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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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劉承平 Unknown Date (has links)
即將邁入二十一世紀的今天,各國企業已充份運用資訊科技取得競爭優勢,而我國因地小人稠與經濟發達,故以技術密集,資本密集的商科技產業勢必成為未來發展之重點產業;因此我國商科技產業的公司非常重視運用資訊科技以取得競爭優勢。公司除自行開發資訊系統外,尚可將其委外。由於委外有降低成本等優點,因此為許多公司所採用。在以往的文獻中,主要探討委外的策略面,較少觸及委外的管理面,所以本研究以委外的管理面為主,研究我國商科技產業資訊系統委外計劃管理之情形。 本研究根據文獻,將商科技產業以公司的技術層次與研發程度區分為技研並重、技術導向、研發導向及邊緣型四個類型;再將資訊系統以對日常作業貢獻程度與對研發的貢獻程度分為重點、作業.創新及轉移型四類型,以個案研究的方式探討高科技產業類型與資訊系統型態間委外的關係,配合Lewin的變革三階段理論,探討委外計劃中管理的問題;同時以Grover的委外績效評估模式來衡量資訊系統委外成果是否良好。 經過訪談五家個案公司,彙整及資料分析後,本研究之結論為:一、我國商科技產業委外之發訊系統以作業型為多數,包括OA系統與CIM系統;二、商科技產業的公司委外需求之決定因素為人力、時間以及系統的範圍;三、在解凍階段中加強對資訊系統需求之評估與確定,在變革階段中加強對合作廠商之評估與選擇,可使委外計劃獲良好成效;四、於高科技產業資訊系統的委外計劃中,較不重視各階段的考核步驟;五、高科技產業的公司於資訊系統委外的計劃中,未裁撤資訊部門之人員;六、我國高科技產業的公司,以作業型系統委外的類型決定是否需要建立資訊部門人員對委外之認知;七、委外後的系統,主要由公司的資訊部門負責維護。


鄭恩仁, Jeng, En-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代以降,「產業群聚現象」為各國在發展高科技產業的歷程中,極重要的趨勢與特色,美國的矽谷模式可謂其濫觴並成為仿效的成功典範。透過在特定的地理區域中,結合產業界(私人部門)、學術機構、研究機構、中央與地方政府(公共部門),建構有利於高科技產業長期發展與繁榮地區經濟的「科學城」。   產業群聚的優勢在於群居成員可分攤基礎建設成本、共享所需的生存資源;更易因地理上的便利性,形成上下游或關聯性產業的合作網路,使產品、技術、資訊與情感的交流更密切,演化為利害與共、共存共榮的「命運共同體」。本研究以產業環境、研究環境與居住環境所組成的共生環境作為形成高科技產業群聚的中心假設,採用組織生態學、資源依賴與合作網路的觀點,以「環境資源共享」與「產業網路互補」為經緯,剖析不同群聚的共生型態與綜效利益,釐清不同的產業特性對群聚利益的呼應,與對整體產業與企業競爭力的影響。   本研究發現共生環境資源的多寡,決定高科技產業群聚的形成與長期發展。產業環境的優勢反映在生產效率與利益的增強,研究環境的優勢反映在技術與研發實力的提昇,居住環境的優勢有助吸引高科技人才加入。而高科技產業專業分工明顯、產品生命週期短、時效性要求高的產業特性,使得合作廠商需要頻繁的溝通與協調,而這些工作卻必須透過面對面的互動才能達成,這也是形成高科技產業群聚的主因。   產業群聚的利益在於地理上的接近性,使群聚成員共享生存環境資源,便於建構合作網路關係。「環境資源共享之經濟性」與「產業網路合作之互補性」兩構面,決定高科技產業群聚的共生綜效利益。共生綜效利益高低,會決定群聚的長期發展與演化。共生綜效利益越高,則產業群聚會趨於成長、擴張;反之,將逐漸萎縮、解散。而合作機制的建立,是提高群聚共生綜效的關鍵。合作網路體系中的核心廠商,則負有建立合作機制的責任,政府(公共部門)也可主導合作機制的建立。   不同的高科技產業特性,搭配「適合的」共生綜效利益,可提高產業與企業的競爭力。環境依賴程度高的產業特性,對環境資源共享之經濟性的需求就會較高;專業分工程度高的產業特性,對產業網路合作之互補性的需求就會較高。

