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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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非營利組織績效指標建構之研究-以教育事務財團法人為例 / The research on the performance indicators of non-profit organizations– a case study of the foundations of educational affairs

詹蕙芳 Unknown Date (has links)
當今績效評估已成為非營利組織中的核心管理議題。實施績效評估的首要之務就是訂定績效指標,藉由績效評估,非營利組織可以改善或提昇組織的績效或表現。本研究旨在建構教育基金會之績效指標,並瞭解實務工作者對績效指標建構與衡量的看法,期能提供教育基金會與相關主管機關之參考。 本研究以全國性教育基金會為研究對象,採文獻分析、專家效度、及問卷調查進行。首先,透過「教育事務財團法人績效指標建構調查表」整合專家意見,建構五大績效指標構面及28項績效指標;其次,訂定「教育基金會績效指標問卷調查表」,針對教育部評鑑績優及獲頒社會教育有功團體表揚的基金會進行調查。共計152份問卷,回收有效問卷計108份。 本研究經統計結果分析,發現基金會最重視組織的財務管理、服務品質及組織管理等構面,較不重視政府互動與網絡關係的構面;對基金投資之效率與效果(3,000萬元以上)、專兼職人員之職務發展與進修管道、與公益團體聯繫程度、政府政策受基金會影響之程度,以及依政府政策發展組織各項工作之程度等5項指標也最不被看重。另不同性別、職稱與非營利組織服務年資的填答者,以及教育基金會設立年限或類別之不同,對績效指標的重視程度無顯著差異,惟41歲以上填答者對組織管理的重視程度高於30歲(含)以下;基金規模在3,000萬(含)以下之基金會在網絡關係上之重視程度也比基金規模5,000萬至1億元間的基金會為高。 綜合有關發現,提出下列結論: 一、內部管理績效指標的重視程度高於外部影響指標,顯示非營利組織治理的重要性,以及財務管理是非營利組織募款責信之基礎,然仍不宜忽略組織的人力資源與組織的外部資源。 二、「中小型」基金會重視網絡關係,中壯年也比年輕人重視組織管理。 三、績效評估有其必要與重要性,惟應針對組織特性找到適當的指標,並讓受評對象充分知悉評估模式。 綜合上述結論,並提出下列幾項建議: 一、教育基金會方面: (一)為基金會永續發展,需重視管理觀念與管理方法。 (二)瞭解組織使命,擬訂具體策略與創新服務內容。 (三)加強人才培育,充分運用志工人力資源。 (四)擴大策略聯盟,加強資源連結,提昇組織績效。 二、相關主管機關方面: (一)設計質量並容具特色之績效指標,引領教育基金會績效之提昇。 (二)辦理業務研習、觀摩,以利專業知能提昇與經驗交流。 (三)提供友善網路環境,建立共同作業平臺,便利相關人員參考運用。 (四)表揚表現績優單位,擴大社會學習效果。 / Performance evaluation has become the core management issues in the non-profit organizations recently. It’s necessary to set the performance indicators before implement the performance evaluation. Furthermore, the non-profit organizations can improve or enhance their performance through the evaluation. This research is aimed to construct the performance indicators for educational foundations and to collect the opinions of indicators constructing and evaluating from the foundation workers. All the results will be shared to the educational foundations and related official authorities. The target of this research is the national educational foundations and will be performed by document analysis, expert validity, and questionnaire survey. First, to integrate expert advices through "The survey form to construct performance indicators of the educational foundations" and to set five dimensions of performance indicators and 28 performance indicators. Second, to collect the opinions from the foundations which assessed to be excellent or received award from Ministry of Education through "Questionnaire to survey performance indicators of the educational foundations". The total amount of questionnaires are 152 and 108 are considered as effective among them. By the statistical analysis, it appeared that foundations pay more attentions on the financial management, service quality, and organization management but less on the reaction and connection with government and foundations. In addition, the performance indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of fund investments (30 million), the duty development and training or study of full-time and part-time staffs, contact with other public interest groups, government policy by foundation impact, and development organization's work in accordance with government policy are not taken seriously. Besides, on the emphasis of performance indicators, there is no obvious diversity between people fill in answering with different gender, professional title, and service period or foundations with different founding year or classification. But people fills in answering over age 41 take more seriously on the organization’s management than people under 30(inclusive). The foundations with fund size less than 30 million pay more attentions on the relationships than the one which fund size over 50 million to 100 million. To integrate the discovery, some conclusions are made as following: 1.The performance indicator of the internal management is taken more seriously than the external effect that underlined the importance of management in non-profit organization. It also means that financial management is the base of fundraising and accountability, but the human resources and external resources should not be ignored. 2.Foundations with small and medium size pay more attention to the relationship. The mature persons emphasized the importance of organization management than young persons. 3.It is necessary and important to perform performance evaluation. However, the appropriate indicators should be found for organization character and the way of evaluation must be explained clearly to the persons whom are taken evaluation. By the above conclusions, some recommendations are made as following: 1.Regarding educational foundations: (1)For the sustainable development, the foundations should put more emphasis on the concepts and strategies of management. (2)To correspond with the missions of the organization, foundations should develop strategies and innovative services. (3)To reinforce personnel training and to manipulate volunteers completely. (4)To expand the strategic alliance, reinforce links of resources, and to enhance organizational performance. 2.Regarding government authorities: (1)Designing the distinctive performance indicators with quality and quantity to enhance the performance of educational foundations. (2)Handling seminars or observations to increase professional knowledge and experience. (3)Providing a friendly network environment, establishing a common platform as reference for the related personnel. (4)Praising excellent units to expand the effectiveness of social learning.

