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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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十五萬人的BBS是如何煉成的:批踢踢實業坊技術演變歷程之研究(1995-2008) / How is 150000 users' BBS possible:the study of PTT 's technological change

李紹良, Li, Shao Liang Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,電子布告欄系統(Bulletin Board System,BBS)並非像美國一樣隨時間被淘汰,人數不減反增地逆勢成長,且具社會影響力。何以一項現今看來技術「落後」的純文字介面系統,仍能在台灣如此風行?何以批踢踢後來人數會成長一百五十倍,成為全國,乃至於全世界最大的BBS?造就這樣一個容納十五萬人同時在線的BBS的技術與社會條件為何?本研究採用科技的社會建構論(The social construction of Technology,SCOT)作為理論架構,透過台灣BBS發展反省既有的STS與資訊研究,並延伸與修正SCOT的理論架構。 BBS在台灣的發展是一條有別於歐美資訊發展的在地技術創新路徑。紮根於校園的BBS是台灣獨有的技術創新成就。校園一方面作為一個重要的招募及再生產機制,促使Internet BBS能在1990年代中後期快速擴張;另方面校園也成為了不同社會團體權力接合的節點(教育部-校方-站方-使用者)。 BBS站台興盛的必要條件在於是否具有較高的自主性。在有較高的自主性的前提下,「使用者─工程師」(User-Programmer)、「使用者─管理者」(User-Manager)才能為BBS帶來技術創新的可能。換言之,在較不受制於校方規制與市場左右的情況下,BBS社群才得以蓬勃發展。批踢踢經營團隊的動力源自他們同時具備重度使用者的身分;在權限上是高人一等的使用者,可依自身需求參與、實驗、改造自身涉入甚深的社群。這些活動不是迫於生計或懾於威勢,而是有別於日常生活的自發性活動,因而產生遊戲(play)的樂趣。對作為重度使用者的經營團隊來說,BBS作為一種集體記憶的載具,它是個人重要的情感連結並建構了自我認同。BBS人數的提升牽涉到的是經濟面、技術面乃至於社會面的整合。 2005年之後的批踢踢,因頻繁的網路起鬨(internet mobbing)與大眾媒體開始緊密連結,吸引更多使用者加入,同時也提升批踢踢的影響力。與新聞媒體形成的正反饋迴圈開啟了多起批踢踢爭議事件,批踢踢的所有權也成為各方社會團體相互協商(negotiation)的對象。最後所有權爭論終結(closure)在2006至2007發生的「批踢踢出走學網」事件;經此事件後,批踢踢就成為一個人數停滯(同時上線人數停在十五萬人),名義上所有權歸給台灣大學資訊系系方,狀態相對穩定的技術物。 / In Taiwan, Bulletin Board System (BBS) hasn’t been eliminated as that in the US. On the contrary, the number of BBS users is increasing aggressively, BBS users in Taiwan are gaining socail influence as well. Why does a text-based interface, a system appearing so “laggard” in today’s technology, still attract considerable Internet users and become popular in Taiwan? How does PTT(the most popular platform in Taiwan) bloom and even multiply 150 times, becoming the largest BBS nationwide or even worldwide? What are the social and technical conditions to create this magnificent BBS station for 150 thousand users on-line at the same time? This study adopts SCOT(The social construction of Technology,SCOT)as its theoretical framework, reflecting STS and iCT-study, through the development of BBS in Taiwan and trying to extend and modify the theoretical framework of SCOT. The development of BBS in Taiwan, with its local innovative technological conditions, is quitely different from that in the Western countries. On the other hand, with its crucial recruiting and reproduction mechanism based on the campus, BBS bloomed in the late 1990s. On the other hand, campus renders a connection between the power of different social groups. Relatively –high autonomy pushes through BBS’s propertiy. Under higher autonomy condition, user-programmer or user-manager model may bring in technology innovation. In other words, BBS community becomes flourishing on account of fewer restrictions from the authorities. And the managing staff in PPT, because of owning top administrative rights, can get deeply involved, experiment, and modify this social group with innovations. They have done this not for living or oppressed by the authorities, but for fun. To these core managing staff, BBS renders a vehicle, of collective emotional memory, and self-indentification. The growing number of BBS users shows the integrity of economy, technology, and society. PPT after the year 2005, because of frequent internet mobbing along with mass media, has attracted more users to join its social website and gave rise to its influence as well. People start to care about its ownership. And the closure of this issue came to an end in the event of PPT pupils exile; after that, the number of PPT users has suspended (15 thousand users at top.) Now, the ownership belongs the the Department of Information Technology and Ptt becomes a relatively stable artifact in the long run.

