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李達思想中的中國共產革命(1919-1928)施純純 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響日本與台灣代間財務交換類型的因素: 居住型態、生命循環和性別 / The factors of intergenerational financial exchanges in Japan and Taiwan :living arrangement,life cycle and gender黃瀞儀 Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,過去孝道研究是以子女為主的財務支持為依賴變項,忽略了父母方在代間交換關係中的行動。故本研究以2006年的東亞社會調查(East Asian Social Survey EASS)中,日本和台灣的樣本做為研究對象,並比較兩國受試者和父母之間的財務支持往來關係。我們依照比較的結果,將各種交換關係予以類型化,依據各種交換關係的特徵命名,並以多元邏輯斯迴歸 (multinomial logistic regression model)的方式,在控制孝道意識後,理解三種因素對代間關係的影響。
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辛亥革命期的日本對中外交政策─以政治體系干涉為中心─ / The Japanese diplomacy to China in the 1911 revolution : Around interference with Chinese political system陳冠甫 Unknown Date (has links)
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辛亥革命期間中俄關係之研究 (1911~1912) / A Study of Sino-Russian Relations during the Xin-hai Revolution, 1911~1912陳奐宇, Chen, Huan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文將所欲探討之兩國辛亥革命期間關係問題依照其性質分為幾個面向,其一是依照發生時間、二是依照所涉入之政治實體、最後則是依照兩國利害互動之場域,以簡單整理討論之體系次序。 / This thesis aims to sort through government diplomatic archives and historical literature, to analyze and discuss Sino-Russo relation centering the Hsin-hai Revolution period, from 1911 to 1912. The reformed army uprise that occurred in Wu-Chang, Hu-Pei on October, 10, 1911 and the following series of event it triggered eventually caused the collapse of the Ching dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China, making it an important event in 20th century East Asia history. Between the Russia Empire and the Ching Empire, along with the Republic of China, share a well extended border on land. The political, economic, diplomatic and military interaction between the two nations also has profound and lasting influence toward the becoming of modern China from the later part of the 19th century forward. The research was mainly done by organizing through diplomatic archives and memoir at the time to outline the framework of the two nations’ relationship, adding in documents from interest related nations such as Japan and the United Kingdoms to construct a more multi dimension perspective.
This thesis separates the study of Sino-Russo relation events during the Hsin-Hai revolution period into several different dimensions. The first is the time the event takes place, the second is by the political entity involved in the event, and the third is the area of interest or conflict of the indicated event, to make out a basic order of discussion.
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言語の起源 : 自分自身との対話としての思考 : 人工生命の観点からTONOIKE, Toshiyuki, 外池, 俊幸 11 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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台灣RU486的生命政治 / The Biopolitics of RU486 in Taiwan蔡佳蓉, Tsai, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從傅柯(M. Foucault)的生命政治(biopolitics)觀點,指出口服墮胎藥物RU486之治理體系建構,如何延續了台灣近代從家庭計畫、《優生保健法》立法以來的生命政治(biopolitics)脈絡,卻又因台灣1990年代民主化政治的發展,而不以過去集權政治的方式,反而透過社會行動者之間的互動與角逐形塑而成。台灣近代的人口治理自家庭計畫至《優生保健法》立法時期,執政當局都是秉持著同樣的整體人口治理觀,傳播人口控制與經濟發展扣連的論述,使治理體系越加周延與激進徹底。到了RU486時期,集權的治理已不在,但在對人口進行整體調節,與對肉體進行個體規訓的生命權力(bio-power)論述,仍滲透在行動者的論述中,不斷地擴散與再製,並使得人民被形塑出治理性(governmentality)。RU486治理體系中的臨床規訓實作,即使仍有模糊、不合法的使用不斷地挑戰治理體系的界線,但又透過生命政治體系來回不斷的建構而逐漸被收編至體系內,成為體系的一環。在RU486合法化過程積極參與的女權團體,其興起與集權政治的退場密不可分,同樣積極參與的醫生團體則是透過不斷地與執政當局合作,而發展出其專業自主權,而成為產科領域的唯一專業代言人。RU486因此做為一種整體人口治理的人工流產技術物,其體系之形塑卻因不同社會行動者的積極介入,而在整體調節之餘也部份地彰顯了行動者的自主性,形成了與家庭計畫、《優生保健法》時期的節育與墮胎技術不同的屬性。 / From Michel Foucault’s perspectives on biopolitics, this article explains how the construction of governance system of abortion pill RU486 path-depends on the biopolitics contexts of the family planning and Genetic Health Act. Due to the political democratization during the 1990s in Taiwan, this construction is not shaped by the authority before, but through the interaction and competition of social actors. In Taiwan, the population governance from the family planning to Genetic Health Act in recent years keeps the same population control values, diffusing discourses about the connection of population control and economic developments, and then makes the whole governance system more integral and radical. To the period of RU486 legalization there is no more authority, but bio-power discourses upon overall regulation of population and individual disciplinary of body still infiltrate into the discourse of actors, shaping the governmentality of people. The clinical practices of RU486, though the fuzzy, illegal practices of RU486 still challenge the boundary of governance, are incorporated in a part of the system through the dynamic construction of biopolitics. The rise of feminist organizations that deeply participate in the process of RU486 legalization, is a result of disappearance of authority. Doctor groups, which also participate in the process of RU486 legalization, rise and develop their professional autonomy through the continuous cooperation with the government, becoming the only spokesperson of Obstetrics. We could say that RU486 is a kind of abortion artifact for population governance; apart from the overall regulation in the process of shaping RU486’s governance system, the actors’ autonomy is manifest. As a result, RU486 obtains a different property with the contraception and abortion technologies in the periods of the family planning and Genetic Health Act.
