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加油站經營策略之個案研究龐睿穎 Unknown Date (has links)
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加油站多角化經營模式與創新之研究 / A reaserch of gas station's business diversification and innovation陳俊彥 Unknown Date (has links)
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加油站人員配置問題之研究林文斌, Lin, Wen-Bin Unknown Date (has links)
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對等線理論應用在規模經濟之研究- 以加油站為例廖展忠, LIAO, ZHAO-ZHONG Unknown Date (has links)
第一節 研究動機與研究目的
第二節 研究範圍及研究程序
第三節 研究架構
第一節 規模經濟文獻之檢討
第二節 規模經濟之來源
第三節 規模不經濟之來源
第四節 規模經濟之測度方法
第一節 產業介紹
第二節 問題發掘
第三節 研究方向
第一節 實際生產成本法之介紹
第二節 排隊理論
第三節 存貨理論
第一節 分析模式的建立
第二節 資料之分析
第三節 研究限制
第一節 研究結果
第二節 研究建議
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加油站經營績效之影響因素分析—以台灣中油加盟站為例 / An Empirical Study on the Operation Efficiency of Taiwan CPC Franchised Gas Stations張芷榕 Unknown Date (has links)
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電動車營運模式:異業整合方案之可行性分析 / The business model of electric cars: The feasibility study of integrating different industries曾而汶, Tzeng, Er-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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在巴拿馬運河提供供應服務之商業企畫書 / Business plan for supply services in the panama canal羅勁平, Tuñón, Jean Unknown Date (has links)
In terms of macroeconomic developments, the economic status in the Caribbean Region is largely driven by the global economy as well as developments in the US. Going forward, tourism is expected to remain as a key economic driver for the Caribbean region. Furthermore, the US is likely to continue to play a major influence.
The bunkering industry in the Caribbean has been developing steadily for decades due to its popularity as a cruise ship destination and transshipments hub for east-west and north south cargo shipping routes. The enlargement of the Panama Canal is further expected to change competition dynamics between the region’s bunkering centers as a result of increase in shipping traffic and larger vessels.
The shipping industry is the major demand driver for bunkering. It should be noted that both container liner and cruise sector as the two largest demand segments are concentrated. So in TL Blue Oceans LTD. our goals would be that our decision factors by ship operators with respect to bunkering operations and critical concerns can be summarized by 8 attributes:
• 1 Bunker quality
• 2 Market transparency (corruption free)
• 3 Bunker price competitiveness
• 4 Reliability and punctuality of bunker suppliers
• 5 Bunkering facilities and services (adequacy and efficacy)
• 6 Availability of all fuel grades including low-sulphur bunkers
• 7 Location of port
• 8 Government policies (e.g. quality control) and incentives
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勞工對工作場所安全衛生認知與影響之研究--以加油站為例-- / A study on workers’ cognition of workplace health and safety and its influences --using a gas station as an example--張嘉成, Chang, Chia Chen Unknown Date (has links)
一、個人基本資料部份,加油站勞工性別以男性占64.7%較高,年齡分佈以21-30歲占56.9%較高, 教育程度以大學占70.9%較高,安全衛生訓練頻率以2次以下占73.1%較高,勞工工作年資以ㄧ年以下占42.2%較高。
四、安全衛生風險認知與安全衛生影響二者關聯性分析表實證發現,個人屬性對安全衛生風險認知具有部分正面關聯性、個人屬性與安全衛生影響具有部份正面關聯性,安全衛生風險認知與安全衛生影響具有正面關聯性。 / This study aims to explore the current conditions of the gas station laborers’ knowledge of their workplace and its influences, to find out the relationship between personal properties and knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, the relationship between personal properties and influences on safety and sanitation, and the relationship between knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation. This study provides the related authorities references for improving safety and sanitation for laborers and increasing their knowledge of safety and sanitation. This way, gas station laborers can learn the correct knowledge of safety and sanitation of their workplaces and there will be positive influences, effectively reducing chances of accidents in gas stations, providing gas station laborers safe and healthy working environments, and making sure that every consumer who goes to a gas station to fill up the gas tank of his car, shop, or have his car washed or maintained can enjoy the same high-quality services and guarantee of safety.