教師發展標準取向(Standards-based)課程之行動探究──以國民中學課程為例── / A Collaborative Action Research in Standards-based

封四維, Sweet Feng January 1993 (has links)
這是集合專家智庫與教師協同研究團隊共同參與、分享與學習的旅程。其研究目的在於釐清教改相關詞彙的真正意涵,探究標準取向課程理論與實踐的相關策略及其配套,以建構一合理可行的標準取向課程發展模式,從而成就課程變革由混沌轉為清明的契機。首先,透過文獻探討與工作坊研習,集體慎思標準、能力指標、核心問題、科際整合、指標性評分等關聯性意義及其對課程變革的影響,瞭解學校課程地圖的規劃、課程發展路徑、及評量機制的更新;次而對照台北美國學校的實地觀摩體驗,參與研究教師協同配合學校教學,進行英語文與其他學科整合的課程設計;最後在台北二所國中,以協同行動研究方法,進行理論與實作交互辯證的實驗教學,探索標準取向課程落實在教室現場的可行性。運用觀察、訪談、錄影、日誌與反省札記等,自2003年9月至2004年6月,長期實地觀測參與研究教師進行課程構思、實作與反省的歷程,比較學生的實作表現的差異,分析標準取向課程實施的方式及其限制,了解核心問題、指標性評分的功能,及其對學習邁向深度理解的影響。綜合研究分析與討論,獲致以下的結論: 1. 篩選標準是展示優質教學的重要手段,而標準的落實必須是團隊分享而非獨立作業。核心問題與探究學習則是邁向理解學習的關鍵指標。 2. 課程是為解決問題才產生的,科際整合的課程應該是用來解決課程需碎片段的組合,並提供更多的關聯性。有助於學生袪除傳統知識的刻板印象,主動積極擴展學習的視野。 3. 協同行動研究即是一解決問題,探究學習的歷程,它需要熱情、協同、好奇、反省與承諾,它也是增進教師專業知能成長的有力方式。 4. 能力的培養不是速成的,必須採標準與指標性評分活用於教室教學,以規準引導,範例說明,運用實作表現重組學生的知識基模,化為智慧能力,以落實多元質性評量的真意。 5. 課程改革應以期望學習成果或意圖的學習成果做為領域的課程目標,透過單元課程融入情意價值的潛移默化,以展現課程美學。 同時,陳述研究心得與建議,並對後續進階研究作出具體的規劃。簡言之,整體研究均在揭示:如何使學生喜歡上課,享受學習樂趣,擁有契而不捨的探究精神與實作能力,以彰顯教育改革的核心價值。 / This was a school reform study to enhance teachers’ capacity. The purpose of the research was to explore the standards-based curriculum development and build an accessible procedure. The whole process including three periods: (1)Group deliberation period, the researcher and partners learned a great deal about the practical knowledge needed to meet the objective of the study in the workshop. And then widely sifted the literature review materials. (2)Development period, the researcher and teammate made two problem-based interdisciplinary curriculum. And design rubrics to improve the approach of performance based assessment. (3)Implementation period, The field study with collaboration is to investigate the trial outcomes. There are five conclusions resulted from the study, which were as follows: (1)Standards, benchmarks and essential questions are key factors to curriculum quality. (2)The integrated curriculum program is to enhance students’ learning toward enduring understanding, and help them to become independent learners. (3)Teachers’ teamwork and professional conversation is the best policy to solve problems. (4)Professional capacity development is the critical mission of schooling. (5)The goal of curriculum renewal is to empower students to be active learners thus taking responsibility for their own studies. Above all, Teachers as transformative knowledge workers, think globlly, and act locally, to generate exciting new learning models and real-world performance standards. Meanwhile, the researcher does a follow-up project that support the creation and adoption of interdisciplinary curriculum frameworks to reflect today’s complicated socities.. / 第一章 緒  論……………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究背景、動機與重要性……………………………… 5 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………… 13 第三節 研究問題………………………………………………… 14 第四節 研究限制…………………………………………………  15 第五節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………  17 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………… 21 第一節 標準的核心理念及其與課程的關係…………………… 23 第二節 深度理解、核心問題與標準的關連性 ……………… 42 第三節 科際整合課程意義與設計原則………………………… 57 第四節 探究學習與批判思考教學……………………………… 71 第五節 指標性評分意涵及其應用 …………………………… 95 第六節 多元智慧的教師知識管理……………………………… 113 第三章 研究方法與實施策略…………………………………… 127 第一節 進入教室場域前的準備工作………………………… 128 第二節 研究者的相關經驗與研究方式……………………… 131 第三節 進入教室場域的研究策略……………………………… 134 第四節 研究資料蒐集與整理分析…………………………… 145 第五節 研究品質多元觀點的建置…………………………… 149 第四章 研究發現與討論分析(一)……………………………… 153 第一節 課程慎思與文獻探究…………………………………… 154 第二節 課程發展與科際整合…………………………………… 166 第三節 課程實踐與行動探究 (一)…………………………… 183 第四節 課程實踐與行動探究(二)…………………………… 201 第五章 研究發現與討論分析(二)……………………………… 211 第一節 知識藝術與建構學習…………………………………… 212 第二節 科際整合與教室評量…………………………………… 219 第三節 心智習性與知識管理…………………………………… 226 第四節 思考教學與閱讀理解…………………………………… 236 第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 245 第一節 結論與省思……………………………………………… 246 第二節 分享與建議……………………………………………… 254 參考資料……………………………………………………………………… 237 附  錄 附錄一………………………………………………………………………… 261 附錄二………………………………………………………………………… 271 附錄三………………………………………………………………………… 295 附錄四………………………………………………………………………… 321 附錄五………………………………………………………………………… 337

