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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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資料探勘於保險電話行銷之實證研究 / An Empirical Study on Data Mining in Insurance Telemarketing

方國莉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內金融市場的蓬勃發展,競爭日趨激烈,必須開發不同之銷售通路以降低經營成本與增加銷售規模,而電話行銷市場為金融業爭取市占率的主要競爭策略,其中又以保險電話行銷為最主要,在有限人力規模及商品差異性低之市場競爭下,消費者資訊更顯出其重要,因而開拓消費者資訊及如何自各戶名單篩選適合銷售之客戶名單成為保險電話行銷成功的重要關鍵。 本研究主要是探討零售業客戶之消費行為與保險電話行銷成交之關聯性,利用資料探勘技術建構回應模型,同時找出適合保險電話行銷的客戶資訊,進而達到建立最佳成本效益之人力配置。本研究實證樣本資料為電話行銷業與零售業者合作銷售之個人壽險資訊,取得之樣本客戶名單數為252,727筆,並於2010年08月至2011年07月進行撥打,成交客戶1,071筆,成交率為0.43%,此成交率低於可獲利之狀態,且銷售人員也不願意撥打,故此名單將不適合保險電銷的經營。本研究利用資料探勘技術進行歸納、分析及評分,找出高回應率的顧客族群且高於損益兩平成交率的名單以適合保險電銷的經營,同時避免浪費人力資源。 本研究發現客戶之年齡、職業、過去交易行為等變數皆對成交率有正面顯著影響,且若將客戶透過本模型篩選後並給予評分,再依其分數由高至低排序後,以每以5%均切為20等份,可發現前5%客戶成交率為1.31%,較原先成交率提升3.06倍,故經歸納結果分析,透過資料探勘技術對客戶進行分層,可有效地配置行銷資源,提高電話行銷的經營效率。

委員會參與真能回應政策需求嗎? 以全民健康保險會參與為例之評估 / Can Committee Participation Be Responsive to Policy Demands? An Evaluation of Participation in Taiwanese NHIC

羅凱凌, Luo, Kai Ling Unknown Date (has links)
行政部門委員會為政府內具有公共參與特質的合議制組織,來自社會層級的利害關係人被納入決策圈,並共同決定政策內容,作者稱之為委員會參與機制。此決策模式結合了社會與政府對公共參與的期待,並在世界各國廣泛使用。行政管理者宣稱可透過社會代表性的提升,提高政策的正當性與回應性;但實務上,委員會卻遭遇密室協商、激化對立、政治操弄等質疑。對此,本研究提出以下疑問:公共參與是否真能回應社會的政策需求?該如何具體評估參與績效? 依據委員會的決策結構特質,作者由公共參與的理論視野探討代表性和回應性的因果機制,提供一套以委員會為主體的參與評估標準。代表性在理論上有形式與實質代表性兩個層次,共包含參與制度、議事行為與會議影響力三個面向;回應性則強調利害關係人對委員會回應需求的主觀評價,又分為民主程序與實質利益的需求回應能力兩類。參與概念落實在制度賦權和議事行為,應該會同時強化兩類回應性。在研究方法上,本文以全民健康保險委員會為分析案例:首先透過跨國比較,分析台灣、日本、韓國、加拿大以及德國在類似的審議機制中,如何建構委員會代表性的制度。依此基礎,再針對第一屆健保會的運作進行分析,透過利害關係人問卷、健保會會議記錄內容分析、深度訪談與焦點團體等方法,深入探討健保會之政策回應能力。 研究結果發現:一、委員會參與的制度賦權和正當性皆來自代議機關,尚無法取而代之。台灣健保會之形式代表性,在行政單位主導下仍偏好具有政治動員能力的團體,較忽略社會連帶或保障弱勢的價值。二、健保會在民主功能和實質結果兩個回應性面向的評價皆為正面,而民主程序的評價又優於後者。然而,相互理解的功能評價再高,卻未對實質回應性產生顯著影響。三、是否具有健保會席次並不影響回應性評估;但直接與會者以及實際參與愈積極者,卻反而對委員會回應利害關係人需求的能力抱持較悲觀的看法。最後,在程序面和實質面評價上最為顯著的因素為會議影響力,會議影響力愈大的團體,其回應性也就愈高。 總結上述來回答核心問題:參與是否會提高利害關係人的回應性?在極大化個體利益的動機下,參與制度和行為都只提供爭取權益的機會,不必然導致實質利益。再加上負擔參與成本以及競爭資源的政治現實,參與者進入體制後,反而對委員會的政策回應能力持質疑的態度。是故,會議影響力為關鍵因素,只有在參與過程中獲利愈多者,其回應性才有直接的正面作用;若忽略參與途徑和結果的連結以及權力互動,就過度簡化了參與的政治本質。基於此,行政管理者掌握了決策結構與行政資源,若想取得較佳的回應性評價,就必須在制度和過程面中平衡不同的社會力量,才能使委員會發揮多元參與的功能,而不只是優勢團體的工具。 / Governmental committees are a kind of public participatory mechanism, whereby policy stakeholders are incorporated in the decision making procedure and negotiate with each other to policy outcomes. This mechanism accords with the expectations of both society and government and is frequently used by executive branches all over the world. Ideally, social representativeness can strengthen legitimacy and thereby increase responsiveness. However, in practice, there have also been some criticisms of the committee mechanism, including black box decision making, conflict enlargement, and administrative manipulation. To response this debate, my study addresses whether this type of public participation is responsive to policy demands as well as how to substantially evaluate its effectiveness. Theoretically, participation has a positive impact on policy demands, I provide more precise analysis using the concepts of representativeness and responsiveness. The former refers to how interests are presented in the decision making process, including in both the formal and substantive dimension. The latter refers to the committee’s ability to respond to procedural and substantive demands from society. To illustrate the theoretical framework, the National Health Insurance Committee (NHIC) in Taiwan is taken as my case study. The empirical section is divided into two parts, Fist, I explore original guiding values and institutional design of five committees that emerged under different political-social contexts in Japan, South Korea, Canada, Germany and Taiwan. Based on the results of this comparison, the NHIC in Taiwan is my main topic in the second part. The participatory behavior of committee members and their evaluation of the NHIC system are discussed through the various research methods, such as interviews, focus groups, stakeholder surveys, and also context analysis of meeting minutes. Four results of the study are illustrated as follows: 1. Because the legitimacy of the committee mechanism is empowered by traditional representative authority (the elected legislative or executive branch), it serves a supplementary rather than substitutive function to the existing system. Especially in Taiwan, the administration prefers the advantaged groups more capable of mobilizing social supports over the vulnerable groups which may bring the values of social solidarity and justice into the decision-making of the committee. 2. Stakeholders positively appraised the NHIC’s responsive capacity, both in the procedural and substantive dimensions, with the former appraised more highly than the latter. However, a high level of communication functions had no impact on responsiveness. 3. The institutional variable has no impact on responsiveness. However, direct participation in meetings was associated with more pessimistic views of the NHIC when compared to the non-participators. In addition, the more actors were involved in the NHIC, the more negative their evaluations were. 4. The most significant variable for responsiveness is the decision influence of stakeholders. Does participation strengthen stakeholders’ responsiveness? Under the condition that individuals are motivated by interest maximization, while institutional design and participatory behavior seek to pursue individual interest, it may not always realize substantial benefits. Furthermore, after becoming institutional insiders, the costs of participation and the political reality of power competition will make stakeholders more skeptical about the responsiveness of committee mechanisms. In other words, whether participation can increase the stakeholders’ satisfaction mainly depends on the benefit they can obtain from it. Without taking into account the link between participatory approaches and results, as well as the interaction between various stakeholders, we cannot gain a full picture of the nature of policy participation. In terms of practical reforms, to increase performance responsiveness, administrators who control the structures and resources of the NHIC should incorporate different social forces and interests on the input and process dimensions. This will enable the committee mechanism to perform the function of pluralistic participation, rather than simply serving as a political tool for advantaged groups.


