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期貨契約之屏障功能及其會計處理之研究楊雪絹, YANG, XUE-JUAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係研究期貨契約(Futures Contracts )屏障(Hedge )價格及利率風險之功
第一章 緒論。說明本論文寫作之動機、目的、限制及研究方法。
第二章 探討期貨契約及期貨市場之發展、性質及期貨價格之習性,並對重要名辭加
第三章 介紹屏障功能之性質、理論、風險及其有效性分析,並舉例說明。
第四章 介紹美國財務會計準則委員會第八十號會計準則發布始未,及期對期貨契約
第五章 結論。綜合以上各章之討論,做一總結,並提出適當建議。
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俄羅斯戰略火箭軍裁併之研究陳建志, CHEN, JIAN-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
在謝爾蓋耶夫與克瓦什寧激烈的政治鬥爭結束後,最後的贏家克瓦什寧終於如願以償,將戰略火箭軍予以裁併,由軍種單位降為兵種單位。不過俄羅斯的戰略武力仍然將在未來扮演極具影響力的角色。 / The purpose of the thesis is to attempt to analyze the factors that exert great impact on the reduction of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces(SMF) in status from a separate branch of service to a separate command from the perspective of Kremlin politics and Strategy of Deterrence.
This thesis takes the position that the SMF has been reduced by two main motives:
First, the attitude of the Russian army and domestic political struggle has forced the Russian government to adjust its military doctrine.
Due to Yeltsin failing to set up a well-organized and efficient system for foreign and national security policy decision-making, so the struggle between the key ministries involved in foreign and security policy- the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the National Security Council, the Defense Council, the State Military Inspectorate- was hard. And in some political crises, such as the bloody event of Oct. 1993, the presidential election in 1996, and the crisis in Chechnya, Yeltsin needed army to defeat the counterforces. The Russian army has became more influential in politics. As a result, the decision-making process has been chaotic and confused, and various bureaucratic players have often been able to impose their their own special interests on the security policy agenda.
Second, the worsening geopolitical situation has brought about considerable resistance to the military reform.
In order to keep minimum strategic balance with the United States, ensure its national interest and international status and settle local wars or military conflicts caused by religion and ethnic conflicts within Russia’s own territory and Commonwealth of Independent States, some officials like Yuri Skokov and Igor Sergeyev advocated maintaining a strong nuclear deterrent force, especially the prominent role for the SMF. The president was likely to face considerable resistance to the reform. Owing to the current financial constraints on defense spending, Yeltsin and Putin carried out a purge of army officers who were against arms reduction.
After the hard political struggle between Igor Sergeyev and Anatoliy Kvashnin, the winner- Kvashnin demanded the SMF must be reduced in status from a separate branch of service to a separate command. But the Russian strategic force will still play influential role in the near future.
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應用資料採礦技術於資料庫加值中的誤差指標及模型準則 / ERROR INDEX AND MODEL CRITERIA FOR VALUE- ADDED DATABASE IN DATA MINING包寶茹 Unknown Date (has links)
運用資料來幫助企業做出正確且適當的政策是一個存在已久的觀念,在傳統統計上我們通常會將拿到的資料庫直接去作分析,然而對資料採礦(Data Mining)來說,常面臨資料不夠的瓶頸,亦導致資料庫的價值往往不夠。若,我們能利用調查的樣本,推估出目標資料庫中所欠缺的欄位在調查樣本中與其它欄位的關係,便可回推至目標資料庫將原本所欠缺的欄位補齊,將資料庫加大,亦即資料加值(value-added),那麼,未來要用到這些欄位來分析資料時只要抽樣進行分析即可,如此,也可有效降低企業的成本支出或浪費。
關鍵詞:資料採礦、資料加值、誤差指標、模型準則、相似性 / In recent years, the application of data mining has received good credits and acceptances from a variety of industries such as the finance industry, the insurance industry, and the electronics industry and so on for its success in extracting valuable information translated to opportunities from the database.
