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全球地理社群網站之創新經營模式 – 以銀髮族之旅遊需求為目標市場 / An innovative business model on worldwide geographic social network – based on the initiative of senior travelling demand洪杰琛, Hung, Jason Unknown Date (has links)
Aging becomes one of the urgent topics in Taiwan, therefore new product and services must be established in respond to this issue. In recent years, online social network have been one of the most accelerative business model spreading across internet. Facebook has been one of the most influential role model among all. An opportunity gap is identified within these two phenomenon. The present paper is to initiate an innovative business model on worldwide geographic social network – based on the target market of senior travelling demand. This innovative business model will be satisfying the discovered gap.
The establishment of this innovation business model is based on the process of Innovation SCREW: (1) Search; (2) Combination; (3) Re-search, Re-Combination; (4) Experiment, Evaluation; (5) Work, Weigh. Through this framework, it brings to the possible establishment of this platform. In addition, by using of secondary datasets that lead to comprehend further to consumer behavior and market demand.
As the result, based on this innovative platform, it is hoping to create a new online worldwide geographic social network that can improve services on senior’s travelling demand.
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系統家具廠商垂直整合營運模式分析 / A study on business model of system furniture - virtual vertical integration林其泉, Lin, Chi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
過去傢俱業的產業價值鏈,大多採取專業分工模式。近年來,傢俱業整體產業經營環境開始產生轉變,導致國內傢俱業的外銷市場受到嚴重威脅,更重要的是,隨傢俱產業逐漸走向高級化、精緻化及多樣化,傳統廉價大量生產模式的傢俱業,已漸漸被取代。因此,台灣傢俱業者已逐漸體認到技術整合與技術升級的重要性。近來許多傢俱業者開始紛紛從專業分工模式,轉為朝向上、下游整合的經營模式,從專注少樣多量轉為多樣少量的生產模式。個案公司在本身資源相對不足的情況下,再加上為了加速回應市場變化的速度,以及提高對消費者的服務價值,即藉由虛擬垂直整合模式,間接減少消費者交易成本,策略性的採取上、下游虛擬整合模式,提供全方位的整合性服務。本研究即探討個案公司如何架構更具彈性的新興商業模式,有效進行產業價值鏈的整合,架構一個整合各方資源的虛擬平台,維持經營彈性,同時探討虛擬垂直整合模式的可行性及成功要素。 / The value chain of furniture mostly appears professional job assignment in the past years. Recently, furniture industry changes in operating environment caused export market to be seriously threatened. Furniture industry had transferred mass production mode into sophistication and diversity. Therefore, Managers with furniture industry have become conscious that technology integration and upgrades are very importance. Besides, many managers transferred specialization mode into up-and downstream integrated business model. In this paper, the case company which is relative shortage of resources adopts up-and downstream integrated business model to provide total solution services in order to response to changes in the market. The paper discusses the issue of how to build up a new business model, integrate value chain and creative a resources pool of virtual platform. Finally, the feasibility and success factors of virtual vertical integration are also discussed.
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雲端運算環境下檔案更新管理之安全性研究 / A study on the security of patch management in a cloud computing environment簡禎儀 Unknown Date (has links)
標。 文中提及虛擬主機映像檔目錄系統(VMIC)主要讓使用者能有效
改進安全性在原 VMIC 系統,應用 Pakiti 監控系統來掌握更新檔狀況
訊,及時升級更新檔避免攻擊災害發生。 / As cloud computing techniques advance, Virtual Machines (VM)
seems to be an appropriate solution than physical machine deployment. Having multiple instances of virtual machines cause more efficient use of computing resources to achieve the aim of energy consumption and cost effectiveness. In this thesis, Virtual Machine Image Catalogue (VMIC) is designed for helping users search and acquire expected virtual machine images promptly. Nevertheless, security of VMIC is also a crucial task to keep systems up-to-date and defends against security attacks. Pakiti is adopted to monitor patch status of physical and virtual machines, and
schedules the warning information to remind security staffs to update the patches.
