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保全產業駐警人員人格特質與組織承諾之相關性研究 / The research on the organizational commitment pledged by the security personnel industry for the police force in relation to personality traits許啟正, Hsu, Chi Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
1. 保全產業駐警人員不同個人背景變項中(年齡、進入保全業前之工作性質、教育程度、工作月薪)在人格特質方面具有顯著差異。
2. 保全產業駐警人員不同個人背景變項中(年齡、服務年資)在組織承諾上具有顯著差異。
3. 保全產業駐警的人格特質與組織承諾具有顯著正相關。
4. 保全產業駐警人員的人格特質對組織承諾具有預測力。
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部落領導與組織承諾關係之研究-以國民小學校長帶領行政團隊為例 / The relationship between tribal leadership and organizational commitment: a case study of principals leading the administrative team in the elementary school郭又綺 Unknown Date (has links)
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資料採礦在餐飲業顧客承諾預測模型上之應用 / The Application of Data Mining on Customer Royalty Model in Restaurant Business林怡安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究即以此為動機,藉由某餐飲公司之顧客意見卡為研究資料,運用資料採礦分析方法分別對顧客性質、用餐次數以及推薦意願建構五種預測模型(羅吉斯迴歸、C&R Tree、Quest、C5.0以及CHAID)並加以評估與比較,最後根據最適模型進行分析,以期找出影響餐飲業顧客承諾之重要因素,並依研究結果供餐飲業者做決策之參考依據。
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組織變革認知對組織承諾之影響研究--以新北市議會機關改制為例 / Studies on Correlations between Perception of Organizational Reformation and Organizational Commitment: New Taipei City Council as a Case.周麗敏 Unknown Date (has links)
4.組織變革認知對組織承諾有顯著正向影響。 / Under the pressure of rapid environmental change, organizations need to take different types of measures constantly to improve their competitiveness. Adjusting organizational structure and human resources deployment is one of the necessary means. In 2009, Executive Yuan approved the reforming plans of Taipei County, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung to upgrade them to the same level as Taipei City. The goal is to drive the balanced development around these regions and promote national competitiveness. Thus Taipei County was officially restructured into municipality directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government in 2010 and renamed as “New Taipei City”.
The purpose of this research is to explore the correlations between perception of organizational reformation and organizational commitment after organizational reformation of New Taipei City Council. Therefore, this study selected all staff of New Taipei City Council as the research subject and handed out surveys to collect related data. The structure and hypotheses were presented through literature review. The measuring instruments used included “The Scale of Perception of Organizational Reformation” and “The Scale of Organizational Commitment”. Then, the degree on the New Taipei City Council staff toward perception of organizational reformation and organizational commitment was explored.
Factor Analysis, Descriptive Statistics, T test, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Analysis, and Regression Analysis were used to examine the significant difference, correlation and effect among variables. The result of this research will be offered to the relevant department in New Taipei City Council as a reference in order to improve the organizational commitment of the staff. The following are findings of this research:
1.There are significant differences in perception of organizational reformation among staff of different genders, official hierarchy, educational levels and official ranks.
2.There are significant differences in organizational commitment among staff of different genders, work years and educational levels.
3.There is a significant positive correlation between perception of organizational reformation and organizational commitment.
4.Perception of organizational reformation has significant positive effects to organizational commitment.
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人力資源管理實務與組織承諾、組織創新關係之研究 / The Research on the Relationship among Human Resource Management, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Innovation葉美珠 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 年長者較年輕者在工作職場有較多的體驗,故較能理解組織的制度,因而對於組織內部行銷的同意度也較高。
2. 當薪資收入不同,員工對於組織的整體觀感也有所不同,相對也會影響員工對於組織內部各項制度的看法,亦即薪資收入會影響員工對於內部行銷的感受。
3. 年長者工作歷練較多,也較能合理化外在環境,因此其組織承諾會較年輕者為高。
4. 當員工工作年資高且組織提供良好福利時,員工離開組織的意願會降低,亦即工作年資會影響員工的組織承諾。
5. 薪資收入高的員工族群對於公司的認同感較高,也較願意繼續留在組織裡,為組織付出更多努力。
6. 內部行銷的作法可以提昇員工對企業的組織承諾,而企業給予員工較大的發展空間,不要給予過多的負荷,不僅能提升組織承諾,也間接地增加了組織創新的績效。
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金融機構組織變革對員工組織承諾影響之研究鄭全均, Cheng,Chuan-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
一、 A銀行員工的個人特質對組織變革認知有差異。
二、 A銀行員工的個人特質對組織承諾有差異。
三、 A銀行員工的組織變革認知與組織承諾有相關。
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基層員警工作滿意與工作壓力對組織承諾之研究~以九十三年警察基層特考班為例 / The Research of Police Officers’ Work Satisfaction and Work Pressure toward Organizational Commitment —Taking 2004 Administrative Police Officers Class for Example倪戌江 Unknown Date (has links)
