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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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楊坤樵 Unknown Date (has links)
所謂的憲政實際是指所有國家機關或地方自治團體依其職權適用憲法規範所形成的具體現實發展。理論上,客觀規範與實際適用的結果應該是一致的,然在經濟此一事物領域中,憲法規範與憲政實際間似乎有相當程度的緊張與斷裂。考量到定期改選、背負民意壓力的立法者最能感受、反應社會現實變化的發展,並著眼於釋憲權與立法權間長久存在的緊張關係,本文的重心將擺在立法者的經濟法規範上,換言之,本文欲處理的議題乃就經濟此一領域中,憲法規範與法律規範間產生的緊張關係。本來解決這緊張關係最根本的方法就是透過修憲,修改不合時宜的憲法規範(若我們肯定經濟法規範所彰顯的價值較符合當代國人的需求) 。但憲法增修條文第一條規定,其程序顯較憲法本文更加繁雜、冗長,進一步地強化了我國憲法的剛性特質,欲透過修憲回應時代變革更顯困難,因此,本文遂將關注的目光集中在釋憲者身上,期能透過憲法解釋舒緩、調和這緊張關係。本文擬從憲法變遷的觀點出發,探求憲法規範與法律規範間的互動關係。一方面,將社會變遷納入憲法的考慮,使憲法具有自主的生命力,成為一「活的憲法」。另一方面,以憲法規範作為一國憲政發展的界線,使現實社會變革不致脫溢合憲秩序。


李勝龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以文獻分析方法,探討美國軍隊與媒體關係,特別以1991年第一次波斯灣戰爭及2003第二次波斯灣戰爭期間,雙方的互動做為研究的重點,進而歸納出影響美國軍隊與媒體關係的關鍵因素。 長久以來軍隊和媒體就是兩種幾乎完全不同的角色。美國軍隊是一個龐大的官僚系統和嚴密的組織,其權力結構呈現金字塔形,講究對命令的絕對服從,並強調三大信念:責任、榮譽、國家。軍隊體系內的人員階級分明,儘管個別成員可以因工作理念上的不同與上級力爭,但最後仍要服從上級命令。軍隊任務的達成主要是仰賴團隊的協調合作。在文化上,軍隊是屬於較封閉的團體,成員與主流社會隔絕而自成一體。 大眾傳播媒體則包含有報紙、雜誌等平面媒體,以及廣播、電視與電腦網路資訊等電子媒體。媒體中主要從事新聞工作的人員是編輯與記者,他們以公正、客觀與平衡報導等為主要的工作準則。媒體間和記者間強調競爭,並認為競爭是一種組織和個人成功極為重要的動力,在媒體組織內個人才能的發揮有很大的空間,並且受到很大的尊重。 從兩次波斯灣戰爭分析,美國軍隊與媒體關係並非呈現規則曲線發展,而影響軍方與媒體關係的關鍵因素主要有四點:一、國家安全與新聞自由。二、軍隊自制與媒體自律。三、國內輿情與國際情勢。四、軍事科技與傳媒科技。惟儘管這些複雜的因素相互衝擊,使軍方與媒體關係一直處於動態變化,但美軍與媒體亦逐漸從彼此頻繁的互動中,得到許多教訓,從而建立一套雙方大致可以接受的解決問題模式,以改善彼此關係,創造軍隊與媒體及國家人民三贏的局面,殊值各國借鏡參考。

耕地三七五租約中地主產權保障之研究 / A Study on Property Right Protection of Landlords on the 37.5% Rent Reduction Contract