圖書館統計應用於大學圖書館績效評鑑 / Study on the library statistics application to performance evaluation at university libraries

黃麗雯, Huang, Li-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
圖書館是一國文化建設的重要指標,在現今知識經濟時代中,資訊服務競爭日趨激烈且多元,面對少子化,大學圖書館應高度回應學術環境的變遷,運用營運績效來表現其在機構任務中的價值,並發展相關專業知識,以陳述圖書館對於學生學習與成功的影響。在執行績效評鑑時,國家圖書館之〈全國圖書館調查統計系統〉係為各館一致遵循,且定期提供的統計數據系統,應可利各圖書館進行營運績效評鑑之應用,同時亦能提供圖書資訊學專家或社會學家進行學術研究之參用。在績效評鑑模式上,關鍵績效指標(KPI)是用以衡量組織績效最為重要的資訊,也是績效指標範圍當中最核心的部分,可以說是引導圖書館發展方向的儀表板。 本研究目的有四:(1)探討大學圖書館績效評鑑與關鍵績效指標。(2)探討大學圖書館統計資料與績效評鑑指標的關係,以建構適合大學圖書館績效評鑑之模式。(3)探討〈全國圖書館調查統計〉支持本研究建構的大學圖書館統計支持績效評鑑模式的可行性,與績效評鑑實施的有效性。(4)探討圖書館統計是否滿足大學圖書館績效評鑑實施的需求。 為獲研究結果,本研究透過焦點團體訪談法建構成五個評鑑構面、20項重要績效指標,作為國內大學圖書館之關鍵績效指標評鑑模式之評鑑工具。為確保績效指標的可行性,經過研究者取樣國內13所大學圖書館統計調查資料,實際進行個案研究結果,獲得以下結論:(1)大學圖書館實施績效評鑑仍為少數,但各館普遍配合〈全國圖書館調查統計系統〉進行統計並如期填報。(2)本研究提出大學圖書館績效評鑑之五大構面20項重要績效指標具可行性,可做自我評鑑及檢視績效成果之用。(3)運用最佳權重和關鍵績效指標,建構出關鍵績效指標評鑑模式。(4)〈全國圖書館調查統計〉統計項目大致可滿足於大學圖書館20項重要績效評鑑指標項目。 針對所獲得的研究結果,提出三點建議:(1)國家圖書館之〈全國圖書館調查統計系統〉,與績效評鑑指標結合,透過各圖書館上傳各項統計至系統後,系統即可自動進行大數據分析,讓統計資料即時轉換為績效成果,預期將節省實施績效評鑑之時間和人力成本,提高大學圖書館全面實施績效評鑑之意願。(2)圖書館可以運用關鍵績效指標評鑑模式,透過全國大學圖書館的績效評鑑結果,進一步針對各館進行SWOT分析,訂定未來營運發展的具體可行之量化與質化目標,展現圖書館的影響價值。(3)推動大學圖書館實施績效評鑑,建立長期和完整的評鑑資料庫。 / A library is an important indicator of a country's cultural construction. In the present time of knowledge-based economy, information services are becoming increasingly competitive and diverse. In the face of a low-birth rate, university libraries have to demonstrate their value through operating performance and develop related professional knowledge in response to changes in the academic environment in order to state their influence on students’ learning and academic success. When carrying out the operating performance evaluation, university libraries may refer to the data published regularly by the Library Statistical System of National Central Library; experts or sociologists may also refer to these data in their academic study. To measure the performance of an organization, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is the most important information and the core of all performance indicators; it can be said to be the dashboard that guides the development of a library. The research has four purposes: (1) exploring the performance evaluation and the key performance indicator of university libraries; (2) exploring the relationship between the library statistics and the performance indicator in order to build an appropriate performance evaluation model for university libraries; (3) exploring the feasibility of supporting the performance evaluation model by the university library statistics established with the support of Library Statistical System and exploring the effectiveness of implementation of performance evaluation; and (4) exploring whether