梁育強 Unknown Date (has links)
對台灣的企業而言,全球貿易從來不是新鮮的事。台灣企業早已面對全球市場、參與全球競爭。但是在這些行業中的台商能否稱為全球化的公司或是具有全球化組織架構的跨國公司呢?這恐怕是有爭議的。對許多西方多國公司而言,它們的業務範圍早已分佈於世界各地。他們所思考的是如何強化現有的組織架構、善用全球搜尋能力,進而擴大規模經濟效益、增強全球競爭能力使企業轉型為全球化的組織。這個議題是從20世紀末期一直到今天都不曾停止的。 多國公司所關注的問題已經不再是如何由本土市場進軍國際市場,或是如何面對國際競爭的問題。它們關注的問題是如何在全球據點對價值鏈中的各項價值活動做合理的配置,使得企業的效益能夠充分發揮,同時藉著部門間的協調和整合來提升組織的效率和效能而成為真正全球化的企業組織,進而掌握全球市場。 在這些多國公司全球化的過程中,不但要整合所有的價值活動,更要適當的配置這些價值活動,將它們佈置在最適合的地點,以發揮全球組織架構的優勢。而這個全球組織架構的建立與運作不但是前所未見的企業行為,更是多國公司全球化的創舉。因此,吾人希望藉著其中某大石化公司全球化的過程與經驗,了解他們是如何進行全球化的組織轉型,找出其中的關鍵成功因素及達成全球化組織轉型的作法,以供國內企業之借鏡與參考。同時吾人亦將以整合─回應架構理論針對價值鏈中國際行銷管理因公司組織全球化而做的改變加以探討。此外,亦希望藉此案例瞭解多國公司除了改造作業流程、進行組織轉型、以降低成本及提高組織效率之外,也盼望能了解多國公司如何進行全球組織的知識管理來累積經驗曲線,增進創新能力。 吾人希望藉此研究了解: <1>多國公司是如何由區域型組織(以亞洲為例)轉型為全球化的組織? <2>多國公司(MNCs)在轉型為全球化組織時,國際行銷之“整合-回應”架構的差異為何? 本研究共計分為五章,第一章敘述研究背景與動機、研究問題與目的和研究流程;第二章則探討多國公司之改革與發展、多國公司之策略與類型、 多國公司整合─回應架構之應用和多國公司子公司之策略性角色;第三章提出初步研究架構、個案研究法和研究限制。第四章為個案背景與分析、第一節將先描述個案所面臨的全球環境、然後針對個案A1事業部所處的產業環境和顧客加以分析、並運用Porter五力分析了解A1事業部的產業競爭優勢。第二節將探討全球策略下的組織轉型及全球化的組織架構。接著在第三節詳述如何由國際區域型組織轉型為全球化組織,並以個案的全球化專案小組為例,說明如何成立專案小組、選擇成員、建立新的資訊平台與作業系統、和相關部門溝通到系統建構完成與測試計劃的擬定。第四節則以A1事業部為例,比較原有的組織架構和全球化組織架構的差異,同時將論及全球化企業中最重要組織控管原則,然後聚焦於國際行銷管理的4P、新產品開發及知識管理,最後希望能歸納出多國公司全球化的主要步驟和關鍵成功因素。第五章為結論與建議。 由本個案可歸納出,多國公司由區域型組織轉型為全球化的組織時,其主要作法如下: 1. 由全球最高管理階層召集高階主管組成全球組織轉型專案小組 2. 根據企業所處全球競爭環境擬訂全球策略並設計全球組織架構 3. 依據全球策略及組織架構擬訂作業流程並選擇全球資訊平台與作業系統 4. 由全球最高管理階層發佈並說明企業面對之環境及公司未來目標和願景 5. 選擇適當人員組成區域專案小組,負責推動組織轉型 6. 訓練區域專案小組成員熟習全球資訊平台與作業系統,並依照此系統設計業務準則 7. 建構全球資訊平台與作業系統、進行數據轉換 8. 全球資訊平台與作業系統之测試與評估 9. 定期向全公司溝通“全球化”之進度 10. 定義全球企業組織之職務及權責(Role & Responsibilities) 11. 進行組織轉型、人事調整,區域型組織轉型為全球化組織 12. 發佈全球化組織的業務準則及作業流程 13. 定期追蹤組織績效,蒐集客戶和基層人員反映,以供修正業務準則及作業流程參考 同時吾人亦可由本個案的知多國公司(MNCs)達成全球化的關鍵成功因素為: 1. 企業最高級主管的願景(Vision)及意志力; 2. 足夠的財力以建立、維護並更新全球作業系統; 3. 具跨文化管理經驗及能力的管理團隊; 4. 良好的業務準則及管理系統; 5. 遵守業務準則的企業文化; 6. 全球一致的企業語言及價值觀; 7. 跨業務單位的協調機制; 8. 定期反饋市場情況的能力; 9. 與時俱進的國際人力資源管理制度。 以本個案而言,全球化組織架構可以幫助提升多國公司的知識管理能力,但是卻對企業創新能力的助益不大,甚至因為全球作業系統的標準化、流程的簡單化、決策的極權化以至於對地區客戶的反應能力降低進而導致創新能力的減弱。然而,一旦全球企業觀察到世界各地市場對產品的共同需求並且決定投入資源去掌握此機會時,則其所發揮的能力和速度將會遠勝過區域型的多國公司。同時因為具有全球資源、網絡和市場,使得全球企業能夠有足夠的經濟規模從事較耗費資源的、革命性的產品創新工作。 另一方面,由於全球企業的資訊網路連結和跨區域的事業部組織架構,使得某地區的最佳典範能夠快速的轉移、複製到全球各地,領先競爭者、取得市場先機,更能夠因此快速的建立全球企業的經驗曲線。因此,以同一企業而言,全球化的知識管理能力將優於區域型組織。此知識管理能力可能較偏向於既有產品開發的成功經驗轉移而非新產品的創新,或是有關改進生產及組織管理效率的作法。 根據本個案的研究,吾人對台灣的企業建議如下: 1. 企業全球化之前必須了解各子公司所在地的法律以確保子公司及全球總公司所做的任何交易和投資都符合當地法律,避免誤蹈法網。同時對各地的法律的瞭解亦可保護公司資產、取得較佳稅率以增進獲利能力。 2. 全球化的第一個步驟就是企業管理的制度化、標準化、透明化和正式化。而企業控管能力的強化更是不可或缺的條件。台灣企業雖然已逐步邁向國際化但是除了少數大型企業以良好的制度管理公司以外,大部分的企業依舊有較大的改善空間。 3. 全球企業管理系統的建立可以提供全球子公司共同的作業平台和全球連結的管理系統,然而如何在此龐大的系統中注入適當的彈性以滿足地區市場和客戶的需求是組織全球化之前必須仔細考量的問題。 4. MEGA 公司對知識管理的重視和如何建立一個有效的全球知識管理系統足以作為台灣企業的借鏡。企業領導人必須重視知識管理並且全力推動。全球知識經驗的累積和分享將可協助企業成為學習型的組織。 5. 企業全球化需要及早儲備國際化的人才、培養多國公司語言〈英語〉,並加強書面溝通的能力。台灣企業在本身人才不足的情形下可考慮引進外國人才以加速國際化的腳步。 對後續研究的建議: 1. 本研究並未取得MEGA化學公司轉型前後之財務報告及進行全球化轉型所投入之經費,故無法以量化呈現研究結果。日後相關研究若能取得量化資料,將可從另一角度分析全球化的效益以供業界參考。 2. MEGA化學公司全球化之後,並未對跨全球事業部的業務進行探討,如何處理這些業務是全球化企業的另一挑戰,爾後應可針對此議題加以研究。 3. 