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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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審計委員會權益基礎報酬是否影響 公司之權益資金成本及信用評等? / Does Audit Committees’ Equity-based Compensation Affect Firms’ Cost of Equity Capital and Credit Rating?

陳若晞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以權益基礎報酬占總報酬的比率來捕捉薪酬結構,並據以探討給予審計委員會的薪酬結構對於公司權益資金成本及信用評等之影響。利用 2006 至 2010 年間納入美國 S&P1500指數之公司 (排除金融服務與保險業) 為樣本,本研究發現,若權益基礎報酬佔審計委員會薪酬比率越高,其公司之權益資金成本越低,但該公司之信用評等卻越差。顯示權益基礎報酬之比重在二種財報使用者眼中具有不同涵義。投資人認為給予審計委員會較高之權益基礎報酬比重,可使監督更有效,投資人承擔之資訊風險降低,進而願意降低其要求報酬;信用評等機構則認為,給予較高的權益基礎報酬比重將傷害審計委員會獨立性,影響公司治理結構,並降低財務報導之品質,因而給予此類公司較差之信用評等。 / This study examines how investors and credit rating agents react to audit committees’ equity-based compensation. Based on a sample of S&P 1500 firms during 2006-2010, the empirical results show that firms who pay audit committees higher portion of equity-based compensation have lower cost of equity capital and lower credit rating. These results suggest different information users perceive and react to equity-based compensation in different ways. Particularly, investors appear to perceive that higher portion of equity-based compensation can align audit committee members’ interest with the shareholders’, leading to more effective monitoring and smaller information risk. Therefore, investors react by reducing their cost of equity capital. In contrast, credit rating agents appear to perceive that higher portion of equity-based compensation may harm audit committees’ independence, resulting in decreased quality of financial reporting. Therefore, credit rating agents react by downgrading firms’ credit ratings.

運用關聯結構網絡隨機邊界分析法探討我國壽險公司經營績效 / Applying the Copula-Based Network Stochastic Frontier Approach to Study the Efficiency of Taiwan’s Life Insurance Industry

巫瑞虔, Wu, Ruei Cian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2000至2012年台灣地區26間人壽保險公司的不平衡縱橫資料,運用網絡隨機邊界分析法將壽險業的生產過程分為行銷與投資兩階段進行效率評估,並利用估計結果計算規模彈性與成本彈性探討台灣壽險業的生產特性,附帶分析跨期技術變動率,最後比較不同分組的壽險公司間經營效率是否存在差異。 實證結果發現壽險公司在行銷活動過程投入較少的內勤員工與較多的固定資產,在投資階段則相反,投入較多的內勤員工與較少的固定資產,與壽險公司實際運作情況相符;此外,投資階段的效率優於第一階段的行銷效率。整體台灣壽險業受到2008年金融風暴影響導致經營效率下降,國內壽險公司在經營效率上優於外商壽險分公司,金控壽險公司生產技術效率優於非金控壽險公司,1993年後成立的新壽險公司生產技術效率平均優於傳統舊壽險公司。 / This paper uses the copula-based network SFA model developed by Huang et al. (2013) to estimate the technical efficiency of Taiwan’s life insurance companies over the period 2000-2012. Under this framework, life insurance companies produce premium income as intermediate product which is one of input factors to produce investment income. The empirical analysis concluded: (a) life insurers use little internal staff in first stage, (b) domestic life insurers have both high technical efficiency and cost efficiency in comparison with foreign life insurers, (c) financial holding life insurers have greater technical efficiency than those of not from financial holding insurers, and (d) new life insurers have higher technical efficiency than old life insurers.

