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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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知識翻新對國小四年級學生閱讀理解和寫作表現之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and writing performance

王靜華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討電腦支援合作知識翻新(knowledge building)活動對國小四年級學童閱讀理解與寫作表現的影響。研究對象為新北市某公立國小的兩班學生共53人。其中,實驗組(n=25)採知識翻新活動﹔控制組(n=28)採傳統講述教學活動。研究方法採準實驗設計中的「不等組前後測設計」;在為期十八週的實驗期間進行前測、實驗處理及後測。   研究資料來源包含:(1)PIRLS閱讀測驗前後測成績;(2)教學科技平台討論內容;(3)教學科技平台活動參與量;(4)寫作表現分數;(5)實驗組與控制組學生的半結構訪談;以及(6)實驗組的段考學習成績。資料分析同時使用質性與量化兩種方式。質性分析內容包括半結構訪談與平台討論內容,量化資料分析內容包含閱讀測驗成績、平台活動參與程度、以及寫作表現分數。透過多元資料分析以瞭解經過不同教學方法後,兩組學生的閱讀理解與寫作表現上是否有所差異。   研究結果顯示:(1) 知識翻新有助於提升學生的整體閱讀理解,且使用知識論壇進行閱讀理解提問,也有助於提昇學生的提問能力;(2) 知識翻新有助於提升學生整體寫作表現,且知識論壇上的貼文與討論活動也有助於改善學生的寫作品質;(3) 知識翻新能幫助學生改進其想法概念,且實驗後期於知識論壇的活動量也有呈現增加的趨勢;及(4)經過知識翻新活動後,實驗組的低學業成就學生之閱讀理解表現優於控制組的低學業成就學生,但二組在寫作方面則無顯著差異。   本研究嘗試改變過去的學習模式,透過知識翻新:鼓勵學生產生並反思想法,讓學生的學習更具主動性;及鼓勵同儕間的互助與互動以改進閱讀想法,讓學生在閱讀理解與寫作表現的成效產生正向的成長。 / Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge building activities on grade-four students’ reading comprehension and writing performance. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. In the experiment group, the participants were 25 grade-four students; in the control group, the participants were 28 grade-four students. The experiment class engaged in knowledge building and sustained ideational writing in order to enhance their writing performance (for 18 weeks). In contrast, the control group engaged in teacher-directed instruction. Data sources mainly came from: (1) pre-post PIRLS reading comprehension test; (2) students’ notes posted in Knowledge Forum; (3) students’ online discussion activities in Knowledge Forum, such as number of notes contributed, number of notes read, and number of notes built-on to other’s notes; (4) pre-post writing test; (5) semi-structured interview; and (6) student’ end-of-the-semester grades. To analyze, one-way ANCOVA, paired t-test and chi-square was employed to quantitatively examine students’ reading comprehension and writing test after the course. In addition, qualitative content analysis was also performed to evaluate the quality of students’ notes and to understand how students changed their views of ideas. The findings were as follows: (1) knowledge building pedagogy was conducive to enhancing students’ high-level reading comprehension and encouraging more in-depth questioning activities in Knowledge Forum; (2) after being engagaed in Knowledge building for a semester, students were able to demonstrate better writing performance, and more active discussion activities in the Knowledge Forum; (3) Knowledge building pedagogy changed students’ views of ideas and improved their idea generation capacity; and (4) Low achievers in the experiment group were able to demonstrate better reading comprehension than those in the control group. Overall, the findings suggested that knowledge building practice was able to help change the traditionally more authoritative and teacher-directed one-way instruction,   to an alternative, more student-centered, idea generation and improvement pedagogy, that helped students attain better reading comprehension and writing performance.


