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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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互惠經濟與市場經濟的交易模式--以交易關係及訊息成本的角度觀之 / Reciprocal Economy and Market Economy--Views of Transaction Relationship and Information Cost

江彥生, Chiang, Yen-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
由人類學家所定義的互惠經濟之交易行為與我們所認知的市場交易相較之下有幾個特殊之處,如,強調交易雙方的關係、主觀的價值判斷等,近來經濟學家也嘗試以各種不同的角度(如:訊息經濟學、賽局理論、實驗經濟學、制度經濟學)來探討此一耐人尋味的交易行為, Kranton 的文章就是其中的一個代表。 Kranton 認為互惠經濟與市場經濟制度的差異僅是一些人們的心理偏好如:對財貨多樣性的偏好、對未來消費偏好上的程度大小之選擇問題,另外制度本身有一種「自我延續」的機能,任一種制度越被人們所青睞也就更確認其普行於社會的地位。他認為制度與制度之間存在著一種「競爭」的關係,社會最終只能容許一種制度存留,而結果取決於上述的偏好因素以及某制度開始時的起始值大小。 惟我們認為 Kranton 的模型有許多不完美之處,根據他的缺失,我們有了以下的補充及發揮。首先,從交易關係來瞭解交易行為,可以將兩種制度「互相競爭」的單一思考角度擴充到有「互補」可能性的思考空間。我們認為一項交易的完成不僅是客觀上財貨的交換,其他相關的事項如交易雙方藉由交易互動來達成訊息探測的目的及交易雙方的關係因為一連串的交易所發生的變化等都是值得我們注意的。我們會看見兩種不同的制度(互惠經濟與市場經濟)在同樣一項交易上運作乃是因為這兩種制度所詮釋的功能及範圍有所不同,彼此相互輔助而不一定有衝突發生。 第二、我們分別推演了「貨幣」、「法律制度」、「物品交換知識累積」等因素對互惠經濟轉變成市場經濟的可能性。我們發現「貨幣」的出現影響了因為以物易物所無法避免的一種「跨期交換」的人情債,但是貨幣也僅是影響其中一個「交易互動」的機會而已,新的互動機會可以不因為貨幣的出現而受到影響。法律制度對交易細節的強力背書,可省去交易雙方為了交易過程中可能發生的不確定性所額外必須做的「關係功夫」,但是真正令雙方滿意的交易仍需要交易當事者主動探尋求得。物品交換知識的累積代表人們將一些彼此之間的共識客觀成熟化,所以通常互惠經濟成熟後,市場經濟就會跟著出現。 最後我們認為「訊息」是互惠經濟能步入「市場經濟」的一個重要關鍵。一個人面對市場經濟多樣化的選擇時必須擁有充分的訊息作為選擇的依據,惟市場本身能衍生出另一種「訊息市場」來。在訊息提供上不僅要考慮到訊息的「廣度」也要考慮到「深度」,互惠經濟所形成的人際網路能透過「瞭解」的機制來傳遞及過濾「適當」的訊息,但是人際網路一樣會有「遞移成本」及「維護成本」的問題,另外訊息在消費上的不具敵對性會減低訊息市場上供給者的提供誘因,我們將以上的所有考慮因素具體化為一個簡單的模型,並試圖找出在訊息上提供上,互惠經濟與市場經濟之間的「分水嶺」。 / Reciprocal economy , compared to the familiar market economy,is characterized byseveral features such as gift giving,social structure patterns,subjective valuesRecently,economists try to explain such ambigious behavior by means of game theory, experimental methods,and institutional views.Kranton's paper is oneexample. From Kranton's point of view,reciprocal economy differs with market economyonly in poople's preferences such as preferences for diversity of goods,preferences for future consumption. In addition,institution itself has mechanisms of self-sustaining which guarantees its pervasion. That reciprocal economy is competitive with market economy means that only one institution can survivewhich is dependent on social preferences and institution's initial value. Not satisfied with Kranton's model, we try another way to handle the probleminto three parts. First,in views of transaction relationships,we may say that each institution'ssurvival is dependent on the other's persistence. Second, "money", "laws", and "transaction knowledge" are all important factors influncing the transition from reciprocal economy to market economy.Third,"information completeness "is a key factor of the market economy and the provision of information is another choice problem between reciprocal economy and market economy.

