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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳嘉豪, CHEN CHIA HAO Unknown Date (has links)
透過網路的商品交易,消費者不須親臨實體商店或販售點,只要透過網路的虛擬交易機制即可買到任何商品,可以預覽、不必出門、不必付現、不滿意更可以無條件退貨。如此輕鬆的購物行為,迫使實體商店必須E化來因應,虛擬網際網路對傳統產業的影響不再單純只是E潮流的衝擊,而是傳統產業結構性的衝擊。 從研究設定的個案來分析,當虛擬網站建立一定程度的品牌認同及資源時,在考量市場規模及競爭構面時,虛擬品牌往實體通路跨幾乎是不可擋的趨勢,而「虛擬與實體間」因整合所可能產生的互容性差異、系統差異、文化差異等問題,將是本研究所欲探究的議題。 本研究在於尋找並驗證虛擬通路及實體通路共榮的機會與實證、期能提供網站經營者和傳統產業一個新的營運思維,永續經營。建立電子商務新模式的第一步,是從三種不同角度來分析網路特性: 一、誕生自網路的新組織立足於電子商務市場上。 二、傳統定位在離線市場的既存組織即將邁向網路。 三、以新式組織型態結合在一起的集團,即所謂的「e化集團」,目的在於透過線上組織所形成的「虛擬架構」提昇個別公司或合夥集團的競爭優勢。 本研究主要分為「電子商務與實體通路整合行銷現況及趨勢」與「個案分析」兩大部份。前者以虛擬商店經營理論、與實體互相整合行銷因果之探討,輔以購物網站經營構面,規範設定研範圍;後者以實體與虛擬整合行銷實例訪談方式探討,實務面經營策略、成果及未來「虛實整合」發展趨勢之關聯。 關鍵字:「電子商務」、「虛擬網站」、「整合行銷」、「購物網站」、「網路服務價值鏈」、「虛擬與實體整合」。

在語意虛擬環境中實現3D化身的可客製化行為 / Enabling Customized Behaviors of 3D Avatar in Semantic Virtual Environment

朱鈺琳, Chu, Yu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在多人虛擬環境系統的設計上,讓使用者能自行設計化身的行為,並即時以動畫元件的形式安裝到虛擬世界中,是3D內容能否達到共享的關鍵。本論文主要研究的部分包含三個部分:第一個部分是提供虛擬環境系統動態載入動畫元件的機制,使得虛擬環境系統可以動態加入客製化之化身行為;第二個部分是在現有的虛擬環境系統中加入語意的描述,並增加互動訊息傳送時的彈性;第三個部分是實現可客製化的動畫元件,分別以化身和環境間以及化身彼此間的互動,來說明上述機制的可行性。在動態的載入動畫元件的部分,客製化的動畫元件在系統上得以即時安裝並執行。動畫元件在安裝上可使用XML片段,並交由OSGi Framework中的服務來處理此XML標籤。另外,在加入物件的語意描述後,使得這些動畫元件可以取得世界的資訊,並進一步產生符合當時環境限制或應用需求的動畫。我們以Ontology來描述環境和化身的資訊,並實際製作路徑規劃器元件和化身間互動元件兩個範例。我們利用動態安裝及語意資訊兩個機制,以實例說明如何達到實現化身可客製化行為之目的。 / In the design of multi-user virtual environments, in order to share 3D contents designed by users, it is crucial to allow the behaviors of an avatar to be designed as animation components and loaded at the run time. In this thesis, we attempt to address the problem of designing a semantic virtual environment by considering the following three parts. First, we have designed a mechanism for user-designed animation procedures to be installed and loaded at run time. Second, we have augmented our virtual environment system with semantic descriptions and enhanced the flexibility of message interchange. Third, we have used two types of interaction scenarios, avatar-environment and avatar-avatar, to illustrate how customized animation components can be designed to enhance the functionality of a virtual environment. In our system, we allow users to design their own XML tags and the corresponding animation components managed in the OSGi framework. These components can acquire world information and generate appropriate animations according to application requirements and environment constraints. We have used ontology to describe the semantics of environments and avatars. Two example components: the motion planner and the avatar-avatar interaction have been designed to illustrate the dynamic installation process and the retrieval of semantic information for the realization of customizing avatar behaviors.

