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簡慶鴻, Chein, Ching hong Unknown Date (has links)
每個企業都有獨到作業流程與經營方式,應用資訊科技協助提昇作業的效率與作業流程的改善,是具前瞻性企業的當務之急。 改造工程在時序進入二十一世紀,已不只在作自我流程改造,進而需要跨組織的合作,應用資訊科技完成跨組織的流程再造,使參與者都能共享改造的成果。 跨組織再造是運用科技的藝術與科學,藉著新流程使企業與企業、企業與客戶相互連結,因而大幅提高效率,並為每一個相關的人創造價值。當改造能跨越組織之間的界限,夥伴們能同心協力,則所產生的實力將比單打獨鬥堅強。 本文以貨物水險為例,訪談了相關企業,蒐集了客戶主動要求、主動為客戶提出改造方案、發自企業內部的改造等三種情景,說明其流程改造方案,應用的資訊科技並以跨組織改造的觀點分析其流程、提案價值(客製化、創新、價格、品質、服務、速度與多樣性)及參與的等級。 / Enterprises differentiate themselves with their unique style of management as well as their own set of operations practice. Striving for better performance and improvement of efficiency by means of Information Technology remains at the top of the Agenda for those leading Empires of futuristic vision. Migrating into the 21st century, organizations are no longer confined the scope of re-engineering within the organizations themselves but to stretch the process, crossing the boundaries, to cover the reformation of their companion companies. The ultimate goal is to share the benefit with everyone who is involved in the Re-engineering process. The process, with the noble intention to multiply the effect of the improvement and the value added to all those taking parts, requires a sheer linkage between organizations as well as between organizations and clients, all adapting the reformed business and operations flow. It is both an art and science of how to put the Technology into practice, making use of their IT resources effectively and most of all, to accomplish the exercise of that kind of magnitude which is both aggressive and challenging. The case study followed is to taking Marine Cargo insurance as the subject, interview the related enterprise companies, to consolidate the requirements coming from the clients, put forward the solution of the reformation of the business flow to the clients, and take into accounts of the reformations voiced by the internal departments. There is a detailed account of the solution itself, the application of the Information Technology. The paper has also encompassed the analysis from different perspectives of the cross-enterprise reformation along with the level of participation and added values including customizations, innovations, price, quality, service, speed and multiplicity.


曾小玲, Tseng, Hsiao Ling Unknown Date (has links)
電腦資訊的應用至今,使得企業的部門均擁有功能自動化的資訊系統,但是因應科技發展的突飛猛進,通訊工具與網際網路的整合應用,影響了活動的流程,改變了企業組織的角色及其經營的模式。一般的功能資訊系統是支援流程中活動的自動化,但是無法解決也無法判斷流程上的問題,如人力不足需要調度或超過負荷…等各類問題,要再作更大幅度的變革實屬不易,唯有以流程的角度來重新檢視才能突破。 企業流程改造的理論與方法,自提出至今有數拾餘年的期間,其主要的精神在於以「流程」為再造的重心,重新檢討企業的運作方式,以流程導向取代功能導向。本研究因著資訊科技IT的觸媒及成熟與配合,期望藉著個案實務,進行分析與方法探討,導入BPR的方法;經由本研究的探討及研究者的豐富實務經驗,將理論與實務相結合,讓BPR的導入變成'平易近人',讓BPR的方法是容易應用的。 本研究的結論中,提出個案改造後的新流程,其中實現虛擬組織的企業架構,新的營運模式已經開始實現了;並且提供了一個非常明確的個案,說明BPR的推廣與資訊系統自動化的區隔。同時也建議BPR的應用是一個週而復始的「生命週期」,企業應該定期檢視每個流程,重複應用BPR的方法來執行流程的改造。 / With computer science’s development, today almost every business has owned information system to support business’s operations; on the other hand, organizations in the business also have to do something to match up the rapid progress in communication facilities and development of Internet. Normally, Information system’s location is to support automation in operational processes and activities, and it couldn’t point some fundamental problems, for example: the effective dispatch of staff. So, if business wants to do more transformation, it must review the business processes to break current situation. The essence of business process reengineering (BPR) is “reengineering in process”. Substituting for function-oriented thinking, business takes process-oriented thinking to re-verify operational mode. Combining author’s practical experiences and theories in BPR, the study tries to make the use of BPR be friendly, and prove BPR is a good way to proceed. In the concussion of the study shows a new operational process under a virtual business organizational structure and explain the distinction between spread of BPR and automation of information system. In the same time, the study suggests business should regard BPR as a iterative application with its lifecycle, re-verify business process regularly, and take BPR at the right moment.