蕭衡倩, Xiao, Heng-Qian Unknown Date (has links)
本文以分三十年來(民國42年至71年)中央日報、中國時報、聯合報新聞寫作的 方式為主,採用內容分析方法,比較三報在不同時間、不同新聞種類上的差異,以及 各報本身的新聞寫作方式在三十年來的演變。本文將三十年分為三階段:民國42年 至51年;52年61年;62年至71年。又將新聞寫作的方式分六種:可追溯來 源的報導;不能追溯來源的報導;可追溯來源的推論;不能追溯來源的推論;可追溯 來源的判斷;不能追溯來源的判斷。並將新聞內容分成十二類:政治軍事、財經、災 禍、人情趣味、體育、文教、犯罪、科學、社會問題、社交新聞、公共事業以及交通 。本文共分為五章: 第一章、緒論,分為問題的陳述、研究目的以及論文組織三節。 第二章、文獻探討,分為有關消息來源及有關陳述方式兩節,並提出研究問題。 第三章、研究方法,分為研究對象、抽樣、分析方法、信度分析及統計方法五節。 第四章、資料分析。 第五章、結論與建議。

以進階的文句推薦方式使用語料庫做為英文寫作之輔助 / A Sentence Recommendation Approach to Using Corpora for English Writing Assistance

洪培鈞, Hung, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
對於大部分的人而言,寫作是一種深度的表達過程,需要詳盡而深入的描述能力及精準而嚴謹的語意呈現。對於非英語為母語的學習者(ESL/EFL)來說,英語寫作尤其是一個困難的過程,常常會因為單字、搭配字(collocation)、句型結構等方面的認知不足,或是受到母語認知的牽制影響,而造成用詞、語法、甚至語意的錯誤。 近年來,語料庫的發展帶來了豐富的語言資源,不僅可以對語言的使用提供許多統計分析上的資訊,也可以做為語言學習者在特定詞語使用上的參照對象。目前語料庫的詞語使用參照以concordance技術為主,提供以特定字詞為基準的上下文例句排列,這種功能對ESL/EFL學習者於寫作過程所提供的參照仍然相當有限;而對於不同的查詢條件,若沒有良善的輸入和比對機制,往往搜尋上的數量和例句品質無法滿足學習者的參照需求;除此之外,對於檢索結果語料庫也沒有評估與排序的概念,學習者往往需要在大量的資訊中篩選出有用的資訊;綜觀以上幾點,目前語料庫技術無法滿足不同程度的ESL/EFL寫作者在參照協助上的需求。 本研究提出一種文句推薦方法,針對ESL/EFL寫作者在寫作過程上的認知不足或不確定,從語料庫中尋找出可用的參照例句,進而提供針對性的協助。我們的文句推薦方法包含三個模組,第一模組是一個彈性的表達元素模組,能針對寫作過程中的語言資訊需求,以規定的表達元素呈現作者的認知需求。第二模組是一個檢索模組,指從語料庫中比對尋找符合作者語意需求的例句。第三模組是一個排序的模組,針對找出的例句,評估其符合作者語意需求的程度,並將之排序,以提升例句參照的使用效率。 本研究依據文句推薦方法實做雛形系統,以British National Corpus和科學人雜誌語料庫(Science America)當例句來源,並依據論文的客觀評估和學習者的問卷調查兩種評估方式來評量雛形系統的成效。經由上述兩種評估方式,本研究驗證雛形系統能針對ESL/EFL於寫作過程中給予一定程度的協助成效,證明本研究的文句推薦方法確實能達成寫作協助的既定目標。 / For most people, writing is a process of profundity. It requires well description of capabilities and excellent semantic of representations. For ESL/EFL (English as a Second Language/English as a Foreign Language) learners, English writing is a particularly difficult process. They have error in words, syntax or semantics because their expressions are constrained by their mother tongue or by lacking of the awareness of vocabularies, collocation, or sentence-structures. In recent years, according to the development of corpus technique, we have rich resource in language. The resource can not only provide many statistical analyses of informations in language research but also can be used as a reference in the use of specific words for the learners. Current corpus technique use concordance which displays the words with their surrounding text to present sentences, but that approach provides very limited references in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners. Also considering the different inquired queries, if we have no well-defined input and retrieval module, the quantity and quality of results could not meet the demand for the learners. In addition, corpus technique doesn’t provide the ranking and evaluating skills to the retrieval results. As a result of that, learners often require filtering a large number of information to find something useful. In view of the above points, current corpus technique is unable to satisfy different degrees of ESL/EFL learners in the writing process. This paper presents a Sentence Recommendation Approach technique. With regard to the inadequate knowledge in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners, we search for useful sentences from the corpus and provide them to learners. Our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique has three modules: one is Expression Element Module. It allows the learners to use some expression elements to represent their demand. Another is Retrieval Module. It means the process of searching the corresponding sentences based on the expression elements in Expression Element Module. The last is Sort Module. It means the process of ranking the results derived from the Retrieval Module. Our research establishes the experimental system to verify the performance of our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique. We use British National Corpus and Science America Corpus for the source of sentences. The evaluation is divided into our objective evaluation and the questionnaire evaluation. Both of them prove that our experimental system does some favor in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners. In other words, our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique really helps the learners in the writing process.