謝坤龍, Shieh, Kuen-Long Unknown Date (has links)
以往探討三七五減租之議題,多為站在保障佃農的角度,於既存的制度當中研擬解決三七五租約之辦法;本研究則從地主財產權保障的角度出發,探討三七五租約對於地主財產權產生之限制,並根據研究分析之結果研擬終止耕地三七五租約之補償對策,盼政府正視三七五租約對地主財產權限制與損失補償之課題。 租佃雙方依耕地三七五減租條例(以下簡稱減租條例)所訂定之三七五租約,對於佃農耕作權之保障十分完善,但反過來說即是對地主財產權之嚴格限制。政府自民國40年正式實施減租政策,截至民國95年底止,仍有約4萬1千筆的租約件數受減租條例所規範。三七五租約長期性地對地主財產權產生收益上的限制,若依照大法官解釋文中所陳述「財產權持續性的限制」,若逾其社會責任所應忍受之範圍,形成個人之特別犧牲者,國家應就個別情形給予合理補償,而三七五租約似符合此一概念。由於我國對於因政府執行管制政策造成人民財產權受損,未有得以維護其財產權之適當管道,本研究遂援用美國法管制性剝奪學說之概念,嘗試對三七五租約加以分析,藉由分析發現,減租條例對地主嚴格之限制,已構成管制性剝奪,類屬於我國特別犧牲之情形。 本研究進一步針對都市地區及鄉村地區之三七五租約個案加以訪談分析,發現位於都市地區且用地已變更編訂之個案,財產權受限制程度最高;而位於鄉村地區用地未變更之個案,其財產權受限制程度最低。是以未來政府於處理三七五租約議題時,應對於不同地區之租約個案加以了解,並且對於達到特別犧牲程度之地主,給予應有之補償。 / 37.5% rent reduction contracts limit landlords to exercise their usufruct over a long period of time. According to the Interpretations of Justice of the Constitutional Court, if lasting limitations on property rights were to the extent that the harm suffered has become a special sacrifice, the government has to compensation the property owners. This paper quotes the concept of regulatory taking to analyze 37.5% rent reduction contracts with the principles of diminution in fair market value, economically viable use, and investment-backed expectations. By case study, some 37.5% rent reduction contracts have become regulatory takings, which are like special sacrifices. As a result, the government has to place importance on the issue of 37.5% rent reduction contracts, and compensation the property owners who suffer special sacrifice.

土地使用分區管制制度之執行與制度變遷--財產權觀點之分析 / The Enforcement and Change of Zoning Institution in The Perspective of Property Rights