動盪中的改革:中國國民黨從「革新」走向「改造」, 1945-1950

王良卿, Wang Liang-ching Unknown Date (has links)
提 要 國民黨在1949年遭遇的大潰敗,經常被學界描繪成一種「啟示錄」般的刺激力量,1950年在台灣的黨務改造運動則是該黨生聚教訓之後的有力回應。對此,本篇論文嘗試提出兩項修正觀點:第一、1949年的局勢與1950年的事件確實具有密不可分的聯繫關係,但是人們仍然不宜忽視早在這兩個年份之前,國民黨機器與國民黨人就已經發出各式各樣的黨務改革呼聲,甚至採取了某些行動。這類呼聲與行動的時段如果離1949年愈遠,就愈可能是為了主動解答、解困「它們當下」坐落的動盪年代,並非作為政權日後潰走的時代布景而屈身歷史舞台。第二、1949年作為促成國民黨在台改造的關鍵性意義,充其量,只能嚴格限定在一種短暫時間以及外部挑戰的解釋效果上。表面上,國民黨誠然透過改造做出了新一波的回應,但是回應的方式與形貌,泰半還是國民黨自己透過既往自省經驗的內在脈絡,長期積累、變化的結果,不完全是1949年這個特殊年代替它應急抉擇。


王瑜纓 Unknown Date (has links)
我國政府機關的組織皆須依法設立,亦受到法律條文層層制約,惟各機關組織架構受到環境影響並須不斷檢討修正,亦常有權責難以釐清、組織疊床架屋情形,致影響行政效率。因此民國八十七年政府推動「政府再造」,就「組織再造」方面,係著眼在提昇簡化政府組織、消除疊床架屋的組織型態為具體推動方法之一,並為擴大組織彈性、縮短組織法制作業的時間,而構想於民國八十七年起陸續推動完成「中央政府機關組織基準法」、「中央政府機關總員額法」草案的立法工作,及完成「行政院組織法」草案之修正。 負責組織案件審議及主導我國電子化政府政策的行政院研究發展考核委員會爰配合政府鬆綁組織法令之構想,及預為因應「中央政府機關組織基準法」立法通過後,未來組織法案修訂作業將更加頻繁的情況,並考慮組織法規之審議權責屬跨機關、跨院、跨中央與地方等特性,爰組成跨機關「組織案件管理資訊系統」工作圈,研議採行電腦資訊及通訊網路建置組織案件審議作業平台等電子化政府策略,並對現行法制作業流程同時予以簡化、標準化等再設計,經研究者參與上述資訊系統之規劃建置而完成本個案研究,期能獲致下列: 一、 基於組織再造將帶動組織法制作業頻繁,爰就採行電子化政府策略建置「組織案件管理資訊系統」並兼採作業流程簡化、標準化等創新作法,對組織法制作業效率所產生之效益進行檢視。 二、 綜合研究結果與發現,在實務方面作為政府推動電子化政府及組織案件審議之參考,而在學術單位和研究機構方面,提供未來從事相關研究之建議。 本研究在經由理論探討與研究個案實作之後,得知組織法制作業效率除可藉由組織調整、法制鬆綁、流程再造等方法獲致,但電子化政府策略之採行的確可使組織法制作業獲致「作業流程簡化」、「文書減量」、「時間節省」等大幅、迅速的效益提升,本研究之有關命題爰能得到支持、驗證,且實為推展網路化行政、深化數位化行政的必要政策工具之一。 / Government agency is established according by law. The structure and personnel system of a government agency not only constraint by legal statutes, but also need to be amended as environment change. However, the timeliness of amendment is always a government-wide problem that affects administrative efficiency. Since the government reform movement from 1998, lots of efforts have been put on simplifying organization structure, enlarging organization design flexibility, and reducing time for amendment. Also, the enactment of organization basic law, personnel quota, and the restructuring of the Executive Yuan are three most important things. As a member of the Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission, which organization is responsible for the reviewing of organization law of government agency and promoting electronic government, this researcher has conducted a case study on applying electronic government strategy in reviewing organization law. This research is focus on “the task force for organization law management information system”, which is a cross agency team effort. Through the study of applying Internet technology, redesigning the review process, standardization of procedure, and simplification of legislation, this research has served two purposes: 1. To assess the effectiveness of applying electronic government strategy to the reviewing process of the organization law. 2. Through the in-depth analysis of this case, the research finding and conclusion can explore how e-government strategy can be applied on reviewing the organization law of government agency. This research has conducted extensive study of theory, administrative records and the practical operation of the information system for reviewing organization laws. It can be inferred that e-government strategy does help to streamline the review process, to reduce paperwork, and to save time for reviewing. Thus, this case study can contribute to the emerging framework for so called e-administration.