Web 2.0時代社群網站經營效能之評估:以政府部門與社會企業為例之比較分析 / An Evaluation of Social Media Operational Effectiveness in Web 2.0 Era: An Example Comparing Government and Social Enterprise

卓筱涵, Cho, Hsiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0 概念的開放、即時、互動、同步、多元的資訊傳遞方式創造出更多的群體價值。社群網站讓組織與使用者的互動更加密切,公眾接觸的概念興起,本研究政府部門的臺北市立動物園與社會企業網路媒體社企流個案,均為良好的公眾接觸個案。越來越多組織應用社群網站的程度,依據在於長期來看,社群網站創造多少效果。因此本研究從資訊系統層面、使用者層面與組織管理層面的文獻檢閱,探討社群網站對於各部門組織的重要性、目標與效果。加入Web 2.0的特性所建立效能衡量架構,檢視社群網站對兩研究個案所帶來的效果與經營策略。 研究設計兼具量化與質化的混合方法,透過量化網路問卷蒐集使用者態度,從資訊系統層面的系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質,以及使用者層面的公眾接觸、社會影響等構面,以多元迴歸模型,探討資訊系統滿意度、使用者忠誠度與顧客關係目標等使用者態度。並以質化深度訪談組織內部,從交易成本與組織創新等理論,探討組織如何導入社群網站、管理的過程、分工、評估與策略等。 研究發現,資訊系統層面顯著提升資訊系統滿意度,但對於使用者忠誠度與顧客關係目標無顯著關係;資訊品質對使用者態度沒有顯著關係。在第三部門意指使用者認同其理念,社群網站的介面和管理相對不重要。在政府機關,系統品質對於資訊系統滿意度以及使用者忠誠度皆有顯著影響,顯示政府在Web 2.0時代,社群網站管理者已能掌握資訊傳播的系統品質。使用者層面的公眾接觸與社會影響均具有顯著關係,其中公眾接觸構面的涉入與共同創造為最良好的解釋變項。在社會影響構面,在描述性統計評價最低,但與使用者態度有顯著關係,其中公眾形象為良好的解釋變項。使用者態度的顧客關係目標,資訊傳播最容易達成,實際行動與深化關係相對較難。組織管理層面,發現社企流為有機式組織,可以快速應變環境變化,待改善者為組際間合作。而動物園優勢為機關長官支持與跨組室推動,待改善為上級機關仍不熟悉Web 2.0,難掌握民意溝通管道。 從研究發現可以歸納出各部門均可適用的社群網站經營核心,包括「社群」、「內容」、「管道」。實務建議包括鎖定粉絲專頁的目標族群、虛實整合、提升公眾接觸、加強人際網絡建立、深化關係等。經營策略包括精美圖片、回應使用者問題、提供穩定與精彩的資訊內容、配合時事話題、異業合作等。 / In recent years, Web 2.0 has been the buzz word for the field of e-governance due to its openness, immediacy, and interactivity, which facilitate a more collective and effective networking life of the population. In this thesis, author reviews the literature from information system design, civil engagement, and organizational management to research on the importance, objective, and effectiveness of social media usage and its impact on non-profit organizations. Author selects two cases, Taipei City Zoo (the first sector) and Social Enterprise Insights (the third sector), to investigate and compare them to answer questions concerning the objective and effectiveness of utilizing social media. In this research, a mixed-method approach is adopted to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. An on-line questionnaire was administrated to users of both Facebook Fan Pages and in-depth interviews with organizational staffs. According to literature reviews, the research framework contains two dimensions: information system (system, information and service quality) and civic engagement and social influence on users. Author uses multiple regression to analyze users’ subjective responses. Findings are as follows. First, information system dimension contributes to merely information system satisfaction and information quality is no significant. Second, users’ dimension is significant, but social influence is the worst in descriptive statistics. Third, compared to deeper engagement and take action, communication of information is easy to obtain. Forth, in the organizational management dimension, SEI is an organic organization to adapt the changing environment. Manager support and cross- unit execution cause good-use of social media in the zoo. From this research, practical advices to social media “page masters” contains three main parts. First, the keys to manage social media are community, contents, and channels of communication. Second, the managing goals are focusing on target group, integrating virtual with real world, promoting civic engagement and establishing interpersonal network. Finally, the strategies are utilizing eye-catching pictures, promptly responding to users’ questions, and stable provision of interesting contents.