李蕙帆 Unknown Date (has links)
在生態學及生物學的研究中,「物種個數」(Number of Species)通常是「生物多樣性」(Species Diversity)的重要測量值,物種個數的多寡、分布與多樣性有相當的關聯。「物種」的概念不侷限於生物,舉凡網路搜尋引擎(Search Engine)使用的關鍵字詞、圖書館分類的數目種類、國際疾病代碼等,都可視為物種。 本文著眼於寫作風格的比較,研究中國知名小說「紅樓夢」,主要探討前八十回與後四十回是否為同一個作者,以估計物種個數的觀點作為寫作風格的比較標準,並以金庸的武俠小說為對照組,驗證分析的結果。本文除了使用除了Efron and Thisted的隨機模型,也考慮藉由區塊抽樣估計母體種類數之Jackknife、Bootstrap、Chao(1992)等估計方法。研究發現Efron and Thisted的模型的估計量容易呈現不穩定的震盪,可能會有無法收歛的問題;而Bootstrap、Jackknife與Chao(1992)則會有高估母體種類數的現象。利用涵蓋機率的概念發現Jackknife與Chao皆在抽出特定比例的樣本數時,估計值涵蓋母體種類數之機率值非常接近1。 / The number of species is frequently used to measure the species diversity of a population in studying ecology and biology. There are such relationships between numbers of species and its diversities. The idea of species diversity is not restricted to biology, it receives more applications in recent years. For example, the applications also include key words in search engines, classification's numbers in a library, and disease types in Measuring health. This article studies the well-known Chinese novel “The Dream of Red Chamber”, and the goal is to study whether the first 80 and last 40 chapters are from the same author. In particular, methods related the number of species are used to evaluate the goal of study. Also, some Chinese martial novels, by the famous writer Jin Yong, are used as the control group for the methods used. Methods considered in this study include Efron and Thisted’s Model, Jackknife, Bootstrap, estimation method from Chao (1992). We found that Efron and Thisted’s estimates tend to be less stable and slow in convergence. On the other hand, the estimates of Jackknife, Bootstrap, and Chao are likely to be over-biased. However, after some modifications, we found that the Jackknife and Chao’s estimates can be used to provide reliable predictions for the number of species of a finite population, given that part of the population is observed.

