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呂學仁 Unknown Date (has links)
保險公司之經營效率如何,影響保險公司經營效率之因素為何,是國內外保險學者長期以來研究的議題。本研究以我國產險業為對象進行效率之研究,分別以財務中介法與附加價值法選取投入產出變數,以資料包絡分析法衡量產險公司之經營效率,並以Tobit迴歸分析公司型態、再保險比率、資產規模與產品集中度四項因素對效率值之影響,樣本期間自1988年至2004年,共17年。 效率值之逐年變動狀況顯示本國公司在財務中介法的效率值長期不如外商公司,且有逐年降低的趨勢;附加價值法則是外商公司逐漸追上本國公司。 Tobit迴歸分析顯示再保險之使用弊多於利,產險公司應加強核保,在承保能量範圍內盡量降低再保險之使用。產險公司應擴大規模,同時亦應積極開拓保險市場、加強投資,提高投資報酬率與資產報酬率。最後,產險公司應思考本身的優勢,集中經營某幾項險種,累積相關知識及經驗,以增進效率。

以灰區間數修正模糊層級分析法下專家意見評估模式進行供應商選擇 / Use Grey Interval Number to Revise FAHP Method in Vendor Selection Process

蘇家弘, Su,Chia-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為透過灰色區間數的概念,利用其解決小樣本不確定問題的特性,修正在模糊層級分析法 (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP) 下專家 (評估小組) 意見回饋時的不確定因素來進行供應商評選,使專家 (評估小組) 在進行指標或構面間比較時,能夠反映最真實的意見。 研究方法以模糊層級分析法為基礎進行供應商選擇,藉由模糊數概念解決舊有分析層級程序法中主觀及不精確的問題,並透過灰色區間數的概念,利用其解決小樣本不確定問題的特性,解決在進行模糊層級分析過程時,評選人員數量少而導至意見回饋樣本數較少,難以估算的問題;或評估人員對於語意尺度認知不明確,而成意見回饋時的不精確,避免因為這些原因,造成評估結果不準確,導至決策的偏差。 透過專家 (評估小組) 針對需求擬定參考構面及構面下的指標,利用層級的結構,將其做有系統的連結,透過專家 (評估小組) 針對各構面及各構面下指標間的強弱依據的回答,依此結果進行分析層級程序法的計算,找出各構面及各構面下指標間權重,進行供應商評選。 本研究實驗設計假設情境為在MTO生產流程下,透過系統動態學建構流程模型,模擬製造商生產運作。另外再設立專家意見實驗組及對照組,藉由同組評估小組填答不同意見所得的權重,加乘模擬所產生的供應商基本資料轉換為相對強度得分,進行研究方法運算,再比對模擬產生之績效結果,驗證所選供應商績效的確是最佳,驗證本研究所提出之選商方法確實有效。 / In the environment of globalization, the cooperation between enterprises and the suppliers has changed closeness into diversity. How to look for the best supplier in the use of objectivity in order to meet the need of product becomes very important. Nowadays, every industry aims at the international and various developments. Materials that consist in a product may come from every corners of the world; in that case, we have more choices in picking the suitable copartner. However, the standard of the suppliers has a big influence in the production quality. This research based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) use to supplier selection. Use fuzzy number to solve the problems about subjective and imprecise in Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). And solve the problem about small sample and uncertain situation, sometimes come about who can’t clearly understand the meaning about item to choice, during jury making decision by Grey Interval Numbers. This situation may bring about incorrect results and wrong decision. This research makes a case under the MTO (make-to-order) producing process by SCOR model. Build the System Dynamic process model to simulate the supplier’s production process. And there have two different questionnaires result every different item’s weight. Herewith prove using this research method to select supplier is feasible and efficacious. Based on the evaluation criteria of need, we hope that enterprises can make an objective and correct decision in choosing the appropriate supplier.


