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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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單克隆抗體在中國的發展現狀和未來趨勢 / Current developments and future trends of monoclonal antibody in China

史洪昊 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

關係人交易與審計品質─以台灣高科技公司為例 / Related Party Transactions and Audit Quality: Evidence from High Technology Firms in Taiwan

李奕萱, Li, Yi Syuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國關係人交易普遍且具重要性,而過去研究顯示關係人交易會對公司產生負面效果,且關係人交易之查核具有困難度,因此本研究以關係人交易較多且查核風險較高之高科技公司為研究對象,將關係人交易分為關係人銷貨交易、關係人進貨交易、關係人應收款與關係人應付款等四項類別,探討關係人交易與審計品質的關係。進一步探討當關係人交易分為發行公司與關係人皆受相同會計師查核與受不同會計師查核兩類型,對發行公司財務報表審計品質的影響。實證結果發現:關係人銷貨交易、關係人進貨交易與審計品質呈負向關係;關係人銷貨交易、關係人進貨交易與關係人應收款兩造受不同會計師查核者,對其發行公司財務報表審計品質之負面影響較兩造受相同會計師查核者強。 / Related party transactions are common and important in Taiwan, and empirical studies in Taiwan show that related party transactions have negative impact on earnings management and company performance. Based on auditing standards and literature, related party transactions are difficult to audit, and high technology firms have more related party transactions which may result in higher audit risk than other industry. Therefore, we investigate the association between related party transactions (including sales to related parties, purchases from related parties, accounts receivable from related parties and payable to related parties) and audit quality (proxied by accrual quality) in high technology firms, and find that sales to related parties and purchases from related parties have negative impact on audit quality. Next, we investigate the impact of related party transactions audited by the same auditor or different auditors. Empirical results show that sales to related parties, purchases from related parties and accounts receivable from related parties audited by different auditors show stronger negative impacts on audit quality than those audited by same auditors.


許榮洲 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路的發展與普及,有愈來愈多人選擇使用網路來進行日常活動,而網路銀行就是一例。網路銀行具有多種的好處:對於使用者而言,它提供隨時、隨地處理財務的通道;對銀行而言,它可以降低營運成本、減輕臨櫃負擔、增加收續費收入、吸引客戶、減少客戶流失的成本與提供網路宣傳的廣告。參考美國的發展經驗,若能有效提昇網路銀行使用人口,那麼銀行將會增加可觀的獲利,因此本研究藉由探討、解釋使用者為何願意再次使用網路銀行的行為來了解現行台灣網路銀行的使用率偏低的可能原因,以利於網路銀行的推擴及策略的制定。   網路銀行同電子商務,表徵是科技,本質是商業。接受使用網路銀行的行為,相當於代表同時接受使用新科技與信任它-科技接受模式(TAM, Technology Acceptance Model)與信任理論需整合性探討,由於台灣過去中並沒有此類研究,因此本研究藉由移植Gefen, Karahanna et al. (2003)的整合模型至網路銀行的議題上,俾希望能夠清楚而完整地陳述與解釋使用者願意再次使用網路銀行的行為,最終有助於提高網路銀行的使用量。   信任理論部份採用McKnight, Larry et al. (1998)對於信任的看法,一方面是因為它整合了了各種不同學派(心理學、社會學、社會心理學、經濟學等)對於形成信任關係的解釋,另一面它以理性行為模式(TRA, Theory of Reasoned Action)的順序結構形成模式-信念、態度、意圖、行為的順序架構。而正由於科技接受模式源自於理性行為模式,因此在做適度的必要調整後,Gefen, Karahanna et al. (2003)。將之集結成一整合模式。而模式中,「信念」整合了各種「因素」的影響再對「行為意圖」造成影響,其中形成信任的因素有:計算原則的信任、體制結構的保障、境遇的正常性與熟悉性因素;而信念有:信任、認知易用與認知有用信念。由於本研究探討的議題是台灣的網路銀行,不同於探討新網路商店的被接受使用行為,因此本研究在模型移植過程中以創新擴散理論(DOI, Diffusion of Innovation)的配適性(Compatibility)來取代境遇正常性因素。   為驗證移植模式,本研究採網路問卷的方式進行資料的收集與分析,問卷的問項設計主要是來自於文獻所提供的問項,在經過適當的中文化、調整語意與試問後,最後得到9個構念共29個問項。網路問卷的訊息曝光主要有兩個管道,其一是委由優仕網獎勵其會員填答,另一則是本研究將問卷訊息公布在各大bbs站與各大入口網站的金融討論區當中。在扣除隨意作答與無效問卷後,本研究最後得有效問卷217份。而資料分析部分,除了分析人口統計資料的敘述統計量外,由於結構方程模式(SEM, Structural Equation Modeling)進行分析,能夠同時進行因素分析與路徑分析的特性,因此本研究選擇作為主要的分析方法。 在經過一系列結構方程模式的操作流程包含了模型界定、辨識、參數估計、模型契合度估計與模型修飾後,本研究得僅進行小部份的修飾的模型,由於評估問卷測量品質的測量模型的指數當中,不論信度[內部一致性信度(Chronbach’s α)亦或是建構信度]或效度[建構效度]上都表現相當優良,因此結構模型的各路徑係數的可信度與有效度相當高。 本研究在經過了各路徑的分析之後,做出了以下幾個結論: 1. 商業面的〝信任〞議題影響使用者有意願繼續使用網路銀行的影響力,較科技面的〝科技接受〞議題來得大。 2. 現行影響網路銀行使用者信任的因素,主要為計算原則的信任因素、其次為熟悉性因素;而體制結構的保障因素對信任的影響力非常小,至於配適性因素則無影響力。 3. 科技接受議題也受信任議題的影響。因此認知易用與認知有用皆受計算原則的信任與熟悉性因素間接影響。而除此之外,認知有用尚受配適性因素的直接影響,在影響力上,信任的因素所帶來的間接整體影響力上,略大於適配性因素。

