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徐嘉僑, Hsu, Chia-Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
在數位化的進程及環境中,圖書館已由對大眾一視同仁的服務演變成重視個體不同需求的服務,圖書館的服務也不再是齊頭式平等的服務。讀者個人的喜好及需求已漸融入到圖書館建置的各種服務項目中,也就是必須因人而異,以滿足使用者的資訊需求,就如同商業市場的機制一樣,唯有行銷與競爭才能使圖書館更具有持續力。 個人化為導向的資訊管理與資訊服務,正逐漸被人們所重視。為了真正滿足使用者的資訊需求,創造出實用的資訊價值,個人化資訊的服務系統強調「因人而異,各取所需」的資訊服務系統,而圖書館也從傳統大眾化式的服務走向分別式、個別化差異的服務模式。 本研究為了要能瞭解醫事人員,對於圖書館所提供的服務需求內容及需求程度,以文獻分析及網站內容分析以及問卷調查的方法對台北榮民總醫院醫事人員的基本背景資訊、網路使用行為,以及對圖書館的網站使用行為與個人化服務需求做一問卷調查。並利用交叉分析的方法,探討醫事人員身份、年齡、學歷與個人化服務需求相關度問題,歸納研究結果重點如下: 一、醫學圖書館在網站上建置個人化服務需求首先應重視個人化資訊環境的建立。 二、國外圖書館網站內容之分析是提供國內醫學圖書館個人化服務項目的參考指標。 三、醫事族群中因不同的身份、年齡、學歷對個人化資訊服務需求有所影響。 四、醫事人員應加強個人興趣檔的建置觀念,以強化醫學圖書館個人化服務功能的提昇。 五、圖書館在個人化服務系統中應規劃隱私權政策。 六、醫學圖書館對整體個人化資訊環境及資訊服務的需求有其必要性且是非常肯定的。 對研究結果提出建議如下: 國內醫學圖書館應儘快整合共同發展個人化服務的機制;對於個人化服務中群體屬性的差異要能持續的注意及改進;對使用者的調查研究由完全量的統計進展到質與量的交叉運用調查研究;圖書館應協助醫事人員建立正確的興趣檔觀念以強化個人化服務的功能;隱私權政策的制訂應多加宣導並於圖書館資訊政策時明訂;個人化服務應多加推廣與宣傳。 / In the progress and environment of digitalization, the library has transformed its service mode from satisfying general needs into catering for different individuals. The library is no longer a one-for-all service. The users' personal interests and needs have been integrated into all the services the library provided; that is, the service differs from person to person so as to meet the users' needs for information. Just like the commercial world, only with marketing and competition will the library last. The individual-oriented information management and service is gradually getting people's attention. To really satisfy the users' information needs and create practical information value, the individualized information service system emphasizes providing "tailor-made" service for different users. And such is a trend the modern library follows. This research is carried out to understand what the users of the medical library need and to what extent they need it, regarding the service the library offers. This research uses literature review, Internet content analysis, and questionnaire survey of the basic background information, Internet usage behavior, the library Internet usage behavior and the needs for personalized service of the medical staff of Taipei Veteran General Hospital. Meanwhile, it uses cross-analysis to find out the relationships between the medical staff's positions, ages, education, and the needs for personalized service. The results of the research are as follows: 1. The personalized service of the medical library on its website should put major emphasis on the establishment of personalized information environment. 2. The analysis of oversea library websites can provide the benchmark for the personalized service of our country's medical libraries. 3. There exists influence from the medical staff's positions, ages, education on the needs for personalized service. 4. Medical people should strengthen their concept of establishing personal interest profile to enhance the personalized service in the medical library. 5. Privacy policy should be taken into consideration in setting up the personalized service system. 6. The personalized information environment and service is essential to the medical library. The implications of the research: The local medical libraries should cooperate to develop the personalized service as soon as possible; they should pay attention to the differences among different groups of users; when doing the survey of users, quality research coupled with quantity research should be conducted instead of completely using quantitative statistics; the library should assist the medical people to establish correct concept of interest profiles to enhance personalized service; the privacy policy should be established and implemented; and finally, the users should be familiarized with the personalized service.