支援性的價值活動(Support Activities)在全球化企業中扮演著非常重要的角色,幕僚單位(FunctionalGroups)如何在全球化組織中運作及發揮功能、其效能在組織轉型前後之比較是可研究的另一題目。 4. 本研究並未對組織全球化的缺點詳細探討,日後或可針對全球化的缺點及改善的對策深入研究。 5. 本研究以MEGA 公司的亞洲分公司為研究對象,歐、美分公司對組織全球化反應及變革管理的作法可能不同,此題目可為日後研究的方向之一。 / Globalization is a term widely used by almost all the enterprises in the world. It is also a challenge to most of companies and even individuals in the 21st century. How to transform from regional structure to global organization is a common challenge for all the multinational companies (MNCs) nowadays as they already have affiliates doing business in different part of the worlds and can access all kinds of resources easily. MNCs major concern is how to allocate their value activities in appropriate locations so that its maximum efficiency can be achieved, in the mean time its effectiveness can also be improved through delicate coordination and integration among the value activities. They are thinking how to strengthen existing organization through globalization, and capitalize their global accessibility to further expand scales of economy in order to become an organization with global competitiveness in the world market. This study is to understand how a MNC transformed from regional structure to global organization through observation of the real case of a major American petrochemical company. Hopefully it can help identify key success factors, provide major procedures and share the learning of global organization transformation to parties interested. Apart from the above mentioned, the study used the Integration- -Responsiveness Framework to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the value activity of International Marketing and Sales before and after organization change. Knowledge Management in the two different organization structures is another subject will also be briefly discussed in this study. The study once again confirms that globalization will help company increase competitiveness and achieve better financial results in the short term, but it will also become less responsive to local customers and markets due to centralized decision making process, which may hurt long term growth opportunity for certain industries. However, for a petrochemical company, the drawbacks of globalization may not really affect them as they have stronger bargaining power in the world where natural resource is getting less every day. Another issue really concerns the company is the reduced communication among different business units , it becomes a silo for almost every business unit as people only care and focus on things really matter to them. How to improve and enhance communication among business units and assign workforce to manage things not belong to a single business unit is anther challenge to be tackled. Since the study focused mainly on the organization transformation in Asia, it would be good if people can do further study based on the observation in other regions, across the business units, or focus on the drawbacks of globalization.

