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政府採購政策變遷之研究– 以臺北市政府聯合採購發包中心設置為例 / A Study on the Policy Change of Government Procurement – Case Study of Contract Centers Mechanism of Taipei City Government呂蕙蕙, Lu, Hui Hui Unknown Date (has links)
有關政府採購研究,現行大部分關注在法律層面、制度層面。本研究擬從政策變遷與宏觀角度切入,就發包中心設置過程因果關係,發現決策者信念、政策中間人、聯盟運作等對政策影響。本文擬透過Sabatier & Jenkins-Smith 所建構政策倡議聯盟架構(Policy Advocacy Coalition Framework,[PACF ]),從不同面相研究觀察,以宏觀之政策面,研究分析市府發包中心重新設置之動態過程。
本研究採文獻分析法、深入訪談及焦點團體訪談法,分析探討1995至2015年臺北市政府聯合採購發包中心設置之政策變遷過程。藉由分析架構內外在系統的影響因素,探討執政輪替與決策者的信念是否為影響政策變遷主要因素。經研究發現:第一,市府倡議聯盟間(發包中心與洽辦單位、集中採購與分散採購)透過政策導向的學習,跨越聯盟達成共識。第二,避免陳水扁時代採購案件延宕,改以折衷版集中採購。第三,柯文哲市長主張集中採購,設置發包中心政策是其競選政策白皮書。第四,市府發包中心設置政策變遷主因,決策者信念與執政輪替。 / With regard to government procurement research, most of them focus on the legal and institutional aspects. This study intends to proceed from the perspective of policy changes and macroeconomics. It will investigate the cause-and-effect relationship of the setup process of the contract issuing center, and discover the impact of decision makers' beliefs, policy middlemen, and alliance operations on the policy. Using the policy advocacy coalition framework (PACF) constructed by Sabatier & Jenkins-Smith , we observe and analyze the dynamic process of the resetting of the city's outsourcing centers.
This study used document analysis, in-depth interviews, and focus group interviews to analyze and explore the process of policy changes at the Joint Purchasing and Contracting Center of the Taipei City Government from 1995 to 2015. By analyzing the influencing factors of the internal and external systems of the architecture, it is discussed whether the alternation of governance rotation and decision makers' beliefs are the main factors affecting policy changes. The study found that: First, the city’s initiative among the alliances (contracting centers and contact agencies, centralized procurement and decentralized procurement) through policy-oriented learning, reached consensus across the alliance. Second, to avoid delays in Chen Shui-bian’s era of procurement cases , it used eclectic centralized procurement. Thirdly, Mayor Ko Wen-je advocated centralized procurement and set up a contract center policy as a white paper on his election policy. Fourth, the main reasons for the policy changes in the city's outsourcing centers are decision makers' beliefs and governance rotation.
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非営利組織会計の基礎概念と財務報告-純資産の区分と利益測定計算構造を中心として-日野, 修造 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第22947号 / 経博第622号 / 新制||経||294(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤井 秀樹, 教授 若林 直樹, 教授 徳賀 芳弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DGAM
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ルソーにおける政治的身体と一般意志 / ルソー ニオケル セイジテキ シンタイ ト イッパン イシ平 光佑, Kosuke Taira 20 March 2022 (has links)
本論文は、ルソーの国家論を、政治的身体のアナロジーに着目することによって解明することを目的とする。『社会契約論』を構成する三つの重要概念、すなわち「社会契約」、「一般意志」、「人民主権」がいかにして緊密に連関し合っているのかが、この「政治的身体」のアナロジーの解読を通じて示される。とりわけ「一般意志」については、『エミール』における意志論にも言及しつつ、「特殊意志」との接合がいかにして可能かを探求する。 / This study aims to clarify the political philosophy of Rousseau by analysing the analogy of the Body Politic. Through the analogy, it is shown how three important notions in The Social Contract , namely the social contract, the general will and popular sovereignty, are related closely each other. In terms of the general will, I explore the possibility of connecting it to the particular will while mentioning the discussion about free will in Emile. / 博士(哲学) / Doctor of Philosophy / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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標準制定組織之智慧財產保護政策及競爭法問題探討 / A Study on Intellectual Property Protection Strategies and Antitrust Issues of Standard-Setting Organizations湯亦敏, Tang, Yi-min Unknown Date (has links)
本文便以上述爭議問題為出發點,討論標準制定組織所擬定之標準,特別是經過政府機關以法律規範形式採用後,是否仍該當著作權的保護客體?並將研究延伸到網路產業中標準著作權保護的適當性問題,以及針對標準這類事實編輯物的資料庫保護進行分析;其次,本文將針對一國之產業標準制定組織為研究重心,探討例如標準制定與認證中的限制競爭及獨占管制的法律問題,以及隱然成為事實標準的市場領導者涉及智慧財產權的拒絕交易紛爭等課題。然而,針對上述命題的前提要件是對標準的概念與應用有相當之瞭解,以導入標準制定組織之運作、不同層級標準制定過程之影響及其所涉及之智慧財產爭議問題研究。因此,本文將對國家標準以及行業標準制定及運用過程所涉及之著作權及競爭法問題作深入且廣泛之瞭解,以此為基礎,分析各層級標準制定體系的規範內涵,繼而詮釋一國保護行業標準之著作權與競爭法之法律規定;並提出建言作為我國標準化體系之發展、參與國際標準制定活動、標準著作權保護分析架構、事實編輯物(資料庫)保護模式、競爭法對標準與認證活動之適用以及切入拒絕交易案件等之參考。 / In a knowledge-based economy, whoever dominates rules-developing overpowers the market. Most of the standards are set by the government and private organizations; therefore, a study on standard-setting organizations is of essential value. The Government leverages its regulatory function by adopting law standards promulgated and copyrighted by non-governmental actors. Despite governmental ambitions, no one is responsible for evaluating the legitimacy of this approach ex ante and no framework exists to facilitate analysis. On the other hand, standard-developing and conformity assessment increasingly falls on the shoulders of industry associations and lead to impartiality concerns from the antitrust law perspective.
