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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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曾勇達, ZENG,YONG-DA Unknown Date (has links)
會計師查核簽證財務報表之主要功能在賦予財務報表公信力。公司 (特別為中小企業 ) 自行編製未經查核之財務報表,如能由會計師作有限度核閱,其公信力雖遜於查核 簽證,仍較未經查核之財務報表為佳;其次,許多中小企業因對一般公認會計原則未 能充公了解與適當運用,致使財務報表喪失與使用者溝通之功能,若能由會計師予以 代編,則對報表使用者 (如銀行等) 可能更為方便。 財務報表之代編係指會計師根據管理當局提供之資料,編成財務報表之形式而未承擔 查核簽證之責任者。財務報表之核閱係指會計師經由詢問及分析過程獲得合理之依據 ,有限度確認該項財務報表無需作重大調整,即可符合一般公認會計原則或其他粽合 性之會計基礎。 會計師核閱或代編財務報表,對中小企業而言可降低企業對會計師公費之支出,而仍 可使財務報表維持於相當程度之品質,對於會計制度不健全,會計人員素質參差不齊 的中小企業而言,可以最低成本提高其財務報表之可信度;對銀行而言,可以獲得較 為可靠之財各資訊,增進報表的有用性。 本研究設計三種問卷,發函詢問三組人員對“會計師核閱或代編中小企業財務報表” 之看法及意見。三組樣本為:(a) 中小企業會計人員,(b) 銀行徵 (授) 信主管,(c ) 執業會計師。總而言之,本研究之目的如下: 一. 了解中小企業會計主管及銀行徵 (授) 信主管對會計師核閱或代編財務報表之態 度。 二. 會計師核閱或代編財務報表之實用性。 三. 會計師界對核閱或代編財務報表之態度。 四. 了解我國推展會計師核閱或代編財務報表之可行性。


吳佩凌 Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關最適所得稅理論、所得稅逃漏問題、以及政府最適稽查策略的研究文獻,主要多建立在政府與納稅人間存在著資訊不對稱的假設下。本文將此處所謂資訊不對稱,區分為兩種類別的問題:第一種類別是指政府對納稅人獲取所得的能力與勞動供給皆無法得知,但卻可以在無需花費任何成本的情況下,完全掌握到納稅人的所得水準。第二個類別則是指政府不僅無法掌握納稅人的能力與勞動供給,也必須透過查核方能掌握到納稅人的所得水準,而查核工作通常必須付出稽查成本。 本文主要的研究目的,在探討前述第二種類別的資訊不對稱問題 ,如何影響最適所得稅理論、政府稽查策略、以及納稅人逃漏行為等。至於研究架構則分為兩大部分,第一部份是將第二種類別的資訊不對稱問題納入最適所得稅的研究之中。我們主要的重點在於探討當稽查機率並非政府事前政策變數,且政府的稽查策略與納稅人的逃漏稅行為是互為影響時,最適所得稅理論的分析結論,究竟如何改變。第二部分則是探討實務上常見的兩階段查核方式,對政府稽查策略與納稅人申報行為的影響,並比較其與直接隨機查核策略的差異。在此所謂的兩階段查核,是指政府在第一階段先根據以往稽查經驗,分析具逃漏稅傾向者的所得來源或特徵,並藉此建立篩選標準,以對納稅人進行選案分析,俾篩選出具有較高傾向可能從事特定逃漏稅行為的納稅人。其次,再從第一階段篩選出的納稅人,以不同機率或查核方式來進行第二階段的隨機查核。


