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購物網站個人化設計的眼動分析 / Personalized Shopping Websites:An Eye Tracking Analysis邱靖婷, Chiu, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用眼動儀器與神經科學的分析方式,探討網站設計時運用虛擬替身與個人化推薦而設計出不同的個人化購物網站,是否會影響使用者對網站親密度與產品購買意願上有不同感受。研究問題共有三個:1.網站個人化設計對網站親密度的影響程度。2.網站個人化設計對於產品購買意願的影響程度。3.使用者是否會注意到網站的個人化設計。研究結果發現個人化推薦會對網站親密度及購買意願產生正向影響,而虛擬替身則只會對親密感產生正面的影響。虛擬替身及個人化推薦都會提高消費者的對該區域的首次瀏覽時間。 / The purpose of this study is to use eye tracking analysis to investigate whether different designs of shopping websites using personalization and avatar will influence users’ website intimacy and product buying attention. First, we want to know the relationship between personalized design and website intimacy. Second, we want to know the relationship between personalized design and product buying attention. The last one is whether users pay attention to personalized designs on websites. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of personalized recommendation and avatar. The results indicate that personalization had positive impacts on users’ perceived intimacy, and users’ total gaze duration has positive effects on both website intimacy and product buying attention.
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蘇偉貞論蘇偉貞歐陽千 Unknown Date (has links)
七○年代末期的蘇偉貞:同時具備小說同業、編輯、研究者三員身分,引領三重角度「張看」。 歷經角色轉變的蘇偉貞,透過其觀看視野,從其評論文字又是如何看待身為作家的蘇偉貞不同時期的文學創作。試圖用「研究者蘇偉貞」的評論技巧及其提出的文學藝術、文學觀念如何反應在「作家蘇偉貞」的文本創作。且檢證「作家蘇偉貞」的創作是否服膺於「研究者蘇偉貞」的審美規準。當這些角色都是同一人時,彼此間的角色是否有所衝突,抑會激盪出什麼樣的火花,便是本論文欲探究多樣的蘇偉貞是如何看待自我,演繹自我。如何在文學舞台上展演出屬於自我的獨特風格,建構屬於自己的島嶼。
先剖析八○年代台灣女性小說的發展對蘇偉貞作品所造成的影響。藉由蘇偉貞的博士論文《描紅 : 臺灣張派作家世代論》評蘇偉貞為「頹廢美學代言人」為審視主軸,向外延伸探究其作品中的頹廢意識,分析文本中頹廢形象的塑造。而「真實與虛構的寫作姿態」不斷被提出討論,蘇偉貞是如何針對其文本剖析刻畫?文本中呈現出的主題是否符膺其所提出的美學論述。當蘇偉貞被當代定義為張派系譜傳人時,又如何看待這樣身分的自己。希冀從張愛玲文學再出發為主題,探究蘇偉貞與張派的承繼與背離,是堅持走張愛玲路線亦從張愛玲出走?而蘇偉貞又是如何建構出自己的島嶼?
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虛實整合對線上購物網站的影響 / The Impacts of O2O on the Online Shopping Websites黃立宜, Huang, Li Yi Unknown Date (has links)
燦坤實業以小家電代工起家,進入3C零售通路業一路快速成長,於2004年進入虛擬通路,燦坤實業以「實體通路為核心優勢」發展平台策略,將實體門市的資源運用在網路店,兩方互補以達集團綜效。燦坤網路店運用數位行銷吸引早期第一波平台用戶,持續累積用戶數量達到平台引爆點,網路店的成長動能為提供消費者具競爭力的價格與難以取代的服務,鼓勵消費者在線上直接下單,取得在實體門市購買商品一樣的服務。若以網路店為中心,實體門市所扮演的角色是提供線下服務;若以實體門市為中心,網路店所扮演的角色則是一條全年無休的通路。經過十年的經營,2014年營收為15億,占燦坤年營收的7%。燦坤實業為同業中第一個跟著大環境進行變革的企業,成功掌握「實體門市為核心優勢」的營運策略,把消費者由線下帶至線上,再由線上帶至線下,打造3C零售通路生態圈。 / In recent years, e-commerce industry is prospering. Online shopping stores became more diverse than before, not only product category increased but also began to focus on service. PChome pioneered 24H arrival shipping strategy, then the other competitor ASAP also provided 3hr arrival service, the online shopping market started “speed war”. The mutual cooperation of logistics and cash flow make entity retailers face immediate and powerful threat, retailers have to make the transition, or set up their own shopping website.
