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集合住宅專有部分與共有部分之分開計價問題探討-台北大學特定區為例 / Analysis of housing separated prices in property rights of private units and public elements林逸杰, Lin, I Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
如何分開計價的推演方法顯示,除分析階層程序法不適用外,其建築體積成本法、蒐集與檢驗市場法,都在可接受範圍內。研究也顯示,虛坪雨遮准予登記但不予計價,符合市場、供給成本與需求認知。此外,僅以主建物計價,符合需求者的期待,並與國外僅以「專有部分」計價概念相符,資料顯示,國外不動產每單位的價格,乘上72.86%後為本國價格,此結果將可降低研究國內外不動產價格比較上的估價誤差。因此,產權「主建物比」較「公設比」資訊的揭露,更能避免購置過多「虛坪」,降低住宅價格負擔。 / The government adapts a policy of “separated prices in property rights” to reveal the secrets under distribution planning of property right, aiming to protect consumer from buying too much” virtual property rights” and in order to reduce housing burden. This study starts from a fundamental aspect in distribution planning of property rights to figure out the relationship between housing prices and virtual property rights, which is different from the political, social, and economical-based in history dissertations. Motivations of this study are to analyze what virtual property is and to explain how to separate and count the price of property.
This research indicates that property distribution should be reasonably arranged in private units and public elements. Thus, problem of virtual property rights is avoided. The distribution method is followed: The entire public property rights should be detailed separately planning as an individual public facilities, large public facilities, motorbike parking, car parking, and basement driveway to the ground floor’s area. Completely inappropriate approaches are to merely separate on the floor or the basement space, and the machine room belongs to main building.
Except analytical hierarchy process method, cost approach of building volume method and collect-check method are appropriate in applying separated prices in property rights. Moreover, the virtual property rights of rain cover cannot be charged but be registered. It corresponds with the situation of market pricing, supply costs and demand. The concept of charging merely in main private units reaches the expectation of the demanders, which equals to the foreign concept. According to data, in Taiwan, per unit real estate price is 72.86% times to foreign one. This result will reduce the mistakes of estimation in comparing prices. Consequently, the more information about ratio of main private units is revealed than public elements one , the less expense consumers have to face.
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以成本-利益觀點探討極大化程度對消費者產品資訊搜尋行為之影響 / The Effects of Maximization Tendency on Consumers’ Product Information Seeking Behavior: From the Prospective of Cost-Benefit李文玄, Lee, Wen Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以Ratchford (1982) 所提之「資訊搜尋之成本-利益模式 (The Cost-Benefit Model for Information Seeking)」為理論基礎,並將研究分為兩部份,研究一為探討不同極大化程度消費者在產品挑選機制與產品屬性要求標準上的差異,透過受測者對四項產品之屬性重要度評估、對特定屬性規格之期望標準,得知不同極大化程度受測者在產品屬性重視的程度、視為重要的屬性數量,以及產品屬性要求標準上之差異。研究二則採取2 (資訊延遲時間高、低)×2 (產品屬性離散程度高、低) 組間設計實驗,透過本研究設計之虛擬產品購物網站平台,讓受測者執行產品資訊搜尋任務,從中衡量受測者對產品資訊搜尋時間成本與資訊信心之主觀估計,驗證單位搜尋時間估計與單位資訊效用估計在極大化程度對受測者產品資訊搜尋數量、搜尋過程滿意度與產品知覺價值中,扮演之中介變數角色,以瞭解箇中之內在心理機制。
本論文之研究成果除驗證極大化選擇目標與產品遴選機制及屬性要求標準之關聯性外,亦進一步得知極大化程度影響消費者產品資訊搜尋行為與態度之內在心理機制,成功將系統性之消費者資訊搜尋經濟模式與極大化概念結合,為極大化程度研究領域帶來更深入且具理論基礎之發現。研究成果亦可作為通路或產品廠商思索產品陳列與資訊呈現方式時之參考依據,以降低顧客之主觀成本花費、提升產品資訊帶給顧客決策上的利益,提高顧客對個人整體消費過程之滿意度與所選產品之知覺價值。 / The purpose of this research is to demonstrate whether consumers’ subjective estimations of search time and product information confidence are the mediators mediating the effects of maximization tendency on consumers’ product information seeking behavior and attitude. From the perspective of information cost-benefit, the psychological mechanism will be found from this effect of personality on consumer behavior in this research.