大學圖書館應用社會性軟體之研究 / The Application of Social Software in the Academic Library

王盈文, Wang,Ying-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
即時通訊(Instant Messaging,IM)和部落格(Blog)是近來廣受應用的社會性軟體(Social Software, SS)。面對網路世代的發展趨勢,圖書資訊學界亦開始探討網路科技對資訊服務所帶來的衝擊,特別是以年輕族群為服務對象的大學圖書館,若能適當地利用社會性軟體,不僅可做為館員與使用者溝通的橋樑,亦有助於館員組織其工作,成為促進圖書館在網路時代拓展服務和提高價值地位之利器。 本研究旨在瞭解社會性軟體在大學圖書館的應用,以即時通訊和部落格為研究對象,探討國內大學圖書館員的使用情況,並分析館員對兩者應用於圖書資訊領域之看法,進而針對美國與臺灣地區大學圖書館的即時通訊參考服務和圖書館部落格進行分析,藉以做為圖書資訊領域整合及應用社會性軟體於資訊服務和工作業務之參考。在研究方法上,透過「文獻分析法」、「網路問卷調查法」和「個案研究法」,從量化與質化的方式,探討及分析即時通訊與部落格的使用情況、應用看法及建置模式。 本研究發現:一、我國大學圖書館員多已使用即時通訊,惟以私人用途為主。二、即時通訊可做為圖書館組織溝通及數位參考服務之用。三、圖書館應用即時通訊為資訊服務發展趨勢,但亟需重視人力及管理之配套措施。四、我國大學圖書館員已有建置個人部落格經驗,並多採用免費服務平臺。五、大學圖書館建置部落格,做為圖書館服務的延伸。六、圖書館部落格可做為資訊服務的新入口,但須同時配合人力資源、教育訓練與維護管理等考量。七、美國大學圖書館在即時通訊參考服務與圖書館部落格發展上已具規模,可供國內未來應用參考。八、即時通訊參考服務應提供多種軟體類型及跨假日之彈性服務方式,以供使用者擇取。九、圖書館部落格應善用各種部落格功能,與圖書館服務的結合,拓展資訊服務的能見度。 最後建議:一、大學圖書館應積極推動與行銷即時通訊參考服務,實踐圖書館數位參考服務理念。二、針對館員的即時通訊參考服務技巧與能力加以訓練,培育參考諮詢服務優質人選。三、利用即時通訊暢通組織交流,並研訂明確管理辦法,以提升館內同仁協調合作績效。四、建置圖書館部落格,拓展圖書館實體與虛擬服務機會。五、圖書館部落格應結合RSS功能及連結圖書資訊領域部落格,開展即時和新穎的資訊服務。六、開設不同層次的部落格教育與訓練課程,培養館員管理維護知能。七、掌握和分析社會性軟體之發展和應用趨勢,並定期審核與評估實施效益。八、圖書資訊學教育應開設社會性軟體相關課程,鼓勵師生學習和使用。 / Instant Messaging (IM) and Blog are two kinds of the Social Software extensively used recently. While facing the trend and development of network generation, the field of library and information science also began to discuss the impact of network technology on information services, especially the academic libraries of serving young undergraduate. If used appropriately, social software not only can bridge the communications between librarians and users, but also benefit librarians to organize their works effectively. Moreover, it can become the powerful tool of facilitating libraries to extend services and enhance value in the network age. The purpose of this study is to investigate the applications of social software in the academic libraries. Using IM and Blog as subjects, the study tries to understand how academic librarians use those two social software, analyze their viewpoint of applying both in the field of library and information science, and further discuss the issues of using IM reference services and Library Blog at the academic libraries in the United States and Taiwan for the application of social software in the field of library and information science. The “Internet questionnaire” and “Case study” were used, followed by quantitative and qualitative method to discuss and analyze the use, viewpoint and the application models of IM and Blog. The findings shows: (1) Academic librarians had used IM extensively, but rather for personal matters; (2) IM can be used for communications among library organizations and digital references services; (3) IM application is the trend of information services, but manpower issues and management must be addressed; (4) Academic librarians had experiences in Blog establishment and most librarians built their Blog based on free service platforms; (5) Library Blog can be used for the extension of library services; (6) Library Blog could be a new portal of information service, but the human resources, maintenance, management and education training need to be seriously considered; (7) The application of IM reference services and Library Blogs had been highly developed in American academic libraries which can be good models for the libraries in Taiwan; (8) The IM reference service would achieve better success if it goes across work day an holiday, and provides diversified software , downloading and manuals for users’s option; (9) Library Blog shall well employ Blog functions to combine with library services and enhance the visibility of information services. Finally, the conclusions were made: (1) Academic libraries should actively promote IM reference services; (2) Training librarians for IM reference service skills, develop talented person for reference consulting services; (3) Using IM to communicate and coordinate among library staffs; (4) Establish Library Blog to provide virtual service; (5) Library Blog should properly use RSS and link the Blogs within the field of library and information science to develop real-time and innovative information services; (6) Design Blog educational training courses for different levels to develop maintaining and managerial skills of librarians; (7) Observing the trend of social software development and evaluate its implementation periodically; (8) Library and information science schools should conduct course on social software, and encourage teachers and students to apply it effectively.