Database value-added is a new idea not yet fully mature. Its applications on the different databases will have different effect, therefore, the goal of this research is to find the valid and accountable model criteria as a mean to determine if the added columns make any improvement to the database, hence the overall results in terms of predictions. After selecting the model based upon its appropriateness to the data type, we applied the error index and model criteria to evaluate for the performance of the model, if the model has accurately predicted the added-value column. The criterion used in this research is RMSE for the continuous data type and F-value for the discrete data type. Our findings in this research support our attempts that the error index and model criteria used in this research do give us an accountability measure in determining the reliability of adding the columns to the database.
Keywords: Data mining, Database value-added, Database, Error index, Model criteria
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美國財務會計準則60與97號公報對壽險公司財務報表之影響錢振琪, Chien, Penny Unknown Date (has links)
本論文認為;現在國內既存新舊保險公司營運方式不同,保險財務複雜度高。國內保險公司引用美國會計準則雖可改善目前缺失,但必須作全面周全考量。顧全業者立場,考慮可能之衝擊,配合監理機關與實務可行性,持續進行,方能獲得最佳成效。 / Finance and Accounting reports have the function of providing business managers financial information. Through analysis and consolidating of this information the managers may make sound decisions in business operations. A company without sound finance and accounting management usually won’t last for long. Due to its complicated operation methodology, and the great impact to social security, life insurance industry is often under high degree supervisory of government in every country. In Taiwan there is no exclusive insurance accounting principles, as a result, the government supervisory unit and life insurers can’t have a standardized financial reporting to reflect their operation result truly, nor can they effectively achieve supervisory objectives or prevent the potential risks which insurers face.
Developed countries such as U. S. has the Financial Accounting Standards Board, (FASB) raises many times related guidelines of US insurance industry’s accounting principles. For example in 1982 the Board raised FAS 60, and FAS 97, FAS 113 in later days. Such guidelines of insurance accounting principles are sufficient for the business operations needs.
This paper is developed based on the Taiwan life insurance accounting process principles and US related financial accounting guidelines, taking the financial reports of one insurer as example, to calculate the variance under two different sets of accounting regulations. Our finding is, unlike the US accounting system which is based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, (GAAP) and Statutory Accounting Principle, (SAP), Taiwan’s life insurance accounting system, underlying assumptions are not clear enough, as well as the concept of adapting Statutory accounting (or supervisory accounting), makes our financial reports not able to present the real operating results of life insurers. As a result our accounting system fails to align with international practices.
This paper suggests that, In Taiwan there are both newly set up insurers and insurers established for long time, while their business models are different, under the complicated insurance. Applying the US accounting principles may improve certain defects, however we must make comprehensive assessment, balance the insurers’ view, consider possible impact, comply with supervisory unit, and feasibility of practice, then implement consistently to obtain the best effects.
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衍生性金融商品對台灣銀行業經營效率之影響分析方麗菁 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用三階段之DEA經濟效率分析民國93年至民國96年46家臺灣本國銀行的表現,其中第二階段依Fried et al. (1999)所示,利用Tobit迴歸將可能的外部環境因素排除,本文特色為在此階段考慮臺灣於民國95年甫正式上路之財務會計準則第34號公報及其對金融資產,特別是衍生性金融所造成的影響。本文發現:經二階段調整後效率值確有顯著的差異,故壞帳、公民營、衍生性商品使用程度、分行數等非內部經營管理所能掌握因素排除後,效率值確實改變;且衍生性商品使用程度,以各銀行衍生性金融商品名目本金除以總資產以為衡量之,將此一外在環境制度因素加入第二階段TOBIT分析,結果顯示其確實顯著的影響資本資金及投入等三項差額變數,且均為遞增關係。 / In this research we try to analyze the efficiency of Taiwan’s banking industry with multi-stage DEA approach. Following Fried et al. (1999), we exclude the environmental factors by running Tobit regressions for every input variables at the second stage. Among all existing researches focus on banking efficiency, this is the only one which take into account the effect of Accounting Standards No. 34. The new rule set up different concepts about how to disclose financial assets and derivatives properly, which may also change consumers’ behaviors. We find out that the second stage adjustments did make differences on efficiency scores. Also the usage of derivatives are proved to be significantly and positively related to three input slake variables.
