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我國外商藥廠的知識管理活動與知識管理影響因素之研究 / A study of knowledge management activities and influential factors of international pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan薛稚蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 外商藥廠的知識管理目標若越明確、且與人員的工作流程結合度越高,則其知識蓄積活動越容易進行,且知識保護活動也越能確實執行。
2. 外商藥廠會透過企業內部環境的建構,來促進其知識的擴散。
3. 外商藥廠的科技設備若越完備,則其知識蓄積越容易進行,也因而強化了其知識的創造與擴散。
4. 外商藥廠的績效評估制度之設計與衡量指標之搭配,有助於其知識創造及知識擴散的進行。
5. 外商藥廠知識的結構化程度會影響知識蓄積以及擴散方式。知識的結構化程度越高,則越容易透過文件式的蓄積方式、並經由資訊系統來擴散知識;而知識的結構化程度越低,則越容易透過人員式的蓄積方式、並仰賴面對面接觸來擴散知識。
6. 外商藥廠會藉由成功經驗的分享,來創造組織與各部門的知識,也因而促進了知識的擴散。
7. 外商藥廠會藉由師徒制度來擴散經驗型的知識。
8. 外商藥廠會積極主動並重視知識保護的活動,且使之成為日常作業流程的一部分。
本論文最後說明本研究結果在學術上的貢獻,同時對實務研究上與後續研究上提出一些建議。 / According to IMS Health Global Pharma Forecast in 2009, the top ten sales volumes of pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan are all international enterprises. Under the National Health Insurance reimbursement, the international enterprises occupy only 30% of all the pharmaceuticals volumes, but occupy up to 70% of all the pharmaceuticals sales, which shows that the international pharmaceutical enterprises play a decisive role in Taiwan pharmaceutical market.
Most of the past studies of pharmaceutical industry focus on the aspects of marketing, strategy, and research and development. Few specifically inrestigate the issues of knowledge management and knowledge management influential factors. Consequently, a research gap can be found as pharmaceutical industry in a knowledge-intensive one. This research focuses on the pharmaceutical industry, explores the knowledge management activities of international pharmaceutical enterprise in Taiwan from both the view of knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities, and aims to discover the key factors that influence knowledge management.
This research adopts four international pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan as case studies and conducts interviews with managers to understand knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities. By knowing inside information of knowledge management of the four companies, this research can deliver a more practical and well-organized point of view, giving examples and facts to the future implementation of knowledge management for Taiwan pharmaceutical enterprise. The conclusions of this research are as bellow.
1. The clearer of the goal in knowledge management and the stronger of connection to the daily process in the company allow knowledge researving and protection activities implemented.
2. Higher level of organization cooperation and sharing culture leads to higher level of reliance of knowledge among each department, facilitating knowledge to spread more effectively in the company.
3. The completeness of technolocial facilities helps knowledge researving activities more convenient, knowledge creation activities more smoothing , and knowledge difussion activities more efficient.
4. The design of performance appraisal influences the knowledge creation and knowledge difussion activities.
5. The degree of knowledge structure influences the knowledge researving and difussion activities.
6. Sharing the best practice ficilitates knowledge creation and knowledge difussion activities . This method had gradually become a well-known practice in international pharmaceutical enterprise.
7. 「Mentor program」 is an important way to extend experienced knowledge. Each company has different approach to conduct 「Mentor program」.
8. The knowledge protection activity includes intellectual property rights、information system、contracts、data reserved management and data destroyed process, and the degree of compulsory execution is in accordance with the principles of the companies.
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台灣新藥研發公司多角化策略分析 -從知識管理程序觀點 / Diversification strategy analysis of new drug discovery company in Taiwan:the perspective of knowledge management process江政倫, Chiang, Cheng Lun Unknown Date (has links)
1. 台灣新藥研發公司選擇多角化策略的動機相當多元。
2. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化的動機與多角化目標領域之路徑相依度有關。
3. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化目標領域技術知識的路徑相依度與競爭衝擊程度會影響其技術知識吸收的方式。
4. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化目標領域技術知識的路徑相依度會影響其組織設計、分工與人員式知識擴散的對象。
5. 台灣新藥研發公司進行多角化產品研發時,其知識蓄積活動上傾向於採取「機械-整合式」的蓄積方式。 / New drug development industry is one of the key biotech development areas in Taiwan. The nature of new drug development involves high investment, high risk and long development time. As a result, some companies develop diversification as a strategy to reduce the risk. However, the scarcity of resource and manpower makes developing diversified products particularly challenging. This study would focus on why these companies choose diversification strategy and which strategies they develop.