藝術數位圖書館推廣利用之研究—以國立臺灣藝術大學圖書館為例 / A Study of Library Resources Application on Digital Arts Library — A Case Study of the National Taiwan University of Arts Library

曾聖峰, Tseng, Sheng-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的演進與網際網路的發展,使得知識的生產、保存與傳播,產生了革命性的變化。各類強調多元、即時、便利、互動的全球資訊網,正逐漸成為各級教育機構所倚重的教學資源。在大學教育面臨科技進化、社會變遷等結構性的影響,而必須順應時勢,大幅進行改革之際;大學圖書館自然也必須在資訊服務的方法與模式上,加以因應改進,才能滿足教師與學生在研究、教學的資訊需求。 本研究探討數位圖書館、數位博物館等網路教學資源與網路教學、線上學習之相關議題;並從臺藝大圖書館「數位圖書館暨虛擬藝術館」系統推廣利用的角度,探討大學圖書館配合大學教學與研究所需,整合學習環境、建置網路教學資源系統之可行模式與效益分析,以做為臺藝大後續規劃網路教學資源系統及其他同類型學術機構推動類似計畫之參考。 第一章說明研究動機、目的,並提出研究問題。第二章說明數位圖書館、數位博物館、網路教學的內涵與國內外發展概況,並說明臺藝大圖書館「數位圖書館暨虛擬藝術館」專案計畫發展與系統功能。第三章說明研究方法、範圍與限制、深度訪談對象之產生方式、研究實施步驟。第四章根據深度訪談內容,提出綜合分析。第五章根據研究結果提出結論,並針對臺藝大圖書館「數位圖書館暨虛擬藝術館」系統推廣及網路教學資源服務發展與利用推廣,分別提出未來發展建議。 / The evolutions of information science and technology and the developments of the Internet cause the revolutionary changes in production, preservation and dissemination for knowledge. Each kind of World Wide Web emphasizes diversification, immediateness, convenience, and interaction, and have gradually become the education resources for all levels of education organizations. When universities face the fundamental influences with technical evolutions and social transitions, and keep up with the current situation, to carry on reforms with great exertion, the university libraries also must improve their effectiveness in the information service methods and the patterns to satisfy information needs for teachers and students in the activities of research and teaching. This research discusses the related issues about the digital library, the digital museum, the web-based instruction, and e-learning and investigate on the basis of the reinforcement for promotion and utilization of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" implemented by National Taiwan University of Arts(NTUA) Library, the feasible models and effectiveness analysis for university libraries integrate learning environment and the establishment of the online education resources system according to the needs of universities in teaching and research, so as to be useful reference for NTUA to design online education resources system and for other academic organizations as the impetus to similar projects in the future. The first chapter shows the research motivation, purposes and brings up the research questions. The second chapter explains the meanings and universal developments of the digital library, the digital museum, and the web-based instruction and illustrates the developments and system functions of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" of NTUA library. The third chapter explains the research methods, limitations, the selection of respondents for in-depth interviews, and stages of the study. The fourth chapter presents the conclusions of the interview notes. In the end, the fifth chapter brings up conclusions based on the results of this research and offers the suggestions for the future growth according to the promotion of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" of NTUA library and services of online education resources.