吳仕基 Unknown Date (has links)

行政院組織再造中員工組織變革認知對組織承諾之影響-以內政部營建署為例 / A study of the relationship between employees’ cognition of organization change and organizational commitment during the process of the Executive Yuan's organization reengineering program- The case of construction and planning agency

周吟穗 Unknown Date (has links)
行政院組織改造的工程從民國76年起,就已經開始推動,迄今已達23年之久,新組織架構將自中華民國101年1月1日開始啟動,將行政院部會級組織由現行37個精簡為29個,現行五院及所屬各級機關總編制員額由22萬3千人調降為17萬3千人,組織改造工作的進行,必然造成組織結構的改變、工作流程的改變、管理幅度的調整、工作人員的更新、組織設計的變化等,勢必會衝擊現有的人力結構與配置,本研究期望透過組織變革的觀點,瞭解政府公務人員在面臨組織改造的看法及態度,進一步預測公務人員的組織承諾程度。 本研究以內政部營建署(不含所屬機關)之現職人員為研究對象,將採問卷調查的方法,總計抽取樣本數為400份,總計回收得有效問卷385份,運用敘述統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析(One Way ANOVA)、迴歸分析等方法暸解員工的組織變革認知以及組織承諾的情形,並分析兩變項間可能產生的影響。獲得下列結論: 1.員工的個人背景資料不同,其在組織變革認知上具有顯著差異:不同性別在「政策目標認知」有顯著差異;不同教育程度、職等、職位對「抗拒變革認知」具有顯著差異;不同性別、年齡、教育程度對「個人發展認知」具有顯著差異。 2.員工的個人背景資料不同,其在組織承諾上具有顯著差異:不同婚姻狀況對「價值承諾」與「留職承諾」有顯著差異;不同職等對「努力承諾」、「價值承諾」與「留職承諾」具有顯著性差異。 3.員工組織變革認知對組織承諾有顯著影響:控制個人背景的影響後,由結果發現「政策目標認知」對「努力承諾」、「價值承諾」有顯著正向影響,「個人發展認知」對「努力承諾」、「價值承諾」、「留職承諾」有顯著正向影響,而「抗拒變革認知」則是對「努力承諾」、「價值承諾」、「留職承諾」具有負向影響。 依據研究結論,本研究提出「塑造組織前瞻願景,提升政策支持」、「培養員工多元能力,重視個人發展」、「強化組織溝通機制,確保員工權益」三項建議,供機關在推動行政機關組織再造時之參考。

新北市公立國民小學圖書館空間改造與使用之研究 / The Study of Elementary School Library’s Space Reforming And Using in New Taipei City