亞洲電子高科技設備業的經營環境探索 / Business environment of electronic high tech equipment industry in Asia

黃嘉銘, Huang, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文檢視了包含半導體、面板、發電太陽能、及發光二極體等四種在最近十五年來高科技電子設備產業於日本、韓國、中國、新加坡、馬來西亞、與印度等亞洲國家中發展的情況。文中包含針對不同高科技電子設備產業的高研發成本、高資本密集、涉及國防及國土安全的高敏感性、及以設備搭售服務的商業模式等特性,在面對亞洲國家在文化、制度、及經濟上類似但卻又不完全相同的環境時,跨國高科技電子設備商所採取因應策略的探討。 / This thesis reviews the development of four targeted high-tech equipment industries of Semiconductor, Flat Panel Display, Photovoltaic (PV) Solar, and Light Emitting Diode (LED) in Asia countries including Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and India. Business and operational strategies from individual high-tech equipment industries characterized of high R&D cost, high capital investment, trade sensitive requirement, and equipment bundling service business strategy dealing with similar but not identical cultural, institutional, and economic environment of targeted Asia countries were also reviewed.

自動駕駛車的新資訊科技角色之研究 / A study of the emerging role of information technology in the autonomous car

蔡懿安 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技(Information Technology, IT)對我們的生活與企業帶來極大的影響與改變。在企業中,資訊科技經常扮演不同的角色,這些不同的資訊科技角色(IT Role)可以自動化企業流程、支援決策制定、整合資源,甚至實現轉型與創新,對於企業的決策帶來不同層面的影響。而我們從近年來新興的資訊科技─大數據與人工智慧技術中,發現了不同於過去的新資訊科技角色。為了近一步了解這個新角色,本研究選擇人工智慧應用之一的自動駕駛車作為研究案例。本研究目的是探討自動駕駛車的資訊科技所扮演的新資訊科技角色;研究問題包含 (1) 自動駕駛車的資訊科技如何影響駕駛決策制定 (2) 在決策制定過程中,人與資訊科技分別扮演何種角色與職責。 本研究採用多個案研究法,分為兩個階段。首先,為解構資訊科技的決策制定流程,本研究依據決策理論與系統理論建構一研究架構。於文獻探討的章節中,本研究根據過往文獻與案例,提出四種企業常見的資訊科技角色─Automation、Supporter、Mentor與Enabler,並將研究架構應用於以上資訊科技角色以進行調整與驗證。接著,本研究選擇Google (Waymo)與Tesla作為自動駕駛車的研究個案,並將研究架構套用於兩個個案研發的自動駕駛車。由於不同的自動駕駛車研發理念與實現方式,Google與Tesla自動駕駛車的資訊科技分別扮演兩種不同的資訊科技角色─Autonomer與Smart Automation,本研究進一步比較所有資訊科技角色的研究架構結果,了解資訊科技角色的特性、影響與適用的決策類型。 自動駕駛的決策問題與環境與過去有極大的不同。為了實現安全的自動駕駛,資訊科技需要的資料類型更加多元,除了傳統數位類型資料,也需要收集周遭環境的3D影像等資料;另外,由於決策從過去的靜態問題轉移到動態與快速變化、擁有爆炸性資料與資訊的環境中,資訊科技需要更多的應變能力以制定更即時與適當的決策。由於資料、決策問題與環境的改變,企業對於資訊科技能力的需求也隨之改變,從自動駕駛車的個案中,本研究發現原本的資訊科技角色(Automation、Supporter、Mentor、Enabler)並不具備能應對如此動態與快速變化的決策問題與環境的能力,因而根據個案提出有能力實現動態即時決策制定的兩種新資訊科技角色。 使用人工智慧技術的Google無人駕駛車扮演著Autonomer的角色。資訊科技角色Autonomer能夠與外界進行互動,並且能夠不斷地追蹤、反饋與修正以實現自我成長;此外,面對各種駕駛決策情境,也能夠在無人為干預的情況下獨力完成駕駛決策的制定。資訊科技的學習能力是面對未知與難以預測的問題的最大優勢,而Autonomer的自我學習與決策制定能力也是與其他資訊科技角色最大的不同之處。使用大數據技術的Tesla自動駕駛車的Autopilot系統扮演著Smart Automation。資訊科技角色Smart Automation擁有更進步的資料收集與分析能力,能夠在動態與快速變化的環境中處理更為複雜的決策問題;此外,面對各種駕駛決策情境,Autopilot系統能在駕駛人保持監督的條件下進行自動駕駛以駕駛輔助的方式減輕駕駛人的負擔。最後,我們發現對於決策制定,資訊科技不僅能扮演一個完全獨立的角色,也能夠扮演一個與人互補的角色。大部分的人工智慧如同Google無人駕駛車做為一個Autonomer的角色,但同時更多企業目前使用的資訊科技屬於Supporter、Mentor與Smart Automation以支援或強化決策者的能力。 本研究探討在自動駕駛過程中不同資訊科技角色如何影響決策制定,以及駕駛人與資訊科技的角色與職責。並且從決策類型與資訊科技能力的角度,協助決策者與使用者全面地了解每個資訊科技角色的特性與適用的決策類型。此外,科技不斷在進步,本研究也提供一個了解各種資訊科技角色的基石,透過本研究的研究架構與方法,協助企業與決策者了解不同資訊科技對於決策的影響,本研究結果也能延伸應用於其他自動化、大數據與人工智慧相關領域,如無人工廠、吾人航空載具、工業4.0與金融科技(Fintech)。 / Information technology (IT) has brought great changes to people and business. In various applications, IT plays diverse roles that can automate business processes, support decision-making, integrate resources, and enable transformation and innovation and brings the impacts on different aspect of decision-making in enterprises. However, with the emerging technology of big data and artificial intelligence (AI), there is a new role for IT. To understand this role, we chose the autonomous car, an application of AI, as a study case. The objective of the research is to understand the new roles played by IT in the autonomous car. We focused on two questions: (1) how IT impacts decision-making in the autonomous car; and (2) what roles do IT and humans play during the decision-making process. This study