上海技術交易市場及技術鑑價體系之研究 / The Research on Technology Market and Technology Valuation System of Shanghai

吳達蓮, Wu, Da Lian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是對上海的技術中介機構和資產評估事務所作初探性的研究,希望去實地瞭解目前中國大陸上海技術交易市場運作的狀況,及其技術鑑價相關機構。   在技術交易市場平台中有許多環節,本研究將著重於探討上海技術交易中介機構及其技術鑑價體系的運作情形,並瞭解其對於技術交易風險是否有機制去降低它;另一方面,也對其技術交易中的技術鑑價體系作深入的了解,包括其成立的背景、運作狀況及其使用之鑑價方法和程序為何。   訪談和資料收集後發現,中國大陸技術市場所扮演的角色主要為:溝通、評估、協調、組織。中國政府近年來大力推動技術交易、技術產權交易,配合各種優惠政策吸引技術、人才和資金,所以技術市場發展迅速蓬勃。評估的部分,技術鑑價為其資產評估的一部份,但是由於過去政治體制的影響,受限法令,流於形式,發展有限。主要技術成交價格由市場去決定。對於欲交易的技術的真實性與可靠性,有作初步的確認,但受限資源,並無法作深入的瞭解和把關,由欲購買技術者與技術賣方接觸詳談瞭解。 / In Mainland China, the government is promoting the “technology market” in order to push the technology into the market these years. The “technology market”, including STTE, Saviaq and technology transfer agent office, is a platform for technology transfer and exchange. This research surveys these intermediary organizations of technology transfer and exchange, and the technology evaluation organization in Shanghai. By visiting the STTE (Shanghai Technical Transfer Exchanger), Saviaq, Ke-Hua asset evaluation office and technology transfer agent office, this research wants to know how this platform work, and focuses on how they evaluate the technology and how these organizations work, the background of these organizations established and if the platform has the risk free prevent process in the dealing of technology transfer and exchange or not.   In Mainland China, the main function of “technology market” is offering an information platform of technology transfer and exchange. The Saviaq and STTE combine with many preferential treatment policies for pulling in the capital and the high educated people with the working experience in high technology industry.   The “technology market” in Mainland China is growing rapidly recently. This platform has four main functions: communication between the investors and the technology owner, evaluation of the technology, corresponding with the dealers, organizing and makes some activities to promote the technology transfer and exchange.   The technology evaluation is one part of capital evaluation. Because the political background of communism, the development of the capital evaluation industry is limited by the old government system and laws. The evaluation has no efficient for the dealer in the real market, it just a legal process of the technology transfer and exchange. The final price of the technology transfer and exchange is decided by the dealing.   About the evaluation and risk free prevent process of the technology transfer and exchange is not very sufficient. The “technology market” just does the simple identification of the reality of the technology because identifying the reality need profession and much manpower, but the resource is limited. The “technology market” is just a platform which offers the deal information to the members of their organization. The people can find the technology which they want to invest, and they can make detailed evaluation by themselves.


楊雅菱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用雲端運算的技術,發展大量使用者使用的策略交易的系統。為滿足大量使用者的運算需求,本系統包括幾項特性: 1. 採用服務導向架構以充分使用雲端運算的特性。 2. 建立非同步事件控制機制以提供服務間非同步運算能力。 3. 採用集中式資料結構,提出收縮式肋骨網絡(SRN)資料結構,減少運算需求。 4. 提供基因演算模擬環境,讓使用者可以發展符合個人投資偏好的投資策略。 / In this study, we designed a algorithmic trading system for large numbers of users on a cloud computing plateform. So the main features of the algorithmic trading system have been as follows. 1. The use of Service-Oriented architecture in order to fully use the characteristics of cloud computing. 2. The establishment of asynchronous event control mechanism to provide services to non-synchronous computing power. 3. A centralized data structure, proposed Systolic Ribs Network (SRN) data structure, reducing the computing needs. 4. To provide the genetic algorithm simulation environment that allows users to develop in line with the investment strategy personal investment preferences.