Maximization tendency was conceptualized in recent ten years to describe individual’s personality that strives for pursuing the best choice. After this concept was developed, most of the researches in this domain focused on discussing in the relationships between maximization orientation and consumers’ choice preferences such as the differences in the amount of alternatives, the aspiration to invest search time, and affective response after making decision. However seldom of them paid their attentions to the stage of product information search to probe the mechanism for the effect of maximization tendency on consumers’ searching behaviors about product information. Since the information seeking is the most important process to influence consumers’ decisions, the current study aims to explore the effects of maximization tendency on the individuals’ subjective estimations of time cost and benefit of product information. Hereby, the whole picture of the causal relationship in consumers’ information searching process would be drawn in this study.
Referring to the rationales of Ratchford’s cost-benefit model, this research conducts two studies: the first part is to assess the differences in the criteria and attribute standard of consumers’ product selection with differential maximization tendencies. The second part is to conduct a 2 (the delay length of information appearance: low and high)×2 (the the dispersion of information attributes: low and high) between subject design experiments to demonstrate the mediating effect of two variables: consumers’ subjective estimation of time cost and information confidence during searching for information in the relations between maximization tendency and consumers’ information seeking behavior.
The result shows the relationship between participants’ maximization orientation and their selection criteria as well as attribute demand standard exists. In general, maximizers have more complex choice criteria and higher picking standards than satisficers do when they choose the same products. The psychological mechanism is confirmed to help us understand how maximization tendency affect seeking behaviors and attitudes of product information from consumer’s product information seeking behavior and attitude. Manufacturers and store owners are suggested to apply these findings in the arrangement of alternatives and the display of product attribute information in order to reduce customers’ subjective estimation of time cost and improve their perception on information utility to, eventually, increase their satisfaction with the whole consumption experiences.
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新創事業資源取得時機與市場進入時機之探討 / The study of Resource Acquisition Timing and Market Entry Timing for New Ventures許瞻桂, Hsu. Chan-kuei Unknown Date (has links)
在以事業單位為分析對象之下,事業進入產業是一項不可逆轉的資源承諾(resource commitment),新創事業特別需要自外部取得資源,因而僅以產品上市代表進入並不貼切;且各種資源有本身環境的變化,其取得也有時機的議題,因而本研究藉由組織生態觀點所強調的環境資源豐富性與可得性、競食與共生群體等概念,從環境觀點分別探討新事業進入產業的「資源取得時機」與「市場進入時機」。
根據Eisenhardt(1989)建議,探索性個案研究仍可帶先驗構念( a priori constructs)進入田野,本研究第一階段即是帶著「環境有利程度」、「資源可得性」等概念以及產業知識進入田野,進行半結構化的訪談,針對草創期間資源之取得過程以及市場進入時機之回顧,從受訪者對其時機議題的說法歸納其中的道理(reasoning)。從前導個案中又發現「資源效益性」、「補救成本」與「持有成本」的概念以及時機相關理論意涵之後,確認本主題具有研究價值,於是再繼續進行第二階段多重個案的探索,將構念之面向及意涵發展得更加完整,並從個案複現所得到之研究發現推導出命題和觀念模式。
個案內分析乃利用開放性譯碼對訪談逐字稿分析與時機有關的概念賦予標籤(Labeling)並編碼(Coding),得出該個案的時機相關意涵與概念關係圖。跨個案分析部分先確認構念意涵與效度,再歸納主要的研究發現;前者乃透過不斷反覆於資料與構念之間,逐一界定本研究所發現之重要構念的涵意,並加以精緻化,再將該構念在所有個案逐字稿之證據整合建立證據表,以確認構念的聚合效度與區別效度;後者運用複現邏輯(replication logic)將研究發現之相關證據從個案逐字稿中一一加以引用,藉以強化研究發現。整個研究是一個不斷重複於資料與理論建構的過程(an iterative process),在新增個案之構念及關係皆已重複的情況下,研究者認為已經達到理論飽和。