英語間接請求語的回應:台灣高中生外語語言行為研究 / A Cross-cultural Study on EFL Responding to Indirect Requests

樊可瑜, Fan, Ko Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探索間接請求語的回應策略,針對以英語為外語的台灣高中生做討論。共有120位受試者,分為3組,即以英語為母語的(Native American)高中生,以中文為母語的(Native Chinese)高中生,及以英語為外語的(Learning English as a Foreign Language)高中生。每組均有40位受試者,且男女數目相同。主要的實驗工具是「完成對話問卷」(DCT),設計上有12個真實生活的情境,並以請求語的種類(傳統間接請求、非傳統間接請求)作為變因。所有回應策略被分成四類。策略(一)僅有是否、(S1 yes/ no alone)、策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action)、策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)及策略(四)其他(S4 others)。本研究量化方面以卡方檢定來辨別三組間是否有顯著差異,並輔以質性研究作為進一步的分析以求更全盤瞭解各策略的使用。 結果發現,普遍來說,台灣高中生在語用能力上仍顯不足。第二點、三組受試者在回應間接請求語上有不同的表現。以英文為母語的受試者偏好使用策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action),而以英語為外語的高中生和以中文為母語的高中生卻都較偏愛使用策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)。第三點、以英文為外語的高中生在英語的使用上雖然有受到外語文化的影響,但其母語(即中文)對於其第二語言的使用影響更深遠。此外,三組受試者對於不同形式(CID, NCID)的間接請求語,在回應上採用不同的策略。再者,本研究顯示社會文化在請求語及其回應上扮演著重要的角色,在某個文化中被接受的語言使用可能在另一個文化中是不恰當的。最後,根據本文的探討,提出一些在英語學習與教學及日後研究的應用與建議。 / This study aims to explore and discuss the strategy use of EFL senior high school students in Taiwan when they respond to indirect requests. One hundred and twenty senior high school students participated in this study. They were divided into 3 groups--- native Americans (NA), native Chinese (NC), and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). There were 40 participants in each group, and the number of males and females were the same. The main instrument in this study was Discourse Completion Task (DCT), designed with 12 real life situations. One variable in the DCT was the different types of indirect requests--- Conventional Indirect (CID) and Non-conventional Indirect (NCID). The participants’ responses were divided into four exclusive categories, namely, S1 (yes/ no alone), S2 (yes/ no plus information or action), S3 (information or action) and S4 (others). To provide the quantitative results, Chi-square was employed to test the presence of statistically significant difference existing across the three groups. In addition, qualitative analysis was conducted to fully understand the employment of each strategy. The result showed that high school students in Taiwan generally had deficient pragmatic competence. Second, the three participant groups performed differently when responding to indirect requests. It was found that the NA group tended to select Yes/ no plus information or action (S2) whereas the NC and EFL groups preferred to employ Information or action (S3). Third, the performance of the EFL group heavily followed their L1’s cultural norms, although some of their behavior was influenced by the culture of their target language. In addition, participants among three groups tended to use different respondent strategies when encountering different indirect requests, namely, CID and NCID. Furthermore, this study also found that cultural norms play a crucial role in responses to requests. The influence of cultural norms should never be neglected because an acceptable behavior in one culture may be very inappropriate in another. At last, according to the findings, this study hoped to give some suggestions and implications for English learning and teaching as well as the future research.

