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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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人民幣國際化背景下的兩岸資本跨境流通 / The Flow of Fund between Mainland China and Taiwan under the Background of Internationalization of RMB

徐航, Xu, Hang Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸經貿在政治的隔閡與反復中,從小到大,從封閉到逐漸開放。在這個過程中,兩岸資金融通的不斷擴大成為這場華麗經濟表演的背景。但隨著人民幣在國際舞台角色變化,兩岸貨幣流通從背景中走出,金融合作發展甚至可能成為兩岸經濟未來的最重要之組成。 從法律角度審視兩岸跨境資金流通,繁瑣的管制措施與複雜的法律體系正在逐漸消減。從直接投資角度而言,對外中國大陸不斷推動外商投資企業法規的改制以吸引外商投資;對內則努力減少中國企業融資阻礙,以推動中國大陸企業走出去。而台灣雖然對於陸資仍然保持著較大的戒心,亦逐步放開對大陸投資管制,並開放陸資來台來台促進經濟發展。從間接投資角度而言,中國大陸逐步放開資本項下的管制, QDII、QFII等投資管道不斷推陳出新,更加開放的未來成為可能。 而在這場以人民幣國際化為目的的改革中,自貿區扮演了急先鋒的角色。自貿區階段式的政策開放有著中國大陸改革和法律變遷的典型特征,「試點—推廣」模式使自貿區走在了人民幣國際化的最前沿。而台灣的自由經濟示範區卻步入了困境。 自貿區的現在很大可能將會是中國大陸的未來,人民幣國際化成為一個大概率事件。面對這種未來,台灣可以如何應對?從法律角度而言,本文提出以下四個建議:1.推動兩岸貿易以本幣結算,深化兩岸經貿往來;2.建立雙邊貨幣交換機制,共同推動人民幣區域化及國際化;3.推動兩岸資本市場的交流與合作,建構台灣為人民幣離岸中心;4.推動兩岸金融監理合作、建置兩岸金融防火牆。 / The economic and trade have developed since 1980s though faced with the political barriers. The two sides is expected to work together in peace in the future. From the perspective of cross-border capital flow, the two sides set up a complicated and complex control measures, forming a complex legal system. From the view of direct investment, China is currently promoting the restructuring of foreign investment enterprises and regulations to attract foreign investment. Reducing the financing pressure of Chinese enterprises and promoting the Chinese mainland enterprises to go out become one of the focus of the mainland policy. However, Taiwan resist the Chinese capital. From the perspective of indirect investment, China's mainland is currently expanding various investment pipelines, such as QDII, QFII, etc.. In the future, capital of cross-border capital flows will be more convenient. Taiwan also has more space to intervene. The establishment of free trade zone has become the pioneer of China's financial reform, and its development has been the most advanced in the financial reform, capital projects and the internationalization of RMB. Negative list and a series of financial reform measures will gradually move to the country. Taiwan's free economic demonstration zone has entered a difficult situation. Facing such a future, from a legal point of view, this paper puts forward the following five suggestions: 1. Promote cross-strait trade in local currency settlement, deepen economic and trade exchanges between the two sides; 2. The establishment of bilateral currency exchange mechanism, and jointly promote the RMB regionalization and internationalization; 3. To promote exchanges and cooperation on both sides of the capital market, build Taiwan as an offshore RMB Centre; 4. To promote cross-strait financial supervisory cooperation, build cross-strait financial firewall.

適應性加權損失管制圖之研究 / The Study of Adaptive Weighted Loss Control Charts for Dependent Process Steps

