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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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都市服務設施鄰避效果之研究 / A Study of the NIMBY Effect of the Urban Service Facilities

何紀芳, Ho, Chi Fang Unknown Date (has links)
所謂都市服務設施係指「提供社會、文化、經濟、政治與宗教等服務機能之都市設施」。但由於都市服務設施的種類與使用性質的不同,對都市環境或生活品質也產生不同的影響,有些對環境有正面的「迎毗」效果,有些卻會產生負面的「鄰避」效果,而有些則是迎毗效果與鄰避效果同時存在。   以往有關鄰避效果的研究,無論是國內外多只是就個案或是某類設施進行探討,在界定迎毗效果與鄰避效果時也過於主觀,因而對具有鄰避效果之設施的探討未盡完整。因此本研究運用環境行為的研究方法,以台北地方生活圈為研究範圍,自居民的接受意願與鄰避指數來界定鄰避效果,並尋求都市居民為何會對都市服務設施產生鄰避的心理或行為,以及影響鄰避的因素,最後驗證本研究所建立的都市服務設施鄰避效果之概念模式。   根據研究成果所獲得的結論與建議如下:   一、本研究所建立的「都市服務設施鄰避效果」概念模式有資訊、動機、環境態度、經驗、個人屬性、與都市階層等六個概念因子,而中介因子為接受意願。   二、根據都市居民的接受意願可以將都市服務設施劃分為「不願意接受」、「接受意願態度混雜」、與「願意接受」三個層級;而以鄰避指數度量鄰避效果,則可發現都市服務設施的鄰避效果依輕重程度可以劃分為四個等級:「不具鄰避效果」、「輕度鄰避效果」、「中度鄰避效果」、與「高度鄰避效果」。   三、大多數的環境認知與態度不會因受訪者所在的都市階層不同而受影響。而將環境認知與態度經因子分析操作後,各都市階層抽出的因子結構不甚相同,經調整後可得出四個影響都市服務設施接受意願的因子,分別是資訊、環境態度、動機、與經驗。此外,檢驗概念模式中的概念因子與接受意願的互動關係,發現除了經驗與都市階層二個因子與研究假設一致,其餘三個都與假設有所差異。   四、策略建議方面:建議從法規面、規劃者角色定位、土地使用規劃、及都市服務設施管理方面考慮改善鄰避效果之策略。 / Urban service facilities are those that provide "social, cultural, economic, political, and religious functions." Due to different types and functions, these facilities will have varied impacts on environment. Some are positive, and hence "YIMBY" (Yes-ln-My-Back-Yard) facilities; some are negative, and hence "NIMBY" (Not-ln-My-Back-Yard) facilities; some have both effects.   Previous studies dealing with NIMBY effects were mostly case studies or studies that focused on certain types of facilities. In addition, most previous studies were based on subjective concepts to define NIMBY effects. Therefore, this thesis adopts Environment-Behavior research method to study NIMBY effects of urban service facilities in Taipei area. Using the "willingness-to-accept" concept and the "NIMBY indicator," this thesis defines NIMBY effects of urban service facilities. This thesis also seeks to explore why citizens demonstrate NIMBY syndrome, and what factors affect NIMBY syndrome. The conceptual model of NIMBY effects is verified as well.   The conclusion and suggests are as follows:   1. The conceptual model of "NIMBY effects urban service facilities" consists of information, motivation, environmental attitudes, experience, personal attributes, and urban hierarchy. The intervening factor is the willingness to accept.   2. According to the willingness to accept, urban service facilities can be categorized as "not-willing-to-accept," "mixed attitudes," and "willing-to-accept." Using the NIMBY indicator concept to measure NIMBY effects, NIMBY effects can be classified as "no NIMBY effects," "small NIMBY effects," "moderate NIMBY effects," and "serious NIMBY effects."   3. Most environmental attitudes will not vary in different urban hierarchies. The results of factor structures of environmental attitudes are varied in different urban hierarchies. After adjustment, four factors influencing the willingness to accept urban service facilities can be extracted: information, environmental attitudes, motivation, and experience. In addition, in examining the relationships between the conceptual model and the willingness to accept, only experience and hierarchies are consistent with our hypotheses.   4. This thesis suggests four possible directions to mitigate NIMBY effects and the NIMBY syndrome: regulations, planners' roles, land use planning, and urban facility management.

