、組織活動、知識管理三大方面,進行關鍵活動的討論。此外,依不同型態的創意活動,以三個企業/組織舉辦的創意平台活動—工研院資通所的創意競賽、Google 10100計畫、以及台灣愛普生的開放式創意市場作為比較,進一步找出以創意平台作為創意活動的成功關鍵因素,以提供未來企業要舉辦類似活動的依據。企業中推動創意活動,從討論的個案來看,以下幾個關鍵的活動是整體創意活動不可或缺的元素。
1. 清楚的目的與主題
2. 合適的參與對象
3. 主辦單位的參與
4. 交換創意的平台
5. 預計達到的成果與執行計畫
而在這些關鍵的活動中,IBM Innovation Jam比起其它的創意活動擁有的特點。而這些特點也就是在一般以企業推動創意平台時,所應該加強之處。
1. 具有資料分析的能力
2. 外部成員的邀請,擴大參與的層面
3. 活動與商業策略連結 / Finding an effective process to create ideas is a subject with highly concerned and receives more attention recently. An innovated enterprise hosts innovation events to create the culture around the organization. It affects all employees to be their behavior in the organization. The research is finding the key processes of IBM Innovation Jam by the flows of innvation, the events in the organization, and the knowledge and ideas management. In addition, other three events, ideas contest programs of Information & Communications Reserch Labortories in ITRI, Google Project 10100 , and Public Innovation Market (PIM) in Epson Taiwan, are compared to Innovation Jam, and finding the key successful factors of the events. The factors can be referred to the enterprises which host the platform of ideas creation. The following conclustions from the four case studies are the key successful factors.
1. A clear objective and subject
2. Appropriate participantors
3. Sponcors’participation
4. A platform for idea exchange
5. An expected result with the excecutive plan
The strength of IBM Innovation Jam as below can be applied to other innovation events.
1. Data mining and analysis
2. External invitees to enlarge participation
3. Link with business strategy
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廠商技術創新與文化創意活動之關係-台灣地區製造業之實證分析 / Relationships between technology innovation and creative activities-an empirical study of manufacturing industries in Taiwan張駿義 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來文化創意已逐漸成為顯學。英國政府於1997年首先定義「創意產業」(Creative Industry),並制訂政策致力發展之。從文化創意產業被獨立為一個研究領域並大量討論後,也有學者開始關心文化創意產業與其他產業創新的關係。
1. 廠商特性之規模因素對廠商進行文化創意活動之傾向較不相關,自有品牌則有相關。
2. 市場因素對廠商進行文化創意活動之傾向有顯著相關。
3. 產品創新因素對廠商進行文化創意活動之傾向非常相關,製程創新則較不相關。 / The study on Creative industries has been raging for a decade. The Government of Unite Kingdom came up with the first definition of creative industries and formulated policies to develop the industries, other countries defined their own definitions afterwards. Recently, researchers started to study about the relationships between creative industries and innovation in other industries.
Se-Hwa Wu(2008)classified marketing innovation as six criteria: design, packaging, channel, display, advertising, and pricing. Among the six criteria, design, packaging, advertising are intrinsically the activities implemented in the core creative industries. As the same concept of the relationships between creative industries and innovation in other industries, there might be connections between these creative activities and innovations in enterprises.
The main purpose of this research is to find out relationships between technology innovation and creative activities of design, packaging, and advertising. To enhance the quality of this study, four other variables obtained from literature review are taken into account. Due to the importance of manufacturing industries in Taiwan, this study uses firms of manufacturing industries in Taiwan as samples.