直效行銷於壽險市場運用策略之研究 / Research of Direct Marketing Strategies of Life Insurance Market

廖元貞, Yuan-Chen, Liao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國人保險知識水準的提昇、消費習慣的改變,過去壽險業務人員採緣故銷售的方式已日漸受到部份有自我主張、講求便利性、不喜歡受人打擾的顧客所排斥。而傳統行銷方式所造成的人事成本居高不下,也使得許多新壽險公司的初期財務負擔沈重。因此本文提出此種行銷方式—直效行銷(Direct Marketing),並針對直效行銷領域中之直接回應行銷(Direct Response Marketing)—非透過業務員、代理人或是經紀人等任何中間人介入的銷售模式,就壽險業的特性進行探討與研究。 由於國內保險直接回應行銷仍處於萌芽階段,為了能發掘出初步的見解,並提供進一步研究的空間,本研究採取探索性研究(Exploratory Research),希望藉由文獻的探討與保險人實際經驗的分析,達到以下的目的: 1.了解企業組織和行銷組合對於保險直接回應行銷的影響。 2.了解直接回應行銷於保險運用上的特殊性。3.了解直接回應行銷於台灣壽險市場運用的可行性及其所應扮演的角色。 本研究發現,在公司組織方面,具有多個分公司的保險人在保險直接回應行銷上可以發揮規模經濟的效果,而組織內部堅定的支持與承諾將足以影響直接回應行銷的成敗,且直接回應行銷在保險行銷中應居於輔助的地位,尚無法完全取代現有的業務員系統。在保險直接回應行銷的特質方面,保險直接回應行銷產生的利潤主要來自於忠誠保戶的比例以及其產生的終身價值,而保戶透過此方式購買保險的原因,乃出於其所能提供的便利性與良好的服務,並非價格,同時產品設計若能與業務員銷售之產品有所區別,將有助於降低銷售管道的衝突。 在台灣壽險市場運用的可行性評估方面,由於媒體的普及與國內法規的嚴格規範,將有助於保險直接回應行銷的發展。直接回應行銷能夠提供壽險公司另一個新的銷售管道,提高公司的整體競爭力,對於中小型的壽險公司而言,若能設計獨特的保險產品並開發新的直接回應行銷媒體,將能在競爭激烈的壽險市場中取得優勢。但在直接回應行銷日漸發展,公司欲擴大其經營規模時,則需積極發展業務員系統才能有效地彌補直接回應行銷之不足,為公司帶來最大的利潤。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與研究動機 第二節 研究範圍與研究目的 第三節 觀念架構與研究方法 第四節 相關文獻探討 第五節 全文安排 第二章 保險直接回應行銷之介紹與應用 第一節 保險直接回應行銷的定義與優勢 第二節 保險直接回應行銷的歷史與興起背景 第三節 保險直接回應行銷的媒體 第四節 保險直接回應行銷活動的規畫與實施 第五節 國外保險直接回應行銷概況 第六節 國外保險直接回應行銷媒體之運用與個案 第三章 個案描述與分析 第一節 A人壽保險公司 第二節 B人壽保險公司 第三節 C人壽保險公司 第四節 D人壽保險公司 第五節 E人壽保險公司 第六節 個案分析 第四章 保險直接回應行銷特質之剖析與探討 第一節 保險直接回應行銷與組織特質的關係 第二節 保險直接回應行銷與行銷組合的關係 第三節 保險直接回應行銷對台灣壽險業的影響 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論 第二節 研究建議 參考文獻 / Because of the development of Taiwan*s insurance market and the change of customers* purchasing habits, the sale of life insurance by agents, effected mostly by human relationship, has been becoming redundant for customers who have their own way of thinking, enjoy convenience, and dislike disturbances. The high initial expenses of traditional marketing channels are also becoming a heavy burden for life insurers, especially for new entrants. This is the motivation of the thesis which discusses other possible marketing strategies: Direct Response Marketing, one specific branch of Direct Marketing, which focuses on the sale process through intermediaries other than agents and brokers. The thesis then follows by the discussion and research into the characteristics of the life insurance industry. Since the domestic insurance direct response marketing development is in its initiate stage, the thesis adopted the method of Exploratory Research to explore and supply room for further conceptual research. By essay discussions and analysis of practical insurance operational experiences, we hope to achieve the following objectives: 1. To acknowledge how enterprise organizations and marketing combinations affect insurance direct response marketing. 2. To specifically identify how direct response marketing applies to insurance operations. 3. To discuss the feasibility and the roles of insurance direct response marketing in the Taiwan life insurance market. With respect to enterprise organizations, insurers that have more branches will have economies of scale on insurance direct response marketing. The success of direct response marketing will also rely on the organizational support and the acceptance by internal executives. Direct response marketing should only play an assistant role in insurance marketing and can not completely replace the current agency system in the near future. In the aspect of insurance direct response marketing, the profit produced by insurance direct response marketing mainly comes from the proportion of loyal policyholders and their whole-life-values. The reason that customers purchase insurance products through this direct method is mainly due to the convenience and good service it can supply, not price. Meanwhile, it is important to distinguish products between direct response marketing and agent sales to help avoid conflicts of the two channels. In assessing the feasibility of the Taiwan life insurance market, we find that the popularity of the communication media together with the tight regulatory restrictions help the development of direct response marketing. Direct response marketing provides life insurers a new sales channel to enhance their integrated competitiveness. For small to medium sized insurers, designing an unique insurance product and developing new direct response media, will achieve benefits and advantages in this fierce competitive insurance market. However, while direct response marketing is becoming stronger and insurers need to expand their operational scale, insurers will still need to improve the current agency system to compensate for the weaknesses of direct response marketing and to maximize profits.