組織構形與資訊科技構形之配合研究--服務業為例 / The Research of The Fit Between The Organization Configuration and Information Technology Configuration--Examples of The Service Industry

林俊宏, Lin, Jung Hong Unknown Date (has links)
構形是一種有整體性分類的觀念,以構形的觀念提出一些資訊科技與管理的架構,來看待組織使用資訊科技的方式,可避免見樹不見林之憾。 本文即是試圖提出幾種包含七項構面在內的六種資訊科技,及包含網路組織在內的六種組織構形。並提出一個概念性模式探討組織構形與資訊科技構形之間的「配合」問題。 / Configuration can represent in typologies developed conceptually.Describing organization as configuration can open the beholder to thenature of whole beasts. The perspective of configuration allows us to observe the whole forest rather than only individual trees. Similarly, we need informatin techology (IT) configurations to help us understand the whole information management issues in organization.In this paper, we propose an IT configuration framework with seven information techology dimensions to derive six configurations. We also propose an conceptual framework about the fit between the organizationconfiguration and IT configuration.

臺灣地區多國籍企業行銷資訊系統使用現況與資訊需求之研究 / An Empirical Study of Marketing Information System for Multinational Corporations in Taiwan : Usage and Information Requirement

施穎偉, Shee, Y. Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
在當今競爭激烈的全球性經營環境中,許多企業在經營上均遭遇到某種程度的競爭與壓力,為了解決此種問題,它們必須從全球性經營管理的觀點來採取某些適當的策略,並且藉由資訊科技的使用以獲取關鍵性的資源,進而支援公司的全球性策略活動,以獲取競爭優勢。   本研究的主要目的,在於針對國內的多國籍企業,其使用行銷資訊系統的現況,做一個普遍性的調查。調查的內容包括:企業組織之策略目標、資訊部門之架構、行銷資訊系統之架構、開發方式、負責管理之單位部門、行銷資訊系統本身所包含之資訊和資訊的來源、主管常面對的決策問題與行銷資訊系統能夠支援的程度、網路行銷的使用情形.....等。此部份研究的主要目的是希望能夠從現有使用行銷資訊系統的企業中,了解此系統所存在的企業環境與背景為何、主管對於此系統的使用情形與態度等。   此外,本研究也將分析目前國內的多國籍企業行銷資訊系統的資訊需求。希望藉由此一深入的研究,能夠歸納出一套適用通則,使得目前與未來想要開發行銷資訊系統的企業能有所參考與依據,以期未來開發的成果能應付企業營運之需,提昇企業的經營績效,進而成為企業的一個競爭利器。 / There are many firms facing operational pressures from the global business environment. For the sake of dealing with such dilemmas, these firms must adopt strategies with a global perspective and utilize information technology to gain competitive advantages.   The purpose of this thesis is to determine the overall status of marketing information systems (MkIS) for multinational corporations in Taiwan through empirical study. Several aspects of marketing information system usages are described, including strategic goals, organizational architecture, development of system effectiveness, managing departments, information categories, information sources, decision content, and the scenarios for network marketing utilization.   This thesis further attempts to establish feasible recommendations for these marketing information systems' critical information elements by analyzing current marketing information requirements for multinational corporations in Taiwan. It is hoped that multinational corporations seeking to undertake successful MkIS development will benefit from recommendations proposed herein, and that these suggestions will help those companies to eventually establish greater operational effectiveness and competitive advantages.

筆記型電腦之使用對壽險業者營運之影響 / The Impacts From the Use of Notebook PCs On A Life Insurance Com- pany