比較「智慧型手機主導之行動網路購物」與「電腦網路購物」兩者之相對屬性與重要性 / Relative attribute importance of smartphone driven mobile commerce compared to computer based electronic commerce

柯思維, Servio Fernando Kloeth Unknown Date (has links)
現今智慧型手機之網路通路價值與電腦相比仍較低,也使得現今使用智慧型手機網路交易的比例仍低於使用電腦網路交易的比例。本研究採用付出為結構模型及恆等性分析,研究結果顯示,智慧型手機因其有用性及易用性較電腦低,因此使用者以手機網路交易的傾向也偏低。本研究以科技接受模型發現70%至80%的使用者都是因受社會及同儕影響,而較不傾向使用手機進行網路交易。一般認為,手機的便利性相對也使手機網路交易平台的風險提高。然而,研究結果顯示,以電腦從事網路交易的風險與手機網路交易的風險相當,便利性也幾無差異。因此本研究以社會影響為探討方向,認為其為影響現代人以手機從事網路交易的重要關鍵。 / The net channel value of smartphone driven mobile-commerce measured against the alternative of computer based electronic-commerce is at this point in time still low. In an exploratory effort structural modeling and invariance analysis reveals mobile commerce is viewed with a less positive usability disposition in the light of usefulness and effortlessness. An adaptation of the Technology Acceptance model accounting for 70-80% of usage intention indicates social influences experienced from peers to engage the mobile platform is lower. Convenience and perceived risk are usually considered attributes relatively important for the m-commerce platform. However, the analysis reveals little difference of these attributes' salience compared with e-commerce, absolute scores for convenience are similar, and perceived risk seems to have marginal effects on usage in general. Social influences, experienced as lower for mobile commerce is a especially salient concept in determining usability disposition and ultimately intention to use mobile commerce, as is the salience of the usability disposition larger for mobile commerce than for electronic commerce.

分析師推薦之實證研究:私有資訊及互蒙其利 / An Empirical Test on Analysts' Recommendations: Private Information and Mutual Benefit

戴維芯, Tai, Vivian W. Unknown Date (has links)
傳統探討分析師推薦資訊價值的研究多採用累積超額報酬的方式,近年來研究顯示個別投資人的績效顯著低於機構投資人,因此是否分析師推薦能夠幫助提升個別投資人的福利。本論文的第一個貢獻在檢定是否個別投資人能夠獲取分析師推薦的資訊價值,為區分推薦資訊分別對於個別與機構投資人的價值為何,本研究採用的每種投資人實際的交易利潤作為衡量指標。 研究結果顯示所有投資人都可以透過買入推薦獲取顯著的正報酬,但在賣出推薦上,僅外資與共同基金仍能維持獲取正的報酬。同時發現在推 薦事件期間,專業機構投資人的利潤顯著高於一般散戶的獲利。 進一步,本論文的第二的主題在探討此推薦的資訊價值對於不同投資人的差異,是否肇因於推薦券商所提供的私有資訊,因此進一步將各類投資人分成推薦券商的客戶與非客戶。結果顯示國內機構投資人的利潤在客戶的身上顯著高於非客戶的獲利,顯示推薦券商在對外公佈推薦資訊前的確提供私有資訊給其國內機構客戶,但此現象在賣出推薦並不存在。 第三,本論文進一步分析是否拿到推薦券商所提供私有資訊的客戶也是推薦券商的經紀業務收益的主要貢獻者。在比較推薦券商與非推薦券商在被推薦股票上的相對交易量(金額)中,發現推薦券商的確因為買入推薦股票而增加經紀業務量,但很驚訝的發現貢獻最多交易量的是個別投資人,而非拿到最多好處的機構投資人。 最後,本研究透過迴歸分析探討不同投資人的交易利潤與推薦券商所獲得的經紀業務量的關係。在控制推薦類型、推薦評等與被推薦股票之股票特性後,發現投資人的交易利潤與推薦券商的經紀業務收益成正相關,再次顯示券商推薦與其各項業務收益間的關係。 / Traditionally, information value of analysts’ recommendations has been well-recognized by cumulative abnormal returns. Recent studies show that individuals are underperformed, and therefore, it is a critical issue on if analysts’ recommendations are helpful to individuals’ welfares. The first contribution of this dissertation to the literature is to examine whether individual investors are capable of capturing the information value. To classify the information value of recommendations for individuals and institutions, respectively, I, thus, use a direct measure to calculate the actual trading profits of types of traders. To our best knowledge, this is the first paper that demonstrates the information value for types of investors. Our results indicate that, all investors get positive and significant profits in brokerages’ buy recommendations, no matter what types of investors are measured. As to sell recommendations, only foreign investors and mutual funds have positive returns. We also find that professional institutions earn more profits than retail investors during the recommendation event periods. Further, the second objective of this dissertation is to test whether the information values are caused by private information from brokerages’ houses, we separate the profits of types of investors into customers and non-customers based. The findings are that only domestic institutional customers of recommending brokerages are more beneficial than those of non-recommending brokerages in buy recommendations, which implies that brokerage houses may reveal private information to their own institutional customers before buy recommendations make public. This does not hold for sell recommendations. Third, we are interested in analyzing whether the private information that recommending brokerages provide to their own customers may, indeed, contribute to brokerages’ commission revenues. By comparing the trading volume of recommending brokerages and non-recommending brokerage for the covered stocks, we find that the volumes of covered stocks issued in the recommending brokerages are increased for buy recommendations. Particularly, we find that the main contribution of trading volume is from individuals. Furthermore, we run regressions to study the relationship between trading profits of types of investors and trading volume of recommending brokerages. After controlling recommendation types, consensus rating of recommendations, and stock characteristics, our results indicate that trading profits of all types of investors are positively related to commission revenues of brokerages. This may justify the importance of brokerage recommendations on their business relationships.