嚴奕奇 Unknown Date (has links)
近年國內企業發生財務報表不實的舞弊,大多先涉及虛偽銷貨,爾後再透過各種手法加以掩飾。過去學者的研究指出,當財務報表舞弊為虛偽交易類型時,會計師被告之機會較大。當受查者的交易型態變得複雜,會計師查核財務報表之外在不確定性增加,審計失敗的機會增加;會計師面臨的審計風險變高,會計師事務所之營業風險提高。 因此,本研究為降低會計師未來因虛偽銷貨而冒之法律風險而分析我國上市櫃公司虛偽銷貨舞弊之手法及警訊,俾助會計師得評估虛偽銷貨之風險,規劃可偵出虛偽銷貨之查核程序。 本研究透過個案分析及問卷調查,歸納出以下結論: 1.目前企業進行虛偽銷貨之手法,皆以關係人為銷貨對象,可能以同一批貨在關係人間買賣(如勁永),或以假冒之商品出貨(如博達),亦可能根本沒出貨,以虛假之發票及資金的流動製造銷貨之假象(如皇統)。 2.企業於舞弊期間之警訊,則以營業項目及融資項目之變化最為明顯。前者包含企業於舞弊期間銷貨予關係人之比率異常增加,或外銷比率或外銷地區經年改變,亦可能主要客戶及供應商交易情形(如銷貨金額占總銷貨淨額百分比)變化大;後者則包含公司規模小,卻發行ECB,且發行條件異常(如閉鎖期過短),或該公司於舞弊期間之海外存款之比率異常增加。 3.針對虛偽銷貨會計師查核程序之規劃,則應先辨認出關係人,再規劃辨認異常物流狀況之查核程序。 / In recent years, management fraud in financial statements has been occurred in Taiwan. These reporting frauds were often related to fictitious sales, and then covered the frauds in other ways. Prior studies examined that auditors have higher risk of litigation when the fraud type is fictitious transactions. Auditors are more likely to be sued when the financial statement frauds are of a common variety, and then higher risk of managing the firms. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the patterns of fraud schemes used by management to perpetrate and conceal fraud and finds out the proper audit procedure of fictitious sales to decline the risk of litigation. After a series case-by-case analysis and questionnaire investigation, it can be concluded as follows: 1.The patterns of fraud schemes in fictitious sales used by management are selling the inventories to related parties. For instance, managements may transact the same inventories between related parties(勁永), sell the fake products(博達), or they might create fake documents such as fake purchase orders, fake invoices and fake shipping documents to conceal fictitious sales(皇統). 2.The most common implication of financial statement fraud is operating and financing activities. The former includes the increasing rate of transaction between the management and related party or varieties of overseas sales and areas with sales aboard; the latter contains the small-sized-firms issued ECB with abnormal conditions, and abnormal increasing ratio of overseas deposit during the fraud. 3.The audit procedure of fictitious sales, we should find out the related parties, and then draw up the audit procedure of indentifying abnormal transaction.

會計師事務所審計人員對衍生性金融商品財務報導與查核能力之研究 / A study on auditors' cognition and audit ability on derivative financial instruments in Taiwan