蔡金德, Tsai,Chin Te Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是要探討筆記型電腦對壽險業者所產生的影響,以及,筆記 型電腦在使用上所可能發生的效益與問題,俾對業者宜否引進筆記型電腦 和引進時應注意之事項提出建議。整個研究所欲探討的四個核心問題為 :1.目前筆記型電腦在壽險業內的應用範疇為何? 2.壽險業者採用筆記型 電腦與否,是否受到其本身之特徵、所採策略以及外在環境的影響? 3.筆 記型電腦如何影響公司的營運? 4.筆記型電腦對壽險業者營運績效的影響 如何?本論文屬於探索性研究,旨在發展一些假設供後續研究者從事驗證 性研究,及對後續研究提供一些建議。本研究在研究方法上是採用單一個 案研究的方式進行。而分析層級包括公司整體、公司內之部門以及個人等 三層。採行的資料蒐集方法則有:1.次級資料蒐集。2.人員深入訪談。3. 記錄表施測。4.問卷施測。其中關於筆記型電腦影響壽險銷售績效之探討 ,係用準實驗設計─不相等實驗組設計組前測後測設計─並輔以共變數分 析 (ANCOVA)、卡方檢定、平均數和標準差等統計方法來處理。由於整個 研究涵括了非數量分析與數量分析,因此,實際上已對部分假設進行了初 步的驗證。研究結論如下:1.壽險業者因筆記型電腦成本降低與產業競爭 加劇,故考慮引進使用筆記型電腦。2.採用筆記型電腦的壽險業者的共同 點為:中小規模,銷售多類壽險產品、尋求業績快速成長,且面臨較強烈 之市場競爭及較低之顧客需求可預測性。3.筆記型電腦在壽險業內的應用 範疇,仍侷限於壽險銷售活動上。只能算是輔助壽險銷售的工具,適合於 較機械化的銷售步驟。4.筆記型電腦的使用方式會受到教育訓練的影響, 且長期使用筆記型電腦可能讓業務人員產生依賴,因而降低業務人員計算 保費的能力。5.筆記型電腦在提昇個人業績上之心理效果較實質效果更明 顯。此外,「專業導向」的業務人員比「關係導向」者,更傾向於攜帶筆 記型電腦去從事壽險銷售活動。6.筆記型電腦對個人的工作滿意度的作用 並不明顯,而且業務人員資訊(使用)滿意度的高低,主要是取決於管理 實務上之配合程度。綜合而言,筆記型電腦的影響層級主要是在「個人」 ,它對業務人員個人的心理建設和績效確有幫助。至於公司整體的表現方 面,則因仍會受到其它因素的影響,故其作用較不明顯。

服務業科技化跨業合作歷程之研究— 以健康照護新服務開發聯盟為例 / An empirical study of cross-industrial collaboration process within IT enabled services—Two examples of new services in health care development alliances

