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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


鄧熙華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在於探討「人力資源政策制定」對「組織競爭力與績效」之影響,並依此發展人力資源政策內涵與運作過程之評量工具。在透過對領導才能、組織使命、人力資源政策、組織文化、與組織競爭力、績效等變項關係探討後,進而運用結構方程模式之統計方法,嘗詴發展「人力資源政策之競爭力模式」,以提供後續相關研究與實務應用之參考。 / 本研究透過嚴謹編製程序,針對研究變項編製相關量表,並進行專家會議與信效度及因素分析。此外,本研究採立意抽樣方式共蒐集136份樣本,經過統計分析後,結果顯示本研究所發展的「領導才能」、「組織使命」、「人力資源政策」與「組織文化」等量表的內部一致性信度皆在.90以上,且在效標關聯效度(與組織績效之r值介於.59-.71之間)檢驗上皆達顯著的效果。另外,本研究「人力資源政策量表」中的政策內涵部份,研究分析發現,此量表包含「執行型人力資源政策」及「策略型人力資源政策」兩個向度,其分量表之內部一致性信度分別為.96與.93,而在效標關聯效度(與組織績效之r值分別為.62與.60)檢驗上亦皆具有顯著效果。 / 最後,本研究之假設考驗及模式驗證之結果顯示:1.領導才能乃是透過組織使命影響人力資源之政策表現; 2.在人力資源政策部份,政策內涵對組織文化具有正向顯著的效果,但政策運作過程與組織文化僅有正向顯著相關,政策運作過程無法預測組織文化;3.策略型人力資源政策並未比執行型人力資源政策對組織文化具有更正向的顯著效果;4.執行型人力資源政策與策略型人力資源政策,透過對組織文化強度的影響,提升組織之競爭力與績效表現。研究者最後針對研究結果及修改後的「人力資源政策之競爭力模式」,與對未來的學術研究及實務應用提出具體的建議。

我國科技公司採用產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統下的研發知識管理活動之探討 / Knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system: The case of Taiwanese high-tech companies

廖柏侖 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產業與經濟的全球化的浪潮下,「研發」與「創新」成為我國科技產業對抗全球的競爭壓力與推動組織營運的重要後盾,在新產品不斷推陳出新的帶動下,愈來愈短的產品生命週期,以及愈來愈多變的顧客需求,「速度」成為企業取得競爭優勢的關鍵因素,因此,我國企業紛紛透過導入產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統以縮短產品開發時程,使企業掌握新產品上市的先機。此外,透過PLM系統快速連結與蒐集研發知識,有助於企業實踐知識管理,加速組織與科技的融合與智慧財產的傳承,二十一世紀是知識經濟時代,企業能活用個人與組織內、外部的知識,則可創造價值並提昇企業競爭力。PLM系統使組織內研發之知識可有效的管理,並運用逐漸累積的資源形成的珍貴之研發知識,有效整合與串連成組織重要的知識資產;然而,知識管理之推展除資訊系統外,亦需要組織活動的配合。 本研究同時從組織與資訊科技(PLM)兩構面來探討研發單位的知識管理活動,旨在剖析台灣科技公司採用PLM系統下的知識管理活動,並瞭解影響研發知識管理的關鍵因素。本研究採個案研究法,首先經由文獻回顧導出實證研究的觀念性架構,再以此理論觀念模式為主軸進行個案訪談,實地深入訪談四家科技公司,瞭解其研發知識管理活動及運作模式。 本研究所得到的初步研究發現包括:(1)在研發知識管理推行實務上,企業需同時重視組織與資訊科技兩構面的作為,並將兩者平衡使知識管理達到真正的效益;(2)企業的知識分享文化與高階領導者態度等內部因素,對於研發人員的知識管理活動具關鍵影響力;(3)績效評估制度知識管理目標的配合,有助於知識管理效益的提昇;(4)企業研發創新的程度影響其知識創造的來源;(5)企業透過供應鏈的多元合作關係,形成知識創造的網路關係;因此,品牌廠商與代工廠商兩者的知識管理活動具有相依性;(6)企業透過PLM系統的採用將知識管理結合於作業流程之中,並使研發過程中個人之知識轉化為組織之知識;(7)企業的知識管理策略影響其知識擴散之作為。本研究最後並對企業經理人與後續研究者分別提出實務上與研究上之建議。 / Taiwanese high-tech industry has been emphasized the value of R&D innovation since 2000 in order to survive under the strong competition in globalization environment. The capability of innovation and efficiency of product development have been on the highly priority of companies. Hence, Taiwanese companies implement the product lifecycle management (PLM) system to improve product development schedule. Knowledge is an important intangible asset for companies in the 21th century. Because of PLM system, companies could manage R&D knowledge through collecting and linking R&D project or event. However, the promotion of knowledge management could not exist without the information systems and organization activities. This article considers the knowledge management activities from organizational and technical aspects. The purpose of the research is to examine the knowledge management of R&D division under the implementation of PLM system, and find out the key factors which influent R&D knowledge management. The research adopts four Taiwanese high-tech companies as Case Studies and has interviews with managers to understand knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system. By knowing inside information of knowledge management in the R&D division of companies would make my research more practical and well-organized to give examples and facts to the future implementation of PLM system for Taiwan industries.


