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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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劉達成 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技導入組織的主要目的就是要為組織帶來最佳的效益。然而資訊科技導入的案例有半數以上是不成功的。作者會用不同的理論及實務來探討資訊科技與組織之間的互動關係,企圖了解問題的癥結並找出對策。每一種研究的方式都會因理論以及個案的差異而有不同的結論。本個案嘗試採用結構化理論、科技結構化理論以及組織例規理論這三個彼此有關聯的理論為基礎,以組織例規(Organizational Routines) 為視角,配合一個由知名全球化外商公司轉換為本土跨國公司的一個企業電腦事業群之產品資料管理(Product Data Management, PDM)科技的導入與持續使用四年的狀況為研究標的,以質性個案研究方法透過長期觀察、實務分析以及近期訪談來蒐集資料並整理分析,企圖從本個案進展的八年期間所發生的重要事件,來分析PDM科技與組織之間的互動關係,並發掘該事業群產品生命週期的組織運作要點,PDM科技背後的精神以及PDM科技在該事業群能夠持續運作四年下來的原因。更期望透過本研究讓即將導入PDM科技或者已經在使用該科技的組織能夠從例規的角度來思考組織成員、科技以及組織制度三者之間的關係,進而從中獲取可借鏡之處。 / The major purpose of introducing information technology into an organization is to bring the most value of the technology out to the organization. However, the results show that more than half of the cases failed to fulfill that purpose. Researchers have developed different theories to describe the interaction between technology and organization in order to come up with solutions for successful introduction of technology into organization. Naturally, different theories, together with different real practices, may draw different conclusions. This study tries to apply three most prominent inter-related theories: “Structuration Theory”, “Structural Model of Technology” and “The Theory of Organizational Routines,” to a selected case of implementing PDM (Product Data Management) into one of the Business Groups of Taiwan-based global IT company to analyze why and how its case turned out to be sustainable four years after the go-live. With that, this study also tries to derive useful information for enterprises with similar background for their upcoming introduction of information technology into their organizations. Organizations with existing information technologies in place may also be able to reflect on this study for possible fine-tuning opportunities.

WTO資訊科技協定(ITA)之研究:科技發展下ITA產品範圍的爭議與解決 / Information technology agreement (ITA) of the WTO: Product coverage, dispute settlement and technological development