TPM手法應用於產業績效提升之實務探討 / The study of TPM Techniques Applied in the Performance Improvement of Industries

林木森, Lin, Mu-Sen January 1900 (has links)
面對快速變遷與競爭激烈的經營環境,企業爲突破經營困境,無不卯足全力做好體質的改善,強化競爭能力之準備,但欲達此目的須有一套有效的管理機制,如何找到一個能讓企業形成策略「方向感」與建立能力強化之「著力點」的經營改革手法,乃為本研究之目的。 綜觀國內外推動TPM(Total Productive Management)之成功案例,讓不少企業獲得極大的成效,增強了他們堅實的競爭力,然不少企業也亟希望能導入此活動,卻缺少了具體的了解與推行方法,終究是半途而廢,因此乃融合了本身的實務推動經驗、相關成功企業之個案,來說明具體研究心得與推動要領。 本研究發現TPM是企業改善體質的一種工具也是一種方法,它透過了系統性的活動展開,結合各種分析改善手法,以品質、成本、效率、士氣、安全、環保為其衡量之指標,由個案研究中可以看到各項顯著的活動成效,如加工不良率由6150ppm降至108ppm;設備平均故障間隔時間延長了5倍;庫存低減50%,可見TPM對產業績效之貢獻。 / In the rapidly changing and highly competitive business environment, in order to break through the difficulties, the companies should do every effort to improve the physical and strengthen the competitiveness of the preparation. To achieve this goal, they must have an effective management technique, how to find a enables companies to form strategic "sense of direction" and to build capacity to strengthen the "focal point" of management reform practices that is the research target of the report. Checking around the world to promote the TPM of the success stories , so many companies get great results, and enhance their competition, although a lot of companies are also want to introduce this activity, but lack of a concrete understanding and implementation method, after all, is halfway, so I use the integration of their practical experience of successful enterprises related case studies, to illustrate the specific experiences and promote essentials. This study found that TPM is a tool also a method for enterprises toimprove physical fitness, It is expanded through a systematic activity, combined with a variety of analytical techniques improve, quality, cost, efficiency, morale, safety, environmental protection for measure of its targets, and more, safety, zero disasters, quality zero defect, zero fault of equipment, these items are for its ultimate purpose. Case studies can be seen by the remarkable effectiveness of the various activities, such as machining defect rate fell to 108ppm from 6150ppm; equipment MTBF extended to five times; Inventory Reduction 50% showing that the contribution TPM on industrial performance. / 目 錄 中文摘要 i Abstract ii 誌 謝 iii 目 錄 