In addition to the physical channels, virtual channels especially e-commerce are new and popular marketing channel in the recent years. Because there are different advantages and disadvantages of physical channels and virtual channels, clicks-and-mortar model which integrates physical and virtual channels, combined the different characteristics and advantages is advanced.
This study will focus on how a appliances retailer - Tsannkuen to find a new way of e-commerce and do the click-and-mortar model which integrates physical and virtual channels. Especially how to integrate logistics and services between Tsannkuen and Tsannkuen kuai3 which became Taiwan's largest household appliances retail virtual channel.
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校園社群網站滿意度之研究 / Online social network on campus: a satisfaction survey黃健維, Huang, Chien Wei Unknown Date (has links)
大學校園資訊服務一般是以教學、行政、服務等公務性為主,較缺乏針對學生校園生活之互動性功能,如社團訊息溝通、相簿共享等學生較喜愛之功能。本論文是以某大學所建置學生校園社群網站(http://dono.tw)進行個案研究並線上問卷調查,來評量校園社群網站的使用者滿意度、分析使用者滿意度與各構面關係、以及分析使用者滿意度與使用者基本資料關係。在本論文的滿意度分析中,本研究所提出的五個假設,有三個假設成立,分別為「會員間互動對於滿意度有正相關」、「網路結構對於滿意度有正相關」、「網路科技對於滿意度有正相關」。針對所研究之網站,本論文有下列管理性建議:要改變學生於網路的使用習慣及行為,是相當不容易。建議學校可由整合社群網站功能於學校的學術及行政運作體系或增加使用社群網站之誘因,來提升網站使用率。 / The information services of university campus are usually focused on public affairs such as teaching, administration, and services. And there is lack of interactive functions for student campus life such as the messages communication of campus clubs, the photos sharing, etc., those are the favorite functions of students.
Based on the campus student community networks created by an university, this paper conducts a case study and making an online survey. It assesses the user’s satisfaction of the community networks, analyze the relationship between user’s satisfaction and each dimension, and analyze the relationship between the user’s satisfaction and user’s background data.
In the satisfaction analysis, we proposed five hypotheses. There are three hypotheses are valid. They are :”It is positive correlation to satisfaction among the members’ interaction”, “It is positive correlation to satisfaction for web structure”, and “It is positive correlation to satisfaction for web technology”.
For the research web, we have the following managerial suggestions: It is not easy to change the custom and behavior of students on network. To improve the utilization rate, we suggest that the university can integrate the community network functions into the academic and administrative affairs system, or to make some incentives to use the community network.
Virtual Community, Campus Community, Community Web, Web 2.0
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應用計畫行為理論探討虛擬社群使用者之付費行為 / Apply TPB to understand virtual commuity members' paying behavior謝依穎, Hsieh,Yi Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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虛擬實境會是新聞的未來嗎?以實證研究探討虛擬實境新聞對閱聽人的影響 / Will virtual reality be the future of journalism? Explore the effects of virtual reality on audience: an empirical investigation.劉呈逸, Liu, Cheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
虛擬實境技術作為一項內容呈現方式,在技術逐漸成熟到現今也逐漸被接枝於新聞內容上,沈浸新聞學(immersive journalism)也隨之誕生,而它最獨特臨場感(presence)特性也使得虛擬實境新聞能帶給閱聽者完全不同以往的閱讀體驗,然而虛擬實境的引進能否為數位化的新聞產業環境帶來利基,是現在新聞媒體仍在觀望的原因。故本研究設計 2(新聞呈現方式:有、無使用虛擬實境)x 2(新聞類型:軟新聞與硬新聞)的實驗架構,讓受測者(N = 121)以佩戴 Google cardboard 以及手機兩種方式體驗《紐約時報》發行的應用程式「NYTVR」裡兩種不同類型的新聞內容,結果發現使用不管哪種新聞類型的內容,使用虛擬實境技術體驗的組別都能夠提升閱聽者在看觀看完刺激物後的購買意願以及情緒,並且臨場感在這個體驗過程中具有中介效果,這些發現不僅為虛擬新聞研究領域帶來實證上的支持,更給予虛擬實境新聞應用於新聞實務上的立足點。
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零售業線上線下經營模式整合之研究—以C公司為例楊智淵, Yang, Chih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來行動網路及數位商務的蓬勃發展,促使O2O(Online to Offline/ Offline to Online)模式的興起。如何有效的結合實體通路與電子商務平台,以發展線上及線下之O2O模式,已成為提升產業競爭力的重要關鍵。
銷售商品不只透過實體店面進行販售,網路的普及化造就了網路銷售平台的架設,大型的購物平台對於零售業產生巨大的影響,因此企業不得不將實體及網路做整合。在傳統的電子商務,不外乎為 B2B、B2C、C2C 等型態,這些模式均屬於單方面虛擬店面的交易。隨著智慧型手機的普及,行動商務已是企業不可忽視的商機。
當企業將實體及網路零售做整合時,實體店面增加了網路上的通路宣傳資源,方便追蹤消費者每筆消費紀錄,對企業來說能夠更輕鬆掌握消費者數據,可以提升對消費者的營銷效果及維護。本論文研究探討對於線上線下的整合,是否有利整體績效呈現,運用對O2O的文獻回顧探討線上線下的整合如何提升營運績效與競爭力。 / In recent years, the vigorous development of the action network and digital commerce has prompted the rise of the O2O model (Online to Offline/ Offline to Online). How to effectively combine physical access and e-commerce platform to develop the model O2O of online and offline has become an important key to enhance the competitiveness of the industry.