服務設計、展覽體驗、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與推薦意願之關聯研究-以2010年台北國際花卉博覽會為例 / Research of relationships among service design, exhibition experience, experiential value, customer satisfication and recommendation-As seen in the 2010 Taipei Flora Expo

黃俊傑, Huang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討服務設計、展覽體驗、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與推薦意願之關聯,以2010年台北國際花卉博覽會為例。主要研究目的是想了解花博園區的服務設計內容,是否會使前往花博的顧客有不同的體驗經驗,間接增加體驗價值,進一步使滿意度增加,進而願意推薦親朋好友前往參觀?也想了解是否因為顧客個人因素的不同,導致不同的體驗價值與顧客滿意度? 本研究有效紙本問卷有136份,有效網路問卷有461份,全部問卷共597份。利用典型相關與迴歸分析,發現良好的服務設計將會帶給花博顧客正向的展覽體驗;良好的展覽體驗提高體驗價值;較高的體驗價值使顧客對此次花博擁有較高的滿意度進而使推薦意願提高。接著透過MANOVA、ANOVA、多重比較與T檢定,發現參觀花博的時間不同,對於體驗價值與顧客滿意度有所差異;而第一次參觀花博月份的不同,使滿意度有所差異;累計參觀花博次數不同,對於體驗價值與滿意度也會有所差異。 / In this study serive design, exhibition experience, experiential value, customer satisfication and recommendation are used to investigate the 2010 Taipei Flora Expo. The main purpose is to understand how the host organization service design used in the Flora Expo, caused tourists to have different experiences, increased experiential values, satisfication and recommendation. The study will also investigate whether different personal factors will cause different experiential values and satisfication. There are 136 subjects from paper questionnaire and 461 subjects from on-line questionnaire. Total subjects are 597. Using Canonical Correlation, Regression, MANOVA, ANOVA, Post Hoc and T test the resulting data is as follows: 1. Service design had a positive correlation to experiential marketing. 2. Experiential marketing had a positive correlation to experiential value. 3. Experiential value had a positive correlation to satisfaction. 4. Satisfaction had a positive correlation to recommendation. 5. Different visiting days (weekday, weekend, both) had different experiential value and satisfication 6. During the month (11-12, 1-2, 3-4) of people visting for the first time had different level of satisfication. 7. The amout of times (1, 2, above 3 times) visiting the expo had different experiential values and satisfication.

