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企業生命週期與股價關聯性之研究 / The Association Between Earnings and Stock Prices--A Test of The Business Life Cycle Hypothesis侯運神, Hou, Yun Shen Unknown Date (has links)
會計的主要目的在提供有用的資訊,以幫助使用者制定相關決策。由於一般公認會計原則採用應計基礎,重視收益實現原則及配合原則,因此盈餘資訊一直相當受到重視。自Ball & Brown及Beaver從事有關盈餘與股票報酬的研究開始,許多實證研究的結果均支持盈餘具有資訊內涵。國內有關這方面的研究亦不在少數,但所得的結論並不一致,有些支持盈餘有用,有些則否。基於這個原因,本研究乃由企業生命週期的觀點來探討盈餘與股價的關聯性,以了解盈餘對股票報酬是否具有解釋能力。
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論毒癮戒治程序-我國與德國進行毒癮戒治程序的比較 / Therapy program on drug addiction洪麗雯 Unknown Date (has links)
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自由的束縛—伊朗革命前後的政治論述與被建構的穆斯林女性主體 / Bonds of freedom: pre- and post- revolutionary political discourses and the constructed subject of Muslim women in iran鄭慧儀, Cheng, Huei Yi Unknown Date (has links)
伊朗自進入二十世紀遭受西方帝國的殖民後,穆斯林婦女的穿著問題一直成為殖民者與被殖民者討論的焦點。本文以「後殖民」理論學者Gayatri C. Spivak所認為主體與政治的關係,說明女性在歷史、文化論述之中所居「賤民」地位,實與知識暴力、文化霸權等議題相連結,從而影響女性地位的說法,試圖由伊朗在巴勒維時期過渡至伊斯蘭共和國此階段歷史(1953-1989)中對於穆斯林婦女穿著(hijab)論述,商榷或討論Spivak理論與實際上存有的差異。
左派知識份子如Jalal Al- I Ahmad、Ali Shariati,以及宗教學者Murtaza Mutahhari等人,分別以「中西毒」概念,聖女法蒂瑪形象,以及伊斯蘭公、私領域的概念,批判時下盲目西化的人們,藉此釐清社會現象背後的帝國症狀,與有心人士摧毀伊斯蘭的詭計,他們共同指出復興伊朗的唯一途徑即在於伊斯蘭。
本文以殖民者與賤民史家對於女性的論述個別分析,並以何梅尼所建構的「教法學者權威」(wilayat al- faqih)作為「女性賤民可否發言?」此提問的重點,探視伊朗革命的發生,與女性參與此中所指涉的意涵。在後殖民研究的脈絡裡,由宗教角度的分析,能更清晰地描繪出在帝國主義與傳統父權勢力雙方交織下的個別論述,使婦女之聲顯得微弱的現實。 / The attire of Islamic women has been the point of concern for the colonist and the colonized since Iran has been colonized by Western Imperialism. Departing from the Postcolonial theorist Gayatri C. Spivak’s concern of the relationship between the subject and politics, this thesis intends to explicate that the issue of women as the subaltern in the historical and cultural discourses is closely associated with epistemic violence and cultural hegemony and this has greatly affected the status of women in Iran. I will then go to the discourses of Muslim women’s attire, hijab, from transitional Pahlavi regime to the Islamic Republic(1953-1989)to discuss Spivak’s theory and the actual condition.
Mohammed Riza Pahlavi, King of Pahlavi regime, followed in his father’s footprints and led the White Revolution to modernize Iran. To consolidate his power, Pahlavi employed a series of modernization programs and carried out persianization. In terms of his policies toward women, he wanted women to take off their hijab and participate in public affairs so that they can help establish the State of Great Civilization.
Leftists such as Jalal Al- I Ahmad, Ali Shariati and the ulama Murtaza Mutahhari applied the concept of occidentosis, the image of Saint Fatima, and the differentiation of public and private spheres in Islam to critique people’s blind westernization. They intended to uncover the Imperialist symptoms behind social phenomena and pro-westernizers’ schemes to destroy Islam and pointed out that the only way to revive Iran lies in Islam.