行政院謝長廷前院長在民國94年2月16日行政院第2927次會議提示下:規劃增補警力。警政署旋即規劃增補基層警察3900人;錄取人員經考試院協調於臺灣警察專科學校受訓。期間即有輔導受訓學員之隊職人員提出,受訓學員程度高,學歷大都具有大學甚至研究所畢業程度,對警察專業素質提升,具有正面意義;惟警察工作性質特殊,工作項目繁雜,在執行勤務時往往又要實施強制、取締、干涉等手段,除了工作時所面臨的壓力外,亦常常遭受到民眾的誤解與指責、無法滿足民眾的需求;且因工作壓力的影響,極可能產生自身心理沮喪、憂鬱、緊張、焦慮、無助、缺乏自信心致使自殺等情況的發生。倘若警察人員面對目前的工作滿意情形無法滿足、面對工作壓力無適當的紓解方法,如此,勢必對組織承諾的警察目標價值無法認同,除影響組織的生存,例如心理壓力負荷超過個人的容忍範圍,也將造成諸如自殺之憾事發生。 / Police officers are on behalf of government for law enforcement and stand in the front line for keeping the peace. In recent years, due to long-term shortage of police officers’ manpower, their work pressure and work satisfaction would cause different level’s influences, and meanwhile it would influence their commitment toward organization. Thus, after these novice police officers experience policing work, their changes in involving career and adjustment toward work are the best issues for research. If we can continue to do following researches, it can offer good results for analyzing police officers’ work conditions and mental issues in the organization.
Former Prime Minister Frank Hsieh indicated to increase police officers in the 2927th Administration Yuan meeting on Feb. 16th, 2005. National Police Agency immediately drew up a plan to increase 3900 police officers. The candidates will take training programs in Taiwan Police College. Cadres responsible for trainings indicate that most of the trainees have bachelor degrees or master degrees and it would positively enhance police’s proficiency. However, the nature of policing is unique, it contains many trifles, when police are on duty, and usually the work involves enforcement, clampdown and interference. Besides work pressure, police often suffer misunderstanding and blame from the public, and because of the influence from work pressure, it might cause mentally or physically depressed, depression, nervousness, anxiety, helplessness, lack of confidence and eventually commit suicide. If police officers can’t be satisfied with current work situation and find no way to release work pressure, thus they may not identify police values with themselves and influence the existence of organization.
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從合作到夥伴關係: 台約關係如何促進台灣在約旦的投資 / From Co-operation to partnership : how has the Jordan - Taiwan relationship facilitated Taiwan investment in Jordan穆罕默德阿里, Moh'd Ali Khawaldeh Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:夥伴,統治,承諾 / This paper searched for the range of appropriateness of Jordan as a suitable chance to enhancing the Taiwanese economic investment opportunities, when adopting the basis of partnership concept which is expressed as the obligation to provide and facilitate all the capacities and capabilities of the partner to be used by the other partner, instead of cooperation concept that means that the cooperating party provides assistance optionally without any obligation between the parties, in the light of suffering most countries from current economic depression which is resulting from different economic crisis, made some countries to search for the new economic strategies and concepts considering as solutions in different international strategic environments, on condition of they are characterized with its capacity to achieve the equality and fairness doctrine between the partner countries. Taiwan is the most important advanced entity in both economic and administrative areas locally and internationally, but it is facing the political pressures because of the circumstances with China, in addition to the negative economic reactions resulting from the regional competition with Asia developing countries. Adopting the strategy of partnership in founding the companies in the friendly and allied nations instead of adopting the current used approach of cooperation, it makes hopes to develop the opportunities of investment outside, and it processes and reduces some of the restrainers and more by implementing the concept of globalization.
Achieving any strategy and applicable concepts requires making extensive studies, introducing integrated strong plans, and choosing the most viable environment which contributes in accepting and supporting the idea. Jordan is particularly one of the hopeful countries in terms of economy growth and stability, it seeks to achieve its objectives, coping with the development and advancement, and it has a strong relation with Taiwan. The question arises and needs the answer: Is Jordan considered as an opportunity to enhance the opportunities of increasing the investment of Taiwan when adopting the basis of partnership?
Keywords: Partnership, dominance, commitments, investment, cooperation.
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個人特質、組職氣候、輿組職承諾之研究楊啟良, Yang, Qi-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
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訊息不對稱下企業薪資結構之探討 / The study about enterprise's wage structure in the asymmetric information鄧英華, Teng, Ying Hung Unknown Date (has links)
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