李正星 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技產業經過三十多年的發展,已累積了雄厚的資金與技 術基礎。而近日來由於政府政策的倡導與產品應用的擴展等緣故,使 得LED 產業成為當前最具未來發展潛力之產業。對於以投資在具有發 展潛力產業的創業投資公司來說,LED 相關之產業儼然成為投資首選 的目標。然而,台灣的創業投資事業的發展在2000 年達到高峰之後,近年來以日漸趨緩。雖然整體大環境表現不佳,但是其中仍不乏表現不錯的創業投資公司。本文以「源創管理顧問」為研究對象,以其投資於LED 產業為例,探討其創投經營之成功關鍵。研究發現,「股東人際網絡的運用」與「產業供應鏈的整合」為源創管理顧問最主要之核心要素。與其他創投公司相比,源創管理顧問除了投資標的公司以外,仍以股東之人際網路資源促進標的公司與上下游供應鏈之間的關係,一方面確保標的公司之穩定成長,另一方面也同時促進LED 產業之技術升級,以及加強與國外大廠之合作。以LED 產業國際分工的成效,以個案公司為例,本文建議台灣未來創業投資事業的發展也可採取國際分工的模式,如此一來除了可使創業投資公司處於有利優勢外,亦可完成其對於國家整體產業升級的使命。 / Taiwan High Tech Industry has developed for over thirty years and has amassed huge quantity of capital and technology knowledge. Due to government policies and product usage expansion in recent years, LED has become a highly potential industry. Therefore, venture capitalists are likely to lean towards investing in this industry due to its high growth rate. However, the development of venture capital has since slowed down upon reaching its peak in year 2000. Though most ventures did not perform well however, there were some that did well. The company studied in this thesis is InnoStream Consultancy Services. The study is to explore on their investment in the LED industry and the reasons for success. The study has discovered the usage of networking and integration of supply chain as the elements for the achievement. Different from the rest of industry, InnoStream made use of resources such as the network of its shareholders to foster the supply chain integration. As such, they managed to ensure steady growth of the company, development in their LED technology and strengthened in ties with overseas manufacturer. This study suggests international cooperation in the LED industry. Such a policy will improve the competitiveness of Taiwan’s LED industry in the global market, and result in industry upgrade.

自由的行政裁量與受限的法拘束力—大法官會議解釋的個案分析 / The Impossibility of Legal Constrain on Bureaucratic Discretion: A Case Study of Supreme Court Rulings

