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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

網路外部性的創造與管理-以Garmin Sports為例 / The network externality of platform – A case study of Sport Industry

林逸安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國人追求健康、愛美等因素而運動風氣蔚為盛行,連帶擴大穿戴型裝置產業發展,越來越多廠商加入。而在競爭激烈的全球市場中,不少廠商以平台經濟模式的建立及善用網路外部性的發展為轉型的策略,其中,如何有效率擴大平台規模及提高顧客黏著度尤其重要。本研究著重於以下三點:個案公司之平台商業模式的運作機制、如何創造不同種類之網路外部性及如何管理網路外部性創造更多效益。 本研究採取單一個案研究法,並挑選從GPS大廠成功涉足智慧型穿戴式裝置且近年來積極轉型之台灣國際航電股份有限公司(Garmin Corp.),經過研究個案公司平台商業模式與網路外部性的創造及管理,歸納本研究之發現:Garmin透過Garmin Sports平台的管理,建立與外部用戶的關係;並藉由穿戴式裝置的租借與其他廠商合作活動帶動運動市場貿易;再教練培訓為中心出發,提供一套專業、完整的課程,建立平台生態圈,擴大平台規模。 本研究之貢獻在於透過Garmin Sports的案例建立一套平台發展與網路外部性的創造與管理之架構,以期了解透過平台網路外部性發展如何提升使用者價值、為使用者帶來更多效益。歸納出三項因素如下: 1. 專業人士與外部廠商 2. 互補品的發展與資料庫的建立 3. 透過多方用戶的選擇與舉辦活動來管理網路外部性 此外,本研究為Garmin Sports平台成立初期,上線時間較短,部分網路外部性的交互影響研究受限。故建議後續研究,可待Garmin Sports平台運作期間較長,其網路外部性的創造與管理及不同種類網路外部性之相互作用亦會較為明顯。 / In recent years, the atmosphere of physical workout becomes prevalent, which results in the expansion of wearable device industry, causing more and more companies join in this industry. Under such a highly competitive global markets, platform transformation gradually becomes a popular strategy. In the research, our main focus lies on what the platform business model is and how to create and manage different kind of network externality. The case study method is applied for this research. We select Garmin Corp, a GPS corporation which successfully develops wearable devices in recent years and has transformed into a new business model as our research subject. With in-depth case study of platform business model and the creation and management of network externality, we conclude our findings as below: Garmin establishes the relationship with external users and cooperates with other companies through the management of the Garmin Sports platform by leasing wearable devices. To expand the scale of the platform, Garmin provides a set of professional training camp and competitions, so as to establish the platform ecosystem. The academic contribution of this study is to create the structure of developing platform and managing network externality, hoping to bring more value and benefits. The factors are as below: 1. Experts and external companies 2. Complementary products and database setup 3. multi-user selection and managing network externality through events In addition, this study is about the beginning of Garmin Sports platform in which on-line time is short and the interaction of network externality is limited. It is recommended that, for the follow-up research, researches should wait for Garmin Sports platform to operate for a longer period of time. Therefore, the creation and management of network externalities and the different types of network interaction will be more obvious.

使用者採用共享平台的因素:交易成本及價值觀點 / Why People Use a Sharing Economy Platform: A Transaction Cost and Valued-based Perspective

侯曉琪, Hou, Hsiao Chi Unknown Date (has links)
共享經濟為近幾年廣為討論的議題之一,本研究欲以Uber、Airbnb等媒合共享服務類型的網路平台,探討使用者採用共享平台的相關因素為研究方向,從價值觀點出發,考量使用者認知犧牲及認知效益,以交易成本作為採用共享平台服務所認知的犧牲,又將認知的效益分為經濟效益與非經濟效益兩種影響層面,來綜合評估使用者對於整體共享產品服務的認知價值,透過認知價值進而探討影響使用者採用共享平台的參與意圖。其中,交易成本又會受到不確定性和資產特殊性所影響。 本研究將共享平台提供的產品及服務假設五種情境,共收集476份有效問卷樣本回收分析,研究結果發現,使用者採用共享平台時認知的交易成本越低或使用者認知利益越大時,獲得的認知價值越高。其中又以認知效益對於價值感受的影響程度又比使用者認知所做出的犧牲更強。 / Sharing economy is an emerging trend with rapid growth. Many firms such as Uber and Airbnb have taken advantage of the sharing platform to provide innovative services. However, many more have failed after a substantial amount of investment. Not much research has conducted with regard to why consumers chose to use some sharing services but not others. In this research, the value-based perspective and the transaction cost theory are adopted to build a research model for explaining users’ intention to accept a sharing platform. In our model, transaction costs of using the sharing platform is considered as a sacrifice, while economic and non-economic benefits are the benefit side of the model. Uncertainty and asset specificity are considered two main factors that affect the transaction cost. A questionnaire survey was conducted to evaluate the research model. A total of 476 responses were received. SmartPLS3.0 was used to analyzed the data. The results indicate that perceived value is negatively affected by the transaction cost and positively affected by benefits gained from the platform. Perceived value has a significant effect on users’ intention to adopt a service provided on a sharing platform.