曾顯照, Tseng, Hsien Chao Unknown Date (has links)
WTO「資訊科技協定」(ITA)於1996年底通過後成效彰顯,為多邊貿易體系部門別自由化方案之典範。然而當前快速的科技發展帶動新興資訊科技產品持續問世,以致該等產品究否屬於ITA通過當時所規範零關稅之產品範圍產生爭議,問題殊值深究。ITA生效以來首宗爭端解決個案即屬適例。按該案係我國、美國與日本於2008年間共同指控歐盟在機上盒、多功能事務機與液晶顯示器等三項資訊科技產品之課稅措施,違反WTO關稅減讓之規範。WTO爭端解決機制如何就科技發展實況解讀ITA產品範圍,對於ITA未來的執行成效具關鍵地位。 有關前揭個案之WTO適法性研究,本文認為WCO/HS公約稅則歸列見解可為參據,另可依據維也納條約法公約(VCLT)第31條與32條之解釋規則,考量全部或是多數會員對於系爭產品關稅待遇的「共同意願」。具體而言,基於VCLT第31條揭示的「本文內容」、「目的與宗旨」、「上下文脈絡」、「後續實務措施」與「相關國際法規範」等,通盤考量解讀歐盟關稅減讓表意涵,倘據此解讀後仍舊模糊難定,則依據VCLT第32條揭示的「條約協定的相關準備工作」與「完成當時的情境」等為輔助判斷。 鑑於此類爭議將演變為體制性問題,本文提出二項建議方案。第一,採行ITA委員會通知處理機制尋求通案解決,討論過程納入貨品貿易規範在其他領域敘及之「同類產品」的認定要素,基於創新產品變動並參照當前科技發展等市場實務進行考量,合理擴張ITA產品範圍。第二,爭取在當前杜哈回合談判通過相關部門別自由化方案擴大ITA產品範圍,建構零或低關稅的資訊科技產品貿易環境,其落實將有助於全球資訊科技產業之發展,亦可強化多邊貿易體系之整體運作。 / Information Technology Agreement (hereinafter ITA) has made significant contribution to the free trade in IT products since its conclusion at the end of 1996. It has been recognized as a successful model of sectorial trade liberalization in the WTO multilateral trading system. However, with the rapid advent of new technology, challenges arising from the determination of tariff treatment on newly innovated IT products become outstanding. Indeed, whether those innovated products are subject to the duty-free treatment of ITA merits intensive considerations. As demonstrated in the first dispute specifically on the prodcut coverage of ITA, where Taiwan, United States and Japan filed against the European Communities in 2008 for three IT products, i.e. set-top box, multi-functional office machine and LCD monitor, how the disptue settlement institutions respond to the applicability of the ITA in the context of techonogical develpment would be critical to the effectiveness of future ITA. In this study, the author argues that relevant factors to be taken into account by the panel adjudicating the ITA dispute include the tariff classification principle embodied in the Harmonized System Convention of the WCO, as well as the “common intention” of all or a great majority of ITA participants pursuant to Article 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT). Specifically, an examination of the EC’s commitments under schedules of tariff concession by virtue of text (ordinary meaning), object and purpose, context, subsequent practice and relevant rules of international law as stipulated in Article 31 of the VCLT are of importance. Furthermore, looking at elements as to preparatory work and circumstances of the conclusion of the EC’s schedule in accordance with Article 32 of the VCLT is also relevant. On systemic issues, the author proposes two solutions. First, the inclusion of a new notification mechanism into the ITA Committee could be feasilbe. By adopting the concept of “like products” applicable to other fields of trade in goods, the ITA’s product coverage can be reasonably expanded on the basis of the modification of innovated products and advent of modern technology in the market. Second, achieving the consensus on sectorial liberalization of expanded IT products under on-going Doha Round would contribute to establish zero (or low) tariff environment for IT products, which would benefit not only to the global IT industry but also to the multilateral trading system as a whole.

合作國家理念對進出口行政管制法制化之影響—以高科技貨品進出口管制為例 / The concept of cooperative state and its impact on the regulations for trade administration-a focused examination on control over high-technology commodities in Taiwan

賴國星, Lai, Kwo Shing Unknown Date (has links)
2001年美國遭受921恐怖攻擊,國際貿易由著重自由化、便捷化轉而強調貿易安全,高科技貨品進出口行政管制係悠關國際貿易及供應鏈安全,益受各國關注,世界主要國家更透過國際合作強化出口管制,如世界海關組織(WCO)所倡議之「全球貿易安全與便捷之標準架構」(Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade,SAFE)即為顯例。 全球化趨勢下,我國高科技貨品進出口行政管制不再是國內事務,須配合相關國際管制組織之規範實施相關管制作業,善盡地球村一份子之責任,才可避免受到國際制裁或抵制,影響我國貿易利益。 再者,處後現代時期,新保守主義興起,政府管理新思潮(如新公共管理、新治理)風起雲湧之際,各國進行政府再造工程,建構「小而能」之政府,惟國家任務雜,人民對政府之需求不斷增加,政府人力及預算有限情況下,「公協協力」、「合作國家」理念所倡導,引進私部門資源協助執行行政任務,乃成必須之選擇。本論文爰以行政法學之「合作國家」理念,析論我國高科技貨品進出口行政管制法制並提出評論與建言。 / After 921 in 2001, international trade had shifted its importance to trade security from emphasizing on trade facility. The export control of high-technology commodities involving security of global trade and supply chain, has been worldwidely raised concerns. Many countries have strengthened cooperation on export control of high-tech commodities through relevant international arrangements, for instance, “Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate global trade” initiated by the World Customs Organization. In globalization paradox, the export control of high-tech commodities is not only subjected to the national rule, but shall be also to comply with the relevant international regulations. Otherwise, it would be boycotted by other nations and cause damage to its trade benefits. Moreover, with neo-conservatism and emerging movement in public administration, which called “New Public Management” or “New Governance”, Governments have seek to reform in order to better meet citizens’ needs by limitation of manpower and budget. Consequently, the concept and resolutions of “Public Private Partnership” or “Cooperative State” in public administration and public law become the best option to response above mentioned conditions. In conclusion, this study attempted to analyze the legal framework of Taiwan export control of high-tech commodities with the concept of Cooperative State and tried to make suggestions and submit feasible resolutions for export control institution.

