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反恐時期美中台三角關係:2001_2003陳昇 Unknown Date (has links)
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美國中國情勢分析(2000-2005)之研究-以美國相關智庫論點為例 / Modern China Study in American Think Tanks(2000-2005)崔小茹, Cui, Xiaoru Unknown Date (has links)
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冷戰後美國對中國戰略態勢之研究-兼論雙邊軍事交流馮嘉惠 Unknown Date (has links)
華滋(Kenneth Waltz)體系論提到,強權的興衰可決定國際政治運作的方式,國際結構組成,並進而影響國家的行為。冷戰時期,美國及蘇聯實力相當,國際社會一分為二,依照兩強所領導的價值觀而運作。在當時,美國戰略以發展軍事實力,保障本國及盟邦安全,避免兩極失去平衡為目標。除發展自身實力外,並以合縱連橫的方式,尋求他國的合作共同對抗蘇聯。
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意識形態與小布希政府對華政策 / Ideology and George W. Bush’s policy toward China and Taiwan張守珩 Unknown Date (has links)
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美印戰略夥伴與中共區域強權之互動張皖民 Unknown Date (has links)
中國「和平崛起」強調努力發展和壯大自己,維護世界和平,堅持開放與平等互利原則,與各國發展經貿,強調現在與未來不稱霸。美印戰略合作,將使得中共在海洋戰略發展受限,同時更影響了中、印兩國的經貿發展。中國為了防止美、印戰略關係所形成的衝擊,必須展現其大國外交作風,穩固與印度經貿上的合作,深化與歐盟實質關係,運用「上海合作組織」來強化其在區域大國的地位,以防範美國對其所實施的新圍堵策略。 / India, one of emerging countries in recent years, has had great progress in politics, economics, information, technology and military. India’s current social status and economic strength has drawn everyone’s attention, especially in BRICs, it plays an important part. In terms of its geo-strategic prospects, India, locating between Strait of Malacca and Persia Gulf, is an essential commercial access.
After the Cold War, the new-generation elites think India should take the strategy of replacing democratic function with power. Because of the fear resulting from the India-Pakistan conflicts and the threat of nuclear power in China Communist, India must rebuild its military forces by developing nuclear power so that some threat to the national defense will be released. The problem about nuclear competition is getting worse. As a result, America and India start to set up “the relationships of strategic partnership toward 21st century” to face the challenge coming from “Peaceful Rise” in China.
After Soviet invaded Afghanistan in December 24, 1979, the Cater Administration, realizing the importance of India’s strategic status, regarded India as a defense stopping the communist from spreading and regained the nuclear cooperation plan between America and India to make India a member of the alliance of anti-china communist. After the Cold War, the Clinton Administration addressed the strategy of “enlargement and engagement”, emphasizing that safety, economics and democracy are three main parts in diplomatic policy in U.S.A. America started to cooperate with India in commerce and military to meet their own national interest.
George, W. Bush considered China a “strategic competitor” and regarded “Peaceful Rise” as a threat to America. After 911 terror attack. America made efforts to establish the relationship of “strategic partnership toward 21st century” with India and prevent China’s “Peaceful Rise” from challenging America’s powerful status.
America and India’s cooperation restricts the development of China’s ocean strategy and influences the development of economics and commerce between China and India. Therefore, China tries hard to make use of “Shanghai Cooperation Organization” to reinforce its status and guard against America’s “Geopolitics”.
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中共和諧世界戰略與美中台關係之研究 / The Impact of the PRC’s “Harmonious World” Strategy and US-China-Taiwan Relations陳朝鑫, Chen, Chao Shin Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,和諧世界戰略充滿理想主義色彩,但本質仍是追求權力平衡的觀點,企圖改變現階段美中權力結構的不和諧與不對等;和諧世界戰略提出後,受到主要國家的歡迎,相對的拉近美中之間權力結構的差距;但美國對中共威脅認知、雙方對權力的觀點、其他主要國家(戰略樞紐者如:俄、日、印、歐盟等)的抉擇及台灣問題的潛在衝突等,仍將影響美中台關係的未來發展。 / The rise of emerging powers is bound to affect the power structure of the international. Since the conclusion of the Cold War, a uni-multipolar system with the US as the only superpower has been dominating the arena of international politics. However, the US power diffuses and descends as a result of globalization. On the other hand, China’s rise to regional hegemony and the subsequent adjustment of its international strategy is posing a challenge to the US-dominated international political system. The interaction between Washington and Beijing has become a critical factor in the development of global politics.
