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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張曉琴, Zhang, Xiao-Qin Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 本章主要包括研究動機與目的、研究架構與定義、文獻探討與研究問 題。 第二章 研究方法 本研究是採問卷調查法,問卷收回後,並以內容分析法將收看電 視綜藝節目之動機加以歸納處理,最後並以SPSS來統計分析所有資料。 第三章 研究結果與分析 依電腦跑出來之結果,解釋、分析台灣地區成人收看電視 綜藝節目的動機和行為。 第四章 結論與建議 本研究之目的,除了欲瞭解台灣地區成人收看電視綜藝節目之 動機與行為,並希望能提供給實務界做為執行與改進之參考。


何穎怡, He, Ying-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 研究動機與目的 一貫道乃台灣少數秘密宗教之一,本研究要探討此一特殊 團體成員之傳播媒介使用與認知,並探討何者因素影響其媒介使用與認知。 第二章 文獻探討 本研究理論架構俱重媒介使用與認知,國外已有針對特殊團體所 做之研究,本研究則希望一探國內特殊團體之媒介使用與認知。 第三章 研究方法 本研究使用問卷調查蒐集資料,採立意取義法,分南、此、鄉村 、都會區在全省共抽十二個一貫道廟宇做調查,共取三百七十個樣本。 第四章 資料分析 本研究採用電腦分析ヾ信徒媒介使用情形ゝ信徒媒介認知情形ゞ 人口學變項、宗教涉入與媒介使用及認知之關聯性。 第五章 結論與建議。


胡傳孝, Hu, Zhuan-Xiao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究自我概念與品牌選擇的關係,全文約四萬字,分五章十作節,各章主要內 容如下: 第一章緒論本章稍略介紹自我概念的觀念,有關的研究及研究目的,并簡介研究範圍 與內容。 第二章有關理論與文獻探討本章闡明自我概念的基本觀念及理論、過去有關自我概念 在顧客行為的研究,并提出研究假設與本文研究之觀念架構。 第三章研究方法說明研究的步驟,產品及品牌的決定,樣本設計,問卷設計、分析技 術及研究限制。 第四章研究結果就本研究所提的研究假設予以檢定并分析討論。 第五章結論與建議摘述本研究的發現及結論、提出建議、且提出本研究成果行銷上之 具體貢獻。


羅燦煐, Luo, Can-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論共分三節: 研究動機與目的、研究問題及研究架構。旨在探討與新聞記者 接觸程度不同者, 其記者形象是否有差異? 并試求探究塑成記者形象之相關因素。 第二章為與本研究有關之文獻探討, 下分二節: 研究理論及有關名詞之界定。旨在介 紹有關形象之理論并界定論文中之有關名詞。 第三章研究方法, 下分三節: 問卷設計、抽樣與調查及統計方法。本研究采問卷調查 法, 分別調查一般民眾、新聞科系學生、新聞聯系人及新聞記者等四群樣本之記者形 象, 及其相關因素。樣本數共五百九十人, 將採用變異數分析及相關分析等統計方法 。 第四章為結果分析與解釋, 第五章為結論與建議。

在電腦施測情境中,促發、警告、時間限制對降低社會期許之效果 / Reducing social desirability bias of personality scale in computer administration mode: Effects of priming, warning, and time limit