林俞君, Lin, Yu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過公共選擇途徑,檢視行政機關面對主管之行政命令遭大法官會議宣告違憲後的裁量行為,藉此瞭解行政機關面對司法審查的制衡監督,將表現出哪些樣態的裁量模式;並藉由公共選擇途徑關於理性自利人的假設,以「交易」的概念連結行政與法律,以補充兩者過去缺乏交集、各說各話的現象。 本研究追蹤至民國97年底為止判決行政命令違憲的解釋,共66筆。依大法官解釋是否賦予行政機關修改命令的裁量,以及命令是否修改,將66筆解釋分成四大類,並統計修改所費的時間。透過統計分析以及深度訪談,本研究發現:大法官未賦予行政機關修改裁量,雖然確能提高命令修改的比例,但是對於控制行政機關在一定的年限內完成修改卻未有顯著的結果。行政機關雖然原則上會停用違憲法規,但卻不一定願意將新的作法明文化,其間的理由包括節省修正命令的成本,或是爭取更多決策商議的機會等。縱使最後依然完成修正,「依法行政」卻不是其真正的動機;減少組織成本或政策執行成本、增加組織的正當性等才是行政機關決定修改、不修改命令,或是否在期限內完成修訂的真正理由。而大法官解釋對行政機關的制衡力量,也因為大法官作成解釋之後再無有效的監督機制而打了折扣。同時,司法審查與行政之間的制衡關係必須放在整個民主授權結構中進行理解;正因兩者關係並非處於真空環境,授權結構的資訊不對稱、多重委託與多重代理的問題,同樣會發生在司法對行政的監督關係中,因此大法官在結構上就無法完整地扮演制衡、監督行政機關的角色。 基於以上發現,本研究認為司法對行政的制衡,除了司法審查制度本身以外,應當依照行政機關的偏好模式設計監督機制。包括將違憲的命令交由行政院研考會統一管考、監察院可針對行政機關延遲修正命令的行為進行糾正,並要求遭判違憲的行政命令之修正、失效與廢止皆須對外公告,避免行政機關以節省成本為由,讓法規失去扮演政府與人民之間的契約的功能。 / This research intends to answer the question of “how Supreme Court Rulings have impacts on bureaucratic discretion?” As the superior judicial review authority, Supreme Court Rulings are usually thought as an authority which bureaucrats must obey. Is it really the case? In this research, both bureaucrats and Supreme Court are seen as rational actors who have preferences over different outcomes, as the Public Choice theorists usually depict. Author utilizes public choice theory to bridge the gap between the fields of public administration and public law on the issue.. Empirically, this study collects the administrative decrees which were announced unconstitutional by Supreme Court before the end of 2008 in Taiwan. Sixty-six Supreme Court Rulings are found and categorized into four groups by two dimensions: (1) whether the grand judges give the bureaucrats discretion and (2) whether the bureaucrats follow the grand judges’ will to reform the decrees. Both secondary data analysis and in-depth interviews are used in this research to figure out bureaucrats’ preference and the way they respond to the grand judges’ decisions. The statistical result shows that after been announced unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, about 15% of the administrative decrees stay the same. The reasons for this “unresponsiveness” to the Supreme Court Rulings are varied case by case. Basically speaking, bureaucrats take laws as means to fulfill their tasks. They are not motivated to follow the rule of law if there is a requirement to pay an excessive costs to achieve the policy goals. It is interesting to know that judicial review is high on its moral ground but sometimes it is a mechanism without an administrative devises to enforce their rulings. Also, the problems of information asymmetry, multi-principle and multi-agent will also be found in the relationship between Supreme Court and bureaucrats. To sum up, on the one hand, this research has shown that to follow the rule of law is not bureaucrats’ priority. As a result, an administrative mechanism is needed to enforce the Supreme Court Rulings. For example, the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) of Executive Yuan or the Control Yuan can be assigned to do the job. However, on the other hand, the Supreme Court always stands on the side of protecting human rights against government activities, sometimes the rulings might lead to government activities unworkable as we can see from the cases of the Rulings 400 and 440. How to balance the issue of protecting citizen’s rights and governability of the administrative agencies is one of the key problems needed to be solved in order to realize democratic governance in the future.

