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醫療器材業務人員的職能模型及甄選效標的效度研究陳貞如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的科學分析結果,並無法解決人力資源主管的問題,因此本研究利用推論的方式,對於實務上的困境提出解決的方式,建議人力資源主管應該先與業務主管進行溝通,建立在業務主管前的信賴度,並且暸解業務主管所採用的甄選條件,並以這些甄選條件及職能的內容與業務主管進行討論,找到適合個案公司的甄選條件及職能面試方式。 / Recent years have witnessed significant growth in the market for less-invasive medical products due to increases in the average age of the population and the rapid development of the biomaterials industry. The company that served as the research-site for the present study also enjoyed a high growth rate and organizational expansion thanks to its ability to produce cutting-edge products that were well-aligned to these market trends. Recognizing the need to improve its existing human resource pool and hire new talent during this period of rapid organizational expansion, the company introduced new forms of competency-based internal development and recruitment. However, since the company’s sales managers had relied upon non-structured interviews and reviews of applicants' basic information as recruitment criteria in the past, they felt that the previously-used methods of recruitment had proven effective by their prior outstanding sales performance levels. Accordingly, the HR manager’s attempts to promulgate competency-based recruitment techniques were met with resistance by the company’s existing sales managers.
The present study reviews the literature on the competency model by defining it, discussing its overall validity, and comparing competency models that have emerged in various industries. Moreover, it sketches the case company’s business model and offers observations of its outstanding salespersons. Next, the case company’s recruitment criteria, sales-staff information and performance records, leadership competency, and function competency data for the year of 2005 are analyzed according to three sales performance indicators to confirm the criteria validity of its competency model. All of the firm’s sales managers took part in our interviews to test their levels of understanding of competency, as well as to identify distinguished competency items. In short, the purpose of the study was to support the establishment and promotion of more effective HR manager promoting competency concepts and recruitment criteria.
The scientific results of the study were unable to solve directly the problems encountered by the HR manager in his attempts to employ competency-based hiring procedures. The study attempted to solve the ensuing differences between the sales managers and the HR manager via theoretical implications and suggestions that the HR manager communicate with the sales managers to augment their mutual trust and understand fully the recruitment criteria employed by the sales managers. In this way, it was shown that increased communication and understanding between the HR manager and the sales managers would lead to better overall recruitment criteria for the case company.
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以平等權觀點探討外籍配偶與大陸配偶在台待遇問題-兼論婚姻移民法制之研究楚恆惠 Unknown Date (has links)
外籍配偶與大陸配偶來台制度之差別待遇問題,本文認為須從實際來台狀況予以檢驗及解決,重要的是基本權益的實質保障,另為解決此一問題,應從改善兩岸關係著手,如能減緩或解決兩岸間政治、軍事對立及衝突,能有良好正常的互動與發展,同時有效改善虛偽結婚或異常、非法情事,當能更提昇大陸人民或是大陸配偶權益及待遇。此外,我國應參照國際人權保障趨勢,擬訂符合我國需要之移民政策,朝保障外來移民之權益繼續努力。 / As globalization goes on, the movement of international population is increasing. For Taiwan, cross-strait communication speeds up this trend. International marriage, including that with the foreigners and PRC citizens, grows up drastically in the number over the past ten years. There were not so many immigrants from foreign countries or from Mainland China before in this country. In response thereto, Taiwan government has set up legal systems and particular rules to regulate immigration lately, for example, “Immigration Law”, “Nationality Law”, “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area”, and so on. These laws include different articles to regulate foreign spouses and Mainland China spouses respectively. Some people therefore get the impression that there is involved discrimination in legal systems.
