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台灣跨族群工具性交友網絡研究 / The research of cross-ethnic friendship and instrumental network in Taiwan唐經硯 Unknown Date (has links)
在本論文中,研究者認為影響受訪者跨族群交友的主要因素主要可從兩方面來看,分別為兩者連繫的同質性、連繫強度、接觸場合、社經地位差序變項,以及受訪者個人的世代、族群、教育程度與跨族群交友偏向程度。透過1997年三期三次「台灣地區社會變遷調查」社會網絡與社區組調查資料,本論文使用階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Models,HLM),從受訪者與他人的兩者關係所形成的連繫層次,以及受訪者個人層次來對台灣跨族群交往的現象作進一步的分析。研究結果發現,受訪者個人特質,例如受訪者教育程度、所屬族群,較兩者連繫特質,例如兩者連繫強度、認識場合,更強烈地影響了跨族群連繫形成的可能性,這樣的結果在過去由於方法上的限制,無法得到驗證,透過此研究,可對台灣族群相關網絡研究在建立跨族群連繫的可能因素上,提供了不一樣的看法與解釋。 / In this paper, I argued that what impacts the respondents constructing the cross-ethnicity ties can be treated from two perspectives. One is the tie-level, such as the homogeneity, tie strength, contact contexts, and socio-economical resources variables between two actors. The other is the individual-level, like the generations, ethnicities, levels of education, and the degrees of the preference for making cross-ethnic ties of the egos, that is, the respondents. I tested my hypotheses using the social network data in 1997, called Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS). Through building the hierarchical linear models, some advanced analysis could be done for understanding the cross-ethnic interaction phenomenon in Taiwan by considering the tie-level and the individual-level at the same time. The research results showed that when talking about the possibility of making cross-ethnic ties, personal characteristics, like levels of education, and ethnicities, are more important than tie characteristics, such as tie strength and meeting places of the two. However, this outcome cannot be examined in the past because of the methodological restrictions. Through this research, it provides different sights and explanations for discussing the possible reasons for constructing cross-ethnic ties in the social network researching area in Taiwan.
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從優選理論分析英文縮詞與混合詞之音韻保留形式 / Phonological Preservation of English Clips and Blends: An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis林綠茜, Lin,Lu Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論的觀點分析英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留形式。音韻保留形式分為:來源詞之聲母保留、來源詞之單音節保留以及來源詞之雙音節保留。本研究認為英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留策略不只一種,應用不同的策略會產生不同類型的縮詞及混合詞,筆者透過並存音韻理論(Cophonology Theory)來說明英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留策略是多個次語法的運作結果。縮詞的音韻保留策略有四種,可分為左邊保留及右邊保留,其中又以左邊保留佔多數,在這兩種保留中又分別有兩種模組(template)保留策略。混合詞的音韻保留策略有三種,主要由MAXS2這條可移動制約的位置來決定,當它在層級中移動到不同的位置會形成不同的保留策略。此外,本文也提供了跨語言分析,發現西班牙混合詞與英文混合詞可由相似的制約透過不同排序來解釋,表示不同語言的混合詞,其行為相當類似。簡言之,本篇論文藉由優選理論的觀點,首度就英文縮詞與混合詞提出了一個整體分析。 / This thesis examines the nature of English clipping and blending from the perspective of Optimality Theory. Clipped and blended words may use phonological strategies to preserve part of the source such as the preservation of the onset, syllable, or foot. Different strategies of preservation form different patterns of clipped or blended words. This thesis illustrates that these phonological strategies are determined by the different cophonologies. There are four strategies in forming clipped words. Clipped words can be preserved from the left edge or the right edge of the source, each of which follows either a bimoraic template or a disyllabic template. There are three strategies in forming blended words, depending on the ranking of the unspecified constraint MAXS2. In addition, the present study offers cross-linguistic evidence from Spanish blends, showing that Spanish blending and English blending share certain similarities. To conclude, this thesis has provided a theoretical generalization of English clipping and blending, taking a constraint-based approach.