應用消費價值理論分析小筆電的消費者行為 / Applying consumption value theory to analysis consumer behavior of the netbook

潘彥廷 Unknown Date (has links)
自2007年Eee PC刮出一陣小筆電的旋風,由07年一直紅到09年,這段過程中爭議不斷,很多廠商當作是金融海嘯下的神兵利器,也有很多廠商認為是讓筆電產業變紅海的致命毒藥;而眼前看到的事實包括07連續兩年亞馬遜網路賣場的熱賣,與華碩在08年第四季因庫存過多導致的首次虧損等,這些狀況更讓人覺得是霧裡看花,究竟小筆電的產業趨勢會如何發展,廠商又該如何制定競爭策略與規劃產品發展呢?本研究的目的就是要藉由研究小筆電的消費者行為,進而發掘小筆電的產業趨勢,並協助廠商制定競爭策略並規劃產品發展。 本研究以Sheth的消費價值(Consumption Value)模式為基礎,再配合消費者行為區隔(Segmentation)與Kotler產品屬性理論中的核心利益(Core Benefit)與基本產品(Basic Product)發展為本研究的研究架構,調查方式是以線上問卷的便利取樣法調查小筆電的潛在顧客,研究方法則先由因素分析找出樣本的消費價值,再藉由多變量分析以了解消費者的購買行為間消費價值的差異,藉以判斷不同購買時期、不同購買行為的消費者在數量與消費價值的趨勢,最後再檢定消費價值與產品屬性的相關系數來判斷該如何根據消費價值調整核心利益的發展方向與基本產品的規格,並配合檢定結果和敘述統計來分析小筆電的產業趨勢。 本研究透過實證分析得到以下的發現: 1. 四項消費行為在性別、年齡層、職業類型、年收入間至少有一項具有差異。 2. 消費者整體而言,較認同小筆電帶來的功能性價值與情境性價值 3. 四項市場區隔至少有一項消費價值具有顯著差異 4. 以調查的時間點來說,不同時期的已購者與未購者間的情境性價值有顯著差異,代表已購者受情境性因素決定購買小筆電。 5. 以調查的時間點來說,有意願在未來不同時期購買小筆電的消費者與沒有意願的消費者在社會性、情感性、情境性價值有顯著差異,代表未來影響消費者購買小筆電的因素以非功能性價值居多。 6. 已購者占有意願購買者的增加與已購者有六成比例不願意再次購買都意味著小筆電市場有可能逐漸成熟甚至衰退,廠商須重視情境性與情感性價值。 7. 有意願消費者的購買預算中位數落在一萬到一萬五千元之間,此價位購買者的新奇性價值顯著較高,而更高價位消費者的玩家專業性價值顯著較高。 8. 消費價值在消費者的各品牌偏好間無顯著差異。 9. 各消費價值與核心利益間至少有一項顯著相關,有意願購買的消費者最期待的核心利益是輕便可攜與價廉物美。 10. 各消費價值僅三項跟基本產品的升級意願有顯著相關,有意願購買的消費者最願意付費的產品屬性是品牌、處理器與電池。 / After Eee PC announced in 2007, the netbook blow a tornado until now. In this period, many people applauded and believe the netbook will be hot continuously. But, many people thought the netbook will fades gradually. The manufacturers had two different opinion, too. Many of them regarded the netbooks are sharp weapon under the financial crisis. Another though the netbooks were fatal toxicant and made the notebook industry became red sea. These opinions were confused. Beside these opinions, many facts made forecasting the trend of the netbook more difficult. We knew the netbook won the 2007 and 2008 best-sellings in Amazon online store. But we knew ASUS showed the first loss in 2008 Q4 because of excessively stock of netbook, either. All facts were just like fog, let us cannot figure out the netbook industry tendency. Therefore this research is to discover the netbook industry tendency and to help the manufacturer plan competition strategy and the product development. This research is based on the conceptual framework composed by the Sheth(1991) consumption value pattern as foundation, the consumer behavior segmentation theory and Koteler(2006) product attribute theory. We adopt on-line questionnaire to survey potential customer by convenient sampling method in this research. We use the factor analysis to find out consumption value, use MANOVA, ANOVA, Scheffe and Tamhan analysis to understand market trendancy among different periods and different consumer behaviors. Finally, we examine correlation coefficient between the consumption value and the product attribute to find the clue of product roadmap. This research obtains following findings: 1. Four consumer behaviors show at least one difference among sex, age, job and salary. 2. As for the whole, the consumers agree the functional value and the conditional value of the netbook. 3. Four segment approachs show at least one difference among seven consumer values. 4. The consumers who buy the netbook in the different period show remarkable difference in the conditional value. 5. The consumers who will purchase the netbooks in the future different time and those who won’t buy show remarkable difference among the social value, the emotional value and the conditional value. 6. Repeat buyer will become the majority of buyers in the future. And 60% buyer won’t purchase the netbook again. That mean the netbook market has the possibility become mature market even to decline gradually in the future. The manufacturers must focus on the conditional value and the emotional value. 7. The budget of the consumers who are willing to purchase fall on NT 10,000 to 14,999 dollars , whose epistemic value is remarkablly higher than others. The higher budget (NT$15,000 ~ NT$24,999) consumers’ player and perfessional value is remarkablly higher than others. 8. These consumers who perfer different brands show no difference among consumption values. 9. Consumer prefer convenient and cheap among six core benefits of the netbook. Each consumption value has at least a remarkable correlation with a core benefit. 10. Consumers prefer better brand, CPU and battery among ten basic product attributes of the netbook. Only three consumption values show the remarkable correlation with the basic product. Keywords: netbook, consumption value, consumer behavior, product attribute, segmentation, product life cycle, industrial tendency, innovation diffusion