Knowledge management is very important for companies in research-intensive industry. This study would also explore how the companies practice knowledge management on its diversified projects. In addition, this study uses technological knowledge characteristics (path dependence, degree of uncertainty, and competitive position) to analyze the effect upon knowledge management process.
In this study, multiple case study method to take the way through in-depth case interviews and secondary data collection, the conclusion is as follows:
1.The reasons why new drug development companies in Taiwan underwent diversification vary a lot.
2.Synergy motivation of new drug development companies in Taiwan will affect the path dependence of technological knowledge in target areas for diversification.
3.Path dependence and competitive intensity of technological knowledge in target areas for diversification will affect the way of technical knowledge acquired in Taiwan’s new drug development companies.
4.Path dependence of technological knowledge will affect the organizational design, the division of labor and object of personnel-type knowledge diffusion
5.New drug development companies in Taiwan tend to choose 「Mechanical-Integrated」mode of knowledge Storage when the diversification activities.
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跨國製藥廠的創新營銷模式 / Innovative marketing and sales model of an international pharmaceutical company廖健亨, Liao, Chien Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在如何透過創新的營銷模式,如電子醫藥行銷及電子醫藥平台,來解決跨國製藥廠在台灣面臨的困境。本研究以個案公司為研究對象,透過傳統策略規劃流程來做策略分析、策略擬定及策略執行。策略分析主要在分析內外部環境,外部環境,先透過五力分析來確認製藥產業的吸引力及哪一項競爭力是跨國製藥廠最需重視的,接著討論醫業環境的演變及對傳統營銷模式的衝擊。內部分析,主要針對個案公司做情勢分析,透過個案公司的組織目標、BCG矩陣分析模型、核心競爭力、品牌權益市場調查、高涉入購買決策過程分析、SWOT分析、商業模式和4C(四種交換成本)處分析來判斷情勢。從分析的結果來確認主要問題及機會,然後根據主要問題及機會來擬定相對策略,最後分析執行行動方案的成效來驗證策略的正確性。 / This study explores how the innovative marketing and sales model (such as eDetailing and Physician Digital Platform) can help to overcome the obstacles that international pharmaceutical company has been facing in Taiwan. This research is a case study for an international pharmaceutical company. The study is mainly focused on Taiwan’s pharma division. They study is structured in 3 major sections – strategy analysis, strategy defining and strategy execution. For the analysis, it focuses on analyzing external and internal environment. For the external environment, first apply the 5-force theory to identify the attractiveness of the industry and which competitive forces should be focused on. Then it discusses the evolution of the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan and how it impacts the traditional sales model. The internal analysis focuses on the case study of the company. Use tools and models such as BCG Matrix, core competency, brand equity market research, buying process, SWOT, business model and 4 Costs model to analyze the studied company’s situation. Through the analysis, identify the key problem and opportunity and make corresponding strategies. At the final section, validate the strategy’s effectiveness through analyzing the execution of the innovative marketing and sales model initiatives.
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苦參堿時控型結腸定位給藥微丸的製備和體外評價 / Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of time-controlled pellets of Matrine for colon-specific delivery徐樹明 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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輔料聯用固體分散技術在丹參提取物多組分釋放中的應用及複方丹參片的製備 / Application of solid dispersion with combined carriers on the in-vitro release of multi-components from Danshen extract and preparation of Fufang Danshen tablets熊秀莉 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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生技製藥產學合作之研究-以陽明大學新藥中心、寶齡富錦為例 / The Academic-Industrial Collaboration in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuitical Industry鄭雅文 Unknown Date (has links)
交相比較之後,建議國內大學之技術移轉中心需擬定明瞭易懂之政策 設計簡單易填之表格、重視商品化流程、經驗豐富之授權人才引進、設置「成功故事」區,來激勵想要新創公司之人。另外,也對國內生技製藥產業建議,台灣的切入點以植物藥為迅速且花費少、成功機會高,這是值得投入之領域。而產業之結構也應有所調整,台灣藥廠規模小,無法與國外大廠競爭開發新藥。開發新藥需投入大量時間及金錢,故國外藥廠之產業結構為垂直整合,亦即是將上市前所有試驗及上市後行銷一手包辦。國內藥廠需仿照科技業一般,將整個產業作水平分工,將核心能力保留,其餘皆可外包。這樣不但節省時間,也可減少對不熟悉領域之摸索,由仿製之學名藥廠,走向新藥開發,進而與國外大廠相互抗衡。 / The universities are long taken as the “knowledge engine” for industries. Through a well-designed cooperation or licensing system, that is, the academic-industry liaison, those intellectual property produced from academic researches should be applied in the industry and industrial competency can thus be improved. However, the academic-industry liaison concerning biotechnology and drug in Taiwan is deficient.