外國機構投資人交易策略及交易行為對我國股市衝擊之研究 / Trading behavior of foreign institutional investors and its market impact on stock prices

劉慧欣, Liu, Hui-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討外國機構投資人交易行為及其對股票市場的衝擊,參考 Chan and Lokonishok(1995)的交易期間(trading package)觀念,分析外國機構投資人的持股內容及易行為,以了解其選股決策,並驗證其交易行為是否存在正向回應現象;及研究外國機構投資人的交易行為所產生的市場衝擊,以了解外資進出對國內股票市場穩定性的影響,並進一步研究交易完成後的股價回復現象及短期績效表現。 本研究的樣本期間為包括民國 84 年至民國 86 年底,樣本資料包含每日股價資料、每日外國機構投資人的持股明細、以及所有上市個股的財務資料。經實驗後發現,可能是基於風險控管和模擬臺灣股價指數的考量,外國機構投資人傾向買賣大型績優個股;在相同交易行為上,通常有持續十日的現象,且每一次交易的張數並不大。此外,明顯存在著正向回應情形、顯著的市場衝擊和短暫的股價回復現象,如同國外相同的研究結果,本研究亦發現外國機構投資人在買和賣不同的交易行為上,存在著不對稱的影響。 / The study is to Investigate the trading behavior of foreign institutional investors and its market impact on stock prices. The purposes of the study are as follows: First, to analyze the holding characteristics and trading behavior of foreign institutional investors in order to understand their stocks selection decisions and test if positive feedback behavior exists. Second, to analyze the market impacts on Taiwan stock market stability. Finally, after finishing each trading behavior, to observe the trend of stock prices in order to test if price reversion exists and how their short-term performance are. Form empirical studies, foreign institutional investors tend to hold stocks of large-size firms probably because of controlling investment risk and simulation Taiwan stock index. Besides, analyzing their trading activities, positive feedback bahavior, market impacts and price reversion really exist and are significant. According to our study, we found that buying and selling activities have asymmetric impact on stock prices. The conclusion is the same as foreign studies.

一個製造業快速回應系統之架構與物件模式之建立 / Developing an architecturing and an object model for industrial quick response inforamtion systems

郭建良, Kuo, Chien-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
處在消費者需求快速變動的時代裏,製造業必須即時取得銷售資訊以掌握消費趨勢,並透過生產的製程調整以因應消費者需求的變動;而快速回應(Quick Response, QR)則被視為能夠藉由資訊科技的使用,降低產業經營成本,並即時回應消費者需求,提升產業競爭優勢的利器。因此,本研究之目的乃是希望在供應鏈成員能夠攜手合作(如透過策略聯盟的方式)的前提下,藉由此製造業快速回應系統架構及模式的引進,達到資訊流垂直整合的目的,並有效地傳遞產銷資訊,使供應鏈成員能針對消費者需求擬定更好的生產及銷售策略,進而達成消費者、零售業、批發業與製造業四贏的局面。 本研究透過文獻探討的方式,提出一個滿足快速回應理念的製造業資訊系統架構,並對其功能加以說明;其次,再透過整合型物件導向系統分析方法,建構出該系統之物件模式,並描述物件間的關係;最後,再以程式語言撰寫資訊垂直整合單元的雛型系統,以驗證本研究之可行性。 本研究的貢獻在於提出一個製造業快速回應系統的架構與物件模式,使製造業可以在建構此類的系統時,有一明確可依循的參考架構,以加速該系統之建置、維護,與修改。 / In the age of rapid changes in customers' needs, the industry must get the sales information on time, and then use this information to adjust its production processes to meet the changes. Quick response systems use information technologies to reduce the operating cost, to respond the customers' needs and changes on time, and to gain the advantages in a business competition. Under the assumption that all members of the supply chain would have cooperated (for example, the members can be cooperated by strategic alliance), the purposes of this research is to develop an architecture and an object model for industrial quick response information systems. Through the usage of this architecture and this model, we hope to meet the purpose of a vertical information integration among the members in the chain; so the members can share their information, and draw up the better production and sales strategies based on the customers' needs. Hence customers, retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers can reach the win-win situation. Through the literature survey, we first try to propose an architecture for manufacturing information systems with the concept of quick response. Secondly, we use the integrated object-oriented approach to construct an object model for the proposed architecture and to describe the relationships among the objects in the model. Finally, we develop a prototype to show that how vertical information integration can be attained in this architecture. The major contribution of this research is to raise an architecture and an object model for industrial quick response information systems. Manufacturers or manufacturing software industries can use this architecture and this model as a reference to develop their owned systems. We believe that this kind of reference could speed up the time of the system development, maintenance and modification.