網路式指導在我國大學圖書館利用教育的應用研究 / A study of web-based instruction in the academic library user education in Taiwan

方立果, Fang, Li-Guo Unknown Date (has links)
在網路時代,大學圖書館必須找尋適當的方式以提昇讀者的資訊素養。「網路式指導」(Web-based instruction, 簡稱WBI)是運用全球資訊網超媒體與多媒體的特質,創造有意義的學習環境,用以增進或輔助學習的教學系統,目的在於培養學習者自動學習的習慣。網路式指導是大學圖書館未來的趨勢,越來越多的大學圖書館將網路式指導應用在研究技巧與資訊素養的培育上。 本研究旨在探討網路式指導在我國大學圖書館利用教育的應用,在研究方法上採用文獻分析法、網站內容分析法、問卷調查法及半結構式訪談法等進行研究調查。首先分析相關文獻,其次調查國內143所大學圖書館網站在實施利用教育的現況,第三利用網路問卷的方式探討大學圖書館利用教育網路式指導之使用經驗,第四則是利用半結構式的訪談了解相關人員的管理經驗,最後實作教學網站,以提供大學圖書館規劃網路式指導之參考。 由上述研究結果發現:一、目前大學圖書館所實施的網路式指導,主要為傳統教材上網,缺乏針對網路的特性而設計的網路式教材;二、國內目前缺乏功能健全、設計完善的圖書館利用教育網路式指導;三、圖書館實施利用教育網路式指導最大的困難點不在於技術,而在於需要人力長期經營;四、圖書館利用教育網路式指導的內容實用性重於多媒體技巧。 最後建議:一、圖書館應思考其利用教育的基本面,選擇最有效率的的指導方式以增進讀者的資訊素養;二、大學圖書館應積極與校內技術、教學與行政單位合作,推廣資訊素養教育;三、研究並提升圖書館利用教育網路式指導的設計與規劃技巧;四、採用國外資訊素養能力指標與實施方案,充實圖書館利用教育網路式指導的教學內容;五、圖書館應致力於網路式指導的發展;六、館際合作共同發展圖書館利用教育網路教學課程。 / In the information age, academic libraries have to find the most effective ways to cultivate users’ information literacy. The web-based instruction (WBI) is a hypermedia-based instructional program which utilizes the attributes and resources of the World Wide Web to create a meaningful learning environment where learning is fostered and supported. WBI in the academic libraries has become the trend of future. More and more academic libraries use WBI to teach research skills and information literacy. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the application of WBI in the academic library user education in Taiwan. The research was conducted by literature review, web site content survey, web-based questionnaire and semi-structured interview. First of all, the analyses of the literature were reviewed. Second, the web sites of 143 academic libraries were investigated. Third, web-based questionnaire had been applied to determine the users’ experience of WBI. Fourth, semi-structured interview was conducted to understand the management experience of participants. Finally an experimental platform of WBI was constructed for the demonstration of WBI. The findings of this thesis are as follows: (1) The present use of WBI is limited to text online, digitalized learning materials that fit the Internet characteristics were lacked; (2) There is few well-designed WBI in library user education; (3) The difficulties involved with WBI are more of long term maintenance than technical problem. (4) The content is more important than multimedia. The suggestions include: (1) Rethinking the fundamental issue of library user education, choosing the most effective way to improve users’ information literacy; (2) The academic libraries must corporate with other technical, administrative, and academic departments on campus to promote information literacy education; (3) Research and improve the skills of designing and planning of WBI in library user education; (4) Adopt the international information literacy standards and projects, to strengthen the implementation of WBI in the library user education; (5) Academic libraries must make efforts on the development of WBI, (6) Cooperating with other academic libraries to develop WBI in library user education.