applies a multiple case study in two phases. First, we built a conceptual framework, based on decision theory and system theory, to deconstruct the decision process of IT. To adjust and verify the framework, we applied it to actual cases and proposed IT roles of Automation, Supporter, Mentor and Enabler. Second, we applied the framework to the chosen autonomous car case studies, Google (Waymo) and Tesla, to explore the new role of IT in the autonomous car. Because of the different philosophies, there were two distinct roles played by IT in Google and Tesla’s autonomous cars, Autonomer and Smart Automation, respectively. We furthermore compared the frameworks of Google and Tesla, as well as the existing and new IT roles, explained the differences regarding the IT roles and decision types, and found out the applicable decision-making type of each IT roles.. Compared to the past, there were the great differences for the decision problems and environment of autonomous driving. To realize the safe autonomous driving, the data IT required became more diverse including non-text or non-digit data; besides, the decision-making also changed from static decision problems into dynamic and rapid decision environment with the explosive data and information that IT required more resilience to make decision. Due to the changes of the data, decision problems and environment, the demand for IT capability also changed. From the cases of the autonomous car, we found the original roles including Automation, Supporter, Mentor and Enabler was not enough – they did not possess the capability to make the dynamic and instantaneous decision. Therefore, we proposed two new IT roles – Smart Automation and Autonomer in this research that these two new IT roles which were applicable to the dynamic and instantaneous decision-making. The computer of the Google driverless car using AI technology acted as an Autonomer that was responsible for interacting with the surroundings and being self-growing with continuous tracking and adjustment; furthermore, under driving decision circumstances, this computer could assume the entire decision-making process without human intervention. The self-learning and decision-making ability of Autonomer is the characteristic most different from other IT roles; additionally, the learning ability was the greatest strength for dealing with unknown and unpredictable circumstances. The Autopilot system of the Tesla self-driving car, leveraging big data technology, acted as a Smart Automation that could process more complex decision problems in the dynamic environment with the advancement of data collection and analysis ability; furthermore, under the driving decision circumstances, the Autopilot system of the Tesla self-driving car could temporarily take over the driving control to decrease the driving burden and provide assistance to make driving easier. According to the research results, IT can not only play a totally independent role but also a complementary role. Most AI played the same IT role – Autonomer, such as the computer of the Google driverless car; meanwhile, much of the IT introduced by businesses acted as Supporter, Mentor and Smart Automation to assist and complement humans. This research provided a perspective for identifying how the different IT roles impact decision-making while driving an autonomous car and clarify the responsibility of humans and IT in the driving experience; moreover, from the perspective of decision problems and IT ability, it also provided a comprehensive and general understanding for realizing the characteristics of diverse IT roles and the applicable decision problems.