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大中華地區跨域實境事業之創新經營模式─以KTV產業為例 / An Innovative Business Model of Across Area Service - A Case Study of KTV Industry李旗川 Unknown Date (has links)
為了找出可行的商業模式,本研究透過實地訪查臺北、北京、深圳以及雲南等地的實體店面KTV,以比較各地經營模式與服務內容的差異性;並透過實際嘗試使用線上KTV網站,以了解目前線上KTV的營運模式與優缺點;更透過訪談各類潛在消費者以及問卷調查與分析,來確認目標客群並評估目標市場的大小。本研究從調查中發現,此種跨域實境的服務除了可以滿足各地親友互相聯繫的需求外,還可滿足商業溝通、愛唱歌者媒合以及陌生網友聯誼等需求。本研究針對這四種需求的目標客群,設計不同的行銷計畫與收費方式,並提出階段性的事業發展計畫。 / In the Greater China region, singing at KTV with friends and family members is a very common entertainment. Studying and working outside the hometown has become very popular recently, so if you want to sing and gather with family and friends it may be quite difficult. The purpose of this study is to propose an innovative service business model, by combining and improving the existing photography, projection and software technology. The purpose will be achieved by shaping space scenarios, creating innovative goods and services that can break the geographical restrictions, and will give people opportunity to gather together.
In order to find the viable business model, in this study I will compare differences between business model and services in KTVs in Taipei, Beijing, Guangzhou and Yunnan. I will try to use the online KTV site to learn the operating mode, pros and cons of online KTV, interview potential consumers, use the questionnaire survey, and then evaluate the size of the target market, identifying target customers and a viable business model.
After being verified and amended repeatedly, this service will not only satisfy the demand of those, who want to gather with relatives and friends, but will also satisfy the demand of commercial communication, matching the people who love singing, and will also satisfy the activities of unfamiliar netizens. In this study, according to the demand for these four target customers, different marketing plans and charging methods will be designed, and phased development plan will be proposed.
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打破第四道牆: 以敘事理論為基礎之個人化3D互動敘事創作系統 / Breaking Into the Fourth Wall: Generating Personalized Interactive Narratives for 3D Drama Environments吳蕙盈, Wu, Hui Yin Unknown Date (has links)
為了探討這議題,本研究提出一個多媒體敘事創作以及互動敘事腳本產生的框架,結合 3D 戲劇平台建立一個具有創作環境,以故事建構者設定的條件與敘事理論為基礎的故事篩選與腳本產生機制,及3D虛擬模擬環境的互動敘事系統。在創作與故事產生方面,故事建構者可以針對各種條件的篩選(像是故事主軸、長度、敘事架構、時間順序等等)由同一組故事片段產生各種敘事上的可能性。本研究設計一個演算法,有效重組既有的故事片段以產生符合作者所有條件設定的互動敘事腳本。
這種機制的另一個特色就是所產生的互動敘事腳本與敘事平台是獨立的,不受到特定平台的技術門檻、創作格式所侷限。為展現此腳本產生系統在各種敘事表現形式上的彈性,在本研究的系統實作中,可以同時產生故事的文字形式並在3D敘事系統 The Theater 上以即時的動畫、攝影機規劃與簡易互動呈現結果。最後,此研究設計一個質化前導實驗,以了解使用者面對具互動、動畫與個人化的敘事內容時,會有甚麼看法與反應。
此次研究的貢獻為設計一個建構在3D虛擬環境上的互動敘事創作的架構,並提供適當的故事腳本產生機制,讓創作者的故事片段擁有重複利用價值。此外,透過故事內容的篩選過程,我們能提供故事建構者在故事結構與內容上有高度的控制,讓產生出來的敘事腳本符合故事建構者所設定的條件、具有良好的敘事理論基礎,並即時在3D虛擬環境中以角色動畫演出。以這次建立互動敘事平台的經驗以及於使用者測試中所得到的回饋,本研究也對於敘事創作介面與輔助工具提供一些設計原則,並提出一些互動敘事系統未來可再延展的議題。 / Interactive storytelling opens a world of possibilities for narrative creation on multimedia platforms, allowing a more compelling and immersive experience compared to traditional narratives. With the emergence of new storytelling technologies, the authoring of such narratives in complex virtual environments becomes an issue critical in the domain of multimedia storytelling platforms: How can we reduce the authoring effort as well as enhance creativity for interactive narratives? How can we design a flexible framework to allow creators of the story (including authors and experiencers at various stages of the interactive story) to have control over the story content and structure based on characteristics such as length, complexity, plot line, and genre?