政府對企業併購的影響 / The Government Influence of Corporate Mergers Decision

吳一炬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用資金成本(cost of capital)、信用供給(credit supply)和資源基礎理論(resource-based view)來探討政府政策與公司投資決策的關係。在資金成本(cost of capital)理論的解釋下,政府政策實施後,企業外部融資成本的下降使企業無謂的損失減少,增加企業投資的動機。同時本研究使用信用供給(credit supply)理論來解釋當政府政策增加金融市場的信用供給後,企業外部融資限制的降低促使其進行投資。結果顯示在資源基礎理論(resource-based view)之下,國家政策對公司投資決策產生顯著的影響,並不是透過改變公司的外部融資條件實現。 / Our research used the cost of capital credit supply and resource-based view to explain the changing in investment decisions after implement policy. The government policy effect will increase the willingness of investment. Meanwhile, we used the credit supply theory to explain the changing of external financing constraints in companies increases investment. Our results showed that based on the resource-based view, government policy significantly affects the investment decisions without having impact on external financing.

台灣企業導入阿米巴經營管理之可行性分析 / Assessment of the practicality of Taiwanese enterprises adopting amoeba management

呂怡錦, Lu, Yi Ching Unknown Date (has links)
台灣國內市場小,出口是台灣產業重要發展方向,故全球市場是台灣發展經濟重要的舞台。然而,台灣企業無論是全球主流型企業或是全球利基型企業都鮮少做到在尖端基礎科學、科技領域擁有領先的核心技術,成為該產業的領導者。 在全球激烈的競爭下,台灣企業經營者思維停留在只要繼續獲得大量的訂單,即可以保住獲利,但是台灣企業無法根本性地壓低成本,維持產品價格競爭力,去面對全球性的競爭。 本研究試圖探討京瓷、日本航空、艾訊、研華科技、崇友實業與歐洲三間公司的阿米巴經營管理實施情境,進行台灣企業導入阿米巴經營管理的可行性分析,並參照京瓷打造阿米巴組織的方式與稻盛和夫導入阿米巴經營管理至日本航空的成功案例,從中剖析導入阿米巴經營管理的台灣企業應用上產生之問題並提出適合導入阿米巴經營管理制度的台灣企業特性。 研究發現台灣企業應用上產生問題的原因有兩點,第一點為台灣企業對於阿米巴經營管理運作方式的理解程度較不足,才會產生類阿米巴的運作方式以及將阿米巴組織變動的特性視為矩陣式組織的現象;第二點為台灣的國家文化導致台灣企業長久存在的經營現象,企業認為設立較多組織階層有助於主管指揮與控制員工行為,故阿米巴領導者容易由中高階主管擔任,企業對於財務資訊的揭露仍顯得保守,因此導入阿米巴經營管理容易產生無法讓員工了解公司經營現況。 依據上述問題,分析出適合導入阿米巴經營管理的企業特性——企業領導者能將利他與為了達成崇高目標不斷地努力工作直到成功之想法注入員工思維之台灣企業、內部能精準實施阿米巴經營管理會計制度之台灣企業、資訊系統的運作能導入市場機制的台灣企業及給予員工優於勞動市場薪酬之台灣企業。 然而,真正使阿米巴經營運作得以成功的先決條件還是在於企業本身是否重視員工價值以及企業是否給予能解決艱困挑戰的員工高額薪資,員工在物質條件與心靈精神受到滿足後,為了報答公司而努力工作,才能讓企業在尖端技術領域不斷地進行攻堅與突破、在營運流程中降低不必要的費用。 / Due to the small size of Taiwan’s domestic market, exports play an important role in Taiwan’s economy. However, with limited access to core technologies, Taiwanese enterprises that excel in developing business overseas as global mainstream or niche companies rarely become top players in their respective industries. Moreover, owners of these Taiwanese enterprises tend to rely on bulk orders from overseas clients to gain corporate profits and sustain global competitiveness, but are unlikely to maintain product or service competitiveness in the global market because of failure in fundamental cost reduction. This study investigates the practice of the Amoeba Management System (AMS) when applied to Axiomtek, Advantech, Golden Friends Corporation, and three European companies. By comparing the scenario of Kazuo Inamori’s AMS in Kyocera Corporation and how he applied it to Japan Airlines with the scenario of implementing the AMS in the said Taiwanese (i.e., Axiomtek, Advantech, and Golden Friends Corporation) and European companies while analyzing the problems arising from the implementation in these companies, the study finally identifies the characteristics of Taiwanese companies that are suitable for adopting the AMS. The study findings reveal that the implementation of AMS is effective in four types of Taiwanese enterprises: (1) enterprises whose owners motivate employees toward achieving corporate goals, (2) enterprises that adequately apply the AMS to their accounting management systems, (3) enterprises that apply a market-based approach to developing their enterprise resource planning systems, and (4) enterprises that provide employees with competitive salaries and benefits packages.