This thesis compares the cases of “Panion & BF Biotech Inc. PBF1681 Project,” “Research Center for Drug Discovery in National Yang-Ming University” in Taiwan with the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) of MIT in the U.S. Through the comparison, it can be found that techonology transfer office of universities in Taiwan needs to design a more friendly procedesure for licensee applicants and focuses on technology commercialization. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry needs to invest more in herbal drug development. The industry itself needs corporate reengineering. The structure of the industry should be a horizontal division instead of the vertical integration. They should focus on their core competency and strengthen the mutual cooperation between companies to form a network of efficient production divisions.
Key word: academic-industry liaison, biotechnology, drug discovery, pharmaceutical, Technology Licensing Office (TLO)
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生技製藥產業之技術商品化研究--由法規政策面分析 / A study on the commercialization of the intellectual property of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry--Regulatory perspective洪子秋, Hung,Tze Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
研發成果商品化的策略視產業特性而截然不同,在「生技醫療產業」中,因其具有「受衛生主管機關高度管制」、「商業化認證需時」、「行銷國際化」的特性,在法規面的複雜度較高,且為專案成功與否的關鍵因素之一,進行商品化評估時必須熟悉相關醫藥法規,才能著手為專案發展做正確的規畫 ,極度仰賴「跨領域」、「高度技術」與「熟稔特殊商業技巧」的人才。依各國藥物法規的不同,商品化的開發時程也受此影響,生技製藥產業之技術及研發成果必須將為達到法規規範的要求而必須投入的時間、資金、人力等各項資源納入總體可行性評估之考量依據。。因法規具有地域性,本研究無法齊備全球各國,將以美國及台灣為研究主體,台灣的法規深受世界公認醫藥法規先進的美國影響,熟知美國的法規可以預估台灣法規機構的思路;且美國藥品市場佔全世界最大規模,此外,美國也極有可能成為潛在合作廠商之所在地,因此本研究將比較美國與台灣之醫藥法規,並評估在技術研發的過程中,衛生主管機關之要求對於技術商品化過程中所產生的影響。
明確、具科學性、可預期性的法規環境能降低製藥產業於研發過程中的不確定性,提高廠商投入的意願。衛生醫療政策及藥政管理政策直接影響到醫藥法規的訂立,政府制定的法規將引導產業發展的方向,對於藥品市場有極重要的影響。一個好的政策應該能夠與國家的總體背景相匹配,法規要求應與國家發展程度及國家內需市場成比例。台灣生技製藥產業目前的困境之一,就是國內廠商在開發新藥時,為了符合台灣衛生主管機關訂定的高標準法規必須投入更多的成本,但台灣卻沒有足夠的內需市場得以支撐,造成擁有豐厚資源的國外廠商可以將符合世界(十大先進國)高標準的藥品進入台灣市場,但國內廠商卻無法立足。為解決此困境,台灣廠商一定要設法將業務範圍擴大到外需市場,以獲取足以支持藥物發展所需的資金成本。因此,了解國內、外之藥物相關法規,做出能符合各國法規要求的產品,為踏出國際外銷市場的第一步;此外,各國的智財法以及與商業相關的法律,還有其之間的互相關聯,都是技術商品化是否能夠成功至為重要的關鍵因素。本文擬就藥物法規面為討論之主軸,其間輔以智財、商業相關構面,對生技製藥產業之技術商品化之過程做一探討。在本研究所選的個案—核子醫學藥物,是眾多創新產品的一種,如果能把握技術、智財、法規、法律、國際商業運作,很有可能為台灣的藥業打開另一片天。 / In recent years, we have already developed some achievements in biotech researches in Taiwan and are in a leading position in Asia under the efforts of government and industries. However, these technologies still are slowly developed to the commercialized phase. Thus, the achievement of these researches does not benefit industry substantially.
In the process of commercialization of biotech research, we have to consider all the aspects, including technology and regulation, intellectual property, finance and management. With a well-rounded development plan, technologies in the bud will gradually develop to a mature commodity, and earn fiscal profit in the market. The profit will consequently contribute to research activity. A virtuous circle will be formed.