蘇轍古文研究 / The Study of Ancient Chinese Prose of Su, Che

王素琴, Wang, Su-chin Unknown Date (has links)
文學是人類思想最真誠的反應,故文學之作用,固不得僅以詞章視之。唐宋古文,在中國散文史上,居於承先起後的階段,而宋文承唐代韓柳古文運動之後而健康發展,以平易流暢之體開啟新途,影響元明清文風甚巨。因此,研究宋文,不僅有助於吾等對古典文學的承繼與了解,更可加強充實新文學創作的內涵。宋六家中,蘇軾的文學魅力,使他有廣大的讀者群,其父其弟的光芒,是難以與之匹敵的。但因有父親的著意栽培,才能灌溉長養蘇軾這株文學的巨樹,因有弟弟蘇轍的羽翼之功,才能使蘇軾的影響更深更遠。可以說,老蘇和小蘇是使蘇軾更突顯其價值的人。其中小蘇因與蘇軾相隨之歲月久,更具有他重要的地位。本於欲對蘇軾之認識更深入,更基於對蘇轍其文其人的好奇,而有此論文之作。 本論文除緒論和結論外,共分三大章:第一章、蘇轍的古文淵源:蘇轍的古文,受他本身稟賦與學習的影響最深,其次是父親的用心培植,母親的身教,及兄長的終身肯定、支持。師長中影響他較多的是歐陽修與張方平。歐陽修較偏於文學方面,張方平則文學、政治、為人處世等均對他起了相當作用。 第二章、蘇轍的古文寫作藝術:第一節、議論之文:蘇轍的議論文,數量多且精,並深受歷來選文家的青睞,尤以茅坤,更是推崇備至。他的議論文,早年洋洋灑灑,氣勢豪縱,中晚期轉而內斂深沉,重人生事理的闡發。第二節、敘記之文:他的敘記文,數量雖不多,但篇篇精妙,其優點,可由六方面來談,即:一、寄寓深遠。二、敘事簡鍊。三、融入議論。四、寫景逼真。五、運用對答法。六、謀篇富變化。第三節、傳記之文:蘇轍的傳記文,最特殊是他的自傳<潁濱遺老傳>,此文是古人罕見的長篇自傳,內容豐富,對研究他的文學或北宋的政治、民生、軍事?等,均…有重要價值。其他關於小人物的傳記,篇篇都能塑造特殊的類型。寫墓誌、碑銘等,都能切合事理,對傳主作最恰當的描寫。第四節、書信之文:蘇轍的書信,「上書」類寫得氣勢非凡,而一般書信則溫婉莊重,二者均能因人立言,態度懇摯。 第三章、古文評價:蘇轍之古文,宋明清時期尚多有好者。近代以來,研究者較寡,但不影響他存在的價值。他的古文價值,可從四方面來談。一、具有獨創性。二、「穩」的文學風格。三、有得於養氣的文學家。四、古文藝術之繼承者張耒。經過對蘇轍古文之研究,可得到以下結論:蘇轍之文學,雖不如其兄發展全面,乍看也不似他光彩耀人,但若仔細品味,則他的古文意蘊深、用筆老,自有風貌,又非其兄所能籠罩。

臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻探討章節之語步分析 / Move structure of literature review in Ma theses by Taiwanese TEFL Graduates

蕭政華, Hsiao, Cheng Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在學術論文寫作眾多章節中,文獻回顧章節是讀寫過程中困難度較高的一章節,因此研究生普遍視為畏途。文獻回顧的語步分析在過去文獻中尚未受到重視。因此本論文旨在分析臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節之語步結構。本論文提出兩個研究問題: (1)臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節之語步結構為何?(2)評選高分與評選低分的文獻回顧差異為何?本論文選出三十篇臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節做為文本分析並將其評選高分群與評選低分群。本研究以四個主要語步來分析文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這四個主要語步分別為:(1)領域知識觀念介紹,(2)用主題方式整合過去之文獻,(3)聯結過去文獻與將進行之研究之關係,及(4)宣布將進行研究。每一主要語步都有數個次要語步。本論文討論語步出現的頻率,語步發展,語步組合結構及語步循環。 本論文顯示第一語步使用的最為廣泛佔56.96%,第二語步佔22.39%,第三語步與第四語步各為11.74%與8.91%。收集之文獻回顧分為四組,分別為(1)表現最差,(2)表現較差,(3)表現稱職,及(4)表現最好。 結果發現表現最差的一組沒有任何主題發展,表現較差的一組有主題發展但是僅限於整合,表現稱職的一組有運用到四個主要語步,而表現最好的一組發現有數個全部語步的循環。本論文呈現臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這些結果與討論提供英語教學領域研究生更加了解學術論文文獻回顧之寫作架構。 / Reviewing literature for a research study is a highly complicated reading and writing process, which has been assumed a rather formidable task for many graduate students. In the field of English for Specific Purposes, many scholars have devoted their studies into certain types of genre analysis, particularly research genres. However, the concept of “literature review” (LR) as a distinct type of genre has been constantly overlooked and the move structure of literature reviews unexplored. The move structure of LRs in master theses written by Taiwanese TEFL program graduates was studied. This proposed study included two research questions: (1) What are the move structures of the LR chapters in the master theses of TEFL programs? (2) Do the move structures differ between the low-rated and high-rated LRs? In this study, thirty theses were randomly chosen. Thirty theses were rated and grouped into high-rated and low-rated categories. Based on Kwan’s framework (2006) and the results of pilot study, a new move structure with the four major moves was formulated for this study. The statistical results showed that “conceptualizing themes in a field (Move 1)” takes the largest proportion among the total occurrences, followed by “integrating previous works on the themes (Move 2),” “relating previous works to the current study (Move 3)” and “advancing to one’s own study (Move 4).” It is concluded that LRs composed by these graduates fundamentally serves to present relevant field knowledge. Further, no topic expansion is found in the deficient group. Most of the LRs in the poor group halt at the synthesis though there is some topic development. The competent group has a complete occurrence of the four major moves. Multiple cycles are found per LR in the distinctive group. This study provides insights into the move structure of Taiwanese students’ literature review chapters of master theses.