Through the theories the various intellectuals proposed, the Islamic government propounded by Khomeini focuses on Divine Laws and legal rulers and through appeals to the spiritual jihad, he maintains that the power should be consigned to the al-faqih (jurist) who has not only excellent knowledge of Islamic law but also a sense of justice. After overthrowing the Pahlavi regime and establishing himself as political authority, Khomeini holds that in the Islamic Republic, the duty a woman needs to fulfill is to act according to what this ideal state requires: to be moral as well as pious.
In this thesis, I will analyze respectively discourses on women from colonists and subaltern studies theorists and concentrate on Khomeini’s wilayat al- faqih (the governance of the jurist) in order to respond to the question: Can the Female Subaltern Speak? Therefore, we can take a closer look at the eruption of the Islamic Revolution and the significance of women’s participation in political activities. In postcolonial studies, a religious perspective can help us see even more clearly that women can hardly speak for themselves between Imperialism and traditional patriarchal powers.
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從生命理解生命-重探狄爾泰生命詮釋學 / Life grasps life-Re-search into Dilthey's hermeneutics of life師雲儀 Unknown Date (has links)
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慢性B型肝炎病毒感染之年齡相關模型及存活機率分析 / An age-dependent model with survival analysis on chronic hepatitis b virus infection陳炘毓, Chen, Shin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在此篇論文中,我們提出一個慢性B型肝炎病毒感染病程之數學模型。因為在病症間的轉移機率(Transition probability)是隨著患者的年齡變動,所以在過去的文獻中,已經有學者提出,在疾病轉移機率模型中,應加入國民生命表(Life table),藉此讓機率模型更符合B型肝炎病患的生命歷程。但是過去的文獻中,學者並沒有利用加入國民生命表之後疾病模型做進一步的病程分析。在這篇論文當中,我們假設原始的疾病轉移模型是符合馬可夫鏈的性質,並且提出一種加入國民生命表的方法,賦予疾病有年齡相關特性之模型。根據文獻數據和類馬可夫機率性質,我們使用著名的Chapman-Kolmogorov公式計算B型肝炎的自然病程機率,並畫出病人的生存機率曲線(Survival curve)。文章最後將會藉由兩個例子來介紹此篇論文提出的模型。實驗數據結果證實,此模型不僅提供了一個更精確的方法去分析在病症與死亡間的轉移機率、平均餘命(Life expectancy)、以及在不同年齡的存活機率(Survival probability),並且可以更進一步的分析且瞭解病情狀態之間的轉移狀況。 / In this thesis, we propose a new mathematical model extending the natural history of hepatitis B virus (HBV) prognosis progression on chronic HBV infection. Since the actual transition probabilities between symptoms are dependent of ages, it has been proposed that the life table should be accommodated to the HBV prognosis progression model so that it can more properly explain the disease progression of the HBV patients. But in the literature, no further disease analysis and applications of it with the life table are discussed. In this thesis, we assume that the original disease progression is described by a Markov model, and propose a new method to combine the HBV progression with the life table so that the proposed model integrates data from the life table and allows the accommodation of age-dependent properties of the target disease. With clinical data based on annual incidence rates, the entire model is Semi-Markov based in nature. Computation methods similar to the celebrated Chapman-Kolmogorov equation can be applied to study the associated probability of each likely trajectory with desired initial ages and health states under the scenarios of natural history and various treatment policies. This method provides a more accurate way to analyze the transitions between symptoms, such as the mean life expectancy or the survival probabilities at different ages. We will give examples to demonstrate the proposed method in this thesis. Numerical results show the proposed model not only provides a more accurate method to analyze the mean life expectancy, the survival probabilities at different ages, and the transition probabilities from symptoms to death but also helps us to understand the transitions between symptoms.
