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共同正犯之未遂李進榮 Unknown Date (has links)
一、數人共同實施犯罪,例如甲乙丙三人計畫搶劫銀行,約定甲乙持槍衝入,甲先控制行員及顧客,乙搜括財物後,通知在銀行外車上待命兼把風之丙駛來接應,三人乘車逃離現場前開,如成功,三人依我國實務用語(如69年台上字第695號判例)有「犯意聯絡」及「行為分擔」,符合我國刑法第二十八條「共同實施」要件,皆論以共同正犯,但如失敗,特別有同夥尚無任何舉動時,其「行為分擔」或「共同實施」何在?三人能否論以(未遂的)共同正犯?此涉及共同正犯之歸責原理。如觀察前述強盜銀行案:甲本身僅實施「強制行為」,乙係「取走行為」,丙則稱不上構成要件行為,然三人最後卻均須對整個強盜結果負責,這之間歸責究係如何發生? 對此,我國及德國實務學說可大別下列三說:
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利用全國性e-GPS衛星定位基準網辦理土地複丈精度之研究-以鶯歌地區為例詹君正 Unknown Date (has links)
內政部土地測量局為擴大RTK有效作業範圍,同時降低主站布設密度,已規劃透過網際網路高速、寬頻之數據傳輸技術,預定於九十五年度前完成建置全國性電子化GPS(e-GPS)衛星定位測量基準網,就其連續定位觀測資料,建構區域性定位誤差內插模式,並配合虛擬基準站(Virtual Base Station,VBS)即時動態定位技術(Real-Time Kinematic, RTK)( 簡稱VBS-RTK),獲得高精度的定位成果,提供多目標定位服務及加值應用。
本研究利用全國性e-GPS衛星定位基準站即時動態定位系統北區服務網為基準網,探討以VBS-RTK定位技術應用於圖根測量及直接辦理土地複丈之可行性。首先檢核實驗區內控制點與圖根點成果發現,縱坐標(N)較差絕對值之平均值為1.9公分,橫坐標(E)較差平均值為2.0公分。經分析後得知,本實驗區之VRS-RTK測量成果與原坐標成果間有系統誤差存在,透過六參數轉換後,其坐標較差值均能符合圖根點測量規範。其次,以VBS-RTK直接辦理土地複丈,其界址點坐標成果較差亦均符合界址點位置檢查與原坐標值之較差不得超過6公分之規定。 / For expanding the effective range and decreasing the density of base stations, Land Survey Bureau, Ministry of the Interior (LSB) have set up a national e-GPS base stations network in 2006. In order to obtain high precision position result and provide multi-goals positioning service with plus value application, the system will be involved regional position error interpolating mode and Virtual Base Station(VBS)technique.
The research area is located within the north service net of the national e-GPS base stations network, feasible discussion of using to Supplementary control survey and direct to transact the land resurvey with the VBS-RTK technique. Firstly, The 4th and the higher order control points and the traverse points located at the research area were examined with the VRS-RTK. Compared with the original data, the results have shown that the average of the absolute value of errors is 1.9 cm at the N-axis, 2.0 cm at the E-axis. After transformations either by affine-6-parameters, the result shows that all of the errors are satisfy the stipulation of rules.Secondly, using the VBS-RTK technique to undertake land survey correction, the all errors are satisfy the stipulation of rules.( less than 6 cm )
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服務部門轉型為虛擬利潤中心之管理控制系統 -以某汽車公司為例邱奕淳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,服務部門導入虛擬利潤中心制度時,以提供「資訊回饋之溝通與激勵」最為重要。此制度增加了員工顧客導向之思維,並提升其收入創造與成本之認知。然服務部門之性質差異,會影響虛擬利潤中心制度之導入。 / As the operating environment for businesses is becoming harsher, the role and functions of businesses’ shared service unit, which provide assistance for businesses, are appearing to be more and more important. However, internal service sector of businesses are often cost centers, which mostly provide services passively and lack the cogitation about making profit for the businesses and assisting the businesses’ strategies to be successfully practiced.
The concept of pseudo-profit center is to manage non-profit center by adopting profit center’s way of management and its concept of performance measure for the purpose of inspiring each sector to promote its own value.
The company in the case manages its shared service unit by introducing the system of pseudo-profit center under the scheme of balanced scorecard. The thesis is a case study about the function of the management control system during the course of introducing the pseudo-profit center system. Furthermore, the thesis also discusses the special features, the benefit, and the problems that might happen during the course of introduction.
The study reveals that when introducing the system of pseudo-profit center into the shared service unit, the most important factor is the supply and the feedback of information. The system triggers the employees to be customer-oriented and to be more aware of making profit and saving cost. However, the different nature of the shared service unit affects the introduction of pseudo-profit center system.