合理隱私期待之研究-以定位科技為例 / A Study of Reasonable Expectation of Privacy- Case Studies related with Positioning Technology

李明勳, Li, Ming Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
大法官在釋字第689號解釋中,首次在解釋文中引進美國法上的「合理隱私期待」概念,以作為人民是否受到憲法隱私權保障的判定標準。事實上,「合理隱私期待」的概念在我國法上並不令人感到陌生。例如,通訊保障及監察法第3條第2項即明確規定:「前項所稱之通訊,以有事實足認受監察人對其通訊內容有『隱私或秘密之合理期待』者為限」。 除了尾隨、全天候視覺監控等類似的古老方法,隨著科技的進步,諸如以衛星為基礎的汽車導航系統、以基地台為基礎的行動電話定位服務等低成本、高效率的定位科技,可以更輕易且嚴重地侵害我們的私生活及隱私。當定位科技成為我們每天生活的一部分時,如何在這樣的脈絡下正確地操作「合理隱私期待」概念,已成為一項重要的議題。 惟國內學術文獻對於如何正確地操作「合理隱私期待」,似乎欠缺全面性地研究。為了填補國內的空白,本文進行了美國及台灣案例法之深入比較分析,尤其是關於合理隱私期待及定位裝置的判決。本文指出了以往我國及美國法院判決的問題,以及邏輯矛盾之處。為了達到更加一致、正確的判決結果,本文認為,在操作合理隱私期望概念時,法院應著重於四個因素,其分別是:「資訊的性質」、「侵害的手段」、「侵害的場所」及「第三人原則」。 / In J.Y. Interpretation No. 689, the Constitutional Court , for the first time, employs the concept of “reasonable expectation of privacy”, originated from the United States, in order to determine whether an individual enjoys a constitutionally protected right to privacy. The concept, however, is not new to our legal system. For example, Paragraph 2, Article 3 of the Communication Protection and Surveillance Act provides: “The communications referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to those for which there is an adequate showing of facts that a person subject to surveillance would have a reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality with respect to the content of the communications.” In addition to tailing, around the clock visual surveillance and similar old-fashioned methods, with the advance in technology, our private life and privacy could be more easily and greatly intruded by low-cost, high-efficiency location positioning technology, such as satellite-based car navigation system and cell sites-based cellphone positioning service. When location positioning technology becomes part of our everyday life, how to properly apply the concept of “reasonable expectation of privacy” in this context has also become an important issue. So far, there seems to lack a comprehensive study on the aforementioned issue in domestic academic literature. To fill the gap, this thesis conducts an in-depth comparative analysis of both U.S. and Taiwan case law, especially those involving reasonable expectation of privacy and location positioning devices. This thesis points out the problems and logical inconsistencies in past decisions in both jurisdictions. In order to reach a more consistent and appropriate result, this thesis argues that when applying the reasonable expectation of privacy test, courts should focus on four factors which are: “nature of information,” “measure of infringement,” “the place where the intrusion happens,” and “third party doctrine.”

價值單元展開分析法與策略矩陣:以3D感測產業新創科技公司競爭策略為例 / Value unit expansion analysis and strategic matrix : competitive strategy of technology startup company in 3D sensor industry