One aspect of this study is firstly devoted to an investigation of the protection as imparted by our Constitution in order to clarify the issue whether a foreign spouse is entitled to rights under the Constitution. Another aspect is to discuss the difference in legal status between a foreigner and people from Mainland China. Then, the legitimacy of such a differentiation is examined from the angle of equity. Actually, the rationale under such a differentiation comes from the cross-strait relations. Relatively, the regulations are stricter for the mainland spouses than for the foreign spouses, in particular in terms of the right to work and residence. As for political right and the right to become civil servants, the problem is more complicated. Since the foreigners and mainland people are regulated differently in respect of the procedures and requirements for getting the citizenship, in consideration of the loyalty conflict and security and in order to ensure the existence and maintain the constitutional democracy of our country, the 10-year minimum requirement for mainland people to become civil servants upon getting the citizenship as prescribed in Article 21 of “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area” is supposed to be in conformity with the constitution. On the other hand, the author of this dissertation opines that upon specifying the restriction on the positions open to the mainland people, the legal system should take into account the impact of their becoming civil servants upon the national security and their accommodation to democracy as required.
The author investigates the differentiation in law between foreign and mainland spouses from the angle of American law and the theory of equal protection. Currently, the policy on the mainland spouses’ right to work is focused on the maintenance of low-income families. It might amount to a kind of discrimination that does not quite comply with the equal protection if compared with the phase of foreigners. However, due to the difference in citizenship system between the foreign and mainland spouses, the legal status of these two might not be identical. The foreign spouses who intend to be naturalized in Taiwan must accept the loyalty examination. But for mainland people, the steps to get Taiwanese citizenship lack the loyalty examination procedure. The mainland people who get Taiwanese citizenship are not required to abandon the nationality of mainland China. The mainland people come from communist system; they need a period time to get accommodated to democracy. Therefore, by virtue of loyalty conflict and national security consideration, it is constitutional that the law may prescribe some restriction in this regard. Nonetheless, there remains room for review of the 10-year minimum requirement. It is incumbent upon the legal system to regulate the civil positions to be open in accordance with the impact upon the national security and the accommodation to democracy as required.
On the basis of this study, it is suggested that the differentiation between foreign and mainland spouses, having its institutional sector, should be examined and solved in consideration of national circumstances and practical phase. Of particular importance is how to promote the substantial protection of basic human right. Besides, another critical factor is to improve the cross-strait relationship. The tasks such as: to ease and avoid cross-strait political and military confrontation or conflicts, to foster normal and friendly bilateral relations and interaction, etc., all play a critical role. Meanwhile, an effective solution to the problem of fake marriage and other crimes or illegal events will help enhance the interest and status of mainland people furthermore. Also, our country should keep following the trend of international human right protection so as to work toward realistic immigration policy and a satisfactory legal system without compromising the right protection of immigrants.
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企業人力資源發展實施策略與執行成效評估之研究─以中小型電子製造業為例吳曉薇 Unknown Date (has links)
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人力資源管理方法對組織知識移轉影響之認知—統一企業人力資源管理策略個案研究黃千瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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報紙呈現候選人形象變化研究-以1998與2002年台北市長選舉候選人馬英九為例胡馨云, Hu,Hsin-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
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運用創新科技提昇病人安全之研究以台灣醫院為例 / Improving Patient Safety Using Emerging Information Technology based on Taiwan Hospital Cases Research趙嘉成, Chao,Victor Unknown Date (has links)
Applying information technology (IT) to support or magnify a competitive business strategy has been recognized which IT had adopted by enterprises. Many examples of various enterprises illustrate applying IT to create and sustain competitive advantage. Applying information strategy is becoming a trend for success and also for coping with dramatic environmental changing.The Institute of Medicine (IOM) brought patient safety issue into the public attention in its 1999 report “To Err is Human”. It is estimated those medical errors responsible for 44,000 and 98,000 deaths in the United States per year. Medical errors are causing patient’s death, permanent loss of health functions, etc.. Facing on these errors, main strategy for preventing errors is applying IT strategy. Many studies and surveys show that information technology can effectively reduce the rate of medical care errors and adverse events, up to 50%.Thus, information technology plays the role as a gatekeeper for promoting and protecting patient safety in various fields of medical care.