謝榮明 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇主要是研究大型TFT-LCD產業的研發活動進行效率分析的論文,本研究採取二階段的方法來對大型TFT-LCD產業進行分析,研究期間為2001~2003年,第一階段採用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis;DEA),其產出項為專利件數,其投入項為研發人力,研發資本,一般研究TFT-LCD的經營績效都以研發費用當作投入,而本研究以研發效率為為討論對象,研發資本當作投入,為其特殊之處。 第二階段以Tobit回歸分析找出可能影響研發活動的影響因子,發現影響大型TFT-LCD研發的因子有碩士以上研發人員(R&D)占研發人員比例、研發人員年約收入高低、研發人員平均年資、專利累積數量、專利數量變化量不同會影響技術效率。 實驗結果發現友達的整體相對效率、研發績效、規模效率皆為1為最有效率的廠商,這也印證友達能在世界TFT-LCD占據第三名的地位;友達是連續三年總體及技術效率被評估為最有效率廠商;廣輝在技術相對效率是相當好且穩定的公司,而在營收表現也逐年進步;瀚宇彩晶在整體效率、技術效率、及規模效率是逐年下滑的,而營收表現也不佳;華映則是整體相對效率、技術效率逐年改善。 研究也發現公司規模、技術移轉費用的多寡並不影響研發效率,因此並不是買技術就可提昇研發能力,最根本還是要從資源妥善運用及管理。 關鍵字:研發資本、研發人力、資料包絡分析法、TFT-LCD

金控與非金控銀行經營績效影響因素之探討 / An Investigation of the Performance of Financial Holding and Non-Financial Holding Banks

陳添智, Chen, Tien-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國90年11月「金融控股公司法」制定公佈施行以來,已核准設立14家金融控股公司,初步完成建構金融跨業經營目標,然嶄新的金融控股公司型態是否能產生預期綜合效益,在金控公司成立屆滿3年之際,實有必要對其投資主體事業-「銀行」之經營績效進行實證瞭解。本論文以94年底45家本國銀行為研究對象,以金控公司成立前後各推3年為資料涵蓋期間,運用資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis,簡稱DEA)及Tobit截斷迴歸模型,分別從全體銀行及金控公司旗下銀行二大群組角度,探討金控公司成立對銀行經營績效的影響。 實證發現:本國銀行平均技術效率水準介於56.81%~85.86%間,代表銀行投入資源使用效率仍待改善,其技術無效率來源主要應歸因於資源浪費造成的純技術無效率,各銀行技術效率水準存在明顯差異,且多數非處於最適規模階段經營;金控銀行平均規模效率水準在金控公司成立前後均高於非金控銀行,顯示金控銀行先天在經營規模上即較具效率;銀行加入金控公司後平均技術效率水準明顯提升,且提升幅度高於非金控銀行;銀行透過業務分散、加入金控公司、擴增分行家數、降低逾放比率等經營策略,均有助提高技術效率;銀行公股比率與逾放覆蓋率高低,對技術效率影響效果,視時空環境因素及銀行經營策略而異,銀行資產市占率高低對技術效率的影響,統計解釋上並無顯著性;金控公司透過分散銀行子公司業務、積極整合金控資源、納入保險子公司、增加銀行子公司資產市場占有率等策略,將有助提升銀行子公司技術效率水準。


林振煒 Unknown Date (has links)
過去已有不少文獻比較傳統教學與遠距教學學習成效之異同,然而大部分研究都著重於探討學習效果差異,但是對於因為不同授課方法學生學習投入不同所產生之學習認知差異部分則尚無研究加以探討。因此本研究嘗試從學生學習的過程(投入)與學習的成效(滿意度)及不同授課方法是否對學習認知有所影響,來探討傳統教學遠遠距教學之差異。Adam(1963)所提公平理論認為一般人會同時考慮自己的投入與產出(報酬),與別人之投入與產出相比較,如果比率類似則在心理上會覺得的公平,反之則覺得不公平,不過公平理論並無具體提出如何加以衡量這些「感覺」。本研究採用公平理論觀念,整合資料包絡分析法建構出學習認知公平的綜合指標,並以此指標探討不同授課方式學習認知之差異。 實證結果發現在課程滿意度方面,學生對於遠距教學方式提供方便且有彈性的學習活動和多樣化的學習內容感到滿意;在課程參與度方面,遠距教學環境可提高學生發問的意願,並有助於學生在課程中提出問題;在認知公平方面,單變量實證結果顯示在不同授課方式下,學生在課程中增加一單位投入對滿意度增加程度有顯著差異,但控制可能會對不同授課方式產生影響之變數後,結果顯示不同授課方式對於學習認知公平無顯著差異。

國民中小學校校長評鑑指標系統建構之研究 / A Study on Construction of the Principal Evaluation Indicators system for Elementary and Junior High Schools