After the empirical analysis, the summaries of this study are listed below:
1. In the aspect of personal attributes, gas station laborers are mainly male (64.7%). Most of them are of ages between 21 and 30 (56.9%). As for educational background, most of them (70.9%) had graduated from universities. And their frequencies of safety and sanitation trainings are mainly 2 or less (73.1%). Their seniorities are mainly under 1 year (42.2%).
2. In the aspect of influences on safety and sanitation, (1) the highest percentage of the self-discipline construct is the percentage of agreeing with “I will participate in the safety and sanitation training provided by my company”, which is 64.1%. It is obvious that most people would participate in the safety and sanitation trainings provided by their companies. The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “I am always on guard while working”, which is 48.1%. It is obvious that most gas station laborers are not concentrated at work. Lack of alertness may lead to accidents; (2) the highest percentage of the customers’ requirements construct is the percentage of agreeing with question #29 “I would refuse to fill the tank when I find the engine of the tank truck is still running”, which is 71.9%. It is obvious that most people agree engines of tank trucks should be turned off. . The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find a customer using his cell phone in a gas station, I would stop him”, which is 56.5%. It is obvious that most customers are not aware of the danger of using cell phones and gas stations should promote this concept; (3) the highest percentage of the collegues’ requirements construct is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find my colleague not wearing protection such as safety shoes, mask, etc, I would tell him”, which is 69%. There are potential dangers in gas stations such as chemical and physical dangers. It is necessary to ask every laborer working at gas stations to wear protection to ensure their safety at work; and (4) the highest percentage of the requirements from the company and workplace construct is the percentage of agreeing with “when I see someone using fire in a gas station, I would stop him and notify the manager there”, which is 76.9%. It means that general laborers have the correct concept of fire being banned in gas stations and they would notify their supervisors for further actions. The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find a suspicious person hanging around a gas station or placing a suspicious object there, I would notify the manager”, which is 54.3%. The percentage is lower than 60%. This means gas station laborers’ awareness of danger is not sufficient due to their workloads or lack of training. Therefore they do not know they should immediately notify their supervisors when a suspicious person hangs around or places a suspicious object in a gas station. Their training should be improved and emergency response exercises should be conducted.
3. In the aspect of knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, the highest agreeing percentage of agreement is the percentage of agreeing with “fire should be banned in gas stations”, which is 76.9%. It is obvious that most people agree fire should be banned in gas stations. The second highest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “tank trucks refilling gas stations may cause air pollution and increase the chance of fire”, which is 70.6%. It is obvious that most people agree tank trucks refilling gas stations is potentially dangerous and may cause air pollution.
4. After conducting the empirical analysis of the relationship between knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation, it is found that personal attributes are partially positively related to knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, personal attributes are partially positively related to influences on safety and sanitation, and knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation are positively related.
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大台北地區加油站員工工作滿足與組織融入之探討陸鵬程, Lu, Peng-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣地區加油站市場經營狀況調查-對中油公司經營策略涵義 / The Market Survey of Gas Stations in Taiwan – With the Strategic Implications to the Chinese Petroleum Corporations吳逸倫, Wu, James Yih-Luen Unknown Date (has links)
1. 對加油站市場產業之總體環境、市場供需、競爭環境、消費者行為與主要發展趨勢進行分析。
2. 將台灣地區1,909座加油站以汽油、柴油與總銷量做為集群分析之變數,發現可分為汽油專賣導向型、集團自用型、大型汽油導向型、柴油導向型、中型汽油導向型、小型汽油導向型及小本經營型等七類加油站類型。
3. 將台灣地區23個縣市以汽油與總銷量做為集群分析之變數,結果發現各縣市依油量消費特性可分類為商工縣市型、商農縣型、大都會型、大都會周邊型、偏遠型及港埠型等六個油品消費類型縣市。
4. 以上不同銷量類型加油站、油品消費類型縣市與公民營企業特質均會影響加油站之經營方式,而其中以公民營企業特質之影響較為強烈。
5. 本研究在加油站經營中所採用28個服務項目以因素分析法可歸類歸屬於加油功能、附加服務、品牌聲譽及促銷四個主要服務構面。
6. 利用因素分析所獲得之加油功能、擴充功能、品牌聲譽及促銷四個因素做為變數以集群分析可將台灣1,909座加油站分為促銷導向型、全方位經營型與專業加油型三類策略群組。
7. 分析中油公司提供民營加油站服務滿意度、加盟站服務需求及民營加油站未來經營動向調查結果。
8. 就各項研究問題探討對中油公司經營策略涵義。
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