iv 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 研究限制 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 產業績效之內涵 5 2.2 產業績效提升應用之探討 7 2.2.1 TPM應用於產業績效領域 7 2.2.2 應用於產業績效提升之相關手法 9 2.2.3 TPM應用於其他相關領域 15 2.3 TPM的演進過程與定義 16 2.3.1 演進過程 17 2.3.2 TPM的定義 18 2.3.3 TPM的真義 20 2.4 TPM的全貌 22 2.4.1 追求目標 22 2.4.2 TPM之特色與整體架構 23 2.4.3 TPM與TPS、TQM之差異 23 2.5 TPM之應用手法 24 2.5.1 TPM展開步驟 25 2.5.2 八大支柱展開 32 2.5.3 QC Story 41 2.5.4 QC七大手法 42 2.6 TPM活動績效之評價指標 43 2.6.1 設備總合效率 44 2.6.2 生產績效指標 44 2.7 TPM之應用與展開 46 2.7.1 TPM之應用手法 47 2.7.2 TPM之展開模式 47 2.8 本章小結 47 第三章 研究方法 49 3.1 研究流程 49 3.2 研究方法說明 50 3.2.1 個案研究 50 3.2.2 專家訪談 51 3.3 研究方法特色 53 第四章 個案實證分析 54 4.1 個案研究 54 4.1.1 C公司簡介 54 4.1.2 C公司TPM推動狀況 56 4.1.3 活動過程與成效 59 4.1.4 方針目標達成之活動展開做法 60 4.1.5 個案研究小結 82 4.2 專家訪談 85 4.2.1 訪談對象 85 4.2.2 訪談目的 86 4.2.3 訪談狀況 87 4.2.4 訪談內容彙整 98 4.2.5 專家訪談小結 99 第五章 結論與建議 100 5.1 研究結論 100 5.1.1 TPM對產業績效最主要之貢獻 100 5.1.2 對產業績效最有效的改善手法與工具 101 5.1.3 找出TPM導入成功與失敗之關鍵 101 5.1.4 相關建議 102 5.2 未來研究方向 103 參考文獻 附錄一 專家電話訪談轉載紀錄表 附錄二 專家訪談問卷表 表目錄 表2.1 平衡計分卡的衡量指標 11 表2.2 TPM與TPS.TQM手法特徵之比較 24 表2.3 推行TPM的四階段十二步驟 25 表2.4 TPM講座課程概要 27 表2.5 各支柱的工作分配實例 29 表2.6 建構生產效率化體制 33 表2.7 展開個別改善的10步驟 34 表2.8 自主保養實施之七步驟 35 表2.9 計畫保養活動七步驟 36 表2.10 品質零不良七步驟 36 表2.11 教育訓練體系表 39 表2.12 QC七大手法 42 表2.13 QC STORY之8個步驟 43 表2.14 TPM活動的評量項目(1) 45 表2.15 TPM活動的評量項目(2) 45 表3.1 專家訪談主題 52 表3.2 研究方法特色與差異 53 表4.1 TPM活動成效 59 表4.2 設備分類評價基準表 68 表4.3 保養模式分類 69 表4.4 16大LOSS定義 78 表4.5 LOSS與支柱及部門別之關聯 79 表4.6 LOSS二維分析法 80 表4.7 改善主題等及定義 80 表4.8 LOSS改善主題管控表 81 表4.9 重要績效指標之成長狀況 83 表4.10 C公司TPM應用手法 84 表4.11 訪談對象 86 表4.12.1 專家訪談之彙整表 88 表4.12.2 專家訪談之彙整表 89 表4.12.3 專家訪談之彙整表 90 表4.12.4 專家訪談之彙整表 91 表4.12.5 專家訪談之彙整表 92 表4.12.6 專家訪談之彙整表 93 表4.12.7 專家訪談之彙整表 94 表4.12.8 專家訪談之彙整表 95 表4.12.9 專家訪談之彙整表 96 表4.12.10 專家訪談之彙整表 97 表5.1 TPM活動之整體效果 101 圖目錄 圖1.1 每年通過TPM賞廠商家數推移 3 圖1.2 台灣地區各業界取得狀況 3 圖1.3 台灣地區獲得TPM賞廠家狀況 4 圖2.1 TPM之發展沿革 18 圖2.2 阻礙生產效率化之16大損失 21 圖2.3 TPM之追求目標 22 圖2.4 活動理念展開之推動架構 23 圖2.5 重複小集團組織 28 圖2.6 災害發生的金字塔 40 圖3.1 研究流程 49 圖3.2 個案研究實施流程 50 圖3.3 專家訪談流程 51 圖4.1 C公司TPM推進歷程 55 圖4.2 TPM展開方針 57 圖4.3 九大支柱 58 圖4.4 TPM組織圖 58 圖4.5 安全衛生活動四大構面 61 圖4.6 安全零災害活動成效 62 圖4.7 來件品質保證做法 64 圖4.8 良品條件管理圖 65 圖4.9 品質保證之三關卡 65 圖4.10 品質零不良活動成效 66 圖4.11 設備零故障活動方針 67 圖4.12 零故障七步驟 72 圖4.13 設備管理情報系統 72 圖4.14 設備零故障活動成效 73 圖4.15 物料零庫存活動成效 76 圖4.16 資源零浪費活動成效 82