the library statistics satisfy the requirements for the implementation of performance evaluation at university libraries. As to the performance evaluation model, the research has established five aspects of performance evaluation of university libraries and 20 key performance indicators through focus group. To ensure the feasibility of these performance indicators, the researcher sampled 13 university libraries’ statistics and carried out the case study. The conclusions are as follows: (1) only few university libraries carried out performance evaluation, but each university library gathered statistics and filed with the Library Statistical System as required; (2) five aspects of performance evaluation of university libraries and 20 key performance indicators proposed by the research were feasible and applicable to self-evaluation and self-review of performance results; (3) the performance evaluation model was established based on the optimum weight and key performance indicators; and (4) Statistical items of the Library Statistical System generally meet 20 key performance indicators of university libraries. Three recommendations are proposed based on the result of the research: (1) With the application of the Library Statistical System of National Central Library and performance evaluation indicators, university libraries upload the statistics to the system where data are analyzed automatically and converted into the performance results. Such application is expected to save time and labor costs of implementation of performance evaluation and increase the willingness of university libraries to implement performance evaluation; (2) Based on the KPI model and the results of performance evaluation of nationwide university libraries, university libraries may be able to carry out the SWOT analysis and set up the feasible quantitative and qualitative goals of future operation and further demonstrate their influence; and (3) university libraries are encouraged to implement performance evaluation and establish an extended and sound evaluation database.


余世昌 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣為一小型開放的經濟體系,國外經濟活動與金融商品的操作,使得央行對其最終目標的達成更加難以掌控,因此,選擇足以真實反映台灣經濟情況與貨幣市場之貨幣政策指標,將非常重要。 根據中央銀行自一九九○年以來即以M2做為觀察制定貨幣政策的重心,以及中央銀行貨幣供給政策管量不管價之原則,本研究以貨幣供給M2作為貨幣政策指標,並擇定利率、所得、物價,及匯率做為影響貨幣政策指標之變數,建構貨幣供給迴歸方程式,透過迴歸模型,利用普通最小平方法(OLS)將各變數與M2間之互動性進行初步之分析,並對變異數不齊一、一階自我相關,及結構性變動等問題進行修正。 綜合本文之實證結果發現,中央銀行以M2作為貨幣政策指標,其貨幣政策之取向,明顯受所得、物價,以及匯率等三項變數之影響,亦即貨幣政策的制定主要依附於經濟成長、物價穩定,及國際收支等三項總體目標變數之變化。因此,本文以M2作為貨幣政策指標將可適切反映出經濟活動對貨幣政策之影響,並藉由M2之貨幣政策指標完成貨幣政策目標。至於利率對貨幣供給量之影響,雖然在初步迴歸檢定時較不顯著,但在考慮結構性變動後,亦獲得利率變數對貨幣供給有顯著性影響之實證結果。惟本文實證研究所涵蓋之時程相當長,在這段時間裡,不但台灣經濟結構發生變化,並且在利率自由化與金融國際化方面有相當之變革,使得中央銀行已難以完全控制貨幣供給的數量,這些都會影貨幣政策反映函數與相關變數間的關係,而這些因素將在後續研究中做深入之處理。

