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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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捲積管制圖之設計 / The design of the convolution chart

鄭鈞遠, Cheng, Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
量測誤差是工業製程中影響產品值常見的因素。大的量測誤差會使得產品的量測值偏離實際值,並引導監控者至錯誤的結論。本文提出一種新的捲積管制圖。提出指數分配形式的時間間隔型資料,並加上量測誤差的考量,應用在指數加權移動平均管制圖上。此外,假設量測誤差為常態或是指數分配。研究顯示出,在兩種不同分配的量測誤差之下,管制圖的表現都會顯著的受到影響。 / Measurement error is an important factor in industry that influences the outcome of a process. Large measurement error would cause the observation measure deviate from the true value and consequently lead to a wrong decision. In this project, we propose a convolution control chart. We then design the EWMA ‘time between events’ (TBE) control chart with the measurement error, with the assumption that the observations are exponentially distributed. In addition, we assumed the measurement error follows a normal distribution or an exponential distribution. We showed that, in two cases of the measurement error, the performance of the proposed chart monitoring the process mean is greatly affected.

公私協力法制下之社會自主管制 / Gesellschaftliche selbstregulierung im rahmen einer public-private-partnership

陳軍志 Unknown Date (has links)
向來公私部門合作參與公共任務,均著眼於給付行政的面向,管制行政中的私人參與似乎離不開行政助手、專家參與及行政受託人等功能民營化的思維或是自治行政的想法。但是,傳統範疇並無法因應介於國家與社會間多元的合作管制型態。納入社會自主管制的觀點一方面能夠掌握私人參與管制任務全貌,他方面能夠從規範面回應傳統管制手段在現實面遭遇的困境。 社會自主管制作為私人參與管制任務的型態,在規範制定與規範執行層次乃跳脫傳統行政助手、專家參與及公權力委託制度的思維,其中最重要的型態係經國家認可單位以行政認證的方式加入管制結構,並與受規範對象經由驗證形成法律關係。由於憲法規範層次上並沒有明確肯定或否定自主管制之運用,在補充性原則、合作原則與效率原則的支持下,得容許社會自主管制的存在。惟管制者利用該制度遂行管制目的時,必須顧慮憲法揭示的基本原則,特別是國家從管制任務的履行責任退出仍必須經受國家保護義務的檢驗,以及隨之而來的擔保責任。由於私人被整合於管制任務中,使得原本存在於國家與受規範對象、受保護對象的三方關係變得更為複雜。面對社會自主管制中私人間多邊利益衝突,行政法律關係之活用係掌握國家、參與管制任務的經認可單位、受規範對象與受保護對象間法律關係之樞紐。 社會自主管制作為管制策略,與傳統管制手段並非擇一關係,而是互補關係。唯有建立對社會自主管制機制的正確認識,方有法政策論上理性評估與策略運用的空間。其策略性運用的準則主要繫諸於系統外部受規範對象的風險程度以及國家自身規範系統內部的複雜度,除此之外,也必須衡酌社會力的發展程度與自主管制失靈風險的回復可能性。經由有效運作的自主管制,能夠讓管制主體在最適化履行管制任務的考量上,更具彈性;在私人自為管制主體參與共通福祉分工實現的過程上,激發社會部門的責任意識。


李銘智 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路給中國大陸社會帶來言論自由的空間,因為網路自主與跨國界的特性,使中共政權無法有效在內容上管制不斷漫延的言論。倘採取更嚴格管制措施,如域名劫持、封鎖網址等方法,反而會帶來負面的效應。若對網際網路的言論持續不斷的管制、規範,只會激起網民更強烈的反彈。 網路傳播由於其所展現的全球觀是具有無國界、去中心化、匿名、隱私、便利等特性,因此更加對共黨集權統治下的中國大陸社會體制形成一定程度的影響。新的挑戰接踵而來,像網路犯罪問題防處;因為網路人口增多,各種新型態的「博客」、「播客」興起,網民民主參與程度增加;再者網路文化競合問題,也是對中共政權的挑戰,同時對中共國家安全也產生重大影響,這些問題都是中共進行網路管制的難題。 面對種種發展網際網路後產生的難題,由於擔心喪失網路輿論的這個重要陣地,中共領導當局始終未放任網際網路自由發展,更將網路空間當成宣傳國家政策的另一項工具與手段,藉以延伸其政治力量控制的版圖。 中共為了處理面臨的難題,加強了網路管制,建立了世界上最嚴密的「網路長城」。設置了數量龐大的網路警察,並希望在下一代的網路建設中,成為與美國並駕的科技大國。 本論文在探討中國大陸網際網路發展時,對於網路規範及言論管制作法;也從各種新興網路軟體及運用方式變化來觀察所產生問題及對大陸民主化影響,並以此作為我網際網路發展與管制上之參考。