朱佳如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統,了解指標系統之權重,並提出結論與建議,以供主管教育行政機關實施校長評鑑之參考,並提供後續研究之參考。 在研究方法部分,首先,以文獻分析探討校長評鑑之理論分析,了解校長評鑑之意義、相關概念、目的與程序;探討國內校長評鑑之現況;探討國內校長評鑑之相關研究;探討校長評鑑指標系統之建構,並初擬本研究國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統。第二,以專家審查問卷調查10位專家學者對本研究初擬之指標系統之意見。第三,採模糊德菲法問卷,以18位專精於校長評鑑之專家學者以及富實務經驗之校長為研究對象,以進行本研究指標系統之篩選。第四,採層級分析法問卷,以前揭篩選之指標系統為基礎建構問卷,同樣對18位研究對象進行調查,以建構本研究指標系統之權重。 根據研究之結果與分析,歸納本研究結論如下: 一、本研究建構之國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統共三階層,計有六大領域,十二個向度,三十八項指標。 二、本研究建構之國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統之第一階層各領域相對權重,排序如下:「課程與教學領導」領域佔23.3%、「學生與教師成長」領域佔21.7%、「行政領導與管理」領域佔19.9%、「政策與校務推展」領域佔13.9%、「專業成長與素養」領域佔12.1%、「資源與公關管理」領域佔9.1%。 三、本研究建構之國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統之第二階層各向度相對權重,在「課程與教學領導」領域下,以「教學領導」向度較重要,佔65.1%;在「學生與教師成長」領域下,以「學生學習」向度較重要,佔65.3%;在「行政領導與管理」領域下,以「行政領導」向度較重要,佔66%;在「政策與校務推展」領域下,以「校務推展」向度較重要,佔70.1%;在「專業成長與素養」領域下,以「理念操守」向度較重要,佔70.6%;在「資源與公關管理」領域下,以「資源管理」向度較重要,佔54.6%。 四、本研究建構之國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統之第三階層各指標相對權重,在「教學領導」向度下,以「協助教師實施多元與適性的教學與評量」最重要,佔38.5%;在「課程管理」向度下,以「主持課程發展會議,帶領教師規劃與實施學校課程」最重要,佔41.9%;在「學生學習」向度下,以「培養品德良好、身心健康的學生」最重要,佔29.2%;「教師成長」向度下,以「鼓勵教師參與課程教學研究,促進課程教學效能與創新」最重要,佔40.9%;「行政領導」向度下,以「激勵教職員工生動機,塑造學習文化與共同領導」最重要,佔31.3%;「人力管理」向度下,以「展現知人善任能力,使教職員工適才適所」最重要,佔46.6%;「校務推展」向度下,以「依照學校背景、特性與需求,型塑共享的學校願景」最重要,佔39.5%;「政策執行」向度下,以「將重要教育政策與法令融入校務發展計畫,並落實與檢討」最重要,佔44.9%;「理念操守」向度下,以「具有良好品格操守,遵守專業倫理規範」最重要,佔36.7%;「專業成長」向度下,以「具有專業責任感與服務熱忱,以專業領導同仁」最重要,佔47.7%;「資源管理」向度下,以「妥善運用各項資源,營造優質教學環境」最重要,佔36.7%;「公共關係」向度下,以「與家長、社區維持良好關係,促進交流與資源共享」最重要,佔51.9%。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供教育主管機關、國民中小學校長以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to construct the principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools, understand the weights of the indicators system, and provide conclusions and suggestions for education administrative institutions to implement principal evaluation and future study. As for research methods, firstly, by literature review, discussing the theory basis of the principal evaluation to understand the signification, related concepts, purposes, and procedure; discussing the domestic current status of the principal evaluation; discussing the domestic related studies of principal evaluation; discussing the construction of the principal evaluation indicators system, and preliminarily develop the principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools. Secondly, investigating the suggestions of 10 experts by questionnaire. Thirdly, selecting the indicators system by fuzzy Delphi method questionnaire for 18 experts and principals. In the final stage, constructing the weights of the indicators system by Analytic Hierarchy Process questionnaire for the same 18 experts and principals. The main conclusions are as follow: 1. The principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools consists with 6 areas, 12 dimensions and 38 indicators in total. 2. The weights of 6 areas are: ‘curriculum and instructional leadership’ area (23.3%), ‘student and teacher growth’ area (21.7%), ‘administrative leadership and management’ area (19.9%), ‘policy and school affair promotion’ area (13.9%), ‘professional growth and integrity’ area (12.1%), ‘resource and public relations management’ area (9.1%). 3. The weights of 12 dimensions are as follow: in ‘curriculum and instructional leadership’ area, ‘instructional leadership’ dimensionis more important( 65.1%); in ‘student and teacher growth’ area, ‘student learning’ dimension is more important( 65.3%); in ‘administrative leadership and management’ area, ‘administrative leadership’ dimension is more important( 66%); in ‘policy and school affair promotion’ area, ‘school affair promotion’ dimension is more important( 70.1%); in ‘professional growth and integrity’ area, ‘idea and moral integrity’ dimension is more important( 70.6%); in ‘resource and public relations management’ area, ‘resource management’ dimension is more important( 54.6%). 4. The weights of 38 indicators are as follow: in ‘instructional leadership’ dimension, ‘assisting teachers to implement diverse and adaptive instruction and assessment’ is most important(38.5%) ; in ‘curriculum leadership’ dimension, ‘directing curriculum development conferences, and leading teachers to plan and implement curriculum’ is most important(41.9%); in ‘student learning’ dimension, ‘training moral and healthy student’ is most important(29.2%); in ‘teacher growth’ dimension, ‘encouraging teacher to participate curriculum and instructional research, and promoting curriculum and instructional innovation and efficacy’ is most important(40.9%); in ‘administrative leadership’ dimension, ‘encouraging faculty and student motivation, and shaping learning culture and participating leadership’ is most important(31.3%); in ‘human resource management’ dimension, ‘picking the right man for the right job’ is most important(46.6%); in ‘school affair promotion’ dimension, ‘according to school background, feature and needs, establishing shared school vision’ is most important(39.5%); in ‘policy implementation’ dimension, ‘integrating important education policies into school development plans, implementing and reviewing the school development plans’ is most important(44.9%); in ‘idea and moral integrity’ dimension, ‘possessing moral integrity, and compling with profession ethics’ is most important(36.7%);in ‘professional growth’ dimension, ‘possessing professional responsibility and service enthusiasm, and leading members by profession’ is most important(47.7%); in ‘resource management’ dimension, ‘properly using resources, and shaping high quality instructional environment’ is most important(36.7%); in ‘public relations’ dimension, ‘maintaining good relation with patents and community, promoting exchange ,and sharing resources’ is most important(51.9%). In conclusion, the findings and results in hope of providing suggestions for educational administrative institutions, elementary and junior high school principals, and future study.