In order to address these issues, we propose the design of an interactive storytelling platform with models for authoring, story generating based on narrative theory and constraints set by story creators, and simulation in virtual environments. In the platform the creators of the story can specify characteristics (such as plot, length, narrative structure, time sequence, and etc.) on story fragments in order to generate variations of interactive stories. An algorithm we devise will filter and recombine story fragments from these characteristics, generating a high-level interactive script that satisfies all authorial and structural constraints.
This mechanism provides sufficient abstraction from the technical implementation in that it is platform independent, and can be highly expressive in various forms of discourse. To implement the results of the story generation and demonstrate the abstraction from the virtual environment, we simulate the generated interactive narrative both in text form and in the 3D animation environment of The Theater. The Theater platform is complete with autonomous character animation, simple interaction methods, and automatic camera planning. Finally, we carry out a qualitative pilot study to understand how users would perceive and react to the animated, interactive, and personalized narrative content.
Through this implementation, our contributions are to design a flexible framework for authoring interactive narratives for 3D environments, and also provide story generating tools that allow easy reuse and recombining of existing story fragments. Moreover, the filtering and selection process provides high-level control over the story content and structure, thus enforcing the authorial control as well as ensuring the generated stories have a basis in narrative theory. From the experience of implementing this platform and feedback obtained from the user experiment, we hope to suggest design principles for authoring tools and interfaces of interactive narratives.
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周家臺三O號秦簡論考張佩慧 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第二章 周家臺秦簡之書法風格
第三章 周家臺秦簡之量詞與虛詞
第四章 周家臺秦簡之治療與養生
第五章 結論
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股東會通訊投票之法制研究顏敏靜 Unknown Date (has links)
至於立法論上虛擬股東會是否適宜取代實體股東會,虛擬股東會所帶來的時間跟費用的節省也許看起來很吸引人,如果可以不用召開傳統實體股東會,勢必能免除繁瑣的作業程序,節省大量人力、金錢及時間,特別是當議程上的項目並不具爭議性時,但是考慮採取這些程序的公司必須把這些益處跟股東可能反對的潛在負面後果相衡量,也就是股東對於取消傳統股東會,使他們喪失可以接觸經營階層與其溝通的機會,可能會抱持負面觀感,故公司無法只著眼於時間及金錢的節省即貿然考慮採行。然這些危險並不是斷然拒絕虛擬會議可能帶來的益處的理由,尤其是可以使更多股東參與這點,所以仍應在維持現行實體股東會外,結合網路轉播實體集會,且讓遠距收看者也能藉由以電子郵件提出問題參與,加上(或是)同步電子投票,以利用科技便利股東參與股東會,提高股東對股東會之參與。一言以蔽之,如前所述,在股權分散的公開發行公司虛擬會議不應完全取代實體會議,除非能設計出一個電子方式能等同經營者對散戶股東面對面負責(face-to-face accountability),而且也能提供現行實體會議所具有的商議機會(deliberation),才宜改以虛擬會議取代傳統實體集會之股東會。 / Stockholder meetings are the most important means for corporations to reach decisions, and are also how stockholders participate in the management of corporations, thus it is a significantly important legal issue to make sure stockholders can express their viewpoints of how to run the corporation through exercise of stockholder rights and stockholder meetings.
Moreover, it is very common that one person is the stockholder of several or even hundreds of corporations nowadays. Though it is inevitable that several corporations conduct stockholder meetings at the same day for there are far more corporations than the dates capable to conduct stockholder meetings, it is quite obvious that corporation conduct meetings during the same period of time intentionally. It might be a result of preventing some nasty stockholders disturbing meetings through choosing the same day conducting stockholder meetings to decrease the risk, but it deprives other stockholders of attending stockholder meetings and consequently sacrificing their stockholder rights.
There is proxy voting for stockholders who are unable to attend stockholder meetings, but it has pitfalls in practice and for stockholders it is not that safe comparing with voting directly.
In order to increase the ways for stockholders to vote in stockholder meetings, there is a change in corporation that is to add article 177-1:
“The voting power at a shareholders' meeting may be exercised in writing or by way of electronic transmission, provided, however, that the method for exercising the voting power shall be described in the shareholders' meeting notice to be given to the shareholders if the voting power will be exercised in writing or by way of electronic transmission.
A shareholder who exercises his/her/its voting power at a shareholders meeting in writing or by way of electronic transmission as set forth in the preceding Paragraph shall be deemed to have attended the said shareholders' meeting in person, but shall be deemed to have waived his/her/its voting power in respective of any extemporary motion(s) and/or the amendment(s) to the contents of the original proposal(s) at the said shareholders' meeting.”