肺癌之研究及保單設計 / Study and price insurance for the lung cancer

葉步釩, Ye, Bu Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本次研究使用全民健康保險研究資料庫2005承保抽樣歸人檔(LHID2005),共40萬人的承保資料,針對肺癌患者的特徵進行分析,並與美國國家癌症研究所的肺癌資料作比較,罹患肺癌的人數都呈現男性多於女性,罹癌年齡的最高峰同樣落在65歲至74歲。 接著,將門診處方及治療明細檔和住院醫療費用清單明細檔進行彙整,整理出肺癌患者在2005年至2012年之間的門診費用以及住院費用,並比較不同項目的差距及特徵,門診費用以用藥明細點數最高,住院花費前五名的項目為葯費、病房費、放射線診療費、檢查費以及治療處置費。 最後,建構肺癌治療的多重型態模型,治療方式包含手術治療、放射線治療、化學治療,估計不同狀態之間的轉換力,進而算出五年定期躉繳肺癌保單之純保費。 / This study used Longitudinal Health Insurance Database 2005 (LHID2005) from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Screening the 400,000 insured of NHIRD to select the lung and bronchus cancer patients. This study analyzed and described their characteristics. Furthermore, it compared Taiwan’s lung and bronchus cancer data with the data in the United States derived from National Cancer Institute of the USA. The results revealed that the number of male patients is more than female patients and lung cancer is most frequently diagnosed among people aged 65-74 in both countries. Another aim was to sum up the lung cancer medical cost in 2005 to 2012 from NHIRD database, including ambulatory care expenditures by visits and inpatient expenditures by admissions. The highest cost of outpatients was medicine fee. The top five inpatient expenditures were medicine fee, ward fee, radiation therapy fee, inspection fee and therapeutic treatment fee. Finally, this study constructed a multiple state model of lung cancer treatment, including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy. Estimating the transition intensities from multiple state model to calculate the pure premium of a five-year lung cancer policy.


林慧琬, LIN. HUI-WAN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論。指出研究動機、目的、範圍與方法。 第二章對農業生產成本加以分析。主要探討農業生產因素的供給成本,同時對農業生 產成本概念與內容作介紹,再者對農業生產成本作評價。 第三章探討農業生產的收益。包括農業生產收益概念的介紹,析影響收益的因素,及 對農產品價格作評價。 第四章對環原利率的決定作一個分析與檢討。主要論及利率結構,然後對有關還原利 率之幾種主張加以評述,接著再探討農地收益還原利率的求取方法。 第五章為收益環原法的運用。包括農地收益價格計算例及農地估價時收益還原法的採 行問題。 第六章結論。主要在判定農地收益價格之求取在實際作業上的可行性。