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非賓格不及物動詞在U型語言發展中受到非賓格及物動詞,被動語態,和主詞生命度的影響 / Interaction of Alternating Unaccusatives, Passives, and Animacy Effect in the U-shaped Development of Non-alternating Unaccusatives石惠中, Shih, Hui Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以Kellerman (1978) 的U型學習理論為基礎做擴大研究。本篇論文旨在探討英文程度不同的中文為母語之人士,在學習非賓格不及物動詞時是否也會出現U型曲線,除此之外,非賓格不及物動詞與非賓格及物動詞,被動態,主詞生命度之間的互動也將做討論。
在這個研究中,我們採用語法判斷(Grammaticality judgment)來測試受測者對於非賓格不及物動詞的理解和中英轉譯(Chinese to English translation)來測試受測者對於主詞生命度和主被動態之間的影響。此研究共有123位受測者,他們根據學習英文的長短被分為四個組別,分別是低、低中、中、與中高程度。
此研究可歸納為以下結論。(1) 不同英文程度的中文為母語之人士,在學習英文非賓格不及物動詞時也會出現U型曲線。此即意味著U型曲線不僅僅出現在母語為荷蘭語學習非賓格及物動詞Break的學習上,更可擴大到母語為中文學習非賓格不及物動詞上。(2) 中文為母語之人士無法正確使用非賓格及物動詞,並且會把非賓格及物動詞當作非賓格不及物動詞。(3) 在學習非賓格不及物動詞中,主詞生命度確實會影響學習者使用主被動態之不同。當主詞有生命時,句子傾向使用主動態,當主詞是無生命時,句子傾向使用被動態。 / The study is based on Kellerman’s (1978) U-shaped leaning on break to do further study. The study aims to examine if the learning of non-alternating unaccsatives for L2 Chinese learners of English with different proficiency presents a U-shaped curve. In addition, the interactions among alternating unaccusatives, non-alternating unaccusatives, passives and animacy effect are discussed as well.
In the study, we use grammaticality judgment task to test participants’ understanding of non-alternating unaccusatives, and adopt Chinese to English translation task to test animacy effect in non-alternating unaccusatives. 123 participants involve the experiment of the study. Among these participants, they are classified as four groups, low, low-intermediate, intermediate, and high-intermediate, according to how long they studied English.
The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) There is a U-shaped curve in learning of non-alternating unaccusatives for L2 Chinese speakers learning English. It suggested that U-shaped learning is not only in alternating unaccusatives break in L1 Dutch but also in non-alternating unaccusatives in L1 Chinese. (2) For L2 learners, they are unable to use alternating unaccusatives correctly and tend to view alternating unaccusatives as non-alternating ones. (3) Animacy effect does influence the choices of voice forms. The study showed that participants tend to use active voice while the subject is animate and prefer to use passive voice while the subject is inanimate.