使用者需求及創新行銷新思考:Illuscook+手繪風食譜App / New Thinking from User’s Needs & Innovative Marketing: Illuscook+,An App of Recipes in Illustrations

林冠儀 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位時代的來臨,數位食譜的發展蔚為風潮,也以各種形式進行行銷推廣,再加上以文化融入創意、行銷而廣受歡迎的文化創意產業也相當風行,如何將文化價值帶入數位食譜中,創造新的火花,值得探究。 本研究以量化之網路問卷為主、質化之深度訪談法為輔,利用動機理論的概念及Maslow(1943)的需求理論了解數位食譜使用者使用數位食譜的動機、需求,另運用Davis et al.(1989)提出的科技接受模型、張銀益等人(2010)提出的手機線上遊戲特性進行延伸,做為使用者需求問卷調查的評測及分析指標,並依照以下項目分別對使用者的想法進行探討:(1)使用動機與需求、(2)知覺價值、(3)數位食譜三大平台特性與使用意願、(4)數位食譜行銷策略、(5)手繪插畫與數位食譜結合之吸引力。探討數位食譜的發展現況及行銷策略則以質化之深度訪談法進行,訪談國內數位食譜網站愛料理、多多開伙,外國案例則是美國手繪食譜網站They Draw & Cook,並且發現現有數位食譜平台主要的行銷策略以依照節慶或食材進行主題式的行銷活動居多,除了數位食譜網站/App本身的食譜內容外,常見的行銷方式則為(1)社群媒體、(2)異業合作與置入、(3)實體產品發行或實體活動。創新行銷案例探討則以覺旅咖啡為對象,以質化之深度訪談法了解其創新行銷方式,並發現覺旅咖啡將文化價值深植於體驗行銷的概念是數位食譜平台應該加以學習、深化的行銷方式。綜合以上結果,本研究對研究結果進行分析及整理,並對數位食譜的行銷策略與發展提出建議。 最後,本文將研究結果運用於輔助、支持Illuscook+的創作發展與功能設計,將 Illuscook+做為數位食譜創新行銷策略的構想場域,在「資訊有用性」、「介面易用性」及「使用趣味性」上均收到使用者相當良好的評價,未來可持續發展為具有完整功能的數位食譜資訊整合平台。 / With the advent of digital age, the development of digital recipes is a growing trend, they market and promote themselves in various forms. Besides, the cultural and creative industries which integrate culture, creation and marketing are quite popular, bringing cultural values into digital recipes and creating new spark are worth exploring. In this study, researcher used online questionnaires and depth interviews to understand users’ motivations and needs of using digital recipes, supplemented by motivation theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs (1943), also used TAM by Davis et al. (1989) and mobile online games features by Chang Yin-Yih et al. (2010) as the indicators of evaluation and analysis of questionnaires. This study used the following items to discuss user’s ideas of digital recipes: (1)usage motivations and needs, (2)perceived value, (3)the relations between three characteristics of digital recipe platforms and willingness to use, (4)marketing strategies of digit recipes, (5)the attraction of combining hand-drawn illustration and digital recipe. Researcher explored the current development and marketing strategies of digital recipes in depth interviews, using iCook, dodocook and They Draw & Cook as subjects. Through the results of interviews, the main marketing strategy of existing digital recipes platform is theme-based marketing activities in accordance with festivals or ingredients, and in addition to their own recipe content of digital recipe website / App, the common ways of their marketing are: (1)social media, (2)cross-sector cooperation and placement, (3)release actual products or hold actual activities. Depth interview was also used to know the innovative marketing of Journey Kaffe, and found that its concept of making cultural values deeply rooted in the experiential marketing is the way that digital recipes platform should learn. Based on the above results, this research analyzed and organized the findings, and made recommendations of digital marketing strategies and development. Finally, the results of study was used to support the development and functional design of Illuscook+, made it a field to realize the innovative marketing ideas of digital recipes, and had received pretty good feedback from users in "information usefulness", "interface usability" and "usage interesting", may develop as a fully functional digital recipe platform in the future.