運用資料包絡分析法評量行政法人經營績效之研究-以 A 法人為例 / A Study on Performance Evaluation of the Administrative Institution by Using Data Envelopment Analysis Method – An Example of A Administrative Institution

周達敏 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,「新公共管理」及「政府再造」已蔚為世界潮流,公共政策以民意為依歸,施政方向取決於民眾的滿意度,因此績效的衡量成為提升行政績效的基礎。我國自2002年始制定科技組織績效評鑑制度,作為各研究機構訂定評估作業之參考,對研究機構評估機制的重視可見一般。A法人為以國防科技研究發展為主的研究機構,自2014年轉型為行政法人,究竟其轉型前後其經營績效如何? 乃為本研究主要動機。 本研究以A法人所屬9個單位為績效評估的對象,運用資料包絡分析法評估各研究單位之間的相對效率,分別以專業計畫支出、服務支出、用人費用及資本支出作為投入變數;以計畫產值、營業收入、專利權等三項作為產出變數,探討行政法人化對A法人績效變動情形,以瞭解績效差異的原因,並提出改善績效之建議。 經過實證研究發現,A法人轉型後整體規模提升,究其原因主要為規模效率變動所導致;此外,相對無效率單位普遍有規模效率值較純技術效率值高的情形,顯示無效率單位應提高其純技術效率,才能提高其生產效率;再者,差額變數的分析顯示,無效率單位效率不佳的原因主要為資本支出投入資源太多,及計畫產值的產出太低,由於計畫產值涉及國防兵力整備計畫及年度預算編製等因素影響,較無法透過營運管理加以控制,因此相對無效率單位應優先考慮降低資本支出等投入資源。 / Along with the conception of "new public management" and "government reengineering" thrive around the world, every country starts to negotiate about public opinions. As important roles of satisfaction of the general public, the measurement of public policies performance has become the basis for enhancing administrative performance. We had formulated a performance appraisal system for scientific and technological organizations in 2002 as a reference for evaluating research assignments by research institutes. It means that evaluation mechanism for research institutes has become the global trend. This thesis examines the impact of administrative corporation on operating performance, not only evaluating the achievement rate of organization goal, but also promoting resource utilization efficiency. In order to evaluate the performance of the administrative corporation, this study uses data envelopment analysis to evaluate the relative efficiency among research institutes. Through the empirical result, the change of scale efficiency led to an increase in the size of the organization. Moreover, the scale efficiency is generally higher than the pure technical efficiency among relatively inefficient units. We found that inefficient units should increase pure technical efficiencies to improve their productivities. Eventually, we did confirm that there are too many resources invested in capital expenditures and output value is too low. Therefore, as output value is subject to the country budget, inefficiency units should give priority to reducing capital input to improve performance.

合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習在資訊素養教育之成效評估研究 / The Effects of Web-based Inquiry-based Learning with Collaborative Reading Annotation Support on Information Literacy Instruction