丁秀儀, Ting, Hsiu-I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採1992年至2002年首度上市的樣本公司為研究樣本,並依據同產業規模相當且上市五年以上的原則挑選配對公司,檢驗公司治理、經營績效與機構投資人投資行為之關聯性。與先前研究不同之處在於,本研究深入探討公司治理對經營績效的影響,解釋在不同經濟條件與公司特性下,將影響公司治理機制效率的發揮,使公司治理與績效呈正相關。 本研究利用樣本公司上市當時的公司治理變數,檢驗公司治理對上市後半年的會計績效影響與上市後30天、90天與180天的市場報酬,再進而驗證經營績效對上市後一年機構投資人投資行為的影響,此外,並比較有價證券上市審查準則規定前後的公司,在公司治理與經營績效上是否有差異。透過相關分析、T檢定、迴歸分析與聯立方程式,檢驗三大研究假說,實證結果獲得以下主要結論: 1.樣本公司與配對公司的特性 樣本公司的公司治理機制較健全,會計績效表現也較佳。 2.公司治理程度不同的公司特性 公司治理程度高的公司其市場績效表現較佳,且年齡較小。 3.景氣與產業,對公司治理與經營績效關聯性的影響 產業特性會加強公司治理程度對會計績效的影響;經濟景氣,會加強公司治理程度對市場績效的影響。 4.當經濟景氣差、代理成本高與轉投資家數多時,更突顯公司治理的重要性,公司治理對績效有正向的影響 5.無參與管理的公司,更突顯公司治理的效果,公司治理對績效有正向的影響 6.機構投資人持股比例與週轉率呈正相關 7.經營績效與機構投資人投資行為呈正相關 市場績效對機構投資人持股比例有正向的影響;會計績效對機構投資人週轉率也有正向的影響,顯示績效與機構投資人投資行為呈正相關。 8.法令規範後,公司治理與經營績效表現較佳 9.金融業的公司治理表現較佳 / This paper examines the relationship between the corporate governance, firm performance, and institutional behavior of Taiwanese TSE-listed companies from 1992 to 2002. This paper approves the positive effects of corporate governance to firm performance, and firm performance to institutional behavior as well. Different from the previous studies, this paper addresses the importance of corporate governance under poorer economic conditions, higher agency costs, and a more complicated company structure. Corporate governance mechanism could work effectively when the executives of companies realize the importance of the corporate governance.

處方藥品試驗資料保護之研究─以資料專屬權為中心 / The Protection for Test Data of Prescription Drugs- an Analysis of Data Exclusivity

