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編製移轉訂價報告之研究 - 以個案公司為例楊潔芳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國際經營環境競爭激列,為提升台灣在國際間之競爭力,稅制之修正與探討,亦為重要之一環。 各國為吸引企業將利潤留在國內,防範跨國企業借移轉定價之安排將利潤留在免稅天堂或稅率較低之國家,紛紛修改稅法,如我國近年制定之移轉訂價、兩稅合一等,強迫企業將利潤留在台灣,我國亦於民國94年12月28日發布營利事業所得稅不合常規交易移轉定價查核準則,須於隔年5月申報所得時,依該查核準則規定方式自行調整並申報。以防止企業借移轉訂價規避我國稅負,並與國際租稅之發展接軌,實施至今已有數年,企業應如何應對,稅捐稽徵機關是否有需改進之處,實應予以探討。
本研究個案擬作結果證實,現有移轉訂價制度之規則,留予移轉訂價報告製作者過多操作空間,主要來自於:(1) 給予常規交易方法選用空間過大,並未規定何種方法優先適用;(2)可比較對象採用條件,受限於有限之公開資訊資料,給予報告製作者選用非適切對象之藉口;(3)僅提供各項可比較程度分析項目,卻未將其與各常規交易方法做連結,應規範各常規交易方法下應配合之可比較程度分析項目;(4)可比較對象數量與品質規定未做規範,常規交易範圍區間可藉少數可比較對象之替換而達到操作目的。
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OBU在國際租稅規劃之應用-以個案公司探討陳惠貞 Unknown Date (has links)
(3)增強稽核人力素質 / Using case study method and by interviews with field experts, this thesis studies the application of OBU (off-shore banking unit) in international tax planning. Planning to decrease tax costs has long been an important task for multinational companies to compete in the international market. To avoid paying domestic taxes, companies can structure transactions by the name of offshore subsidiaries and receive commissions through their OBU accounts. Consequently, profits are reserved in the offshore companies but costs of running business are claimed in Taiwan's tax returns. Under certain circumstances, commissions earned from this kind of triangle trading are tax-free, causing substantial losses of tax revenues to Taiwanese government. The thesis discusses this controversial issue relating to commissions from triangle trading.
To encourage remitting back profits generated in overseas, the tax law for taxes on investment income should be changed. This thesis suggests the use of equity method for recognizing investment income for tax purposes. Further, the regulation on banking operations between Taiwan and China also needs to be revised to expedite the transfer of fund across the strait. The thesis suggests the opening of direct remittance between Taiwan's OBUs and China's banks.
In summary, in devising an effective tax planning, companies should take into account both tax and nontax costs, and keep abreast of the risks of changes in tax laws and governmental policies. As for the government to develop Taiwan as the headquarter of global operation, promotion of the international tax agreements is essentially important to help firms avoid double taxation. Further, to attract more international companies investing in Taiwan, the government should evaluate the feasibility and impacts of shifting the taxation principle of corporations from worldwide taxation to territorial taxation.
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法定公司所得稅稅率政策之決定因素-國際租稅競爭或國內政治運作? / Determinants of tax rates in corporate income taxation -international tax competition or domestic political influences?翁逸珊 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響台灣跨國企業運用租稅天堂之特性分析楊偕易 Unknown Date (has links)
跨國企業為了各種考量而紛紛前往海外成立境外公司(offshore company),其中租稅天堂(tax havens)因稅負較低且公司註冊方便等因素,故跨國企業成立境外公司的據點皆選擇租稅天堂,使得租稅天堂近年來聞名於全世界。
而我國自從民國七十六年七月放寬外匯管制以及僑外投資與鼓勵對外投資以來,對外投資活動日益興盛,租稅天堂的運用也因此伴隨增加。根據本研究整理自公開資訊觀測站的資料,且利用統計方法分析,我國跨國企業自民國八十七年至九十三年為止,運用租稅天堂有上升的趨勢且多集中於加勒比海地區,個別國家或地區則是偏重於英屬維京群島(British Virgin Islands)、開曼群島(Cayman Islands)以及薩摩亞(Samoa)。另外,為了探討我國跨國企業運用租稅天堂之特性,採用計量模型為追蹤資料(panel data)。根據實證結果,影響我國跨國公司前往運用租稅天堂之因素計有公司規模、非租稅天堂互補性以及非租稅天堂稅率。
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台商全球化的思維兼論國際移轉訂價租稅問題- 以個案公司探討徐永堅, Atlan Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:全球化、移轉訂價、國際租稅、個案研究 / Using case study method, this thesis studies a Taiwanese company in the evolution track of globalization may confront with arduous external and internal problems. The thesis stresses that the international transfer pricing topic is particularly important for globalized companies. Furthermore, the function segment for a globalized organization will affect both company’s competition capability and transfer pricing policy.
