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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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劉誌雄 Unknown Date (has links)
警察因具有執法者的特殊角色,一直都被認為是一個富有挑戰性,且具高度危險與壓力的職業;另因背負太多的社會期待與情感包袱,易發生工作與家庭生活間多種角色的衝突。當個人表現不如預期或遭受挫折時,無法承擔壓力的員警便可能產生厭世的念頭。內政部警政署九十三年的統計資料顯示,最近十年來,警察自殺人數高達六十九人,官階從一線三星至二線四星分局長皆有,遠比緝捕匪徒因公殉職者之人數還多;而警察自殺不僅僅造成其個人家庭的破碎,更是社會、國家的一大損失。 基此,本研究旨在瞭解警察人員工作壓力與家庭生活間之相互影響因素與程度,冀能提供警察紓壓方法,以增加渠等「內控能力」及外控社會支持,創造個人、家庭與組織的三贏。 除文獻回顧外,本研究採取了問卷調查、焦點團體座談等資料收集方法,經由次數分配、卡方檢定等分析方法,發現警察普遍認為績效的要求是最主要的工作壓力源;其次為主管領導風格以及工作時間過長。不同工作類型之警察,工作壓力的感受程度也不同;其中以刑事警察的工作壓力最大、交通警察次之,行政警察再次之。在生活壓力源中,家人相處時間太少,最普遍困擾著員警。當警察人員處於高工作壓力時,其對家庭造成之衝擊也愈大。整體而言,婦幼警察、少年警察對工作及家庭兩方面的總體生活滿意度較高;刑事警察與交通警察之滿意度則較低。至於不同世代之警察,對工作及家庭壓力之感受並無明顯差異,唯在績效要求方面則呈現出年齡愈高的警察,有感受工作危險情境也愈高、擔心自己的健康、認為主管以授權型領導型態居多、工作上如遇到關說請託則交給上級長官來處理之差異外,不同官階的警察在工作與家庭之總體生活滿意度方面,一線四星以下的基層警察不滿意的比率明顯有高於二線一星以上警官之態勢,顯示科層式的警察體系結構仍有許多待改進之處。 為減輕員警工作與家庭雙方面的壓力,本研究建議採取:(一)、強化警察養成教育,施予壓力紓解的教育與訓練,增加「內控能力」。(二)、合理調配員警工作時間,使其有充分的休息與休閒。(三)、常態合理化治安績效要求。(四)、簡化警察業務,並以治安及交通二大工作為主。(五)、推動「員警協助方案」等諸項措施,俾減輕工作與家庭帶給彼等的雙重壓力。 / The policemen, assuming a special role of legal execution, have been expected to practice relatively formidable challenging tasks, thus carrying extremely dangerous and heavy work load. As such, they often confront with conflicts between public interests and personal benefits, struggle against proper roles in society and at home. Under unbearable pressures, some police, would therefore even think about committing suicide. Statistics released from the National Police Agency of Ministry of Internal Affairs 2004 indicated that the total number of policemen who have committed suicide within the last decade has reached that of 69 (ranking from one-stripe three-star to two-stripe four-star officers), outnumbering those who were killed during the fights with bandits. Their suicide has brought tremendous loss not only to their own families, but also to the society and nation as a whole. It is in this vein that this study, intends to firstly understand how and to what extent that police’s work pressure and family life interfere with each other, and secondly tries to find ways and means to reduce the police pressure both from work and family. It is hoped that through strengthening the policemen personal adjustment capability and supporting mechanism from the society, triple wins for individual, family and organization can be reached. Through literature review, survey questionnaire and focus group data collection and analysis, it is found that the performance requirements, boss’ leadership style and extreme long working hours compose the three major work pressures for policemen. Besides, Work pressures do vary according to different kinds of police; in general, criminal police experiences the highest work pressure, followed by traffic police and the administrative police. As to life pressures, too little time that could spare to their family is sensed as the major source for pressure. In addition, the higher work pressure the police suffer, the greater impact on their family. Police in charge of women and children and juvenile affairs find comparatively greater satisfaction with their job and family. Contrarily, criminal police and traffic police find quite low satisfaction. Though there exists no obvious different feelings toward work pressure and family pressure among policemen of different ages; the elder police, nevertheless, tend to be more sensitive about the danger of their work and worried more about their own health. With regard to the performance requirements, the elder policemen have commented that most supervisors have exercised their authoritative power on their subordinates. Moreover, the grass root policemen below one-stripe four-star seem to be least satisfied than those police officers above the two-stripe one-star. It implies that improvements should be made as to the police bureaucratic system. In order to reduce the policemen’s pressure from both work and family, the following measures have been recommended by the study: (1). Provide the policemen with intensive training of how to relieve pressures so as to improve their self-control capability; (2). Properly readjust policemen working module so as to ensure that they have enough time to rest and recreate; (3). Develop reasonable performance requirements; (4). Simplify policemen’s work responsibilities, with focus on the two tasks -- public security and traffic mainly; (5). Promote “mutual assistance programs” in order to effectively solve and prevent potential problems.