張載氣化論之結構-從張載反佛論談起 / The Structure of Chang Tsai Chi-hua lun

金春植, Kim, Chun-Sik Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

虛擬化服務體驗對於旅遊意願的影響-以虛擬紫禁城和虛擬武漢為例 / The impact of experience in service virtualization on travel intention- The case of virtual Forbidden City tour and virtual Wuhan tour

梁彥璋, Liang, Yen Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討資訊科技所創造出的虛擬化體驗,是否影響顧客在虛擬旅遊的體驗價值,並進而影響顧客對實體旅遊的消費意願,最後來探討虛擬化體驗系統的複雜性對消費意願的影響程度。我們以虛擬紫禁城和虛擬武漢線上景點導覽系統為研究案例,分兩階段模式來分析使用者消費意願.系統使用前,採用計畫行為理論及涉入程度的構面來衡量觀光旅遊之消費意願;系統使用過後,用互動性和生動性來探討虛擬觀光景點之體驗價值的關係,研究結果顯示虛擬紫禁城及虛擬武漢的虛擬體驗皆對實體旅遊之消費意願有所影響。 / This paper aims to study how the experience of tourism virtualization derived from information technology affects not only the customer’s experiential value of virtual tourism, but also intention of traveling in the future. Moreover, we discuss how the complexity of virtual experience systems impacts customer intention. Two on-line tour systems, the virtual Forbidden City and the virtual Wuhan, are utilized in a sequence of experiments for tourism experience. Before using the system, the constructs of Theory of Planned Behavior and Involvement Theory are employed to measure the intention of traveling. After then, two constructs, interactivity and vividness, are adopted to explore how the experiential value of virtual tourism impacts the intention of travelling. Our research results show that experiential values of the virtual Forbidden City and the virtual Wuhan both have impacted the intention of travelling.

以競合策略的觀點探討企業虛擬通路與實體通路的互動關係 / Exploring the Interaction Relationship between Virtual Channel and Physical Channel in Enterprises from the Perspectives of Co-opetition Strategy