The PRC’s international strategy aims to secure and consolidate its national interests in the global society. Since the establishment of the Communist regime, the paramount leaders have examined the dynamics of international power structure and formulated its international strategy accordingly in order to pursue the maximum national interests in the operations of balance of power. Since the sixteenth Communist Party Congress, Hu Jintao and Wen Jia Bau has enshrined “harmonious world” as the guidelines for the country’s foreign policy. The latest international strategy sets a new direction for the development of the US-China relations. Since then whether or not the nominally idealistic “harmonious world” strategy helps reduce America’s suspicion of the potential rival has taken the limelight of international politics.
This paper adopts document analysis and employs diversified research approach to explore, in terms of balance of power, the development process of the PRC’s international strategy, the contents of the “harmonious world” strategy, and the influence of the strategy upon the relations between the US- China and Taiwan.
The findings of this study include the following points: The PRC’s “harmonious world” strategy is only idealistic in name but in essence, it still holds the Chinese traditional wisdom of balance of power; the strategy aims to rectify the existing discord and asymmetry in the power structure of US-China relations; and, although the strategy reduces the gap in the US-China power structure to a certain extent, America’s perception of China threat, mutual recognition of the contrast of national power, the decisions of other strategic pivots (such as the strategic hub are: i.e. Russia, Japan, India, and the European Union), and the dispute on Taiwan will continue to dictate the development of the bilateral relations between the US - PRC and the Taiwan.
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亞投行與國際經濟制度之政經競合–以結構現實主義分析 / Study of the Competition and Cooperation between AIIB and International Economic Institution–Perspective of Structural Realism張君傑, Chang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
國際經濟制度權力分配所形成的結構,是展現權力或實現利益的一種形式。二次世界大戰結束後,美國透過主導創設國際貨幣基金(IMF)、世界銀行(WB)構成國際經濟制度,確保在全球經濟治理的優勢地位。中國改革開放以來,隨著經濟快速發展與綜合國力大幅提升,日益展現出革新與完善現有國際經濟制度的強烈企圖心,尤其亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB, 簡稱亞投行)從提出倡議到正式成立僅歷時兩年,並獲得亞太區域內、外之主要國家支持,反映出中國具備主導建構區域性或全球性多邊金融機構的政經實力。本論文將從結構現實主義的權力、利益、霸權等視角,探討美國在二戰後主導創設國際經濟制度之戰略目的、中國深化參與現行國際經濟制度之戰略意圖、美中兩國在國際經濟制度權力消長情形,以及中國創建亞投行對於美中關係未來發展的可能影響與戰略意涵,從中推論在美國掌控總體主導優勢的國際經濟制度下,中國試圖運用亞投行在國際經濟制度的權力結構組建平行架構,爭取與其政經實力相符的國際地位和影響力等相對利益,藉以形塑安全環境、擴大國際事務話語權和提升其大國地位,並在國際經濟制度結構下,與美國保持競合兼具的權力平衡的均勢格局,進而實現「兩個百年」的戰略發展目標。 / The distribution of power formed in the international economic institutional structure may reflect influence of power and fulfillment of the national interests. After World War II, the United States has secured its dominant position of global economic governance by establishing the international economic institution consisting of International Monetary Fund and World Bank. In contrast, since the implementation of “Reform and Opening-up” policy, China has been rapidly developing its comprehensive national power and gradually shown a strong desire to reform the existing international economic institution. The purposes of this thesis are to explore the Sino-US strategic struggles in current international economic institution and evaluate the potential impacts on the Sino-US relations caused by Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank from the perspective of structural realism. Based on the conducted analyses, this thesis concludes that China aims to pursue the gains corresponding to its growing influence and have a bigger say in the international economic institution. Moreover, China also devotes to maintaining the status quo in balance of power with the United States while establishing a parallel structure to the existing international economic institution so as to accomplish its Two Centenary Goals of strategic development.