The object of this thesis is from historical review to explore various IT strategies adopted by hospitals to improve patient safety and to explore of Taiwan hospitals applying patient safety information technologies to pursue patient safety and its contribution. We are designing this research by three phases. Phase I study, various of SCI literature review from 1990 to 2005 and in-depth interview with physicians, administrators from hospital was used to collect the data. Phase II study; from previous literature reviewed, the model and comments will gather from Phase I interviews to develop a structured questionnaire. Phase III study, In order to reduce the probability of misinterpretation, a Delphi approach was used to further revise and validate the extended framework, which has been synthesized from Phase I and Phase II study. Patient safety has become an important trend and international health facilities operation guidelines. Therefore, hospitals need a well-developed plan to implement in the near future by steps to achieve risk free hospital for patient treatment. We are happy to share our findings to hospitals and learn more on what we can do to make the hospital a safer place for all type of errors.Hospitals not only pursuing a patient safety goal by innovative information technologies but also diffusing, assiminating as a trend of enhance patient safety era.
Key Words: Patient Safety, Medical Error, RFID, Electronic Medical Record.
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金控與非金控體系人壽保險公司業務員通路經營績效之研究 / Performance comparison of agency channel in FHC-type and Non-FHC type廖學茂 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 金控或非金控之壽險公司的業務通路,其成本效率值(CE)、純粹技術效率值(PTE)、規模效率值(SE)皆較前觀察年度呈現退步;從金控體系與非金控體系之壽險公司來看,非金控體系在成本效率值(CE)、純粹技術效率值(PTE)、規模效率值(SE) 這三項效率之平均值值皆高過於金控體系,只有在技術效率上低於金控體系之壽險公司。
2. 從金控體系之不同壽險公司而言,富邦人壽在成本效率、純粹技術效率值(PTE)、規模效率值(SE)均達最適配置,同時也是三家金控型態的壽險公司中表現得最優;從非金控體系之不同壽險公司來看,安泰人壽在成本效率、純粹技術效率值(PTE)、規模效率值(SE)均達最適配置。同時也是五家非金控型態的壽險公司表現最優。
3. 依成本效率,最高為非金控外商安泰人壽及金控本土富邦人壽;依技術效率,最高為金控的國泰人壽;純粹技術效率而言,金控的國泰、富邦及非金控的南山、安泰、三商美邦、台灣人壽並列最優;規模效率效率而言,依序是非金控的安泰人壽及金控的富邦人壽。
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真善美的追尋--鹿橋文學作品研究洪潔芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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實習教師求職壓力與因應策略之研究王千逸 Unknown Date (has links)
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國際私法上夫妻財產制準據法之研究魏淇芸 Unknown Date (has links)
國際私法之最終目標在於統一國際私法,以達成判決一致之理想,此在夫妻財產制之問題上,尤有探究實益。蓋夫妻財產制受其身分法性質之影響,多富有民族色彩,今日各國不僅在實質法上存有不同立法例之差異,甚至在相同制度間,其內容之細目規定也未必相同,若國際私法不能統一,裁判上可能存在極大之差異,因而導致夫妻一方為了財產清算上之利益,而任擇訴訟地之情形。再者,由於一國對於涉外案件管轄權之主張,一般認為亦含有本國當事人合法權益與國家利益之意義,從而各國多試圖賦予內國法院較廣之管轄權,因此上述實質法之差異,配合各國寬鬆的國際裁判管轄權,更可能助長這種法院逛尋(Forum Shopping)的現象。另一方面,除了上述影響夫妻間財產上之利益外,夫妻財產制亦有明示夫妻之財產關係,以保護交易安全及第三人的利益,因此,如就夫妻財產制問題,在不同法院起訴,會得出不一致之判決結果,也容易使得第三人無所適從,有害於交易安全。因此,在今日各國夫妻財產制群立之狀態下,退而求其次,透過國際私法選法規則之統一,期待同一案件不論在何國起訴,均係適用同一國之實質法規範,對於判決一致理想之追求,當有助益。本文即以此為目標,對於國際私法上夫妻財產制準據法之相關問題予以探討。
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