考慮交易成本的選擇權交易策略 / Option Trading Strategies with Transaction Costs

陳明瑩, Chen, Ming-ying Unknown Date (has links)
投資者面對到期日相同的ㄧ序列不同履約價格的選擇權,已有許多文獻提出如何建立選擇權最佳投資組合,但模型中均未考慮交易成本。選擇權在實際市場的交易過程中,投資者所支付的手續費與賦稅即為選擇權的交易成本。本論文針對買賣到期日相同但不同履約價格的買權與賣權如何組合,提出考慮交易成本的整數線性規劃模型,建立選擇權最佳交易策略。我們不考慮股價變動的機率分配型態,延伸楊靜宜 (2004)所建立之整數線性規劃模型和Liu與Liu (2006)的大中取小模型,建構考慮比例制、固定制與混合制交易成本之整數線性規劃模型。最後,我們以台指選擇權(TXO)為例,驗證模型的效能。 關鍵字:交易成本,選擇權交易策略,整數線性規劃,選擇權套利機會。 / There are many researchers focus on constructing the optimal strategies and propose integer linear programming (ILP) for a series of options which are on the same maturity date with different strike price, but they neglect transaction costs in their models. The transaction costs of options are the handling charge and taxes which investors should pay for trading in the market. The thesis proposes an ILP with transaction costs to construct the optimal strategy for an option portfolio of call- and put- options on the same maturity date with different strike price. We leave the distribution of the variety of stock price out of consideration and extend Yang’s (2004) model and Liu & Liu’s (2006) min-max regret model to construct ILP with proportional, fixed, and mixed transaction costs. Finally, we take the trading data of TXO as an empirical study to test and verify the efficiency of our models. Key words: transaction costs, option trading strategies, integer linear programming, option arbitrage opportunities.

相同會計師查核關係人交易雙方對負債資金成本之影響 / The Effect of Same Auditor Auditing Both Sides of Related Party Transactions on Cost of Debt