張軒正, Hsuan-cheng Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討在模擬甄選情境中,情境因素對降低社會期許之效果。本研究採三因子2×2×2受試者間之實驗設計,所操弄的三個獨變項為: 1.促發(priming)受試者誠實作答的傾向之有無 2.測謊題警告之有無 3.作答時間的限制之有無;依變項為社會期許正、負向題分數與三個人格測驗向度(適應性、親和性、審慎性)的分數。本研究分為研究一、研究二兩階段進行。研究一之受試者包括企業應徵者81人與國小實習老師92人,研究結果顯示:三個獨變項中,只在有「測謊題警告」情境下能顯著降低社會期許正向題的分數。「時間限制」則在無「促發」之情況下,會提升「親和性」人格之分數。針對研究一的結果,研究者改變「促發」與「時間限制」的操弄方式,其它研究程序相同,進行研究二。研究二之受試者為503位大學生,研究結果顯示:「促發」會提升社會期許負向題的分數,且在有「時間限制」、無「警告」的情況下,亦可提升「適應性」分數。「測謊題警告」可降低社會期許正向題的分數,並有降低「親和性」分數之趨勢。「時間限制」仍然沒有任何效果。 研究者分別就研究一、研究二之結果加以討論並提出可能的解釋。此外,研究者亦嘗試驗證與討論社會期許量表中正向題與負向題之建構。最後研究者檢討本研究之限制,並對未來之研究方向提出若干建議。 / The influence of three situational factors on reducing social desirability bias under simulated selection context was investigated in 2 studies. A 2×2×2 experimental design was used in these 2 studies. The three independent variables were: 1.’’Priming’’ the honest responding tendency. 2.Warning of having a lie scale. 3.Time limit for each question. The dependent variables included: 1.Two dimension scores of social desirability scale (positive keying items and negative keying items). 2.Scores of three personality dimensions (adjustment, likeability, prudence). Subjects of study1 were 81 job applicants and 92 elementary school interns. The results indicated that “warning of having a lie scale” could reduce the scores of positive keying social desirability scale. “Time limit” increased the scores of “likeability” under “no priming” situation. According to the results of study1, the author modified the manipulations of “priming” and “time limit”, and conducted study2. The subjects of study2 were 503 college students. The results indicated that “priming” could increase the scores of negative keying social desirability scale. “Priming” also increased the scores of “adjustment” under “time limit” and “no warning” situation. “Warning of having a lie scale” could reduce the scores of positive keying social desirability scale, and also had the trend to reduce the scores of “likeability”. “Time limit” still didn’t have any main effect on dependent measures. Base on the results for study1 and study2, the author discussed the effects of 3 situational factors on reducing social desirability bias, and also tried to clarify the construct validity of two-dimensional social desirability scale. The author also discussed the limitations of the present research, and made some suggestions for future research.

身心障礙機構之經營理念與高效能管理 / Organizations that serve people with disabilities: management philosophy and high-performance management

陳育雯, Chen, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為理解當前國內身心障礙福利機構的經營管理理念概況,並透過績效表現的不同,結合高效能組織的經營管理特徵,歸納出身障機構的高效能管理方向。而透過研究所發現的經營管理理念特徵,將可提供給政府、機構經理人、或其他身心障礙福利機構關係人,作為組織經營之參考依據。同時也期望透過本研究之結果,指出身心障礙福利機構之經營成果,除關注服務品質以及受顧者需求之外,適當的投入經營管理能力與訓練,對於組織成效也會產生相當的效益。   本研究係採問卷調查法,針對內政部所公布的「第七次全國身心障礙福利機構評鑑」之應受評機構名冊(2008年12月底資料),全國共256間身心障礙福利機構,並以各機構或所屬基金會的董事長,以及機構的負責人如院長或主任為研究對象。問卷共計發放405份,回收數量為255份,皆為有效問卷;其中包含67位董事長,及178位主任或園長,而機構則是回收了203間,故本研究的問卷回收率整體為63%,而針對機構的問卷回收率則為79%   經由因素分析、信度考驗、次數分配與百分比、多變量變異數分析、T檢定、Pearson相關分析、單因子變異數分析後,首先發現目前國內的身心障礙福利機構於其經營管理理念,大致呈現正面的反應;除「事業規劃與創新能力」程度需加強,以及尚無法「避免管理風格之斷層」外,大致都能符合高效能管理之特徵。另一方面,透過本研究也得知,機構管理者的年齡、性別與NPO工作年資,對於其經營管理理念特徵會存有差異;且針對機構本身,身心障礙福利機構的成立年數、員工與志工人數、募捐比例、或服務類型差異,也會對於其經營管理理念存在差異。   最後針對不同評鑑表現的身心障礙福利機構,在經營管理理念上也存有顯著差異,且評鑑表現越佳的組織,於內部管理或是面對外部環境的應變力,也會有較好的表現,其中又以「資源有限性」、「簡單人治」、「缺乏標準化」、「策略規劃型態」、與「操作環境變動性決策特徵」等管理特徵越顯差異,並能與高效能組織管理特徵相互配合,發現評鑑成績優良的機構,較具有高效能的經營管理特性。   故由結論提出以下幾點建議: 一、針對政府相關機構與評鑑委員,當前的評鑑指標較無涉及經營管理理念議題,但透過本研究得知,受評成績較佳的機構也同時有較佳的經營管理特徵,故兩者可相互配合;而於未來的評鑑設計建議可加入相關組織管理量測項目,以幫助受評組織了解自我於經營管理上的缺漏或可增強之處。 二、針對身心障礙福利機構的高階管理者,本研究實證結果得知評鑑結果與機構的類型、屬性、規模,皆不會與評鑑等級存有相關性,故說明規模化或是特定服務類型與屬性,並非獲得較高評鑑等級之關鍵;然評鑑的成績卻與經營管理理念息息相關,機構除關切受故者需求與自身品質外,有效的經營管理才能將服務更具效率的提供給社會大眾。 三、對於持續關心本議題的對象,首先對於NPO的專業發展來說,透機構的發展與成長,不僅是為遵循相關規則以滿足評鑑之要求,背後成功的因素,也包含導入有效的經營管理理念或系統,而促使更高的服務品質與達成目標的效率性;另一方面對於相關領域的教育者,除了提供機構專業服務的輔佐外,也需要提供經營管理層面的教育訓練或幫助,才可達到機構有效的成長與整體身障服務水平之提升