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反迷間的「禮」與「合」—以批踢踢吐槽版中的異議表達為例涂迺儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從Leech的「禮貌原則」和Grice的「合作原則」切入討論台灣著名的反迷(anti-fan)虛擬聚集處(virtual togetherness)「吐槽版」中的異議表達。研究者初步觀察吐槽版發現,該版呈現高度言論趨同的現象、鮮見異議表達。過往反迷相關文獻指出,相對於外在強勢的主流演藝圈文化,反迷意識到自己的小眾性、弱勢性,因而可能發展出成員間緊密的小團體情誼、友善互助的人際關係。研究者欲探究,在吐槽版高度趨同的發言氛圍下,版友該如何表達異議?什麼樣的異議表達方式符合吐槽版的禮貌標準?此外,吐槽版發言高度趨同、鮮見異議、鮮見網路戰火(flaming),確為出自於版友間同仇敵愾的團結情誼、友善的人際關係嗎?
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在虛擬共同基金市場中模擬小群體社會學習機制的研究 / The simulation of social learning mechanism with small groups in artificial mutual fund market林瑞益, Lin, Jui Yi Unknown Date (has links)
個人投資理財是近年來熱門的議題,而國內與此相關的研究大都集中在投資績效的提升、投資標的之選擇、資產配置比例與影響投資績效的變數等,較少在探討個人的投資準則與社會關係學習所造成的投資績效差異。本論文利用代理人為基礎的模擬方式(Agent-Based Simulation)與動態虛擬社會關係,模擬共同基金投資市場的交易行為,讓模型中的一個或數個群體裡的所有投資人除了可以依循著自身的投資準則進行投資外,亦有機會藉由虛擬社會關係學習到其他投資人的投資準則,進而提升投資績效。在實驗中,我們針對不同的學習頻率及學習參數觀察學習的效果。我們發現,當有虛擬社會關係學習模式且學習評估頻率為每月一次時,有助於整體投資績效的提升。 / Personal investment is a topic that has attracted much attention in recent years. However, the researches and applications related to this topic are usually concentrated in the area of increase investment performance, portfolio, investment selection, and critical investment performance factors. Less are about investment criteria and social learning that affect investment performance.
In this thesis, we use agent-based simulation with dynamic virtual social relationship to simulate artificial mutual fund market. The investors in the model can invest by their own criteria, and learn other agent’s criteria via virtual social relationship to increase investment performance. We use different sets of parameters in the experiments to observe how these parameters affect the result. Our experiments revealed that our new model with social learning mechanism and a learning evaluation frequency of a month, the overall investment performance can be significantly improved.
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探討虛擬社群中網路創業意圖的決定因素 / Investigating the determinants of cyber-entrepreneurial intention in virtual community游禮志, Yu, Li-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
過去三十年來學者針對創業意圖研究已有豐碩的成果,然而虛擬社群中創業意圖的發展與驗證卻未受到注視。因此,本論文採用Shapero-Krueger創業意圖模型與社會資本為理論基礎,提出研究模型探討虛擬社群中網路創業意圖的決定因素。此網路創業意圖模型中網路創業可欲性與網路創業可行性扮演直接決定因素與中介變數,橋接型社會資本與結合型社會資本則為間接決定因素,而網路創業自我效能同時扮演間接決定因素與中介變數。本論文針對網路創業虛擬社群之成員共蒐集204份有效樣本,並以偏最小平方法進行研究模型之驗證與分析。研究結果顯示,橋接型社會資本、結合型社會資本與網路創業自我效能均透過網路創業可欲性與網路創業可行性影響網路創業意圖。最後,本論文研究結果期許對網路創業意圖之理論發展與實務應用提出貢獻與建議。 / While the importance of entrepreneurial intentions has been recognized in entrepreneurial literature for at least three decades, the development and empirical validation of an entrepreneurial intentions model in a virtual community context had not been fully addressed. This dissertation aims to explore the evaluation determinants of cyber-entrepreneurial intention model in the virtual community context. Shapero- Krueger entrepreneurial intention model and social capital theory is utilized as the theoretical foundation to investigate the influences of entrepreneurial determinants that affect the intention to start a business online. A theoretical model of cyber-entrepreneurial intention proposes that cyber-entrepreneurial desirability and cyber-entrepreneurial feasibility serve as direct determinants, and mediators, bridging and bonding social capital serve as indirect determinants, whereas cyber- entrepreneurial self-efficacy serve as both indirect determinants and mediators. This dissertation collected 204 valid questionnaires and used them to test the proposed model. The results show that bridging and bonding social capital, and self-efficacy affect intention through desirability and feasibility. Theoretical and practical contributions and recommendations are also presented.