In summary, this thesis recommend multinational companies should consider to adjust his organization structures and fix his organization functions to conquer the possible crises of continuous operation, and to establish reasonable international transfer pricing policy to defense possible challenges coming from tax authorities in the varied jurisdictions. Further, this thesis also recommend the Legislative Yuan of R.O.C. can approve the transfer pricing proposed law of Taiwan jurisdiction as soon as possible and our government can be assistance of the companies to overcome the international transfer pricing issues in the globalization.
Keywords: Globalization, Transfer pricing, International tax planning, Case study.
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國際租稅規劃對台灣上市櫃公司跨國控股連結設計之影響 / The impact of international tax planning on the design of cross - border ownership links of Taiwan's listed companies洪靖紋 Unknown Date (has links)
本文建構兩個迴歸模型,採用Tobit模型進行實證分析。模型一分析基本租稅因素對於跨國控股連結之影響,實證結果顯示跨國控股連結設計會受到租稅協定、上下層公司所在國稅率差距影響。而模型二檢視國家組合間之租稅搭配相關變數對跨國控股連結的影響。結果顯示,上下層公司所在國的租稅環境確實會影響與其形成控股連結之所在國家的區位選擇。 / In the recent years, multinational corporations using the design of investment holding structure to do the tax planning. The complicated investment holding structure result in the tax base being damaged, and it draws the attentions of all walks of life. Therefore, there’s necessity to understand how the multinational corporations plan their investment holding structure. Due to the fact that there’s no literature which research the influence of international tax planning to our country’s multinational corporation investment holding structure decision have been proved. In order to understand how Taiwan’s multinational corporations plan their investment holding structure, we do the research against the investment holding structure of Taiwan’s listed companies from 2010 to 2014. Besides, we do the research more advanced on the international tax planning to see whether there will be companies with corresponded different tax characteristic that form an ownership links with the upper and lower companies of different tax characteristic.
In this paper, we constructed two regression models, the Tobit random effect model is used to do the empirical analysis. The Model 1 analyzes the relation between the basic tax variable and the cross-border ownership links. The results indicate that the design of cross-border ownership links will be affected by tax treaty and the difference of tax rate between the upper and the lower countries. And the Model 2 examines the relation between tax collocation of country pair variables and cross-border ownership links. We found out that the tax environment where the upper and lower companies are located has truly affect the location choice of the country which the ownership link is linked to.
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智慧財產控股公司之研究 / On Intellectual Property Holding Company詹聰哲 Unknown Date (has links)
在理清智慧財產控股公司之管理及稅務上效益後,本文便能為我國政府及企業提出建言,使政府能了解新型態的跨國企業智慧財產管理架構以確認合法節稅與違法的逃漏稅之界線,又能使我國企業得以藉由智慧財產控股公司架構來促進管理及稅務效益。 / In the knowledge economy era, intellectual properties, without doubt, are the foundation of competitiveness of enterprises and countries. However, studies regarding management of intellectual properties usually focus on intellectual properties themselves rather than the organizations managing intellectual properties. The managing organizations can be built in the enterprises or out of the enterprises, i.e., the intellectual property holding company (IPHC). By studying the organization structure of IPHCs, we can understand what and how huge the management benefits are to separate the ownership of intellectual properties from the enterprises, how IPHCs bring tax benefits for the enterprises, and what the challenges are in front of IPHCs.
Since the United States of America is the first one who stipulates the relating tax issues of IPHCs and is probably the broadest and the finest, the tax system of USA is of great value for comparison and reference. This thesis will thus explore the USA tax system.
In addition, beside income tax there are still other tax items such as business tax can be levied on enterprises. But this thesis only focuses on business income tax and thus derivated individual income tax.
After clarifying the management and tax benefits of IPHCs, this thesis then is able to advice Taiwan Government and enterprises so that the government can realize the new intellectual properties managing organization structure of multinational enterprises to differ legitimate tax saving from illegal tax evasion while the enterprises can obtain the management and tax benefits through the IPHC management structure.