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醫療糾紛中民事過失之認定—論「醫療水準」與「醫療常規」蔡佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
我國民事侵權行為之「過失」概念,向來學者均未有深入闡釋,其等雖均認為民事法與刑事法的規範目的有異,卻仍往往援引刑法第14條過失的定義加以適用。在民事侵權行為「過失」概念欠缺其應有的獨立內涵之情形下,法院實務上的操作更因此勝敗兩異,喧騰一時的玻璃娃娃案 即為一例。而民事侵權行為「過失」概念不明確,不僅在一般的侵權行為案件中,造成法院實務操作困難,在專業的醫療訴訟中,也出現了法官嘗試用不明確的「過失」概念去決定一個陌生的專業領域有無過失的不適當。
本文所要討論的是關於法院能否審酌「醫療常規」合理性的問題,在美國法的發展上,有著名的Helling v. Carey案,法院以醫師所遵行的醫療常規對於該案原告的保護並不足夠,認為被告醫師主張已經遵行醫療常規而無過失,並不可採,Helling案之後法院一度有支持Helling Rule的判決實務,但是後續發展卻都一面倒地採取與Helling Rule不同的看法,甚至有指出Helling案的法院嘗試去審酌醫療常規是相當不可採的作法;而在我國法上,也出現了相對應的」台安醫院維他命事件,被告醫師也同樣以其已經遵行醫療常規的作法主張其並無過失,但對於醫療常規是否可採,法院在來來回回七個審級間也如同美國法的發展上有一度地掙扎,本案雖未確定,但在更二審即最末次事實審時,法院明確地指出醫師依其經驗與專業知識以及醫療常規的作法而行為,對於不可預見的風險並不負過失責任。
本文以為Helling Rule雖然在美國判例法的討論上都是指稱醫師不能以其已遵行醫療常規主張其行為並無過失,但是從Helling案的個案事實觀察,可以發現Helling案的法院其實並非真正去審酌醫療常規的合理性,相反地,Helling案法院主要指摘的是醫師在病患將近十年的看診期間,均未善盡其應有的注意義務,為病患作進一步的檢查,只一昧地以醫療常規的作法為病患診療,但經過十年的期間,病患之病症均未有改善,任何一般人都會警覺到常規的作法已不適用,醫師未盡注意義務顯然,應認為有過失。也就是Helling案的法院是針對其個案的情況闡述法院固應尊重醫療常規,但是醫療常規在適用上仍應依個案不同情形有所考量。我國的台安醫院維他命事件,也是我國法院對於應尊重醫療常規的表示。
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觸控產業行銷策略之探討-以台灣、大陸及日本觸控廠商為例吳誌雄, Wu, Nelson Unknown Date (has links)
而水平多角化廠商則是採取比較特殊的行銷評估準則,將產品定位列為最重要的行銷評估準則。強調可以整合現有客戶端的觸控既有的產品規格與水平多角化觸控廠商的產品作一定程度的結合,以建立廣義的產品專屬資產。 / This research to Taiwan, China and Japan of touch panel industry for research of object, according to Professsor Jyh-Shen Chiou (2010) proposed of 4C strategic marketing as theory of schema, and according to AHP analysis model, will analylze the object and criteria for marketing target, and while started assessment to different of touch panel industry including professional touch panel manufacturers, vertical integration manufacturer and horizontal diversification manufacturers to made 4C overall and the individual cross compared matrix of analysis together with the assessment guidelines of relative weight, To serve as an effective marketing strategy formulation, overall touch panel industry and professional touch manufacturers in the higher weight and consistency of 4C marketing perspective, marketing strategies using the sequence (from large to small) are as follows: cost of moral hazard(C3), cost of specific asset(C4), unit cost/utility(C1), and cost of information search(C2). The weight of individual manufacturers guidelines for assessing types of marketing analysis, benevolence , reduce the total cost, and product specific asset are the highest weight of assessment criteria. Especially the whole touch panel industry recognizes benevolence as the most important assessment criteria level. Horizontal diversification manufacturers are quite special to keep product positioning as the most important marketing assessment criteria.
In addition, the professional touch manufacturers attach considerable importance to honor its contractual commitments (can do) and increasing utility of the buyer. Attention to honor its contractual commitments is mainly because of the high customer specifications, to undertake to fully meet the customer's requirements or exceed our customers ' expectations, which had obvious help for future long-term cooperation.