學校組織動態能耐評量指標建構與實證之研究 / The Dynamic Capabilities in Taiwan's Senior High Schools

黃貞裕, Eng, Cheng Joo Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是一個環境變遷快速的時代,組織必須隨時掌握外部環境與內部環境的變化,以快速回度環境與市場需求,維持其競爭優勢。因此,本研究主要目的即以動態能耐觀點為基礎,發展適用於學校組織動態能耐評量工具,進而以之做為評估學校組織動態能耐之工具,並對國內之高級中學與高級職業學校進行調查,以瞭解當前高中職之現況,並提出結論與建議。 在量表發展上,本研究以文獻分析與德懷術進行指標建構,完成後並以信度分析、探索性因素分析及二階驗證性因素分析來檢證其信度與效度。最後發展而成之量表共計七個層面,分別為行政整合、定位、科技應用、學習、創新、知識管理與策略彈性。研究結果顯示本研究所發展之「高中職動態能耐量表」具有良好之信度與效度,可做為高中職之動態能耐評量工具。在高中職之動態能耐現況部分,則採用調查研究法在進行,分層隨機抽取60所公私立高級中學及高級職業學校,共寄出996份問卷,回收有效問卷為690份。調查結果以t考驗、變異數分析等統計方法進行資料處理。 本研究之主要發現有以下幾點: 一、高中職動態能耐量表具有良好之信度與效度,且可由七個層面47個細項指標加以評量; 二、高級中學與高級職業學校之動態能耐沒有顯著差異; 三、私立學校之動態能耐高於公立學校,在「位置」、「知識管理」與「策略彈性」等三個層面之差異達統計顯著水準; 四、成立歷史較悠久之學校具有較佳之動態能耐。; 五、規模太小之學校其動態能耐偏低,競爭優勢不如規模較大之學校; 六、偏遠地區之學校其動態能耐明顯低於都市與鄉鎮地區之學校; 七、男性學校教育人員之動態能耐知覺明顯高於女性學校教育人員; 八、年齡較大之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺顯著高於年齡較小者; 九、擔任行政職務之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺高於一般學校教育人員; 十、不同教育程度之學校教育人員其動態能耐之看法沒有顯著差異; 十一、資深之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺程度明顯高於資淺之學校教育人員; 十二、高中職在「科技應用」層面之表現最佳,而在「知識管理」層面之表現則有待改善。 根據以上之研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,以供未來量表應用、在教育行政機關決策、學校運作與未來研究時之參考: 一、對學校組織動態能耐量表應用之建議 1.應善用動態能耐量表做為組織進步之學校營運引導指標。 2.應進一步確認量表與模式之適當性。 二、對教育主管機關之建議 1.應隨時監控大環境之變化,擬定適當之政策並快速將訊息傳達給學校單位。 2.應致力降低偏遠地區學校與都市、鄉鎮學校之差距。 3.應適度調整公立學校與私立學校之教育資源分配,以使學生享有平等之教育資源。 三、對高級中學與高級職業學校之建議 1.應建立完善之資訊蒐集系統,以強化學校之動態能耐。 2.應增加學校成員參與行政事務之機會。 3.應加強行銷策略,以增進學校信譽資產之優勢。 4.應定時檢視學校之優勢與劣勢,以避免核心僵固的情況發生。 5.應建立學校之知識管理分享文化,以增進創新之能量。 6.應設法留住優秀與經驗豐富之學校教育人員。 四、對未來研究之建議 1.就研究對象方面,可擴大研究對象。 2.就量表施測方面,應佐以相關客觀資料與專家學者之評比進行結果分析。 3.就研究方法方面,在專家意見整合方面可改用焦點團體法或腦力激盪法;在意見調查方面可兼採質化方法。 4.就研究工具方面,可進一步進行量表之修正與驗證。 5.就研究內容方面,可研究動態能耐與其他變項之關係。 / The dynamic capabilities approach is promising in terms of future research potential and as an aid to management endeavoring to gain competitive advantage in increasingly demanding environment. Dynamic capabilities identifying new opportunities and help organizations organize effectively and efficiently in regimes of rapid environments changes. The term ‘dynamic’ refers to the capacity to renew competences so as to achieve congruence with the changing outer environment; the term ‘capabilities’ emphasizes the abilities in appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills, resources ,and functional competences to make the requirements of a rapidly changing environment. The purpose of this study was to develop an inventory of dynamic capabilities that apply to the senior high schools and senior vocational schools in Taiwan. This research was conducted under two processes. At first, the fundamental indicators of the inventory were constructed under the groundwork of literature review and Delphi method. The inventory was examined with several statistical methods such as reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The result showed that the self-constructed dynamic capabilities inventory was with good reliability and validity. Secondly, the inventory was sent to 996 senior high schools’ personnel in Taiwan and 690 valid questionnaires were returned and analyzed by SPSS For Windows 12.0 version at .05 significant level. Statistical method such as descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA were adapted to data analysis. Major findings include the following: 1. The dynamic capabilities inventory that constructed by researcher is with fine reliability and validity and could measure schools’ dynamic capabilities with seven dimensions. 2. There is no difference between the dynamic capabilities of senior high schools and senior vocational schools. 3. The dynamic capabilities of the private schools are significantly higher that the public schools. 4. Schools that with longer history have greater dynamic capabilities. 5. The small- scoped schools have less dynamic capabilities. 6. Schools that located in remote area have less dynamic capabilities than the schools located in the city. 7. The perception of dynamic capabilities of male school personnel is significantly higher that the female school personnel. 8. Elder personnel have higher perception of dynamic capabilities than the younger personnel. 9. Personnel serve in administration sections have higher perception of dynamic capabilities than the personnel who are not served in administrative sections. 10. Educational background is not a decisive element to the perception of dynamic capabilities. 11. The senior school personnel have higher perception of dynamic capabilities. Based on the findings, several recommendations were made for the application of DCI-S, for the superior authorities, for the senior high/vocational schools as well as for further research.