江馨瑩, Chiang, Hsin Ying Unknown Date (has links)
近年來資通訊科技與網路帶動了電子商務之發展,網路商店如雨後春筍般的成立,許多具有實體通路的企業,亦紛紛投入網路市場建立網路商店以分食網路市場利潤,成為所謂的「虛實整合」企業。而成功的虛實整合企業不僅需要虛實通路間的相互合作以擴增市場,同時也得克服兩通路間可能因業績而產生自相競食的狀況。由此可知虛實通路間存在既競爭又合作的複雜關係。 因此本研究藉由競合策略的觀點,來探討具實體通路的企業經營虛擬通路的過程以及其虛實通路間的競合關係。研究方法上採取質性的個案研究方式,並以特力集團做為深入的個案研究對象。期望研究成果同時帶來實務上與學術上的貢獻。 本研究所得到的結論如下: 1.企業在已有實體通路下經營虛擬通路時,會將虛擬通路部門定位為行銷平台,並採取「網站接單,但實體出貨」的營運方式,同時也會透過品牌、商品品項、品質及價格等方面的統一來避免消費者的混淆。 2. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,會透過換位思考的方式運用利誘和施壓之策略,且同時搭配篩選實體合作店與分配訂單的配套措施,使實體通路部門在競爭下與之合作。 3. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,打破營運框架引導網站顧客至實體通路消費,並結合自身的核心優勢吸引更多顧客前往網站瀏覽、下單,以提升其營運業績。 / In recent years, Internet brought along the growth of electronic commerce; Internet shops sprung up like mushrooms, and many companies with physical distribution channels one after another have also invested into online marketing to create Internet shops and to share Internet market profits, becoming so-called “click-and-mortar” business. However, for expanding the market successful “click-and-mortar” businesses not only the enterprises need to ensure mutual cooperation between virtual and physical channels, but at the same time also have to overcome mutual cannibalization of the two types of channels. Thus, it can be seen that there exist both cooperation and competition between virtual and physical channels. The study aims to investigate the operations of virtual channels in the enterprises of “click-and-mortar” with existing physical channels. We will analyze “co-opetition” relations between virtual and physical channels by modifying the framework of game theory’s five elements for the situation of co-opetition. Then, we select corporate group Test Rite International Co., Ltd. for our case study subject and use in-depth interview so major approach for the study. We hope the research results bring both academic and practical contributions. The study will examine research problems from three perspectives. Firstly, how does the company position and manage virtual channels under already with established physical channels. Secondly, how does the department of virtual channels cooperate with the department of physical channels for using its resources? Thirdly, how does the department of virtual channels compete with the department of physical channels? Through the case study in our research, we conclude: (1) The enterprise with established physical channels, positions the department of virtual channels as the platform for distribution and performs the operation mode “take orders by website, deliver products through physical channel”, and avoids confusing customers by unification of brands, product items, quality, and price.(2) When working with the department of physical channels, the department of virtual channels develops inducement and suppression strategy by “putting itself in other’s place” thinking pattern. It makes the department of physical channels cooperate under competition by adjusting measures for choosing cooperation with physical channel stores and distribution of orders. (3) By the special strategies, such as attracting customers to visit virtual channels, the department of virtual channels breaks down the operating framework by combining its own advantages, and wins over more customers to visit the webpage for browsing and ordering, by this increasing the operating performance.

台灣電力市場用戶群代表制度之研究 / Analysis of aggregator systems for the Taiwan electricity market

洪穎正, Hung, Ying Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對先進國家「用戶群代表」制度之政策與法規進行探討,並進一步探討如何施行於台灣電力市場。首先定義並解釋「用戶群代表」涵意後,整理出先進國家(包含美國、歐盟、德國、澳洲、韓國五個地區與EnerNOC、Comverge、CPower、OhmConnect四個公司)的用戶群代表商業模式案例,藉由文獻分析與個案研究,觀察先進國家政策方向與用戶群代表市場定位差異。同時,本研究由我國用戶群代表相關制度法規,探討用戶群代表於我國電力市場實施之適法性。此外,本研究根據文獻回顧整理出發展用戶群代表制度的關鍵成功因素,並詳細探討我國當前條件是否適合發展。最後針對政府與台電、產業界、學術界、電力用戶的不同角度,提出可行的政策法規建議。 / This thesis explores the policies and regulations of aggregator systems in advanced countries and explores how to implement aggregator system in Taiwan electricity market. In order to achieve this objective, we first define and elaborate the meanings of aggregator. Then, experience and case studies of USA, European Union, Germany, Australia and Korea are studied. In addition, business models of four aggregators, EnerNOC, Comverge, CPower and OhmConnect are presented. Furthermore, we examine current related regulations of an aggregator in Taiwan electricity market for feasibility analysis. In addition, this study summarizes the key success factors of the development of aggregator systems according to the literature review, and discusses in detail whether Taiwan's current conditions are suitable for development. Finally, market models and policy regulations in relation to the aggregator are recommended.