張剛維, Chang,Kangwei Unknown Date (has links)
財產權的發展,具有將外部成本內部化,以及減輕租值消散的功能,同時也會影響誘因機制與市場行為,因此,建立可執行的財產權或契約系統,有助於降低交易成本,促進市場交易的效率。土地使用分區管制是政府用以界定財產權的一項重要工具,但在執行的過程中,會受到資訊不完全的因素所限制,而產生許多社會經濟衝突的問題,所以,在財產權界定不完全的情形下,分區管制制度的執行可能是一種負和、零和或正和的賽局。 在台灣的都市規劃管制制度下,土地使用分區管制一直被視為政府執行都市公共政策的重要工具,但是土地使用分區管制制度變遷的原因及對財產權配置的影響,很少被深入的探討,亦少有相關的實證研究予以論述說明。由於分區管制決策直接影響人民的土地財產權範圍,因此,以財產權為研究的焦點,連結制度及執行層面的動態分析,可以更深入地了解政策運作的過程,檢視分區管制制度設計的問題,藉以提供更佳的制度環境。本研究嘗試以新制度經濟學的基礎,基於財產權的觀點,連結制度變遷及執行層面的分析,研究所有權人及利益團體如何透過與政府的協商,改變土地使用分區管制制度,進而影響財產權配置的問題。在方法上,則透過賽局理論及個案研究,建立參與者行為互動模式及進行實證分析,以剖析制度變遷的原因及問題。 本研究除了進行以上所述的議題,亦同時關注制度選擇、容積移轉的問題,以及違規使用的行為,並將從一系列的行為分析中,進一步探究尋租行為對分區管制制度及經濟發展的影響。研究的結果,除了對分區管制制度提出具體的建議外,亦對制度變遷的行為及政府角色,提供更多的認知面向,值得作為都市研究的參考。 / Zoning institution is regarded as an important instrument for enforcing urban policy in Taiwan. Zoning not only control the quality of urban environment, but affect the price of real estate. However, the reasons of zoning institution changed and the factors influenced the assignment of property rights are very rarely investigated. The decision of zoning will directly influence the scope of landowners’ property rights. Thus, based upon the viewpoint of property rights, incorporated with institutional and enforcing dimension to conduct a dynamic analysis can deeply investigate the process of policy operation and the problems of institutional design so as to provide better institutional environment for zoning. This research, based on the property rights perspective and the approach of property rights analysis of New Institutional Economics, intend to investigate the change of zoning institution and its enforcement. The study pays special attention to the bargaining among private landowners, interest groups and government authority. In order to improve the institutional environment, this paper will also try to find the institutional problems in the process of enforcement through cases study. Cases study is used for further analysis the interaction among the actors participated so as to understand the processes of bargaining, re-assignment of property rights and the reasons of zoning institution changed. After the cases study, the research will address some suggestions of institutional design of zoning and try to review the policy of urban development and land use control in Taipei city. A promise suggestion on the institutional design of zoning will be provided for the reference of understanding and research on zoning institution and behaviors. In addition, the impact of the rent-seeking patterns and the production paths on the zoning behaviors resulting in the change of zoning institution are explored. The results of the research will make further suggestions to the issues of institutional design of zoning, and to the avoidance of the negative effects of rent-seeking behavior. Moreover, the source and process of institutional change of zoning related to rent-seeking behavior, and the ways government responds to the rent-seeking behaviors are provided for the reference of further study of urban planning.

利用調適性管制技術同時監控製程平均數和變異數 / Joint Monitoring of Process Means and Variances by Using Adaptive Control Schemes

陳琬昀 Unknown Date (has links)
由近期的研究中發現變動所有參數的管制圖在偵測小幅度偏移時的速度比起傳統的舒華特管制圖來的快,許多文獻也討論到利用調適性管制技術同時監控製程的平均數和變異數。而在這份研究中,為了改善現有管制圖的偵測效率,依序提出了U-V管制圖以及Max-M管制圖來偵測單一製程與兩相依製程的平均數和變異數。採用AATS及ANOS來衡量管制圖的偵測績效,並利用馬可夫鏈推導計算得之。透過兩階段的範例來介紹所提出的管制圖的應用方法並將VP U-V管制圖、VP Max-M管制圖與FP Z(X-bar)-Z(Sx^2)管制圖加以比較。從所研究的數值分析中發現VP Max-M管制圖比另兩種管制圖的表現來的好,再加上只需要單一管制圖在使用上對工程師來說也較為簡便,因此建議Max-M管制圖値得在實務上被使用。 / Recent studies have shown that the variable parameters (VP) charts detect small process shifts faster than the traditional Shewhart charts. There have been many papers discussed adaptive control schemes to monitor process mean and variance simultaneously. In the study, to improve the efficiency and performance of the existing control charts, the U-V control charts and Max-M control charts are respectively proposed to monitor the process mean and variance for a single process and two dependent process steps. The performance of the proposed control charts is measured by using adjusted average time to signal (AATS) and average number of observations to signal (ANOS). The calculation of AATS and ANOS is derived by Markov chain approach. The application of the proposed control charts is illustrated by a numerical example for two dependent process steps, and the performance of VP U-V control charts, VP Max-M control charts and FP Z(X-bar)-Z(Sx^2) control charts is compared. From the results of data analyses, it shows that the VP Max-M control charts have better performance than VP U-V control charts and FP Z(X-bar)-Z(Sx^2) control charts. Furthermore, using a single chart to monitor a process is easier than using two charts for engineers. Hence, Max-M control charts are recommended in real industrial process.