權力與信任對組織內知識分享意願影響之研究 : 以銀行放款部門主管為例

夏侯欣鵬 Unknown Date (has links)
近年各方對探討「知識」(knowledge)的興趣方興未艾「知識」乃為一種「流量」的概念,即知識可以在知識的擁有者與接受者之間相互交流;對知識擁有者而言,是一種選擇性「推」的過程,對知識接受者為「拉」的過程,當二者平衡時,則產生最適的流量。也就是說,知識擁有者並非完全願意將知識傳授給予知識接受者,即使接受者一味的想學習知識,但若擁有者不願將知識傳授給接受者時,也無濟於事;反之,即使擁有者願意傳授知識給接受者,但接受者沒有任何學習意願時,也無法達到知識學習的目的。學者認為日本企業的成功來自於傳播新知的共識,即將知識在企業內廣泛的分享,供參與者取用;正是這種雙重的內部與外部活動不斷刺激日本企業持續創新,而形成日本企業的競爭優勢。所以,組織宜透過一些機策來激勵員工去吸收外界的知識,並能提昇成員分享知識的意願。因此,對「知識分享意願」課題的深入探討有其相當的重要性。 本研究是在探討組織內知識擁有者個人分享的意願,因此分析單位界定在「個人」。一般而言,從事主管職位者,多半是因為具備多年經驗,並充分了解部門的專業知識,且可以將之傳承與部屬,所以,本研究假設,部門中較具備知識與經驗者為「部門主管」;因此,理論架構建立是以「主管」做為探訪對象,即以部門主管的角色(「知識擁有者」)來探討對部屬(「知識接受者」)知識分享的意願。但因各產業與各部門所涉及的知識迥異、產業特性差別甚鉅,所以在實證上為了降低上述因素的干擾,擬將以「單一產業與部門-銀行業的放款部門」為研究對象。 本研究根據相關理論的探討與實務的觀察,發現影響分享意願的因素應該可以歸整為三種層次來探討;第一層次為個人層次的影響,其次為人際層次的影響,第三層次則為組織層次的影響。依據上述三種層次建立影響知識分享意願的理論架構。 個人層次的影響是認為主管的人格特質決定主管的行為特性與思維方式的特性,因此,影響主管知識分享意願。人際層次的影響則從人際間的「信任」與「權力」的長期互動觀點來探討。若以長期觀點來探討部門主管對部屬的信任感時,發現部門主管對部屬的信任感影響該主管對部屬的知識分享意願,即當信任感越高,則對部屬的知識分享意願越高,進而影響未來知識分享的行為;而該行為則對主管的權力會造成影響,一旦此影響為正面時,即對部門主管有利,則主管對部屬下一時點信任感程度會提高;反之,影響為負面時,則主管對部屬下一時點的信任感程度會降低。而部門主管對部屬下一時點的信任感會影響下一時點的知識分享意願。因此就縱斷面的探討,本研究認為影響部門主管知識分享意願的因素可以分由兩部份來加以討論,一為當部門主管考慮是否分享知識予部屬時,該「主管對部屬的信任感」會影響主管對部屬的知識分享意願;另一方面,部門主管在考慮是否分享知識予部屬時,該主管會「預期知識分享後對主管權力的影響」;當部門主管預期知識分享對其權力的影響為正面時,則對部屬知識分享的意願會提昇,反之,當預期對其權力的影響為負面時,則為部屬知識分享的意願會降低。本研究並進一步探討「主管對部屬的信任感」與「預期知識分享後對主管權力的影響」前因變項。組織層次的影響則認為文化藉由影響我們的行為模式而影響我們的工作行為,組織的文化與其組織成員息息相關;其中「組織文化」界定在該部門成員的行為模式與該企業組織可以觀察的制度為主。 本研究以銀行放款部門主管作為研究對象的實證結果發現,雖然人格特質的差異造成個人行為的差異,但行為是由情境所決定,即有時會因為雙方的互動行為,形成行為的差異,故分享性人格特質對知識分享意願的影響效果並不顯著,而主管與部屬互動中所產生的信任感與知識分享對主管在公司地位的影響是形成主管對知識分享意願差異的主要因素,前者之影響程度甚過後者。因此,即使該主管並不具備分享的特質,但因與部屬的互動關係良好,則主管仍願意分享知識予部屬。 因此主管將知識分享予部屬,雖會危及主管在部門中之地位,但當部門主管認為部屬行為一致性越高,該部屬對主管所做所為皆是有利,使得主管越願意對部屬抒發個人情感,則部門主管認為該部屬會對其造成不利影響的機率越低,因此主管願意承擔將知識分享與該部屬後,可能產生的不利影響,所以部門主管越願意將知識分享予該部屬。而影響主管是否信任該部屬的首要條件為該部屬與主管的親近程度,其次,影響主管信任該部屬的條件是對主管絕對的服從、盡力維護主管利益,因為此類型部屬不論在任何情況下,皆會以主管的立場與利益來考量。至於工作能力與工作態度越佳的部屬,則工作績效越佳,能全力以赴完成目標,因此主管可以放心將工作交付與該部屬,所以主管對該部屬信任感高。 影響主管願不願意分享知識予部屬另一考慮因素為知識分享後是否會對主管在組織中的地位有所影響,包括能使主管被部屬認同的程度、使高層主管對部門主管重視的程度或主管被部屬取代的可能性以及是否容易找尋其他替代的部屬。其中,主管最重視的是預期知識分享後,部屬處理事務態度越積極者,則可加速問題的解決,進而越能提昇部門績效,使得該主管越會受到高層人士的重視,越能提昇主管在銀行的地位,即升遷機會增加,則主管越願意分享知識予該部屬。至於組織制度對於主管知識分享意願的影響方面,根據銀行授信部門主管為研究對象的整體影響結果顯示,組織層次的影響效果雖與理論一致,但相較於主管與部屬人際關係對知識分享意願的影響效果,其影響效果並不顯著。