我國高階主管特別管理制度規劃方向之研究:以對外開放競爭取才為核心之討論 / Research of Senior Executives Administration System in Taiwan– the discussion of opening opportunity to external competitor as a core

謝瀛隆 Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代以來先進國家所進行之政府再造,其外在環境背景因素中,主因是企業部門面對經濟全球化(globalization)競爭壓力,轉為政府層次的國家競爭力,以及資訊及通信技術之急速變遷,衝擊政府運作方式,此一趨勢驅使政府職能因應轉換,也導致政府必須就其組織重新設計或調整並加速改革步伐。經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic and Development,以下簡稱OECD)會員國為應此趨勢,紛紛建構獨立的高級文官制度以為因應。至於我國除以行政院組織改造為主軸,打造精簡、彈性、有效能的政府外;考試院則提出「建構高階主管特別管理制度」規劃,參採OECD國家建構高級文官制度經驗,希望建立有別於現行一般公務人員之特別管理制度,以系統化延攬及培育推動國家政務主幹之高階常任文官,藉以回應外界之要求。 我高階主管制度應採何種取才途徑,一直是規劃過程中之重點,因以何種取才途徑為設計基礎,影響後續配套措施,諸如俸給、考核、訓練及退離機制等規劃。換言之,取才途徑之選擇,關乎整個特別管理制度之規劃。本研究認為確立對外開放競爭取才之政策目標,始能導引高階主管制度整體規劃方向。至於對外開放競爭取才相關配套如高階主管職務範圍及其外補比例,宜細緻化及彈性化。推動上需漸進並建構合理有效之誘因體系;亦應強化政策溝通及研訂外部人才培育計畫,以爭取高階文官對於政策之認同。未來則應以對外開放競爭取才為前提,重行檢視並研究各議題之妥適性,俾使我國高階主管制度更為妥善可行,更於制度實施後,能提升國家之競爭力。 / Since 1980, government reformed in advanced countries because the external environment background and factors. Due to corporates were facing competitive pressure of economic globalization which turned the competition to the level of government, as well as rapid changes in information and communication technology that impact government’s operation. Hence government functions need to be converted and the structure need to be redesigned or reformed as soon as possible. The member of OECD (Organization for Economic and Development) built an independent senior civil service to respond these trends. In Taiwan, the main target is to redevelop Executive Yuan’s organization as well as create a retrench, flexible, and efficiency government. Furthermore, Examination Yuan planned “Building Senior Executives Administration System” based on OECD member’s experience of senior civil service in past years. The goal was to establish a special administration system other than the current one and to recruit and train senior civil service systemically as well as in response to public concern. Which recruiting method and devise basis should our senior executive service use was always our main concern because different method and measurement will effect stipend, assessment, training, and retirement etc. as planned. In other words, each method we take will result different administration system. It is suggested in the research that setting the goal of opening to external competition in government will lead the scheme for our senior executive service. Supplementary regulations for senior executive service need to be meticulous and flexible for open competition. Reasonable administration system should be built before moving to next step, as well as enhance communication policy and set up a training plan for external talent people to strive for senior civil service system identification. In the future, our government need to be focused on opening competition as a premise, and revise all the issues that might happen; this will result our senior executive service administration system more appropriate and make our country competitive worldwide after implementation.