探索技術市場失靈的解決方式: 以「中國技術交易所」交易模式為例 / Explore the Solutions of Technology Market Failure : Transaction Patterns of China Technology Exchange

蔡宛臻 Unknown Date (has links)
自主創新研發能力,對一國經濟成長與產業發展潛能有關鍵性之作用。技術交易市場失靈肇因於市場不完善所導致的高交易成本,而在技術商品化過程中往往面臨:1、產權之歸屬與使用權之專屬的問題,2、技術項目專業化程度高雙方資訊不對稱,3、技術價值難估算使技術鑑價不易降低供需雙方技術移轉誘因,4、研發與商品化過程需投入大量人力物力所帶來之資金投入風險,5、交易雙方基於自利的角度使交易過程中缺乏對彼此的信任所帶來的信任風險。 中國長期實施計畫經濟使科技研發面與產業面脫節情形較其他國家情形更為嚴重,為此中國企業與政府在投入大量研究經費從事科學技術之研發與創新的同時於各地方設立大量相關技術中介機構作為科研成果轉變為實質產出之孵化器。2009年由中國國務院批准北京市人民政府、科技部、國家智慧財產權局和中科院於北京聯合設立唯一以國家為命名的交易服務機構─中國技術交易所(China Technology Exchange)。不同於傳統技術中介機構在技術供需雙方之外所提供的第三方專業服務,「中國技術交易所」倡導的「IPOS知識權一站式服務平臺」為一整合技術供需雙方與技術中介機構的第四方平台,試圖利用北京中關村國家自主創新示範區之優勢,並針對科技成果產業化的不同需求以創新交易模式結合技術、金融與產業,提供技術交易雙方一系列客製化技術交易的相關服務。 如今,「中國技術交易所」營運四年多並逐步探索出適合中國科研成果商品化之創新模式。因此,本研究以「中國技術交易所」為例,配合歷史文獻與統計資料,針對交易所經典個案分析,探討中國如何解決其技術交易市場所面臨之市場失靈問題。本研究發現,「中國技術交易所」的第四方整合交易平台與創新的交易服務機制有機會成為目前中國在技術移轉商品化過程中所面臨市場失靈問題的解決方式。 / The R&D capability of independent innovation is important to the growth of economic and the potential of industrial development. The market failure of technical transactions is due to high transaction costs caused by market imperfections, and in the process of technology commercialization often faces: 1. the belonging of intellectual property and the exclusive of usufruct, 2. The information asymmetry, 3. it is hard to evaluate the value of technology, 4. The investment risks, 5. The risk of lack of trust. After long-term implementation of the planned economy, the achievements of China’s R&D are disconnected with its industries. Because of that, China enterprises and the government invested a lot in R&D and innovation. China government also set up lots of intermediaries as incubators to change scientific achievements into real outputs. China Technology Exchange (CTE) set up in 2009 by the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the Ministry of Science, the National Intellectual Property Office and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, and approved by General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Unlike traditional technology intermediary agencies need outsourcing some parts of professional services to other agencies, CTE advocated " Intellectual Property One stop Service(IPOS) " as the fourth platform which integrated technology supply sides, demand sides and technology intermediary agencies. CTE tries to take the advantages of Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park. For the different needs from industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, CTE uses innovative trading patterns which combined with technology, finance and industry to provide technical transactors a series of technology transactions related to Customization Innovative Services. Today, CTE has operated for more than four years and gradually explores suitable innovative models for commercialization in China. Therefore, by collecting historical documents and statistic data, this study chose China Technology Exchange as a case to analyze that how to solve the market failure of China technology transaction market. The study found that the fourth integrated platform and innovative trading mechanisms have the opportunity to become the solution of market failure which is faced in the process of the commercialization of technology transaction.