李希道, Lee, Hsi-Tao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是探討會計師事務所審計人員對衍生性金融商品(DFI)的財務報導與查核能力,並分析可能影響此項能力的因素。另一目的則是希望探討審計人員對財務會計準則公報第二十七號的意見及看法,以及對這號公報的瞭解程度。本研究以問卷為蒐集資料的工具,在139份回收的問卷中,只有24位審計人員不知道什麼是DFI,約有九成的審計人員認為查核含有從事DFI交易公司之財務報表之審體審計風險較沒有從事此類交易的公司高。造成審計人員對DFI財務報導的認知程度差異的原因,經統計檢定後,有下列幾項: (1) 審計人員在事務所擔任的職位, (2) 審計人員認定衍生性金融商品的能力,以及 (3) 審計人員是否曾經查過衍生性金融商品。 造成審計人員對DFI財務報導查核能力差異的原因經統計檢定後,有下 列幾項: (1) 事務所的規模, (2) 審計人員之最高學歷, (3) 審計人員是否已取得會計師資格, (4) 審計人員在事務所擔任的職位, (5) 審計人員認定衍生性金融商品的能力, (6) 審計人員對衍生性金融商品的熟悉程度,以及 (7) 審計人員是否曾經查過衍生性金融商品。 審計人員是否曾查核過DFI並不會影響其對第二十七號公報的熟悉程度。此外,約三成的審計人員認為「各類商品之財務風險」與「商品之公平市價」是其依照此號公報查核DFI時最難決定之項目。至於審計人員如何驗證客戶在財務報表上所揭露關於DFI的公平價值,約各有三成的審計人員取得之方式為「採用公開市場之成交價」、「向銀行詢價」。 值得注意的是,在瞭解第二十七號公報的審計人員當中,只有約半數認為依照第二十七號公報揭露DFI,能幫助閱表者評估風險;同樣地,也只有半數的審計人員認為第二十七號公報能對他們在查核DFI時提供更明確的指引。審計人員是否曾經查核過DFI不會影響他們對這兩個問題的看法。 / In this study, the author investigated the degree of auditors' cognition and audit ability on derivative financial instruments (DFI) in Taiwan and he studied some factors that might affect these abilities. Besides, the author also investigated auditors' opinions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 27 in ROC. The author used questionnaire as a tool in gathering data. Factors that might affect auditors' cognition of DFI are as follows: (1) The current job position of auditors. (2) The auditors' abilities to recognize DFI. (3) The auditors' experiences of auditing DFI. Factors that might affect auditors' audit ability of DFI are as follows: (1) Firm size. (2) The highest education auditors received. (3) Whether they have got CPA license. (4) The current job position of auditors. (5) The auditors' abilities to recognize DFI. (6) The auditors' experiences of auditing DFI. (7) The extent of auditors' familiarity toward DFI. Auditors' opinions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 27 in ROC can be concluded as follows: (1) Only half of the auditors who understand this statement think it can help them to audit DFI related disclosures. (2) Whether auditors have audited DFI doesn't affect the extent of auditors' familiarity toward DFI. (3) "Financial risk" and " fair value of DFI" are two of the most difficult items to decide when auditors audit DFI.

資料倉儲及資料採礦在內部稽核運用之研究 -以台灣某電子業集團公司為例 / Study of Data Warehousing and Data Mining in Internal Auditing on Group Company of Electronic Industry in Taiwan

黃乙玲, Huang, I Ling Unknown Date (has links)
近年來海內外企業舞弊的新聞層出不窮,面對公司不斷發生的舞弊案件,必須思考、研究如何改變傳統稽核方法與工具,消極目的在協助董監事評估內控制度是否持續有效,積極目的在於執行舞弊專案稽核,進而強化公司之控制環境,逐步達到事前分析舞弊行為徵兆之可能。 本研究擬就資料倉儲之導入,建構個案集團公司內部稽核專屬資料倉儲,及藉由資料採礦分析軟體運用分析研究,挖掘出有價值的稽核元件知識;進一步完善持續性稽核的運作環境;為本研究動機所在。本研究將以跨全球經營之個案電子業集團公司為研究對象,從資料倉儲及資料採礦導入工作執行過程及內部稽核作業實際程序及分析結果加以研究,以下列議題進行相關分析探討: 議題一、個案電子業集團公司資料倉儲導入過程探討及成果分析 議題二、個案電子業集團公司導入資料採礦於內部稽核作業之運用分析 本研究較傳統單一議題或產業研究更具廣度,進而對更多在多面向內控舞弊查核議題上有興趣更深入探討的研究者,提供一個參考意見與研究方向。而以個案集團公司導入資料倉儲及資料採礦對內控循環作業中所涉及之集團內常見舞弊高風險交易作業(如:圍標、拆單等)的成果分析,廣泛運用於集團眾多事業群處及作業系統資料庫,是為本研究較為特殊之貢獻。 本個案研究係採取實地稽核作業實施方式,驗證資料倉儲及資料採礦導入分析結果。並歸納出多面向內控循環作業之舞弊查核、形成以風險評估為基礎之稽核計畫、專案舞弊查核結果再強化資料倉儲及資料採礦元件技術等研究結論。 / There is a competitive circumstance for all companies to face how to survive in the world, it includes the opening the marketing, competing with others, preventing from the internal fraud …and so on. Here is a study for the board of directors to focus on how to execute the internal auditing program to make everything perfect under control. To review lots of the prevailing fraud cases in past, a company must have its own opinions to adjust the suitable auditing program and to adopt the accurate detecting processing in order to strengthen the controlling power and narrow down the risk in advance. This study is how to establish the data input and then retrieve the useful information for further analysis based on the mega data bank in the prevailing system of one of public electronic companies in Taiwan. A company engages in the research and development of products, they can, pursuant to their need, add the research and development circle, including the control operation for the basic research, the design of products, the research of technology, the making and testing of products, the research/ development information, and the recording and storage of information in system. There are two main factor issues for further discussion and break it down as the following--- (1) The investigation on the practical data input and the analysis by the result (2) How to retrieve the data for the internal auditing purposes This subject study is different from the same case of the past in the electronic industry in Taiwan. If you scrutinize the details of this report, you will find out lots of fraud cases in the company and the accurate auditing program taken for each of them. There are very interesting and ambitious directions for the public people to consider and investigate in order to fit it in their own industries in future. There are lots of frauds happened in the progressing of the global biding or local biding. You are able to detect the fraud by the internal control points through the data analysis from the prevailing computer system. The result in group biding or separating biding, those activities are existed under controlled by the certain people for benefit themselves. This is a true case happened in Taiwan. The internal auditor of this company would adopt the appropriate auditing progressing by verifying the data warehousing and data mining. A service enterprise’s internal audit unit shall, based on the results of the fraud detecting, the risk assessment, to renew the auditing plan stipulated and designed by the subjected factor into the book.