移動污染源空氣污染減量之政策工具有效性分析 ── 台灣地區實證研究

梁瀞云 Unknown Date (has links)
機動車輛已成為空氣污染的首要污染來源之一,其所排放大量的一氧化碳、二氧化碳對地方乃至於全球環境皆造成不利的影響。為了因應環境污染與溫室效應,各國除了採取行政管制措施外,亦引進經濟誘因工具來落實污染者付費的原則。本研究的目的即是探討,台灣地區目前所實施的政策工具對於減少來自移動污染源的污染排放量的有效性。 本文利用台灣地區二十三個縣市 1998 年至 2006 年共九年的追蹤資料,以兩種模型進行實證:第一個模型採用的是一階差分後的普通最小平方法迴歸模型,可避免假性迴歸的問題發生;第二個模型為似不相關迴歸模型,藉由誤差項間的關聯性來結合北部、中部、東部、南部四個地區的迴歸式,觀察政策工具在不同區域間對污染減量的效果。 實證結果顯示,管制與稅費這兩種政策工具確實會對移動污染源產生的空氣污染有相當的抑制效果;但是相較之下,管制措施的影響力相對於稅費的徵收來得明顯。因此,已知管制工具具有環境保護的政策有效性外,若欲使得稅費政策對空氣污染減量也有更明顯的成效,便應實施綠色租稅改革,以期能夠對生活環境產生良好的改善。 / Due to its high share in total air pollutant emissions, mobile pollution source is an issue of particular consideration. Vehicles produce large volumes of emissions such as CO, CO2, and so on. These gases can be detrimental to local, regional and global environment. With the increasing concern over rising pollution levels and greenhouse effect, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of different environmental policy instruments which are used to reduce mobile source air pollution.   For this paper, a case study of Taiwan is demonstrated for the estimation. Using the first-differenced panel data collected from 1998 to 2006, we use two models, namely “Ordinary least square model” and “Seemingly unrelated regression model” to investigate whether the command and control policy or the economic-incentive tax strategy is better for emission abatement. The first-differenced ordinary least square model can be used to avoid spurious regression, and the seemingly unrelated regression system integrates four sub-equations by assuming their disturbances are correlated, explaining some phenomenon in different areas.   The result shows that both control and tax strategies are worthwhile to be adopted. However, regulation policy results in cutting down much more CO and CO2 than using the excise taxes and fuel fees as an environmental instrument. Therefore, we conclude that it is required to implement the green tax system reform in order to create beneficial changes in our life.