工作負荷及直屬主管支持對員工擔任師父意願影響之探討 / The Effects of Workload and Perceived Supervisor Support on the Willingness to Mentor

陳思妤, Chen, Sih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去學者探究員工擔任師父意願,或以個人特質、或以情境因素,皆以個人層次的性格因素探討其對擔任師父意願的影響程度。然而此研究取向結果累積,無法有系統架構地了解其對員工擔任師父意願的影響,並找到組織的施力點。故本研究以「工作要求-資源模型」為基礎,探討工作情境中的工作負荷量與知覺主管支持兩因素對於員工擔任師父意願之影響。本研究首先探討工作要求能否藉由增加員工的耗竭感,而減低員工擔任師父意願。其次探討工作資源是否能透過增加員工的工作敬業,進而提升員工擔任師父意願。此外,藉由比較工作要求-資源模型之雙歷程模式,以統計方法進行重要性比較,了解兩途徑對於員工擔任意願的影響程度相對大小。此研究結果可提供未來情境因素影響擔任師父意願研究之參考,實務上則能為組織提升員工擔任師父意願所用。並研究結果顯示,工作耗竭感完全中介工作負荷量與員工擔任師父意願間的關係,工作敬業對知覺主管支持與擔任師父意願間關係的中介並不顯著。其討論與應用則於後續章節探討。 / The past mentor topics mostly discussed the influence of personality on willingness to mentor. But with this approach, the authorities would not be able to intervene the mentoring program from the policy or program design so that the authorities could not improve current status of the organizational training. This research would base on theory of Job Demand-Resource model to integrate the work situational factors, such as workload and supervisor’s support, to predict the influence on the willingness to mentor. Also the other emphasis is to weight the two different work situational factors to value the importance between the situational factors and employees’ willingness to mentor. The result shows the job exhaustion directly mediate the workload and the willingness to mentor. However, the mediation effect of work engagement is not significant between the supervisor’s support and the willingness to mentor. The Job Demand-Resource model can be further applied in the area of mentoring willingness. Besides, the control variable of personality, altruism, has consistent effect on each of the research variables.

會展廠商之創新技術持續使用意願研究 / Research on the continuance intention of companies attending exhibitions to use innovative technology

陳奕君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以針對B2B資訊系統設計之資訊系統成功模型(IS Success Model)作為假設架構,探討使用者滿意度與持續使用意願間的關係,並加入個人創新特質做為影響持續使用意願之假設,在研究架構中,分別探討資訊品質與系統品質與使用者滿意度的關係,以及使用者滿意度與個人創新特質分別對持續使用意願的關係。 本研究透過問卷法抽樣進行資料蒐集,選擇2010台北國際電子產業科技展之參展廠商作為研究對象,在回顧大量文獻與研究架構,並且排除無效問項後,進行問卷調查與分析,總共回收117份有效問卷,以PLS(Partial Least Squares)法進行分析後,得到以下結論: 使用者對於資訊系統的滿意度與系統品質及資訊品質呈現正相關,當資訊品質越高,也就是資訊系統產出的資訊之品質越好時;使用者滿意度會越高;當系統品質越高時,也就是資訊系統本身的特性越好時,使用者滿意度會越高。本研究更進一步發現,資訊系統持續使用意願受到使用者滿意度及個人創新特質影響,使用者滿意度與持續使用意願有正相關,滿意度越高時,持續使用的意願會越高;個人創新特質與持續使用意願也呈現正相關,當使用者之個人創新特質越強烈時,持續使用資訊系統的意願會越高。 / This research, based on the IS Success Model proposed by DeLone and McLean(1992), the B2B information system regarding the relationship between user satisfaction and continuance usage. Personal innovativeness was added to test its relationship with continuance usage. Within the hypothesized framework, the impacts of latent variables in system quality and information quality on user satisfaction are examined and tested, respectively. The research is conducted through sampling by a survey from companies attending the 2010 Taipei International Electronics Show. Of 121 samples collected, 117 are effective. By analyzing the samples with the PLS (Partial Least Squares) method, the research concluded the following: User satisfaction is positively influenced by system quality and information quality, which represents the characteristics of the information system itself and the form of information produced by the information system respectively. User satisfaction, together with personal innovativeness of the users, positively influence the continuance intentions to use the information systems.