地方文化產業治理機制評估研究:以貓空茶文化產業為例 / A study of evaluation on the governance mechanism of local cultural industry: a case study of Maokong tea industry

林亦杰, Lin, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
貓空製茶歷史悠久,獨特的鐵觀音茶為遠近馳名的地方特色產業,而貓空結合茶產業與休閒觀光產業的經營型態,長久以來塑造出今日貓空獨特的地方茶文化產業。本研究以貓空的茶文化產業為研究對象,並結合地方治理理論與回應性評估方法,目的在建構出貓空茶文化產業發展的治理架構,確認此架構中公部門、地方與非營利組織、茶農與茶產業經營者三方行動者的任務,並描述三方互動的動態治理機制,最後透過回應性評估的方式,對貓空茶文化產業治理機制進行評估。   本研究運用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,與貓空茶文化產業治理中三方行動者進行訪談,研究結果發現貓空當地茶農與茶產業經營者為發展的基礎,但隨著內外部不利因素的威脅,茶農與茶產業經營者面臨勞動力老化、氣候變遷、法令限制等問題;在地方與非營利組織方面,木柵區農會是治理機制運作中最重要的角色,主要任務是扮演水平與垂直溝通平台、提供茶農所需資源、辦理對產業發有所助益的優良鐵觀音茶比賽,另一方面貓空茶情社區發展協會是由地方自組而成的社區組織,目的在發展貓空社區與市政府方面的業務合作及協調,但在當地經營上也面臨些許問題;公部門方面,茶業改良場文山分場具茶葉專業知識,給予茶農在上游栽植方面許多幫助,而主管貓空發展的產業發展局則是退居二線進行產業輔導,工作內容為多元經營硬體與文化設施、定期撥列經費進行補助;在釐清各方行動者任務後,本研究整合茶產業與休閒觀光產業,建構出貓空茶文化產業治理的運作機制。在治理機制評估方面以「治理機制妥適性」、「參與者的輔導推廣能力」、「計畫目標達成度」三個指標進行評估,主要爭議點有四:(1)在於水土保持法令上一方面維持貓空茶區生態,一方面也限制了發展;(2)貓空纜車與當地茶產業發展關聯性不大;(3)產業發展局退居二線與當地茶農接觸較少,平行機關多且人員調動頻繁;(4)貓空茶文化產業面臨轉型困境。研究建議三點:(1)貓空茶文化產業的轉型與行銷;(2)茶比賽模式的推廣;(3)根留貓空當地人才。 / MaoKong cultural tea industry is a unique local industry of Taiwan. This study integrated Maokong cultural tea industry, local governance, and responsive evaluation theory, moreover the main purpose is to construct a governance framework of MaoKong cultural tea industry, and find out the task of those three operations in the framework: (1) governmental departments. (2) local and nonprofit organizations. (3) tea farmers and tea industry operators.   Additionally, literature analysis and depth interviews are the research methods of this study, through the interview with the actors of Maokong cultural tea industry , we found that: (1) local tea farmers and operators are the basis of tea industry, but they confront some inside and outside threats. (2) the most important role of the part of local and non-profit organization in Maokong tea industry governance, is the Muzha Farmers’ Association, which the main task is to establish a horizontal and vertical communication platform for the framework. The jobs of Muzha Community Development Association are to development this community, and collaboration and co-ordination with the Taipei city government, but also facing some issues with the local farmers. (3) In the public sector, first of all, Tea Research and Extension Station - Wenshan Substation with expertise provides lots of help in tea to the tea farmers. The Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government in these days is to step aside for operating the hardware of cultural facilities, and providing subsidies to the tea industry operators. As well as this study suggestions are: (1) integrating all the resources of governance actors and using marketing methods to development Maokong cultural tea industry. (2) the promotion of Maokong tea competition mode. (3) root and reward local tea industry talents.

Facebook企業粉絲頁之危機溝通效果:探討 人性化語調、危機情境與危機回應策略之影響 / The communication effectivity with consumers in corporate crises on Facebook fan pages:the effect of conversational human voice ,crisis situations and crisis communication strategies.

吳懋嫻, Wu, Mao Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討Facebook企業粉絲頁進行危機溝通之效果。由於企業粉絲頁在訊息與互動策略上都與傳統官方網站截然不同,其中如同朋友般對話口吻的「人性化語調」(conversational human voice),可說是現今國內企業粉絲頁的主要溝通特色。然而,在危機溝通的情境下,企業粉絲頁卻往往採用官方口吻,使用較傳統的新聞稿模式,似乎未因應粉絲頁特性而採取相適的溝通策略,其溝通效果如何值得加以探討。同時,綜觀過去危機溝通文獻,多數研究仍聚焦於驗證危機情境與回應策略間對應關係,預測危機溝通效果的實用性,並未深入討論訊息策略的內容,也尚未有粉絲頁平台上的效果研究。因此,本論文即以「人性化語調」的概念切入,檢視該訊息策略於危機情境中的溝通效果,以探討企業於粉絲專頁上進行危機溝通的可能之有效策略,以及企業於社群媒體進行危機溝通之可行性。 實驗設計主要以「產品瑕疵」為危機情境,三個操弄變項包含危機責任程度(小╱大)、回應策略(遞減╱重建)、與人性化語調(低╱高),以2 × 2 × 2之組間設計實驗設計,驗證危機溝通的效果(組織聲譽,正負面口碑行為意向)。 研究結果發現,不論組織責任大小,重建策略皆帶來正面溝通效果;而人性化語調雖然在組織聲譽、正面口碑行為意向上無顯著的效益,但能有效減緩負面口碑行為意向,尤其在危機責任大的情境下,採取重建策略與人性化語調高的溝通組合能更加強其緩和負面口碑行為之成效。顯示危機回應策略相關理論在企業粉絲專頁的情境依然適用,但在具體溝通策略與內容的設計上,必須進一步考量危機情境與所使用之溝通平台,也表示國內企業對於社群媒體之公關管理必須加以重視。 / “Conversational human voice” is one of the key features in how Taiwan’s corporations communicate on their Facebook fanpages, which is quite different from how they communicate on their corporate websites. And yet, how such communication strategies work during a time of crisis remains unknown; thus, the current study aims to investigate the effect of conversational human voice in the scope of crisis communication. In the experimental design, the independent variables included: human voice (low/high), crisis responsibility (low/high), and crisis communication strategy (diminish/rebuild); the dependent variables included corporate reputation and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions. The key finding included positive effects of constructive strategies on corporate reputation and WOM intentions, which is consistent with past literature. Although human voice was found with no main effects on reputation or WOM intentions, human voice was effective in reducing negative WOM, when the crisis responsibility was high and constructive communication strategy was employed. This implies that consumers who are exposed to more human-tone messages on the fanpages are less likely to boycott the product should there be a relevant crisis, and thus, social media play an important role in crisis communication and should be valued and managed in corporate public relations efforts.