Vertical-integration manufacturers are particularly strengthened with customers to establish an effective personnel specific asset because this type of firms mainly extends on both LCD partnership, again increasing cooperation between the touch panel, a major marketing strategy can build on existing senior management staff between exclusive is the most effective.
Horizontal diversification manufacturers are taking product positioning as the most important marketing assessment criteria to establish a broad product-specific assets.
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備供出售金融資產未實現損益之價值攸關性-以我國上市櫃銀行及金融控股公司為例 / Value relevance of unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities: example of listed bank and financial holding companies in Taiwan羅雅馨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用Sloan(1996)架構,以Mishkin(1983)測試市場效率性,欲探討備供出售金融資產未實現損益(以下簡稱未實現損益)之價值攸關性,研究結果如下:盈餘預測模式(earning forecasting model)顯示,從未實現損益之變化觀察出金融控股公司似乎有Shefrin and Statman(1985)處分效果(即當期備供出售金融資產未實現利益會於下一期實現,增加下期備供出售金融資產已實現利益),因此當期未實現利益能預測下一期盈餘,而銀行業則無處分效果,其未實現損益不具預測性;合理定價模型(rational pricing model)顯示,只有金控公司未實現損益對異常報酬率達到邊際(10%)顯著,且異常報酬率為隔年六月至後年五月的累積異常報酬率(CAR)與購買並持有報酬率(BHAR)才存在此現象,而不管是銀行業或是整體樣本來看,未實現損益並未被合理定價;結合二個模型測試市場效率性,發現備供出售金融資產未實現損益不具市場效率性,而金融工具評價損益則具有市場效率性。 / This study investigates the value relevance of unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities(hereinafter “UAFS”) by adopting the framework of Sloan(1996) and using Mishkin Test(1983) to examine the market efficiency. The reults are as follows: The earnings forecasting model shows that financial holding companies’ UAFS is predictive of one-year-ahead earnings. It seems that the change of UAFS of financial holdings consists with the theory of disposition effect of Shefrin and Statman(1985) which suggests that investors tend to realize the gains of securities in the next period while hold loss securities. Therefore, it is likely that UFAS could forecast next period earnings of financial holding companies. The rational pricing model shows that only UAFS of financial holdings are rationally priced with marginal significance through abnormal returns (CAR and BHAR) for the period beginning five months after the firm’s fiscal year-end through the fifth month after the next fiscal year-end, whereas the coefficients of banks or all sample are insignificant. Combinig with the two models to test market efficiency, this study finds that unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities are inefficient while the valuation gains and losses on financial instruments are efficient.
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會計準則之制訂-規則基礎與原則基礎之探討 / Accounting standards setting-Rules-based versus principles-based許校唐, Hsu, Hsiao-Tang Unknown Date (has links)
會計準則是財務報導相關人員在形成、理解與運用會計資訊時必須遵循的特定標準,本研究乃由規範理論出發,以法實證主義的觀點來分析會計準則的制訂過程,並配合法學上對規則與原則的區別理論,對規則基礎與原則基礎之會計準則進行探討。以往會計學界研究準則制訂模式的議題,爭論規則基礎與原則基礎制度之優劣時,多以美國一般公認會計原則(US GAAP)與國際會計準則(IAS/IFRS)為規則式與原則式會計準則之代表,並集中心力探討不同制度下可能造成的影響、所具備的不同特徵與如何發展相對應的配套措施等議題,甚少針對不同規範模式的形成原因或理論基礎進行說明。本研究認為,準則制訂者對規範理念與精神在看法上的差異,是影響會計準則制訂模式偏向以規則或原則為基礎的主要原因,而無論採用何種規範模式,只要能對準則的內容建立起合乎規範理念的理解,進而發展適當的配套措施,則不同的制度都能夠達到會計理論所追求的理想目標。