黃紹峯, Huang, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以策略管理理論「策略形態分析」法與「策略矩陣分析」法為基礎,發展出新的分析架構–「價值單元展開分析」法,並與策略矩陣整合成為策略系統模型。藉由個案研究,驗證此策略系統模型如何使管理者能更精確地衡量未來策略規劃之選擇,最佳化公司未來競爭策略方向。 筆者以個案探討新創科技公司在持續變動與競爭之產業中,競爭策略分析與規劃之方法。以3D感測產業作為分析與研究之個案產業,並以其中一新創科技公司–L科技公司作為個案探討之對象,提出一以新創科技公司為出發點,在衡量現有與發展未來競爭策略時,可供利用與權衡的分析方法。 「價值單元展開分析」法追尋理性與系統化思考,為公司導入嚴謹明確、量化、及標準化的度量衡工具,使公司得以更加周詳完備與深入地分析其條件前提,將策略最佳化。且此架構具高度延展性,得充分配合公司進行各種思考面向之分析。此外,「價值單元展開分析」法亦可完全結合與相容於「策略矩陣分析」法之中,形成易於溝通與同步的策略系統模型,利用此特點解決公司在策略規劃時可能遭遇之混沌與困難,將效率、效益、及效能用在得當之處,使公司未來發展更符合目標。 / This study investigates the methods of analyzing and planning competitive strategies, with a case study of a technology startup company – “L Company” in the 3D sensor industry. Based on strategy analysis and Strategic Matrix Analysis, this study developed a new analytic framework – “Value Unit Expansion Analysis” which is a systematic model integrated into Strategic Matrix Analysis. By verifying the systematic model through the case, this study proposed a more precise and optimization–capable method to form a company’s future competitive strategies. Value Unit Expansion Analysis is a clarifying, quantifying, and standardizing method for the company to pave the path for factor condition analysis and strategic optimization. The structure was designed with a high flexibility in correspondence to different considerations and changing aspects; it is compatible and can be built within Strategic Matrix Analysis. The systematic model is liable for communication and synchronization during the process of strategy planning and, therefore, setting higher efficiency, benefit, and utility for pertinent strategies that fit into companies’ goals.


蔡雅嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

智慧財產權管理策略研究-以模具業及其關連高科技產業為例 / Study on Strategy of Intellectual Property Rights Management: Taiwan Mold and Die Industry and Its Related High-tech Industry