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張大春的說謊史 / The lying history of Chang Da-chun吳秋鳳, Wu, Chiu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
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網路商店核心資源之研究李惇弘 Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現1-1:產業知識(Domain Know-how)和網路技術能力(Web-technology)是經營網路商店的核心資源。
命題三 :網路商店目標市場之區隔與選擇與語文變數有關,與地理區隔變數的關聯性較低。
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台灣省國民中學教師流動因素與型態之研究蕭霖, Hsiao Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在調動機率的影響方面,性別、教學年資、婚姻狀況與配偶的勞動參與率、調動次數、學校規模、以及薪資與福利措施的滿意度上,有著顯著的預測力。研究的結論是教育人力資源分配仍不平均,從影響教師調動機率的因素中,可以提供導引教育人力資源分配更加均衡的線索。 / The main purpose of this study is to inquire into the style about the teachers' mobility and the factors affecting such mobility. Sampling from 1994 academic year in Taiwan, the researcher focuses on the 384 cases of all mobilized teachers and their counterpart-380 nonmobilized cases.
A dummy dependent regression analysis is conducted to explore the factors. As a result, the phenomenon for mobility tends to flow into the metropolis. Factors affecting the mobility exhibits significant differences compared to nonmobility; such as factors among sex, seniority, marriage, inhibition, frequcncy of mobility and the scale of the school.
In additions, the propensity to mobile, as this study finds, has to do with their sex, seniority, marriage and the labor participation of spouse, frequcency of mobility, degree of the content about their wages and welfare, and the scale of the school. The conclusions made here are: the human resources in education is still scanty. From the factors influenced mobility probability, it can provide some clues to make the human resources in education more equal.
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電腦中介傳播人際情感親密關係之研究探訪電子佈告欄(BBS)中的「虛擬人際關係」 / A study of emotional and intimate interpersonal relational - the exploration of virtual relationship in BBS.吳姝蒨, Wu, Shu-chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討現今人們透過電腦中介傳播系統(computer-mediated communication, CMC)發展出的人際情感親密關係。研究動機是基於網路目前的風行以及研究需要,並視網路為「虛擬情境」,稱此通道下之人際情感親密關係為「虛擬人際關係」,與親身接觸發展出的人際關係有相同與相異之處。
研究探討的重心有三:1. 欲了解「虛擬人際關係」的發展與組成,以及這種人際情感網絡對於現實生活中人際網絡具替代或互補作用;2. 了解「虛擬人際關係」與親身接觸人際情感關係的異同;3. 找出人們尋求「虛擬人際關係」的原因。
本研究以電子布告欄(Bulletin Board System, BBS)為研究情境,選擇清大電機BBS站心情類版為研究個案,採用俗民方法學的態度,以觀察、親身參與其人際互動、社會網絡分析、深度訪談、電子郵寄問卷等方式探討BBS中的人際親密關係與情感支持。
因此,「虛擬人際關係」可以使人發展親密關係並有情感互動,它無法替代實際人際情感親密關係,人們也不可能脫離現實的人際互動,但即是如此,由電腦中介傳播媒介建構的情境卻可以是一處情感交流與宣洩的地方,科技進步也可有溫情的人際效果。 / The study mainly attempts to explore intimate and emotional interpersonal relationship through the computer-mediated communication(CMC) ,orthe Internet, which is regarded as a "Virtual context". The relationship is named as "virtual relationship" which is different from face-to-face(FTF) one.
The study examined several related researches from 1970s on "media choice theory" and "interpersonal interaction". The former includes social presence theory, media richness theory and social information processing(SIP) theory. The latter combs the differences in the interpersonal emotion, ve.rbal/nonverbal cues and human interaction between the CMC and FTF chanell. and interpersonal relationship .Besides, the author describes Walther's SIP theory a lot and suggests it can also be applied to the research of internet-based interpersonal communication. The study also suggests that the most important in the research of CMC is to undesrstand the connection among the users, especially in emotion and intimacy.
There are three points in the research:(1)the development and constitution of the virtual relationships, (2)the difference in between virtual and FTF relationships, (3)finding out the reasons why people come to virtual relationships.
The methods of the study include ethnographic participant observation, social network analysis, depth interview and E-mail questionnaire to discuss the internet- based interpersonal intimate relationships and emotion support. The "feeling", "manwoman" and "love" boards at NTHU were chosen to be the case study .
The results find that "virtual relationship" is most BBS-users's expansion of their social networks. The developing process of virtual relationship is similar to that of FTF relationship, including self-disclosure, sharing and understanding.The different, however, fall on nicknames, verbal interaction, image and anticipation in the BBS. In addition to the development, the constitution of virtual relationships is based upon nicknames, use of emotion, users' idiosyncrasy, BBS experiences and computer skills that are also the reasons why people need virtual relationships.
Virtual relationship, therefore, enables one to develop intimate relations and share each other's feelings. However, the interpersonal relationship under FTF remains unreplaceable. No one can do without the interaction. Even so, the "virtual context" still provides a space for the expression and sharing ones' emotions; therefore, technology progresses also promote the warmth in interpersonal relationships.
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