梁煥煒, Liang, Huan Wei Unknown Date (has links)
科技與創新,為當前服務業最關心的兩個成長驅動引擎,也是競爭的主要利器。政府為刺激產業創新與升級,研擬「ITeS科技化服務業旗艦計畫」,將「健康照護」納入五大推廣策略主軸內,鼓勵異業合作,期以科技與創新來開創新興服務產業,提升我國經濟成長與競爭的優勢。 為瞭解服務業科技化異業之間如何進行合作,本研究以質性研究的方式,採訪兩個申請技術處「創新科技應用與服務計畫」的健康照護聯盟參與者,一聯盟為「創新數位遊戲復健服務先期計畫」,另一為「遠距健康照護U-Care建置計畫」,藉兩種不同類型的個案,來瞭解是什麼原因影響聯盟的合作成效? 本研究透過系統開發專案研究的幾個觀點進行辯證,包括重視科技物件與營運績效的「物件觀點」、多元利益與政治因素驅動的「社會互動觀點」、思維習慣與限制的Orlikowski與Gash(1994)「科技思維框架觀點」,以及意義建構與詮釋的Weick(1988)「意會觀點」進行跨個案之間合作成效的辯證。 研究發現,新服務跨業聯盟可以「合作意會」(Collaborative sensemaking)做為增進營運順暢的一種有效策略。包括導意(Sensegiving)、需意(Sensedemanding)與意解(Sensebreaking)的運用,採用象徵人物與服務物件做為意會媒介,以非正式活動促進夥伴意會與共識,探詢與參與工作脈絡來主動尋找意會脈絡,其中,工程師透過駐點參與及對護理人員服務痛點的體會,轉變思維框架,化解不同領域與組織背景帶來的衝突,更是文中深富意涵的部分。此外,合作參與者也可以「情感基礎」、「工作脈絡的瞭解」、「領域團體的接觸」與「組織策略與代理人動機的結合」四種策略,深化合作意會,並做為檢視成員涉入合作程度的指標。此外,多元合作意義的塑造,也是間接促進合作意會的有效方式。 其次,本研究也歸納服務業科技化常見的合作問題,如在執行層次,創新應用皆在科技人,服務人缺乏科技與服務應用的想像,而科技人則因服務的動態特質,而添增系統開發模稜兩可的情境;聯盟層次,發現多元利益常使參與者失焦營運重點,忽略對服務對象的關懷。 由於新服務與健康照護的人本關懷與社會互動實驗特性,本研究主張以合作意會做為跨業合作的策略,也提醒惟合作成員能重視與肯定每位聯盟參與者的價值,以及關心服務對象的生活需求與痛點,才能跳脫物件利益的陷阱,提升對人性的敏感層次,以設計出深具社會意義與可行的商業模式。本研究最後提出幾個學術意涵,也對醫療機構、廠商、研發法人機構與政策提出實務意涵,並對健康照護服務業科技化的社會意涵提出看法,重思意會的哲學意涵。 / ICT and innovation are the two most mentioned engines and powerful weapons for the growth of the service currently. In order to upgrade the industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs conducted “IT enable Service Program” and made “Health care” being the five main strategies, and more, encouraged organizations using technology and innovation to improve the growth and competition of econonmics through cross-indusrial collaboration. To know how the cross-industrail firms cooperate with each other in ITeS process, this study used qualitative research approach interviewing 21 participators within two health care alliances which worked “Innovative Technology Applications and Services Program” hold by Department of Industrial Technology, one alliance conducted “Innovative Digital-game enable Physical Rehabilitation Pilot Plan”, the other conduct “Remote Health Care U-Care Establishment Plan”. Base on the two different kind cases, this study explored what affacts influenced alliance work deeply? This study adopted dialectic method to probe the effect of ICT development program in cross-cases analysis, the theoris embraced “Artifact lens” which focused technology artifact and operating performance, “Social interaction lens” which actions drived from multi-interests and poltics intentions, “Technology frames lens” which developed by Orlikowski and Gash (1994) and “Sensemaking lens” which proposed by Weick(1988). Respectively, this study found that the “Collaborative sensemaking” strategy was an effective way to promote the operation in new service cross-industrial alliances, including sensegiving, sensedemanding and sensebreaking exercises, taking symbolic person and service artifacts in sensemaking media, using informal activities to enhance particators’ sensemaking and common consensus, asking and participating work context to find the sensemaking conext. Especially, the technologiest could transfer his frame of reference by stationed at the partner’s firm and realized the pain point beyond nursing staff’s service, so that the conflicts which arised from the different field and organizational context could be resolved. Besides, participators also could use flour strategies, “Friendship”, “Working context”, “Contacting with social groups” and “Integration of partner firm’s development strategy and agent’s motivation”, to deep collaborative sensemaking, and be the indexs to examine the extent which participators involve the cooperation. And more, the shaping of multi-collaborative meanings, was also an effective way to improve collaborative sensemaking indirectly. Besides, this study also found the problems occurred in the ITeS alliances. For example, in working level, the innovative applications often created by the technologists, not service person; second, due to the dynamic characteristic of service, technologists would face equivocal situations during developing systems. In alliance level, multi-interests often enabled participators deviating from the main mission in plan operation, partners maight also ignore concerns the ultimate customers. Due to the characteristics of humanistic care and social interaction experiment of new service and health care, this study argued that the collaborative sensemaking could be a useful strategy to improve crosss-industrail cooperation. And more, this study also suggested the partners in the alliance should respect and confirm each participators’ value, and concerned the ultimate customers’ life need and pain point, so that they could jump across the artiftact-interest traps, promote the sense level to human nature, and designed rich social meanings and workable business models. Finally, this study proposed some research and practice implications, and advocated the social implications about the health care in ITeS.

中共軍事思想之研究 / China's Evolving Military Theory

郎錫恭 Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍事思想之形成,主要受毛澤東軍事思想、全球戰略形勢與周邊戰略形勢、及中共自身條件等因素之影響。從毛澤東時期「早打、大打、打核子戰」的人民戰爭思想與積極防禦,轉變至鄧小平時期「和平時期建軍」、與「打贏一場局部戰爭」的戰略思維,以至江澤民時期強調質量建軍、高科技建軍,打贏一場高科技條件下的局部戰爭等,突顯中共在不同形勢變化之下,軍事思想所強調之目標,對其軍事發展的過程,皆有重大的影響。   本論文的目的在於瞭解,對中共而言,什麼是軍事思想,其「軍事思想」的發展階段為何,其演進過程的內容及影響軍事思想發展的因素等。 / Clearly,China's military theory was largely shaped by Mao's military theory of people's war concept, perception of global and regional strategic environment, as well as China's own capabilitiy and priority. Mao Zedog has emphasized to fight "a early, large and nuclear war" under the context of people war.Deng Xiaoping changed Mao's policy,emphasizing a military construction under peaceful environment, and fight a local war. Jiang Zemin made further change, switching to emphasize fliilitary buildup based on quality and high technology,and to fight a local under high technology condit ion.These changes reflect how Chinese military theory has adapted to changing environment. This paper discusses what is junshi sixiang means in Chinese military vocabulary, the evolution of China's military theory, and factors influencing its development.