陳沛雯, Chen, Pei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市公立國民小學圖書館空間改造及使用符合度、不同學生背景變項及學校背景變項對國民小學圖書館空間改造及使用的符合度及差異性、國民小學圖書館空間改造與空間使 用的相關性及預測力情形。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以101-102年度已改造完成並使用一年以上之圖書館(不包含單純改造低、高年級圖書館),計有34所國民小學中、高年級學生為樣本對象,研究者自編的「新北市公立國民小學圖書館空間改造與使用調查問卷」為研究工具。本研究共計發送2,168份問卷,回收問卷2,030份,有效問卷1,630份,回收率達75.18%。資料分析採用描述型統計分析、獨立樣本平均 數t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé method、Pearson product-moment correlation、逐步多元迴歸分析法等統計方法。 本研究獲得以下結論: 一、新北市公立國民小學學生對圖書館整體空間改造(空間配置、管理服務、設備 更新、圖書充實)符合度屬於高符合程度,其中設備更新符合度的最高、圖書 充實的符合度最低 二、新北市公立國民小學學生對圖書館整體空間使用(圖書館利用、閱讀與查詢、 課程教學使用、動靜態展演)符合度屬於高符合程度,其中圖書館利用的符合 度最高、閱讀與查詢的符合度最低 三、學生背景變項不同對學校圖書館空間改造具有差異性,符合度以女生、三年 級、到館次數2-5次、16次以上較高,到館時數並無差異性。 四、學生背景變項不同對學校圖書館空間使用具有差異性,符合度以女生、三年 級、到館次數2-5次、6-10次、11-15次、16次以上、到館時數2-5時、16 時以上較高。 五、學校背景變項不同對學校圖書館空間改造具有差異性,規模25班以上高於13 -24班、12班以下高於13-24班。 六、學校背景變項不同對學校圖書館空間使用具有差異性,符合度以偏遠地區高於 非偏遠地區,規模12班以下高於13-24班。 七、學校圖書館整體空間改造及各層面(空間配置、管理服務、設備更新及圖書充 實)對於整體空間使用及各層面(圖書館利用、閱讀與查詢、課程教學使用及 動靜態展演)呈現高度正相關。 八、學校圖書館空間改造對空間使用的預測力情形,以空間配置最能解釋學校圖書 館整體空間使用及各層面(圖書館利用、閱讀與查詢、課程教學使用及動靜態 展演)。 最後,本研究依據以上結論,針對學校圖書館空間改造之規劃設計方法、學校圖書館空間使用以及未來研究等方面,提出具體建 議,以供相關單位及人員參考。 / This study topic is to research New Taipei City public elementary school library’s space reforming and using of conformity. The elementary school library’s space reforming and using of conformity and difference of the different student and school background variables. Elementary school library’s space reforming and using with correlation and predictive power situation.This study take questionnaires for the library has completed reforming in 101-102 year and used for more than one year (excluding transformation of low or high school library). This study investigated the middle and high grade students of the 34 elementary schools and took the " The questionnaires of the New Taipei City public elementary school library’s space reforming and using of conformity " as a research tool. In this study, the total of 2,168 questionnaires were sent, and the 2,030 questionnaires were recovered, the 1,630 valid questionnaires were returned. The rate was 75.18%. This study were using descriptive statistics, independent sample average t-test, One way ANOVA, Scheffé method, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression. The conclusion of this study: 1.The reforming of entire library space (spatial configuration, management services, equipment updating, books enriching) of the New Taipei City public elementary school students is a high degree of compliance. The compliance of equipment renew is the highest, and the books enriching is the lowest. 2.The using of library space (library using, reading and inquiry and teaching, performances) of the New Taipei City public elementary school students is a high degree of compliance. The compliance of library using is the highest, and the compliance of reading and inquiry is the lowest. 3.The different variables of student backgrounds in space reforming of school library are diverse; we get high compliance with the third grade female students, who attend library in 2-5 and sixteen higher times, but no difference of attendance hours. 4.The different variables of student backgrounds in space using of school library are diverse, we get high compliance with the third grade female students, who attend library in 2-5,6-10,11-15,and sixteen higher times; and high compliance in 2-5 and sixteen higher hours of attending library. 5.The different variables of school backgrounds in space using of school library are diverse, the class scale more than 25 is higher than 13-24, and the class scale less than 12 classes is higher than 13-24. 6.The different variables of school backgrounds in space using of school library are diverse, the compliance of remote areas are higher than non-remote areas, the class scale less than 12 class is higher than 13-24. 7.The reforming of library space (spatial configuration, management services, equipment updating, books enriching) and the using of library space (library using, reading and inquiry, curriculum and teaching, dynamic and static performances) are with high correlation. 8.The predictive power of circumstances of the school library space reforming to the school library space using(library using, reading and inquiry, curriculum and teaching, dynamic and static performances ) for the space configuration is the best explanation. According to the conclusion, this study took signicicant suggestions to the future of school library’s space reforming and using.