林亮妤, Lin,Liang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來有許多研究發現,適應性管制圖在偵測製程或產品幅度偏移時的速度比傳統的舒華特管制圖來的快,許多文獻也討論到利用適應性管制技術同時監控製程的平均數和變異數。隨著科技的發達,許多產品在製造上更加精密,現今普遍使用的固定參數管制圖並無法有效率的偵測出製程失控,導致巨大的成本損失。為了改善現有管制圖的偵測效率與有效控制製程失控下的損失,我們提出了三種適應性加權損失管制圖,包括變動抽樣間隔(VSI)、變動樣本數與抽樣間隔(VSI)、變動管制參數(VP)來偵測單一製程與兩相依製程的平均數和變異數。採用製程發生變動後到管制圖偵測出異常訊息所需的平均時間(AATS)與所需的總觀測數(ANOS)來衡量管制圖的偵測績效,並利用馬可夫鏈推導計算得之。從數值分析中發現,適應性加權損失管制圖在「偵測小偏移幅度時的偵測效率」與「成本的控制」明顯比傳統管制圖表現的更好,再加上每一個製程僅需採用單一管制圖,對使用者也較為簡便並且容易理解,因此適應性加權損失管制圖在實務上是值得被推薦使用的。 / Recent research has shown that control charts with adaptive features detect process shifts faster than traditional Shewhart charts. In this article, we propose three kinds of adaptive weighted loss (WL) control charts, variable sampling intervals (VSI) WL control charts , variable sample sizes and sampling intervals (VSSI) WL control charts and variable parameters (VP) WL control charts, to monitor the target and variance on a single process step and two dependent process steps simultaneously. These adaptive WL control charts may effectively distinguish which process step is out-of-control. We use the Markov chain approach to calculate the adjusted average time to signal (AATS) and average number of observations to signal (ANOS) in order to measure the performance of the proposed control charts. From the numerical examples and data analyses, we find the adaptive WL control charts have better detection abilities and performance than fixed parameters (FP) WL control charts and FP Z(X-bar)-Z(Sx^2) and Z(e-bar)-Z(Se^2) control charts. We also proposed the optimal adaptive WL control charts using an optimization technique to minimize AATS when users cannot specify the values of the variable parameters. In addition, we discuss the impact of misusing weighted loss of outgoing quality control chart. In conclusion, using a single chart to monitor a process is inherently easier than using two charts. The WL control charts are easy to understand for the users, and have better performance and detection abilities than the other charts, thus, we recommend the use of WL control charts in the real industrial process.

無線廣播電視執照核發制度之研究--兼論商業執照競標之問題 / A Study of Broadcast and Television Licensing: Also Comment on Commercial Station Licenses Auction

林孟芃, Lin, Meng-peng Unknown Date (has links)
主管機關於發照機制之選擇及其執照核發決定,不僅是滲透到無線廣電產業管制架構的每一處縫隙,也反映出社會價值之優先序位。 從上個世紀以來,解除管制、數位科技與匯流現象高度衝擊了過去以執照為核心的無線廣電管制體系,也引發了一波管制革新之需求。形式上,無線廣電服務與電台執照是一系列權利義務與一套法律程序之化身,但從其功能面來看,執照之核發寓含至少有「註冊登記,分類管理」、「資源分配」、「限制市場參進與競爭」、「費用徵納」及「行為監管」等多元之目標功能。在英美,無線廣電執照之核發反映出該國無線廣電體系之社會角色定位,也反應出不同廣電體系下執照釋出及其頻率核配方式與結果之影響;管制革新也同樣令其重新認知了傳統執照制度中課予廣電業者公益義務之價格問題。 拍賣法在廣電頻譜及經營特許之應用上,除有先例可循外,亦被認為將可以矯正過去傳統以命令與控制模式支配下之執照核發制度之缺失,並將因此增加頻譜使用效率、提升全體福祉。本文因此透過英美等國之制度規範與經驗之分析,來檢驗此一說法。期待藉由瞭解拍賣法及其相關特殊背景下運作之優劣得失,及晚近崛起之相關替選方案,能提供未來政策制訂者在商業廣電執照管理之改革議題上有更豐富的視野。 儘管拍賣法在無線通訊領域應用上,現階段看來有相當誘人的成果,但本文認為,無線廣電事業有其特殊性,傳統頻率指配結合營業特許之執照體系,在使用拍賣法上,將可能產生近用、市場競爭、使用效率、內容多元等目標上無一討好之結果。再者,要達成自由市場或市場模式追求之效率目標,也並非單純使用拍賣法即可;相關配套措施之施行,同樣不可或缺。再者,我國無線廣電體制與英美更有不同,因此如何避免出現主管機關缺乏落實政策目標之能力,至關重要。 目前我國無線商業廣電執照核發制度之問題,可說在頻譜與內容管制雙重目標間迷失;問題焦點並不在於拍賣或審議制的二選一習題上,而應是致力於明確化分配標準、公開透明的競爭程序。此外,在引入市場機制於執照制度、期能促進效率與效能之同時,如何平衡執照管理中的私益與公益問題,仍是數位匯流時代無線廣電執照管理議題之核心。 / The authority's choice of a licensing mechanism and decisions thereof not only permeate nearly the entire regulatory fabric of our broadcast industries, but reflect our society's priorities. Licensing, nominally, is a mutual promise by the legal procedure; moreover, it is also about the registration, limited competition, distribution of resourses, charges, and the code of conduct. Since last century, broadcast laws and regulations have been bombarded with deregulation, digitization, and convergence, and that is conglomerated to push the reform of broadcast licensing. Simultaneously, the communications revolution, like U.K. or U.S., has thrown into question the value of imposing public interest obligations on radio and television broadcasters. Broadcast licensing seems to be so daunting that some people anoint a few constituencies with very pressing appeals, give them special leverage, and throw everything else back on the market. The auction apologists would argue that the government should set clear and definite standards and tough performance requirements to ensure that good systems and service will result, whoever is the highest bidder. In a pure auction era, where dollars are equated with public worth and maximizing dollars will be the most important criterion, there will be strong pressure to also base allocation and allotment decisions on this standard. The merit of auctions in wireless communications licensing may be conspicuous, but the broadcast industry is unique and more complicated so that the change of a licensing mechanism, from the marketplace approach, could be made that a revised public interest standard and obligations failed to address the fundamental challenge--to reassess the power of the regulator when implementing the public interest obligations. Auctions of radio spectrum or broadcasting concession, in other words, will generate their own serious problems that should not be underestimated or denied. On broadcast licensing of Taiwan, auctions will not be the life buoy to predicaments of broadcast industries; on the contrary, a top priority is to enhance the clearness and definition, transparency, and fair competition, whether the authority prefers imitating an auction to innovating the traditional selection procedure, beauty contest, through a more competitive approach or not. Besides, we shall inspecting the key point of whether or not competition and the public interest are compatible in the ongoing dialectic still, continuing to struggle toward a balance between private initiative and public oversight.