教師回饋對台灣高中EFL低成就學生段落寫作之效用:「直接訂正法」與「語意重述法」 / The Effects of corrective feedback on Taiwan high school EFL low-achievers' paragraph writing: “direct correction” vs. “reformulation”

許凱絨, Hsu, Kaijung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣EFL低成就學生之段落寫作,比較「直接訂正法」與「語意重述法」兩種寫作回饋之成效。本研究對象為台北市某高職學生,共56名學生全程參與這項從2009年9月到2010年1月的研究。進行修改寫作時,教師對實驗組使用「語意重述法」,學生比較原稿與老師保留學生原意但改寫成符合英文語法的段落,並將發現的文法錯誤記錄並自行訂正;對照組則運用「直接訂正法」,學生審視老師直接在上面訂正的原稿。經過看圖英文段落寫作的前測與後測、實驗組與對照組後測結果比較、以及針對實驗組的訪談,研究結果如下:(1)整體性評量上,「語意重述法」對學生改進寫作較為有效;(2)兩組中程度較差之低成就學生進步程度均優於程度較好之低成就學生,尤其實驗組之程度較差者進步程度猶勝於對照組的;(3) 「直接訂正法」對減少學生文法錯誤之功效優於「語意重述法」;(4)絕大多數參與者認為「語意重述法」有助增進寫作能力。論文最後討論此研究在教學上的意涵與提出對之後研究的建議。 / This study aimed to compare the efficacy of “direct correction” with that of “reformulation” on Taiwan EFL low-achievers’ paragraph writing. Fifty-six students in a vocational high school in Taipei City participated in this study from Sep. 2009 through Jan. 2010. When conducting revision activities, the teacher implemented the “reformulation” technique in the experimental group. The students compared the originals with the reformulated versions given by the teacher, and detected, recorded, and corrected all the grammatical errors mainly on their own. The control group received the “direct correction” treatment, examining their originals with the teacher’s corrections on them. With the pre-test and the post-test on a paragraph-length English picture description, the comparison of the post-test results between the experimental and control groups, and interviews with the experimental group, the results are as follows: First, in holistic rating, “reformulation” was more helpful than “direct correction” in improving the participants’ writing performance. Second, the low-achievers with lower proficiency benefited more from “reformulation” than those with better proficiency. Third, “direct correction” was more effective than “reformulation” in reducing the participants’ grammatical errors. Fourth, the majority in the experimental group were positive of “reformulation” as a way to improve writing. Finally, some implications for pedagogy and suggestions for future studies were made.