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都會地區西醫基層診所病患主觀滿意度測量---以台北市為例邱譯瑱 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
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運用層級分析法於平衡計分卡指標權重之設定─以某醫院之護理部門為例陳淑玲 Unknown Date (has links)
(二)將層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)與平衡計分卡指標權重設定相結合,以釐清多重指標之下,各個指標之相對權重關係,避免過多指標對指標管理造成混淆的抵銷影響。
分析結果顯示:個案醫院護理部門平衡計分卡五大構面中以學習與成長構面為最重要,顯示個案醫院護理部門對專業知識的重視。此外,平衡計分卡各構面之策略性衡量指標以顧客構面之住院病人整體滿意度策略性衡量指標權重最高,其次依序為學習與成長構面之舉辦護理使命共識營參與人數、內部流程構面之病房危機應變作業完成率、社會承諾構面之安寧照護推廣活動、財務構面之未達使用件年限之財產報銷金額占總報銷金額之比率。 / This study uses a medical center in Taiwan as a case study subject, and discusses the following issues:
1. Understanding why and how the subject hospital uses balanced scorecard at the organization and divisional levels.
2. Integrating Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with balanced scorecard to clarify the relative weighting relationship among different strategic measures.
The balanced scorecard performance measurement system of the subject hospital includes twenty-four strategic measures. The study adopts Analytic Hierarchy Process approach to solve the measurement problems from the nursing department of the subject hospital.
The results show that the learning and growth dimension was the most important factors to achieve the strategic goal of the subject nursing department. Besides, customer satisfaction measure received a weight of 8.940% out of the twenty-four measures, which means that the nursing department members consider the customer satisfaction measure as the most important measure, so the strategic action plan for the customer satisfaction should be implemented first.
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Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11e EDCA / IEEE 802.11e 進階分散存取之效能分析吳明儒, Wu,Ming-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
為了進一步支援無線網路上的服務品質(QoS),IEEE 802.11e通訊協定目前正在制訂中。其提供兩種媒介存取方式,一為基礎的進階分散存取(EDCA),另一種是建構在進階分散存取下的混合控制存取(HCCA)。802.11e中,藉由不同的訊框間隔(IFS)與競爭視窗(CW)相關參數的設定以區隔不同的存取等級(AC)。為了在802.11e網路下進一步的發展有效的服務品質管理機制,我們提出了一個數學模型以分析在進階分散存取網路下所使用的頻寬與媒體存取層所延遲的時間。在這個模型下,每個站台可以支援多個不同等級的資料流(聲音/影音與資料)。透過這個數學模型,允入控制與資源管理可以很容易實現,也可以支援不同應用程式的不同需求。 / For supporting Quality of Service (QoS) for wireless networks, the IEEE 802.11 Task Group E currently defines enhancements to the IEEE 802.11 MAC, called 802.11e. The IEEE 802.11e provides two mechanisms for the support of applications with QoS requirements, namely, Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) and HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA). EDCA mechanism defines four access categories (ACs) that provide support for the delivery of traffic with user priorities. Different AC uses various Inter-Frame Space (IFS) and Contention Window (CW) parameters. In order to further develop efficient QoS management for the IEEE 802.11e networks, we propose an analytical model to evaluate throughput and MAC delay of the basic access method of the IEEE 802.11e - EDCA. Our Markov chains consider the situation of different multimedia (voice/video and data) traffic flows in a mobile station. This is improved from previous work, and closer to real usage scenarios. The correctness of our analysis has been validated via simulation results. Throughout our model, call admission control (CAC) and resource management can be easily applied, and thus QoS for hybrid requirements is supported.
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從我國人事法制探討政府實施績效獎金問題之研究陳嘉祥 Unknown Date (has links)
基福凱(Zifcak,1994)曾提到,改變組織(或政府的組織環境)的「認知體系」(appreciative system)係促發變革的手段,這個途徑和文化變遷很相似;其關鍵是組織常常依據它們的自我形象來運作。我國現在所推動各種新的人事管理措施,如績效獎金、績效薪俸、績效管理、核心能力、學習型組織…的實施之前,均必須先瞭解我國人事制度(或政府的組織環境)的「認知體系」後始能進行,且須先將該認知體系的「知覺架構」有所改變之後,個人與組織再去面對各種新的管理措施時,才不會彼此受限於過去的框框之中,而能擁有全新的自我形象和行為模式。
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制度變遷、菁英回應、與民主進程:中國大陸頭前、後壁兩市「村改居」歷程的研究張雅雯, Chang, Ya-wen Unknown Date (has links)
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唐代統治階層社會變動毛漢光, MAO, HAN-GUANG Unknown Date (has links)
.D) 劃分為十一期。即:
第一期。公元618-649 A.D.唐高祖武德九年,太宗貞觀二十三年。共三十二年。
第二期。公元650-683 A.D.高宗永徽六年、顯慶五年、龍朔三年、麟德二年、乾封
第三期。西元684-709 A.D.唐中宗嗣聖、睿宗文明、武太后光宅共一年。垂拱四年
第四期。公元710-732 A.D.睿宗景雲二年,太極一年。玄宗開元一至二十年。共二
第五期。公元734-755 A.D.玄宗開元二十一年至二十九年,天寶十四載。共二十二
第六期。公元756-779 A.D.肅宗至德二年,乾元二年,上元二年,寶應一年。代宗