The main findings of this research are as below:
1. OBM has significant relationship with creative activities while sales does not.
2. Market factors have significant relationship with creative activities.
3. Product innovation has strong relationship with creative activities while process innovation does not.
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《俄羅斯娃娃》劇本創作與論述 / A critique essay on the film script "Russian Dolls"李庭瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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國民中小學教師領導對教師工作滿意度影響之研究 / A study of the impact of teacher leadership on elementary and junior high school teachers’ job satisfaction陳登隆 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 新北市國民中、小學教師對教師領導的覺知情形屬中上程度。
二、 新北市國民中、小學教師之工作滿意度屬中上程度。
三、 新北市國民中、小學教師對「教師領導」的覺知情形因背景變項之不同,在部分向度上有顯著差異。
四、 新北市國民中、小學教師之工作滿意度情形因背景變項之不同,在部分向度上有顯著差異。
五、 新北市國民中、小學教師之教師領導情形對教師工作滿意度具預測力,其中又以「行政支持」、「平行領導」、「學習社群」及「決策參與」較具預測力。
最後,根據本研究所得之結果提出建議,作為教育主管機關、學校行政人員以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to understand the general situation and correlation of teacher leadership and teacher job satisfaction perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in Taiwan. Descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze the data gathered by means of Teacher Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire generated from related literature review.
Teacher Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire was utilized to investigate elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City, and 424 effective questionnaires were completed. Major findings are as following:
1. The entire performance of teacher leadership perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City is at middle-high degree.
2. The entire performance of teacher job satisfaction perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City is at middle-high degree.
3. Teacher leadership perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City shows significant difference in some dimensions in certain demographic levels.
4. Teacher job satisfaction perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City shows significant difference in some dimensions in certain demographic levels.
5. Teacher leadership perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City is predictive of perceived teacher job satisfaction. Support from administration, parallel leadership, professional learning community, and participative decision making are the most powerful predictors of teacher job satisfaction.
Finally, suggestions were madefor education administration, school leaders like principals and researcher interested in further studies to follow.
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分享與開啟:數位相機與生命意義之敘說的兩個案例研究白詩瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過文獻回顧,耙梳攝影和照片的基本概念,從底片相機的意義、功能和敘事方式,與其再現真實的討論,歸納出底片相機的可能性及運作方式,接著討論進入數位化後的數位相機,其意義和功能、分享特性、敘事方式以及再現危機,整理數位相機的特殊性和與底片相機的共通性。另透過敘述訪談(narrative interview),分析兩個案例,以發現其如何在生活情境中建構屬於他們和數位相機的互動意義。
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教師兼任行政職務的角色壓力與工作滿意度之研究-以臺北市松山區公立國民小學為例 / A study of role stress and job satisfaction of administrative teachers of public elementary schools in taipei songshan district廖珮芝, Liao pei-chih Unknown Date (has links)
六、臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務與一般教師的角色壓力具有顯著差異,在工作滿意度則未具顯著差異。 / This study aimed to explore the current status of the satisfaction of public elementary school teachers in Taipei concurrently holding an administration job with their jobs and the relationships. Also the differences in perception of satisfaction among teachers of different backgrounds were discussed. According to the results of this study, some suggestions were proposed to reduce their stress and increase their satisfaction with their jobs. The methods adopted by this study included document analysis and questionnaire survey. The research subjects were the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei City concurrently holding an administration job. And the research tool was the “Role Stress and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire for Public Elementary School Teachers in Taipei” developed by the researcher. 100 questionnaires were sent to teachers concurrently holding an administration job and 89 were retrieved, among which, 81 were valid. The response rate was 81%. In addition, 120 questionnaires were randomly sent to general teachers and 118 were retrieved, among which 113 were valid. The response rate was 94.17%. They were used for comparison. For data analyses, the statistical methods adopted included descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, least significant difference test, etc.
The conclusions of this study are:
1. The overall role stress perceived by the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei City concurrently holding an administration job was moderate. The highest stress they perceived was the stress from “overload from their roles” while the lowest was the stress from “roles being vague”.
2. The overall role stresss perceived by the teachers of different “gender”, “seniority”, and “school scale” were significantly different.
3. The satisfaction of the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei with their jobs was above moderate. The highest satisfaction was that with “interpersonal relations” while the lowest was that with “salary”.
4. In the aspect of background variables, the overall job satisfactions were significantly different only among the teachers of different “school scale”.
5. Role stress and job satisfaction were negatively related.
6. The stress perceived by the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei was different from that perceived by general teachers. However, their job satisfactions were not significantly different.
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