廖文璋, Johann Liaw, V. C. Unknown Date (has links)
台灣模具產業具有交期短、品質好、價格具有競爭力、製程安排彈性大等優勢,因此在高科技產業供應鍊中扮演關鍵性的角色。唯近年來,台灣許多高科技產業的外移,造成模具業產值最近連續三年呈現下降與核心技術外流,成為模具業所面臨的嚴重考驗。如何留住核心技術人才,加強研發新的關鍵技術並將研發成果取得智慧財產權相關法律保護,並以必要的組織、制度、人才、措施等妥善加以管理,已經成為模具業以及關連高科技產業必須面對的重要課題之一。 本研究以策略管理的角度切入,探討由策略前提所形成之策略,與智慧財產權管理實際運作下,對「台灣模具業及其關連高科技產業的智慧財產權管理發展現況及當前問題」提出適當建議與解決之道。 研究對象為台灣五家經營績效良好之模具業者及關連高科技業者。模具業者包含金屬沖壓、塑膠射出成型、與壓鑄模具業者;關連高科技業者則包含連接器、筆記型電腦、與行動電話業者。其中三家模具業者尚未擁有專利保護,而兩家關連高科技業者之專利保護已有相當成效。本研究主要發現如下: 一、不同的企業規模,對改善技術能力作法有其差異: (一)共同研發新技術:中小企業傾向與國內研發機構共同研發,並取得新技術之全部或部份智慧財產權或取得授權使用新技術;大型企業則傾向自行研發為主。 (二)自國外引進新技術:中小企業傾向委託財團法人或智財科技服務公司從技術先進國家引進技術;大型企業則傾向自行引進技術為主。 (三)向技術相對落後國家移轉技術方面: 1.中小企業傾向透過財團法人或智財科技服務公司之協助移轉技術,對於較單純之案件可自行為之。 2.大型企業可自行為之或採上述方法,委託專業之單位或公司為之。 3.台灣企業對大陸投資之子公司,大部分並未針對技術移轉收取權利金,僅由子公司之獲利盈餘分配取得回饋,尤以持股比例較大者最為普遍。 二、國內模具業及關連高科技產業智慧財產權管理現況為: (一)制定「營業秘密管理辦法」,規範各業務或利害關係人之營業秘密保護要項: 1.影響製造精度之技術 2.訪客參訪流程與動線 3.與供應商相關之營業秘密 4.顧客之營業秘密 5.矯正預防措施單 (二)制訂「專門技術管理辦法」,加強專門技術保護 1.規範「提案改善制度」 2.培養技術專家 3.掌握專門技術人力資源,塑造: (1)尊重專業 (2)對等報酬 (3)生涯規劃等制度完善之企業文化。 (三)專利管理制度: 1.建立提案與獎勵制度: 對創新提案、申請專利、專利核准、與達成技術移轉等階段均核發獎金,以鼓勵員工技術創新。 2.專利維護: 對專利佈局同時重質與量之提升,專利權之維護,則以成本效益為主要考量,以具市場價值者為優先申請與維護對象。 (四)技術授權考量有二: 1.視技術生命週期採行不同之授權策略,如導入與成長期採技術引進、成熟期採交互授權、衰退期技術則對外移轉。 2.以對子公司持股比例,調整技術移轉之權利金分配,持股較高則以盈餘分配取代權利金,持股較低則傾向依市場機制收取權利金。 由本研究之策略意涵得知,個案公司目前所採行之策略,均能適當地反映出其目前所處環境。如鴻海精密以綿密之專利佈局保護其技術,鉅祥、竣盟、谷崧則實施營業秘密與專門技術管理,神達機構則是專利保護與營業秘密管理兼具。 由此可知,模具業及關連高科技產業之智慧財產權管理作法具有多種不同之形式,專利保護並非模具業與關連高科技產業智慧財產權管理之唯一解答。尤其對中小企業而言,注重營業秘密與專門技術保護,塑造良好的企業文化、工作環境,設計合理對等報酬、制度完備的人力資源管理措施,亦不失為智慧財產權管理的良好解決方案之一。 目前大型之關連高科技企業非常重視智慧財產權,並已發展出一套以專利保護為主軸的管理制度。展望未來,模具業與關連高科技產業之連動性將逐漸加深,模具業者今後亦必須加快建立智慧財產權管理制度之腳步。 / Taiwan's mold & die industry plays a very important role of the supply chain for the high-tech industry around the world due to its advantages of short delivery time, good quality, competitive price and production flexibility, etc. However, in recent years, the continuing migration of the high-tech industry is resulting in production decreases and movement of core technology out of Taiwan. How should we keep the core technology, human and financial resources left in Taiwan; what can be done to strengthen research and development (R & D) on new and core technology; how can the core technology be protected by patents managed by a sever system. This is a matter of great urgency and an important issue that Taiwan’s mold & die industry and its related high-tech industry are facing. In view of the above, this study offers Taiwan's mold & die industry and its related high-tech industry some suggestions and solutions for the problems that they faced, based on their current Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management development situation. This study was researched from the strategy management view and included five (5) outstanding mold & die manufacturers and their related high-tech companies in Taiwan. These mold & die manufacturers are in the metal stamping die, plastic injection mold and die casting mold industries; these high-tech companies are in the connectors, notebook computer and cellular phone (telecommunication) industries. Three of the companies, the mold & die manufacturers, do not hold any patents, while the other two high-tech companies are well protected by their patents. The main finding of this research is as follows: 1.The strategy of technical improvement for companies of various sizes is different: 1) R & D for new technology- Small and medium companies prefer to cooperate with other local R & D institutes in developing, researching, and obtaining full or partial intellectual property rights protection; or obtaining the rights to use the new technology (invention). On the other hand, large companies tend to do the R & D in-house. 2) Technology transfer from overseas– Small and medium companies prefer to transfer the technology from high-tech orientated countries through local R&D institutes or an IPR service provider. However, large companies prefer to transfer the new technology by themselves. 3) Technology transfer to developing countries– (1) Small and medium companies tend to transfer the technology to developing countries through local R&D institutes or IPR service provider except in the case of simple projects. (2) Large companies tend to transfer their technology out by themselves or through a professional agency. 2.The IPR management situation of Taiwan’s mold & die industry and its related high-tech industries– 1) Establish “Trade Secret Management Regulations” to prevent the following trade secrets from being disclosed: (1) Technology that will influence the accuracy of machining. (1)-1 On site know-how – Limiting the visitors touring sensitive areas. (1)-2 Trade secrets of suppliers. (1)-3 Trade secrets of customers. (1)-4 Corrective action reports. 2) Establish “ Know-how Management Regulations” to: (1) Regulate “Proposal improvement systems” (2) Train and develop technical specialists (3) Retaining knowledgeable human resources by (3)-1 Professional appreciation (respect) (3)-2 Equal award (return) (3)-3 Good and complete system, employees’ career planning and enterprise culture. 3) IPR management system: (1) Establish a proposal and reward system: Encourage employees’ technology inventions by rewarding them for their proposals, applications, and completion of technical transfer for IPR. (2) Patent protection: Consider not only the number of patents, but also the quality of patents. 4) Technology transfer policy Different policy for different technique life cycle. From this research, we realized that companies apply different strategies in response to their recent situation. For example, “Hong Hai” is applying the practice of IPR management in protecting his technology; G-Shank, Giant Union and Coxon are applying the practice of trade secret and know-how management; MiTac is applying the practice of both IPR management and trade secret management. From the above, we also realize that patent protection is not the only solution for IPR management in the mold & die industry and it’s related high-tech industries. Trade secret management and know-how protection, a good corporate culture, good business and human resource management, an improved working environment, reasonable and rewarding work are also the major solutions for IPR management. For the time being, large high-tech companies highly respect IPR and have developed a good management system, especially for patent protection. Therefore, due to the close relationship between the mold & die industry and high-tech industries, speeding up the development of IPR management becomes an urgent issue for the mold & die industry.