限制員工權利新股實施之成效分析-台灣實證研究 / The Effectiveness of Implementation of Restricted Stock for Taiwan

林耀煒, Lin, Wao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
舊有的員工獎酬制度隨著台灣經濟發展與法制上的改革,激勵的效果已不如以往。為了改善此狀況,我國自2012年透過公司法修訂,台灣企業可開始實施限制員工權利新股(Restricted Stock)制度,為員工激勵措施的新方法。其靈活的操作方式,給與企業更多空間,可以制訂為自己量身打造的激勵條件,預期可使企業績效提升,讓企業達到留才與成長的效果。本文以已經採用限制員工權利新股制度之87間上市公司為標的,研究期間為2010至2014年,以Han(2003)與鄭桂蕙(2005)之迴歸模型做為基礎,搭配兩種典型財務分析的比率ROE與ROA,再利用資料包絡分析法所得到之純粹技術效率值(PTE),三項績效衡量之指標作為因變數,進行實證分析。討論是否透過限制員工權利新股制度之實施,達到提升公司績效的效果。實證結果則顯示,利用此三種任一績效衡量的指標為對象討論,對企業績效的影響是正向且顯著的。此結果說明,實行限制員工權利新股之後,對於公司績效之提升,確實有幫助。對於此制度未來的持續發展,可預期將成為我國員工激勵措施的新標的,並成為我國企業成長的新動力。 / Due to economic development and regulatory reforms, old compensation systems for employees are no longer considered effective. To improve the effectiveness, Taiwan’s Corporation Act was amended in 2012 to allow restricted stock as a new compensation scheme. The flexibility of the tailored-made restricted stocks allows corporations to attract and retain more talents, which may subsequently improve business performance. To examine the effectiveness of restricted stocks implemented among Taiwanese corporations, this thesis adopt three performance indicators, namely two typical financial analysis ratios, ROE and ROA, and a pure technical efficiency (PTE) measure obtained from the data envelopment analysis (DEA). With the regression model proposed by Han (2003) and Cheng (2005), we examine how restricted stocks have affected the performance of all 87 public firms which have adopted this new compensation system during the period from 2010 to 2014. The empirical investigation reveals that all three performance indicators are positively and significantly affected by the implementation of restricted stocks, which implies that the new compensation scheme is beneficial to business performance. It is therefore expected that the adoption restricted stocks will continue to be an important part of Taiwanese firm’s compensation system, and will certainly become a new source of corporate growth.

