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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣地區紡織業上市公司轉投資活動之研究 / Research for long-term investment--Empirical Study of Textile Industry in Taiwan

蔡文怡, Tsai,Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於轉投資收益占公司收益比重日形增加,且紡織業為一成熟期產業 ,頻頻地從事於轉投資活動,遂引起本研究的研究動機。 本研究的目 的是希望能對紡織業上市公司轉投資活動作一全面瞭解,並試圖找出會系 統化地影響轉投資活動的一些公司特質。 本研究結果發現公司屬於第 一類上市公司或第二類上市公司、公司屬於前兩百大企業集團或不屬於集 團、公司負債比率的高低、總經理持股比率的高低、公司近年來本業是否 曾虧損,都是會系統化影響公司轉投資活動的因子。 另外,從事轉投 資的動機方面最主要是因本業衰退,再者是希望能進入高報酬行業;而轉 投資又分三大類:垂直整合型、相關多角化型、非相關多角化型,從事這 三類型的轉投資其在實務上的考量因素都大致與理論所言符合;而在垂直 整合型轉投資與相關多角化型轉投資上,公司傾向於持有較高的股份。在 非相關多角化上,多數的公司都想跨入營建業、投資業、證券業、商銀、 創業投資業、資訊電子業等。至於選擇轉投資的對象時,首重被投資公司 的產品的市場可行性分析與投資的回收期間,而在事後的績效評估上,則 重投資報酬率與被投資公司的成長潛力;又當被投資公司獲利情形大好或 大壞時,或被投資公司的股票將要上市或上櫃時,投資公司都可能突然大 幅的增加或減少持股。

從全球整合行銷觀點檢視台灣觀光行銷溝通 / Examining the tourism marketing communication program of Taiwan from the globally integrated marketing communication perspective

林珮君, Lin, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Tourism industry, one of the most rapid growing economic activities around the world, brings countries foreign exchange and creates million jobs. Due to the huge profit involved, more and more countries recognize the importance of tourism marketing and start to include it into their national development plan, so does Taiwan. However, little attention has been paid in the academic field to Taiwan’s tourism promotions on a global basis. Therefore, this research aims at analyzing how Taiwan manages and integrates its tourism marketing communications in its three main target regions—Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe and America—from the perspective of Globally Integrated Marketing Communication (GIMC), and uses the current campaign “Tour Taiwan Years 2008-2009” as the subject. Following the IMC Audit proposed by Duncan (2002), this case study conducts document analysis and in-depth interviews with Tourism Bureau to investigate how Taiwan integrates its global communication either vertically across marketing disciplines or horizontally across countries. In addition, the level of standardization across marketing disciplines is compared, and suggestions for employing GIMC model are also provided. The finding can be summarized into three points: 1. Either within each region or across regions, the strategies Tourism Bureau employs are close to globally integrated strategy, but with different level of vertical and horizontal integrations. 2. The proposition, which suggests that public relation, sales promotion, and direct marketing are more difficult to standardize compared to advertising, is not supported in the case of “Tour Taiwan Years 2008-2009.” 3. The application of GIMC to tourism marketing in this case suggests that strategy should be the guiding principle for integration; and the classification of GIMC strategy should be adjusted and made based on a continuum approach.

台灣電視節目內容多元化之研究 / The Study of TV Program Diversity in Taiwan

陳一香, Chen, Yi-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
在傳播領域,多元化一直是媒介追求的目標,但是何謂多元化卻是一個尚未被精確界定的名詞,多元化雖源於政治上的多元主義,但隨著民主政治的發展,媒介多元化的概念亦隨之成長。多元化的意涵除了指涉政治多元所含蓋的「競爭」、「參與」、「分權」及「制衡」等概念外,更包括媒體表現的多元,多元主義在大眾傳播的實踐已被視為抗拒媒體單一化、提供更多選擇、反映社會差異、落實言論自由與保障少數族群傳播權益的重要理念。國內目前有關多元化的論述尚未成熟,也未將多元化的概念具體落實於傳播政策的設計,實證研究更為缺乏。本論文藉此檢視有關多元化概念的相關理論,追溯多元化概念的淵源背景,分析媒介多元化的政策理念,並釐清媒介多元化概念之面向與意涵,以作為建立客觀評量媒介多元化的指標依據。根據此一指標架構,進行電視節目內容多元化的實證研究,分析台灣電視媒體在多頻道環境下的節目多樣性,以及新電台加入對節目多樣性所造成的變化。 / The value of media diversity has always been pursued as an end for mass media, but questions about what are the concepts of diversity are not specifically defined. Although diversity has its primary reference to political plural concept of separation of powers, the appeal of diversity for mass media in modern society has been extended as a critical response to centralized control and conformity by providing the social difference and minority access, maximizing consumer choice and encouraging alternative voices and expression. In Taiwan, few of the questions for diversity research are systematically investigated and the diversity principle hasn''t been fully implemented in media policy. This thesis reviews the related literature of media diversity and develops a framework of analysis to guide the empirical research. The purpose of this study is to investigate the TV program diversity by collecting programming data of nine networks in Taiwan. The systematic quantized data and possible explanations for this result were discussed in the thesis.