台北市高中圖書館支援教學之研究 / A Study on the Teaching Support of Taipei Senior High School Libraries

陳冠穎 Unknown Date (has links)
高中圖書館的宗旨在配合學校教育目標,並支援、豐富與實現學校的教育計畫,為學校整體教學中所不可或缺的一部份。許多國外研究亦已證明學校圖書館與教師之合作對於學生學術成就具有正向影響力。本研究透過訪談法瞭解臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之內涵,釐清圖書館負責人對於支援教學之看法,並分析支援教學所面臨之瓶頸與成功因素,探討高中圖書館如何突破困難,提出有效支援教學之策略。 / 綜合而言,臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之內涵包括:1. 積極發展館藏資源,以滿足教師之教學需求;2.善用資訊傳播科技以支援教學;3. 為師生提供圖書館利用教育,增進其資訊素養;4.由資訊融入教育著手,為教師提供教學諮詢服務。 / 若將支援教學相關服務依教師與館員合作關係歸納為「協調」、「合作」與「協同」三個層次,臺北市高中圖書館目前多已達協調、合作層次,僅少數圖書館達協同層次。和國外圖書館相較,臺北市高中圖書館離理想的協同性支援教學(如教學諮詢、協同教學、參與課程規畫)仍有一段距離。 / 臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之困難包括:1. 升學主義依然掛帥,成為圖書館推動資訊素養教育與資訊融入教育時之障礙;2. 館員缺乏學科教學專業知能,使教學諮詢服務不易獲得教師信任;3. 現階段圖書館人力不足,資訊相關業務之負荷過重。 / 而臺北市高中圖書館支援教學服務之成功因素則在於:1. 掌握資訊科技與資訊教育政策所提供之新契機;2. 館員具備圖書館學與資訊科技專業知能;3. 校長在經費、設備與人力資源上之支持;4. 教師之高度使用需求及參與意願;5. 館員之服務熱忱更為深化支援教學服務之要素。 / 綜合文獻探討與訪談結果,高中圖書館有效支援教學之策略包括: 1. 整合圖書館之服務及學科教學活動,以提升學生學習效能;2. 以資訊融入教育為己任,進而提供教學諮詢服務;3. 建置教學知識庫,整合教學資源;4. 充份整合人力資源,提供較深入之支援教學服務;5. 爭取教師之認同,共同創造新時代之教學願景;6. 培育種子教師,透過成功經驗之激勵,逐步推動高中圖書館之轉型;7. 積極爭取校外經費與設備之補助,以豐富師生教與學之經驗;8. 加強高中圖書館從業人員之專業知能,成為深度支援教學之支柱。 / 最後,本研究為深入支援教學提出幾點建議,供相關單位參考:1. 高中圖書館應協助教師進行個人知識管理;2. 高中圖書館員應深入了解社會發展、教育趨勢與學習需求;3. 高中圖書館從業人員應保持開放心態,隨時充實專業知能;4. 高中圖書館應持續推展與評鑑支援教學相關服務;5. 教育相關單位應將資訊素養概念納入學科教學中之中。 / The school library is the center for collecting, organizing and using information resources, and is therefore an indispensable part of school teaching activities. Teachers could better choose teaching materials, develop curriculum, and evaluate programs with school librarians’ support. Library literatures show that teacher and media specialist collaboration can effectively enhance student learning. This study use in-depth interviews to investigate the the situation of teaching support in Taipei senior high schools, to analyze the difficulties encountered, to identify the successful factors, and to provide strategies of teaching support. / Findings show that (1) teaching support services provided in most cases come under the “coordination” and “cooperation” stage, according to the Pollard and Montiel-Overall taxonomy framework, and very few senior high school libraries provide “collaboration” stage services. (2) Most directors keep conservative attitude toward “collaboration” stage services. (3) The difficulties encountered in teaching support include: tight course schedule, lack of education professional librarians, and tedious work. (4) Successful teaching support factors include: policy, professions in library and information science, unique personality, administration support, and teachers’ willingness. (5) Effectively teaching support strategies include integrating library programs into curriculum, helping teachers to integrate ICT into their lessons, assisting in teachers’ personal knowledge management, making better use of human resources, building visions with teachers, creating success stories, striving for budget actively, enhancing librarians’ professional ability. / Finally, the suggestions were made: (1) Senior high school libraries should assist in teachers’ personal knowledge management. (2) Senior high school librarians should keep learning. (3) Librarians should know the education trends and learning needs. (4) Services should be delivered, evaluated, and improved persistently. (5) Educational authorities should put emphasis on information literacy in subject instructions.