何處是我家?—變電所選址之研究 / The study of substation siting

黃宇賢, Huang, Yu Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
驅逐黑暗、迎來光明,是變電所最重要的任務,但它往往被歸類為鄰避設施,不為使用者所接受。變電所引發的風險疑慮,無論是環境、健康等,儘管尚無法以科學實證其因果關係,卻深深烙印人心;加上不甚透明且缺乏參與機制的規劃方式,致使變電所選址過程抗爭不斷。 現代社會可說是充滿風險的社會,也就是德國學者貝克所謂的「風險社會」。風險不分階級、貧富,充斥在我們身旁,引發無聲且無形的恐懼。高科技雖然帶來生活便利,但也帶來前所未有的新風險—科技風險。既然風險是現代社會非常重要且切身的課題,如何以風險的視角來解構變電所選址過程,便成為本文的論述主軸。 現行變電所用地之規劃方式,主要是依據都市計畫(土地使用管制)及電力負載預測結果來選擇變電所設置地點;變電所用地的使用項目與內容,則取決於是否辦理多目標使用。然而,土地使用管制之僵固性及電力負載預測結果的不確定性卻造成變電所選址過程必須面臨規劃方式、民眾抗爭、風險分配等三方面困境,使得變電所選址困難重重。 規劃部門、電力公司與民眾能否「共同面對」變電所選址在規劃方式、民眾抗爭、風險分配等三方面的困境,尋求變電所土地使用管制內容再定位並融合民眾參與機制(儘管民眾參與並非萬能),使變電所選址過程掙脫規劃方式的枷鎖,將是降低變電所選址抗爭且形成風險分配共識的必要方向,也才是風險社會中變電所選址的最佳出路。 / The primary function of a substation is to expel the darkness and usher in light. However, it is usually classified as NIMBY facilities and not welcomed by public. People are constantly worried and even feared by nearby substations, although there is neither scientific evidence to prove that substations are harmful nor directly caused any disease. Moreover, substation siting procedure is less transparent and lack of participatory mechanisms during the planning stage, resulting in protests against substation during the siting process. Modern society is full of risks as described by German sociologist Dr. Ulrich Beck in “Risk society.” Risks are around us all the times, regardless of class or wealth. It creates silent and invisible fears. Modern high-tech life style provides convenience but technology also brings unprecedented new risks - technological risks. Since technological risk is an important issue and it can affect anyone in modern society, this article will discuss the risks involved by deconstructing the substation siting procedure. The existing substation siting models are based on the designation of urban plan and the results of power load forecast; the land-use projects of substation are depended on the content of multi-objective land-use. The rigidity of zoning and the uncertainty of power load forecast results plight in substation siting procedure at three situations: approach to planning, public protests and risk allocation, also makes substation siting much difficult. Although public participation is not the magic bullet, substation siting zoning restriction can be unlocked by combining public participation with land use re-position. The best approach to prevent protest against substation siting process and reach consensus in risk distribution is to have planning departments, power companies and the community seeking solution together.

非都市土地農牧用地容許使用之研究 / Study on permitted uses of non-urban farming and grazing lands

高鈺焜 Unknown Date (has links)
非都市土地容許使用制度規範之目的係為促進土地資源之適當合理利用,避免土地遭到不當使用、濫用及誤用,並在加強非都市土地使用管制下,防止土地散漫發展侵蝕優良農田,以及天然資源的保育及杜絕自然災害的發生。惟因台灣著重經濟發展,大量的農地開發與利用,造成農地資源急速破壞,亦使農地轉用情形愈趨嚴重。而一般討論農地流失的原因多以變更開發為面向,但不論是都市計畫內或非都市土地現行的規定,農地均有許多的容許使用項目,而該等容許使用項目未必與農業使用相容,因其仍維持農地之編定,造成有變更使用之實,而無變更使用之名,然卻未有太多之論述探討農地因容許使用而產生之問題及檢討。故本研究特從探討非都市土地農牧用地容許使用執行情形,來檢視容許使用制度對農地所產生之影響。 本研究以「管制政策」理論為立論基礎,闡述為保護農地,政府應以公權力主導非都市土地農牧用地容許使用政策,修正容許使用項目現行法規及制度,建立處罰及獎勵之誘因機制,以貫徹農地保護的政策與管制。本研究並從非都市土地農牧用地容許使用法規修正演變情形及執行現況分析,再經由學者、地政、農業及目的事業主管等機關(單位)問卷調查之彙整,確認非都市土地農牧用地容許使用所造成之課題,本研究復針對各課題研擬其改善對策及配套措施。 本研究針對非都市土地農牧用地容許使用探討之結果,認為農業用地容許使用法規演變,朝向大幅放寬容許使用項目。而容許使用項目規範不當,使得農地流失、零碎及危害國土保育。農牧用地容許使用主管機關權責劃分失衡,造成容許使用以目的事業主管機關為導向。容許使用管制成效不佳,導致農牧用地違規使用情形普遍。且未建立分區分級之容許使用項目,缺乏公平之獎勵誘因機制,農牧用地容許使用制度應再檢討改進。對於上述之課題,本研究提出宜依各使用分區劃設目的調整容許使用項目,以保護優良農地。變更主管機關為農業機關,同時制訂一體適用之審查法令。落實違規使用取締,強化非都市土地農牧用地容許使用管制。並依照管制程度賦予獎勵誘因,以符合社會之公平正義等之建議,以供政府未來執行非都市土地農牧用地容許使用政策及修法之參考。 關鍵字:農牧用地、容許使用項目、非都市土地容許使用管制