陳毓婷, Chen, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究指出因為欠缺基礎數位素養,敏銳度不足造成國內學生面對大量網路訊息時,降低了過濾資訊的能力,因此建立起資訊篩選與評估的機制,培養數位閱讀能力與資訊素養,成為近幾年來熱門的議題。本研究以「閱讀知識合作標註學習系統」結合網路探究式學習,發展「合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」,期望能創新資訊素養教學,為學生找到有效提升資訊尋求能力的新方法。 研究採用準實驗研究法,以新北市某國小五年級兩班共50名學生為研究對象,進行「網路資訊評估與判斷」的主題合作探究學習,其中一班25名學生被隨機分派到採用「合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」為實驗組,另一班25名學生被隨機分派到採用「討論版工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」為控制組,以先備知識及認知風格作為背景變項,探討兩種不同學習模式的學生在學習成效、認知負荷、科技接受度與學習滿意度的影響與差異。 研究結果發現,相較於「討論版工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」,採用「合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」對於中、低先備知識者以及場地獨立型風格學生的學習成效有很大助益;不論是採用哪一種學習模式的學習者在學習中,並不會產生過大的認知負荷;而在評估科技接受度以及學習滿意度上,低先備知識的學生認為採用「合作式標註工具」比採用「討論版工具」輔助網路探究式學習的幫助更大,同時在學習滿意度也更為顯著。 最後基於研究結果,提出發揮工具的優勢發展系列推廣課程,以及延伸應用批判性思考學習對教師進行教學的建議,以及未來可深入長時間發展、探究式學習的互動歷程行為、學習遷移等相關探討與研究,希望能作為資訊素養教育推廣下,研究領域探討議題的新方向。 / The past studies have suggested that the lack of basic digital literacy and acuteness has reduced Taiwanese students’ ability to filter information when facing a vast amount of Internet information. As a result, establishing a mechanism for selecting and assessing information, as well as cultivating digital reading ability and information literacy have been the hot topics in recent years. By combing the Reading Knowledge Collaborative Annotation Tool (CAT) with the Web-based inquiry-based learning, this study has developed the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool,” hoping to innovate the information literacy instruction and find new ways to effectively improve students’ information search capabilities. In this study, a quasi-experimental study method was adopted, and 50 fifth-graders from two classes in a certain elementary school in New Taipei City were selected as the research subjects to conduct the collaborative inquiry-based learning on the theme of “Internet Information Assessment and Judgment.” Among them, 25 students from one class were randomly assigned to the experimental group of adopting the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool,” while 25 students from another class were randomly assigned to the control group of adopting the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Discussion Board Tool.” With prior knowledge and cognitive style as background variables, the influences and differences in students’ learning effectiveness, cognitive load, technology acceptance, and learning satisfaction in two different learning models were thoroughly explored. The research results found that compared to the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Discussion Board Tool,” the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool” showed much higher benefits in the learning effectiveness for students with middle and low prior knowledge and with field independence. Both of these two models produce would not produce excessive cognitive load on students during the learning process. As for the assessments on technology acceptance and learning satisfaction, students with low prior knowledge considered that the Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool was more helpful for them than the one with the Discussion Board Tool, and they also showed a higher significant level of learning satisfaction. Lastly, based on the research results, this study suggests that the advantages of the tool can be used to further develop a series of promotion courses, and the use of critical thinking learning can be extended to the teaching for teachers. Also, this study suggests that the long-term in-depth explorations of the interactive course behavior of inquiry-based learning, transfer of learning, and other relevant studies can be conducted in the future, hoping to provide as new directions of topics for the research field when promoting information literacy instruction.

應用倒傳遞類神經網路於P2P借貸投資報酬率預測之研究——以Lending Club為例 / A Study of the Application of Back-Propagation Neural Network to the ROI Forecasting in P2P Lending—A Case of Lending Club

李坤霖 Unknown Date (has links)
金融科技因為能大幅降低金融活動中的交易成本與門檻,同時打破傳統金融交易資訊不及時的情況,因此能創造以往未有的商業價值。其中P2P Lending即透過電子化技術創造交易平台媒合資金提供者與需求者的微型授信服務,因為省去傳統金融機構中介的成本,故能提升供需雙方效益。然而特殊的營運方式使資金提供者須承擔更高風險,實際上P2P Lending亦曾發生重大詐騙與倒帳事件,因此使英美中政府加強監管,相較之下,我國仍維持不納入金融監管原則,因此本研究試圖以Lending Club具有代表性的案例,提供投資者選擇投資標的的建議。 本研究搜集Lending Club自2007年至2011年42538筆已發行之借貸,在111個變數中使用 Pearson Correlation以及Information gain,並輔以文獻回顧進行變數選擇挑選22個變數。在搭配Dropout技術與透過網格搜索分析最佳化演算法、批次訓練樣本數、訓練次數等參數配置後,本研究訓練得到在測試集準確度達76%的類神經網路模型。經模擬後發現,類神經網路ROI的平均值為9.40,高於對照組7.02,經檢定驗證此差異結果可以採信,因此類神經網路能有效的給予投資人有效的投資建議。

利用Quantopian交易平台設計演算法交易策略 / Design algorithmic trading strategy by Quantopian trading platform