資訊時代與外交 / Diplomacy in Information Age

吳竹君, Wu, Chu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
西元1453年古騰堡發明活字印刷術開啟了資訊革命,而各項資訊傳播科技的相繼發明,更將人類歷史帶入資訊時代。資訊傳播科技超越時空障礙的特質使得人們可以穿越國家疆界線進行交流,促成了全球化的產生,為資訊時代無法阻擋的一股潮流。各項訊息能夠快速且自由的流通,此種現象對國際社會的不同層次均造成衝擊,舉凡國際議題、國家間交往、國家主權乃至於個人生活的各個方面,無一不受到資訊傳播科技大幅發展而面臨轉變。資訊為外交最重要的元素,是外交工作的血肉。先進資訊傳播科技改變了資訊傳遞與接收的特性與方式,對外交體制必定造成相當程度的影響。 資訊傳播科技的發展到了近20年,可說是以電腦科技與網際網路技術為重心。電腦網路等資訊傳播科技應用於國家政治造就了電子民主,若與國家外交相結合便產生「虛擬外交」。資訊為外交不可或缺的內涵,則外交部門及外交人員應用先進資訊傳播科技於其工作中便有其必要性,而虛擬外交的出現實乃反映出資訊時代的需要。 資訊傳播科技在美國萌芽,美國亦是世上最早體認到資訊時代對外交體制造成種種挑戰而展開熱烈討論的國家。自1993年起,美國政府及學術機構便展開一連串的研究活動,目的在探尋資訊時代外交體制的因應之道。美國政府亦積極從事外交再造工程,《1998外交事務改革與重組法》的頒佈與生效,為美國改革實踐的第一步,而美國的作法亦可成為其他國家學習效法的指標。