廖 合, Liao,Ho Unknown Date (has links)
由績效觀點,品質(適質)與成本(適量),在概念上是完全一致的。因此,績效的管理,應以品質與成本作為其目標達成與否的衡量標準。本研究以績效觀點來解決公司面臨到品質與成本的兩難的問題。隨著電子產品的功能多樣化,發熱問題卻接踵而來,發熱密度的不斷提昇,對於散熱設計的需求也越來越受到重視。本研究以電源轉換器為對象,其目前已設計完成且已通過美國UL安規認證,但因為其溫升及其變異很大,因此降低電源轉換器的溫升及其變異是一急需解決的問題,以期能找出穩健於不可控因子,使產品變異小且各零件溫升與損失均能降至最低的最適外部零件組合。透過了田口與實驗設計的方法規劃及進行實驗並收集數據。引用加權SN比(multi-response S/N ratio)的方法,分別透過(1)管制圖法及(2)資料包絡法的CCR保證領域法(指CCR-AR模型)來決定加權SN比的權數,以決定可控因子及其水準值。對矩陣實驗的數據利用MTS ( M a h a l o n o b I s - Taguchi System)來篩選研究問題中較重要的特性變數,再針對篩選結果中較重要的特性變數的數據分別利用(1)倒傳遞類神經網路結合資料包絡法及(2)資料包絡法結合主成份分析法兩種分析方法,得到外殼鑽孔形狀與矽膠片大小的最佳因子組合。由改善後的確認實驗結果得知,雖然平均溫升下降的程度不大,然而大部份量測點的溫升標準差都顯著變小了,因此本研究在降低該電源轉換器溫升變異的效果顯著。

我國因應船員執業證書國際公約修正案之研究:政策論證之分析 / On the ROC of Policy Regarding the Amendment of the Seafarer Practicing Certificate International Convertion : Analysis Policy Argument