楊代華, Yang, Tai-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在歐美國家的強大貿易談判壓力下,我國立法院於民國九十四年一月二十一日完成藥事法第四十條之二的立法,同年二月五日由總統公布實施,進入實施資料專屬權制度的時期。 資料專屬權乃以處方藥品試驗資料為保護對象,由美國首先立法,利用貿易談判、國際協定向外推動的法律制度;美國對於新成分新藥及非新成分新藥、補充申請之試驗資料,分別賦予五年及三年的保護,於此資料專屬權期間內,其他藥廠不得使用或援引試驗資料權利人的試驗資料提出新藥上市申請。本文參酌美國最高法院於EPA v. Monsanto案例之見解,認為資料專屬權制度之法理基礎,乃係對於試驗資料權利人營業秘密之保護,以防止來自其他藥廠之不公平競爭;這項制度之經濟上意義,則在於藉由賦予藥品試驗資料權利人一段資料專屬權期間,要求學名藥廠必須進行其考量本身資力及市場後,不可能自己實施的藥品安全性及有效性試驗,使因而間接獲得市場獨占利益的試驗資料權利人,得到足以回收其藥品試驗資料投資之機會。 TRIPS第三十九條第三項規範保護藥品試驗資料的國際最低標準,它的保護標的限於藥廠為了取得於申請國第一次提出之「新化學成分」藥品之上市許可,所提出其花費相當時間、金錢始取得,而未經揭露之必要試驗或其他資料。會員國對於符合此項條件之資料,負有避免其被不公平商業使用之義務。本文認為所謂「不公平商業使用」,係指未提供藥品試驗資料權利人回收其對於試驗資料所為投資之機會,所為客觀上足以使得他人自其試驗資料獲得商業上利益的一切使用或應用試驗資料的行為;所以如果政府機關於「參考」藥品試驗資料權利人所提出藥品試驗資料時,未提供任何使其得以回收對於試驗資料所為投資之機會,即應認為政府機關此等參考行為,屬於「不公平的商業使用」行為。因此,資料專屬權制度可謂符合TRIPS第三十九條第三項所規範保護藥品試驗資料之標準;但如果會員國能夠建立另外一套賦予藥品試驗資料權利人回收其對於藥品試驗資料所為投資機會之制度,同樣也可以符合TRIPS第三十九條第三項的最低保護標準,並不一定必須採取資料專屬權之保護模式。 我國新修正藥事法第四十條之二採行資料專屬權制度,相關條文規定多有闕漏,本文認為新修正藥事法第四十條之二第一項之保護客體,應以「新成分新藥」之查驗登記申請人本身享有權利,為通過查驗登記所提出,且支付相當成本所取得之尚未公開營業秘密資料為限。第四十條之二第二項、第三項之保護方式,則係規定學名藥品於原廠藥品上市後滿三年,始得引據其查驗登記申請資料提出查驗登記申請,且滿五年之後,始能取得藥品許可證。至於第四十條之二第四項有關外國上市新藥的准用規定,可謂缺乏法理依據及執行可能,且實際上也不會發生任何效用的條文,建議應予刪除。 藥品試驗資料屬於原廠所有無形資產,提供適當保護以維公平競爭,有其正當性,但無論自藥品試驗資料之公益屬性、重複試驗的人道問題、重複試驗與獨占市場缺乏經濟效益等觀點來看,資料專屬權制度都有相當的負面影響,所以一套可以提供藥品試驗資料權利人回收其對於藥品試驗資料所為投資,且可以避免重複試驗或市場壟斷之「補償」制度,應有必要。 依據哈佛大學Aaron教授對於學名藥廠應分擔原廠藥品試驗資料投資之補償金,所提出的可重新調整補償金模式,每個學名藥廠都可以依據當時在市場上的學名藥廠總數,平均分擔其當年度應支付原廠的補償金比例,每個適用這套計算補償金架構的國家,都可以依據其國家學名藥產業及藥品市場的發展狀況,設定適當之參數,本文以為,乃足以替代資料專屬權制度之最佳選擇。 至於應該如何計算藥品試驗資料之成本,本文則提出下列公式: ( S ) C = --------------------------------- x ( N ) + H S +S1+S2+˙˙˙ C:學名藥廠應分擔原廠試驗資料成本之範圍。 N:原廠於第一個申請上市國家所花費的試驗資料成本。 H:原廠於學名藥申請上市國家所花費的試驗資料成本。 S:學名藥申請上市國家的國民生產毛額(GDP)。 S1+S2+˙˙˙:由主管機關所核定包括第一個申請上市國家的世界主要藥品市場國的GDP總和。 亦即本文認為,發生在學名藥申請上市國家的藥品試驗資料成本,應該全額列入學名藥廠應分擔成本的範圍;發生於第一個申請新藥上市國家的藥品試驗資料成本,則應該由每個學名藥申請上市國家的學名藥廠,依據該國GDP(表彰藥品支出費用)占世界主要藥品市場(包括第一個上市國家)各國GDP總和的比例,分攤其應負擔之部分。 因此,本文認為,以本文建議之計算公式核算各國應分擔之藥品試驗資料成本,並以「可重新調整補償金模式」之公式計算各學名藥廠每年應支付之補償金,應係較佳之保護藥品試驗資料模式。

公司治理結構與資訊透明度對於資本市場之影響 / The Effect of Corporate Governance Structure and Transparency on the Capital Market