張俊揚, Chang, Chun-Young Unknown Date (has links)
公共組織長期以來給人一種浪費、效率不彰及態度傲慢的負面印象,在處於複雜多變的環境下,一般民眾莫不期待政府能提昇行政績效,以增加組織的學習力,掌握人民(顧客)的偏好,並迅速回應環境的變化。本研究即基於民眾對政府感到失望卻又渴望的情愫,而擬探究資訊科技如何應用於公共組織,進而探討公共組織網絡化的可能性,以做為公共組織因應時代潮流變遷的對策。 為了降低公共組織對資訊科技衝擊的適應不良,及確保能永續發展,本研究以為公共組織當就組織的管理與結構面進行調整,就管理面而言,善用資訊科技工具是其可行的途徑之一;就結構面而言,或可調整科層結構為網絡式組織。換言之,即希望藉由引進資訊網路科技,以建構一個網絡式的公共組織。其理想的運作模式是組織的成員、團隊或是整個組織的運作都彷彿是一個獨立的節點,可以突破時空的屏障而形成多重連結,以構成一個網絡。每個節點的權力來源,不是來自階級,而是自身擁有的技術和知識,彼此相互支援與分享資訊,為共同的價值觀與目標而努力。使它不再是一種政治結構,而是近似於一種生活方式。 植基於新公共行政(New Public Administration)與後官僚組織(post-bureaucratic organization)等觀點的影響,研究中從反思科層型政府為濫觴,並在「資訊科技」與「網絡式組織」兩者間釐探其互動互補的關係,期望這良性的互動能賦予公共組織變革時一個新的思考方向。基於這樣的邏輯思考,而於理論面上發現可以資訊科技為核心技術,提出建構理想型「網絡式公共組織」的三大願景方向-「再造的政府」、「虛擬式政府」及「團隊型政府」,並分別擬定其運作的可行性策略如後: (一)以「便民服務」、「資訊與知識流通」及「流程改造」等策略形塑「再造的政府」。 (二)以「即時通訊,傳遞正確資訊」、「擴大參與,共享民主政治」及「相互信賴,以求共存共榮」等策略形塑「虛擬式政府」。 (三)以「搭起開放便捷的溝通管道」、「培養合作共享專業知識的組織文化」及「建立工作績效評估制度」等策略形塑「團隊型政府」。 在實務面上,以我國電子化/網路化政府政策為例,從官方文獻資料的閱讀,瞭解到該政策的規劃內涵及未來願景與本研究所建構的網絡式公共組織之策略內涵有相通互補之處;另外對相關官員與洽公民眾進行一系列的深度訪談,得知該政策在實際運作上均分別引發了政府再造、虛擬政府及團隊政府的產生,所以本研究建構網絡式公共組織的構念,似乎可以在該實例的政策執行上獲得有力的註腳。 總而言之,本研究從理論與實務的探究中發現,網絡式組織無論在理論上的引介或實務上的應用,似乎均可藉由資訊科技的力量,讓公共組織走向一個較為具開放、動態與彈性的組織型態。惟目前公共組織在進行網絡化的過程中,本研究擬建議政府當持續應用資訊網路科技,在策略聯盟共享資源的原則下,達成「以客為尊」的服務宗旨。另外政府對於組織「知識管理」的概念與作為,及建立一套「客觀公正的績效評估辦法」是較為不足的。若期望公共組織能發揮最大效用,則需加強這兩面向的建置,因為強化知識管理與建立客觀公正的績效評估辦法,有利於絡網式公共組織的建立。

網際網路與公民參與-台北市政府網路個案分析 / Internet and Citizen Participation

徐千偉, Shyu, Chian-Woei Unknown Date (has links)
自一九八O年代起,現代資訊與通訊科技(Information and Communication Technology or ICT)、電腦中介傳播(Computer-Mediated Communication or CMC)、網際網路(Internet)及全球資訊網(World Wide Web or WWW)的發展和普及化,已被學者、政治人物、以及論者們認為是可用以加強實踐公民參與及民主政治之有效工具。本研究即探討政府如何透過網際網路來提供公民參與機制。 本研究以網際網路之公民參與機制的理論為基礎,建構一個完整的網際網路之公民參與機制,亦即建構一個理想的網路公共論壇版面。並檢視台北市政府於全球資訊網網站上之公共論壇版面的運作現況及其成效,檢驗其中公民參與公共事務價值的實踐程度。最後,將探討網際網路之公民參與機制的實踐會有哪些侷限,應如何加以突破,藉此提供學術界及實務界研究貢獻。 / Since the 1980's, many scholars, statesmen, and researchers have come to realize that the development and popularity of modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Computer-mediated Communication (CMC), Internet, and the World Wide Web (WWW) will become the effective mechanism for citizen participation. The main purpose of this research paper is to study how government provides citizen participation through Internet. First, the paper will take the theory of Internet citizen participation to construct an ideal mechanism of Internet citizen participation, i.e., to build an ideal operational procedural of Internet Public Forum. Second, the paper will use Taipei City Government's "Citizen Forum" in the World Wide Web as a case study to compare and analyze this case with the ideal operational procedural of Internet Public Forum. Last, the paper will discuss the constraints of Internet citizen participation, and search for solutions to these constraints.

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