AMI創新政策關鍵因素之權重評估 / Weighting Assessment on Key Factors of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Innovation Policy

梁玉琦, Liang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
如何永續發展已成為人類面臨的重大議題,依據先進國外之經驗,透過智慧電網之相關技術,可以有效的提升能源效率與達成節能減碳之目的。在國外建置智慧電網的過程中,往往從先進讀表基礎建設(Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI)切入,AMI對往後智慧電網的延伸發展有很大的影響。 因此,本研究旨在探討我國未來發展AMI創新政策之關鍵因素和其優先排序。首先藉由蒐集次級資料瞭解主要先進國家的AMI相關發展經驗,以及目前我國AMI的發展現況,再透過文獻探討國家創新政策,並以Rothwell &Zegveld之國家創新政策理論作為基礎架構,建立層級結構,運用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP ),針對國內AMI之相關產官學人員進行專家問卷調查,並整理出各項政策因素的權重排序,求出影響台灣發展AMI之創新政策關鍵因素。 從本研究實證結果顯示主層級之三項政策構面中相對權重最重的是「環境面」,在次層級十二項政策工具中,「公共服務」、「資訊服務」、「法規管制」的相對總權重最重,其為目前台灣發展AMI創新政策中最急需政府優先考量的關鍵因素。 / The sustainable development has become major issue for human. According to the experience of foreign advanced countries, it can achieve the purpose effectively of improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions through the related technologies of smart grid. In the process of building smart grid abroad, it often cuts into the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). AMI has a great influence on the future extending development of the smart grid. Therefore, the study explores the key factors and precedence of AMI innovation policy in future development of our country. First, understanding the relative development experience of AMI in major advanced countries through collecting the secondary data and the current development situation of AMI in our country. Second, exploring country innovation policy through literature review, and taking theory of Rothwell & Zegveld as infrastructure to build up hierarchical structure, and using FAHP (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process) method to conduct experts survey for relative persons of industry - government - academy of domestic AMI. Then, collating the sort weights for various policy factors. Finally, finding out key factors that affect development of Taiwan’s AMI innovation policy. From the empirical results of the research shows that the most important relative weights in three main policy dimensions of the hierarchy is the “environmental surface”. The relative total weights of “public service”, “information service” ,“regulation control” and “political strategic policies” are the highest among twelve policies. They are key factor of most urgent priority for government to consider among developing AMI innovation policies in current Taiwan.

台商大陸投資對其經營績效之影響 —以連接器產業為例 / The Impact of Investing in China on the Operating Performance of Taiwanese Firms—Evidence from the Connector Industry

陳志哲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究目的,主要在討論台商赴大陸投資究竟對其經營績效產生如何的影響。在本研究中,將台商對大陸投資定義為台商將主要的經營據點設在大陸。本研究依據研究目的設計問卷,所設計的問卷總計14項問題,在進行問卷調查的過程中,共有103家台灣連接器廠商願意參與本研究的問卷調查。經過排除一些填寫資料不全與資料謬誤的樣本後,本研究最後利用99家台灣連接器廠商的問卷結果進行分析。 利用DEA方法估算台灣99家連接器廠商的技術效率(TE)、純技術效率(PTE)、規模效率(SE),再利用此TE、PTE與SE做為被解釋變數的Tobit-Censoring模型進行估計,藉以瞭解台灣連接器廠商赴大陸投資對其經營績效的影響。每一個效率指標都進行兩個模型估計,其一是以將主要營運地點設立在中國大陸的虛擬變數表示對大陸投資,其二是進一步將是主要營運地點設立在中國大陸的虛擬變數以六個大陸城市的虛擬變數來取代,分別為上海市、昆山市、東莞市、深圳市、廣州市、蘇州市。 本研究的主要發現為,台灣連接器廠商是否將主要的營運地點設在中國大陸對其技術效率TE與純技術效率PTE並無影響,但對其規模效率SE的水準有提升的效果。但是,台灣連接器廠商將主要的營運地點設在大陸的東莞市,將有利於其技術效率TE水準;若將主要的營運地點設在大陸的廣州市,有利於其技術效率PTE水準。若將主要的營運地點設在大陸的上海市、東莞市、以及蘇州市,將有利於其規模效率SE的提升。因此,本研究建議,若台灣連接器廠商欲將主要的營運地點也設在中國大陸,政府應該以正面的態度視之。但必須注意的是,如何必免廠商因為將主要的營運地點也設在中國大陸,而將生產技術外溢至中國大陸,造成未來大陸的連接器廠商成為台灣連接器廠商在國際市場上的強競對手。