Regarding standards that are generated and controlled by private actors exposing citizens to criminal, civil and administrative sanctions, this paper contributes an analytical framework and proposes institutional mechanisms to implement it in terms of copyright. This paper extends by questioning if copyright would be an appropriate form to protect standards in the Internet industry. Then, it explores ways to protect compilation of facts and databases once they are de facto standards. Following the antitrust concerns, this paper focuses on industry standard-setting organizations within a specific territory to explore the antitrust and unfair competition problems confronting the role of the de facto standard-setters or the certification performers and the refusal to deal involving intellectual property issues.
As foundations, this paper initiates by a detailed study of concepts and applications surrounding standardization; then, it leads to how a standards is produced, how standard-developing organizations in various levels affect the market, and how the intellectual property problems involves in standardization. In conclusion, based upon in-depth coverage of copyright and antitrust predicaments facing applications of national standards and industry standards, this paper interprets how copyright and antitrust laws work to protect business standards. At the same time, it delivers suggestions for the development of our standardization system, involvement of international standard-setting activities, an analytical framework for standards in copyright, protection for compilation of facts and databases, and how antitrust laws works when it comes to non-governmental standard-setting actors.
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我國股東會通訊投票制度之研究 / A Study of Electronic Voting in Taiwan謝昀芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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網際網路合作學習環境中學習互動型態與認知風格對學習效果之影響--以二次函數之教學為例 / The Learning Effects of Different Interactive Learning Styles and Cognitive Styles in the Internet Collaborative Learning Environment --With the Instruction of Quadratic Functions as an Example黃淑玲, Huang, Shu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
二、 在網路學習環中,不同認知風格的學生在個別學習效果上有差異存在在網際網路個別學習環境中,內控組的學習成效顯著優於外控組。即在網際網路學習環境中,採用個別學習策略,具外控取向特質的學習者,學習成效不佳;而具內控取向特質的學習者,有較佳的學習成效。
四、 網際網路合作學習互動歷程為個人建構、群體澄清、知識重構、群體重構的認知改變模式在網際網路合作學習互動歷程中,個人先形成自我的知識概念,並將個人建構的基模公開呈現與他人分享,當個體的認知概念間產生差異時,合作群體間即產生質疑,並提出澄清,經澄清後合作群體彼此協商,重構知識、統合意見並產生共識,即成為合作小組的認知概念。
五、 同儕模式的網際網路合作學習方式缺少高支持性鷹架結構以同儕為基礎的網際網路合作學習環境中,因學生的先備知識不足及溝通技巧的缺乏,容易產生錯誤概念的學習及習得片斷的知識。是以,針對年齡小或能力低的學習者所設計的網際網路合作學習課程,教師的參與討論與互動是必要的,以能提供學習者高支持性鷹架結構。
六、 在網際網路合作學習環境的互動歷程中,外控取向學習者佈題的行為多於內控取向學習者研究中發現外控取向學習者佈題的行為多於內控取向學習者,內控取向學習者解題的行為多於外控取向學習者。
六、應加強國家整體網路基礎建設,使能改善網路教學品質,提高學習成效。 / The Purpose of this study is threefold. One is to explore how to design a quadratic function internet curriculum in the internet computer-based collaborative learning environment, based on constructivism. Second, learning effects of different learning styles and cognitive styles in the internet collaborative learning context are analyzed through empirical research methods. Third, the students' cognitive modes and other relative factors in the collaborative learning interaction process, as well as the students' frequent error types in learning quadratic functions, are identified and analyzed through qualitative research methods.