陳瑞斌, Chen, Jui-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是探討公司治理結構與資訊透明度之間的關聯性,並進一步檢視公司治理結構與資訊透明度對於權益資金成本及分析師盈餘預測之影響。 在本研究的實證分析結果中,發現企業的資訊透明度確實會受到公司治理結構因素的影響。在股權結構方面,當控制股東所持有的現金流量權比率增加時,由於外部股東的持股相對減少,在監督成本大於效益的情況下,對於公司資訊的需求會降低,因此,管理當局會降低資訊的揭露水準,導致資訊透明度下降。在董事會組成方面,本研究的發現支持財富侵佔假說的論點,當控制股東所掌握的董監事席次比率與現金流量權比率之偏離程度愈大時,會提高控制股東剝奪外部股東財富的動機,使得控制股東傾向利用控制力以影響被投資公司的資訊揭露政策,造成被投資公司的資訊透明度下降。除此之外,研究結果也支持監督假說的預期,即獨立董監事的設置,能有效發揮監督管理當局與制衡控制股東的功能,有助於提昇公司的資訊透明度。 在公司治理(公司治理結構與資訊透明度)對於權益資金成本的影響,本研究的實證結果發現企業之公司治理的良窳確實會影響外部投資人對於企業風險的評價,進而影響投資人所要求的必要報酬率(即企業的權益資金成本)。在公司治理結構方面,當控制股東的持股比率增加時,其與外部股東的目標會趨於一致,發生代理問題的風險會降低,投資人承擔較低的代理風險。因此,控制股東持股比率增加所傳達予投資人是一項有利的訊息,以致於投資人願意降低必要的投資報酬率,使得公司的權益資金成本降低。董監事持股質押的行為對於投資人而言,可能是一項風險的訊號,理性的投資人預期未來可能被董監事剝奪財富的風險,以致於要求的投資報酬率會提高,企業的權益資金成本會增加。 在公司治理(公司治理結構與資訊透明度)對於分析師預測的影響,本研究的實證結果發現企業之公司治理的良窳會影響企業資訊環境的品質,進而影響分析師預測誤差與離散性。在公司治理結構方面,當控制股東所掌握之投票權比率與現金流量權比率之偏離程度愈大時,會加深控制股東與外部股東之間的代理問題,降低財務報導的可靠性,因而導致分析師對於公司未來績效與前景的瞭解程度相對較低,分析師之間對於公司未來的盈餘並無一致的看法,即預測的離散性會增加,但是並不影響預測的誤差;當控制股東所掌握之董監事席次比率與現金流量權比率的偏離程度愈大時,會加深控制股東與外部股東之間的利益不一致,使得控制股東有誘因剝奪外部股東的權益,操縱公司的會計資訊,使得會計資訊的可靠性降低,以致於分析師預測未來盈餘所面臨的不確定性會愈大,預測誤差與離散性也會愈高。 關鍵詞:公司治理結構;資訊透明度;權益資金成本;分析師預測;控制股東;獨立董監事 / This study investigates the relationship between corporate governance structure and transparency, which in turn examines the effect of corporate governance structure and transparency on the cost of equity capital and the analyst’s earnings forecasts including forecast error and forecast dispersion. On the relationship between corporate governance structure and transparency, research findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the transparency is lower with higher cash flow rights owned by controlled stockholder. Second, the transparency is lower with higher divergence between the control rights, which are numbers of directors and supervisors, and cash flow rights controlled by controlled stockholder. Finally, the transparency is higher with higher percentage of independent directors and supervisors. On the effect of corporate governance structure and transparency on cost of equity capital, research findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the cost of equity capital is lower with higher cash flow rights owned by controlled stockholder. Second, the cost of equity capital is higher with higher percentage of cash flow rights pledged by directors and supervisors. On the effect of corporate governance structure and transparency on analyst’s forecasts, research findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the forecast dispersion is higher with higher divergence between voting rights and cash flow rights controlled by controlled stockholder. Second, the forecast error and dispersion are higher with higher divergence between the control rights, which are numbers of directors and supervisors, and cash flow rights controlled by controlled stockholder. Keywords: Corporate governance structure;Transparency;Cost of equity capital;Analyst’s forecasts;Controlled stockholder;Independent directors and supervisors.

套票型式與消費者規範導向對轉換與續購行為之影響 / The Effects of Bundled Ticket Forms and Consumer Regulatory Focus on Switching and Repurchase Behavior