張琤紫 Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代初期,受到世界各國自由化及民營化思潮的影響,我國於1996年電信三法通過後,並於當年7月1日電信總局正式改制,將電信組織一分為二,一為掌握各項電信監理事務的行政機關----電信總局。另為負責營運電信事業---中華電信股份有限公司。隨著電信業務的開放,中華電信公司亦步亦趨的朝電信民營化發展邁進,對於一向工作穩定的公務人員影響顯著,尤其已婚的女性員工對於公務員身分的改變更是極鉅,在此即將民營化的過程中,對員工產生何種衝擊,值得深究。 有鑑於此,本研究主要針對電信機構內正式公務人員,對於民營化認知及家庭、工作滿意度三大面向加以探討,並分析三者關係,以期了解目前電信機構女性員工對於民營化的認知及家庭、工作生活滿意的看法。其研究對象為大台北地區電信機構已婚職業婦女為主,經由立意抽樣,採問卷調查法,分別抽樣調查中華電信公司及電信總局二個單位,共發出750份問卷,回收673份,扣除無效問卷19份,有效問卷計654份,有效回收率為87.2﹪。研究資料之統計分析,主要採SPSS統計套裝軟體,而所用的統計方法,採次數分配、百分比、因素分析、T檢定、變異數分析、雪費多重比較檢定及皮爾遜積差相關分析。 本研究發現有下列四點,敘述如下: 一、個人特質的不同,在家庭生活滿意度六個因素中的差異 1. 年齡不同,僅在親子關係及家事負荷達到極顯著的差異。 2. 教育程度不同,僅在家事負荷及家事分工達到顯著的差異。 3. 服務部門不同,僅在親子關係達到顯著的差異。 4. 服務年資不同,在親子關係及家事負荷達到極顯著的差異,而在夫妻相處達到顯著的差異。 5. 職位或資位不同,僅在家事分工達到相當顯著的差異。 6. 每月薪資不同,在親子關係、家事負荷、家事分工達到相當顯著的差異,在親屬關係達顯著的差異,但在其他因素中並未達到顯著的差異。 二、個人特質不同,在工作休閒生活滿意八個因素中的差異 1. 年齡不同,在工作升遷、工作壓力達到極顯著的差異,在工作成就感及彈性工作達到相當顯著差異水準。 2. 教育程度不同,在工作壓力、薪資福利達到相當顯著差異水準,在工作成就感達到顯著的差異,同事情誼達到極顯著的差異。 3. 服務部門不同,在工作壓力達到極顯著的差異,而在薪資福利及同事情誼達到顯著的差異。 4. 服務年資不同,在工作升遷、工作成就感、休閒實現及彈性工作達顯著的差異,而在工作壓力達到極顯著的差異。 5. 職位或資位不同,在工作升遷達到顯著的差異,在薪資福利達到相當顯著差異水準,而在同事情誼達到極顯著的差異。 6. 每月薪資不同,在工作升遷達到顯著差異,在工作成就感及薪資福利達相當顯著差異水準,而在同事情誼達極顯著差異。 三、個人特質不同在民營化的認知七個因素中的差異 1. 年齡不同,在環境適應達相當顯著差異水準,而在保障福利及升遷發展達極顯著差異。 2. 教育程度不同,僅在環境適應及升遷發展達相當顯著差異水準。 3. 服務部門不同,僅在改制衝擊達到顯著的差異。 4. 服務年資不同,在競爭力及保障福利達極顯著差異,而在升遷發展達顯著的差異。 5. 職位或資位不同,僅在競爭力、改制衝擊及保障福利達到顯著的差異。 6. 每月薪資不同,在競爭力達相當顯著差異水準,而在保障福利及升遷發展達到極顯著的差異。 四、家庭與工作休閒滿意度有顯著之正相關,但二者與民營化認知並無顯著相關。 本研究在了解已婚職業女性對於民營化認知、家庭與工作休閒生活意識之關係後,並提出建議:1.希望女性員工尋求家人支持協助家事分工2.重視專業技能培養、工作自我調適及重視休閒3.電信機構建立公平升遷制度、工作分配公平4.鼓勵員工進修訓練並建立公司願景5.政府立法保障員工權益6.資本大眾化優惠員工認股,以期達到「三贏」的局面。並藉此研究提出今後研究課題,做為後續研究相關領域的參考。