尹台生, yin,tai-shen Unknown Date (has links)
政策是公權力對大眾利益表現一種型態,為確保其一貫施政品質,公共治理的理論,逐漸重視政策的效果 - 政策論證(policy argument),尤其以全民政治為基礎的政策治理,對於整體資源的投入/產出,必須強化其自體檢核功能。 航運的操作有兩項基本的動因,一個是船,另一個是船員,兩者缺一不可,然後貨才能「暢其流」,尤其船員的因素,是航運興衰的關鍵動因。我國在邁進開發國家之列時,對於各類專業人才必須予以適當的培訓及保障,整體經濟的生產力才能提升,並能強化競爭力,邁向國際化,航運業界、政府及學界均應有此共識,在面對國際船員訓練、發證的考驗時,同心協力,參與國際海事組織(IMO)船員訓練發證政策的挑戰,突破港口國管制(PSC)的檢查,使船員在工作保障及社會福利有所依循,以符合船員訓練STCW 78/95國際公約修訂的檢查及港口國管制(PSC)的要求標準。 中國方面,因為是國際海事組織(IMO)的會員,對於船員訓練及發證,均按照STCW78/95國際公約的規定與要求,頒布一系列規章及訓練規範,而且根據中國「民法通則」規定,法律條約沒有規定的,可適用國際慣例,中華民國的船員執業證照則處於相對不確定的狀況,尚待政府的國際政策躓琢。 由於兩岸經濟依存,政治對立,各自表述,在意識形態上產生不接軌的現象,再加上國際情勢發展的不對稱影響,我國船員訓練主管單位及相關港監部門及學術組織,本於國家利益的基礎上,為謀我國航運業的發展及保障船員的工作權,除強化國內的船員訓練品質,另確有必要務實的參與國際組織相關活動及其相互間的合作,將我國現職船員訓練符合STCW 78/95國際公約之發證政策與執行規定,順利遞送國際海事組織(IMO)的秘書處,並確認發證履行報告,完成從第三走廊(軌道)列入〈白名單〉(White List)之列(如本論文第五章敘述)。 本研究肇因於國際公約的修訂,影響我國船員訓練執業證書的認可,政府從一貫的船員政策實施過程為核心,配合考試、適任評估,目標是符合國際公約STCW 78/95的標準及船員證照認證的公共治理為論證(policy argument),從質性研究的模式,並依政治學方法論的比較研究法及政策論證的步驟與國際關係(IR)的談判元素,全文以建構類型(constructive typology) 理論,作為理論架構,驗證第三軌道的模式。 / Decision-making is the pattern that shows a certain type of state authority; administrative power displays the attitude to the general interests based on effectiveness of administration. In order to guarantee its consistent administrative quality, the administration theory shows how a state manages its public policy. Also, governments undoubtedly pay much attention to the outcome of them. How those public policies are approved (i.e., policy arguments), also exemplify the fact that decision-making is based on the participation of individuals in whole society. Inputs/output model could strengthen our knowledge from the key function of physical examination. There are two basic theories regarding the operation of shipping. One is the ship; with the other one names the seafarer. None of them can be dispensed with—can commodities be transported smoothly only through this understanding. Seafarer's role, in particular, is the key factor attributing to the shipping frequency. The Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan has to offer proper crew training so as to guarantee all kinds of qualified personnel in a specific field are sufficient while striding forward to develop its economy. Only if the productivity could be promoted, can the ROC strengthen competitiveness, march forward to further internationalization. Shipping could reflect a certain country’s industrial level, governmental effectiveness and its educational development. As local trains’ seafarers— instead of by international authorities, this country encounters the license-issuing problem. Only through concerted efforts, can this country meet ordeals when participating in International Maritime Organization (IMO)’s training and license-issuing process, pass through the inspection that the port state controlled (PSC), make seafarers’ rights guaranteed. In addition, the ROC has to assure seafarers’ welfare, in accordance with the inspection of the international convention revising (STCW 78/95) and to the standard demanded by the port state control (PSC). The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a member of International Maritime Organization (IMO). The PRC obeys the regulations and request of international convention STCW78/95, the general rule of the civil law, and announces a series of training rules when training seafarers and issuing licenses. The PRC also declares that they could apply to international custom if their lacks of local regulations. In contrast, the seafarers of the Republic of China are still not for sure that they could be issues operation certificates. The ROC government is awaited to do something. Economies along the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have become mutually interdependent, whereas their political relations are still stridently confrontational. Due to the huge gap between their international statuses, the authorities that responsible for seafarer training and harbor supervisors, as well as scholars, have to promote the training quality of our seafarers, participate caucuses and activities of various international organizations so as to assure the ROC’s sea transportation and their working opportunities. The government has to submit its 78/95 STCW regulations training post crewman to the Secretariat of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), confirm license-issuing and fulfill the report, enlist itself to the White List from the “Third Track (as noted in Chapter 5).” This research could be attributed to the revision of the international convention, which affects the validity the ROC’s approval to the certificates in seafarer training and issuing licenses. The government designs courses from consistent policies of seafarer training, helping seafarers pass examination and evaluation and finally reach the standard of international convention named STCW 78/95. In addition, one of the government’s objectives is to comply the policy argument of governance concerning license issuing. This author tries to apply to quality research, comparative methodology, and negotiating factor in international relations (IR), and constructive typology for the purpose of verifying the operation of the “Third Track.”