吳雅岩, Wu, Ya Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以全球第一個演算法交易雲端平台-Quantopian進行研究,藉由平台社群討論區內公開之演算法交易策略,透過交易策略篩選和初步優化,以演算法交易策略為投資標的,搭配不同權重策略建構投資組合。權重策略部分,本文提出適用於組合式交易策略的績效指標加權 (Performance Index Weighted) 法,應用因子投資的觀念,融合排序相關性較低、不同面向之績效指標作為報酬率驅動因子,並參考Asness et al. (2013) 以因子排序作為權重計算依據,提供了簡單直覺、非最適化求解而且穩健的加權方式,更直接地將交易策略各面向績效的優劣反應在權重上。 根據數值分析,發現組合式交易策略長期而言,整體績效表現平均優於個別演算法交易策略,最小變異、績效指標加權和均等權重投資組合的風險亦明顯低於個別交易策略,且最小變異、績效指標加權和均等權重投資組合在降低投資組合風險的同時,並未犧牲過多報酬,風險調整後績效表現優於個別交易策略。而績效指標加權投資組合之年化報酬率、風險衡量和風險調整後績效表現皆優於最小變異、平均數-變異數、均等權重的加權投資組合,此種權重策略可使投資組合之夏普比率 (Sharpe ratio) 顯著提升,且投資組合的風險大幅降低,最大跌幅 (Max drawdown) 在四年半的實驗區間內降至10%以下的水準,風險調整後績效優異。 透過Quantopian社群演算法交易平台,個人投資者也能站在巨人的肩膀上學習,集合眾人的力量,憑藉量化交易創造出和機構法人一樣具有競爭力的投資組合。如Chan (2009) 所言,個人投資者也能憑藉量化交易,設計一套演算法交易策略。 / Quantopian is a crowd-sourced hedge fund which allows members on the platform to develop their own algorithmic strategies and even get capital allocations from Quantopian. In this paper, we constructed portfolios by Quantopian trading platform and proposed Performance Index Weighted method which generate consistently profit in our study. First, we filtered algorithmic trading strategies shared on the Quantopian community and improved the performance slightly. Second, we combined multiple algorithmic strategies with varied portfolio weight method, such as minimize-variance, performance index weighted, mean-variance, and equal weighed method to construct a portfolio. To elaborate, Performance Index Weighted portfolio is actually an application of factor investing, in which the portfolio weight depends on the ranking of performance index (factors), and these index measure returns, risk, and also risk-adjusted returns, which truly reflects how well the algorithmic strategy is. As a result, we used the performance index as a return driver and invested more in well-ranked strategies directly. Performance index weighted is a simple, robust, and fully intuitively way to construct a portfolio. In numerical analysis, we found that using multiple strategies to construct a portfolio could generate better performance than a single algorithm strategy on average. Moreover, the annual returns, risk measure, and risk-adjusted returns of Performance Index Weighted portfolio turn out to be better than minimize-variance portfolio, mean-variance portfolio, and equal weighted portfolio. As a result, Performance Index Weighted portfolio has significantly higher Sharpe ratio and lower Max Drawdown (lower than 10% in our out-of-sample test) than other portfolios, which shows excellent risk-adjusted performance. Most important of all, retail traders could learn more precisely by standing on the shoulders of giants through Quantopian trading platform. Also, by collecting wisdom from the crowd, we create an opportunity for retail traders to construct competitive portfolios just as institutional investors do.

LINE的科技意會與迷思-以企業品牌年輕化歷程為例 / The Technological Sense-making and Myth of LINE usage - A study of the enterprises innovate on promoting Brand Rejuvenation with LINE