江義益 Unknown Date (has links)
國內最近幾年來,警察人員遭「強制扣薪」問題,隨著國內社經多元因素交互激盪,呈現逐年增加趨勢,身居為社會之一環,不論個人、家庭、職場、社會等各層面誘因,均一而再的衝擊影響渠意識,致使衍生各種深重困擾的風紀問題;以台北縣警察局所屬警察人員為例,遭法院裁定強制執行扣薪計有二百七十五人,佔全局人數百分之四點二,鑑於其發生過程多元複雜,且種種慘痛案例迄今仍重複發生,實值得深入加以探討;研究者因忝為台北縣政府警察局一員,乃僅就台北縣警察人員為例研提報告。 本論文從問題背景開始、以研究員警為何被扣薪原因,被扣薪後對員警家庭生活及職場意識為目的、研究方法則由相關文獻回顧著手,以參與觀察法、訪談法、多元方法(三角交叉檢視法)等研究方法,再經以問卷,設計以個人基本資料、強制扣薪原因、扣薪後對您自己及家庭生活、職場生活影響及對策等等項目,期建構出維護警察風紀之「最佳模式」。來瞭解對家庭生活、職場等二個面向之影響,並透過量化與質化方式,理論與實務並重進行探討分析,就整體形象、工作職場、家庭生活、長官互動、同儕關係、生活影響、其他各方面說明,深入研究問題之類型、成因、影響,針對問題提出結論之重點,獲致如下之研究發現、貢獻。 一、本論文從問題背景、相關文獻資料皆係唯一,研究問題之類型、成因、工作、家庭生活之影響,亦屬首創。 二、本研究有助警察團隊愈加堅實,以台北縣警察局所屬警察人員為例,本案經防制輔導措施實施,從93年9月迄94年1月已減57名。 三、就扣薪發生錯綜複雜過程,種種慘痛案例,迄今仍重複發生,本研究可予實務界立即參酌;亦提供可續研究發展的空間,有a.擴及五大都會區研究發展、b.台、澎、金、馬地區之探索、c.先進工業國家情況之探討。期望有利來者後續之研究,並冀求有關警察行政當局對本案現象之關注及作為。 四、依本研究發現,警察人員遭受法院強制扣薪,對於該員警本身之生理、心理、家庭、職場、生活、上司與下屬、同儕、親朋好友,皆有若干影響,提供未來改善可行參考方向。

已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突對家庭生活滿意度之影響 / A Study of Work-Family Conflict and Its Impact on Family Life Satisfaction for Married Social Worker