賴彥均 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係探討關係人交易雙方是否委任相同會計師進行查核,對企業負債資金成本之效果。本文以企業利息費用除以平均帶息負債衡量企業之負債資金成本,企業之關係人交易部分則分成關係人銷貨交易、關係人進貨交易、關係人應收款、關係人應付款等四類型交易,來討論關係人交易與企業負債資金成本之關聯,接著將各類型關係人交易再細分成由相同會計師查核關係人交易雙方與由不同會計師查核關係人交易雙方兩類,以檢驗相同會計師查核對於企業負債資金成本之影響。 研究結果發現關係人交易與企業負債資金成本之關聯並無統計上之顯著性。然將關係人交易進一步拆分為是否由相同會計師查核關係人交易雙方後,關係人進貨交易與關係人銷貨交易等兩類型交易若由相同會計師查核交易雙方,其相較於不同會計師查核能夠有效減緩企業負債資金成本增加之情形。 / This study examines the effect of same auditor auditing both sides of related party transactions (RPTs) on cost of debt. In this study, cost of debt is measured using interest expenses divided by average interest bearing debt and we hand collect from annual reports the data of the four common types of RPTs: sales to related parties, purchases from related parties, accounts receivable from related parties and accounts payable to related parties. For the four types, we further split RPTs into RPTs whose involved sides are audited by the same auditor and RPTs whose involved sides are audited by different auditors. We do not find any evidence that RPTs are associated with cost of debt. However, we find that for sales to related parties and purchases from related parties, RPTs whose involved sides are audited by the same auditor are associated with cost of debt less strongly than RPTs whose involved sides are audited by different auditors. Our results suggest that same auditor auditing can mitigated the detrimental effect of RPTs on cost of debt.

中國大陸國家預防腐敗局之研究 / The research of national bureau of corruption prevention of China

王力 Unknown Date (has links)
貪腐是先進國家檢視政府行政效率的重要指標,貪腐會影響國家整體形象,甚至左右外國直接投資與金融市場的評比。中國之國家預防腐敗局的機構定位突顯中國內部對貪腐問題與政治結構調整問題。因此,本研究針對中國大陸貪腐問題、貪腐機制之演變過程、國家預防腐敗局現階段工作成效與不足之處、國家預防腐敗局未來工作方向展望與挑戰等問題,以文獻分析方法進行探討與分析。 經過本研究的分析與討論,本研究歸納以下論點: 一、中國大陸貪腐問題可以用尋租理論解釋,當改革開放後,地方官員可以藉由經濟特區許可證或稅務等工作內容,進行利益勾結與建立政商貪腐集團。 二、貪腐機制可分為權權交易模式與權錢交易模式,其貪腐集團的交接與政權交接息息相關。改革開放前的貪腐模式為權權交易模式,改革開放後為權錢交易模式。 三、中共貪腐機制以政治運作角度分析其過程,可以視為政權交接期間的合作式賽局崩解與重新建立,其崩解原因在於內部利益分配不平均導致矛盾加深,藉著政權交接期間之權力洗牌模式,產生新的貪腐集團與經濟利益分配模式。 四、過去中共對於貪腐問題的處理模式屬於政權協商方式,例如屬於江澤明體系的陳良宇貪腐案歷經「陳良宇涉嫌貪污」至「陳良宇同志違紀問題」的兩種處理模式,透露出中共對於貪腐問題的防治處理屬於政權協商的模式。因此,國家預防腐敗局的設立過程背後潛伏著個政治派系的妥協。 五、就組織架構而言,國家預防腐敗局目前位於監察部之下,部門本身並無獨立監察權,僅被視為調研與幕僚單位,此與香港或新加坡之獨立性反貪腐機構的特性有所差異。 六、在中共維持黨政雙軌制下,中紀委與監察部將是反貪腐制度的主軸,所以短期而言,對內部角色定位,國家預防腐敗局的功能將定位於中紀委領導的執行單位,負責實際的反貪腐之協調運作;對外部角色定位,國家預防腐敗局將定位於接收國際組織的意見,國家預防腐敗局的角色將是整合國際反貪腐的科技運作。 七、就國家預防腐敗局之未來發展模式,國家預防腐敗局需要建立獨立監察權,且其成員任命方式必須擺脫派系協商的影子,但在中共目前政治角力過程下,國家預防腐敗局之未來發展將視內部政治利益與輿論壓力的角力結果而定。 / The extent of corruption is an important index to review the administrative efficiency of the governments among advanced countries. The corruption issue affects the image of a country, the foreign direct investment and the rating of financial market. The role of National Bureau of Corruption Prevention of China (thereafter as “NBCP”) stresses the problems of corruption in internal systems of China and political restructuring. Therefore, this study adopts the literature analysis method to explore and analyze the corruption problems in China, the development of corruption prevention scheme, the performance and deficiencies of NBCP, and the future prospects and challenges of NBCP. After the analysis and discussions in this study, the conclusions are as follows. First, the problems of corruption in China could be interpreted by the rent-seeking theory. After China’s reform, the local government officials could take advantage of the permission of economically-designated zone or taxation, etc. to collude with private enterprises based on interests, and form the corruption groups. Second, according to the past literatures, the patterns of corruption in China could be categorized as the exchange of privilege for privilege and the exchange of privilege for money, and the transition of both corruption groups and regimes is closely bound up. From the perspective of rent-seeking theory, the exchange of privilege for privilege is the pattern of corruption before China’s reform, with the exchange of privilege for money standing for the ones after China’s reform. Third, from the perspective of operation of political system in China, the transition of regimes could be interpreted as the process of collapse and rebuilding in the dynamics of cooperative games. The reasons of collapse could result from the disequilibrium in the allocation of internal interests and then conflicts from the disequilibrium. Therefore, by the reshuffle of political interests during the transition of regimes, the new corruption groups and new scheme for the allocation of economic interests appear. Fourth, China used to deal with corruption through regime consultation. For instance, the corruption case of Chen, Lian-yu in the administration of Jiang, Ze-ming ,which was shifted from original tone of “Chen, Lian-yu suspected in corruption” to “Chen, Lian-yu’s violating disciplines”, shows that the strategy for corruption in China could be categorized by the features of regime consultation. Hence, the setup of NBCP implies the compromises among different political groups. Fifth, in terms of organizational structure, NBCP is under the Ministry of Supervision, without independent supervision, and only works as the research and staff unit of independent supervision, which differs from the independence of the anti-corruption institute of Hong Kong and Singapore. Sixth, under the present dual-track system of China, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the CPC and Ministry of Supervision play the main roles in the system of anti-corruption. In the short term, as to the internal role, NBCP is regarded as the execution unit of Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. As to the external role, NBCP is responsible for receiving the opinions from international organizations and integrating the technology of international anti-corruption. Seventh, the future model of NBCP should build up the independent supervision and appoint the members without the influence of the political groups. However, in the struggle of different political groups in Chinese Communist party, the future development of NBCP will depend on the outcome of the struggle between internal political interests and public stress.