吳秉昕, Wu, Pinghsin Unknown Date (has links)
由於許多企業對於LINE在號召年輕族群的能力寄與厚望,為了釐清目前企業對於評估LINE與操作LINE的策略是否合乎年輕族群的需求,本研究將聚焦於討論最早採用LINE的企業期待透過LINE進行品牌年輕化的歷程,以企業的實戰經驗切入,剖析早期採用LINE的企業進行品牌年輕化歷程與操作策略,同時透過釐清年輕族群對於使用LINE的經驗與需求兩相對照,試圖釐清目前企業使用LINE進行品牌年輕化的做法是否正確?是否有迷思存在的可能性?若因迷思存在而造成經營策略上的偏差,企業未來該如何修正與優化? 由於意會本質上是人們對事務的主觀認知,並且是一個持續性的流程,是一種複雜且動態的觀念,因此將採用深度訪談法針對企業的相關部門成員進行歷程的研究。為呈現企業內部與外在社會環境相關的完整脈絡,本研究也會輔以消費者訪談、文獻資料法與二手資料法作為資訊搜集與驗證成效的方式。研究結果發現,個案對於透過LINE推動品牌年輕化的歷程上,確實存有許多囿於過往經驗或組織文化所形成的主觀認知,導致其對於新科技的理解與其目標族群的需求有所落差。研究結果也顯示,LINE確實能為企業接觸到年輕族群,但需要提供他們所需要的服務和資訊,才能爭取他們對品牌的認同和好感,同時與年輕族群的互動形式,相較於過往的單向式傳播,也必須因應LINE的科技特質有所調整。 / As many enterprises place great expectations in LINE’s ability to call out the youth, in order to find out whether the enterprises’ strategies in assessment and operation on LINE meeting the demand of the youth, this research looks into the experience of the first runner enterprises that promote brand rejuvenation with LINE. By introducing the real-world experience of the enterprise, this research analyzes the journey and operation strategies of rejuvenating brands by using LINE in early years. Meanwhile, by comparing the experiences and demand of using LINE among the youth, this research aims at whether the methods of rejuvenating brands by using LINE are satisfying. Does the myth really exist? If the myth does exist and bring diversified business strategies, how can the enterprises revise and improve their strategies in the future? Since sense making is people’s subjective perception of affairs by nature and it is both a persistent process and a complicated and dynamic concept, this research focuses on the experience from members of relevant departments of the enterprise by in-depth interview. To present the context of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, this research also utilizes consumer interview, documents, and literature as the main data sourses and effectiveness verification. The research results show that cases do have many subject perceptions generated from previous confined experience or organizational culture in the course of LINE’s promotion of brand rejuvenation, which gives rise to difference between the understanding of new technology and the demand of target groups. The research results also show that LINE really enables the enterprise to access to the young people, but provision of their necessary service and information is required to get their recognition and good impression of the brand. Meanwhile, the means of interaction with the youth must be adjusted according to LINE’s technological nature comparing with previous single-direction dissemination.

金融科技關鍵因素權重評比之研究 / Study of Weighting Assessment on Key Factors of Financial Technology

吳泊綝, Wu, Pau Lin Unknown Date (has links)
金融科技是當前歐美先進國家之潮流趨勢,由於資訊科技的進步,現今金融業者面對外在競爭者不再只侷限於傳統金融業者,新創科技業者也加入角逐金融服務這塊大餅,破壞式創新正在我國加速發酵中。金融科技新興商業模式的興起,涉及各個不同面向與關鍵成功因素,這些面向與關鍵因素之間的相對權重,乃是相關產業與政府部門值得深入探討的課題。 本研究旨在探討台灣金融科技關鍵因素之權重分析,藉由相關文獻的蒐集與彙整,建立層級架構,主層級架構包含四個面向:政府面向指標、業者面向指標、顧客面向指標、以及技術安全指標,藉由此四項指標整合出各項次層級之影響因素,透過層級分析法進行研究分析,整理出各項影響因素的權重排序。 本研究透過市場調查,將問卷對象分為兩類,包括專家以及學生群組,經過問卷調查後發現,不論專家或是學生群組,皆認為「技術安全指標」是金融科技發展中最重要的關鍵指標。在整體問卷實證結果中,關鍵因素之權重排序依次為:「提升消費者信賴程度」(0.0864)、「法規的鬆綁與調整」(0.0563)、「使用者身份加密機制」(0.0523)、「勒索軟體之威脅」(0.0488)、以及「殭屍病毒之威脅」(0.0475)。 不同群組的問卷對象之調查結果顯示,專家群組認為「提升消費者信賴程度」(0.1112) 以及「擴增消費者體驗」(0.0586)為前二重要的影響因子;學生群組認為「提升消費者信賴程度」(0.0630)、以及「使用者身份加密機制」(0.0575)為前二重要的影響因子。專家以及學生群組皆認為「提升消費者信賴程度」為金融科技發展中相對重要的影響因子。 / Financial technology is the current trend of the advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. Due to the progress of information technology, the current financial industry that faces the external competitors are no longer confined to the traditional financial industry, the new technology industry also joined the financial services. Disruptive Innovation is accelerating fermentation. The rise of the emerging business model of financial technology involves various different aspects and key success factors. The relative weight between these and the key factors is the subject of the relevant industries and government departments that are worthy of further study. The purpose of this study is to explore the weight analysis of the key factors of Taiwan's financial science and technology, and to establish a hierarchical structure through the collection and compilation of related literature. The main level structure includes four aspects: government-oriented indicators, industry-oriented indicators, customer orientation, and technical safety Index. Through the four indicators of the integration of the sub-level of the influencing factors, and also through the hierarchical analysis of research and analysis, it is sorted out the impact of the weight of the factors. Through the market survey, the questionnaire will be divided into two categories, including experts and student groups. It is found that regardless of the expert or student groups, both of them think that "technical safety indicators" is the most important financial technology development Key indicators. In the whole questionnaire, the key factors are ranked as follows: "Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" (0.0864), "Relaxation and adjustment of regulations" (0.0563), "User identity encryption mechanism" (0.0523)," the threat of the software " (0.0488), and "the zombie virus threat " (0.0475). The results of the questionnaires of the different groups show that the group of experts considered " Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" (0.1112) and the "Expanded Consumer Experience" (0.0586) as the first two influencing factors; the student groups consider " Consumer trust" (0.0630), and the" user identity encryption mechanism" (0.0575) for the first two important factors. Experts and students consider that "Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" for the development of financial technology is a relatively important factor.