陳秋月, Chen, Chiou-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
為解決台灣銀行家數過多所造成的惡性競爭及提昇銀行競爭優勢,我國政府積極致力金融改革,二○○一年的第一波金融改革,提出金融體制改革七大方向,其中「金融控股公司法」在二○○一年十一月一日生效,對台灣金融市場生態影響至深;超過四十家以上銀行、保險公司及證券公司等金融機構陸續加入金融控股公司,至二○○二年共計十四家金控公司先後成立。 然金控公司成立以來,尚未見到明顯合併綜效,對於金融機構家數過多所造成經濟規模無法作大、競爭優勢無法提昇的局面,亦未獲改善,有鑑於此,政府在二○○四年十月提出第二波金融改革政策,揭示四大方向,包括(一)金控公司家數減半(二)公股銀行數目減半(三)三家大型金融機構的資產市佔率逾一成(四)一家公股銀行由外資經營或海外掛牌,顯示金融整合的勢在必行。因應經營環境變遷,台灣金融機構紛紛借鏡外商金融機構的經營模式,或者重金禮聘外商團隊,抑或委聘外商管理顧問公司進行組織改造,冀圖得以提昇競爭力,於整合潮流中勝出。 全球企業組織改造源於九○年代,改造案例層出不窮,但改造失敗的案例亦高達五成到七成,而真正改造成功的案例也僅佔十五﹪左右。根據研究分析,組織改造成功的關鍵因素主要是”人”的因素,包括領導者的以身是則,組織成員的參予與投入,唯有如此,改造的步伐才可快速竟功。至於組織改造的架構,根據萬以寧先生提出的看法,可以歸納為(一)願景與策略的規劃(二)配合新策略,進行組織重整(三)運用資訊進行系統及流程的重建(四)透過人才開發達成思維模式轉變及組織活性化;因此改造的重點包括資訊科技的提昇,及人力資源管理的提昇。日本新生銀行浴火重生的成功案例,都可以印證以上的論述。 近年來台灣金融機構進行組織改造工程案例中,個案銀行-彰化銀行委請ING集團進行三年期的營運改造工程,較為引人側目,主要是該行早期與一銀、華銀並列,為台灣三大商業銀行,在眾家業者搶搭金控列車,該行選擇改造一途,另外改造工程屬全面性,影響也較大。綜合文獻與案例,對於台灣金融業的應變圖強,提出以下的結論與建議: 一、 聚焦核心資源及核心業務,創造競爭優勢 二、 強化行銷策略,落實顧客導向、差異化的行銷策略 三、 強調風險管理、公司治理 四、 重視人力資源管理 五、 強化資訊系統的功能 六、 建立學習型的組織文化、養成快速應變的組織力。

推動「型塑學習型政府行動方案」過程之研究: / A Study on the Implementation Process for“Action Plan for Molding Learning Government”

陳秀美 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,公務人員及機關對於政府推動任何方案總是以「上有政策,下有對策」回應,回顧我國政府推動組織學習的情形亦不例外,此次行政院人事行政局積極推動「型塑學習型政府行動方案」,截至目前為止,並無公部門實施組織學習成功之案例可循,其可行性及有效性如何,不免另人存疑!或許這之間有許多影響因素,沒有被詳細討論與發掘,加上目前國內論文對型塑學習型政府議題研究不多,研究者認為有其深入研究之必要。又近年來,樂見國內外學者對學習型組織之理論陸續提出,因而引起研究者在學習型組織對政府改造影響上研究之興趣。 為達研究之目的,本論文主要研究方法為文獻回顧及深度訪談;文獻回顧部分乃試圖從標竿機關成功案例的經驗分享中,萃取出驅動團隊未來最關鍵的動力來源。由於注意的焦點是標竿機關成功的顛峰經驗,它的能量是非常高的,大家就有信心在此基礎上,並運用Peter Senge五項修練方法透過「系統思考」模型分別探討: 一、分析民國89年10月人事行政局推出「建構完整公務人力資源發展體系,型塑學習型政府方案」與民國93年2月推出「型塑學習型政府行動方案」的意義、目標、執行情形、管控機制之差異。 二、機關與公務人員對「型塑學習型政府行動方案」之執行的反應與觀感。 並由上述之內容所得,規劃深度訪談之題綱,運用深度訪問方法,提請專研組織學習之顧問,以及率先實施本方案之中央部會、地方主管機關之承辦人員(或主管),對「型塑學習型政府行動方案」之執行情形,提供心得與具體可行之建議。變革應該是從局部開始,再慢慢擴大、成長,與時俱進,必須經由「過程評估」來檢驗系統的運作,才能看出有意義的實質成果,而本方案實施範圍及對象太多(行政院所屬各機關),未先針對各機關特性、條件之不同即通函一體適用,不僅增加承辦單位之困擾及壓力,對其他公務人員而言,更是怨聲載道!又研究者訪談分析顯示,尚有不少受訪者與執行機關對政府推動本方案之信心仍嫌不足,政府應正視仍在持續執行中(目前為擴散階段)之各基層機關推動本方案之困難度與實用性,並營造組織學習的環境與資源,使其有足夠的誘因執行,期許政府機關之組織學習推動順利。 【關鍵字】:組織學習、學習型政府、政府改造 / The Central Personnel Administration, Executive Yaun, ROC (hereafter ‘CPA’ has issued “Forming Learning Organization Program” (hereafter ‘Program’) to assist public organizations to implement the organizational learning activities for making both government and public employees to develop and grow sustainably. However, what effects would this Program arise still needs further evaluation, for there haven’t been any successful precedents of learning government. Reason for the lack of the above mentioned precedents might be various elements of the Program haven’t been explored and researched. This background invites the interests of author to process the research on what learning organization impact to government reform. In order to achieve the goals of this research, the research methods utilized by the author are the document method and the deep interview method. The aim of document method is to absorb the essential vitality that empowers a team to success from targeting successful cases. Because the focus is put on the supreme successful experiences of the targeting team, the energy developed is very high. Furthermore the Fifth Discipline will be used via systems thinking to deal with the following subjects: I. to aquire the meaning, goals, the implementing results, and the differences between controlling systems by analyzing the Program proposed on October 2000 and the other one proposed on February 2004。 II. to understand what public employees reflect and react to the Program. Based on the above mentioned the author will draft the questionnaires for deep interview, and submit them to the public employees of all levels of institutes which have implemented the Program. The evolution should take place from individual parts and expand to others, and it is needed to exam how the system function for realizing a meaningful result. However, there are too many issues and objectives involved in the Program. And without considering different characters of each public institution, the application of the Program not only causes disturbance and pressure to public institutes, but also raises the complaints from public employees. According to the results gain form many interviewed objectives of the operating institutions, there is still lacking of confidence on operating this Program. In the process of operating the Program, CPA should take the difficulties of operating the Program and its practice seriously. And the CPA should also improve the resources of organizational learning, so as to make the goals of organizational learning realized smoothly. Keywords: organizational learning, learning government, government reform