資訊系統需求擷取之知識互動探討 / A study on knowledge interaction in the process of information system requirement elicitation

黃國華, Huang, Travis K. Unknown Date (has links)
當創新總是發生在不同專業領域的交界之處,團隊成員之間有效的知識互動便成為組織維持其競爭優勢的必要因素,因此為了持續創新,團隊成員必須克服不同專業領域所存在的知識邊界障礙,以便能夠整合團隊成員的知識與專長。在資訊系統的開發過程中,系統分析階段是觀察系統分析人員與使用者知識互動的最佳情境,因此本研究首先探索系統分析情境下影響互動雙方知識分享意願的前因,即創新氣氛與互動雙方的互動投入程度,並檢測這些因素之間的關係及影響。其次,本研究彙整四類邊界物件的內容,即語法的、語意的、實務的與隱喻的邊界物件,探討不同類別的邊界物件之間的關係及對專案創意的影響,並更進一步探究互動雙方的知識分享意願對各類邊界物件的影響。 研究樣本來自258位學生所扮演的系統分析人員及258位業界使用者,研究結果發現創新氣氛會同時影響系統分析人員與使用者的知識分享意願。當系統分析人員的互動投入程度越高,使用者的互動投入程度也會提高。使用者的互動投入程度會正向影響系統分析人員及使用者自身的知識分享意願;但是系統分析人員的互動投入程度卻對使用者的知識分享意願產生直接且負向的影響。 此外,系統分析人員的知識分享意願只對隱喻的邊界物件有正向影響,而使用者的知識分享意願卻對這四類邊界物件皆無顯著影響。在這四類邊界物件之中,只有實務的邊界物件對專案創意具有正向的影響,而隱喻的邊界物件則對於語法的、語意的、實務的邊界物件三者具有正向的影響,因此隱喻的邊界物件可以藉由實務的邊界物件對專案創意產生正向的間接效果。出乎意料之外,語意的邊界物件對專案創意具有負向的影響。在實務方面,本研究建議組織應該藉由增加實務的邊界物件和隱喻的邊界物件,以提高專案創意嶄露的可能性。 / As innovation happens from the boundaries between different specialty domains, effective knowledge interaction among participants has become a competitive necessity for organizations. In order to improve innovation, it is necessary for participants to deal explicitly with the interpretive barriers and further synthesize their expertise. During the development of information system, most knowledge interactions, which are conducted by systems analysts and users, can be observed in the phase of systems analysis. Thus, this study intends to explore not only factors that may affect participants’ intention to share knowledge, but also types of boundary objects in the context of systems analysis. As an innovative organizational climate and participants’ interaction involvement are identified as antecedents of participants’ intention to share knowledge, the relationships among these factors are studied. Besides, while four types of boundary objects are summarized, their effects on project innovativeness are discussed. Then, the influence of participants’ intention to share knowledge on the occurrence of four types of boundary objects was further examined. The results, based on data collected from 258 student analysts and 258 users, indicate that an innovative climate positively and directly influences both systems analysts and users’ intention to share knowledge. While systems analysts’ interaction involvement has a strong influence on users’ interaction involvement, which is measured by responsiveness, perceptiveness and attentiveness, users’ interaction involvement also has positive effects on both systems analysts and users’ intention to share knowledge; unexpectedly, systems analysts’ interaction involvement is negatively related to users’ intention to share knowledge. In addition, while systems analysts’ intention to share knowledge only influences the occurrence of metaphoric boundary objects, users’ intention to share knowledge does not demonstrate any significant effect on four types of boundary objects. Out of syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and metaphoric boundary objects, only pragmatic boundary objects had a strong positive effect on project innovativeness. As metaphoric boundary objects are shown to have positive effects on all other three types of boundary objects, metaphoric boundary object affects project innovativeness indirectly through pragmatic boundary objects. Surprisingly, semantic boundary objects negatively affects project innovativeness, although not very strongly. A practical implication is the possibility of increasing project innovativeness by enhancing both pragmatic boundary objects and metaphoric boundary objects.