連鎖咖啡微利時代來臨,本土咖啡業者的營運模式探討與經營策略—以X連鎖咖啡為例 / The Study of Business Model and Strategy for X Coffee Chain Stores

方秀月 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣市面上的連鎖咖啡市場經營形態相當地多元,不僅更加擴大了整個咖啡市場的量,也讓各式連鎖咖啡業者之間的競爭更加白熱化與緊張。 未來,平價連鎖咖啡業者最大的競爭對象,除了高價挾全球連鎖咖啡龍頭的星巴客(Starbucks)外,全台街頭到處矗立並已達上萬家的便利超商更是不容忽視之勁敵。針對不斷進入市場的這些各有財團支持的大型競爭者,目前已如達戰國市場的連鎖咖啡業者應如何調整營運模式與經營策略以因應?如何讓公司立於不敗之地並打贏這場生存戰爭?則競爭策略是生存的必要遊戲規則。 本研究透過分析X連鎖咖啡內部的優勢與劣勢(S/W)和外部的機會與威脅(O/T),發展出TOWS模型的形成來分析。在強項下利用外部機會發揮公司強處,及弱項下如何隱藏弱點以避免威脅。希望透過個案研究分析來探討X連鎖咖啡店面對挾全球連鎖咖啡知名品牌壓境的星巴客(Starbucks) 、與便利超商(7-Eleven, 全家超商,萊爾富)這些各有財團支持的強大競爭者的因應策略方案。而我們亦了解連鎖咖啡產業正值成熟期階段,X連鎖咖啡唯有在經營策略上以品牌定位、服務品質的提升、產品多樣化、價位合理化外,並走向垂直整合或多角化來維持利潤以鞏固現有市場並對擴張新市場。

台灣捲揚式真空濺鍍產業之經營策略分析-以C.S科技公司為例 / The business strategy analysis of the Roll to Roll vacuum coating industry in Taiwan“The Case Study for a C.S Technology Company”

許國誠, Chen, Hsu Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業是目前台灣繼紡織工業、機械工業後引領台灣近三十年來產業發展的主流產業,其中又以ICT(Information & Communications Technology)產業是台灣高科技產業的代表。但高科技產業特徵是快速的變化,並不斷經過創新技術的發展,加劇其變化的速度,要有能力在高科技產業中持續發展,對市場趨勢、核心能力的掌握、新技術發展、人才養成、垂直整合能力、水平產業整合能力等皆需具備,才有機會在高科技產業中生存及發展。因此如何掌握企業本身的核心能力、檢視整體供應鏈價值,並提出適合之企業經營與競合策略,便是能否在高科技產業中持續發展的關鍵因素了。 觸控面板產業自2007年Apple正式推出iPhone後,觸控面板有了急速成長的開端。其中台灣在觸控面板的供應鏈中佔有超過50%的產值,是台灣在全球的又一個世界第一,值得期待,而本研究的主題”捲揚式真空濺鍍產業”正是觸控面板業中的關鍵材料製造技術。但在台灣創造另一個第一的同時,細部去分析此類產品供應鏈的成本結構,獲利最高的並非台灣廠商而是日本廠商,那麼如何提高台灣廠商在觸控面板產業的價值,答案就在如何洞悉產業及如合運用創新與競合的經營策略了。 / A high-tech industry is a mainstream industry. In Taiwan, the machinery industry is second only to the textile industry as the leading industry over three decades of industrial development. Within the machinery industry, the Information & Communications Technology (ICT) industry is representative of Taiwan's high-tech industry. However, the high-tech industry is characterised by rapid change, which results in the continuous development of innovative technologies. These changes enable companies to sustain technological development, grasp market trends, enhance core competencies, develop talent, gain vertical integration capability, and improve their chances of survival and growth in the high-technology industry. Therefore, the key to sustainable development of the high-tech industry lies in mastering the core competencies of the enterprise itself, considering the value of the overall supply chain, and adopting a suitable competition and cooperation strategy for the business. Since 2007, there has been significant growth in the touch panel industry with the official launch of the Apple iPhone. This study on the“winch vacuum sputtering industry”focuses on the Taiwan based touch panel supply chain, which is a world leader and accounts for 50% of national output value,to assess the key materials in manufacturing technology. However, establishing another successful industry in Taiwan requires additional data to analyse the cost structure of the supply chain of such products and requires assessing Japanese manufacturers in addition to the most profitable Taiwanese companies. Hence, insights from the business strategies of innovating/competing industries is likely to improve the value of Taiwanese touch panel manufacturers.