張謨猷 Unknown Date (has links)
1993年1月13日在法國巴黎簽署之「禁止化學武器公約」(The Chemical Weapons Convention,CWC),不但規定銷毀現存所有類別的化學武器,並且在嚴格的國際管制下,採取嚴密之查核措施,以完全銷毀研製化學武器相關設備;對於用以製造成化學武器之原料及其前驅物質的貿易也有訂定詳細規約,期能終極達成全面消滅化學武器之目標。2003年5月30日,美國布希總統宣佈成立「防擴散安全倡議」(Proliferation Security Initiative,PSI),其目的亦在更有效的防止大規模毀滅性武器(Weapon of Mass Destruction,WMD)之擴散並避免落入邪惡軸心國家或恐怖份子之手。 化學武器也被稱為「窮國的原子彈」,因其發展簡易、製造費用較為低廉,故國際間化學武器的擴散對國際和平與安全之威脅已遠超核子武器或生物武器;我國雖躋身全球前11名化工國,但因中共的阻撓,迄今仍然無法成為「禁止化學武器公約」的締約國,但不能據此理由,自外於國際社會對此問題之關注與掌握,本論文即以「禁止化學武器公約」為研究重點,期提供未來觀察相關發展之參考。 / “The Chemical Weapons Convention”(CWC) signature in Paris on January 13, 1993 required all the existing chemical weapons be demolished and a strict inspection measure be taken under the strict international supervision and control to completely destroy all the related facilities and equipment used to make chemical weapons; It also stipulates in detail on the trade of raw materials used to make chemical weapons so that the ultimate goal of total annihilation of chemical weapons can be reached. On May 30, 2003, President George Bush Jr. announced the establishment of “Proliferation Security Initiative”(PSI) with an aim to further effectively prevent from the proliferation of “Weapons of Mass Destruction ”(WMD) and minimize the chance to let them fall in the hands of the evil axis countries or international terrorists. Chemical weapons are also dubbed as“the nuclear bomb of the poor nations”because they are easy to develop and the cost of producing them are relatively low. Therefore, the proliferation of chemical weapons in the world has posed a far more severe threat than that of nuclear or biological weapons. Although our country has been in the top 11 chemical engineering countries in the world, we are still not able to be one of the signatories of “the Chemical Weapons Convention” as a result of the political interference from China. However despite this adverse situation, we should not use this as an excuse to exclude ourselves from the concerns and control of the international community on this issue. Therefore, this paper focuses mainly on “The Chemical Weapons Convention”, hoping to provide a significant reference for future observation and the development of the related issues.

大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標建構之研究 / Study on Constructing Expected effectiveness and Indicators of the Enrollment's Total Amount Control of Higher Education