陳思佐 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資本是近年來最熱門的話題之一,倘若企業要能達成原先所設定之策略目標,就必須將與策略相連結的人力資本做一番完整的管理與規劃。然而,人力資本特殊的性質-企業無法完全擁有,一旦其離職,便將所有才華一併帶走-使得企業在培育自身人力資本的立場上產生了矛盾。在無法完全且永遠擁有某項人力資本的情況下,企業便應採行某些管理方式,將其知識與技能予以蓄積於組織之中,以降低其離職所帶來的傷害。然而,管理制度又該透過哪些層面的具體衡量指標,以將管理的成果加以報導,並將之作為管理制度修正之依據? 本研究採個案研究法,以我國某一資訊電子企業為研究對象,探討其針對策略性人力資本所採行的管理制度,並以問卷發放的方式,獲取何者為其管理制度下所應重視的報導指標。本研究將透過管理與指標兩層面,來探討個案公司蓄積策略性人力資本的成效。 經訪談、彙整資訊並加以分析後,做出下列結論: 一、個案公司之策略性人力資本,完全係由其原先所設之策略目標所衍生。 二、針對自身之策略性人力資本,個案公司透過任用、訓練、知識管理、留 任、績效評估、薪資獎酬此六項子功能將其加以管理。 三、針對管理制度的各項子功能,個案公司亦有掌握具重要性之報導指標,除 了報導管理成果外,亦以之作為制度修正的依據。 四、個案公司近幾年不論在財務還是經營績效上均有成長,顯示其在蓄積與充 實策略性人力資本上頗具成效。 五、個案公司為蓄積策略性人力資本之知識與技能,在管理制度與報導指標上 雖已臻完善,但仍有部分可改進之處。 / Human capital is one of the hottest subjects in the recent years. Companies should plan and manage their human capital which is associated with strategies if they want to achieve their strategic goals. However, companies are facing the dilemma of developing their own human capital just because of the unique attribute of human capital: it can’t be held or owned by any company forever and will be taken when employees leave. In such a situation, companies should take actions on management to accumulate their employees’ knowledge and skills inside in order to lower down the loss caused by the leaving of critical employees. However, which aspects of human capital index can companies focus on to report the result of human capital management and to be the basis of improving their human capital management? This study adopts the method of case study research and selects one information company within our country as a sample to probe human capital management. We use questionnaire to collect human capital indexes that should be focus on. This study will probe the result of accumulating strategic human capital from aspects of management and index. Through collection and analysis, this study arrives at the following conclusions: 1. The strategic human capital of our sample is completely derived from its strategy. 2. Our sample manages its own strategic human capital from the aspects of recruiting, training, knowledge managing, retaining, performance evaluating and rewarding. 3. Our sample possesses critical human capital indexes in each aspect to report the result of its human capital management and to be the basis of improvement as well. 4. Our sample has showed its growth not only in finance but also in operating performance to prove the achievement of accumulating its strategic human capital. 5. Although our sample has nearly perfect systems on management and index of its strategic human capital, there is still something it can do to improve them.