以虛擬代言人創作環境議題平面廣告(以迪士尼為例) / A Creation of Environmental Issues Print Ads with Spokes-Characters--The Case of Disney

郭紹靖, Quek, Shao Chin Unknown Date (has links)
人類日常活動造就了今日各種環境議題已經是無可否認的事實,然而生活在繁華都市裡的人因為接觸不到一望無際的垃圾山/海、感受不到斷糧的危機、體會不到缺水的絕望等環境議題,所以對環境議題沒有太大的危機感,即使聽過環境議題,也仍舊抱持著充耳不聞的鴕鳥心態。但環境議題不像單純的政治、宗教或社會議題能讓人自由選擇立場或是沒有立場,而是一個嚴肅的道德議題,只要有份消耗自然資源就必須負上保護環境的責任。 法國社會及哲學家布希亞曾說了一句很準確的話:“在當今社會裡,我們都是被別人給提醒的(we were made aware of)”。因此對理解環境議題的人來說,除了身體力行從生活中做環保之外,讓更多人了解這些岌岌可危的環境議題變成了最重要的事。在今天,許多意識到環境保護重要性的名人不遺餘力地為環境發聲,甚至身體力行投入環保產業,成為了極具影響力的環境代言人。 在環境代言人出現的同時,卻鮮少看過由虛擬人物為環境代言的案例,因此本創作決定以虛擬代言人的方式來創作環境議題平面廣告,透過迪士尼的明星光環發揮類似名人代言的廣告效果。在創作發表結果中不難看出,以迪士尼為環境代言人的創作方式確實吸引了受眾的目光,進而影響受眾對環境議題的態度及行為,皆達到了廣告代言人效果及創作目的。 / There is no denying that human activities have caused environmental issues. However, living an urban life have made people unware of such environmental issues as the garbage mountains/oceans, the hunger from food shortage, and the despair of dry seasons, etc. Therefore they have no sense of crisis about these issues. People heard of those terms but they still bury their heads in the sand. Different from political, religious or social issues, environmental issues are more like serious ethical issues, which allow none to either choose a stance or stay neutral. Those who have depleted the natural resources are responsible to protect the environment. Baudrillard, a French sociologist and a philosopher, said: “we were made aware of”. To the people who care about environment, helping more people understand the severity of environmental issues becomes the most important thing. Therefore, a lot of celebrities who are aware of the importance of environmental protection spare no effort to promote environmental issues, even engaging themselves in the environmental protection industry. They have become influential spokespersons of the environment. However, we’ve rarely seen the cases of fictional characters being used in the environment endorsement. So the idea of combining environmental issues with spokes-characters is born. These Print Ads creations will use Disney’s characters to achieve the effect of spokespersons. The exhibition have shown the creation successfully attracted audience attention, affecting both their attitudes and behaviors to environmental issues. The results have reached the effect of spokespersons and purpose of the creation.


郭淑汾, Kuo, Su-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先依據過去實際發生的案例彙總逃漏稅方法,再與國外逃漏稅的行政罰及刑事罰有關規定說明比較。 接著以經濟模型對罰款率、查獲率與逃漏稅關係作分析。發現因企業的平均稅率較個人平均稅率為高,查獲率提高對企業逃漏稅嚇阻作用較個人為大。而對個人逃漏稅則以罰款率的提高,較能發揮嚇阻作用。 最後在Stata軟體的運算下,選取89至91年的營利事業申報及漏稅資料,依Stata給予的評分標準,預測逃漏稅傾向較高的企業。歸納如下:1.有欠稅記錄者,2.3,000萬以上查帳案件,3.設籍台北市郊區者,4.行政區常異動者(遷址),5.設立期間4-12年,6.營業收入3,700萬元以上,7.社會服務及個人服務業,虛報薪資有營造業。 由以上分析七要點可協助稽徵機關在選案查核中作參考,提高逃漏稅的查獲率,降低逃漏稅誘因。並提供稅務機關建議事項如下:1.加強獨資合夥企業的租稅輔導,2.依逃漏稅傾向調整抽查率,3.提高虛報薪資的罰款率,4.鼓勵臨時工所得扣繳,5.刑事罰適用性提高。 期盼本文的研究可幫助建立租稅公平、徵納和諧的租稅環境,並充足稅源,增益國庫。

網路世代學童之價值觀與網路社會化學習機制參與之關聯性分析-以大台北地區國小五、六年級學童為例 / A study on the relationship between personal values and internet socialization mechanism-A case of grade five and six elementary school students in greater Taipei