新聞寫作連貫性之研究 / Coherence and Cohesion in News-Writing:An Exploratory Study

劉郁青, Liu, Yu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
一篇好的新聞寫作最基本的要求是要有清楚的主題,文意必須通順且連貫。而新聞寫作中的主題該如何凸顯,讀者閱讀新聞時連貫通順的感覺又從何而來,即是語言學和認知心理學中的「連貫性」理論所探討的現象,也是本研究有興趣探索的主題。 本研究中所謂的「新聞寫作的連貫性」,可以界定為「新聞文本中的句子、段落、字詞是如何連貫成一篇有意義的文章,以及新聞中的結構與意義之間是如何銜接和組織,產生連貫通順的感覺」。而本研究主要的目的即是探討新聞寫作中連貫性的特性,並且試圖從新聞寫作特有的連貫性建立出判斷新聞寫作好壞的評估標準,替新聞寫作的教學和實務建構初步的理論基礎。 為了瞭解新聞寫作中獨特的連貫性為何,本研究先從理論文獻的角度切入來探討何謂連貫性,然後本研究發現影響連貫性的面向包括語意上的連接關係、讀者的認知心理、文體特色,以及文本背後的背景知識脈絡。本研究並且從連貫性與新聞文體的討論中發現「新聞寫作特有的連貫性」可以整理成以下幾點: 第一、從學者van Dijk區分的新聞文體功能結構來觀察(van Dijk,1988),新聞文體會遵守著「先描述新聞事件,再描述影響、結果或反應」及「整個新聞事件報導完畢,才進行評論或預測」的結構組織規則。 第二、純淨新聞文體中連貫性十分依賴因果基模的關係來建立,因此,新聞文本中結構與意義之間因果關係的推論十分重要,因果基模推論的越清楚,越符合一般人的日常邏輯,新聞文體中的連貫性就越緊密。 第三、新聞文體為了方便讀者閱讀及新聞組織運作,從導言到軀幹之間,發展出先在導言中提示新聞重點摘要,再在軀幹的段落中對應導言的重點敘述細節的敘述方式,使得新聞從導言到軀幹間發展出一種從抽象到具體、從摘要到細節描述的「層次連貫性」。 第四、從命題分析來分析新聞的組織結構,可以發現新聞文本為了加強組織結構間的連貫,有其特殊的組織結構。新聞文本的導言中會呈現整篇文本最高層次的命題,通常為新聞的主旨,然後每一段落的命題都是指向這個新聞主旨的。另外,文本中的各段落通常也有各自的主旨,其下的命題也都是指向這個主旨進行敘述。因此,新聞文體通常可以畫出結構關係清楚的命題分析圖。 第五、由於新聞文體具有客觀中立的文體特質,所以新聞文體中通常維持一貫的第三人稱的觀看角度,遣詞用字也避免帶有記者主觀的感嘆詞,或情緒性強烈的字眼,這些規則有助於維持新聞文體中展現的客觀氣氛的一致性。 本研究依據以上「新聞寫作特有的連貫性」為分析架構,實際分析一個有實務寫作經驗的記者個案,和一個無實務經驗的學生個案。比較兩個個案分析,得到以下發現:一、記者個案和學生個案在功能結構的組織順序排列關係上差異較小,在因果基模和命題連貫性的建立上差異較大,而記者在這些方面表現的比學生好。二、記者個案中可以觀察到清楚的層次連貫性,學生個案則缺乏層次連貫性的連接概念,仍依賴敘事文體中的線性連貫性來連接上下文。三、記者個案對於巨觀命題結構的連接掌握得比學生個案佳,兩者在微觀命題結構的銜接上差異較小。四、記者個案中對於客觀立場一致性的掌握比學生個案佳。 根據本研究初步應用「新聞寫作連貫性」的分析架構來進行的個案分析,可以發現這個架構的確可以運用在新聞寫作連貫性的某些層面的分析中。這個架構在初步分析中,也觀察出一些記者個案和學生個案從結構到意義連貫之間寫作能力的差異,所以本研究發展出的分析架構應該是具有可行性的,可以實際應用在新聞寫作連貫性的分析之中,也有助於進一步觀察在連貫性面向表現得「好」 的新聞寫作應達到哪些標準。而本研究也 建議未來在新聞寫作教學上應該從層次連貫性、命題分析等理論層次來教導寫作,才能在寫作教學上有效結合理論與實務經驗。

The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction in English Writing in Senior High School / 後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的成效