閻崇泰, Yen, Chung-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
由於目前台灣圖書出版業受到各種因素的影響,像是景氣持續衰退、原物料上漲、新書出版量增加但同時退書率卻也升高、出版業家數眾多、替代品的威脅、網路科技帶來的閱讀習慣改變等等因素,讓業者的經營陷入更困難的環境之中。而高退書率與高暢銷書銷售數字,讓圖書的銷售也朝向兩極化的發展。 本研究以圖書出版業為中心,暢銷書本身的價值流程作為研究對象,試圖透過資料收集、訪談、歸納整理、分析等等方式與步驟,找出價值鏈中暢銷書之關鍵成功因素(key success factor)。同時,也以實際的《藍海策略》一書為個案,透過深度訪談來了解該書從「市場調查」、「選書與作者」、「圖書編務」、「印務工作」、「行銷活動」及「物流/資訊流」等價值鏈活動中,運用了哪些關鍵成功因素讓個案本身成為暢銷書。 暢銷書的關鍵成功因素大致分為評估方式與行銷手法兩大類。 (一) 評估方式 一本書是否能具有成為暢銷書的潛力,可以從以下的四個方面來進行評估與衡量:一是目標市場;二是作者與書;三是與環境和需求的連結程度;四是與出版社屬性的關聯性。 1. 目標市場:包含目標市場規模、競爭品的供應量、價格和型式為主要的評估依據。 2. 作者與書:作者的知名度、書名和主題、封面設計、推薦人的知名度、內容特色與扎實、國外暢銷程度,以及特殊榮譽的加持等則為考量能否為暢銷書的重要因素。 3. 與環境和需求連結:包含要能滿足實質或心理需求以及打造說服主題。 4. 出版社本身的屬性:以出版社本身的目標策略、條件與資源作為選擇暢銷書內容物的依據。 (二) 行銷手法 暢銷書的行銷手法,以話題性書籍為主要考量的前提下,可以透過:製造話題來引發報導、密集曝光用來刺激購買意願、舉辦系列論壇演講、異業結盟藉此擴大市場規模,還有藉由慎選通路將資源集中在多數目標客源聚集的管道上等等方式來做。 透過對個案《藍海策略》一書的研究後發現,該書在書名和主題、封面設計、內容特色與扎實,以及國外暢銷程度上面具有一定的優勢;該書的主題獨特,作者寫的內容簡潔有條理,並且在國外出版後造成熱銷。而在行銷手法上面,則是具備強有力的行銷活動,讓書本身在上市後短時間內能夠引起很多人以及企業主的注意;透過雜誌、報紙還有電視等媒體做宣傳,結合國內產業的實際個案以及當時的社會現況,把該書的主要論述加以結合起來,作為一個報導的題材,能夠引發顧客的注意與引起顧客的共鳴,進而產生想要購買的慾望。也就是說,在價值鏈上,個案在「行銷活動」上產生極高的暢銷價值,再來就是在「選書與作者」這價值活動上也有不錯的表現。

圖書出版業者對第三方物流供應商評選模式研究 / Selection of third party logistics provider in book publishing firms