數位電視體育頻道之創新特質與品牌忠誠度研究─以愛爾達體育台為例 / A Study of Innovation Attributes and Brand Loyalty of IPTV Sports Channel: Case Study for ELTA Sports

王于齊, Wang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
2012年愛爾達體育台取得倫敦奧運的台灣區獨家媒體版權,並與中華電信合作推出「多螢一雲」服務,讓使用者能夠透過中華電信MOD、Hichannel網站與行動載具上的Hami App收看賽事直播。根據尼爾森於奧運會後所進行之媒體研究指出,愛爾達體育台的觀眾廣度雖僅略微成長,但是觀眾的收視忠誠度則明顯升高。本研究以科技接受模型為主要研究架構,結合創新事物特質與品牌忠誠度,探討愛爾達體育台的多平台服務之特質,是否影響到使用者的採用意願,甚至更進一步提升對該頻道的忠誠度。研究結果顯示,愛爾達體育台的「多螢一雲」服務之創新特質,確實會透過影響使用者的認知有用性、認知易用性與態度,而提升採用意願,並增強收視後的頻道忠誠度。 / In 2012, ELTA Sports obtained the exclusive London Olympics media rights in Taiwan and launched “Three Screens and A Cloud” service with Chunghwa Telecom, which enabled users to watch sports live-broadcasting through Chunghwa Telecom MOD, Hichannel website and Hami App. According to AGB Nielson Media Research, although the breadth of audience grew slightly, the brand loyalty to ELTA Sports had an obvious increase after London Olympics. This research takes Technology Acceptance Model as the main structure and combines Attributes of Innovations and Brand Loyalty to discuss whether the attributes of ELTA’s multi-platform service affects users’ adoptive intention and even increases loyalty to the channel or not. As a result, the attributes of “Three Screens and A Cloud” service indeed enhance the audiences’ adoptive intention and brand loyalty to ELTA Sports through affecting their Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Attitude toward Using.

前瞻性行為與工作-家庭衝突:邊界理論的應用 / Proactive Behavior and Work-Family Conflict: the perspective of Boundary Theory