防丟器的剖面追蹤研究 / Profile Monitoring on the RSSI of Babyfinder

徐伊萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對防丟器的剖面進行追蹤分析。防丟器包含發射器及接收器,發射器會發射訊號,接收器會記錄RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Index)與發射點數,其中RSSI表示訊號的強度。在工程理論上,RSSI與距離具有函數關係;然而環境中的干擾及事件發生都會影響此函數關係,特別是事件發生會嚴重地改變此函數關係,因此論文主要目的在於區別事件是否發生。   所謂的剖面指的是變數之間的函數關係,而論文中的剖面追蹤是利用管制圖的概念,用管制圖來監控剖面的參數估計值。如果管制圖上的點子出界,則表示事件發生而導致失控。   本論文以腳踏車是否被偷為例,嘗試一些實驗後找出顯著影響的因子設計實驗,包含17種腳踏車未被偷之情境與18種腳踏車被偷情境;欲利用未被偷的實驗建立試驗管制圖,而以被偷之情境來追蹤,用以驗證管制圖之有效性。   論文中主要透過分析防丟器產生的RSSI與距離的剖面、距離與發射點數的剖面來探討事件是否發生。另外剖面追蹤其實是種事後追蹤的方法,為了能即時追蹤,本論文亦採用預測區間的方式,來追蹤事件是否發生。   本論文建議監控距離與發射點數的剖面,因該方法的表現最好,另外建議增加防丟器上能紀錄距離的功能,此方法會更加合適。   本論文提出的即時追蹤方式並沒有特別好,因此一個比較好的即時追蹤方法是未來值得研究的方向。 / The device of Babyfinder is designed to detect if an event occurs. The Babyfinder includes transceiver and receiver. The signal strength, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), generates once there are distances between transceiver and receiver. In wireless communication theory, the relationship between RSSI and distance should be expressed by the model that RSSI = a + b ln (distance) Nevertheless, some circumstance noises and user noises (or common causes), and/or events (special causes) may affect the variation of RSSI. Since the occurrence of events may change the functional relationship of RSSI and distance, to distinguish if the functional relationship is changed by the occurred events is the subject of this study. This study designs some events and noises experiments based on the real noise factors and special events. Two monitoring schemes are proposed to distinguish the occurred events and noise circumstance. One is the profile monitoring scheme, the other is the real time monitoring scheme. The two proposed approaches of profile monitoring scheme are considered to monitor the profile of RSSI and distance and that of distance and the number of transmitting points, respectively. The profile monitoring approach for distance and the number of transmitting points shows better performance. However, the profile monitoring is an after-event tracing approach. It cannot detect the occurred events in time. A better approach of real-time monitoring approach is worth to be proposed in the future study.