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俄國女性革命家 維拉‧沙蘇里契及其政治思想轉換劉淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本文題目為「俄國女性革命家 維拉‧沙蘇里契及其政治思想轉換」,專述沙蘇里契的生平要事與其思想轉換過程。好比她在勞動解放社和俄國社會民主黨在十九世紀末的紛爭,另外在火星報時期列寧和普列漢諾夫之間的紛爭中也可以看出沙蘇里契的樞紐角色。在幾乎二十五年的時間裡,在反政府恐怖主義運動中,她不得已地刺殺了德列波夫之後,她便拋棄了恐怖暴力革命之思想,並在土地與自由社的分裂當中,吸引一些追隨者隨她加入黑土重分社,同樣地她在一八八三年更有助於發掘第一個俄國馬克思主義社會,如此一來,永久地分裂了民粹主義,長久以來換得了一個激進的社會主義觀點。一度在一九○三年,沙蘇里契扮演一個在孟什維克派與布爾什維克派的分裂中重要的角色。
第三章則題為從民粹主義至馬克思主義的思想轉換,也就是銜接沙蘇里契的自我形成與之參與民粹派活動。第四章則題為馬克思主義中的維拉‧沙蘇里契,此段時期為她一生中革命事業與地位之最高峰。第五章題為一九○九年至一九一四年的取消派與維拉‧沙蘇里契。第六章題為十月革命以後的維拉‧沙蘇里契,此時已然為沙蘇里契在政治舞台上最後一段時期。第七章為結論部分,主要呈現研究目的與研究結果相互回應下所產生的維拉‧沙蘇里契之思想原貌與轉變原因,並利用垂直分析,來使讀者清晰本論文之目的與結論,更進一步回應本文之研究目的。 / The topic of this dissertation is “ The Russian female revolutionist- the life of Vera Zasulich and her transformation of political conviction.” The focus of this research is her life and the transformation process of her political conviction. For example, her role in the Liberation of Labour, Social Democratic Labour Party, and her relationship with Plekhanov and Lenin.
At first, the focus is an introductory part in a piece of this research. In the second chapter, touching upon her life, she was born into a poor family in 1849. Her father died when she was three years old and as her mother was unable to cope, she sent Vera to live with wealthy relatives in Biakolovo. When Zasulich finished her schooling she moved to St. Petersburg and found work as a clerk. She became involved in radical politics and met Sergi Nechayev, the co-author with Mikhail Bakunin of Catechism of a Revolutionist. Zasulich joined a weaving collective and became active in the movement to educate workers, conducting literacy classes for them in the evenings.
In the third chapter, the focus is her transformation from a populist to a Marxist. In 1876, Zasulich found work as a typesetter for an illegal printing press. A member of the Land and Liberty group, when Zasulich heard that one of her fellow comrades, Alexei Bogoliubov, had been badly beaten in prison, she decided to seek revenge. Zasulich went to the local prison and shot Dmitry Trepov, the Governor General of St. Petersburg. She was arrested and charged with attempted murder. During the trial the defence produced evidence of such abuses by the police, and she conducted herself with such dignity, that the jury acquitted her. When the police tried to re-arrest her outside the court, the crowd intervened and allowed her to escape.
In the fourth chapter, the focus is the role she played in the Marxist period. In 1883, Zasulich joined with George Plekhanov and Paul Axelrod to form the Liberation of Labour, the first Russian Marxist group. Later she moved to Switzerland where she became active in the Social Democratic Labour Party (SDLP) and served on the editorial board of Iskra.
From the fifth to the seventh chapter, the key point is the latter part of her life. At the Second Congress of the Social Democratic Labour Party in London in 1903, there was a dispute between Vladimir Lenin and Jules Martov, two of SDLP''s leaders. The last part, she returned to Russia during the 1905 Revolution but after its failure ceased to be active in politics. During the First World War Zasulich supported the war effort and opposed the Bolshevik Revolution. Vera Zasulich died in 1919.
The objective of this research is to analyze three subjects:
1.The causes of her transformation in her political conviction.
2.The relationship between Zasulich and Lenin under changing of the Russian political form.
3.The thinking of the latter part of Zasulich''s life.