馬振剛 Unknown Date (has links)
根據調查指出,台灣12歲以下的人口上網率已達61%以上,平均三位學童就有兩位曾經使用過網路,足見網路在青少年族群中的滲透力。這些「網路世代」的孩子們在自我概念、人格發展與社會關係,也深受網路的影響,不同於過往世代的成長經驗。 此一新興媒體的影響力,在他們的身上表現的最為明顯。然而,網路是一個多元卻也複雜的媒體。而此時正是兒童價值觀與人格形塑的重要時期,其心智未成熟,無法判斷網路內容與行為的正確性。因此,本研究欲探討網路使用與網路社群關係對此階段的兒童在價觀上的相關影響,並得到結論如下:一、人口背景變項對於學童價值觀的影響力有限;二、自我意向與兒童價值觀具有相當程度之關連;三、網路社會化學習機制的參與,對於兒童價值觀具有影響力。 / Based on survey, the average rate of internet use of those who under 12 years old is beyond 61%.It is obvious that internet has great impact on self concept, personality development and social relation of this "Net generation".They have different experience from other generations. However, internet is a emerging media of variety and complexity. And this is an important period of child personal value developing and personality shaping. Their immature mind may not determine the correctness of internet content and behavior.Consequently, this study examined how internet usage and virtual community affect personal value.

企業部落格社群經營與價值共創之研究 / Virtual Community Development and Value Co-Creation with Customers of Corporate Blogs

吳宜真, Wu, Yi-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
全球部落格的熱潮和影響力,吸引許多國外企業紛紛成立企業部落格,然而台灣的企業部落格仍非常少。本研究欲了解為什麼台灣企業部落格的發展較國外落後,以及台灣已成立的企業部落格,其成立的動機、經營部落格社群的作法,和部落格帶給企業的效益。 本研究以Rogers (2003)的創新決策過程為骨幹,探討台灣企業採用部落格決策的各個階段。並以虛擬社群成員發展的前三個階段:吸引會員、增加參與、建立忠貞,探討企業如何經營虛擬社群,以及透過Prahalad & Ramswamy (2000)提出的共創價值平台的四個要素,評估企業部落格應具備的條件。本研究採取個案研究法,從十家台灣持續經營的企業部落格中,選擇瀏覽人次及部落格上互動最多的三家個案:Yahoo!奇摩拍賣部落格、風潮音樂部落格、毛寶Simple Life部落格,進行深度的個案訪談。另外訪談兩位企業部落格的專家,了解台灣企業部落格的發展概況。 透過個案研究,本研究發現目前台灣已成立的企業部落格,通常是由熟悉部落格的員工提出採用部落格的構想,主管同意給予時間經營,是一個由下而上的過程,和企業一般的決策過程不同。而在企業部落格的經營方面,企業可以和個人部落客合作,提供專業、有趣的內容吸引網友前來。部落格應時常邀請顧客互動,而企業希望以部落格和顧客共創價值,應具備以下條件:企業與顧客都感興趣的主題、顧客可以獲得有價值的資訊和美好的經驗、真實透明的原則、制定網友回應文章的規則。在建立網友忠誠度方面,企業部落格經營者應多呈現個人的特色,並熱情回應網友,時常拜訪網友的部落格,與網友建立關係。 企業若能持續投入時間經營部落格,只需花費少許的錢,能透過部落格與顧客共創價值:與顧客對話、顧客知識、運用顧客口耳相傳的力量。這些價值挹注回企業,能帶來的效益:增加企業的能見度、提昇人性化的品牌形象、澄清媒體錯誤報導、提升搜尋引擎結果的排名。然而,目前台灣企業部落格的數量仍不多,本研究認為原因為:台灣本身部落格的發展起步慢之外;台灣企業看重短期的效益的心態;相較於國外,台灣少有企業高層想以部落格和顧客直接對話;台灣還沒有專業的企業部落格顧問形成,以輔導企業。

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