數位典藏應用於國中自然與生活科技學習領域生物教學之研究 / A study of integrating digital archives into biology teaching in the nature and life technology science for the junior high school students

丁裕峯, Ting, Yu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在瞭解數位典藏運用於國中生物教學的現況,以國中生物教師與國一學生為研究對象,探討生物教師使用數位典藏網站尋找教學資源的相關經驗,以及應用於生物教學的教學成果,並從這些經驗中分析出目前數位典藏運用於生物教學的現況,提出相關建議以提供生物教師教學上之參考。研究目的包括:瞭解國中自然與生活科技領域生物教師尋找教學資源的方式,使用數位典藏網站蒐集教學資源的經驗以及應用於生物教學的效果與看法,瞭解數位典藏網站應用於國中生物教學時學生的學習效果,綜合生物教學現況,提出改善方法與建議。 本研究採用訪談法與問卷調查法,以數位典藏生物相關網站為主要研究範圍,研究對象以國中生物教師與國一學生為主,針對數位典藏運用於教學的成果,訪談5位國中生物教師,瞭解教師運用網站教學的過程與教學效果,以及選取國一5個班每班30位學生為問卷施測對象。將5位教師的訪談資料綜合分析與歸納,以及學生問卷統計與分析,提出研究結果。 研究結果,本研究分別從「教師訪談」與「學生問卷」兩個面向提出研究結論。於教師訪談面向得出結論為:(一)收集生物教學資源的管道與使用網路蒐集教學資源的動機方面:收集生物教學資源的管道以網路資源、多媒體教學光碟以及報章雜誌為主,使用網路蒐集教學資源的動機在於網路資源豐富與多元、不受時間與空間的限制、使用網路尋找教學資源方便與快速、數位化資料方便教師整理教學資源與製作補充教材。(二)使用數位典藏網站蒐集生物教學資源的優點與困難方面:優點包括網站資料豐富且適合生物教學使用、資料逐年更新與增加以及具權威性且值得參考。其困難點包括適合教學使用的資料不夠豐富、資料不易查找、特殊檔案類型無法下載或下載後無法開啟。(三)數位典藏網站資源運用於生物教學的成果方面:提供學生互動、多媒體的學習方式,使教學活潑有趣;圖片素材豐富,能使學生的注意力集中,配合學習單與作業練習,引導學生做課後延伸學習。(四)數位典藏網站運用於生物教學的現況與困境方面:生物課程時間有限,使用數位典藏網站教學的機率不高;學校上網速度、電腦設備以及教師本身資訊的應用能力,是教師決定是否使用數位典藏網站的原因之一;相關的教學補充資源豐富,容易取得與播放,使用數位典藏網站機率降低。 於學生問卷面向則分別從「數位典藏網站應用於生物教學的看法與學習成果」及「數位典藏網站應用於生物教學的優缺點」兩方面做成結論。(一)數位典藏網站應用於生物教學的看法與學習成果方面:學生對於網站教學方式感到新奇有趣,網站上的圖片與影片能幫助課程內容的理解,網站上的資訊比課本豐富,與老師互動的機會變多,以及課後延伸學習資料豐富。(二)數位典藏網站應用於生物教學的優缺點方面:在優點方面,學生認為上課活潑有趣、圖片生動容易懂以及比課本資料更豐富多元;在缺點方面,包括內容太多、複雜難懂、用網路學習覺得麻煩以及無電腦與網路就無法上課。 根據研究結果,本研究提出之建議包括:(一)建置國中教學專區於數位典藏網站;(二)建議針對數位典藏內容再予加值運用;(三)開放下載使用數位典藏網站資源;(四)建構完善的學校網路環境;(五)增加網路授課時間;(六)提升教師資訊應用能力。 / The study is mainly to understand the situation of digital archives applied to biology teaching at junior high schools; targeting biology teachers at junior high schools and the first year junior high school students to explore related experiences of biology teachers using digital archives website to seek for teaching resources and the teaching outcomes applied to biology teaching, to analyze the situation of digital archives applied to biology teaching from these experiences for the time being, and to propose suggestions to biology teachers in terms of a reference to teaching. The research purposes include : understand the way the biology teachers at junior high schools search for teaching resources in nature and life science fields, their experiences in collecting teaching resources over digital archives website and the effects and viewpoints of applying digital archives to biology teaching, so as to understand the learning effect of digital archives websites on students while applying to biology teaching at junior high schools. The study introduces interview and questionnaire survey and follows a scope of digital archives related websites; targeting biology teachers at junior high schools and the first year junior high school students, with 5 biology teachers at junior high schools interviewed upon the outcomes of digital archives applied to teaching in order to understand the process of website teaching used by teachers and the teaching effect, and with 30 students of the 5 classes of first year student selected as questionnaire respondents, in which the research outcome will be proposed after comprehensive analysis and summary of interview data with 5 teachers, as well as a statistic analysis of student questionnaires. The study is concluded in terms of two perspectives – “teacher interview” and “student questionnaire”, respectively, in which the conclusions made from the perspective of teacher interview