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公共經濟學三篇論文 / Three Essays on Public Economics許耕維, Hsu,Keng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇文章係利用Meltzer and Richard (1981)所建構之中位數投票者模型,衡量政府進行所得重分配產生公共基金邊際成本大小。有別於過去研究公共基金邊際成本的文獻,假設租稅制度之現況為任意的或是在最適的均衡下,文章的主要貢獻在利用現存租稅制度本身代表著一個政治均衡的前題,推導出公共基金邊際成本之公式,故可以視為是將實證經濟學的特性應用在規範經濟學的領域之研究。有趣的是公式中以標準化後平均所得與中位數所得差距所衡量的所得不均度,可以用來衡量租稅的效率損失及重分配水準是否足夠。
第二篇文章係利用 Laffont and Tirole(1986)的最適廠商管制機制模型,加入Raith(2003)誘因給付契約模型,建構較符合實際社會狀況的雙層不完全資訊模型。文章的貢獻在發現廠商最適管制機制,除Laffont and Tirole(1986)指出受廠商工作努力誘因及資訊淨租之影響外,還受到員工風險厭惡程度、生產成本風險及工作努力邊際負效用增加速度等因素的影響。當生產成本風險愈高,或是員工風險厭惡程度愈大及工作努力邊際效用增加速度愈快,使得廠商與員工間道德冒險的成本愈大時,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向成本加成契約,而非Laffont and Tirole(1986)指出偏向固定價格契約。此結論可廣泛應用於包括國防採購、政府部門與公有、公用事業之管控等問題,例如,航太、軍火、高速鐵路等生產成本風險較高產業,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向成本加成契約;但電力、自來水等生產成本風險較低產業,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向固定價格契約。
本篇發現廠商最適利潤稅有兩種情況,當政府觀察廠商事後利潤不會產生替代效果下,應課徵定額稅(lump-sum taxes);除此之外,若存在逆選擇的問題,透過模擬數值分析結果發現,廠商最適利潤稅邊際稅率與員工風險厭惡程度及生產風險成正比。此外,隨著廠商生產技術愈高,利潤稅邊際稅率則逐漸下降,而且廠商生產技術愈高,不同風險厭惡程度及風險下的利潤稅邊際稅率差異也逐漸減少。
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企業責任報告揭露之研究程心瑤, Cheng, Hsin-Yao Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於全球愈來愈重視企業營運對社區造成的社會、環境和經濟影響,企業的利害關係人除了重視企業的財務績效之外,也愈來愈關心企業是否有善盡其「社會公民」的責任與角色。企業責任報告之目的就是在傳統的財務報表之外,進一步揭露企業的營業活動對於社會及環境所造成的影響。為了使資本市場能更有效地運作,公司管理當局應該要揭露範圍更廣、透明度更高、並有助於投資決策的攸關性資訊,因此,發布社會責任報告的企業有日益增多的趨勢。本研究之目的即在探討三個與企業責任報告有關的議題:(1) 企業的公司治理結構之良窳與管理當局企業責任報告揭露決策的關係;(2) 企業揭露社會責任報告之決策是否會產生股價溢酬;(3)企業社會責任報告揭露決策對企業的事前權益資金成本的影響。在控制樣本的自我選擇偏誤之後,本研究的主要發現有二:第一、公司治理結構愈好的企業愈傾向於揭露企業責任報告,而且也愈可能以專節的形式在該報告中揭露公司治理資訊;第二、從有無揭露企業責任報告的角度來看,本研究發現有揭露的公司均有較高 (低) 的股價 (資金成本)。其次,從揭露的內容做進一步分析之後,本研究發現「環境績效」、「社會績效」與「公司治理」三大類內容的揭露決策均具有價格溢酬。至於「企業承諾」則對公司股價並無顯著影響。最後,企業責任報告揭露程度較高之企業會有較顯著的價格溢酬以及較低的資金成本。 / In light of the increasing emphasis on companies’ social, environmental and economic impacts on the communities, stakeholders are more concerned about whether firms appropriately assume their responsibility as a social citizen. To fulfill stakeholders’ demand of such non-financial information, many companies have recently begun to voluntarily issue the corporate responsibility reports (CRR) as a means to disclose their social, environmental and economic performance and their commitment to do business responsibly. This study intends to answer the following three key questions related to the CRR disclosure: (a) Will companies with stronger corporate governance be more willing to issue CRR? (b) Will the voluntary disclosure of CRR leads to stock price premium? (c) Will companies making voluntary disclosure of CRR have lower ex ante cost of capital? After controlling for the self-selection bias, the empirical results reveal several important findings. First, the stronger the companies’ coporate governance, the more likely the management will issue CRR. Particularly, these companies tend to disclose their comporate governance policy and procedures in a separate section in the CRR. Second, companies disclosing CRR experience significantly higher (lower) stock prices (cost of capital). A further examination shows that three out of four major components reported in the CRR (i.e., environmental performance, social performance, and corporate governance) give rise to significant price premium. The disclosure of business commitment, however, seems to bear little or no information content embedded in the stock price. Finally, companies disclosing more information in their CRR have higher price premium and lower cost of capital than those disclosing less information. The implications of these findings are discussed.