話題行銷在偶像劇行銷之應用 以偶像劇「命中注定我愛你」為例 / The application of hot topic marketing on marketing idol drama ----taking the idol drama show “Fated to love you” as an example.

張正芬 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣偶像劇自2001年開始發展至今,已經成為台灣電視劇的主流,在面對高度競爭的收視市場,如何能吸引觀眾收視,行銷是重要的。而在傳播行銷過程中,如何能引起媒體報導加以宣傳、如何能有效使用行銷工具、整合行銷偶像劇,「話題」是重要的。 話題行銷就是將偶像劇產品一致性的訊息設定,建構媒體有興趣報導的題目及內容,也就是媒體話題,透過媒體的報導宣傳,形成閱聽者有興趣的話題,再加以討論、流行、傳播,形成有效傳播產品訊息的行銷。 本研究是以「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇為例,由於「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇創下了台灣偶像劇歷史的最高收視紀錄,分段收視高達13.64%;另一方面本劇亦獲得民國97年度廣播電視金鐘獎的「年度電視節目行銷獎」,本劇在播出期間引起平面媒體爭相報導,共計超過二百篇平面報導、網路熱烈討論,話題熱度高到平均天天平面媒體均加以報導,本劇在台灣偶像劇發展史中,的確具有指標性意義,故以「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇為研究個案。 本研究分別從話題行銷的「策略面」、「戰略面」、「執行面」加以分析,並且從「大眾傳媒通路」及「行銷工具通路」兩個面向,即傳媒通路應用的「報紙」、「電視」、「網路」、「雜誌」及行銷工具中的「活動」、「廣告」、「公關」、「DM」中,執行整合行銷傳播的應用研究, 在話題行銷的「策略面」及「戰略面」分析中是以「傳播模式」及「整合行銷傳播」加以研究,在話題行銷的「執行面」研究,是透過本劇的行銷團隊、產製劇組、媒體記者的實際訪談及相關資料加以整理分析,匯整訪談重點及行銷資料,找到「話題行銷」於「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇行銷的研究發現及結論。 / Since year 2001, Taiwanese idol drama has become the main trend of Taiwanese TV drama show. Marketing is very important in how to attract the audience in a highly competitive TV rating market. However, within the process of media marketing, the “talking point” is very significant because it is how we catch the media’s attention, has them advertise for us and how we can use the marketing implements effectively, and unifies the marketing strategies for the idol drama. “Hot topic marketing” is to set up a certain type of message that makes the peripheral products of the idol drama has its consistency. In this way, it constructs the topic and context that the media is interested. Through media’s reports and advertising, the topic becomes an interesting issue among the audience. When the audience talk about it, it become more popular so it is spread out and the marketing of product selling become even more effective. This research uses the idol drama “Fated to love you’ as an example as a case study. The drama show “Fated to love you” created the highest TV rating record among the Taiwanese idol drama records ever, and the sectional rating was high up to 13.64 %. Besides, the script also won the prize of “Yearly Best Marketing TV program” in Golden Bell Awards in year 2008. During the broadcasting time, it attracted so many print media to rival for priority to report news about the show. There were over 200 written reports writing about this drama show, and it is also been discussed through the interest ardently. The popularity was so high at the time that print media almost have reports about the show daily. Therefore, the idol drama show “Fated to love you” is very indicative in the development of Taiwanese idol drama show. This research will talk about the “maneuver aspect’, “strategic aspect”, and the “executive aspect” of hot topic marketing and using them to analyze the drama show. Also, through the dimension of using “Mass Media approach” such as newspapers, television, internet, and magazines;“Marketing implements approach” such as propaganda activities, advertisement, relations, and flyers, we can execute the applied research study on integrated marketing dissemination. Within the analysis on the aspect of “maneuver” and “strategy” on buzz marketing, I put emphasis on “Communication Model system” and “Integrated Marketing Communication in particular. I found some discoveries and conclusion on hot topic marketing within the drama show “Fated to love you” through analyzing our marketing team, production group, reporters actual interviews and other related data.