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我國反資本弱化相關法條實施後對跨國公司稅負影響之研究 / Anti-Thin capitalization and its possible impact on multinational corporations陳意涵, Chen, I Han Unknown Date (has links)
第五章:就前述討論內容做出結論,並嘗試對我國反資本弱化稅制提出具體之建議,以期做為未來研究者之參考。 / This essay focused on the newly enacted anti-thin capitalization regulation in Taiwan and its possible impact on multinational corporations in tax aspect. By studying on cases related to thin capitalization and other possible issues, this essay would like to discover the potential drawbacks and risks in the anti-thin capitalization regulation.
This essay comprises five chapters. Summarizes as follows:
Chapter 1: To explain motives, structure and methodologies of this research.
Chapter 2: First, to introduce the definition of thin-capitalization made by OECD, and to explain the Modigliani-Miller Theory, which was the rationale of Thin Capitalization. Secondly, to collect and analyze the possible tax issues of thin capitalization, and to introduce the legislative conditions of anti-thin capitalization in regulations in main countries.
Chapter 3: To briefly introduce the newly enacted anti-thin capitalization regulation. Also, this essay would like to debate on main issues and potential drawbacks in this regulation.
Chapter 4: To study on an assumed example and other cases that show the common model of thin-capitalization and possible impacts result from anti-thin capitalization regulation on multinational corporations. In this part, the essay would like to give some suggestions to tax authority and tax payers.
Chapter 5: To summarize the main contents from the forenamed chapters, in addition, to cite the potential risks and shortcomings of the anti-thin capitalization regulation.
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反資本弱化條款對台灣跨國公司資本結構的影響 / The Impact of Anti-thin Capitalization Rules on the Capital Structure of Taiwanese Multinational Firms賴家琪, Lai,Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
由於許多公司會利用資本弱化來從事跨國利潤移轉,各國政府因而相繼制定反資本弱化條款,在稅務上限縮公司可減除的利息費用,以防堵企業規避稅負。惟多數探討反資本弱化條款有效性的實證文獻,都是以地主國的觀點看外來投資。 不同於之前文獻偏重探討某一特定國家 (大多數是歐美國家) 的反資本弱化條款是否會改變其境內公司之資本結構,本文則是以居住國的觀點,探討 2008 年至 2012 年台灣電子製造業的上市公司與其國內外關係企業的資本結構,是否會受到其所在國的反資本弱化條款影響。另外,基於內部債務和外部債務間的替代性,本文進一步將負債區分為內部債務與外部債務,以期能更細部了解公司的融資行為。
本文共分為四個模型:以模型一、二分析反資本弱化條款對公司內部債務的影響;以模型三、四分析反資本弱化條款對公司外部債務的影響。實證結果發現,處罰方式若為重分類為股利,會造成公司的內部債務比率下降15.45%,外部債務比率上升 27.66%。而安全港比率中的分子若指所有負債,會造成公司的外部債務比率下降 14%。此外,反資本弱化條款的施行對公司外部債務比率的影響取決於處罰方式和安全港比率中負債的定義。最後,若安全港比率的分子僅指關係人間負債,公司仍可透過增加外部債務的方式,繼續享受利息費用的稅盾效果。 / Because many companies shift their profits through debt financing, governments had imposed anti-thin capitalization rules one after another to limit the tax deductibility of interest expenses. However, most empirical researches on the effectiveness of the anti-thin capitalization rules are from host countries perspectives. Different from previous literature focusing on how the anti-thin capitalization rule of one country affects capital structures of companies in that country, this paper is from a home country perspective to analyze the effects of the anti-thin capitalization rules on capital structures of Taiwanese listed companies (Electronics manufacturing industry) and their affiliates over the period 2008-2012. This paper subdivides debt into internal debt and external debt on account of the substitution between them so that it would help us to understand financing behavior of companies in depth.
Model 1 and Model 2 are to investigate how anti-thin capitalization rules affect internal debt of companies. Model 3 and Model 4 are to investigate how anti-thin capitalization rules affect external debt of companies. The findings indicate that reclassifying excess interest as dividends reduces a company’s internal debt ratio by 15.45% and increases its external debt ratio by 27.66%. Defining the numerator of the safe haven ratio as total debt reduces a company’s external debt ratio by 14%. Moreover, how the enforcement of the anti-thin capitalization rule affects a company’s external debt ratio depends on the penalty and the definition of the debt measure in the numerator of the safe haven ratio. Finally, if the numerator of the safe haven ratio refers to related-parties debt, a company may still make good use of the tax shields of interest expenses by increasing external debt.
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我國企業併購法租稅措施之適用疑義-以本國個案為例陳錫山 Unknown Date (has links)
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