公共價值導向的政府資訊公開評估指標建立 / Open Public Sector Information: Establishment of Public-Value Oriented Performance Evaluation Indicators

張凱媛, Chang, Kai Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
政府資訊公開是指政府將所擁有之資訊以各種方式公布或提供人民申請,是保障人民知的權利之基礎和促進民主參與之重要基石,與政府透明、課責和政府信任等公共價值的實踐有緊密連結性。本研究經由文獻回顧及國內外實務觀察,發現目前國內外就政府資訊公開的績效評估並沒有全面的架構,同時,也較缺乏政府資訊公開成效與其影響之間的關聯。因此,本研究主要探討政府資訊公開所連結的公共價值,並嘗試將之融入績效評估指標架構當中,期能建立初步評估架構並分析其政策意涵。   本研究透過文獻回顧瞭解國內外政府資訊公開發展現況與趨勢,整理既有的評估指標和實證研究,發展以公共目標價值為基礎的績效評估架構:包含透明、信任、課責、參與、效能、效率等6個目標公共價值,以及12個公共價值構面和其下的衡量指標。建立架構後,本研究透過層級分析法,彙整學者專家、政府官員,以及公民團體代表三類專家之意見,對架構指標權重排序並進行整體和不同專家類型之比較分析。   整體結果顯示,透明為政府資訊公開評估架構中最重要之層面,而三類專家亦一致認同在透明層面下的政治透明構面,及其下的政策決策過程透明指標為達成透明價值之關鍵作為,其次,較受整體專家重視的還有課責及參與。以絕對重要性來看,整體專家認為最重要的公共價值構面也是政治透明,指標層次則以政策決策過程透明、對政府資訊的信任等為重。除整體結果外,三類專家所認定的權重順序也有所差異:(1)學者專家對課責的權重明顯較其他專家高,(2)政府專家對效率的重要性排序排在第三位,其他專家則認為較不重要,(3)公民專家與其他專家最大的不同是將參與置於首要位置。根據分析結果,本研究建議應強化政策決策過程透明的相關措施以真正落實政治透明、透過穩定輸出正確可靠的資訊來培養公民對政府資訊的信任,並積極提升對課責和參與之重視。 / Information held by government agencies is a valuable national resource, and it should be open to public unless there is required legal protection for sensitive in-formation. The development of open public sector information (OPSI), based on people’s right to know, will enhance public values such as transparency and ac-countability of government, democratic participation, and even social welfare.   This study focuses on the establishment of public-value oriented performance evaluation indicators. To build the objective level and the corresponding indicators of the assessment framework, it investigates the linkage between public value and OPSI by literature review and sorts out the existing indicators related to OPSI. Also, in purpose to refine the applicability of this framework and analyze the order of in-dicators’ importance, it applies analytic hierarchy process (AHP), gathering the mul-tiple-criteria decision-making opinions from 14 experts of Public Administration, Information Management, and E-Government practice, including 6 academics, 4 government officials, and 4 civil groups experts.   The framework shows that transparency, trust, accountability, participation, ef-ficiency and effectiveness are 6 main public values to evaluate the performance of OPSI, with 12 aspects and 12 indicators included in. The overall results show that transparency, trust and participation are more important than the others. And for the absolute importance, political transparency aspect and indicator transparency of policy decision-making process are the most important ones based on integrated opinions. Moreover, three groups of experts show some differences in the order of importance: academics are more concerned with accountability, government offi-cials care more about efficiency, and civil group experts regard participation the most important one. Based on the analysis of AHP results, this study suggests that government should put political transparency into effect, bring up the trust to gov-ernment information, and attach more importance to accountability and participa-tion.

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