詹阿勇, Chan, A Yung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣圖書出版業者為了增加競爭優勢、降低成本,將物流業務利用外包處理的方式已經相當普遍。為實現使用第三方物流業者之物流服務所帶來之效益,選擇適當的第三方物流公司作為合作夥伴是成功的關鍵之ㄧ,因此如何評選第三方物流公司,就顯得格外重要。 有鑒於圖書出版業者以往易根據供應商的印象或交情,抑或僅憑自己主觀的認定評選物流供應商,比較缺乏系統性的評選;又考量的因素往往難以完全獨立,為解決此一問題,本研究提供一第三方物流供應商評選方法,其包括: 1. 篩選第三方物流供應商評選指標;以及 2. 利用分析網路程序法(ANP)確立評選指標之相對權重。 在參考過去相關研究,並透過專家訪談,歸納出適用於圖書出版業對於第三方物流業者之評選指標,其分為服務品質、履約能力、服務品質、價格條件、資訊管理能力、經營績效五大構面以及17個評選指標;並利用ANP將評選指標之間的相依回饋關係納入考量,找出各指標的權重,以作為企業評選第三方物流業者之評選參考。 之後,本研究以使用第三方物流之圖書出版業者為實例進行說明。研究中發現,圖書出版業者間在評選第三方物流供應商時,所重視的指標會有所不同,業者會根據過去與物流供應商實際合作情況,回饋於選擇第三方物流供應商的系統中,修正評選指標,調整權重認定,以找到適合的物流供應商。以個案公司來說,於第三方物流供應商評選時,對於訂單履行準確性及準時將貨物送達顧客是最重要的考量因素,其反映個案公司過去與第三方物流供應商合作之經驗。 最後,本研究所提供之方法亦可提供決策者充分的資訊與系統化的思考,有利企業做為最終決策的參考。 / As book publishing firms are looking to increase competitiveness, strengthen core competencies and lower overall costs, outsourcing logistics to third party logistics (3PL) service providers have become common practice. To ensure the success and to maximize the benefits of such practice, the selection of the 3PL becomes particularly crucial. This study provides a comprehensive methodology to the selection of a 3PL provider, consisting of two parts: 1. Screening criteria to employ during the selection of a provider;and 2. Determining the relative importance of each screening criterion by the analytic network process (ANP) approach. A total of seventeen criteria have been identified by experts in the book publishing industry with respect to service quality, capabilities, price, information technology management and operational performance of the 3PL providers. As interdependencies exist between each criterion and cannot be captured by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to solve such types of problems, this study utilizes ANP to determine the relative weighting in the selection of a 3PL provider. Thereafter, the application of ANP for the selection of a 3PL provider is demonstrated through an illustrative example. The result of the example provided indicates that the criteria of shipment error rates and on-time shipment and deliveries are the most important, and this reflects the influence of the experiences from past cooperation between the case company and 3PL providers. This approach also enables the decision-makers to better understand the complex relationship between the relevant attributes during the decision-making process, which may subsequently improve the outcome of the decision.


徐德軒, Hsu, Der Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的發展,不僅是技術的改進,更重要的是,它深切地改變了企業組織運作模式、個人工作經驗與社會活動。新科技的使用,使得企業組織架構、生產流程產生變革,經營者也增加了許多人力資源管理的作法;非典型工作型態的產生,上班不再是固定職場、朝九晚五的例行工作,傳統的勞動關係受到衝擊,勞資關係互動有別以往;此外,新科技引進、工作型態變化、勞動彈性化運用,在員工心理與人際關係互動也產生了影響。   因此,本研究針對資訊科技發展對組織、人力資源管理、勞資關係三個層面進行探討,在選擇研究對象時,鑑於網路發展,電子書是未來出版的趨勢,在出版流程數位電子化下,整個圖書出版活動都受到影響,因此,本研究以圖書出版業為研究對象,整理歸納出資訊科技發展對圖書出版業的影響。   經由本研究比較分析五家個案出版社後,得出如下研究結果:   (一) 圖書出版業運用資訊科技的能力與圖書出版類別有關   (二) 資訊科技發展對圖書出版業組織的出版作業流程影響最為顯著   (三) 資訊科技發展下,圖書出版業朝典型的「酢醬草組織」型態發展   (四) 具有電傳勞動性質的圖書出版工作,出版社傾向將其外包,與承包商(或個人)的溝通、合作關係將是外包成效的主因   (五) 工作壓力大、工作有效率是員工面對資訊科技發展最主要的心理反應   (六) 圖書出版業的績效評估著重於員工的創造力與溝通能力   (七) 圖書出版業的薪資報酬著重於員工的個人績效表現   (八) 圖書出版業勞資關係互動屬於「非集體協商型」模式   雖然出版社規模普遍不大,在人力資源管理與勞資關係行使上並不像大企業般經驗豐富,但資訊科技運用促使非典型工作型態的發展,則在出版業得到印證,對於非典型工作型態的影響、及相關勞動法令的修訂,將是勞資政三方面今後所要正視的議題。