莊清寶, Chuang, Ching-Pao Unknown Date (has links)
我國自83學年度推動教育改革以來,至94學年度為止,學士班人數已由30萬2,093人增加為93萬8,648人、碩士班人數由3萬832人增加為14萬9,493人、博士班人數則由8,395人增加為2萬7,531人,可見近年來大專校院學生數可謂急遽地增加。而我們由94學年度大學考試分發入學錄取率高達89.08%,更顯示進入大學就讀已絕非難事。然而鑒於我國2005年的出生人口數已從2000年的30萬5,312人降至20萬5,854人,在此少子化的趨勢形成影響前,93學年度大專校院的缺額數卻已高達6萬471人,顯現出大專校院的招生呈現出明顯供過於求的現象。研究者於是對中央主管教育行政機關以「總量管制」方式核定大專校院招生名額的機制產生濃厚研究興趣。   本研究採用「文獻分析法」及「問卷調查法」等兩個研究方法進行研究,其中旨在探討此大專校院招生名額總量管制之政策沿革與現況,並以更多元、開放的角度探討大專校院招生名額總量管制應達到哪些預期效益且嘗試建構其因素模式,接著依據前述預期效益建構出適當的大專校院招生名額總量管制指標,最後則探討不同背景變項(如性別、年齡、最高學歷、身份、學校體系、學校性質等)的受試者對大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標看法之差異。   本研究以李克特六點式量表、網路問卷形式設計成「大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與其指標調查問卷」來作為研究工具,並以「兩階段取樣」的方式來廣泛蒐集大專校院教師、職員與學生等研究對象的同意程度看法。其中第一階段係分別藉由函請各校轉寄E-mail通知該校教職員及學生上網填答、至各校bbs發表文章進行問卷施測通知等兩種途徑,獲得回收樣本數8,473份,扣除無效問卷317份後,總計有效回收問卷為8,156份,並據以建置為樣本資料庫。第二階段則採分層隨機抽樣方式分別於大專校院教師、職員及學生等三層各抽出336個樣本,總計獲得1,008個樣本。 此1,008個樣本將分別以SPSS 13.0及LISERL8.72等兩套統計軟體進行資料分析,其中將採用次數分配與百分比、算術平均數與標準差、t檢定、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、驗證性因素分析等統計方法進行分析,並經專家效度、聚合效度、區別效度及交叉驗證效度、Cronbach’s α係數、潛在變項的組合信度、個別觀察變項的信度等檢定過程中證實本研究具有良好的研究效度與信度。   本研究總計建構出13個大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益,其同意程度平均數(M)介於4.48∼5.28之間,同意百分比(P)則介於81.5%∼96.4%之間;至於此預期效益之因素模式則也獲得相當良好的適配結果,並據以證實大專校院教師、職員與學生對於大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益的同意程度看法,會受到「保障大專校院教學品質」、「符合學生性向與需求」「符合就業市場人力與專業需求」、「大專校院競爭力之維持與提昇」等4個潛在因素構面(或稱構念)的影響。接著,並依據前述預期效益建構出26個大專校院招生名額總量管制指標,其同意程度平均數(M)介於4.30∼4.94之間,同意百分比(P)則介於79.0%∼93.9%之間。 此外,本研究亦發現,在性別、年齡、最高學歷、身分、專兼職情形、學校體系與學校性質等7個不同背景變項的受試者對大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標之同意程度看法的差異中,除了不同「學校體系」變項的受試者對指標看法沒有顯著差異、但對預期效益看法有顯著差異外,其餘6個不同背景變項皆在預期效益與指標的看法上有顯著差異。 最後,本研究並依據研究成果,提出下列具體建議: 一、總量管制預期效益不宜只考量「維持教學品質」,應進一步關注學生   需求、就業市場需求、以及學校競爭力等方面的預期效益之達成情   形。 二、總量管制指標不宜只考量到生師比、師資結構與校舍面積等指標,應  以多元觀點發展出更多指標,以充分掌握招生管理資訊。 三、總量管制不應侷限在「每年成長總量的管控」,而應納入「減少招生  名額」的情境條件。 四、宜適度減少各校擴增招生名額的誘因。 五、宜研議總量管制業務整併之可行性。 六、總量管制資料的蒐集宜化被動為主動,以掌握客觀審查資訊。 / When Taiwan setting into education reforms from 1994 school years till 2005 school years, the students at classes of bachelor degree increase to 938,648 from 302,093, the students at classes of master's degree increase to 149,493 from 30,832, the students at classes of doctor's degree increase to 27,531 from 8,395. It is perceived that students of higher education increasing rapidly. Furthermore, the admission rates of universities' enrollment paths by entrance examination grades reaches 89.08%, it appears that entering into universities is not hard anymore. However, since population of births had reduced to 205,854 at the year of 2005 from 305,312 at the year of 2000, and before the impact of trends of few-children, the vacancies of enrollment of higher education had reached 60,471, we can find a obvious phenomenon that the supply of enrollment of higher education exceeds the demand. So I have a strong interest in the mechanism of how Ministry of Education ratifying the enrollment of higher education by the method of "Total Amount Control".   The study adopts two approaches, that is "literature review" and "questionnaire survey", and it explores the policy's developing progress and current situation of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education. Furthermore, it explores what expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education should be reached with the diverse and liberal viewpoints, and tries to construct its factor model. Then according to the expected effectiveness, we establishes appropriate indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education. Finally, we explore if subjects with different background variables, such as sex, age, degree, identity, full/part time, system of school, character of school, will have significant differences about opinions of expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education.   