陳虹彣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以已婚社會工作員為對象,瞭解已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突對其家庭生活滿意度的影響。研究透過兩種管道進行資料的蒐集:一種是由台灣社會工作專業人員協會與台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會協助樣本的提供;另一種是使用線上問卷,共回收154份有效問卷。本研究有幾點發現:首先,已婚社會工作員面臨了工作與家庭的衝突,且工作干擾家庭的情況較嚴重。其次,已婚社會工作員在家庭生活滿意度的不同構面中,以家務處理滿意程度最低。再者,已婚社會工作員不會因性別的不同在工作與家庭衝突和家庭生活滿意度兩方面有所差異。在工作特質變項上,已婚社會工作員的工作年資愈少、擔任第一線社工員、每週工作時數和每月加班時數愈多者,工作與家庭衝突的情況愈嚴重。在工作投入與勝任感方面,已婚社會工作員對社工專業愈投入,其家庭干擾工作的程度愈低,亦不會因此產生工作干擾家庭的感受;當已婚社會工作員愈難獲得合適的工作作息且愈無法勝任工作時,工作與家庭衝突的程度愈高;而已婚社會工作員對社工專業愈投入者,其家庭生活滿意度愈高。此外,已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突程度愈高,家庭生活滿意度就會愈低。最後,針對研究結果,研究者提出以下建議:已婚社會工作員應瞭解自我角色的情況,在家務處理上取得配偶和家人的支持,並學習有效的時間管理與適度的自我調適;實務界則應正視社會工作員的工作壓力負荷量大的問題。 / This research takes married social workers as research subject to understand how the conflict between work and family affects their family life satisfaction. Our data was collected from two measures. Some are provided by the Taiwan Association of Social Workers and the Taiwan Fund for Children and Family while the rest comes from 154 effective questionnaires collected by an online survey. Through this research, we discovered the followings. First, married social workers do encounter work-family conflicts and their family lives are rather interfered by their work. Second, in terms of different factors of the family life satisfaction, married social workers stand at the lowest level in the satisfaction of house work management. Furthermore, married social workers, regardless of sex, share the same experience regarding work-family conflicts and the family life satisfaction. In terms of the variable of job characteristics, the work-family conflict is much more severe if married social workers have less years of job experience, act as frontline social workers, or have more weekly work hours and overtime hours per month. On the aspect of work devotion and job competency, as they devote more to become professional social workers, their family lives are less likely to be interfered by their work, and thus they don't have the feeling of interference. If they have more trouble balancing between work and rest and become less competent in their jobs, the work-family conflict would be more serious. Meanwhile, if more devotion is put into becoming professional social workers, the family life satisfaction would be higher. In addition, when married social workers suffered from more severe work-family conflicts, their family life satisfaction becomes lower. This research provides several suggestions based on the research result. Married social workers should know more about their roles in work, gain supports from their spouses and family members on housework management and learn better skills on time management and self-adjustment. In practical view, the problem of work stress and overload in social workers should be emphasized.


李光步, Li, Guang-Bu Unknown Date (has links)
由於每一時代的社會環境、形態不同,所以表現在小說作品中的思想、意識也不同。 換言之,研究一個時代小說的主要思想,就不難明瞭那個時代、那個社會的一般思想 。因此由紅樓夢的研究,或多或少可看出當時社會一般情況、意識狀態及傳統大家庭 生活、倫理觀念。本篇論文欲就當時社會與家庭狀況、意識及其與賈府盛衰的關係兩 點,探討紅樓夢所成顯的社會與家庭。 第一章 緒論。 第二章 紅樓夢所成顯的社會。共四節:把書中的社會,分為世家、官僚集團、平民 、奴隸四等階級,探討其一般生活面貌、意識行態、以及各階層之間的互相連關關係 。 第三章 賈府的組織與特性。共四節:由累世同居、家長的尊嚴、祭祀祖先共有等一 般中國傳統大家庭的特徵,分析賈府大家庭生活的正和反面。 第四章 家庭分子間的關係,共四節:討論大家庭裡父子、兄弟姊妹、夫婦妻妾、婆 媳、妯娌、姑嫂之間相處的情形及其與全家庭生活的關係。 第五章 結論:以一般社會與家庭狀況及其與賈府盛衰的關係兩點,綜合前四章。