由社會認知觀點探討顧客衣著與購買行為線索對員工正向情緒表達之影響 / Exploring the effect of customers’ clothing and purchase behavior cues on employees’ positive affective displays: the social cognition perspective

翁湘晴, Weng, Hsiang Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從社會認知觀點探討顧客衣著線索與顧客購買行為線索對員工正向情緒表達之影響,以及探討員工知覺顧客社會地位與前期購買意願之中介效果。過去在員工正向情緒表達相關研究上,雖有探討顧客衣著線索與購買行為線索對員工正向情緒表達之影響,但並未深入探討其中之歷程,本研究認為認知心理學領域中之基模概念,可以解釋過去在情緒表達研究中,顧客外表與行為線索對第一線服務員工正向情緒表達影響關係的研究發現。 本研究以百貨公司化妝品專櫃之櫃員與其互動之顧客為研究對象,共觀察及記錄93筆交易互動,以實地場域之觀察法進行研究,研究結果發現,如同預期,顧客之衣著線索及購買行為線索對員工正向情緒表達皆有顯著的正向影響,顯示顧客若穿著愈高貴或是展現越多購買行為線索,員工會表現得越親切,研究結果驗證了過去情緒表達相關之研究發現;然而,員工知覺顧客社會地位與員工知覺顧客前期購買意願之中介效果並不如預期達顯著,顯示顧客衣著線索與購買行為線索並非透過激發員工對顧客社會地位與前期購買意願之基模影響員工正向情緒表達,而可能透過激發了別的基模來影響員工之正向情緒表達。整體而言,本研究所提之研究假說部分符合預期,而研究結果可對情緒表達與社會認知基模理論相關研究提供理論貢獻與實務意涵。 / According to social cognitive psychology, targets’ cues can arouse perceivers’ schemas, and then help perceivers to form an impression on the target person. This point of view can help explain the past related research on employee’s positive affective displays. According to the past researches’ research findings, customers’ clothing and behaviors have obvious effects on employees’ positive affective displays. Moreover, base on schema theory, customers’ clothing and purchase behavior cues are believed to arouse employees’ social status schema and pre-purchase intention schemas respectively, and make employees to have a perception on customers’ social status and pre-purchase intention, and therefore have different positive emotional expressions on different customers. Employees’ perception on customers’ social status and pre-purchase intention are believed to play mediator roles in those processes. This study examined the 93 face-to-face interactions between employees and customers in the department store cosmetics section. Results showed customers’ clothing and purchase behavior cues are positively related to employees’ positive affective displays, as predicted. In other words, the more dignity the customer dressed or the more purchase behaviors he/she displayed, the more positive affective displays the employee showed. However, the mediator roles of employees’ perceptions on customers’ social status and pre-purchase intention were not found in the research. Over all, part of hypothesizes are predicted. The results have both theoretical and practical contributions to emotional expression research and social cognitive research.

性別認同與保養品品牌購買心理之研究 / Gender Identity and the Psychology of Purchasing Skin Care Brands