台灣生技藥物研發公司創業過程之研究 / A Study on the Entrepreneurial Process of Biomedical R&D Company in Taiwan

廖碩文 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於生物科技成為科技趨勢,以及其創造出的龐大價值,近年來台灣也開始大力推動生技產業的發展。產業是企業的組合,企業的成長與否正是驅動產業生態變化的主要原因。本研究主要探討台灣生技藥物研發公司的創業過程,希望透過研究成果對台灣生技公司的發展有所貢獻。   本研究的研究架構以Timmons Model做為主軸,以機會、資源、團隊做為主要的研究構面,先對個案公司進行靜態的研究構面探討,然後分析其發展的動態平衡過程。 / Because biotechnology sets a trend and creates great value, Taiwan government tries to develop his own biotechnology industry. However, an industry will bloom if most of companies related to the industry are operated well. The objective of this study is to observe and analyze the entrepreneurial process of biomedical R&D companies in Taiwan.   The research bases on Timmons Model that was developed by Timmons for analyzing an entrepreneurial process of a company and consists of three driving forces, opportunity, resource, and team. Every entrepreneurial process of companies in the thesis is observed first according to the three driving forces. Then it is analyzed by using the idea of constant balancing.

生物科技之評估及策略建議-以GnRH vaccine之專利、經營、學術三構面分析研究為例

黃謙銘 Unknown Date (has links)
生物科技為目前世界各國極力投入之新興產業,此產業無需大量天然資源及低污染的特性,同時又能解決人類的醫療問題並提昇生活水準的未來發展空間,更使得此一新興產業吸引了眾人的眼光。   本論文提出一個評估的模式,讓此產業之技術、產品或專利之價值能夠經系統化的分析後完整呈現,並可基於此分析結果作出策略上之判斷,並以GnRH vaccine技術為例。因為GnRH分子之序列早已發表,經本研究分析得兩種常用的專利保護策略,第一種是將GnRH與不同的載體進行結合,而新生成一個嵌合化合物,並申請此新化合物之專利;第二種是進行GnRH分子結構上之改變以取得新序列的專利保護,取得效果優於自然設計之分子,或藉以增加與免疫載體之結合率。經分析後發現,GnRH疫苗應用理論已經相當成熟,未來幾年應該會有成熟產品通過上市之審核過程;再隨著新科技的進步,可預期將會有更多的新產品會上市,而進一步地有效提昇產品功效並降低製造成本。   本研究最後針對GnRH未來在人用藥品及動物用藥之未來市場加以分析,並對於以重複免疫原在重組型疫苗製備法之開發提出行銷、財務、通路、價格、推廣、臨床實驗之建議,以期能經由策略規劃的角度將生物技術的價值作最大化的管理。 / Biotechnology attracts high attentions among many countries recently. New biotechnology will provide a key solution to cure diseases and potentially will be able to increase human life quality without damaging the environment and consuming massy natural resources.   In this thesis, we presented a possible process, which involved in academic, marketing and patent information analysis, to effectively evaluate the feasibility and potential of any novel biological technologies, so as to provide the managerial and strategic suggestions based on the analysis. GnRH repeat immunogens vaccine development was taken as an example to demonstrate if the proposed process can be executed adequately. After discretly cross examining the collected information, we concluded that many independent GnRH vaccine patents are available but will not be effective enough to stop to new competitors to get in this sector because GnRH sequence was disclosed in very early research and nobody held the patent for it and most of GnRH patents were granted to either different GnRH-Carrier chimeras or the GnRH analog sequences. Analysis results show that there is only one company closely approaching the final product approval at this moment. However, any improved technology can easily employed to provide a better product with higher effectiveness and lower cost following the first product's upcoming marketing clearance and then make the future market very complicated.   Based on those findings, we further analyze the Taiwanese current environment and provide a few managerial suggestions to maximize the value of a novel GnRH vaccine preparation technology.

權力與協作規劃:灣寶永續社區及公民環境主義的觀察與反思 / Power and collaborative planning : WanBao sustainable communy and civic environmentalism observation and reflection

吳貞儀 Unknown Date (has links)

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