Electronic technology has improved a great deal these years, therefore legal system has to change or amend to make use of the new technology e.g. internet as well as solve problems stemmed from new technology. Concerning the regulations of voting right there is a great impact of electronic technology from the way of conducting meetings, to the way of exposing information and voting, thus to combine technology and law is an important issue in corporate governance.
Electronic voting has been put into practice in the United States for a long time, but it is not as successful in our country, and to date there has been only one company, Taiwan Integrated Shareholder Service Company, to adopt electronic voting, therefore it is worth studying why The United States can promote electronic voting successfully and then have a better understanding of what obstacles they have encountered initially to prevent our country from making the same mistake.
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從「竊取」線上遊戲的虛擬財物探討刑法上的電腦犯罪罪章之適用顏邦峻 Unknown Date (has links)
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搭檔虛擬體驗穿搭服務之創新經營模式 / An Innovative Business Model of Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service蕭婉菁, Hsiao, Wan Ching Unknown Date (has links)
為了找出可行之商業模式,本研究透過市場需求分析及產業競爭分析,了解目前台灣線上購物市場之現況,並藉由質性以及量化研究來探討本創新提案之市場需求大小、目標客群以及現階段廠商對於本創新提案之看法與未來可能的合作意願。最後,經由前述分析,本研究提出了專屬於「搭檔虛擬體驗穿搭服務」的創新提案,其中包括消費者的使用方式、廠商合作模式、收費方式,以及未來可能推出之服務。 / As a shopping tool, online shopping has been an integral part of modern life but when consumers buy apparel through the Internet, there are often risks. For example, consumers may buy clothes, which are not right sizes for them, or they may buy clothes, which are not suitable for them. In order to solve this problem, this study wants to propose an innovative business model. When consumers use cell phone application called “Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service”, they can virtual try-on on the Internet. Every consumer can easily buy the right size and suitable clothes for them.
In order to find a viable business model, I study the analysis of market demand and industry competitive analysis to understand the current status of Taiwan's online shopping market. Also, I use qualitative and quantitative researches to explore the market demand for innovative proposal for the target customers and know more about manufacturers’ cooperative willingness for innovative proposal in the future. Through the preceding description, this study presents an exclusively innovative proposal called “Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service”. It includes the using method for consumers, cooperation and charging methods for manufacturers, and some future services.
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專業性社交媒體網站之探討 / Investigation of the professional social media陳毅, Chen, Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在社交媒體(social media)網站如雨後春筍般出現的時代,作者以觀察「大型社交媒體的高滲透率,以及媒體由服務、迎合大多數人的喜好的型態,演進為提供更加貼近各專業領域的服務型態的現象」出發,選定籃球為本研究之專業領域,藉由開發專注於籃球領域的社交媒體網站---Basketball Addiction來了解使用者是否能如作者觀察媒體的演進般,社交媒體網站也會有更加貼近各專業領域的服務型態出現,而使用者在使用這樣的網站時能得到滿足,持續使用,甚至推薦給朋友。
在經過本研究問卷調查後,利用統計分析軟體PLS(Partial Least Squares)進行模型的分析,Bootstrapping進行假說的顯著性檢定。結果顯示,專注於特定領域的社交媒體網站在未來是有存在的可能的,Fulfillment構面的調查結果也顯示Basketball Addiction的確能滿足使用者「社交」及「專業」的期待。 / In the era of social media sites have sprung up, the author observed, "large-scale high penetration of social media and the phenomenon of the media have made services to cater to most people's favorite patterns evolved to provide more services closer to the various professional fields patterns. Select basketball as this research professional fields. Through the development of social media sites which focus on basketball professional fields --- Basketball Addiction to understand whether the social media sites can follow the evolution of media, such as like, there will be more social media sites provide professional services. In addition, author also wonder that whether users in the use of such sites can be satisfied, continuous use, and even recommend it to friends.
After the survey, author uses PLS (Partial Least Squares) to analyze and verify the model’s reliability and validity, Bootstrapping to make significant analysis. The results show, social media sites which focus on specific fields can exist is possible. Also, the results of the latent variable --- Fulfillment show that Basketball Addiction indeed allows users to have to meet the expectations, "social" and "professional" in.
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