從Teubner反身法理論檢視台灣行政法之發展 / View from Teubner theory of reflexive development of administrative law in Taiwan

林明世, Lin, Ming Shih Unknown Date (has links)
本論文期望將法理學能夠以具體事務為例,不只是虛無飄渺之物,事實上也本來就不是,是絕對有其存在的價值與理由。著重在Teubner反身法理論的介紹,試圖以Teubner反身法理論對講求依法行政的行政法法學做一分析,找出其間之相關連性,並且描繪在此理論之下所呈現出來的行政法學的樣貌,以行政法法學的「公開、評論、參加」與「行政管制」制度為兩個軸線,在法規制定過程中強調市民的參與,對話機制的建立與強化,使法律回歸為人與人彼此互動下,所形成的一種規範,以求有所啟發。 但是,單純對本身作自我批評的反思,真的就夠了嗎?真的是可以達到「國家是受到法律的拘束」?國家的行政目標是照顧人民的福利國家嗎?國家不再是擁有權力來壓榨人民的怪獸?人民是受由其所制定的法律來治理國家嗎?筆者認為當然尚未達到,其癥結點即是在對「法」的不了解,認為只要是行政機關提案,國會通過就是法律,而且也只有此才為法律,國會已經充分代表人民,「法律=行政機關+國會」如此而已,造成筆者所謂的依『法』行政的叛離。 而Nonet 和Selznick在觀察法律發展過程後,提出法律三個發展階段,分別為;壓制型法(repressive law)、自治型法(autonomous law)和回應型法(responsive law),其分析架構最主要是認為,法律既不是經濟矛盾下的併發症,也不是實定法律一般,可以簡單化約為一系列由權力關係、組織結構和專業角色所界定的決策。相反地,其認為法律是一個自主的社會體制,其發展乃是依靠於其本身的內在動力 法律自發生理論(Recht als autopoietisches System)是由德國學者Teubner在一九八三年發表於《法律與社會期刊》(Law & Society Review)的一篇論文“Substantive and reflexive elements in modern law”中逐步所建立出來的一新理論,其理論架構是建立在韋伯的發展理論,整合美國的Nonet 和Selznick,德國的Habermas和Luhmann等人的理論,所提出的一全新理論,該理論最主要是藉由Luhmann的法律系統論與Nonet 和Selznick的「回應型法律」為核心,而提出一種新法律典範:自身法(reflexive law),此一法律顯示一種新形式的法律自制,簡言之,法律不再輕易干預社會過程,而為其結果負責,法律的重心轉移到對自律機制的設計、推動、矯正或重建。 Gunther Teubner認為Nonet 和Selznick的理論核心乃是法律秩序的制度邏輯概念,在回應型法律(responsive law)的陳述,出現了歐洲所謂「形式法律的重新實質化」,法律形式主義面臨危機,所以,新的實質取向的法律形式出現,傳統的法學方法,轉型為「社會政策分析」分法,而且亦有平行的法律參與模式的改變,進而新的法律實質化反應出一種新的體制和組織結構:它要求「管制而非裁決」。回應型法律(responsive law)的理念不但包含實質理性的成分,亦有其他不一樣原則,最主要地是:制度設計(institutional design)的理念,在此理念下法律所關注的焦點,乃在於創造、形成、矯正、以及重新設計社會體制,使其變成具有自我管制功能的系統。 觀察行政法的整體發展中,確實走向「實質化」,法制的重心逐漸傾向制度的創設,再藉由制度的導引,去使得人際之間交往互動,發展出所其期待的法律。而行政法「法律」的成文結果,整這制度上看起來,已漸漸呼應上述富勒的精神,法律的目的在於給予人們空間,藉由交往,形成具相關期待的規範。 而環顧整個行政法制之發展,自從行政程序法立法後,訴願法與行政訴訟法大幅度翻修,政府資訊公開法等等法制立法,亦彰顯法制的重心不再只是以往,法規的解釋與運用而已,尤其是法律上「名詞」概念的爭論,當然在此並不是說法的解釋與操作不重要,而是法制的建設上更需注重「制度上之設計」,妥適地調和各界利益,社會資本的整備,等等制度的建制,須為學界更加重視。

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