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基層警察人員工作滿足與組織承諾關係之探討-以93年基層行政警察四等考試錄取人員為例 / Study of the relationship between working satisfaction and organization commitment –using the qualifiers of the 4th level Civil Service Special Examinations for Basic Administrative Police Officers (2004)as an example吳延君 Unknown Date (has links)
以整體的觀點來探討「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」的關聯時,依結果顯示就93年警察特考人員而言,「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」達到高度的正相關。另經實地訪談,部分主管對於渠等的工作表現較為負面,兩者認知差距確有落差,主管對於渠等的比較對象是以警專畢業生為參考值,其主要問題在於這些人員從錄取後短暫的10個月訓練,就派到最基層勤務最繁的派出所工作,不管心態或業務熟悉度都產生了極大的挑戰。在這陌生的環境中,錄取人員如果沒有信任度高的警察先進指導或協助的話,那離職可能是唯一的選擇。 / Continuously reflected through all communities and basic-level policemen, the police force in local governments encounters heavy workloads, manpower shortages and recruiting problems, which will affect police duties. Therefore, on November 20, 2004, the former Minister of the Interior Su Chia-chan convened a meeting to resolve to new methods when recruiting law enforcement and to develop a new category “administrative police” in the Civil Service Special Police Examination (Grade 4) during the same year, in order to respond to the public expectations to improve public security.
Unlike a regular job, police work is a 24-hour and very demanding job. All-night duties, irregular working schedules and the lack of a family life are common occurrences. These kinds of work conditions may not correspond with the original perception of a career in the police force. All of the above have an affect on the devotion, job satisfaction and motivation of police officers to stay on. However, the quality of the police force is closely related to the daily life of citizens and the trust towards the government. This fast-acting recruiting method decided by the Ministry of the Interior was indeed more time-efficient than a formal training at the police academy. Meanwhile, the education background of recruits is also enhanced. Nevertheless, the key of success is determined by whether these recruits have the abilities to accomplish their duties as well as the willingness of devotion, and by the public perception of improved security. This study not only researches the correlation between the background of recruits and job satisfaction, but also investigates the influences between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In order to understand whether the performance matches the original expectation, interviews were conducted in this study.
This study noticed that marriage condition, former work experiences, and cram school attendance prior to the exam affect the job satisfaction; on the other hand, gender, age, education, school major and being a member in a police family do not. Furthermore, marriage condition, former work experiences and being a member in a police family have an affect on the organizational commitment; however, gender, age, education, school major and cram school attendance do not.
To discover the correlation between “job satisfaction” and “organizational commitment” with an overall point of view, “job satisfaction” and “organizational commitment” showed a high positive correlation in the study of people who succeed at the 2004 Civil Service Special Police Examination. During the spot interviews, some superintendents gave more negative evaluations to those who passed the exam than the ones who graduated from the police academy. The primary problem is that after only 10-month training graduates were designated to work at police substations which normally are the busiest. They were exposed to tremendous challenges in both mentality as well as work. Without guidance or assistance from experienced colleagues, these people may regard resignation as the only option in the unfamiliar working environment.
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國民小學組織結構、組織承諾與學校效能關係研究劉春榮 Unknown Date (has links)
研究採問卷調查法,以自編「國民小學組織結構量表、國民小學組織承諾量表及國民小學學校效能量表三部份。受試包括臺灣地區190所公立國民小學的1415名教師,問卷回收率達71 80%。回收問卷經統計處理,獲得以結論:
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性別公平知覺影響組織承諾之研究:以新北市城鄉發展局與新北市衛生局為例 / The impact analysis of the gender justice perceptions on organizational commitment: case studies of the urban and rural development and the Public Health Department in New Taipei City Government陳育萱, Chen, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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高中校長領導行為、教師組織承諾與學校組織效能關係之研究蔡炳坤, Tsai, Ping-Kun Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣地區公立高中校長教學領導、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship Among Principals’ Instructional Leadership, Teachers’ Organization commitment, and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Public Senior High Schools in Taiwan.葉佳文, Yeh,Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
一、現行公立高中校長教學領導、教師組織承諾與教師教學效能之整體表現 良好。
關鍵詞:教學領導、組織承諾、教學效能 / The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among principals’ instructional leadership, teachers’ organization and teaching effectiveness in public senior high schools and the different effects from the different background factors. An interactive model was constructed and confirmed, and some research conclusions and suggestions were offered.