相同會計師查核關係人交易雙方對負債資金成本之影響 / The Effect of Same Auditor Auditing Both Sides of Related Party Transactions on Cost of Debt

賴彥均 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係探討關係人交易雙方是否委任相同會計師進行查核,對企業負債資金成本之效果。本文以企業利息費用除以平均帶息負債衡量企業之負債資金成本,企業之關係人交易部分則分成關係人銷貨交易、關係人進貨交易、關係人應收款、關係人應付款等四類型交易,來討論關係人交易與企業負債資金成本之關聯,接著將各類型關係人交易再細分成由相同會計師查核關係人交易雙方與由不同會計師查核關係人交易雙方兩類,以檢驗相同會計師查核對於企業負債資金成本之影響。 研究結果發現關係人交易與企業負債資金成本之關聯並無統計上之顯著性。然將關係人交易進一步拆分為是否由相同會計師查核關係人交易雙方後,關係人進貨交易與關係人銷貨交易等兩類型交易若由相同會計師查核交易雙方,其相較於不同會計師查核能夠有效減緩企業負債資金成本增加之情形。 / This study examines the effect of same auditor auditing both sides of related party transactions (RPTs) on cost of debt. In this study, cost of debt is measured using interest expenses divided by average interest bearing debt and we hand collect from annual reports the data of the four common types of RPTs: sales to related parties, purchases from related parties, accounts receivable from related parties and accounts payable to related parties. For the four types, we further split RPTs into RPTs whose involved sides are audited by the same auditor and RPTs whose involved sides are audited by different auditors. We do not find any evidence that RPTs are associated with cost of debt. However, we find that for sales to related parties and purchases from related parties, RPTs whose involved sides are audited by the same auditor are associated with cost of debt less strongly than RPTs whose involved sides are audited by different auditors. Our results suggest that same auditor auditing can mitigated the detrimental effect of RPTs on cost of debt.