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俄羅斯與美國在喬治亞的戰略競逐 / The Strategic Competition between Russia and the United States in Georgia王嘉瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文的研究發現將俄、美在喬治亞的戰略競逐分為三個時期,第一個時期是俄羅斯掌握傳統影響力,美國進入裏海能源領域(1991~1996年);第二個時期是美國積極經營,俄羅斯處於被動(1997~2003年);第三個時期是美國掌控主動權,俄羅斯伺機反擊(2004~2009年)。在這三個時期,俄羅斯與美國在喬治亞的地緣政治影響力呈現此消彼長的態勢,俄羅斯無力阻止美國在喬治亞軍事、經濟、政治上的積極布局,俄羅斯步步退讓,逐漸喪失在喬治亞的地緣政治影響力。然而,2008年的俄喬衝突卻有了戲劇化的發展,俄、美在喬治亞的勢力重新洗牌,美國依舊擁有提比里斯政權的支持,與喬治亞進一步合作,繼續維護美國在喬治亞的地緣利益。俄羅斯雖然與提比里斯的關係低到冰點以下,但卻得到分離地區阿布哈茲與南奧塞梯亞的支持,俄羅斯透過與阿布哈茲和南奧塞梯亞的合作關係控制兩地,從而維繫在喬治亞的地緣利益與外高加索的地緣政治空間。未來,喬治亞預料仍將因其地緣政治的重要性,持續做為俄羅斯與美國地緣戰略競逐的重要舞台。 / The collapse of Soviet Union in the last century fundamentally changed the geopolitics of Georgia. Its geopolitical values in the Eurasian continent have been improved after the Soviet Union era. In the past, Georgia was a key country that Soviet Union utilized to maintain its country interest and defense security. It served as an entrance to the Black Sea for Soviet Union, as the import and export trading between Caucasus and Middle East relied on it. Meanwhile, it was also the critical sector between the Soviet Union and NATO. However, Russia and Georgia have stopped cooperation since their respective independence; both parties had ceased partnership due to issues of border demarcation, ethnic conflicts, military bases, etc. On the other hand, the United States also competed for its energy interest in the Caspian Sea region, and the passage and strategic values of Georgia has drawn attention of the United States. Georgia, therefore, has become a stage of geostrategic competition for the two superpowers that are the United States and Russia.
This study utilizes the geopolitics and realism theory of the international relations as an approach to observe the strategic competition of the United States and Russia in the Georgia. First, I reviewed the geopolitics and realism theory of the international relations and discuss the geopolitical values and elements of Georgia, as well as its strategic meanings for the United States and Russia. In the thesis, the geopolitical activities of the United States and Russia are discussed respectively. The bilateral relations between Russia and Georgia, as well as the United States and Georgia are deeply analyzed in terms of geo-economic benefits, geopolitical threats and geopolitical practices, including the cooperative relations for Georgia with Russia and the United States; the competition for energy interest in the Caspian Sea region between the United States and Russia; the positions of the United States and Russia on joining NATO for Georgia; the positions of the United States and Russia on the Rose Revolution; and the conflict relations between Russia and the United States on the 2008 Russia-Georgia Conflict (South Ossetia War).
Finally, the findings of this study divide the strategic competition of the United States and Russia in Georgia into three periods: The first period is that Russia had traditional power and the United States meddled in the Caspian Sea region for energy (1991~1996); the second period is that the United States operated actively while Russia operated passively (1997~2003); and the third period is during which the United States took the initiative while Russia waited for the opportune moment to counterattack (2004~2009). The geopolitical influences of the United States and Russia on Georgia have been constantly changed through these three periods. Russia was unable to strategically stop the military, political, economic plans of the United States in Georgia and had gradually lost its geopolitical influence on it. However, the conflicts between Russia and Georgia in 2008 had a dramatic development. The influences on Georgia of the United States and Russia have been changed again. While the United States have gained Tbilisi’s support to continue cooperation with Georgia to maintain the geo-economic benefits in Georgia, and while Russia has a bad relationship with Tbilisi, Russia has gained support from the two breakaway regions, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Russia controls these two regions by cooperating with them to maintain the geopolitical interest in Georgia and the geopolitical space in South Caucasus. Due to its geopolitical significance, it is expected that Georgia will continue to serve as a critical stage of the geostrategic competition between the United States and Russia.