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以代理理論與交易成本理論觀點分析「e-house不動產交易服務網」 / Analysis of E-House Real State Website from Transaction Cost Theory and Agency Theory Points of View.毛惠玲, Mao,Hui Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以滿足消費者需求為基礎,並以提供網絡仲介不動產交易安全環境的“推動方式和實實務層面”為主題,從不動產仲介之起源、不動產仲介市場現況、不動產仲介問題、e-house現況及e-house問題等過程為論述軸線.探討不動產仲介作業流程、不動產仲介交易糾紛原因、不動產網路仲介交易運作、聯賣制度運作不成功、自售網之崛起及e-house網站的政策目標等課題,經由(1)以交易成本及代理理論為基礎的論證;(2)對現行管理仲介業者的不動產經紀業管理條例之法制面與規範的認知;(3)對不動產消費者、不動產服務業者、政府三方不動產網路仲介交易相關主體特性的瞭解; (4)對於民間不動產網站及官方e-house網站仲介交易實務與現行法制規範相互影響,造成推動不動產交易安全障礙的課題進行探討; (5)分析影響不動產消費者使用民間不動產網站及官方e-house網站存在仲介代理問題及高昂仲介費用的交易成本等相關文獻面、法制面、實務面及一般會員使用e-house的問卷調查。綜合研究顯示:(1)台灣不動產仲介業與政府本身皆存在影響不動產交易安全推動的問題;(2)不動產仲介業對消費者可能存在委託代理問題及使用不動產網站產生交易成本的疑慮;(3)不動產仲介交易產生的代理問題及交易成本,會影響消費者對不動產交易行為的決策形式;(4)消費者利用網路進行不動產交易,是一項極為專業且繁瑣的消費活動,不動產仲介交易過程必須專業分工,才能消弭或降低代理問題及交易成本,促進交易安全。
本研究針對影響消費者使用仲介網站交易不動產的問題,嘗試建構「e-house網路交易不動產示範網站」的新思維,提供消費者消除或減少代理問題和交易成本,以促進不動產交易安全;另一方面,也考慮到其他不動產專業人士的權益及政府行政效能的提升。新思維的內容包括(1)建構“整合仲介交易過程之不動產專業分工機制” (2)改造e-house成為「e-house網路交易不動產示範網站」(3)研擬不動產網站經營者之資格條件、不動產網站作業內容及消費者與不動產業者網路作業等規範,並建議政府從「政策面」、「法制面」、「資訊面」、「推動面」及「執行面」等五個構面制定配套措施,消弭或降低代理問題及交易成本,推動不動產交易安全。
關鍵字:不動產仲介業、不動產經紀人、交易成本理論、代理理論、代理問題、e-house網路交易不動產示範網站 / Taiwan real estate brokerage industry appeared as company organization in 1977. In 1996, the real estate brokerage business launched onto internet website. In 2007, Public Security Department setup “e-house” network platform. However, from 2002 till now, the real estate transaction disputes still increase annually. Obviously, large organized real estate firms, developed network, sufficient information nor “e-house” network platform will not guarantee consumers who pay high broker fees to receive better and comprehensive real estate transaction safety.
This study is to provide “promoting and practicing aspects” to real estate transaction safety network environment to satisfy consumers’ demands. It intends to look into the starting of real estate brokerage business, the current status of real estate brokerage market, the real estate broker problems, the current “e-house” status and its problems by examining the process of Taiwan real estate brokerage, the real estate transaction disputes, the real estate broker operating network, the failure of MLS, the rise of free broker fee network, and the policy objectives of “e-house” network platform by:
(1) Demonstration on the basis of transactional cost and broker theory;
(2) Comprehension on the procedures and the norms of Real Estate Broker Management Act;
(3) Understand the characteristics of three participants, government, real estate service providers and the consumers, in the real estate transaction;
(4) Investigate the conflicts between real estate operation network and the existing regulations that makes the promoting real estate transaction safety to be difficult;
(5) Analyze the cost structure between private brokerage system and the official “e-house” system and how a consumer may react to two different systems with regards to legal system, practice and survey.