The study designs the "questionnaire of expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education" with Likert six point scale and network questionnaire, and broadly collects samples of teachers, officers, and students of higher education by the methods of "Two stage Sampling". At the first stage, I use two survey ways, that is e-mail informing and bbs informing, and I get 8,473 returned samples, and finally get 8,156 valid samples after reducing 317 invalid samples. At the second stage, I gains 1,008 samples from three layers of teachers, officers, and students of higher education with "stratified random sampling".   The 1,008 samples will be analysed by two software of SPSS 13.0 and LISERL8.72. The ways of analysis include frequency and percentage, average and standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, confirmatory factor analysis. Furthermore, after the examining of expert validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, cross- validity, Cronbach's α, composite reliability, and individual observed variables' reliability, we have confirmed the study has good study validity and reliability. The study finally constructs 13 expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education, and its average of agree extent between 4.48 to 5.28, its agree percentage between 81.5% to 96.4%. Furthermore, the factor model of that expected effectiveness has good fit results too, it confirms that the opinions on expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education will be influenced by the latent factors of "Ensure the teaching quality of higher education", "Matching with students' aptitude and needs", "Matching with manpower and specialty's needs of job market", "keep and promote the competitive ability of higher education". Then according to the expected effectiveness, we establishes 26 indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education, and its average of agree extent between 4.30 to 4.94, its agree percentage between 79.0% to 93.9%.   Furthermore, the study find among the opinions' difference of agree extent on expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education from 7 different background variables, such as sex, age, degree, identity, full/part time, system of school, character of school, beside the "system of school" haven't significant difference on indicators but have on expected effectiveness, other 6 different background variables all have significant difference on expected effectiveness and indicators.   Finally, according to the results of this study, I propose some suggestions as follow: 1.The expected effectiveness of total amount control shouldn't be restricted within "maintain teaching quality", we should consider the expected effectiveness' implement of students' need, job market's need, and school's competitiveness further. 2.The indicators of total amount control shouldn't be  restricted within the indicators of student-teacher rates,  structure of teacher, superficial contents of school  buildings only, we need more indicators with diversified  viewpoints to get information for enrollment's managing. 3.The total amount control shouldn't be restricted by "the  amount control of every years' growth", we need to add the  conditions of "reducing enrollment". 4.We should try to appropriately reduce the "inducing factors"  of universities increasing enrollment. 5.Ministry of Education should try to merge the affairs of  total amount control from different departments. 6.We should collect the data of total amount control actively  instead of passive, so that we can get objective information  to examine.