蔡志恆 Unknown Date (has links)
美國食品藥物管理局2008年六月初提出正式警告,認為牙醫使用之汞齊將導致懷孕、哺乳中的婦女、六歲以下的兒童、免疫力不全的民眾身體產生病變,蛀牙時最好避免使用汞齊補牙,FDA也將在 2009年七月討論是否禁用汞齊。在此之前,北歐國家挪威、瑞典已相繼在今年立法通過,禁止製造、輸入、販賣與使用汞齊合金。本文以牙醫使用汞齊補綴病患牙齒所可能造成的環境汙染為研究個案,希望能瞭解長期以來汞齊所存在的爭議?政府為何需要且如何制定管制政策?以及在制定合宜管制政策的過程中,需要考慮哪些影響因素?本文採用深度訪談、文獻分析與參與觀察等方式,藉由政策管制理論和市場機制為分析架構,以擬定管制政策的最適方案。並利用專家學者、利害團體、政府官員與牙醫師的意見,瞭解管制機構本身的運作能力、被管制者的態度意向和政策環境的其它干擾因素。研究發現,汞齊管制政策的制訂有賴管制理論與市場機制的互補,而政府已具備管制的經驗與能力,唯管制的共識與危機意識仍需要政府與業者的持續教育與養成。在汞齊長期處於爭議的情況下,步驟性的管制汞齊將可避免嚴重的社會衝擊,師法先進國家的管制政策並因地制宜可為政策制定的第一步,最重要的仍是政府必須具有政策創新與整合的魄力和決心。而針對台灣現存牙醫診所與環境汙染的問題,相關的改善方案與配套措施,以及政策制定前的前導計劃,也值得政府後續的重視與研究。 / According to the warning from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in June 2008, the amalgam (mercury containing) filling used in dentistry may pose risk to pregnant, breast feeding women, children under 6 years old, and those persons who have suppressed immunity. FDA will be holding a discussion forum to determine whether to ban amalgams in July, 2009. By this time, amalgams have been prohibited to be produced, imported, exported, sold and used in Norway and Sweden. The current study is aimed to assess the environmental hazard posed by dental amalgams. In addition, the study aims to understand why there is a long dispute with regard to amalgam safety issue. This research wishes to find grounds for the government to establish regulative policies, and identify what factors should be taken into account in establishing regulative policies. The study is based on in-depth interviews, literature review and participant observation by using the regulative theory and market-based theory as framework to develop a sound regulative policy proposal. This research discovered the development of a regulative policy on amalgams is hinged on the combination or balance between the regulative theory and the market-based theory. Most important thing is that the government and the dentists need to provide continuous public education to build up the consensus for implementing amalgam regulative policies and become aware of the potential environmental crisis. In the due course, adopting step-wise regulative process may avoid unforeseen severe social impact. The government should also take reference of the existing policies of western countries, pay more attention to the current environmental pollution posed by dental practice, and provide improvement plans and supplementary measures to establish the relevant policies.

土地違規使用成因與解決策略之探討- 以台北市師大商圈與基隆河截彎取直地區為例 / Study of Causes and Solving Strategies of Illegal Land Use--The Case Studies of Shida Business District and Kee-Lung River Short Cut District