A general conclusion from research indicates the following:
(1) Problems appear on both sides of private and government agencies to promote safer and more transparent real estate transaction
(2) Real estate brokers have doubts on buyers/seller’s trust on representation issue and the actual transactional cost for using a on-line web-site
(3) Cost and representation issue arising from the actual real-estate transaction may Affect forms of consumers’ decision making.
(4) Procedures for making an online real estate transaction are very complicated for consumers. Professional brokers have to monitor every step of the way in order to eliminate representation issue, reduce transactional cost, and promote safer transactional security.
This study focuses on the problems emerging from consumers using an online real-estate website, while trying to demonstrate a safe “e-house” network platform can actually complete the real estate transaction. Once consumers have enough trust in the “e-house” network platform, it could potentially reduce representation issue problems and transactional cost. On the other hand, this system also protects brokers’ privileges while enhancing government’s efficiency. New concepts to be discussed in this study will include
(1) Create a professional and integrated real-estate transactional mechanism.
(2) Transform “e-house” into a demonstrated network platform for online real-estate transaction.
(3) Set strict standards for qualifying private brokerage to operate an online real-estate network platform, to provide website contents, and operational model between consumer and real-estate broker.
(4) Propose necessary measures to government in five aspects: “policy”, “legal system”, “information”, “promotion”, “implementation”.
Keywords: Real estate brokerage industry, Real estate broker, Agency theory, Transaction cost theory, Representation issue, E-house network of real estate transactions demonstration platform.
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董監事暨重要職員責任保險與公司行為分析 / Essays on Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance and Firm Behavior張瑞益, Chang,jui i Unknown Date (has links)
此論文包含三大部分。第一部分探討董監事暨重要職員責任保險(D&O保險)的需求因素與公司治理等企業特徵間的關係,配合2003-2007年台灣上市上櫃公司的資料,研究影響公司是否購買D&O保險、保險限額與保險費的決策因素。實證結果證明,大型公司較需要D&O保險保障,且公司的董監事與利害關係人間存在代理成本問題。本文亦發現董監事獨立性等公司治理因素,對D&O保險購買行為有顯著影響,再則,公司的成長性及經理人風險趨避態度,都會影響保險限額的決定。本文結論進一步顯示訴訟風險對保險限額的決定有正向顯著的影響,而財務風險對D&O保險需求亦有若干影響力。第二及第三部分則進一步探討董監事暨重要職員責任保險對公司的行為或策略是否有影響。實證結果顯示D&O保險確實會影響公司風險承擔策略及公司財報方法的穩健性。 / This thesis is comprised of three essays on directors’ and officers’ (D&O) liability insurance, one interesting but little explored research area. Based on an unbalanced panel data set of public Taiwanese corporations in years 2003-2007, the first essay investigates the relationship between directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance demand and firm characteristics, especially corporate governance. The results suggest that large firms are more likely to purchase D&O insurance, and that there exists agency cost between directors/officers and stakeholders. The findings indicate that corporate governance, such as board independence, has an important impact on D&O insurance demand. Besides, the results show that growth opportunity or managerial risk aversion can affect the D&O insurance coverage amount. The litigation risk also has a positive and significant impact on the D&O insurance amount, and bankruptcy risk weakly influences the D&O insurance demand.
In the second essay, I provide evidence regarding corporate business strategy by investigating the relation between directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance and risk taking behavior. This essay tries to test (a) whether firms are more active to adopt risk-taking strategies when their directors and top managers are covered by D&O insurance coverage; (b) whether the quality of corporate governance has influence on firm’s risk-taking behavior; and (c) whether insurers can distinguish D&O insurance purchases decision driven by managerial risk-taking behavior and charge adequate premium rate for such behavior. The empirical evidence suggests that D&O insurance coverage has a positive impact on firm risk-taking behavior. In addition, the results indicate that board composition may remarkably influence corporate risk-taking behavior. The preliminary findings also show that insurers can assess the induced risk-taking behavior ex ante and charge adequate premiums rate accordingly.
In the third essay, I investigate whether the legal liability coverage result in the propensity of less conservatism and aggressive managerial behavior/strategy. More specifically, this study tests managerial opportunism behavior by examining whether the purchase of D&O insurance coverage is associated with more aggressive financial reporting strategy (i.e., less accounting conservatism). The empirical evidence suggests that D&O liability insurance purchase decision is positively associated with accounting conservatism. That is, firms with insurance coverage tend to recognize bad news in a timely manner, i.e. more earning conservatism. However, there is no significant relation between accounting conservatism and D&O insurance amount. In addition, the evidence shows that firms with strong board structure recognize good news faster than those with weak governance structure.