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冷戰結束以來美國對中共關係定位調整之研究--社會建構主義之詮釋曹清華 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共計六章:第一章通盤概述研究的動機、目的、方法,並闡明整個主題架構及限制條件。第二章勾勒出老布希、柯林頓、小布希政府對中共關係定位的變化,完成本論文的「描述分析」,作為整體論述之背景。第三章依循理性主義觀點,發現新現實主義無法解釋何以美國在「確保相對收益」的考量下會與中共採取合作;再者,按照新自由制度主義「開創絕對收益」的邏輯,卻與美國視中共為戰略對手,並陷入人權、貿易、台灣議題等爭議的情況不相符。第四章介紹建構主義的主要論點,並針對何以選定溫特的主流建構主義提出解釋,再逐一檢視建構主義的本體論、認識論、方法論、世界觀。第五章依循國際權力架構、理念等兩大參考點,驗證建構主義之解釋力。發現「亞太扇型戰略」、「多層次統一戰線」、「新保守主義」、「攻勢現實主義」等理念,是美國政府為美、「中」關係定位的重要因素。從世界觀的角度切入,如果是霍布斯的文化架構,中共會被美國視為「戰略對手」;如果是康德的文化架構,中共會被美國視為「戰略夥伴」;如果是洛克的文化架構,美國會在接觸中保持戒慎。第六章為結論,認為儘管建構主義提供一個較寬闊的解析平台,但建構主義與理性主義並非必然相斥,尋求兩個典範之整合,乃成為本研究針對後續研究所提出的建議事項之一。 / This thesis addresses an issue regarding the US Government’s identification of the Chinese role as well as the bilateral relations between the two states during the past sixteen years ever since the end of the Cold War. It deals specifically with the following question: why the US administrations since 1989 have shuttled their identification of China between a strategic partner and strategic competitor? It firstly argues that rationalism, as conventionally an explanatory tool in IR, proves insufficient to provide a set of consistent answer. Unsatisfied, this thesis continues its argument that the question brought forth at the beginning can be effectively resolved, or interpreted, by constructivism, despite the constructivist rationale may not necessarily render rational choice model utterly invalid in this case.
Structurally speaking, Chapter One gives a brief with respect to the whole thematic structure inclusive of purpose of the study mentioned above and research limitations. Chapter Two demonstrates an effort of descriptive study as a set of background information by sketching out different phases of identification about relations with China that have been harbored by successive US administrations from President Bush Sr., Clinton to Bush Jr..
Chapter Three can be seen as an account of this thesis’ trying effort to explore the question per se from the rationalist perspective. The findings in Chapter Three are as follows: Neo-realism fails to explain why the US, premised upon concern of relative gains, would have cooperation with China. Neo-liberal institutionalism, following the logic of maximization of absolute gains, is inconsistent with an answer to the question of why the US would not given in on the issues of human rights and trade deficits. The above findings are suggestive. They open up the need for this thesis to observe the Sino-US diplomatic interactions from a social perspective in IR, i.e., constructivism.
Chapter Four ushers in main points of constructivism. Two arguments are therefore in order. First, it gives a justification for the choice of the mainstream of constructivism in IR advanced by Alexander Wendt. Second, to suit the purpose of this research, it funnels the ontological, epistemological, methodological arguments, world views raised by the constructivist school and thrashes out two reference points—world power structure and ideation—for further observations.
Chapter Five brings up the main body of the argument. It argues that a series of ideas such as A Fan-mode Strategic Concept in Asia Pacific, Multi-layer United Front, Neo-conservatism and Defensive Realism have been influential on the US identification of the relations with China. They in turn strike an image of Sino-US bilateral relations reflective of three kinds of culture distinguished by constructivists. In Hobbes’ terms, China can be seen as a strategic competitor. In Kant’s, China is a strategic partner. In Locke’s, the US is engaged but remains sceptical.
Chapter Six is the concluding part. It goes beyond the phenomena and moves into the theoretical realm by arguing that, although constructivism offers a broader analytic platform, rationalism and constructivism need not be exclusive. That much room for integration of the two paradigms becomes one of the recommendations for further researches.