以影像為基礎之智慧型睡眠監測系統 / Intelligent video-based sleep monitoring system

郭仁和, Kuo, Jen Ho Unknown Date (has links)
我們提出的智慧型睡眠監測系統,是基於影像分析技術進行睡眠品質觀測,並利用所得到的數據來推斷最佳的喚醒時間。此系統命名為iWakeUp,利用非接觸式的方法來收集影像資料並進行後續處理,此裝置將被安裝在一般的臥室來幫助睡眠者,以期成為增進智慧家庭生活品質的一環。在此論文中,我們將會描述iWakeUp的各個模組包括測定動作量、推斷睡眠階段乃至於如何建立喚醒機制。更特別的是,我們考慮了喚醒時間與喚醒機制的關係,於較早的時間喚醒必須具有更高的信心度,否則將付出較大的代價,反之亦然。另外為了處理晨間臥室中的光影變化,不同的背景模型也已被整合測試,以期讓系統可以提升長時間觀測的準確度。最後,我們也進行了使用iWakeUp的臨床實驗,結果指出使用iWakeUp喚醒的睡眠者具有較低的嗜睡感與更好的活力。 / We present a video-based monitoring system to determine the sleep status and optimal wakeup time in this thesis. We envision a smart living space in which a data collection and processing module named iWakeUp is installed in the bedroom to record and monitor sleep in a non-invasive manner. We describe the overall structure of the iWakeUp system, including the procedure to measure amount of motion, the method for inferring wake/sleep status from the acquired video and the logics for deciding the optimal wakeup time. In particular, a time-dependent decision rule has been incorporated to account for unequal penalties when classification error occurs. Furthermore, various background modeling techniques have been examined to address lighting changes at dawn in the bedroom for long-term monitoring. Validation experiments are carried out to compare the alertness level upon awakening with/without reported a lower level of sleepiness and higher level of vigorousness in comparison to the control group.

台灣各縣市社會福利支出對其犯罪率之影響 / The impact of regional social welfare spending on crime rate in Taiwan

林倖妤, Lin, Xing Yu Unknown Date (has links)
區域間由於發展背景與功能取向不同,以致各地區社會福利支出比例有所差異,對治安與生活品質亦造成不同的影響。社會福利制度是促進整體社會平等、維持人民生存的重要體制;犯罪人口的多寡,則是影響國家成長與進步的重要社會問題之一。本研究主要目的為探討台灣地區社會福利支出對總犯罪率、各年齡層(少年、青年與成年)及失業者犯罪人口率之影響程度,並進一步分析不同社會福利補助支出對總體犯罪率及上述不同群體的個別影響方向。研究範圍為1999-2009年台灣地區23個縣市別的追蹤資料(panel data),利用雙因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model)同時分析各縣市之個別特質與時間趨勢效果,可對討論議題提供精確的估計結果。研究結果顯示,台灣各縣市社會福利支出與總體犯罪率間不存有顯著關係。進一步分析五種社會福利補助支出,發現家庭生活扶助對於改善整體及各年齡層的犯罪問題皆具有良好效果;其他如就學生活補助、醫療補助與急難救助對部分族群之犯罪問題亦有正面幫助。唯失業給付對犯罪問題並無正面影響。因此建議可藉由調整社會福利支出的比例以降低犯罪問題的發生。 / As the mode of growth and orientation policy in various area are different, resulting in proportion of social welfare spending and influence on public security and quality of life are also different. This study aims to investigate the influence of social welfare spending as well as different social welfare assistance on the total crime rate and crime rate of population of specific age groups and unemployed in Taiwan. Using the cross-regional panel data of 23 counties during the period 1999-2009 in Taiwan. The empirical results from two-way fixed-effect model found that there is no significant relationship between social welfare spending and crime rate. However, analyzing the further five social welfare assistances with regard to improve crime problem has been proved, especially living support assistance. Therefore, this study suggests that the criminal coping strategy is proposed to adjust proportion social welfare spending to reduce criminal problems.

初探情感性精神病患身為疾病照顧者之家庭生活適應歷程 / An exploratory study on the process of family-life adjustment among caregivers who have affective disorder.