林明德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的有二:(一)探討在再生工程中,資訊科技與流程改造作法之搭配與流程特性之關聯;(二)分析流程特性改變的本質,以了解在流程設計時,如何以資訊科技為流程創新的觸發工具。本研究依支援溝通及支援決策的高低程度將資訊科技分為四類:高溝通低決策、低溝通高決策、高溝通高決策、低溝通低決策;流程改造作法則分為三種:水平工作整合、垂直工作整合及工作步驟最佳化。流程特性則有三項:中介程度、合作程度及負荷程度。本研究主要觀點在於,原有流程具有某些流程特性使得企業營運績效不佳。企業可運用資訊科技及某些流程改造作法之搭配,改變流程的特性,而改善原有流程的缺點。   研究結果,提出下列資訊科技與流程改造作法之搭配。   (一)降低流程的中介程度可應用二種方法:(1)應用高溝通低決策的資訊科技,搭配任何流程改造作法。(2)應用高溝通高決策的資訊科技,搭配水平工作整合改造作法。   (二)提高流程的合作程度可應用二種方法:(1)應用高溝通高決策的資訊科技,搭配水平工作整合或工作次序最佳化的改造作法。(2)應用高溝通低決策的資訊科技,搭配垂直工作整合的改造作法。   (三)降低流程的負荷程度可應用的方法為,應用高溝通低決策的資訊科技,搭配任何流程改造的作法。   研究中並發現,企業在應用資訊科技進行流程設計時,可以流程物件(資訊及實體)之流通為思考的重點,這種觀點有助於了解資訊科技在實施再生工程時的潛能。以流程物件的觀點來看本研究中個案公司的作法,可發現許多作法事實上是為使流程物件的流通更為順暢。資訊科技可將實體資訊(如文件、新聞稿)化為電子資訊而高速傳遞及處理,也可改善實體(不含資訊的實體,如零件)流通的路徑,而提高運輸的效率。當流程物件是電子資訊而無法簡化時,即須注意資訊流通的路徑。   以流程物件的觀點來探討,本研究中流程特性是流程物件在流程中流通及處理的情形;流程改造作法是操作流程物件的方法;而資訊科技則是操作流程物件的工具。以操作流程物件的方法配合操作流程物件的工具,即能改變流程物件在流程中流通及處理的情形。

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