電子血壓計通路代理商之供應商暨通路管理 / A Study on the Management of Supplier and Dealers in Electronic Blood Press Monitors Market

孫崇騰, Sun, Tsung Teng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國民所得持續提高、人口結構高齡化、新醫療科技之引進等因素下,民眾對於醫療保健之需求逐年增加,也因此帶動了相關醫藥衛生產業的成長,其中尤以居家醫療保健器材產業之成長潛力相當引人注意,代理商與供應商如何有效的管理行銷零售醫療通路成為一個重要課題。本研究選定市佔率超過50%的歐姆龍電子血壓計醫療通路代理商為主要研究標的物,目的欲探討家用電子式血壓計的供應商與代理商及各醫療通路之間相互的關係;並經由相關文獻及內部資料進行統計分析不同通路之間通路策略與業績之關係,再針對各醫療通路來探討其與各通路之競爭策略、權力與關係、通路管理之關聯性,以及供應商與代理商之間的策略效果,冀望研究結論能使家用電子式血壓計廠商更瞭解其目標市場,並研擬相關策略之建議以作為廠商未來參考。 本研究結果發現:(1)供應商的通路經銷範圍分配不明確會造成水平及多重通路衝突。有明確的通路區隔策略,才能確保多重通路衝突降至最低。(2)完善管理醫療零售通路體系乃基於產品區隔及行銷規劃。有明確的產品區隔策略,才能減少水平衝突(3)水平通路衝突的解決首重代理商的態度。解決各零售通路的水平衝突在電子血壓計上是常態,無論是發生在藥局、醫療器材行亦或是專業連鎖醫療零售通路體系,有賴代理商的強制決策。(4)專業連鎖醫療零售通路體系的條件趨於嚴格,雙方合約的處理首重影響策略。管理兩大專業連鎖醫療零售通路日趨困難,其要求的毛利日趨嚴格。年度回饋合約的談判至為重要,聯合供應商共同合作以利連鎖通路談判亦是重點之一,也關係到水平通路衡突的管理。(5)醫療器材與藥品的經營模式不同。醫療器材的市場與藥品的行銷與經營本質上是不同的,雖然看似同一個醫療專業零售通路,但其屬性為自費市場,不像是藥品處處受國民健康管理局的管制且藥品無法作產品組合與區隔,加上醫療器材重視行銷、權力關係及通路管理的控制力,個案公司在加入專業經理人之後,利用影響策略與各零售通路溝通,將通路控制力達到最佳狀態,顯見人力資源與影響策略的重要性。


TAMAOKA, Katsuo, LIM, Hyunjung, 玉岡, 賀津雄, 林, 炫情 15 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

多角化經營與智慧資本關係之個案研究 / A case study of the relationship between diversification and intellectual capitala case study of the relationship between diversification and intellectual capital

劉致圓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係透過實地訪談並搭配以往文獻進行歸納,藉由瞭解企業進行多角化之動機、所採行之策略類型以及所搭配之進入方式,進而探討多角化經營如何影響智慧資本之蓄積及具體管理制度為何,以期對多角化營運之企業在資源之掌握與管理上作一參考。本研究係依據個案分析之結果,提出以下三項結論以回應研究問題,同時根據研究發現陳述相關建議,最後提出研究限制與未來研究之方向。 一、多角化動機會影響策略類型之選擇,且會搭配適合之多角化進入方式。 二、採取不同之多角化策略及進入方式,所重視之智慧資本項目不盡相同;而無論採取何種策略及其進入方式,所共同重視之項目為人力資本之「員工專業技能」、「向心力」,流程資本之「營運流程」、「創新流程」與「組織彈性」,創新資本之「創新投入」,關係資本之「策略夥伴」,共計七項。 三、針對不同的多角化策略及其進入方式下所重視之智慧資本,企業應採取適當之管理制度予以蓄積與維護,使其得以有效發揮效益。 / This research is primary to provide some references on resource control and management for enterprises which are diverdified or will diversify. By realizing the motivation, types of strategy, and the matching modes of entry for diversification by field interviews and based on previous literature, the study discusses how diversification affects the accumulation and pratical management system of intellectual capital. According to the result of case analysis, the research claims three conclusions in response to the research questions. meanwhile, we also propose some relevant suggestions, and state research limitation and direction in future. 1.The motivations would affect the types of strategy for diversification, and enterprises will choose appropriate modes of entry. 2.Within different diversification strategies and matching modes of entry, the emphasized intellectual capital items will be different. This study finds no matter what strategic types and modes of entry adopted, the common emphasized intellectual capital items include employees’ professional competence and centripetal force in human capital, operating process, innovative process, and organizational elasticity in process capital, innovative input in innovation capital, and strategic partnership in relational capital. 3.For different diversification strategies and the matching modes of entry, all enterprises should adopt appropriate management system to accumulate and maintain the important intellectual capitals, so that they could achieve remarkable success.