我國保險業未來適用IAS 40續後評價方法之選擇及原因之探討 / Fair value or cost model? Drivers of choice for IAS 40 in insurance industry

廖雅芬, Liao, Ya Fen Unknown Date (has links)
我國在金融監督管理委員會2009年5月14日宣告全面採用國際會計準則後,所有公開發行公司即受到全面性的衝擊;而在眾多的IFRS中,IAS 40投資性不動產會計準則,是目前國內會計準則所沒有的規定,且此號公報最特別的規定,是允許投資性不動產的續後評價,企業可以擁有選用公允價值法與歷史成本法的彈性,這樣的特殊規定觸發筆者想瞭解,企業未來適用此號公報,其續後評價方法之選擇及影響選擇原因的動機。 相對於歐美,由於我國缺乏具有長期收益性與安全性的資金投資管道,造成我國保險業長期偏好將可運用資金投資於實體不動產,故IAS 40對我國保險業影響重大,因此筆者以我國保險業為研究對象,以問卷、個案分析及訪談來探討保險業者對未來適用IAS 40之看法與期待。 經過研究分析,本研究發現60.61%的保險業在未來實施IAS 40後會繼續延用歷史成本模式,對影響選擇的因素方面,受訪者認為「對盈餘數字高低的影響」、「所得稅金額大小的考慮」、「對不同年度的損益造成波動的關係」等三項因素最為重要,另外,受訪者最認同新會計準則方法規定允許公司選用歷史成本法或公允價值法「會增加公司間財務資訊比較的複雜性」,且60.6%受訪公司傾向不同意提前適用此號公報。 / After the Financial Supervisory Commission Executive Yuan, R .O.C. declaring on May 14, 2009 that adopt International Accounting Standard in an all-round way in our country, all the public company were totally impacted promptly; Among the IFRSs, IAS 40 investment property is not exist at our present domestic accounting regulations and the most special of this regulation is allowing the enterprises can have elasticity of selecting the cost method or fair value method for measurement after recognition. The special treatments induce me to understand the drivers of the reason in its choice. As to America and Europe, because our country lacks have long-term rentability and security fund investment channel, cause the insurance of our country prefer to invest in real estate for a long time, so the implemental of IAS 40 will influence our insurance industry very much, so the study use questionnaires, case analysis and interview to researching the determinants of insurance industry choice to use the cost or fair value model to account for their real estate. Researched and analyzed, originally discover that 60.61% of the insurances will continue to use the cost method after implementing IAS 40 in the future, to influencing the factor chosen, interviewees think ”the amount of earnings”, “the tax amount” and “the volatility of income in different years” three factors are most important. In addition, interviewees admit that IAS 40 permits enterprises to choose cost method or fair value method will increase the complexity of comparisons among the companies’ report, and 60.6% interviewed disagree earlier application with this criterion.

探討半參數隨機邊界模型的技術與配置效率之一致性估計方法 / Consistent estimation of technical and allocative efficiencies for a semiparametric Stochastic Cost Frontier with Shadow Input Prices

陳冠臻, Chen, Kuan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
傳統參數隨機成本邊界模型需事先假設其函數型態,但真正的函數型態未知,若是假設錯誤的函數型態可能存在模型設定誤差,另外過去估計成本函數時,大多著重於技術效率的衡量,而忽略配置效率,如此一來,將導致模型參數估計產生偏誤,影響後來效率的計算。基於上述的問題,本研究將應用半參數隨機成本邊界模型且同時考量技術效率與配置效率,不但函數設定具有彈性且能正確的衡量效率值,然而在考量配置效率的衡量後,增加模型估計的困難度,使得估計收斂不易,因此本研究提出一個五階段的估計步驟,應用蒙地卡羅模擬進行分析,該估計步驟不但能簡化估計且能得到技術與配置效率的一致性估計。最後則將本研究提出的估計方法應用在實證研究上,探討14個東歐國家在轉型期間其技術與配置效率的衡量,使用不平衡縱橫資料,共340家商業銀行進行實證分析。 / Conventional parametric stochastic cost frontier models are likely to suffer from biased inferences due to misspecification and the ignorance of allocative efficiency (AE). To fill up the gap in the literature, this article proposes a semiparametric stochastic cost frontier with shadow input prices that combines a parametric portion with a nonparametric portion and that allows for the presence of both technical efficiency (TE) and AE. The introduction of AE and the nonparametric function into the cost function complicates substantially the estimation procedure. We develop a new estimation procedure that leads to consistent estimators and valid TE and AE measures, which are proved by conducting Monte Carlo simulations. An empirical study using unbalanced panel data on 340 commercial banks from 14 East European countries over the period 1993-2004 is performed to help shed some light on the usefulness of our procedure.