林亭均, Lin, Ting Chun Unknown Date (has links)
我國都市土地採用土地使用分區管制制度,然而於此制度下,卻出現許多違規使用情形。而違規使用將可能破壞土地使用分區管制對社會財產權之配置,故考量整體社會福利,違規使用之問題實有必要妥善處理。 但面對違規使用,過去文獻與實務多就問題直接提出解決方式,而未討論問題肇因於制度的哪一個階段、或是制度階段之間是否存在矛盾,才進而導致違規使用,如此之解決方式將可能無法有效對症下藥,甚至產生新的問題。 又,隨著都市人口增加、商業活動趨於頻繁,住宅與商業使用在有限的土地競爭下,住宅區與商業區土地違規使用問題趨於明顯,有其必要加以重視。 因此,本研究利用住商違規使用代表個案—住宅區作不當商業違規使用之師大商圈,以及特定商業區作住宅違規使用之基隆河截彎取直地區,運用文獻歸納法,以及制度經濟之制度層次理論為基礎,將案例問題分為三階段,包含(1)制度制定:政府有限理性與機會主義之公共選擇問題、(2)制度本身:不完全制度之闕漏、(3)制度執行:政府內部與對外資訊不對稱、目標不一致之代理問題,將案例就各階段進行分析,找出問題根源;在釐清違規使用問題根源後,利用文獻之歸納找出可能解決方式,並對過去提出解決方式之應用限制加以改善,嘗試研擬個案問題之對策,並對類似之通案建立完整策略。 本研究分析結果發現 (1)師大商圈:制度本身、制度執行存在問題,而本研究針對制度本身問題提出重疊分區管制與投票式分區管制互相配合加以解決;至於制度執行問題短期應對地方政府給予監督及誘因,並可建立民眾檢舉違規使用資訊揭露之平台,改善制度環境,長期則應從改革政治機制做起。(2)基隆河截彎取直地區:制度制定、制度本身、制度執行三階段皆存在問題;由於制度制定問題既已產生,則短期內應從制度本身與制度制定階段改善,彌補制度制定之缺陷;至於制度本身問題,當前作法可採用浮動式規劃允許修改制度之限制;制度執行問題解決方式則同師大商圈。此外,本研究亦利用上述案例結果對未來通案建立完整解決對策,而本研究發現,在擬定完整對策前,必須先釐清制度之立法本意(即初始財產權賦予對象),才能擬定一套完整對策,令不同階段制度之解決對策在應用上能相互串連、呼應。 本研究冀利用制度階段分析與解決對策之整合,嘗試建構住商違規使用問題之完整對策,以期未來能預防違規使用問題產生,或於問題產生時能有效處理,減少違規使用對財產權之損害。 / The land institution of urban land in Taiwan is “Zoning”. Even with the strict rules of zoning to control land use, there are still a lot of illegal land use cases. These illegal land uses may break the arrangements of social property rights and the entire social welfare. While most of the studies focus on finding the solution to the illegal land use problems, the causes of those problems are rarely discussed., which may not solve the illegal land use problems efficiently, or lead to more problems. Also, due to the increase of population in the cities and the business activities in the limited land, the illegal land use problems between housing and business land become more serious and need more attention. This research analyzes typical cases of illegal land use between housing and business in Taiwan. One of the cases is “Shida Business District”, where the business activities over used the land in the mixed residential commercial district. The other case is “Kee-Lung River Short Cut District”, which is low used as housing in the special business district. The research method is literature induction. On the basis of Institutional Economics (IE), this research divides the illegal land use problems into three levels: the institution making, the institution, and the institution performing. This research tries to analyze each level, find the source of the problems, and improve the restriction of past proposed solutions as well as build comprehensive strategies to these typical type cases. The results of the research show in the case of “Shida Business District”, the reasons of illegal land use problems exist in the level of the institution making and institution. The overlying zone and voting zone can solve the problems in the level of the institution making. The public oversight and intensive are the strategies to the institution performing problems in the short term. But in the long run, the political system needs improving. In the case of “Kee-Lung River Short Cut District”, the reasons of illegal land use problems exist in all three levels. In the short term, the institution correction by floating zone can modify the institution making and the institution problems. The solution of the institution performing problems is the same with the case of “Shida Business District”. Moreover, the analysis process of this research indicates that, before making any strategy, the most important thing is to clarify the original intention of the institution. It will be used to decide that who should won the initial property rights and develop complete strategies. This research analyzes the institution levels and integrates the solutions of illegal land use between housing and business to develop the strategies. We hope that in the future, this research can prevent the causes of illegal land use, or deal with illegal land use problems effectively to cut down the damages of property rights.

鑲嵌於管制政策制度的科學政治:以VOCs、PM2.5為例 / The scientific politics embedded in the regulatory policy institution: VOCs and PM 2.5 as examples