面膜產業之策略行銷分析-以TT面膜為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis for the mask industry – A case study of Timeless Truth Mask

劉郁玟 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣有不少自創化妝品牌逐漸做出口碑,不但在本土市場廣受消費者的青睞,在海外市場也擁有眾多粉絲,還成為出口亮眼的隱形冠軍,尤其是面膜,更與鳳梨酥、茶葉等產品並列觀光客來台灣必買的伴手禮。 台灣一直以來都擁有扎實的製造能力,但卻常常淪為價值鏈最低的代工階段,然而,在眾多崛起本土保養品牌當中,卻有一個品牌能在法國的美妝通路上架,並且成為法國市佔率第一名面膜品牌,便是來自臺灣的TT面膜。 藉由探討TT面膜可以得知,品牌歷經了電視購物台時期的興衰、品牌轉型的陣痛期、貴人相助的轉捩點以及最後由國外紅回台灣以後的通路操作選擇,在每個時期都碰到不同的問題,透過每一個挫折的成長才有今日的成就,TT面膜靠著不落入價格戰的拓展決心走出台灣、接軌國際,透過提昇產品效益來降低外顯成本,爾後陸續增設的國際優良規範 ISO22716規格廠房、無塵室以及頂尖實驗室的有效性數據報告和產品資訊檔案等獨特能力削弱了原本很高的道德危機成本,在努力多年後,成功打敗眾多品牌取得法國上架的機會,更是一舉打開了品牌知名度,將資訊搜尋成本降到最低,最後靠著有趣、有靈魂的社群行銷能力緊緊抓住消費者的心,打造和粉絲間的專屬陷入成本,成功建立行銷4C架構,成為在全球40幾個國家上架的MIT面膜領導品牌。

外匯市場利差交易分析 / Analysis of The Carry Trade in Monthly Currency Market

林比莉, Lin, Bi Li Unknown Date (has links)

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