林青樺, Lin, Ching Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,全球女性保養品市場呈現穩定成長,雖然保養品以往都被視為屬於「女性領地」的產品,但全球男性保養市場不僅從2012年起就持續成長,未來前景也是相當看好。 有別於以往以性別(sex)做為市場區隔,消費者的性別認同及性傾向,已逐漸被用於區隔目標消費者,且同性戀消費者更因為其相較於一般異性戀男性的消費能力較強,而被視為「夢幻市場 (Dream Market)」。然而,現今台灣在該領域相關的研究文獻,卻往往只探討生理性別,忽略生理性別和性別認同之間的落差,如此將導致與性別相關的行銷研究有扭曲或偏頗的現象。 因此本研究希望能將性別認同與性傾向等因素,納入研究消費者購買保養品行為之考量因素,彌補理論和實際狀況的落差,期能研究出不同性別認同、性傾向的消費者,對不同定位保養品購買意願的差異,並根據該研究結果,給予保養品廠商一些行銷上的建議,讓其在釐清品牌定位時更有方向,並以更有效率、更適切的方式與顧客溝通。 本研究將影響保養品的購買意願從「性別認同」、「性傾向」、「獨特性需求」、「從眾行為」、「產品涉入」、「在意社會觀感程度」、「品牌知覺」、「品牌性別」、「品牌態度」等九大方面著手。 本研究以問卷方式獲取初級資料,收獲有效問卷共 375份,經過統計迴歸分析後發現,「性別認同」、「在意社會觀感程度」、「品牌知覺」和「品牌態度」此四項,最顯著影響消費者購買保養品意願。另外,雖然「性傾向」並沒有對購買意願產生影響,但卻有可能透過「在意社會觀感程度」干擾購買意願。而還有其他顯著影響因素待於研究中一一闡述。 / Recently, the global market of female skin care products has grown a steady pace. Although, the skin care products are usually regarded as female products, the global market of male skin care products has grown fastly since 2012 and market analysts are optimistic about its future. In the past, we usually only use “sex” to segment a market, but gender identity and sexual orientation are gradually used to target customers now. Moreover, gay customers are regarded as a “Dream Market” because they have greater purchasing power than heterosexual men do. However, existing studies still tend to probe into sex and neglect the differences between sex and gender identity. Therefore, this research takes gender Identity and sexual orientation into consideration when conducting the behavior of purchasing skin care products, and the dependent variable” purchase intention” is leveraged by “Gender Identity”, “Sexual Orientation“, “Product Involvement”, “Need for Uniqueness”, “Conformity Behavior”, “the Degree of Concerning with Social Perception”, “Brand Attitude”, “Brand Gender”, “Brand Perception”. Among influential factors, “Gender Identity”, “the Degree of Concerning with Social Perception”, “Brand Attitude”, and “Brand Perception” contribute significantly to purchase intention. Although sexual orientation does not lead to purchase intention, it may affect purchase intention through influencing the factor of “the degree of concerning with social perception”. Other factors affecting the behavior of purchasing skin care products will be further discussed in this research.

住宅區土地混合使用業種相容性分析之研究-以台北市大安區與萬華區為例 / Study on the Compatibility Analysis of Land Mixed-Use in Residential Area of Ta-An and Wan-Hua Districts of Taipei Metropolitan