The strategies of commercialization differ considerably among industries. Regarding biopharmaceutical industry which has the properties of highly regulated by competent authorities, time consuming, heavy capital, and global marketing, the regulation assessment is not only complicate but also critical to project implementation. The required documents according by regional authorities will be a decisive factor to consider the development plan including the estimated timetable, needed resources. Due to the regulation system in US affected a lot legislation for laws in Taiwan , America and Taiwan will be the prior topics in this research.
A well-developed legal framework and protection of intellectual property rights is the prerequisite for building an ideal environment where the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries can flourish. In order to improve the environment for these industries, in recent years the government has approved the amendment and execution of related laws and regulations. Amendments have been made to related tax benefit and incentive measures of investment. Other amendments have been made which have allowed R&D results to be more easily transferred to academia and industry.
Looking into the future, under the joint cooperation of industry, academia and research institutes, and with the government’s policy to fully promote the sector, it is believed that Taiwan will have well developed in the near future.
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生技製藥智慧資本與研發管理對策 -以台灣新創製藥公司為例 / Intellectual Capital and R&D Management Strategy for Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case Study on New Pharmaceutical Ventures in Taiwan洪嘉鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究認為研發能量與知識管理在組織制度中的蓄積,是台灣業界經營管理上常見的盲點,台灣生技新藥業者多重視新技術的研發,普遍對智慧資本其他面向的重視程度不高,但對生技產業而言,扣除資金與技術後,公司的長期競爭力往往都是在組織發展的過程中累積而來的,忽視知識管理與組織制度的養成,對於企業長久發展有關鍵性的負面影響。研究中的個案最終都必須往累積組織資本的方向邁進,若不針對組織資本的蓄積設計恰當的管理方法,為研發人才設計合適的制度與生涯發展管道,將研發團隊的知識能量內化為企業自有資產,只期望以短期的數據績效取得資金支持,忽視智慧資本的管理與培養,並非生技產業長久經營之道。建議生技公司除了聘僱專業經理人處理資金與股東的關係外,也要重視研發長與策略長在組織中的地位,大膽給予權利,調整組織的運作模式,設計出能累積公司能量的專案管理流程,才是生技公司創造競爭力之本。 / In the era of knowledge-based economy, the tangible assets highly-valued by traditional manufacturing industry is no more enough solely to maintain industrial competency. Intangible intellectual assets become more and more important in modern commercial competitions. The intangible assets exist and vary according to different industries. Traditional manufacturing industry looks highly upon trade secrets and brand reputation while patent is the core competency to high-tech companies. Biotech industry belongs to a high knowledge-intensive business and should emphasize more on the management of intellectual assets. Biotech industry is characterized of a complicated system, a long value chain, specialized divisions of labor, and a prolonged timeline of product development. The company assets before the successful commercialization of a product are usually intangible intellectual property and a biotech company during this period cannot be accurately evaluated from traditional financial reports. Hence, compared to other business, biotech companies should resort more actively to appropriate intangible intellectual asset management to achieve a successful redemption of its intellectual assets.
This thesis will firstly through the literature study depict the current condition of Taiwan biotech industry and important issues on intellectual asset management and R&D management, inducing several principles of management. Further, the study proceeds with the principles induced to examine three new ventures in Taiwan, Taiwan Liposome Company (TLO), TaiMed Biologics, and InnoPharmax. The discussion will elaborate the practice of intellectual asset management of biotech industry in Taiwan, analyzing and comparing the accumulation of human capital, organizational capital, and relationship capital in the three cases.
The study proposes that Taiwan biotech companies usually neglect the accumulation and management of R&D capacity and knowledge in the enterprise organization system. The companies in question invest their resources mostly on the development of new technology and less on other intellectual assets. However, in the long run, the competency of a biotech company accumulates while the organization develops, other than the financial capital and technology. The depreciation of knowledge management and organization system will cause fatal influences on the company. The cases in the thesis must eventually develop their own organizational capital. Biotech companies need to devise appropriate management for organizational capital and preferable career paths for researchers and engineers, to internalize the knowledge capacity of the research team into the company assets. It is not beneficial to a biotech company in the long run to expect financial supports with short-termed achievements, instead of the management and cultivation of intellectual assets. It is advised that other than hiring professional manager for investor relations, the biotech company should pay more attention to the function of CRO and CSO in the organization and sufficiently authorize them into full play. It should also focus on the operation of the organization, adjusting and devising program management to accumulate knowledge capacity, to firmly establish the core competency in a biotech company.