劉鈞銓 Unknown Date (has links)
「學校自我評鑑」係指學校自發性針對學校行政、教學(育)、設備、師資等全方位之評估與檢視,藉以全面瞭解辦學成效,俾利改進缺失、克服困難,發揮學校經營優勢,導引校務發展。 本研究的主要重點可以分成下列三點來說明: (一)透過文獻分析的方式探討高級中學自我評鑑的方法及模式,並透過此模式研訂學校自我評鑑指標及評鑑指標規準。 (二)研究方法係利用概念構圖原理(concept mapping),研擬學校校務自我評鑑指標。 (三)建立校務自我評鑑檢核表、指標權重的統計方式及整體自我評鑑評結果分數的呈現。 透過此方式,學校評鑑參與人員,根據學校組織情境與需求所診斷的結果為本位,在自發、自主的內在動機下,發揮自身的潛能,確其優勢,以解決問題與缺失,促進改善,並在所面臨的外在環境可能擁有的機會下,發揮學校最大效能,以發展其特色的一種學校評鑑的歷程。 關鍵字:學校自我評鑑 概念構圖法 學校評鑑指標 / The school self-evaluation refers to the omni-directional evaluation and inspection coming from the school spontaneity in view of school administration, teaching, equipment and teachers. By means of the appraisal, we may comprehensively realize the school effect in order to improve flaw, overcome difficulties, display the superiority of the school management and guide the school development. The primary intention of the research is redacting the index of school self-evaluation. The research technique uses the Concept Mapping to draw up the self-evaluation index of the school and transfer the index as the questionnaire survey tool about school self- evaluation meter. It could be the important reference for school self-evaluating and school improvement in senior high school. Through the way, the participates in self-evaluation, according to the diagnostic result from the school organization situation and the demand, do themselves justice in potential under spontaneous and independent intrinsic motives, determine its superiority and solve problems and flaws to promote improvement. Besides, bring as much potency as school can into play and develop school characteristic as a kind of school evaluation under the possible opportunity in the external environment. Keywords:School self-evaluation Concept Mapping Indicator of School self-evaluation

運用技術指標建構投資決策之知識架構 / The Knowledge architecture of technical indicators for iInvestment decisions

溫豐全, Wen, Feng Quan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究定義運用技術指標建構投資決策之步驟,明確描述各步驟細節,投資人根據此流程定義,可利用技術指標逐步運算出投資標的之投資價值,作為最終投資決策之依據。同時,本研究建立技術指標、偵測機制等分類架構,讓投資人主觀的投資需求對應(map)到技術指標,建立個人化的投資決策。 / This paper defines the stages that how to build an investment decision with technical indicators and describes the details of each stage definitely. According to the process definition, investors can calculate the investment value of the investment target with technical indicators step by step. The investment value can be the foundation of the final investment decision. This paper also establishs both classificaton models of technical indicators and detect mechanisms. It makes investors map their subjective demand for investment information to technical indicators, personlize their investment descions.


林時功 Unknown Date (has links)
在設計經理人的薪酬契約時,會計績效衡量指標和市場績效衡量指標對於計 算經理人薪酬的相對重要性,是一個重要的議題,將影響到公司未來營運及發 展。如能了解在不同公司治理架構之下,績效衡量指標於經理人薪酬契約中之相 對重要性是否有所不同,可以幫助企業在訂定經理人薪酬水準與制度時,不只著 重於某一方面的績效衡量指標,而應針對不同的特性予以彈性調整,並可幫助外 部股東檢視經理人薪酬契約的訂定是否合理。 本研究以我國1997年至2006年之上市櫃公司為研究樣本,實證結果顯示如 下: 一、在董事長兼任總經理方面,董事長兼任總經理在董事會的影響較大,使得高 階經理人之薪酬受會計績效衡量指標的影響較大。 二、在機構投資人方面,在機構投資人持股較大的公司裡,高階經理人薪酬受會 計績效衡量指標的影響較小。 三、在第二大股東方面,第二大股東持股比例較高的公司,高階經理人薪酬受會 計績效衡量指標的影響較小。 四、在監察人規模方面,當監察人人數佔董監事合計人數比例越高時,則高階經 理人薪酬受會計績效衡量指標的影響越小。