政府績效管理資訊化的交易成本分析:以「政府計畫管理資訊網」為例 / Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and government performance management: A case study of GPMnet in Taiwan

謝叔芳, Hsieh, Hsu Fang Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代政府再造潮流以來,績效管理及資訊通信技術業已成為政府提昇績效的重要工具,在此一背景下,我國亦於民國94年完成「政府計畫管理資訊網(GPMnet)」整合,用以協助執行績效管理作業。不過,由於資訊科技涵蓋面向相當寬廣,影響層面頗為廣泛,因此也引發樂觀、悲觀及務實主義等不同立場的爭辯,其運用成效確實有待進一步的評估。在相關文獻的基礎上,本研究採用交易成本理論途徑,首先透過問卷調查瞭解GPMnet使用者的態度及行為偏好,其次則經由訪談資料進一步解析資訊通信科技對於政府績效管理成本的增加與減少。 本研究採取混合方法論(mixed methodology)進行研究設計,兼採量化資料及質化資料蒐集分析。量化資料部分,以GPMnet使用者為分析單位進行問卷調查,回收148份有效樣本;質化資料部分,依主辦、主管、會審及研考等4項權限功能,選取8位GPMnet使用者進行訪談,以了解不同權限受訪者使用GPMnet的經驗與看法。 資料分析部分,本研究以偏最小平方法分析問卷資料,調查結果分析顯示,GPMnet系統使用的交易成本認知與態度、主觀系統績效有顯著負向關係;不確定性、資產專屬、使用頻率與交易成本之假設則未獲實證資料支持。此外,訪談資料分析發現,制度環境下,因受限於現行不同機關有不同資訊系統、GPMnet多個子系統,以及紙本流程仍然存在的情況下,使用GPMnet執行績效管理作業會增加行政成本負擔;此外,在實際使用的情形之下,因為系統可以保存過去資料、提供清楚欄位、網路化傳遞、進行進度控管及主動公開資訊等功能,減少了行政作業交易成本。相對的,也造成學習時間不符成本、溝通費時、校對、資訊過載、介面不友善及系統不穩定等負面影響,增加績效管理作業的交易成本。 最後,本研究建議在學術研究上,結構模式的觀察變項應更謹慎設計,資訊系統評估理論應重視成本觀點。至於在實務面則應全面落實電子化績效管理,在GPMnet系統資源環境更應進行資料備份,以減少資訊的過度負荷。 / Governments invest much more attention, time, and money on performance management and evaluation on the public sector today than ever before. To better utilize agency program management systems under the Executive Yuan, the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) has completed the planning of the "Policy Program Management Information System" (Government Program network, GPMnet). The system is a common service platform created to integrate various policy implementation management information systems to enhance the performance of different agencies in program management. However, the performance of GPMnet needs to be evaluated. In order to evaluate the system, this study introduces an empirical research which focuses on a transaction cost approach that has often been used to support the idea of information and communication technology and its positive impact on the economic system. The data was collected by mixed methodology, combining quantitative data from 148 users and eight interviews with a semi-structured questionnaire. The Partial Least Squares was used to analyze the quantitative data. According to the research findings, information-related problems represent only some of the elements contributing to the transaction costs. These costs also emerge due to the institutional factors contributing to their growths. The study of the consequences associated with ICT design and its implementation, based on the transaction cost theory, should therefore consider the costs of ICTs.