The research methods adopted in this study include the development of learning software, empirical research methods, questionnaires, interviews, and content analysis. The researcher first developed and assessed the "internet curriculum of quadratic functions", and selected 60 second graders of a junior high school as research subjects, according to the students' learning and cognitive styles, and categorizing them into the group of internal locus of control with individual learning, the group of external locus of control with individual learning, the group of internal locus of control collaborative learning, the group of external locus of control with collaborative learning, and the group of mixing internal-external locus of control with collaborative learning to implement teaching experiments. After the experiments were finished, the research conducted a written test, questionnaire surveys, and interviews.
Besides, the students' dialogue data on Bulletin Board System was collected and analyzed. Based on the analysis results of this study, the main conclusionsare as follows:
1. Internet collaborative learning environment facilitates students learning the concepts of quadratic functions. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, interactive web pages provide visualized collaborative learning context, assist learners to transform algebraic representation into geometric representation, and give learners opportunities to compare and rethink in different conditions about the relations of algebra and geometry in quadratic functions. All of which have been proved to have concrete learning effects.
2. In the environment of the internet learning, individual learning effect differences exist among students of different cognitive learning styles. In the environment of the internet individual learning, learning effects of the external control group are better than those of the internal control group. In other words, learners with external locus of control, using individual learning strategies do not have good learning effects. However, learners with internal locus of control have better learning effects.
3. In the environment of the internet learning, there is no significant differences among students with different cognitive styles. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, the learning effects among the group of internal locus of control collaborative learning, the group of external locus of control with collaborative learning, and the group of mixing internal-external locus of control with collaborative learning show no significant differences. This study shows collaborative learning help improve the learning effects of learners with external locus of control, and ease the impacts of cognitive styles on learners.
4. The interaction process of the internet collaborative learning is a cognitive revolution of individual construction, group clarification, knowledge reconstruction, and group reconstruction. In the interaction process of the internet collaborative learning, individuals form self knowledge concepts, and shares their self-constructed sckema with other people. When individual cognitive differences occur, there will be questioning, clarifying, negotiating, reconstructing the knowledge, integratingopinions, and reaching common agreements, which will become the cognitive concepts of the collaborative group.
5. Peer collaborative learning on the internet lacks highly-supportive scaffolding structures. In the context of peer collaborative internet learning, it is easy for students to learn incorrect concepts and incomplete knowledge content, owning to their insufficient prior knowledge and communication skills. Therefore, in designing the internet collaborative learning curriculum for young or incompetent learners, it is a must to involve the teachers to join the discussion and interaction, in order to provide learners highly-supportive scaffolding structures.
6. In the interaction process of the internet collaborative learning, learners with external locus of control have more problem posing behaviors than those with internal locus of control. The study finds that learners with external locus of control have more problem posing behaviors than those with internal locus of control. On the other hand, learners with internal locus of control have more problem solving behaviors than those with external locus of control.
Based on the research results, this study proposes the following suggestion for the reference of teachers, educational media designers, education admonitions, and future researchers:
1. Discipline experts, education experts, internet engineers, computer programmers, art designers should cooperate to develop the internet curricula which meet learners' needs more perfectly.
2. Different internet teaching strategies should be provided based on learners' characteristics, in order to make the constructed internet curricula meet learners' needs more perfectly.
3. In the environment of internet collaborative learning, syllabus design should be mainly on discussing situations, sharing knowledge, and solving problems, in order to facilitate collaboration effects.
4. It is better to set the internet interface design standards and evaluation indexes to provide a basis for the internet curricular development.
5. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, teachers should attend students' discussions when needed, functioning as scaffolding support.
6. National Information Infrastructure should be improved to have higher internet learning quality and thus to enhance learning effects.