許戎聰 Unknown Date (has links)
台北市自民國72年起,公佈實施土地使用分區管制規則以來,至今已十幾年,但對於住宅區之環境品質並無明顯改善,反而突顯實施土地使用分區之分組及允許使用組別的問題,究其原因,是法規制定太偏於混合使用及允許使用組別太多。尤其附條件允許組別更為嚴重,幾乎與商業區差不多,而其中產生一些行業別與住宅不相容的情形。 有鑑於此,本研究乃期望透過混合使用相關研究回顧遴選出適當之評估指標項目,再收集專家學者對評估指標之意見,進行修正所遴選之評估指標,作為混合使用環境品質之評估基礎。在其中發現混合使用評估指標相對權重以「守望相助與警衛」權重最大、其次是「購物方便性」、第三為「餐飲方便性」。而「垃圾收集」與「污水排放問題」之小指標相對權重較小。由此不難理解,在專家的觀念裡混合使用之居住環境需以居住安全性之「守望相助與警衛」為第一考量,然後才能考慮混合使用生活之便利性。 由以上所建構之評估指標,經收集居民的意見與專家之賦予權重之後,經整理計算後,所得到評估指數正負得知,混合使用環境品質評估指標中以「寧便居住環境」、「公共安全」之指數呈現正值,而「環境污染公害」為負值,將其大指標之指數加總,發現總值為正數,得知混合使用之居住環境可能是好處多於壞處。 得知評估指標之指數大小之後,筆者再建立相容性行業別操作方式,進行計算行業別之評估指數大小,並建立數學模式,發現行業別之指數總和越大,代表居民與專家愈能接受該行業。負面值越大表示排斥性越大。同時可理解相容性越高之行業對環境影響越少,且對生活機能幫助越大。進而可透過行業別之排序,依混合使用環境品質需求,再訂定不同混合標準,以塑造不同等級之居住環境。 另在新、舊地區之實證過程中得知;混合使用的行業會因道路寬度、區位而有不同混合比例,其中立體混合也與平面混合成正相關。而從實際新、舊地區之業種調查發現,在大安區之業種是屬於都市型,而在萬華區之業種是屬於鄰里型。 綜合言之;本研究透過相關理論回顧與分析,所建立住宅區土地混合使用之評估指標,作為相容性之行業別判斷依據。在其中發現行業別之相容性,可依本研究所擬之評估指標判斷業別對居住環境的影響情形,同時可透指數分析再訂定業種相容性標準,而進行衡量評估指標與行業別之相關性計算。尤其在行業別設立時,將可能對住宅使用產生正面或負面影響情形,以指標的方式表達;如行業別是否產生噪音振動、垃圾處理方式、停車問題、空氣污染..等等問題,儘可能再設有評估標準。待相容性行業別執行一段時間後,依執行情形來修正評估標準,以利後續土地混合使用業種相容性之參考。 / Since the announcement and execution of the Zoning Act of Taipei Metropolitan in 1983, there is no obvious improvement on the living quality in the residential areas. Conversely, there are some issues on the usage classification and permitted usage categories. After further research, it’s found that the Zoning Act biased on the mixed-use, which permitted too much usage in one category. The most serious one was the permitted usage in its appendix, which made the usage of residential area almost the same as the commercial area. After researching on the related documents on mixed-use, the study emerged the appropriate evaluation indicators. Then collecting the experts’ comments, the study modified evaluation indicators accordingly, which formed the bases of environmental evaluation of mixed-use. In between, the relative importance of top three indicators was ranked as “residents’ mutual help and guard”, “shopping convenience” and “dinning convenience”. Both “trash collection” and “waste water manipulation” were less concerned. It understandable that in experts’ concepts, the residential safety was the first consideration then the living convenience. Based on the above evaluation indicators and collected comments from the residents and experts, the study came out the positive and negative values of evaluation indicators. The “quiescence and convenience of living environment” and “public safety” were positive value but “environmental pollution” was negative value. Summing up the big indicators, the value was positive which meant people possibly evaluated highly on the mixed-use in the residential environment. Understanding the importance of indicators, the study rebuilt the operation model for compatible businesses, which calculated the values of business evaluation indicators and built mathematical model. Then the study found out that the greater positive values of summed up indicators, the more representative residents and experts accepted the business. The greater the negative value, the more exclusivity represented. More compatible businesses would less impact the environment but enhance the living functionality. Ranking the business sequences according to the needs of environmental quality in mixed-use, we could build up different grades of living environments by setting up different mixed-use standards. It was proven from the study on the new and old residential areas that the mixed-use ratio of businesses would be differed by the width of road and location in which vertical and horizontal mixed-use are positively related. From the field study, the businesses in Ta-An district belonged to the metropolitan type but those in Wan-Hua district belonged to the tithing type. In summary, the study went through the review and analysis of related thesis then built the evaluation indicators for mixed-use in residential area, which in turn were the bases to identify the businesses compatibility. Utilizing the evaluation indicators, we could identify the business compatibility and its impact on the living environment. Simultaneously, through indicator analysis, new business compatibility could be redefined and evaluate the relationship between evaluation indicators and business relativity. Especially for the business category, which would heavily impact the environment, the indicators could be identified as, e.g., voice and vibration pollution, trash manipulation, parking issue, air pollution...which needed more evaluation standards. After some time of execution, the results could be used to modify the evaluation standard, which would be the reference for the succeeding study of land mixed-use.

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