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各險種經驗死亡率之分析與期保費高低估之探討 / The analysis of empirical mortality rates for different insurance products and the estimations of insurance premiums呂政治 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣經濟的大幅提升與保險的觀念在國內越來越盛行,許多的人都會選擇去投保,本研究採用的資料是從保險事業發展中心所獲得,其收集台灣各個保險公司所銷售的保單,包含定期險、生死合險和終身壽險的資料。我們藉由此資料來分析具有何種特質的人會去購買何種保單,哪些因素會造成死亡率之間的差異。近些年來,台灣的生活水準和醫療水平有顯著的進步,台灣人口的死亡率也因此大幅地下降,男女間的平均餘命也隨之增加,台灣逐步地邁向高齡化社會。但隨著死亡率的改善,保險公司之前所銷售的較長年期的保險商品,有可能會造成保險公司低估或高估其保費,使公司未來的現金流量不穩定。而且以前公司通常是使用生命表的死亡率為基礎,但這樣並不能真正反映有保險人口的死亡機率,因此,我們將使用實際投保的資料,透過Whittaker修勻和Gompertz法則,計算其死亡率,並利用Lee -Carter模型去對未來的死亡率做預測,探討死亡率的下降,會對保險公司造成何種衝擊與其影響到底會有多大。
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蘇俄來華使者推動中國革命之研究(1917-1923) / A study of Russian messengers' efforts on promoting China revolution movements between1917 and 1923張榕文, Chang, Jung Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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感恩、生命回憶形式對高齡者幸福感的影響 / The Effect on Older Adults' Well-being of Gratitude and Types of Life Reminiscence陳貽照, Chen, Yi Chao Unknown Date (has links)
綜合上述兩個研究的結果,研究者認為,感恩及正向回憶形式對高齡者是否能有較佳的幸福感確實有一定程度的影響,且若能引導高齡者多注意其日常生活中值得感恩的事情或是正向事件,將能使其感受到更多的正向情緒,也有助於幸福感的提升。換言之,即使到了老年階段,只要用對了方法,要擁有幸福快樂的銀髮生涯其實並不難! / This research, adopting positive emotion, negative emotion, and life satisfaction as the criteria of subjective well-being, tried to examine the effects of grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence on successful aging.
In study1, the researcher proposed that grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence, among other life situation variables which changed with age (e.g., health condition, functions of daily life, economic status, and social activities), could predict the well-being of the elderly. Three hundred and thirty five participants who are over the age of 55 were surveyed in groups or individually. The results were as predicted, grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence could predict the well-being of the elderly, even after controlling for some basic life situation variables, they still could explain 6.0% and 9.6% of variance respectively. The mediation effects were also examined and results indicated that, (1) "the positive type of reminiscence” could completely mediate the effects of grateful disposition on positive and negative emotion, but only partially mediated the effects of grateful disposition on life satisfaction; (2) “grateful emotion” completely mediated the effect of grateful disposition on positive emotion, and partially mediated the effect of grateful disposition on life satisfaction, but did not mediate the effect of grateful disposition on negative emotion. Furthermore, these two mediator variables, the positive type of reminiscence and grateful emotion, had its own specific mediating effect, and could not replace each other.
In Study 2, an experiment was conducted to examine the causal relationship between grateful emotion and well-being of the elderly. Seventy five elders who actively participated in life-long education classes were recruited. They were assigned to one of four different experimental conditions and received different instructions. The first condition was called the daily gratitude condition and participants were told to write down the grateful experience from their current daily lives. The second condition was called the life gratitude condition and participants were asked to recall the grateful events from their past. Participants in the third condition were told to write down their daily important events. In the last condition, which is also the control condition, participants were asked to fill up questionnaires only. The results indicated that, after seven weeks of writing, the elderly in the daily gratitude condition had significant more positive emotion than those who in the control condition. However, the effect was quite short-lived and it disappeared one month later after the writing manipulation. The results also indicated that writing down grateful events from the past did not enhance the subjective well-being, the elderly in the condition showed neither significantly higher positive emotion nor higher life satisfaction than those who in the control condition. It might be because these events were too far away to elicit the present emotion and feeling effectively. In addition, the result also revealed an interesting finding about the daily important events group. The elderly in this condition showed same degree of positive emotion and well-being as those who in the daily gratitude condition. It might be due to the fact that the elders who were asked to write down important daily events did record more positive events than negative events.
In summary, it can be concluded that, gratitude and the positive type of reminiscence did have impact on the well-being of the elderly. We can successfully promote the elders’ well-being by leading them to savor their daily grateful events. We believe, even stepping into elderhood, people are still capable of pursuing their own well-being and can live a good life, if only they choose the right way!
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