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二十一世紀後美國東亞軍力調整之研究 / U.S. Forces Realignment in East Asia in the Twenty-First Century陳舜仁 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以「新現實主義」(neorealism),或被稱為「結構現實主義」(structural realism)做為研究途徑,從國際政治系統層次體系,探究美國在二十一世紀後,所進行的東亞軍力調整。本文首先檢視二十一世紀後東亞戰略環境,以及美國的兩位總統,小布希(George W. Bush),以及歐巴馬(Barrack Obama),的面對這樣的東亞安全環境,採取的戰略與政策儘管有不同,但同樣在軍事及外交上,強化與東亞國家之關係,藉以建構一個對美國有利的東亞安全環境,藉以面對來自崛起中國的挑戰。接著,本文將探究美國與中國之關係,藉以釐清美國在進行東亞軍力調整中,如何處理中國的因素後,探討美國在二十一世紀後,在東亞進行的軍力調整的原因、方針以及概況,以及美國的東亞盟邦在軍力調整後所扮演的角色,並探究美國在東亞軍力整編時所面對的困境與挑戰。
最後,本文也建議未來可針對抑制中國軍事能力的戰略,以及台灣在美國東亞安全戰略可以扮演的角色進行研究。 / The research approach used in this dissertation is neorealism (structural realism). From the system of level in the international politics, this dissertation explore how the United States conducted its military realignment in East Asia. Firstly, this dissertation will examine the security environment of East Asia in the twenty-first century. Although two U.S. Presidents, George W. Bush and Barrack Obama, adopted different policies when facing such an East Asia security environment, they both strengthened relations with Asia-Pacific countries militarily and diplomatically. They intended to construct an East Asian security environment favorable for U.S. interests so that U.S. can face the challenges from the rising China. Later on, this dissertation will explore U.S.-Chinese relations to clarify how U.S. handle Chinese factors in its military realignment in East Asia. Besides, this dissertation will explore the reasons, policies, how U.S. proceed its military realignment, and the roles played by U.S. allies and partners. Finally, this dissertation will examine the difficulties and challenges that U.S. will have faced in its military realignment.
This dissertation finds that U.S. military realignment in East Asia reflects its diplomacy and security strategy. Meanwhile, an U.S. security strategy based on U.S.-Japan alliance has established, with the support from other U.S. allies and partners in East Asia. However, the U.S. indeed faces difficulties and challenges, including problems from its allies and even the U.S. itself.
Lastly, this dissertation suggest some research directions in the future, including a strategy which can suppress Chinese capabilities, and the role that Taiwan can play in the comprehensive U.S. East Asia security strategy.
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全球氣候變遷治理中的美中關係 / The U.S.-China relations in global climate change governance黃憶如, Huang, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
在聯合國所主導的氣候變遷治理機制中,美國與中國呈現競爭關係,但若跳脫此一機制,兩國反而能運用雙邊的交流協商,例如高層會談、簽署協議及戰略與經濟對話等平臺,進行雙邊合作達到自主的節能減排目標。從多邊的聯合國氣候談判機制與雙邊的交流分析,未來美中在應對氣候變遷議題上,仍將是既競爭又合作的關係。如果美國與中國能將現有積極進行雙邊合作立場推進到多邊的國際談判,減少已開發國家與開發中國家對氣候治理立場的分歧,那麼將能在國際氣候談判機制中發揮領導作用,促進新氣候協議的達成,對全球應對氣候變遷有極大的助益。 / Global climate change which has caused irreversible harm and become one of the important factors that affect international security, the United Nations set up Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 has held talks since then. After that United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)and Kyoto Protocol(KP)were passed in 1992 and 1997 respectively, which are the world’s two main mechanisms to promote and enhance the implementation of effective emission reduction. The United States and China’s greenhouse gas emissions are the top two in the world and represent developed countries and developing countries. Their attitudes and policies of climate governance have become the key to the effective reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. However, due to climate change issues related to political, economic and security interests, diffefent views on “common but differentiated responsibilities” and “responsibilities for emission reductions” give rise to both conflict and cooperation between the two countries.
In the United Nations-led climate change governance mechanisms, the United States holds a competitive relationship with China. But outside the mechanisms, their bilateral consultations, such as high-level talks, agreements and U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) help them achieve reduction targets. In the future, the U.S.-China relations on the climate change issue will continue to be both competitive and cooperative. If they can modify their stances through climate governance, it will be able to play a leadership role in international climate negotiations and promote the new climate agreement to solve global climate change issues effectvely.
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