張景儀 Unknown Date (has links)
運用科學知識在當代環境管制政策幾乎已屬常態。然而,科學卻不一定能有效解決環境污染問題。本研究探討雲林六輕石化廠區的揮發性有機物(VOCs)空氣污染問題,發現運作二十多年的六輕,其排放之VOCs數值,至今尚未釐清,但企業仍不斷擴廠,引發當地健康風險問題;同時,國光石化的環評中,PM2.5(細懸浮微粒)引發重大政治爭議,民間提出對抗性科學論述影響決策方向,後續,更促成相關管制法規通過。 在上述管制科學爭議中,本文採用新政治科學社會學所提供的制度、網絡與權力,與環境決策知識建構的途徑觀點,探討雲林石化廠區所排放的揮發性有機物(VOCs)、懸浮微粒(PM2.5)相關之管制科學爭議。運用次級資料分析法、田野調查以及深入訪談法,嘗試分析強調科學循證作為基礎的管制政策,何以仍落入管制失靈的窘境?本文探討兩個個案,其不同調的科學數字如何依循管制制度生產、傳遞及運用?其中,VOCs排放數字如何被各個政治行動者賦予政治性意涵,進而延宕政府管制的能力?甚而導致府際間嚴重衝突?而PM2.5的對抗性科學論述是如何被生產、傳遞乃至公共化?相關之政策網絡如何有效地將PM2.5的管制政策推入政治議程中,成為正式法規的一環? 本研究發現,在VOCs個案中,基於污染物的特性、石化廠區的龐大營運複雜度、以及企業為管制資訊之主要來源等因素,使VOCs排放具有相當大的科學不確定性。不過,現行制度將這些科學不確定性切割成一場又一場對於企業資訊的審查,對於掌握確切污染狀況極其有限。在PM2.5個案中,在幾個重大政策窗事件出現之前,民間社會已有一定的知識建構基礎。而重大政策窗事件如六輕工安大火、國光石化興建以及2011年總統選舉等,促成不同社會網絡連結,協助、生產出對抗性論述,並結合公眾媒體的廣泛傳播特性,將相關科技風險知識公共化,終使得PM2.5管制法案成為正式規範之一。 / Scientific knowledge has been commonly employed for making environmental regulatory policies. This thesis aims at analyzing the contamination problems resulted from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) released by the Six Naphtha Cracking Complex; it is discovered that the emission of VOCs remains a mystery after two decades of operation. However, the industrial expansion plan continues and has done a severe environmental and health destruction to the local community. Meanwhile, PM2.5, Fine Particulate Matters also triggered political controversies in the Environmental Impact Assessment process of Kuokuang Petrochemical Plant, the Eighth Naphtha Cracking Project(8th naphtha). The civil society has raised the opposing argument on the PM2.5 matter in terms of health impact, thereby influencing the direction of policy making and passing the regulations. In light of the controversies of regulatory science, this thesis adopts the perspective of New Political sociology of Science (NPSS), which substantiates the approach of institution, network and power, and other aspects of knowledge construction to analyze the emission of VOCs and PM2.5 in the petrochemical field. Moreover, secondary data, field research, and in-depth interviews are utilized to analyze these regulatory predicaments. It is discovered in the cases of VOCs, the scientific uncertainty is composed of the characteristics of VOCs, the complexity of petrochemical plant’s operations and the main regulatory information is generated by industries. Nevertheless, the regulatory institution just divided the scientific uncertainty into the tremendous conferences which peer-reviewed the information from industries. Furthermore, this regulatory institution hinders the true conditions of pollution from being known. In the meantime, in terms of PM2.5, the general public has had a solid knowledge pertaining to the critical national matters, such as several fire disasters of 6th naphtha, the policy of 8th naphtha, and the presidential election in 2011. Moreover, these policy windows promote the connection of social network and assistance, and accordingly generate the opposing discourse. The technology risk-related knowledge has also been conveyed by the mass media, thus ultimately enacting the PM2.5.

借鑒美國經驗,結合中國實際,試論中國特色式管制下互聯網金融發展趨勢 / According to American Experiences, Combined with China's Actual Situation, to Forecast the Development Tendency of Fintech under China's Characteristic Governance

范怡 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在技術的信息化和移動終端智能化的支持下,全球互聯網金融高速發展。在中國,互聯網金融更是呈現『井噴式』發展,高速發展的同時問題企業頻現,存在巨大風險隱患。中國互聯網金融未來發展趨勢引起國內熱議。 在此背景下,本研究根據彙整許多國內外學者的相關研究,首先探討『互聯網金融特性』、『美國互聯網金融發展經驗』、『中國特色管制下產業發展規律』,在對自由成熟市場的美國互聯網金融發展趨勢和中國特色管制下互聯網金融發展趨勢進行探討的基礎上,結合中國實際環境影響因素,並深入分析環境因素的相互關係、未來發展狀況,最後,分析中國互聯網金融未來發展階段階段特徵以及互聯網金融的發展趨勢。

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