第七期。公元780-805 A.D.德宗建中四年,興元一年,貞元二十一年。共二十六年
第八期。公元806-820 A.D.順宗永貞半年。憲宗永和十五年。穆宗長慶四年。敬宗
第九期。公元827-846 A.D.文宗太和九年,開成五年。武宗會昌六年。共二十年。
第十期。公元847-873 A.D.宣宗大中十三年。 懿宗咸通十四年。共二十七年。
第十一期。公元874-906 A.D.僖宗乾符六年,廣明一年,中和四四年,光啟三年,
天祐二年。共三十二年。 /
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1949年以前的費孝通:一段學術史與思想史的考察 / 無張馭中, Chang, Yu Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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台大實驗林契約林地保育與利用之研究-以權力關係為論述中心 / A study of conservation and utilization on experimental forest lease forestlands of national TaiwanUniversity : expound on power relationship李健豪, Lee, Chien Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉2010年迄今以契約林地現場查勘、深度訪談和問卷調查林農、林管處承辦人員之方法,觀察當地林農對於契約林地的利用方式;另考察近數十年來林管處的經營管理政策措施、林農違規利用土地所造成之管理失靈的問題。以Walck and Strong(2001)提出的權力關係為論述中心,探析政府政策、社群的價值規範、市場經濟、財產資源等四大因素之間的相互牽扯,佐以Zoe, Jennifer and Lorraine (2011)應用需求層次概念在土地管理上的做法,考察近數十年來我國台大實驗林的經營管理政策措施,以及林地承租戶土地利用情形。用以分析林管處與契約林農在契約林地上違規利用之根源,探求林管處與契約林農對於利用契約林地的觀念差異,並探求現狀下契約林地違規使用問題的癥結。
本研究以權力關係兼採需求層次概念對於契約林地地影響模式,透過文獻分析、實地訪談及問卷分析,獲得以下結論(1)現行造林契約規範難以處理契約林地上違規利用狀況(2)造林契約目的無法兼顧保育森林與契約林農生計收入(3)契約林農無法落實保育之觀念。並依上述研究發現,本研究提出以下之政策建議(1)應盡速調整台大實驗林造林契約規範(2)有條件允許契約林地上種植非林作物(3)契約林地之管理應導入契約林農保育的概念。 / The Experimental Forest, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University (hereafter referred to as the Experimental Forest) thinks that the contracted forestry farmers have illegal behaviors, such as the use of agriculture, and plans to give penalty to those violators or regain the lease forestlands from them. However, some of the violators consider that their land use conforms to the feature of local natural resources, and they never damage the hillside because of the intimate relationship between the long-lasting agricultural experience and the lease forestlands. In addition, this kind of production is respectful to the nature and should not be accused of destroying the conservation of hillside. Therefore, these two opposite thoughts cause the conflict between the Experimental Forest and the contracted forestry farmers.
The forest resource conservation policy, which the Experimental Forest adheres to, is to lead the direction of land use and to establish a model of land use as well. However, in consideration of livelihood and forestry management, the forestry farmers argue that the lease forestlands should be market-oriented in order to operate their right of land use. Therefore, it’s worthy of further investigation about how the power relationship works between the stakeholders, as well as its influence on the land use.
In order to observe the management of the forestry famers and the utilization of the lease forestlands, this study applies field study, in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey for investigating the farmers and staff members of the Experimental Forest. Furthermore, this study also reviews the management policies of the Experimental Forest in the past decades, as well as the records of illegal use and the unsuccessful management of the farmers. Based on the theory of power relationship proposed by Walck and Strong (2001), the study probes the mutual interaction of four main factors---governmental policy, community values, market economy, and property resources, and complements with the method of land management with the concept of need hierarchy by Zoe, Jennifer and Lorraine (2011). The research findings go as follows. First, it is hard to deal with the violation of illegal use on the forestlands by the present contract and regulation. Second, the purpose of afforestation cannot include both the forest conservation and the livelihood and income of the famers. Third, the contracted forestry famers are unable to implement the concept of conservation. According to the above findings, the research proposes three suggestions. First, the Experimental Forest should modify the contract and regulation as soon as possible. Second, the Experimental Forest should conditionally permit the plantation of non-forest crops. Third, the management of lease forestlands should include the ideas of conservation of lease forestlands. In the end, this study provides some facts and thoughts about this topic in hoping to improve the problems of illegal use of the lease forestlands.
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