卓子瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在於建構公立高中教師教學評鑑指標,以供公立高中教師教學自我評鑑之用,並提供教育行政單位實施教師教學評鑑之參考。 為達到上述目的,本研究透過文獻探討,參考Danielson(2007)教學專業實踐架構(Professional practice-a framework for teaching)、德州(1986)教學視導系統(Texas teacher appraisal system,TTAS)、麻薩諸塞州(2005)中小學教師有效教學原則(Principles of effective teaching),形成評鑑指標初稿,再以半開放式德懷術專家問卷調查法,進行指標審查、修正與刪減。問卷回收後應用SPSS統計軟體中之敘述統計進行分析,以平均數、中位數、眾數判斷評鑑指標之重要性,以四分差判斷專家群看法之一致性。經由前後三次德懷術問卷調查統計分析之結果,獲得以下結論: 一、就教學評鑑領域的重要性而言,其重要性依次為:教學規劃準備、班級經營管理、呈現有效教學、實現專業責任。 二、就「教學規劃準備」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有6項,分別為「1-1-2,1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-4,1-3-1,1-4-4」;排序為「2」者有9項,分別為「1-1-3,1-1-4,1-2-3,1-3-2, 1-3-4,1-4-2, 1-4-3,1-5-1, 1-5-2」。 三、就「班級經營管理」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有7項,分別為「2-1-3,2-2-2,2-3-1,2-3-3, 2-4-2,2-4-4, 2-5-2」;排序為「2」者有7項,分別為「2-1-1,2-1-2,2-1-4, 2-2-4, 2-3-4,2-4-1,2-5-1」。 四、就「呈現有效教學」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有7項,分別為「3-1-1,3-1-2,3-3-3,3-4-1,3-4-4, 3-5-1, 3-5-2」;排序為「2」者有10項,分別為「3-1-3,3-1-4,3-2-1, 3-2-2,3-2-4,3-3-1,3-3-2,3-3-4,3-4-3, 3-5-3」。 五、就「實現專業責任」指標重要性而言,其重要性等級排序為「1」者有4項,分別為「4-1-3,4-1-4,4-3-1,4-4-1」;排序為「2」者有7項,分別為「4-1-1,4-1-2,4-2-1,4-3-3,4-5-1, 4-5-3,4-5-4」。 六、就專家群看法的一致性而言,其四分差數值介於.000至.500之間,顯示專家群的看法具高度一致性。 七、就教學評鑑指標之建構內容而言,本研究建構之教學評鑑指標包括(一)教學規劃準備;(二)班級經營管理;(三)呈現有效教學;(四)實現專業責任。4個領域,及20個規準、57個指標項目。 關鍵字:教育評鑑、教學評鑑、評鑑指標 / The thesis attempts to build teaching evaluation indicators for senior high school teachers. The indicators will be the reference both for teachers who want to self- assess, and for senior-high school administration which want to evaluate performance of teachers. The teacher evaluative indicators are derived from famous teaching evaluative indicators: “Professional practice-a framework for teaching”(Danielson, 2007), “Texas teacher appraisal system, TTAS” (1986), and “Principles of effective teaching from Massachusetts Department of Education”(2005). Later, the raw indicators are reviewed, revised, and decreased by “semi-open Delphi”. After analysed by SPSS, here comes 7 conclusions below, according to analyse the outcomes of questionnaire survey: 1) On importance of teaching evaluation area, the sequence is: planning and preparation, the classroom environment, effective instruction, professional and responsibility. 2) On importance of planning and preparation, the most important indicators are consistent of “1-1-2,1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-4,1-3-1,1-4-4”, the second important indicators are consistent of “1-1-3,1-1-4,1-2-3,1-3-2, 1-3-4,1-4-2, 1-4-3,1-5-1, 1-5-2”. 3) On importance of the classroom environment, the most important indicators are consistent of “2-1-3,2-2-2,2-3-1,2-3-3, 2-4-2,2-4-4, 2-5-2”, the second important indicators are consistent of “2-1-1,2-1-2,2-1-4, 2-2-4, 2-3-4,2-4-1, 2-5-1”. 4) On importance of effective instruction, the most important indicators are consistent of “3-1-1,3-1-2,3-3-3,3-4-1,3-4-4, 3-5-1, 3-5-2”, the second important indicators are consistent of “3-1-3,3-1-4,3-2-1, 3-2-2,3-2-4,3-3-1, 3-3-2,3-3-4,3-4-3, 3-5-3”. 5) On importance of professional and responsibility, the most important indicators are consistent of “4-1-3,4-1-4,4-3-1,4-4-1”, the second important indicators are consistent of “4-1-1,4-1-2,4-2-1,4-3-3,4-5-1, 4-5-3,4-5-4”. 6) On coherence of professionals, lies between.000 and.500, shows highly coherence among professionals. 7) On content of teaching evaluation indicators, the evaluative indicators for senior high school teachers include 4 areas: 1. Planning and preparation, 2. the classroom environment, 3. Effective instruction, 4. Professional and responsibility. These 4 areas are consistent of 20 standards and 57 indicators. Keywords: education evaluation, teaching evaluation, evaluation indicators

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