運用文字探勘技術分析金融科技之發展與趨勢 / Applying text mining techniques to the development and trends of fintech's patent

郝紹君, Hao, Shao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
現今科技日新月異,不斷突破創新,產業環境變動的步調也越來越快,新竄出之金融科技(Finance Technology)的應用,使得許多企業越加注重技術方面的研發創新,尤其,善加運用專利資訊能有效節省研發經費與時間。因此如何有效運用專利是企業維持競爭優勢不可或缺的一環。 有鑑於此,本研究搜集近年各國專利資料庫之專利資料,將資料分為三個時期,並區分申請中與已申請之專利資料,透過文字探勘技術與機會探索分析出金融科技之發展與趨勢,了解各時期詞彙間之關聯性與差異,再搭配視覺化工具KeyGraph,以描繪出金融科技領域之相關詞彙關聯趨勢圖,挖掘未來潛在趨勢。 本研究之結果了解金融科技在各時期的趨勢發展變化與尋求脈絡,以及過去各時期之專利佈局,因而從結果中發現金融科技之發展方向主體為支付領域,許多支付科技接連出現在三個時期中。然而近幾年,其他金融領域如投資、融資、保險、資料分析等也漸漸浮出,從本研究之第三個時期的高頻字詞高達34個可看出,可見金融科技之專利發展佈局已快速從支付領域拓展至其他金融領域。本研究所挖掘出之潛在趨勢顯示了未來金融科技領域中將會有五大重點發展領域,分別為服務整合領域之雲端科技、支付領域之生物辨識與穿戴支付與加密貨幣、資料分析領域之機器學習與人工智慧、信息收集與處理領域之遠程信息處理科技、以及理財投資領域之理財機器人。 期望本研究結果能幫助企業,在面臨新科技不斷衝擊產業,而產業不斷尋求創新發展之下,能夠快速檢閱目前市場趨勢,藉此釐清並改善自身之發展策略,以因應外部環境之變動,提供企業作為金融科技發展之策略參考,也能有助於企業釐清與制定金融科技之投資方向,以擁有持續的競爭優勢。 / Nowadays, with the rapid advancement of information technologies, the changes of business environment and the way to deal with the changes are becoming faster and faster. The development and adoption of new financial technologies has made many enterprises pay more attention to the research and development (R&D) initiatives. Besides, making good use of patent information can effectively save the budget and time of R&D, so how to effectively use patent information is an indispensable part for enterprises to maintain their competitive advantages. This study collected the patent data from the national patent database, and divided the data into three periods, and distinguished the data between the applying and the applied patents. Through the text mining techniques and chance discovery, this study explored the development and trends of financial technology and also aimed to understand the relevance and differences between the major terms in each period. Then, with the visual tool, KeyGraph, this study illustrated the associations between related terms, and proposed the potential future trends based on the graphs. The results of this study help monitor the changes of the trends and financial technology’s development in the three periods, and understand the patent portfolios in each period. This study has found that the main direction of financial technology’s development is the payment field. Many technologies related to payment have successively appeared in the three periods. However, in recent years, other financial areas such as investment, financing, insurance, data analysis and other areas are gradually emerging, since we found 34 high-frequency terms in the third period. This also shows that the development of financial technology’s patent portfolios has expanded from payment to other financial areas. The potential trends of financial technology’s development in this study are five areas, namely, technologies of cloud, biometric and wearable payment and cryptocurrency, machine learning and artificial intelligence, telematics technology, and robo-advisors. It is expected that this study can serve as a reference for the development of financial technology, and help enterprises be able to quickly review their current market trends, clarify and improve their own R&D strategies to respond to the changes in the external environment. Also, it is hoped that the results can help enterprises clarify and develop their own investment directions to maintain competitive advantages.

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