This study adopted two research methods : visiting survey and questionnaire survey, aiming the relations among principals’ instructional leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. First, the research frame and theory were established based on the literature analysis. As for the questionnaire survey, 177 senior high school teachers in public schools were chosen as pre-test samples on which the reliability and validity analysis were based and the formal questionnaires were developed. The 832 public senior high teachers’ questionnaires were used as research data and some statistical techniques such as t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis, and SEM were employed. As for the visiting survey, 13 public senior high school principals were interviewed to understand the differences between the principals and teachers about the awareness of “principals’ instructional leadership”.
The major findings from this study are as follows:
1.The overall performances of principals’ instructional leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness are good.
2.The effects of different background variables on principals’ instructional leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness are statistically significant.
3.The effects of principals’ instructional leadership on teachers’ organizational commitment are significantly different.
4.The effects of principals’ instructional leadership on teachers’ teaching effectiveness are significantly different.
5.The effects of teachers’ organizational commitment on teachers’ teaching are significantly different.
6.The principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ organization are high positive correlation.
7.The principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness are medium positive correlation.
8.Teachers’ organizational commitment and teachers’ teaching effectiveness are medium positive correlation.
9.Principals’ instructional leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment can explain effectively teachers’ teaching effectiveness.
10.Principals’ instructional leadership has effects on teachers’ teaching effectiveness; principals’ instructional leadership should put more emphasis on the teachers’ profession
The suggestions made by this study are as follows:
A.The suggestions to the educational administrative institutes:
1.Develop principals’ professional knowledge.
2.Establish mechanism for teachers’ professional development and assessment.
3.Strengthen the commitment of principals’ instructional leadership.
B.The suggestions to the public senior school principals:
1.Play a more active role as instructional leaders.
2.Develop sound communication skills.
3.Value teachers’ devotion to teaching and raise the awareness of teachers’ organizational commitment.
C.The suggestions to public senior high school teachers:
1.Develop teachers’ professional knowledge and establish teachers’ evaluation.
2.Help principals’ instructional leadership, and promote teachers’ teaching effectiveness.
D.The suggestions to the research in the future:
1.The research subjects: expand the research subjects, analysis based on multiple points of view.
2.The research methods: Integrate experts’ suggestions and visit the interviewed schools.
3.The research contents: Explore other variables, and establish new research frames.
4.The research tools: Develop other research measurement and apply to
different types of schools.
keywords: Instructional Leadership ; Organization commitment
Teaching Effectiveness
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榮民醫療體系人力資源管理措施與醫師專業承諾之相關性研究 / Correlation Studies of Human Resource Management Practices and Physician’s Professional Commitment at Veterans Healthcare System顏敏雯 Unknown Date (has links)
一、人力資源管理措施各構面認知程度,依序為:訓練發展(3.70)、招募甄選(3.51)、 績效評估(3.40)、員工關係(3.19)、薪資福利(3.15);專業承諾各構面認知程度,依序為:專業投入(3.89)、專業認同(3.79)、留業意願(3.56)。
本研究最後提出管理意涵,提供榮民醫療體系或其他醫療機構行政管理者之參考與借鏡。 / This study aims to examine Veterans Healthcare System current situation of implementing human resource management practices and physician’s professional commitment. In addition, their cognitive difference, correlation and predictability among variables.
The researcher proposed study structure and developed a questionnaire entitled as ” The Questionnaire for Human Resource Management Practices and Physician’s Professional Commitment of Veterans Healthcare System ” as the instrument to achieve the purpose of the study. According to the quantity of 15 veterans hospital physicians in Taiwan as a population and the method of Stratified Random Sampling is adopted. A total of 920 copies of questionnaires were given and 629 were returned with a response rates of 68.4%.Through coding and eliminating the unusable questionnaires,there were 597 valid questionnaires with a valid response rates of 64.9%.The independent variables of this study are human resource management practices,include five dimensions:Recruiting and Staffing , Training and Development , Compensation and Benefits, Performance Appraisal and Employee Relationship.The dependent variables are professional commitment , such as Professional Identification, Professional Involvement and Intention to Retain. Data analysis methods adopt Factor and Reliability Analysis, Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Independent Samples t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis.