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專利法及藥事法上實驗例外之研究─以製藥產業為中心 / The Research of Experimental Use Exception on Patent Law and Pharmaceutical Affairs Act -Especially in Pharmaceutical Industry孫小萍, Sun, Hsiao-ping Unknown Date (has links)
專利權具有獨占性,對一國產業發展具有重要影響,為了平衡該權利,各國專利法在給予發明人專利權的同時也加諸某些限制,以我國為例,於專利法第五十七條第一項列舉專利權效力所不及之情形有:(一)為研究、教學或試驗,實施其發明,而無營利行為者。此即所謂之「實驗例外」 (experimental use exception)條款。
國際間對於試驗例外之立法,除美國外,尚存在許多形式值得我國借鏡,以歐洲共同體專利規則草案(Proposal for a Council Regulation on a Community Patent)為例,其區分「私人且非商業性目的之行為」,以及「為試驗目的之行為」,後者要求必須係針對系爭專利技術本身所進行之試驗始非專利權效力所及,若係將該專利技術作為研究工具之用,仍非法之所許。這種區分方法不僅層次分明、無觀念上混淆之虞,判斷上也較具有可預測性。
美國於1984年通過Hatch-Waxman 法案鼓勵學名藥之發展,對於為滿足主管機關關於醫藥品上市要求之試驗,在專利法271(e)(1)明文規定排除在專利權效力之外,即所謂之「Bolar例外」。我國於九十四年二月五日亦增訂藥事法第四十條之二第五項:「新藥專利權不及於藥商申請查驗登記前所進行之研究、教學或試驗」關於Bolar例外之規定。惟或因立法匆促,致法條要件不符合實際狀況,例如限定「申請查驗登記前」之行為,實際上藥廠於提出查驗登記之申請後,往往在主管機關之要求下須進行其他試驗,這些行為均在立法者原欲保護之範圍內,僅因立法用語之不當,造成實務運用之困擾。
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動態環境(下)企業成長時的策略與核心能耐演化之研究 -- 以台灣本土醫藥X公司為例 / A Study of the Evolution of Strategy and Core Competence during a Corporate Growth under the Dynamic Environment – A Case Study of a Local Pharmaceutical Company陳澤民 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以一家台灣本土醫藥公司,在台灣生技製藥產業的架構下,創業、轉型、成長的發展歷程,仔細描述影響企業發展的關鍵因素 ─ 企業策略轉變、環境變動、能耐演化,以及企業內部管理提升,彼此之間如何相互配適,並塑造出企業的獨特發展路徑;茲藉由個案公司過去的回顧,描繪其成長的軌跡,作為其未來發展路徑的參考。 / Under the favorable government policy support and a well-established regulatory environment, there are more and more new start-up companies established in Taiwan biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in the past dacade. However, most of the new emerging companies are still facing very difficult situation. New drug discovery is one kind of long-term time-consuming and heavily cash-investment-needed business. Besides, Taiwan is a small market in the world. The market potential can not afford to develop a R&D based local pharmaceutical company.
However, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry is a very diversified and versatile industry. Under such circumstances, how does a biotech and pharmaceutical company make use of the limited resources and scarce capital assets to identify the niche market, create a new business model, develop the corporate competence, and construct the internal operation to strengthen the core business and secure a sustainable growth in the industry?
Besides, due to the evolution of the modern tools including genomic science, bioinformatics, high-through-put screening machine, and gene therapy, the speed of new drug discovery becomes much faster and much more efficient, but the product life cycle also becomes much shorter. How does a local company play in such a highly competitive, technically professional, and dramatically changed environment?
This study tracks the growth path of a local pharmaceutical company to show how the key factors, which are, environmental uncertainty, the development of core competence in the firm, and the choice of a successful strategy by top management and the organization, can be manipulated in the entrepreneurial firm that grows rapidly and formalizes its structure and internal operation. The growth path of the company in the past years could be interpretated as the mutual interactions (dynamic fit) of those key factors. Evenmore, the interaction consequences influence the strategic intent to confront the changing environment, and facilitate the practice of the law and the establishment of a government policy.
Besides, in order to improve the whole healthcare system in certain medical care, the company develops a new operation model to run the specific business. Traditionally, most pharmaceutical companies are pursuing market-oriented product management, instead of sales-oriented business management. Nowadays, most multi-national firms are actively involved in disease management to expand the market share of certain disease. However, how to integrate the healthcare system and strengthen individual disease management under the specific healthcare system has become a new operation model of a pharmaceutical company to a specific market segment. The company has to work together and closely with the stakeholders, such as health authorities, medical societies, patient associations, healthcare personnel, and the patients themselves to improve the whole healthcare system and even the policy of the law, regulatory, social, and welfare system in the specific medical care, as well.
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