邱亞康, Chiu ,Ya-Kang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究經由兩個系列的實驗設計以探討套票的使用行為與續購行為。其中,實驗一是以虛擬情境檢視套票型式影響消費者的使用意圖,並以受測者的規範導向做為調節變數;實驗二則更進一步地以較接近真實生活的情境來進行操弄,更明確地檢測了消費者對套票的實際使用情形以及續購行為,除仍以受測者的生理規範導向做為調節變數,另探討了套票持有的前期與後期對使用行為的調節效果。 實驗一的結果顯示透過不同套票類型所引發持有者沉入成本上的差異,可能導致受測者在套票的使用意願不同。具體來說,愈是能讓受測者感受到不使用便等同於虧損的套票,受測者的使用意願便會更高。此外,不同規範導向的受測者所重視的目標不同。積極導向動機較強的受測者,行為較易受到努力得到想要結果的動機驅策,所以比較在意結果是否能獲得之前欠缺的東西;反過來說,保守導向動機較強的受測者,行為較易受到努力保持現有結果的動機引導,所以比較在意結果是否會失去之前擁有的東西。以不同動機系統為主的不同類型受測者的行為會有很大的差異。積極導向者比較容易追尋更完美的結果,所以當競爭者推出可能是較佳的替代品時,轉換意願較高;至於保守導向者則較在意持有現有可接受的結果,所以發現可能是較佳的替代品時,則寧願使用手中持有的套票。 至於實驗二的結果則顯示受測者在套票持有的前期較易於使用套票,換言之,隨著套票持有的時間愈久,對未使用完畢套票的沉入成本感受會隨著時間降低,使用套票的可能性也就因此愈低。此外,不同的套票型式對保守導向者的影響比較大,對保守導向動機較強的受測者而言,若所持有的套票型式是較容易感受到當未使用套票時,就意謂著沉入成本無法回收時,使用套票的意願會較高。而當持有的型式是較不容易感受到套票成本的型式時,使用此套票的可能性就相對降低了。但是積極導向動機系統為主的受測者來說,套票的實體型式對使用行為的差異就不太明顯了。不同型式的套票,並不會對積極導向者產生太大使用行為上的差異。 若保守導向者持有的是較容易感受到此套票成本的型式時,在套票持有的前期與後期間的使用差距不太會有明顯的改變,也就是說,他們比較不會因為套票持有的時間較久就明顯地降低使用行為,但若持有的是比較不容易感受到成本的套票時,在套票持有的後期會比前期容易不去使用套票。至於對積極導向者來說,這項因為套票型式上的差別造成在持有套票的前期與後期使用套票上的變化就不太明顯,事實上,積極導向者無論持有何種型式的套票,在後期都會明顯的降低使用套票的行為。 當套票使用完畢後,原持有的是較不容易感受到成本的套票型式受測者,續購意願比較高。而原持有的是較容易感受到套票成本的型式時,相對上的續購意願會較低。這項影響僅對保守導向者有影響,至於對積極導向者來說,就沒有什麼明顯的差異。 研究的結果大致與研究假說一致,因此,對於理論與實務上亦據本研究的結論提一些的建議。 關鍵詞: 沉入成本效果、規範導向論、動機系統、價格組合、套票、認知評估論 / This study utilized two experimental designs in testing consumer behavior in the usage and repurchase of bundled tickets (price bundling). In the first experiment, a traditional context was employed by using respondent regulatory focus as the moderator to test the impact of bundled ticket types on consumer usage intention. In the second experiment, a more realistic context was employed to examine consumers’ real usage and repurchase behavior with the bundle. Here in addition to using respondents’ regulatory focus as pure-moderator, study two also included bundling quasi-moderator—possession phases. The results of the first study showed that the difference in sunk cost effects caused by the two types of bundling would result in different bundling utilization intentions. Moreover, respondents within different motivation systems showed significantly different behavior patterns—promotion focus respondents were more likely to seek better gains, thus when competitors provided better alternatives, these respondents were more likely to make the switch. Prevention focus respondents, on the other hand, cared more about losses, making them more likely to remain with the original service provider. The result of the second study showed that compared with the later phase, bundling usage propensity was higher in the earlier holding phase. Moreover, different forms of bundled tickets had different extent influences on prevention focus respondents. Prevention focus respondents held that separate types caused them to have higher intentions in using bundling, but they would be relatively less likely to use bundling when they were in possession of an integrated one. However, the effect of different types of bundling on the usage behavior of promotion focus respondents was not significant. Among prevention focus respondents who were more sensitive to bundled ticket costs, there is no significant difference in their utilization of bundling from earlier to later phases. However, if the bundled tickets in possession were the integrated type, they were less likely to use the tickets in the later phase than in the earlier one. Regarding promotion focus respondents, the effect of bundled ticket form in the usage of said tickets in the two phases was not significant. In fact, no matter what form the bundling took, promotion focus respondents displayed significantly less use for the bundling in the later phase. Bundling possession forms had the direct impact on repurchasing behavior. In this regard, respondents holding integrated bundling types displayed a higher incidence of repurchase behavior. This was, however, only effective when it came to prevention focus respondents; no significant difference was found regarding promotion focus respondents. The results of this study yielded suggestions for both theoretical and practical areas. Key Words: Sunk Cost Effect, Regulatory Focus Theory, Motivation Systems, Price Bundling, Bundled Ticket, Cognitive Evaluation Theory

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