碳排放管制對臺灣工業部門生產效率及汙染減量成本之分析 / Analysis of production efficiency and pollution abatement cost of Taiwan's industrial sector under CO2 regulation

蒲嵩杰, Pu, Song Jie Unknown Date (has links)
全球暖化已成為大多數國家近幾年所關心的議題。雖然臺灣政府於2010年5月所核定的「國家節能減碳總計畫」之中,儘管減量目標及原則業已確立,但未充分探討各別產業的面臨碳排放管制時所造成的影響,因此,臺灣各產業或次部門究竟應承擔多大的減量責任仍是混沌不明。 為了更清楚瞭解碳排放管制對於臺灣工業部門之各產業的影響,本文以方向性距離函數,估算工業部門中14個產業367家上市櫃、興櫃和公開發行公司於2005年至2010年,在不同電力消費所產生的CO2之責任歸屬情況下之生產效率及汙染減量成本,以反映各產業於管制下的機會成本,便於鎖定某些產業或公司,來賦予減量責任。結果發現,各產業在實施碳排放管制後的效率水準,會高於未實施碳排放管制時的效率水準,且各產業的平均總汙染減量成本與每噸二氧化碳減量成本相差甚大。而臺灣尚未通過相關法規以規範各產業二氧化碳排放水準,若各產業節能技術或政府相關配套政策未改善,倉促實施碳排放管制,除了對管制對象的產生影響外,也可能間接衝擊未管制對象。政府除了加強輔導各種產業從事節能技術外,也需要適當的公布各產業各公司的各種汙染排放量資訊,以供各界研究碳排放管制或其他汙染排放管制對社會的影響。 / Global warming has become the topic of most countries which concerns things in recent years. Government sets up CO2 reduction objectives and principle in “General National Plan for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction” in 2010, but the plan doesn’t probe effect of CO2 regulation which different industries. Therefore, it is unknown that different industries should be responsible for the abatement of CO2. In order to clearly understand effect of CO2 regulation for Taiwan industrial sector, this paper use directional distance function to estimate production efficiency and pollution abatement cost of 367 public companies in 14 industries in industrial sector from 2005 to 2010, and to reflect different industries’ opportunity cost under CO2 regulation. Production efficiency of different industries after the implementation of CO2 regulation will be higher than before the implementation of CO2 regulation. On the other hand, different industries have a variety of average pollution abatement cost and pollution abatement cost of CO2 per ton. However, Taiwan has not yet adopted the environment laws to set up industrial CO2 emission level, if the government hurriedly implemented CO2 regulation for Taiwan industrial sector, may be indirectly influence other sectors. Hence, the government should not only urge that industries must be engaged in energy-saving technologies, but also announce companies’ various pollution emission information which provides research institutes to analyze effect of social welfare under CO2 regulation.

論我國公私立大學學雜費管制之法制與合憲性 / A Study on the Regulations and the Constitutionality of the Restriction on Tuition and Fees in Taiwan's Universities

林明忠, Lin, Ming-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討我國目前對公、私立大學所為的學雜費管制之法律基礎、管制目的、司法救濟程序及相關管制法律規範之合憲性等法律問題。本論文係從我國大學學雜費管制方式之流變、管制規範之立法背景與目的等議題出發,再探討現行對大學之學雜費管制措施中,相關的法制架構與行為定性,並具體分析我國學雜費現行管制規範將侵害大學何種基本權利及大學對此可採行的司法救濟程序,最後則檢討目前大學學雜費管制規範之合憲性。 本論文認為,未來我國不應對公、私立大學仍為相同之學雜費管制措施。於公立大學,國家固然可對之為學雜費管制,惟仍應實際考慮各大學間不同之成本支出因素,不應僅以統一數值(例如消費者物價指數年增率、平均每戶可支配所得年增率等數值)作為大學調整學雜費數額之參考標準。而於私立大學,如其可不依靠國家之財政補助而能獨力辦學,國家即不應再對之有任何學雜費管制措施(例如規定調整幅度上限或得否調整學雜費等措施),否則即有違比例原則,應屬違憲。

共享經濟平台於我國面臨之競爭法問題―以Uber為例 / The Competition Law Issues Encountered by Sharing Economy Platforms:A Case Study of Uber

甘琳 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本文探討近年興起之共享經濟商業模式及其合法性爭議,並且聚焦於共享經濟平台於競爭法上產生之問題,主要係以Uber為討論對象,整理及分析其於我國所產生之管制爭議,檢討評估是否違反我國競爭法之相關規定。Uber於我國產生之爭議主要分為管制、稅務及保險三方面,政府應將Uber在台所有營業所得列入營所稅課徵範圍,並且制定適合共享經濟平台之管制法規,使消費者保護、公平競爭及維護創新能夠達到平衡。在Uber所採取的營運模式中,其本身即為運輸服務提供者,與計程車業者處於同一相關市場,旗下司機則為其個別運送工作之承攬人,故Uber招攬司機若涉有不實廣告應適用公平交易法,而非針對不實招攬員工的就業服務法。且個別司機既係承接Uber已成交之運送工作,並未直接對外提供運輸服務,Uber對外使用同一計價方式並不構成司機間之水平聯合定價或其與司機間之垂直價格限制。Uber於汽車運輸服務市場中尚未具有獨占地位,亦不適用濫用獨占地位之規範。其載客訂價若未低於本身之平均變動成本,亦不致構成公平交易法第20條第3款之低價利誘行為。計程車業者係因現行管制規範導致成本偏高,難以與Uber競爭。公平交易法應堅守維護市場競爭之根本立場,對於Uber較具效率但不見容於現行交通法規之競爭行為,應該交由公路法處理,競爭法不應介入管制。

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