邱偉琳, Chiu, Wei-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
為了加入世界貿易組織,台灣早已自80年代逐步進行金融自由化的工作:早在1983年政府就擴大存放款利差,1984年允許銀行根據其個別情況制定基本放款利率並放寬本國銀行設立分行的家數與條件。然而金融自由化最重大的里程碑則是在1989年7月財政部修訂銀行法,開放新銀行設立並解除利率管制,自此之後台灣才真正成為金融自由化的國家。 本研究針對1986年到2002年的本國銀行,採用資料包絡分析法計算效率值,旨在探討台灣銀行業在開放新銀行設立前後的效率與生產力變動情形。不同於其他研究僅以年度為基礎來計算相對效率值,本研究使用「大邊界」的觀念建構出單一效率邊界,更能顯示出在一致的比較基礎上效率變動的趨勢。本研究的主要結果如下: 1.銀行業全體與開放前既存之舊銀行,在開放前的效率值均顯著大於開放後。至於開放後新舊銀行效率的比較,新銀行的整體技術效率與規模效率較高,舊銀行則在純技術效率上領先新銀行,但檢定結果僅有規模效率一項為顯著。 2.金控子銀行的效率值較非金控子銀行為高,顯示金控公司會挑選表現好的銀行作為合作夥伴。 3.在生產力分析部分,舊銀行開放後的總生產力仍小於開放前,儘管舊銀行在開放後的各項經營效率變動較開放前高,但因技術的大幅衰退以致整體生產力仍呈現衰退現象。顯示舊銀行雖然在效率上有所改善,但對於營運上的創新仍太過保守。 4.在Tobit迴歸分析的部分,股東權益報酬率、資產規模、流動準備率和效率值的關係為正向;分行家數、可控制費用、催收款比率和效率值的關係則為負向。 關鍵詞:銀行業、效率分析、資料包絡分析法、解除管制 / In order to join World Trade Organization, Taiwan has been gradually liberating its banking industry since 1980s. In 1983 Taiwan augmented the interest difference between loans and savings in banking industry. In 1984 Taiwan allowed a bank to set its own basic interest rate of loans base on business difference and reduced the restriction of setting up the new branches. The biggest leap was in 1989, Taiwan passed the new banking law which deregulated the banking industry. The new law opened the market for the new entrants and abandoned the interest regulation. The purpose of this research is to examine the efficiency and productivity changes before and after deregulation of Taiwan’s banking industry. This research applies Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach to measure efficiency scores. The data include most of the domestic banks in Taiwan from 1986 to 2002. Unlike other research use yearly basis to measure relative efficiency difference, this research constructs a single efficiency frontier, grand frontier, to measure the trends of efficiency changes. The major findings of this research as follows. 1. The statistical results of the full sample exhibit that the efficiency measures before deregulation are statistically significant greater than that of after deregulation. Although the new entrants exhibit higher efficiency scores in total technical efficiency and scale efficiency than incumbents after deregulation, however, only scale efficiency indicates statistically significant level. Incumbents exhibit a higher pure technical efficiency than the new entrants after deregulation. 2. Banks that joined the financial holding company exhibit higher efficient scores than those of do not join the financial holding company. 3. The total factor productivity denotes a regress after deregulation. The major factor of productivity regress is due to technology decrease. However, the efficiency change of incumbent banks exhibits a significant increase after deregulation. The finding suggests that although the incumbent banks have significant improvements in efficiency, they are still too conservative in innovations. 4. The Tobit regression suggests that return on equity (ROE), total assets, and current-reserve ratio have a positive effect on efficiency measures; however, the number of branches, controllable expenses, and bad debt ratio have a negative effect on efficiency measures. Keywords: Bank industry, Efficiency analysis, Data envelopment analysis, Deregulation

韋柏分配下規格下限與X-bar 管制圖之經濟設計 / Economic design of specification limit and X-bar control chart under Weibull distribution

蔡瑋倫, Tsai, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
To determine the economic design of control charts and the specification limits with minimum cost are two separate issues in previous research areas. In this study, we proposed a method to determine the optimal design parameters of X control charts and the specification limits simultaneously from an economic viewpoint. We also consider two types of X control charts: one is the economic X control chart and the other is the economic statistical X control chart. We obtain the optimal results by minimizing the expected cost per unit time for the-larger-the-better quality characteristic with a Weibull distribution. We consider the asymmetric control limits because of the asymmetric feature of theWeibull distribution. Also, we are considering the difference between monitoring the process by using an economic statistical X control chart and conducting a complete inspection plan. Which way is better, process control or inspection plan? In our data analysis of the two types of X control chart, we find that the optimal expected cost per unit time with complete inspection is lower than without complete inspection. This is because the coefficient of Taguchi’s quadratic loss function we set is too small. And the analysis shows us the significant parameters for the optimal expected cost per unit time and design parameters. At last, in our numerical examples for two different types of X control chart, we find that the performance of the economic X control chart is as good as the economic statistical one. However, we suggest the producer use the economic statistical X control chart with a complete inspection plan to obtain a lower expected cost per unit time and larger power of the control chart.


王芳瓊, Wang, Fang-Qiong Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在藉助理論研究與歐美等先進國家之實證分析,說明於通貨膨脹及快速變遷 的環境下,利率管制無法有效地應因環境的波動,利率自由化遂成為世界之潮流。我 國利率自由化構想的開端,始於民國六十三年,於本文中詳細介紹現階段下,我國利 率自由化之發展經過,進而探討信用評等制度之建立,及金融制度之改革,以期利率 自由化之發展更臻成熟,最後,就以上之內容,針對各項問題,提出改進建議與解決 方案。 壹、前言 貳、利率自由化的意義與功能 參、自由利率與管制利率之比較分析 肆、世界主要國家推行利率自由化的情形-介紹德、英、美等國之情形 伍、我國利率自由化之發展經過 1.各種短期流通工具之發展 2.短期票卷交易市場之建立 3.公開市場之操作 4.貼現窗口之建立 5.銀行同業拆款中心之設立 6.放款利率彈性之加大 7.利率調整方案之公布與實施 陸、我國推動利率自由化初期所產生的影響 柒、利率自由化與信用評等制度之建立 捌、利率自由化輿金融制度之改革 玖、建議與結論

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