陳紀凱, Chen, Ji Kai Unknown Date (has links)
在高度競爭的全球化環境下,僅僅被動完成工作指令的員工,已不足以支持組織的生存,因而個體的前瞻性行為,對於組織的重要性與日俱增。然而,過去研究大多只注重前瞻性行為於工作場域的作用,鮮少比較前瞻性行為外溢至不同情境中,可能產生的效果差異。因此,本研究同時將個體的工作場域與家庭場域納入考量,以邊界理論為框架,探討前瞻性行為與工作-家庭衝突的關聯,更進一步提出個體通訊科技產品的使用,以及個體建構的邊界強度可能存在的調節效果。本研究採時間間隔的方式,以問卷調查法施測,共得189份有效樣本,研究結果發現,前瞻性行為外溢至家庭場域中,不僅不會造成更多時間基礎、壓力基礎衝突,還能減少行為基礎衝突的發生,並且在前瞻性行為與時間基礎衝突的關聯上,家庭邊界強度能夠調節科技使用的調節效果,形成三階調節效果,即科技使用對於前瞻性行為與時間基礎衝突的關聯的影響,在個體家庭邊界強度高的狀況下最強。最後,針對本研究之結果進行討論,並說明理論貢獻、管理意涵、研究限制與未來建議。 / Due to highly competitive environment of global economy, employee’s proactive behavior becomes even more critical for organizations’ survival. However, most research focused on the effect of proactive behavior only in workplace, seldom research investigated the possible different effect when proactive behavior spillover to other context, such as family context. As a result, current study applied the theoretical framework of boundary theory, examined the relationship between proactive behavior and work-family conflict, which takes both work and family context into consideration. Our research further proposed the use of communication and information technology and boundary strength constructed by individual as moderator. We conducted time-lag questionnaire survey to test our hypothesis, which generated 189 valid data. Contrary to our hypothesis, result showed that proactive behavior did not cause individual to experience more time-based and strain-based conflict, but it even lead individual to experience less behavior-based conflict. Moreover, proactive behavior, technology use and family boundary strength interacted in a way that the strongest moderating effect of technology use between proactive behavior and time-based conflict occured when individuals were high in their family boundary strength, which is a three-way interaction. Based on our findings, we discussed our theoretical contributions, practical implications, limitation and directions for future research.

國小中年級自然與生活科技領域實施小組式同儕教學之研究 / The Study of Peer Tutoring in Small Groups to Fourth Graders'' Nature and Life Technology in the Elementary School

羅俊男, Chun-Nan Lo January 1993 (has links)
現今九年一貫課程強調孩子多元學習的能力,以教師的專業自主來引導學童在學習歷程中能促進多元智慧的發展,教師應以創新教學理念,應用活潑有創意的教學法,來提高學生學習的效果。「小組式同儕教學法」屬於教師較少運用的一種教學法,嘗試探討其在教學上的影響及其價值。 本研究探討國小中年級自然與生活科技領域實施小組式同儕教學之教學情形。目的在研究自然與生活科技領域實施小組式同儕教學的學習效果;希望藉由研究者的省思與發現,並提出建議作為教師實施小組式同儕教學時的參考。 本研究主要採用質性研究法,以國小四年級中兩班學生為研究對象。研究者在教學過程中,以量化統計與質性研究的方法進行探討,資料蒐集包括前後測學期測驗成績,現場觀察記錄,錄音,錄影,教師札記,訪談,問卷及相關文件等,以三角檢驗法進行資料分析。 研究結果包括正負面多項影響,在正面的影響主要為學生喜歡小組式同儕教學的方式,從中養成主動學習及解決問題的能力等;負面影響主要為教室常規難控制,時間負擔重等,最後建議此教學方法在課程內容能結合舊經驗,及教師能適時指導的情形下適度應用,將可促進學童多元智慧的發展,提升學童學習的成效。 / The Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines highlight the important of students’ learning ability in multiple disciplines. Teachers should develop students’ multiple intelligences with their professional skills in the students’ learning process. And use vivid and creative teaching methods to promote students’ learning. A teaching method, “Small Group Peer Tutoring (SGPT)”, is developed and employed in this study which aims at exploring its influence and value about students’ learning. This research studies the scenario of SGPT in Nature and Life Technology to the fourth grade students in an elementary school. The main purpose is to examine the learning outcome of SGPT and intends to provide suggestions for teachers who may one day need to implement this method. This study is mainly a qualitative research and the subjects are fourth graders from two classes in the elementary school. In addition to the qualitative research paradigm, the quantitative method is also applied to conduct the analysis. The data collection includes the pre- and post-test students’ exam scores, observation records, audio and video tape recording, teachers’ journals, interviews, questionnaires and relevant documents. These data are processed followed by the triangulation analysis method. The result includes positive and negative influences. For the positive influences, students like SGPT and develop the abilities of active learning and problem solving, etc. For the negative influences, the classroom management and overloading of teaching are main difficulties that teachers confronted in this method. The implication of this study is as follows: first, teachers should integrate students’ prior knowledge to the current curriculum. Second, teachers should apply this method according to their schedule and use it flexibly. In such circumstances, The SGPT can develop students’ multiple intelligences and improve their learning outcome. / 中文摘要 …………………………………………………………… Ⅰ 英文摘要 …………………………………………………………… Ⅱ 謝 辭 …………………………………………………………… Ⅲ 目 次 …………………………………………………………… Ⅳ 表 次 …………………………………………………………… Ⅵ 圖 次 …………………………………………………………… Ⅶ 第壹章 緒論……………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機與背景………………………………………… 1 第二節 研究目的與問題………………………………………… 4 第三節 名詞釋義………………………………………………… 5 第四節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………… 6 第貳章 文獻探討………………………………………………… 8 第一節 同儕教學相關概念……………………………………… 8 第二節 同儕教學的理論基礎…………………………………… 12 第三節 同儕教學的教學模式…………………………………… 17 第四節 同儕教學實證研究……………………………………… 24 第叁章 研究方法………………………………………………… 30 第一節 研究樣本………………………………………………… 30 第二節 研究架構………………………………………………… 32 第三節 研究工具………………………………………………… 38 第四節 資料蒐集與分析………………………………………… 40 第肆章 研究結果與討論………………………………………… 42 第一節 學業成績之資料分析…………………………………… 42 第二節 學生學習歷程的感受…………………………………… 46 第三節 研究者輔導歷程與省思………………………………… 59 第四節 綜合結果與討論………………………………………… 74 第伍章 結論與建議……………………………………………… 79 第一節 結論……………………………………………………… 79 第二節 建議……………………………………………………… 84 參考書目 …………………………………………………………… 87 附錄一 小組式同儕教學回饋單(1)…………………………… 95 附錄二 小組式同儕教學回饋單(2)…………………………… 96 附錄三 小組式同儕教學自我評鑑表…………………………… 97 附錄四 小組式同儕教學意見調查表…………………………… 98 附錄五 喜不喜歡小組式同儕教學原因統計表………………… 99 附錄六 願不願意再上小組式同儕教學原因統計表…………… 100 附錄七 小組式同儕教學優缺點統計表………………………… 101