張芝怡, chihi-yi Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是在探討台灣與中國大陸間紡織業之垂直及水平產業內貿易之情況。本文使用The World Trade Atlas國際貿易統計數據資料庫之貿易資料,首先觀察1995-2004年兩岸紡織業之貿易現況。 本文採用國際商品統一分類制度(The Harmonized Commodity Description Coding System, HS)做為商品分類的基礎,以HS Code兩位碼及六位碼之貿易資料,根據 Grubel and Lloyd (1975)產業內貿易指數,計算各年產業內貿易程度,觀察其變動,並探討兩岸紡織業之各項產業之垂直與水平產業內貿易歷年的變化趨勢。以HS Code六位碼為分類基礎之分析中,我們可將觀察期間中,產業內貿易、垂直及水平產業內貿易歷年變動趨勢大致相同之產業分為四組,並深入探討其經濟涵義:(1) VIIT上升;HIIT維持平穩;IIT下降的產業。(2) VIIT上升;HIIT下降;IIT上升的產業。(3) VIIT上升;HIIT下降;IIT下降的產業。(4) VIIT下降;HIIT上升;IIT上升的產業。 接著,以HS Code六位碼為商品分類基礎,建立實證模型並利用一般最小平方法(OLS),探討兩岸紡織業之產業內貿易、垂直及水平產業內貿易的決定因素。而由實證結果顯示,兩岸經濟發展差異程度、兩岸貿易開放程度、關稅及重疊性需求是影響兩岸紡織業產業內貿易重要之因素。而兩岸經濟發展差異程度、關稅及重疊性需求則為兩岸紡織業垂直及水平產業內貿易之重要影響因素。

法人說明會資訊對供應鏈機構投資人投資行為之影響-以我國半導體產業為例 / The Effect of Up-stream Company’s Conference Call Information on Down-stream’s Company’s institutional investors– An Example From Semi-conductor Industry in Taiwan

劉士豪, Liu, Shih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究試圖探討半導體產業供應鏈上游的IC設計業者召開法人說明會後,基於我國半導體產業供應鏈緊密連結之特性,同屬半導體供應鏈的其他中、下游製造和封測廠之機構投資人的交易行為是否將受到IC設計業者宣告之法人說明會資訊影響,亦即證明法人說明會資訊在半導體供應鏈中是否具有垂直資訊移轉效果。實證結果發現在法人說明會召開訊息首次見報日時,供應鏈上游公司之法人說明會訊息確實會影響其中、下游公司之機構投資人的持股變化,於宣告好(壞)消息時買進(賣出),顯示機構投資人藉由其專業團隊和私有資訊能早一般大眾提前調整其交易策略,而此資訊移轉效果也會隨著公司在供應鏈上之距離而逐漸稀釋。此外,結果亦顯示外資由於地緣限制,相較於投信和自營商更會倚賴法人說明會宣告之資訊調整其持股策略,於宣告好(壞)消息時買進(賣出)。 / This research examine the conference call which hold by the IC design companies will transfer useful information to the institutional investors of IC manufacturing and packaging companies in the supply chain downstream. I am interested in if there is a vertical information transfer in the semi-conduct industry. The empirical results show that the conference call information is significantly influence the holding percentage of the institutional investors of the downstream supply chain companies after the information of conference call first reported in the newspapers. The institutional investors will increase the holding percentage after the good news released and vice versa. It is showed that the institutional investors can gather more information before the conference call and adjust their invest strategy in advance. Furthermore, this vertical information transfer effect will dilute by degrees as distance increases. Lastly, the result also shows that the foreign institutional investors more rely on the information released from the conference call to adjust their invest strategy than native institutional investors.

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