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突圍 – 軟體代理商的競爭模式 / Software distributor competition strategy洪志輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本文將以數位影像及多媒體的代理商,在台灣的通路發展為主軸,探討這樣通路商所面臨的問題及策略決策模式。其中我們將以該產業最著名代理商為個案研究標的,以該個案為主軸探討此類通路商的如何應用五力分析在市場處於發展階段,用以發展自身的競爭優勢及其策略,在市場面臨成熟時如何應用技術採用生命週期的觀點,面對網際網路普及其對通路的衝擊,並提出可行的對應策略及建議。 / Computer softwear had been the most powerful and imfluenced tool to humannity for the then and now on, which drived by Internet and hardware popularity. Before the Internet age, software’s diffusion would depend on the orginial developer’s creativity and local Distributor’s marketing, sales force to deliver this kind of intelligent and intangible products to the customer. However as the Internet age comes, some of these connection had been changed. Image and Multi-media products could be on of the the most dramatice impact groups.
In this thesis we would focus on Image and Multi-media software Distributor’s. With the most famous Distributor’s case study, we could further understand how they to build core competition and long term strategy to compet the competition and fulfill the consumer and orginal developer’s needs. Especially after the Internet age, what’s the key strategy make it survive and stronger. In this case we would learn how to use Five Fore Analysis to build core competetion in the market growing age, and how to fit in Technology Adoption LifeCycle theory in the realy world and wha’s the solution for the coming age.
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智慧財產民事案件之證據保全與秘密保護-以秘密保持命令為中心 / 無陳增懿 Unknown Date (has links)
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梁啟超劇作及其戲劇觀之研究 / A study on the drama and drama views of Liang Chi-Chao林豐藝 Unknown Date (has links)
梁啟超親自示範「新傳奇」的創作,為了將新思想帶入作品,因此援引西史「意大利建國三傑」傳記作為題材,不僅「援史作劇」還「以劇喻今」,將劇中「紫髯碧眼兒」充作「優孟衣冠」,達到醒民、教育、宣揚愛國精神的「政治功能」。梁啟超創作的劇作包括傳奇劇本《劫灰夢傳奇》、《新羅馬傳奇》、《俠情記傳奇》另有《花木蘭傳奇》殘稿五頁;另有為學生演劇創作的廣東戲劇本《班定遠平西域》。這些劇作所傳遞的主題思想包括一、揭露社會的頹敗現況,喚醒群體憂患意識。二、讚揚英雄與游俠「捨己無畏」的精神,召喚救國志士。三、強調國民教育與國民責任。四、闡揚尚武精神,革去「疲弱」的民族形象。五、灌輸女子平權與新社會觀念 。六、表達對國家改革的殷切盼望。雖完整作品僅《班定遠平西域》一部,但透過劇作實踐,可以使其歸於「小說界革命」中的「戲劇改良」主張能夠展現「獨立」的樣貌。
在劇本的藝術表現方面,梁啟超仍依照傳奇體製進行創作,但在舊有形式上稍作變革。除了因應故事跨時之久、史實人物眾多,因此在腳色出場次序、行當安排需作權變之外,仍運用上場引子、賓白、曲文、科介、曲牌聯套、淨丑科諢、下場詩等傳統形式進行創作,雖偶有出律犯規之處,但仍保留了傳奇的樣貌。在劇本形式上的變革,主要是在曲文賓白與人物塑造這兩方面。梁啟超將自創的「報刊體」風格運用在曲文賓白的撰寫上,包括使運用新語詞和口語化的書寫風格,尤其利用淨丑科諢,大量使用新詞彙還加入了外國語,做了全新的嘗試。而主角賓白唱詞,仍維持「典雅」風格,點染新語詞、新概念之後,形成一種新意境。在人物塑造方面,除了利用賓白曲文表現之外,透過全新的「穿關」、「砌末」塑造出「西洋人物」形象,另外還利用「演說介」、「讀新聞紙介」、「宣誓介」等動作指示,不僅塑造人物形象,也以「置入性行銷」的方式,向讀者宣傳參與政治活動的方式。歸納綜整梁啟超的戲劇觀包括:一、以「新小說」概念統括「小說」與「戲劇」。二、以「文學進化論」為戲曲定位。三、吸納「文學啟蒙」觀念的戲劇功能論。四、「援史作劇,以劇喻今」的創作理念。五、「以俗載道」的傳播觀念。六、 以多元式評論「現身說劇」。
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