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品牌承諾影響顧客關係之研究 / The study of the effect between brand commitment and customer relationship.陳茂鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
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土地稅與地方公共財源選擇之研究 / Study on Land Taxes and the Choice of Revenue for Local Public Goods陳國智 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試以政治成本最小化的模式,分析我國地方政府對土地稅制之選擇,結果未能顯著解釋台灣省各縣(市)在公告地價與公告現值相對調整幅度差異。同時地方財政自主性不足,地方土地稅努力也與其所獲補助顯著負相關。由於土地政策及國民福利有其全國之一致性,而地方財政有其特殊性,設計地方土地稅制應考慮全國之標準及因地制宜。為消除關於土地增值稅租稅性質及稅收歸屬之爭議,本研究建議雙軌課稅制度。 / This study focuses on the economic optimum conditions of local tax structure which includes land tax. Such issues as whether the ideal of Equalization of Land Rights and the efficiency and equity of land use could be realized through the land tax system under the current tax assignment between central and local government in Taiwan, and ways of improving land tax are studied as well.
From the viewpoint of distributing total population across jurisdictions efficiently, the arrangement of local tax should make one, regardless of which jurisdiction he resides in, receive the same “net fiscal residuum”(NFC). If local public goods are rival, single local tax to land rent can not effectively internalize the fiscal impact brought by immigrants. On the other hand, equal NFC is consistent with conditions for the horizontal equity of fiscal treatment to citizens. With a view to the entire economic efficiency and equity, the tax choices made by local governments at least should not widen differences of NFC between jurisdictions.
In this study, the model of minimum political cost has been used to analyze how local governments in Taiwan choose between types of land taxes. But the result of multiple regression could not explain significantly the discrepancy of relative ratio of adjusting rate of Announced Land Price to adjusting rate of Announced Land Current Value between local governments in Taiwan province. In the meantime, the local fiscal position lacks independence. Local land tax efforts are significantly negative correlation with the received grants. Because it’s necessary for the national consistency of land policy and social welfare, plus the particularity of local finance, the national standard and district discrepancy should be taken into consideration in designing local land tax system. In order to eliminate controversies about the characteristics of Land Value Increment Tax and where the tax revenue belongs to, a parallel tax system is suggested.
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金融與非金融銀行與證券業效率分析—關聯結構法 / Cost efficiency of financial holding banks—copula method賴韋綸, Lai, Wei-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
此外,研究產業效率所參考之研究方法,在相關文獻中無參數法乃以資料包絡分析法(Data envelopement analysis, DEA)為多數研究者所採用;參數法則以隨機邊界模型(stochastic frontier approach, SFA)為主要研究方法,進一步在不同群組技術效率之比較中,Battese et al. (2004) 與 O’Donnell et al. (2008)提出為多數研究者所接受之共同邊界模型(Metafrontier),而Huang et al. (2013)所提出之修正模型使共同邊界模型在效率研究上更加完備,本文則希望以此修正模型作為主要研究模型,並同時引用Battese et al. (2004)傳統模型加以比較:(1)考慮綜效前後 (2)傳統模型與修正模型間效率值的差異,期待為後續相關研究者在方法論上提供參考依據。
關鍵字:經營效率、技術效率、共同邊界、計量方法、關聯結構法、金融控股銀行 / This study aims to discuss the evidence suggested that synergy improve the operating performance of Taiwan’s commerical banks and securites firms. Furthermore, efficiency comparisons amongst two basis metafrontier models, Haung et al.(2013) and Battese et al.(2004), and copula-adjusted metafrontier. The empirical results suggest that copula-adjusted metafrontier could significantly improve the efficiency of financial holding companies based on the data of sample period 2001-2012. On the framework of copula-adjusted metafrontier, the evidence also imply that financial holging companysubsidiary technical efficiency is better than non-financial holding company compared to the framework of Haung et al.(2013) and Battese et al.(2004), the conclusion emphasis that synergy is perhaps one crucial key factor influenced the efficiency estimation. Otherwise, this study appears to support the copula-adjusted metafrontier model is also well-adjusted compared to programming techniques because not only it enables the statistical inferences to be drawn, but also provides more efficiency estimations.
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