李文芬, Lee,Wen-fen Unknown Date (has links)
公司因應「企業全球化」趨勢,追求全球資源最佳配置下,交易大多在集團內部進行。透過移轉訂價政策,作為集團企業間關係人交易價格的制定依據。 此趨勢之下,我國集團企業間關係人交易採用移轉訂價政策的情況為何?本研究以我國上市櫃公司之集團企業為研究對象,探討分析移轉訂價查核準則實施對我國集團企業間移轉訂價制定因素之影響,並彙整我國集團企業對移轉訂價查核準則規範內容的意見。 一、我國集團企業移轉訂價政策之運用現況及考量因素: 1、目前僅有五成的集團企業有建立明確移轉訂價政策作為關係人交易訂價的依據:公司規模愈大、對外投資期間愈長、關係人交易總額愈多、而關係企業家數在5家以下的集團企業,採用比例也愈高。 2、以移轉訂價查核準則規範之「可比較未受控價格法」及「成本加價法」之傳統交易基礎法採用為多。整體租稅負擔並非主要考量因素,各國移轉訂價法令規定及我國財務會計準則公報第六號規定為最主要的因素。規模越大、關係企業家數越多、越重視法令規定的企業,採用交易基礎移轉訂價法的機率愈高。惟,綜合集團整體內外經濟因素加以考量時,則偏向利潤基礎法。 二、我國集團企業受移轉訂價查核準則影響及意見: 1、透過組織管理架構的調整,將關係人交易價格的重心轉為事前規劃,進而考量移轉訂價稽查之因應。 2、目前我國集團企業多數認為準則並無不合理且頗具可行性。 / With the trend of globalization, companies use global resources to pursue best interest of the group enterprises as a whole within related party transactions. Through the transfer pricing policy, conglomerates can determine the prices for transactions between related parties. This study uses the conglomerate enterprises of Listed and OTC companies in Taiwan as questionnaire samples. The study analyses the impact of implement action of Taiwan transfer pricing regulations on conglomerate enterprises and the factors of transfer pricing among the conglomerates in Taiwan. The results of the research are as follows: 1.Nowadays, only 50% of the conglomerates in Taiwan establish a stated transfer pricing policy in determining the prices for transactions between related parties. We also focus that the larger size, the longer time of investment and the great investment amount, the higher proportion to adopt the transfer pricing policy. 2.The conglomerates in Taiwan tend to “The Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method” and “The Cost Plus Method” . The groups do not regard world-wide tax burden as an important factor, rather they emphasize more on the other countries’ transfer pricing regulations and financial accounting standards No.6 as the main factors. 3.The larger size, the more related companies, and paying more attention to regulations, the higher probability of transaction-based transfer pricing method. When the comprehensive internal and external economic factors are considered, the conglomerate companies tend to adopt profit-based transfer pricing method. 4.Through the adjustment of the organizational structure, and planning the price for transactions between related parties in advance, the conglomerate enterprises take tax audit into account. 5.Most of conglomerates in Taiwan regard the criteria of Taiwan transfer pricing regulations as rational and feasible at present.

關鍵查核事項與會計師事務所特性 / The Relationship between Key Audit Matters and Audit Firm Characteristics

陳品芊 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討關鍵查核事項與會計師事務所特性之關聯性。其中,會計師事務所特性係指其獨立性與專業能力,並分別以任期與產業專家衡量之。   本文實證研究結果如下:其一,主查會計師之任期對關鍵查核事項幾無影響。其二,產業專家會計師事務所與關鍵查核事項之數量及品質僅有部分試驗呈正相關。其三,產業專家主查會計師其對關鍵查核事項之數量及品質均有正面影響。   在增額測試的部分,結果如下:其一,對產業專家主查會計師而言,任期對關鍵查核事項有正面效果。其二,會計師事務所與主查會計師俱為產業專家的會計師對關鍵查核事項之正面影響力大於僅有會計師事務所為產業專家的會計師。最後,會計師的專業能力使其更有能力以簡明扼要的文字呈現關鍵查核事項。 / The objective of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between key audit matters (KAMs) and audit firm characteristics. In this study, audit firm characteristics are focused on their independence and ability, and are measured by tenure and industry expertise, respectively. The empirical results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, lead partners tenure has little effect on KAMs. Secondly, partial evidence is found on the association between firm-level industry specialist auditors and KAMs. Thirdly, partner-level industry specialist auditors have positive effects on both the quantity and quality of KAMs. In further examinations, the results are as follows. Firstly, tenure has positive effects on KAMs when the auditors are partner-level industry specialist. Secondly, industry experts at both firm- and partner-levels have stronger positive effects on KAMs then industry experts at firm-level alone. Lastly, auditors’ capacity allows them to present KAMs more concisely.