鄒美芸, Tsou,Mei-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的學習成效。研究者以桃園縣立永豐高中五年某班中的四十二位學生為對象,進行為時一學期共十五週,每週兩節課的實驗。教學實驗進行之前,全體學生接受研究者改編自Schraw and Dennison (1993),O’ Neil and Abedi (1996),Wey(1998) 所編製的後設認知量表,實施後設認知量表前測,並接受作文的前測。研究者根據作文前測的成績區分出能力高、中、低三組於教學實驗結束之後施以訪談。全體學生並於教學實驗結束之後,再度接受後設認知量表與作文的後測。以觀察其在策略教學後英文寫作表現與後設認知行為的差異情形。 本研究主要的發現下: 1.後設認知策略教學的確能夠有效提升高中生的英文寫作能力。 2.後設認知策略教學的確能夠有效增加高中生在英文寫作中的後設認知 程度。 3.高中生英文寫作表現的確與後設認知的成長有正相關。 4.學生對於後設認知策略教學均抱持正面的態度。 有鑑於此,本研究建議高中英文教師應用後設認知教學策略於高中英文作文教學中。 / This researcher explored the effectiveness of the metacognitive strategy instruction in senior high school writers’ performance, based on the theories of metacognitive strategies. Forty-two high school students in Yung-feng were selected to be subjects. Adapted from Schraw and Dennison’s Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (1993), O’ Neil and Abedi’s State Metacognitive Inventory (1996) and Wey’s Writing Self-Assessment Questionnaire (1998), Mtacognitive Awareness Questionnaires before and after Instruction, were used to measure students’ metacognitive awareness. To assess the effects of metacognitive strategy instruction on writing performance, forty-two pieces of writing were assigned in class and then scored based on criteria by the CRESST writing score guide: overall impression, quality and scope of content, organization and presentation of content, and mechanics. The Pair-Sample T test was performed to test the hypotheses in this study. The findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Metacognitive strategy instruction has positive effects on the students’ writing performance. (2) Metacognitive strategy instruction has positive effects on students’ metacognitive awareness. (3) Students’ writing performance proved correlated to their metacognitive awareness. (4) Students’ attitudes towards the metacognitive strategy instructions were generally positive. Thus, we recommend that metacognitive strategy instruction be used in English writing in senior high school.

書寫、經驗與身體感-以當代飲食書寫為考察核心 / Writing, experience and bodily feeling: a study based on the contemporary food writing

賴怡潔, Lai, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討寫者如何將日常經驗轉化為文字作品,尤其如何將難以言喻的飲食經驗透過文字生動地表現。透過此問,試圖揭櫫經驗訴諸文字的過程,以及其間複雜交錯的課題。本文採用體現的取徑(embodied approach),以當代飲食書寫為考察對象,擇取其中代表作家,蔡珠兒與謝忠道的文字作品與兩位作家的訪談資料,來詮釋經驗轉化為文字的脈絡,梳理經驗、身體感以及書寫之間的關係。本文的研究結果為,第一,書寫並非只是由「心」而完成的活動,也涉及「身體」的角色。第二,書寫並非是文字單純對應經驗的表徵過程,而是重新創造的過程,經驗、身體感與文字三者彼此相互作用,在書寫之下連動與共生。第三,本文以飲食書寫來關照書寫活動,重新揭示「書寫」的本質。最後,本文認為體現取徑可作為文學評論的全新視角,並以此對飲食書寫的寫作策略提出相關建議。 / The article explores how does a writer transform ordinary experiences into written languages, and how does he vividly express diet experiences that are beyond expressions. Based on these, this article tries to answer a sophisticated question about the relationship between experiences and languages. Taking the embodied approach to study contemporary food writing, this article discovers the context of experiences transforming into written languages, with representative written works and interviews by two writers, Jewel, Tsai and Chung-Tao, Hsieh. Also, with these materials, I explain the dynamic relationship among experience, bodily feeling and written language. The findings of this research include three points. First, writing activity is affected not only by human mind, but also by human body. Second, writing is not the simple process that languages represent experiences, however, it is the creative process that experiences, bodily feeling and languages interplay each other. Third, this article redefines the essence of writing. Especially, I think that the embodied approach is likely to be a method of literary criticism. On the basis of this approach, I suggest some writing strategies about the contemporary food writing.

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