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情報システム開発に向けた日本語要求記述からの概念モデルの構築とその活用に関する研究 / ジョウホウ システム カイハツ ニ ムケタ ニホンゴ ヨウキュウ キジュツ カラノ ガイネン モデル ノ コウチク ト ソノ カツヨウ ニカンスル ケンキュウ井田 明男, Akio Ida 12 September 2019 (has links)
本研究は,情報システム開発に向けて,(1) 日本語要求記述からより良い概念モデルを構築すること,(2) 構築した概念モデルを開発の要求定義以降の作業分野においても有効に活用すること,をテーマとした研究である.本研究では,概念モデルを,「業務を成立させる本質的な要素を,業務プロセスの側面,および,業務プロセスで扱うオブジェクトの側面から抽出し,それらを時間的,あるいは空間的に配置した,組織的かつ実装独立ではあるが実装にストレートに変換可能なモデル」,と定義する. / This research is aimed at the field of information system development. Its themes are : (1) constructing a better conceptual model from Japanese requirements description, and (2) utilizing the constructed conceptual model effectively in the disciplines after development requirement definition. The definition of the conceptual model in this research is: a group of elements arranged in time and/or space. These elements are the essential objects that make up business from the side of the process and the side of the knowledges handled in the process. The model can be converted to the implementation model straightforwardly but independent from its implementation. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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電視廣告訊息中「內團體意識」之研究 / A study of in-group consciousness in TV advertisements.李朝榮 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:內團體意識、廣告表現、團體認同、廣告訴求、團體偏私、核心概念、訊息解讀、情感認同、歸因要素、背景歸因、社會歸因、文化歸因、生活型態、個體歸因、廣告創意、訊息策略、說服理論。 / The intention of advertisement is to provide a message to the targeted consumer and communicate rather than a presentation of individual expression and creativity. The core meaning of an advertisement is to transfer a key message embedded with advertising means successfully to its target receiver; furthermore, an outstanding advertisement will be able to fulfill the intention of marketing and sales. An exposition regarding consumer advertisement decoding denoted numerous variables that potentially alter the protocol of message receiver and his way of interpreting a message. This includes an individual consumer’s characteristic, lifestyle, value, culture, social acceptance, social status, social circle, taste, accomplishment, and vision. Messages embedded with such variables tend to create sympathy between the message and the receiver; as a result, creates a psychological bonding in which grows more powerful whenever a new variable reaches its echo with the receiver.
Such psychological behaviors are the essential attributes differentiating the in-group consciousness from out-group consciousness of an individual. With a sentimental bonding, messages can be transmitted more accurately and efficiently. Television advertisement exercise constant implicit of this in-group conscious behavior, by repeating intimation of “desire” and “acceptance” to the receiver, continuous fulfillment of ones the necessitate aspiration, and constant creation of expectation. As the realization of the in-group consciousness continues, the purpose of communication is only fully accomplished after an individual have gone through acknowledgement, emotion, and into action.
To understand how in-group consciousness establishes and executes television ad messages and its protocols. This research suggested using content analysis; by selecting 110 Television ad clips that possesses in-group consciousness implementation in between 1980 to 2009 and analyze them in two ways–era differentiation and product type under FCB protocol. This study focused on observing and analyzing the performance of variables such as expressing element, expressing form, background, social, cultural, lifestyle, individual attributes, and other related elements.
After the compilation of results, this research suggests that most television ads exercise in-group consciousness intentionally to create a common attribute among its listeners. By establishing sensational acceptance
as the core criteria, advertisements then elaborates on other attributes such as satisfying needs, consuming behavior, and image establishment to create the basic concept of creativity. Furthermore, this research shows that a large number of advertisements exercise one or more in-group consciousness attribute within them. Some of the in-group consciousness exercised in ads is portrayed simply due to creative and plotting needs and doesn’t actually create a conflict with the central in-group consciously. This research also found that the more unique or special a product or service is, the more dependant its advertisement will be on in-group consciousness.
Keywords: in-group consciousness, advertisement performance, group acceptance, advertisement requirements, group favoritism, core concept, message interpretation, emotional acceptance, attributes factor, background attribute, social attribute, cultural attribute, lifestyle, individual attribute, advertisement creativity, message tactic, persuading theory.
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醫療訴訟中「因果關係」至「機會喪失」之演變---由機率之觀點出發---張柏淵 Unknown Date (has links)
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地域包括ケア推進における特別養護老人ホームの役割 : 地域福祉実践を通した社会福祉法人施設としてのあり方を問う / チイキ ホウカツ ケア スイシン ニオケル トクベツ ヨウゴ ロウジン ホーム ノ ヤクワリ : チイキ フクシ ジッセン オ トオシタ シャカイ フクシ ホウジン シセツ トシテノ アリカタ オ トウ羅 珉京, Minkyung Na 06 March 2014 (has links)
本研究の目的は、地域包括ケア推進に向けて、社会福祉法人施設としての特別養護老人ホームの役割を地域福祉視点で考察し、実践する意義を示すことにある。研究の成果として、特別養護老人ホームの施設長の協力と共同作業、並びに2回の調査実施を重ねた上で、地域福祉実践枠組みを試案し、地域包括ケア推進における特別養護老人ホームの地域福祉実践指標及び施設の役割に対する評価尺度として実用可能なものとして提案している。 / 본 연구에서는 특별양호노인홈이 사회복지법인시설로서 요구되는 역할을 지역복지관점에서 고찰하고, 지역포괄케어를 추진함에 있어 지역복지실천의 필요성과 의의를 제시하고자 하였다. 연구성과로는 특별양호노인홈의 지역복지실천틀을 제시하여 사회복지법인시설로서의 실천지표와 평가척도로서의 실용가능성을 시사하였다. / 博士(社会福祉学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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