周秀美 Unknown Date (has links)
當今社會經濟資源的流通體系中,證券市場是十分重要之機制,當投資人於證券市場將其資金挹注於經營體質良好之公司,所產生的連動效果將有助於整體經濟的蓬勃發展。被投資公司之財務報表以及財務報表衍生的各類分析,是投資人決策過程中極為重要的參考資訊,亦是被投資公司檢視自我財務狀況及經營成果的主要依據,從而產生由會計師進行查核簽證等需求,期藉由會計師之獨立性及專業審核,合理確認財務報表是否允當表達。  然而近年來國內外接連發生多起重大財務舞弊案件,廣大投資人及債權人直接蒙受其害,財務報表編製者、公司高階主管與簽證會計師之專業能力和職業道德備受質疑,尤其是位居專家立場,為財務報表之允當表達與否背書的會計師,更是成為眾矢之的,主管機關亦即刻就證券交易法、會計師法等相關法令進行修正,加重會計師法律責任成為報章雜誌一再出現的主題。   關於財務報表真實性之確保,會計師之簽證職能雖被賦予極高的期待,惟財務報表供應鍊整體尚包括公司管理階層、監察人、準則制定者、主管機關等,倘能就所有環節進行個別審視檢討,進而就供應鍊整體加以綜合規劃,對於建立證券市場健全的資訊公開體系,當能提供更完整而根本之助益。   本文首先說明財務報表於證券市場資訊公開體系中之定位,包括財務報表之主要內容與功能,以及進行編製、查核簽證時所應遵循之法令規範;次則就財務報表不實之意義及案例、法院判決進行探討,並介紹相關研究報告之主要內容;接著說明證券市場監理法制對於財務報表不實之防制體系,包括自律與他律機制對於確保財務資訊真實性之規範,其中由於會計師簽證係證券市場監理法制中,確保財務資訊真實性之最基本要求與第一道防線,因而另以會計師為法律責任探討主體,下分行政責任、對投資人以及委託查核客戶之民事責任、刑事責任、對受查公司追究法律責任之可行性等,依序說明現行規範及新近修法概況;最後關於財務報表內容存在不實情事時,現行法令中已納入規範之責任主體,包括有價證券發行人、證券商、發行人之職員、主辦會計人員、會計師及其他專門技術人員等,就其所應負之行政、民事、刑事責任本文以表格方式整理列示,期就財務報表不實法律責任之現行法令構成體系,作一整體檢視,並試加探討建議。


張祐康, Chang, Patrick Yowkang Unknown Date (has links)
大多數關於企業併購的研究焦點著重於財務考量、人力資源管理或併購案之操作及流程管理,而本論文嘗試以整合性的方式,討論併購案之所有重要面向,包括許多被忽略的主題,例如:企業變革和重整、商業策略、工業關係、無形資產鑑價等。 / Most researches on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) focus on financial matters, human resource management, or the operation and process management of the deal. This thesis tries to bring together all the essential elements of each domain, including subjects that are often overlooked or treated superficially by others, under an integrated aspect. Factors including corporate change and reorganizing, business strategy, industrial relations, assumptions-driven planning, entrepreneurship, post-merger integration, business alliances, deal structuring and strategies, financial modeling and simulation, and valuing intangible assets such as intellectual properties are integrated into a feasible model from the perspective of due diligence. Practical examples and contemporary business cases and figures in the Western world are used for analyzing how mergers and acquisitions can be successful with win-win solutions through due diligence. Five real cases excerpted from three Taiwan high tech companies are examined in their M&A activities and are discussed as a series of interdependent movements in which each activity actually occurs. Suggestions and implementation are then proposed. While intended for reference of companies in pursuit of mergers and acquisitions, this thesis also aims to have broader application for market appeal in both executive development and training programs. For those who are hoping to become or who are actively pursuing careers as financial analysts, chief financial officers, corporate treasurers, operating managers, investment bankers, business brokers, portfolio mangers, investors, as well as corporate development and strategic planning managers, this thesis and referred literatures can work as handy and useful references. Bank loaners, venture capitalists, business appraisers, actuaries, government regulators and policy makers, and entrepreneurs will also be the beneficiaries of the study.

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