知識管理在電子圖書館應用之研究 / Constructing a knowledge management environment in digital libraries

馮國卿, Feng, Kuo-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
知識是組織中最重要的資源,需要管理方能發揮更大的效益,以提昇組織的競爭優勢。所謂知識管理,就是使既有的知識產生作用,亦即有系統、有組織地應用知識,進而創新知識。在網際網路時代,電子圖書館的發展日漸蓬勃,提供知識流通與利用的良好環境。知識社會中的圖書館除了是知識寶庫之外,也應該積極地使知識發揮更多的作用。本研究即希望應用知識管理的觀念,建立一個具有三項特色的開放式電子圖書館學習與管理的環境:1.提供讀者一個互動式的學習環境;2.讀者可以協助參與管理的工作;3.讀者亦可分享與回饋知識給電子圖書館。 首先,探討電子圖書館知識管理基本架構的主要組成元件,包括:知識工作者、知識倉儲與知識活動,並將知識活動予以流程化,提出知識管理程序。其次,電子圖書館知識管理系統的建置,乃是藉由物件導向軟體工程的系統開發方法,將針對知識工作者的角色分類與知識代理人的模組定義,並探討知識管理程序的使用個案模式與知識倉儲關鍵物件之定義。最後,建立電子圖書館知識管理系統的分析模式,作為電子圖書館知識管理系統雛型建置的基礎。 / constructing a knowledge management environment in digital libraries

台灣地區IC設計業公司圖書館(資料單位)經營之研究 / A Study on the Management of Corporate Libraries (Information Center) for Integrated Circuit Corporate in Taiwan

楊舒萍, Yang, Su-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在繁忙的工商界,資訊代表一種情報、一種利器,如何掌握商情資訊,是企業界提昇競爭力的不二法門。IC設計業為一知識密集產業,有鑑於資訊流通、知識管理的重要性,IC設計公司成立公司圖書館(資料單位),以便於有效地保存資料,迅速提供資訊服務。本研究採用深度訪談與問卷調查法,以18家IC設計業公司圖書館為研究對象,目的在瞭解IC設計業公司圖書館的經營狀況,以及在公司知識管理中所扮演的角色。 本調查發現,IC設計業公司圖書館尚屬於起步階段,需協助公司進行品質管理,參與ISO9001的認證,所以主管單位為品保部門;人員編制少,多為一人圖書館,但服務對象卻涵蓋全公司、客戶與晶圓廠;公司圖書館蒐集資料的來源包含客戶、晶圓廠、研究機構以及公司的內部文件與研發資料,並為公司圖書館內的資源製作索引,以提供查詢、借閱。在知識管理的角色扮演上,目前IC設計業公司圖書館已掌握的資源為技術知識,以及公司內已經外顯化的知識,對於資訊知識與內隱知識,尚缺乏管理。 根據調查結果,提出以下五點建議,供IC設計業公司圖書館經營之參考:1.進行文件管理,協助品質認證;2.加強專利資料的蒐尋,實行專利、智慧財產權的管理;3.加入館際合作組織,彌補資源不足的現況;4.強調知識管理的理念,為IC設計公司整合圖書資訊系統;5.館員需要培養主動積極的態度,以知識管理者自居,經常與外界接觸,思考公司圖書館未來經營的方向,並爭取主管與工作同仁的支持與認同、協助蒐集資源。此外,在圖書資訊學系所課程部份,應建立建教合作的關係,重新規畫專門圖書館教育的課程,使圖書資訊學的專長,能運用在公司企業的資料管理。

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