龔千逢 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖針對目前或曾經有過照顧罹病家人之情感性精神病患進行深度訪談,以了解其家庭生活適應整體歷程中,所遇之壓力負荷議題、照顧議題及生活適應影響議題為何。研究設計採取敘事研究法,針對四位情感性精神病患的照顧故事進行資料蒐集與分析。   本研究共有三大部份的發現,在壓力負荷層面中,照顧者主要經驗「情緒困頓」、「責任壓力」、「束縛感受」、「被隔離或排斥的感受」、「對未來的恐懼」、「刻板印象、歧視或烙印」、「家庭功能和關係之變化」等七項主觀或客觀議題;在照顧層面中,照顧者主要面臨了「疾病復發引發負面情緒,影響照顧的能量」、「資源和支持系統之運用」、「生理健康」、「心理健康」、「情感需求支持」等五項議題;在生活適應影響層面中,照顧者面臨「角色轉變」、「相關支持」、「照顧信念」、「照顧需求」等四個面向的議題。   在了解情感性精神病患身為疾病照顧者之家庭生活適應歷程中,影響其家庭生活適應之相關因素和議題之後,研究者根據研究結果的整理,提出具體建議與結論,提供助人實務工作和政策方案設計在協助情感性精神病患執行照顧角色之參考。 / This research aims to caregivers who have affective disorder had or having the experience of taking care of his or her sick families. With in-depth interview, author try to understand what issues will face during their process of family-life adjustment, like stress and burden issues, care issues, and live adjustment issues. Research design takes narrative research to collect and analyze from four caregivers who have affective disorder. This research has three parts of finding. First, in "Stress and burden issues", caregivers face seven subjective and objective issues, such as "emotional suffering", "responsibility stress", "feeling of restrain", "feeling of being separated or rejected", "fear of the future", "stereotype, prejudice, and stigma", and "changes of family function and relationship". Second, in "Care issues", caregivers face five issues, such as "symptoms cause negative feelings", "using the resources and supportive system", "mental health", "physical health", and "support of emotional needs". Third, in "Life adjustment issues", caregivers face four issues, such as "role change", "supports", "care belief", "care needs". After discovering those issues and relative factors that influence the process of family-life of caregivers who have affective disorder. Base on above findings, author gives suggestions on policy making and practice work for caregivers who have affective disorder.

智能障礙者雙老家庭照顧負荷、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質之相關性探討 / Relationships between care burden, family resilience and family quality of life of the double-ageing families with intellectual disabilities

潘季瑤, Pan, Chi Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討智能障礙者雙老家庭之照顧負荷、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質的關係,並檢驗家庭復原力對照顧負荷與家庭生活品質之調節情形。 本研究採取問卷調查法,採便利取樣方式進行資料蒐集工作,研究對象為79戶雙老家庭。資料分析以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析與階層迴歸分析進行。研究主要結果如下: 一、雙老家庭的照顧負荷程度高,然家庭復原力及家庭生活品質的現況表現也普遍較高; 二、照顧負荷與家庭復原力具有顯著負相關; 三、照顧負荷與家庭生活品質具有顯著的負相關; 四、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質具有顯著的正相關; 五、家庭復原力可調節照顧負荷對家庭生活品質之負向效果。 本研究根據問卷調查結果,提出實務與後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study was to probe into the relations between care burden, family resilience and family quality of life of the double-ageing families that contain old parents and their children with intellectual disability, and to examine the moderating effects of the family resilience of care burden and the family quality of life. A questionnaire survey was used in the study which recruited 79 double-ageing families. The data of questionnaire survey were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of the study were described as the followings: 1.Care burden of caregiver is in high-level;Family resilience and family quality of life levels of double-ageing families are positive, between mid-level and high-level. 2.There was significant negative correlation between care burden and family resilience. 3.There was significant negative correlation between care burden and family quality of life. 4.There was significant positive correlation between family resilience and family quality of life. 5.The family resilience moderated the negative effects of the family quality of life caused from care burden. Based on the results from the questionnaire survey, some suggestions for practice and future studies were proposed.

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