are : (1) channels to collect resources for biology teaching and the motives to use the internet to collect teaching resources : channels to collect resources for biology teaching are web, multimedia tutorial CD and newspapers/magazines-based, the motives for using internet to collect teaching resources - abundant and diverse resources online, no time and space limit, convenient and rapid search of teaching resources online, e-data helps teachers consolidate and make supplementary course materials. (2) Advantages and difficulties in using digital archives websites to collect resources for biology teaching : the advantages include rich website data that fit for biology teaching, update and addition of information from year to year make the data authoritative and is worth referencing. The difficulties include insufficient data for teaching, inaccessibility to data, unavailability of special file type download and opening after download. (3) Outcomes of website resources of digital archives applied to biology teaching : provide students an interactive and multimedia learning manner and enable a vivid and interesting teaching; rich picture materials to get students’ attention along with learning sheet and assignment practice to guide students to conduct learning after school. (4) Situation and dilemma of digital archive website applied to biology teaching : a limited biology curriculum has enabled low probability of teaching over digital archive website; the internet speed, PC equipment at schools and teachers’ capability in applying the information, are one of the reasons for teachers to decide whether to use the digital archives website; rich supplementary resources for related teaching, accessibility and playing have reduced a chance of using the digital archives website. The conclusions of student questionnaire were made from the “viewpoints and learning effect of digital archives websites applied to biology teaching” and “advantages/disadvantages of digital archives websites applied to biology teaching” respectively. (1) “viewpoints and learning effect of digital archives websites applied to biology teaching”: a manner of teaching online is new and interesting to students, the images and videos on the web help understand the course contents, the information online is more abundant than that of books, there will be more chance to interact with teachers and rich data for extended learning after school. (2)“advantages/disadvantages of digital archives websites applied to biology teaching”: the class is interesting and cheery to students in terms of advantage aspect, the vivid pictures are easy to understand and are more diverse and abundant than the textbooks; while too much contents, complicated and hard to comprehend, it is bothering to learn over internet and you can’t have class without a PC and internet connection are the disadvantages. The suggestions proposed by the study upon the research outcome include :(1) establish special zone for junior high school teaching on the digital archives websites; (2)add value to the contents of digital archives and make use of it accordingly; (3) availability of download of digital archives website resources ;(4)construct a complete e-environment at schools; (5)extend hours of e-class; (6) foster teachers’ capability in applying the information.

以合作式教學法提昇高中生閱讀能力之研究 / The Use of the Cooperative Language Learning to Enhance Senior High School Students’Reading Comprehension