公司現增與發行新債影響營運績效之分析 / Operating performances and corporate issuances

黃佳莉 Unknown Date (has links)
公司籌措資金時會選擇發行股票或是發行債劵來籌資,本文去比較發行股票與發行債劵來籌資的公司在發行後的長期營運表現會有何異同。此外去探討因子如何影響發行後營運表現,也建立邏輯斯迴歸去探討因子如何影響公司發行決策。關於資本結構有兩個理論,一為融資序位理論,另一為代理成本理論,本文透過上述結果去驗證此兩理論。 / Industrial corporations typically raise external capital by selling common stock or issuing bonds. In this paper, we investigate the long run operating performance of issuers of straight debt and issuers of seasoned equity. Besides, we measure the effects of some factors that have been shown to be associated with changes in performance following the issues. We also examine why firms issue securities even though managers know that stock prices will react negatively to the issue announcement. We construct a logistic model for firms issuing equity and debt to investigate the determinants of firms’ issuing decisions. In existing literature, two eminent theories of capital structure are the pecking order theory and agency cost theory. We try to find evidence to these two theories from the above results.

臺灣高等教育助學機制評鑑之研究:運用理論導向模式 / A Study on Evaluation of the Higher Education Financial Aid Mechanism in Taiwan: Adopting a Theory-Driven Model

劉金山, Liou,chin shan Unknown Date (has links)
接受高等教育被視為實現人生夢想的重要里程,政府如何能保障具有就讀高等教育能力者,不因其經濟問題而喪失就讀機會,助學機制實為重要措施之一。而教育政策執行成效的良窳實需透過評鑑實施據以分析。有鑑於現行評鑑模式多僅強調成果,對於其理論、過程及目標等無法分析,致評鑑成效受限。是以,本研究旨在透過「理論導向評鑑模式」,檢視我國高等教育助學機制所規劃的理論、目標達成及因果關係等模式是否獲得認同。透過問卷調查及訪談法,針對大學校院1,120人進行抽樣,並採取立意取樣方式邀請學者專家、行政人員與學生代表等7位人士進行訪談。本研究獲致結論如下:(1)高等教育助學機制透過教育機會均等與教育成本分擔理論所規劃出來的目標達成模式獲得認同;(2)高等教育助學機制透過教育機會均等與教育成本分擔理論所形成出來的因果關係模式獲得認同;(3)高等教育助學機制提出的教育機會均等與教育成本分擔理論模式獲得模式驗證;(4)高等教育助學機制的執行情形存在理想高於落實的差異。最後,本研究建議高等教育助學機制推動應強化執行層面的落實,並可致力於理論導向評鑑模式架構之確立,以作為後續政策評鑑工具之用。 / Receiving higher education is considered an important milestone in the course of realizing one’s dream in life. However, how can the government protect those students who are capable of pursuing higher education from losing the opportunity due to their financial problems? The financial aid mechanism is one of its important measures. And the effectiveness of implementation of an educational policy indeed needs to be analyzed by means of evaluation. However, many of the current evaluation models focus only on the results of the implementation of a policy but fail to analyze its theories, process, and goals; consequently, the effectiveness of the evaluation is limited. Therefore, through a “theory-driven evaluation model,” this study aims to review whether the theories of the higher education financial aid mechanism in Taiwan, its goal-achieving pattern and its causal connection pattern are recognized by the subjects. Totally 1,120 college students were sampled and surveyed with a questionnaire and, by means of purposive sampling, seven people, including scholars and experts, administrative staff members and student representatives, were interviewed. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The goal-achieving pattern formulated by our higher education financial aid mechanism, based on the theories of equality of educational opportunity and sharing of educational cost, were recognized; 2. The causal connection pattern formed by our higher education financial aid mechanism, based on the theories of equality of educational opportunity and sharing of educational cost, were recognized; 3. The theoretical models of equality of educational opportunity and sharing of educational cost proposed by the financial aid mechanism of our higher education were validated. 4. There is a discrepancy between the ideal and its practice in implementing the higher education financial aid mechanism. Finally, this study proposes that more emphasis should be put on the practical implementation of the higher education financial aid mechanism and that an effort should be made to establish a complete theory-driven evaluation model, which may serve as a policy evaluation tool for future use.