本篇論文共分為六章,第一章為研究動機與目的,對規範理論運用於會計領域的想法做簡單陳述。第二章探討規範的概念,對規範的基本定義與分類做說明,同時採用德國學者Kelsen所提出的「規範之一般理論」來觀察會計準則的制訂過程,並基於會計學的定義,對該理論進行調整,以連結規範本體與其背後的精神與理念。第三章分析會計準則的理念,基於會計主導利益分配之功能,此處遂由公平理論出發,區分美國一般公認會計原則(US GAAP)與國際會計準則(IAS/IFRS)在理念上的差異,分別是「公平表達的概念」及「真實與公平觀點」,並指出規範理念的不同,是導致規範模式出現區別的最重要原因。第四章以美國的會計制度為代表,介紹規則基礎會計準則之特性與影響,並整理學術界支持延續此套制度的理由。第五章探討原則基礎會計準則,一方面以國際會計準則(IAS/IFRS)為代表,討論實務上的運作情形,一方面以美國針對此議題所發展之「目標導向會計準則」為主軸,探討此套準則制度未來的發展方向,及國際間會計準則調和之趨勢。第六章結論與建議,一方面提出本研究採用法實證主義觀點的理由,同時說明規則與原則在共識形成方面的相對性,另一方面則歸納規則與原則基礎制度的各項特徵與形成原因,並對財務報導在各階段的參與者與相關人士提出建議。 / Accounting standards are criteria for participants of financial reporting to provide, understand and apply the accounting information. They are a specific type of norms. This research takes the viewpoint from theory of norms with legal positivism to analyse the processes and modes of setting accounting standards. The general theory of norms is modified to link the ideal and content of norms as applying to the function and definition of accounting. Based on the perspective of norms and jurisprudence, the argument over rules-based and principles-based accounting standards should be connected with the dissimilarity of rules and principles in legal concept.
The ideal of norms is the key factor of a standard system. Generally, the U.S. Accounting Standards are ascribed to be rules-based system and the International Accounting Standards are principles-based. This study reviews the ideals of these systems which are the notion of ‘present fairly’ and ‘true and fair view’ and concludes that the difference between rules-based and principles-based accounting standards derives from the divergence of ideals of accounting standard setters.
In addition, this study generalises the origins, characteristics and effects of rules-based and principles-based accounting standards with the issue of international accounting convergence and the plan of long-term revolution in the U.S. system named objectives-oriented accounting standards and concludes that on the strength of modifying the explanation manner of accounting standards, people can grasp the spirit of norms and achieve the ideals of accounting theory whatever systems we introduce.
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採用IFRS對政府公債資金成本之影響 ─以英國政府為例 / IFRS Adoption in Public Sector and Cost of Debt: Evidence from UK Government劉欣靄 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,政府會計之改革為各國探討之議題,本研究探討當政府公部門財務報告採用國際會計準則編製,並且經過獨立審計機關查核後,對其發行公債之殖利率利差之影響。本研究從英國債務管理辦公室及倫敦證券交易所之資料庫,蒐集英國中央政府發行公債之資訊,以 2006 年至 2014 間有交易行為之公債為樣本,進行迴歸分析。結果顯示,公債殖利率利差與採用國際會計準則呈現顯著負相關,意即政府報表採用國際財務報導準則,會使市場投資人獲得更透明之財務資訊,而預期公債之無法償還風險降低,且更加願意投資公債。除此之外,當政府提供依國際財務報導準則編製之政府財務報告,再經過會計師查核,審計效果與殖利率利差亦呈現負相關。敏感性測試則指出,當不考慮金融危機的非常規狀況時,同樣可以顯示出相同結果。 / The reform of government accounting systems has become a trend in many countries during recent decades. This study investigates the effect on sovereign bond yield spread of adopting IFRS in government sector, and how yield spreads might be affected after financial reports are audited. Data of tradable UK sovereign bonds are collected from UK Debt Management Office and London Stock Exchange for the period of 2006-2014. Based on the results of regression analysis, the adoption of IFRS by UK governments is negatively associated with gilt bond yield spreads, which means sovereign risk is perceived to be lower by the investors after the adoption of IFRS by central government. When the IFRS-based government financial reports are audited, negative connections between audited reports and yield spreads provide further evidence that investors show higher faith in the sovereign bonds. Additionally, the results remain the same when data of 2009, an abnormal year because of world financial crisis are added back to the regression.
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