林志雲 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣的英文學習環境中, 閱讀能力ㄧ向被視為學習中最重要的ㄧ環 , 然而, 閱讀所帶來的沉重負擔, 讓許多學生在有限的教學時數之下往往成為了犧牲品,特別是低成就者。班上參差不齊的英文程度,也對老師造成了教學上極大的困擾。 本研究旨在探討 ,以合作式學習法來縮短學習者程度上的差異,進而提升整體的閱讀能力。此外, 互動式閱讀技巧也分別在實驗組與控制組中教授, 以檢視其對閱讀能力的影響。 參與本研究的學生為 79名台北某公立高中的兩班九十四學年度高一新生, 實驗組施以合作式學習法,控制組則為傳統老師講授的方式, 兩組在同一時間內閱讀同一本教科書, 並分別施以前測, 後測。 最後, 並再針對所有研究對象施以問卷調查, 以期了解研究對象對合作式學習法及互動式閱讀技巧之回應。此外, 老師上課的觀察紀錄及小組的檢視表也一併在本研究中被採用。 本研究的結果摘要如下: 1. 在學生閱讀成就方面,實驗組以漸進的方式,最後超越控制組。 2. 在一學期互動式閱讀技巧實施之後, 研究對象之閱讀能力明顯提升。 3. 在實驗組中 ,高、中、 低成就者對合作式學習法展現許多雷同與少許差異的反應,但整體而言,皆傾向於正面的肯定。 4. 閱讀技巧在實驗組與控制組中似有明顯之差異, 顯見研究對象會依教學活動採取不同的閱讀技巧。 根據研究結果, 本論文擬提出對現行高中閱讀教學之建議,俾為教師及未來研究者提供參考。 / In an EFL environment in Taiwan, reading is regarded as the most essential skill. However, for most students, abundance in reading material makes them feel stressful--especially the weaker ones who tend to be sacrificed due to limited instruction time. For teachers, how to deal with a big mixed-level class has therefore become the most important task. An aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of cooperative language learning (CLL) skills in bridging gap among students with differing academic abilities and in enhancing students' overall reading comprehension. In addition, the interactive reading approach was adopted in both the experimental and the control groups to examine its effect upon them. Participants of this study included 79 tenth-graders from two intact classes in one public senior high school in Taipei in the fall semester of 2005. The experimental group was engaged in three CLL activities and the control group was instructed in the traditional teacher-centered methods. Both groups were taught by the researcher with the interactive reading approach. During the span of this study, the participants in both groups were assigned to read nine lessons from the textbook. In the meantime, they were instructed under the CLL methods and the traditional teacher-centered methods respectively. Besides, they were given a pretest and four posttests during and after the study. In time, two questionnaires were adopted: one for investigating the reading strategies used by the participants in both groups and the other for measuring the CLL group participants' attitudes and responses of the CLL group toward CLL teaching. Besides, the teacher's classroom observation and the group processing checklists were also employed in this study. After four months of experiment, the main results of this study can now be summarized as follows: 1. The experimental group gradually outscored the control group on the reading comprehension test during the experiment. 2. The participants’ reading comprehension ability improved significantly after the implementation of interactive reading approach. 3. The results showed some similarities and differences among the high/low achievers and the average students in their perceptions toward the CLL. However, the participants' attitudes toward and responses to CLL may be described as being supportive and positive. 4. The adoption of reading strategies seemed diverse between the two groups. On the whole, when exposed to different teaching activities, the participants adopted different reading strategies accordingly. This study concludes that the effects of CLL might be better than those of individual learning in a big class on senior high school students' reading proficiency. It also suggests that the interactive reading approach can be used to enhance senior high school students' reading ability.


吳清山, WU, GING-SHAN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學導師專業教育背景、管教態度對學生生活適應之影響。因此 ,所探討的問題計有:(一)導師性別對學生生活適應是否有影響?(二)導師專業 教育背景對學生生活適應是否有影響?(三)導師管教態度對學生生活適應是否有影 響?(四)導師性別與專業教育背景對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響?(五)導 師性別與管教態度對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響?(六)導師專業教育背景與 管教態度對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響? 本研究採用問卷調查法 研究對象取自台北市九所國民中學四十八個班級,學生二、 ○九四人(男生一、○四四人,女生一、○五○人)。研究工具為自編「導師管教態 度問卷」及路君約教授修訂之「少年人格測驗」。統計方法採用項目分析,t 考驗及 變異數分析等方法。 全文共一冊,約八萬字,分為六章二十五節,第一章緒論,說明研究動機與目的,研 究問題與假設,及重要名詞詮釋;第二章文獻探討,分別探討生活適應的意義、歷程 及衡量,教師性別對學生生活適應的影響,教師專業教育背景對學生生活適應的影響 ,及教師管教態度對學生生活適應的影響;第三章研究方法,說明研究對象、研究工 具、調查步驟、及資料處理;第四章研究結果;第五章結果討論;第六章結論與建議 ,根據結論提出建議供師資訓練機構、學校教師及未來研究者之參考。


黃慶堂, Huang, Qing-Tang Unknown Date (has links)
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