Sales goods are there are nothing more than pattern sold through physical stores, but the popularization of Internet has created the network sales platform. Large shopping platforms have a huge impact on the retail industry, so enterprises have to integrate entities and networks. In the traditional e-commerce, not only for B2B, B2C, C2C, and so on, these patterns belong to the unilateral virtual store transaction. With the popularity of smart phone, mobile commerce is a business is a business opportunity to be reckoned with in enterprises.
In today's society, the Internet has led to the trend of e-commerce, and also leads to the business model of information marketing. The strategy of virtual reality integration can set up a bridge of communication between the real world and the virtual world of the Internet, and expand the market of e-commerce by traditional enterprises. In the new century of the Internet, the competition advantage can be established and maintained only if the entity and the virtual are well integrated.
When enterprises integrate entities and online retailers, the physical stores increase the channel publicity resources on the Internet, which is easy to track consumers' consumption records, and can easily grasp the consumer data, and enhance the effectiveness of consumer marketing and maintenance. This paper investigates whether the integration of online and offline whether beneficial to the overall performance or not, and uses literature reviews of O2O to explore how online-offline integration can improve operational performance and competitiveness.
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虛實整合趨勢下百貨公司可行之行銷策略 / Marketing strategy that department stores can take under the trend of omnichannel林珈儀, Lin, Jia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
透過量化研究,綜合了解消費者虛實通路購物習慣和偏好、百貨公司購物習慣和偏好、百貨公司虛實整合現況認知及接受度與百貨業者現今提供之產品和服務滿足消費者需求的程度,整理出品牌/商品差異化、服務品質提升、增強體驗、提供更多休閒樂趣、完善會員制度與提供並整合多元消費/接觸管道六點行銷策略建議,希望給予百貨公司業者與面臨市場衝擊下,如何吸引消費者之行銷策略面之建議、協助策略之訂定。 / In today’s retail market, the traditional brick-and-mortar retailers have strived to develop online market after facing intense competition from e-commerce prosperity, online retailers such as Amazon and Alibaba have also started to expand offline market. Omni-channel has become the market trend, both online-only retailers and traditional physical stores are facing challenges. Retailers have to integrate online and offline channel resources, and keep innovating.
Contrast to online retailers, traditional brick-and-mortar retailers have invested a lot of resources in building and managing physical channels. Department stores sales accounts high proportion of total retail market sales and are facing the problem of changing customer needs. Therefore, this study examines the marketing strategy that department stores can take under the trend of omni-channel.
Through quantitative research that designed to understand customer buying behavior, including shopping habits and preferences in online and offline channels and in department stores, cognition and acceptance of department store’s nowadays omnichannel strategy, and satisfactions of the products and services that currently provided by department stores. This study proposes six marketing strategy recommendations, which are brand/ product differentiation, service quality upgrade, shopping experience enhancement, entertainment providing, loyalty program improvement, and channels/ touch points integration. Based on these recommendations, the study hopes to help the department stores to figure out the ways to attract customers and build the strategy under the market challenges.
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虛實通路品牌與產品涉入度對服務品質影響 / The influence of service quality from physical and virtual channel brand and product involvement王雅函 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 消費者產品涉入度高時,會偏好到實體商店購買產品。
二、 消費者的產品涉入度與消費者對於通路的服務品質評價無相關。
三、 當新通路採用和原通路相同的品牌名稱時,新通路的服務品質會影響到消費者對於原本通路的服務品質評價。
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電腦犯罪之法律適用與立法政策-保護法益之遞嬗陳憲政, Chen ,Hsien-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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