電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用研究:以交通大學圖書館為例 / Examining the Use of E-book Reader Lending Service in National Chiao Tung University Library

張淑娟, Chang, Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來臺灣民眾的閱讀習慣開始改變,透過數位載具進行閱讀的人口逐漸增加。面對數位閱讀時代的來臨,圖書館為了推廣數位閱讀,陸續提供電子書閱讀器借閱服務。由於國內圖書館推動這項服務仍在起步階段,針對電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用研究有其必要性。 因此,本研究以整合性科技接受模式為理論基礎,探討圖書館讀者對電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用行為、行為意願及其影響因素,並分析讀者之性別、教育程度、學院別、數位閱讀載具使用經驗、電子書使用經驗等個人特徵,對影響因素與行為意願之調節效果。 本研究以交通大學的學生為研究對象,並以「交通大學圖書館電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用調查」問卷為研究工具。問卷調查結果以描述統計、相關分析、多元迴歸分析與階層迴歸分析進行分析,研究結果如下: 1.讀者主要透過同儕分享得知電子書閱讀器借閱服務; 2.讀者使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務之主要動機為體驗使用iPad 2; 3.閱讀電子書是讀者使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務之主要用途; 4.網路免費電子書是讀者閱讀電子書的主要來源; 5.讀者主要利用Google或其他搜尋引擎查詢電子書; 6.讀者閱讀電子書時遭遇的困難以眼睛疲倦感與電子書內容不足佔最多數; 7.讀者對iPad 2閱讀電子書的整體經驗多數感到滿意; 8.讀者未借用iPad 2的最主要原因是不知有電子書閱讀器借閱服務,再者是iPad 2數量不足; 9.多數讀者願意使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務,也願意繼續使用該服務,並樂意推薦他人; 10.讀者使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務的行為意願之影響因素包括:績效期望、努力期望與社群影響,其中社群影響最具預測力; 11.讀者的性別、教育程度、學院別、數位閱讀載具使用經驗、電子書使用經驗等五項個人特徵對影響因素與行為意願之關係不具調節效果。 本研究針對上述結果加以討論,並提出相關建議,提供圖書館推行該服務,以及未來研究之參考。 / In recent years people's reading habits have begun to change, and the population of digital reading device users has been growing gradually. Face with the coming era of digital reading, libraries provide e-book reader lending services one after another in order to promote digital reading. Since the library services in Taiwan are still at the initial stage, it is necessary to examine the use of e-book reader lending service. Therefore this study was based on UTAUT(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). The purpose of this study was to investigate reader's behavior, intention and determinants toward e-book reader lending service, and examine moderators of the relationships between determinants and intention, including gender, education, academy, digital reading device experience and e-book experience. In this research, students at National Chiao Tung University were chosen as the testing participants. The instruments used in the study was the National Chiao Tung University Library E-book Reader Lending Service Use Survey. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression. The findings of the study were as follows: 1.Most readers know about e-book reader lending service by peer sharing; 2.The motivation of most readers using e-book reader lending service is to try iPad 2; 3.Majority of readers use e-book reader lending service for reading e-books; 4.Most readers read e-books that are from internet and for free; 5.Majority of readers find e-books on Google or other search engines; 6.Most readers have difficulty with reading e-books because of eyestrain and lack of content; 7.Most readers feel satisfied with the e-book reading experience on the iPad 2; 8.Majority of readers have not borrowed the iPad 2 because of not knowing the service and lack of iPad 2; 9.Most readers willing to use e-book reader lending service and use the service continuously. They also willing to recommend others to use the service; 10.The determinants of intention to use e-book reader lending service among students at National Chiao Tung University include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence. The predictive power of social influence is highest among all determinants. 11.Personal characteristics of the readers including gender, education, academy, digital reading device experience and e-book experience don't moderate the relationships between determinants and intention. According to the findings above, this study provided some suggestions for libraries to promote the service, and future research suggestions.

兩岸經貿交流提升與台灣科技人才: 機會與衝擊 / The Rising Cross-Taiwan Strait Economic Exchange and Taiwan’s Science & Technology Talents: Opportunity and Challenge

黃佳琳, Huang, Jialing Unknown Date (has links)
全球化趨勢帶動兩岸經貿交流互動,中國大陸從世界工廠成為世界市場,外資紛紛轉往中國大陸投資設廠。然而,因為台灣與中國大陸擁有相同語言及文化背景,也使得台灣企業及科技人才比其它企業擁有更多的優勢及機會。台灣企業大舉投資中國大陸並在中國設立生產基地,台灣科技人才必需扮演中間溝通、技術移轉的角色。而台灣科技人才也將面臨因此現況帶來的機會與挑戰。作者將提出經濟全球化與全球及對兩岸的影響、台灣企業投資大陸設廠及台灣科技人才到中國大陸工作的原因;並透過深度訪談了解台灣科技人才的想法及意見及提出在就業上的建議給台灣科技人才及台灣企業人力資源管理政策上的建議以留住人才、減少因產業外移中國大陸而造成人才流失。 / Globalization helps cross-strait economic exchange. China is transitioning from just being a “world-factory” to also being a “world-market.” Foreign investments have been flowing into China; foreign companies set up branches and factories in China. When Taiwanese enterprises move their production lines to China, Taiwanese S&T talent needs to play roles in communications, training and skill transfers. Taiwanese investors and companies, however, have the advantage over their global competitors of sharing the same language and culture with China, which affords Taiwanese enterprises and talent (skilled workers) more opportunities than other countries. At the same time, there are some challenges that Taiwanese science and technology talent needs to face. The author will first describe the patterns of economic globalization in the world, especially between Taiwan and China. The author will then present some of the reasons that Taiwanese enterprises invest in China engage in science and technology work in China. The author will supplement the trend analysis with details from in-depth interviews with some Taiwanese industry S&T workers to propose suggestions to Taiwanese professionals, to human resource management and for trans-national labor policy -- with a particular eye towards retention of talent and know-how and to avoid “brain-drain”.

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