企業報表的管理意涵–以汽車財務服務業為例 / The insight into management reporting from vehicle financial services

杜明玲 Unknown Date (has links)
對於資金的大量需求是汽車行業維持生產和銷售的主要特徵;運用消費金融業務擴大汽車廠家的產銷規模,成為了汽車消費財務服務產生的基礎。 最早的汽車消費財務服務業務,起源於1907年的美國,伴隨著汽車在美國、德國、日本等汽車行業發達國家的普及,汽車消費財務服務的業務規模也急劇擴大。在汽車消費財務服務的沿革過程中,汽車製造廠商藉助自身獨有的專業化和規模化優勢, 投資了汽車財務服務公司,逐漸成為國際汽車消費財務服務的經營主體。 汽車消費信貸 (Hire Purchase) 和汽車融資租賃 (Operating Lease) 是汽車財務服務的主要業務型式。隨著消費觀念的改變,汽車財務服務的業務重心也漸漸從消費信貸移轉到融資租賃。 融資租賃是將傳統的租賃提升到貿易與金融相結合的方式,透過「融物形式」達到「融資目的」的一種交易方式。融資租賃逐漸成為現代企業設備融資的重要形式之一,甚至在面對金融海嘯的衝擊時,扮演「拉動內需導航儀」的角色,對現代經濟的影響越來越大。 本文以多國籍企業的國際型車廠角度,闡釋消費財務服務的業務以及功能,並進一步分析汽車財務服務公司的快速發展現狀,以及多元化和產業化的發展趨勢。在內容的編寫上,先針對過去臺灣地區,對於提高汽車產業競爭力之歷史做回顧,並說明目前臺灣地區,汽車產業的現狀與優勢,再以企業五力分析,研究政策制定與產業趨勢的關係,並強調政策推動之方向與管理資訊的內容及其重要性。 最後,本文結合了不同發展階段和時期的國內經濟和汽車產業的發展特徵,剖析了當前限制汽車消費財務服務進一步發展原因,提出了推動汽車消費財務服務在我國發展繁榮的條件和建議。 / Capital intensive is the key character of vehicle industry in its production and sales cycle. Employ consumer finance to expand sales and manufacture scale is the strategic intent among vehicle industry which paved the way to flourish the Vehicle Financial Services (VFS) Business. VFS Business was originally from America in 1907. Like emergent market, VFS extends the business along with the vehicle universalism in USA, Germany, Japan and even other developed countries. Through the pipeline control, the Vehicle Manufactures fully take the advantage from their core competence, get involved into Financial Services business and then earn the operating ownership accordingly. Hire Purchase (HP) and Operating Lease (OL) both are the major business models for VFS. Time is changed. The business was mainly focus on HP, but shift to OL followed by the Consumption Concept changed. OL is a kind of transaction which develops the traditional leasing into trading and financing, by pass the purely money financing. OL is currently playing the key role for cooperate equipment leasing. Further more, OL was also the key driver to pull the domestic demand, great help to Economy Status. This article is trying to illustrate the consumer financial services and features from Multinational Vehicle Manufacture point of view. Meanwhile, it also further analyzes the strong growth on VFS business as well as diversification and industrialization trends. Structure wise, we started out the historical review for improving competitiveness on Taiwan market, got on the current SWOT, and then turned point to Porter's 5 Forces Analysis. We went through all the way from “country policy development linked with vehicle industry trends” to stress “the importance on cooperate policy and information management”. Eventually, this article lists down the market development from different stages, profiles the domestic economy together with industry characteristic, dissects the obstructions on VFS from further development, ends up with movement proposal.

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