中國周邊外交戰略之研究(2001-2009) / China's Strategy of Peripheral Diplomacy(2001-2009)

楊宗鑫 Unknown Date (has links)

「高山低頭,河水讓路」 —大躍進時期革命語言之研究 / “The mountain lowers the head; the river allows passing through”— Study of revolutionary language in the great leap forward

劉兆崑, Liou, Jhao Kun Unknown Date (has links)
大躍進運動,貫徹烏托邦主義,結合毛澤東及其追隨者賦予的闡釋,加上嚴格管制的官方宣傳體系與人民對理想的渴望,演變為大規模集體狂熱運動。對共產主義世界、烏托邦理想的期待與將國家推往急速發展的思想,這種思想化為多樣化的語言論述,藉由傳媒大肆散佈,並形成獨樹一幟的語言風格。 本研究分為五個章節,除導論簡述本文研究要旨外,首先將說明革命語言與中國共產黨之關聯性,定義革命語言的基本內涵,並說明中共革命語言的形成。其次說明中共宣傳的策略與手段,對意識形態及語言的散播發生何種影響。而後進入研究核心,以《人民日報》、《紅旗》文獻與《紅旗歌謠》新民歌,歸納大躍進革命語言的構成內容,並依據前文歸納,分析革命語言的特徵。 / The Great Leap Forward carried out Utopia doctrine, combined the explanation that Mao Zedong and his followers offered to, in addition, the official propaganda system that control strictly and aspiration of the people about ideal, developed into extensive collective's fanatic movement. The expectation of communist world and Utopia ideal, thought of push the country to develop rapidly, the thought turned into variety of languages, spread out by the media, and formed the language style of taking the course of its own. This research is divided into five chapters, except that the introduction, at first will prove the relation of revolutionary language and the CCP, define the basic intension of the revolutionary language, and explain the forming revolutionary language of CCP. Secondly, to show that CCP’s propaganda tactics and means how influenced ideology and language. And then enter the core of studying, in the documents of " People's Daily ", "Red Flag "'and new folk songs of " Red Flag Ballad ", sum up the composition content of the revolutionary language of the Great Leap Forward, and according to preceding paragraphs, analyze the characteristic of the revolutionary language.

高校新教科群:2 心と身体の科学 (III.中学選択プロジェクト・高校新教科群の取り組み)

石川, 久美, ISHIKAWA, K., 中村, 明彦, NAKAMURA, A., 佐藤, 喜世恵, SATO, K., 山本, 裕二, YAMAMOTO, Y. 30 November 2006 (has links)

新教科群2 : 心と身体の科学 : 揺らぎを通して多角的に学ぶ (Ⅲ. 高校新教科群の取り組み)

石川, 久美, Ishikawa, K., 佐藤, 喜世恵, Sato, K., 中村, 明彦, Nakamura, A., 山本, 裕二, Yamamoto, Y. 30 November 2005 (has links)

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