Based upon the results of data analysis, the conclusions are as follows:
1. The cognition degree in each dimension of human resource management practices in sequential orders are:Training and Development(3.70), Recruiting and Staffing(3.51), Performance Appraisal(3.40), Employee Relationship(3.19), Compensation and Benefits(3.15). The cognition degree in professional commitment in sequential orders are:Professional Involvement(3.89), Professional Identification(3.79), Intention to Retain(3.56).
2. Background variables, include age, year of service, salary income and hospital level have an obvious difference of cognition degree toward human resource management practices.
3. Background variables, include age, year of service, salary income and hospital level have an obvious different from the professional commitment.
4. The five dimensions of human resource management practices:Recruiting and Staffing , Training and Development , Compensation and Benefits , Performance Appraisal and Employee Relationship have positive correlation with the three dimensions of professional commitment:Professional Identification , Professional Involvement and Intention to Retain.
5. The three dimensions of human resource management practices:Training and Development , Compensation and Benefits , Performance Appraisal have significant and positive influences on professional commitment , its β coefficient are 0.364, 0.312 and 0.200.
Finally , the implication of the studies can offer the administrator of either Veterans Healthcare System or general medical institutions to consult and use as a reference.
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非營利組織內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾研究:以兩岸種子人才培訓計劃為例 / The relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in Seed Talent Program吳家銘, Wu, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的結論如下:上海種子人才培訓計劃的成員,在內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾的各個變項均較台北種子人才培訓計劃要來得高。內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的關係存在,且內部行銷會透過組織認同影響組織承諾。當組織的內部行銷機制完整度越高,成員對組織的認同感會提升,也會越容易對組織做出承諾。此外,當組織成員對組織的認同度越高時,越容易對組織做出承諾。 / The purpose of the study is to find the relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in “Seed Talent Program”. In those dimensions, what variables influence the connection? Are the different personal backgrounds influence the organizational identification and organizational commitment? The members in Shanghai and Taipei have difference in sex, hometown, age, level, institutes, guide experience or not?
Our survey uses the quantitative analysis. The data was collected through online questionnaire and visit the place in Taipei. In view of the program have foundations in Taipei and Shanghai; we design two questionnaires to make sure get enough samples. The statistical methods used in the survey include: descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, representative rample analysis, t-test, one-way anova, correlation analysis, regression analysis.
After testing 252 members in Shanghai and Taipei, we found that the members in Shanghai have higher scores in three dimensions than those in Taipei. The relationship among the internal marketing, organization identification and organization commitment exists. When the internal marketing mechanisms become well, the members have higher identification and easily to make promise in the organization. The relationship is controlled by the hometown variables.
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國民中學教師個人與組織適配、組織承諾對組織公民行為影響之研究 / Examining the Effect of Person-Organization Fit and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Junior High School Teachers鄧竹君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學教師個人與組織適配、組織承諾對組織公民行為影響之研究,並探究組織承諾在個人與組織適配與組織公民行為之間是否具有中介變項的效果。本研究採用問卷調查法,以苗栗縣共29 所國民中學教師為樣本母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出364位受試者,回收有效問卷286份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差關係、迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以瞭解國民中學教師個人與組織適配、組織承諾對組織公民行為之現況、差異情形及其預測力。研究結論如下:
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會計師事務所查帳員工作滿足與組織承諾之研究林良楓, LIN, LIANG-FENG Unknown Date (has links)
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領導型態,角色壓力, 核心生活興趣與組織承諾的關係鄭得臣, ZHENG, DE-CHEN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在探討: (1)國內個人核心生舌興趣的傾向; (2)探討領導型態,角色
特性及核心生活興趣對組織承諾的影響: (3)領導型態對角色模糊與角色衝突的影響
。受試者包括縣市政府人員 194人,中國造船員工 144人,太子汽車 102人,總計440
活興趣問卷。統計方法採因素分析,相關分析,典型相關分析,逐步迴歸分析, T考
驗,X2考驗及變異數分析。結果顯示: (1)國內個人核心生活的傾向偏向彈性及工作
方面,非工作層面者非常少。 (2)領導型態、角色模糊、角色衝突、角色過度負荷及
核心生活興趣均對組織承諾有所影響。 (3)領導型態對角色特性之知覺有所影響。
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