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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


汪煜民, Wang, Yu-Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共約七萬字,訂成一冊,旨在探討國內企業家在表演藝術及展覽藝術各類活動 的觀賞行為。藉由受試企業家在各類藝術活動觀賞程度的差異,將其分成重、輕度以 及非使用者三群,並比較此三群使用者在生活型態、創造力人格特質及職業興趣等三 構面上的差異,由此,得與人口變項配合,對每一群使用者做一輪廓素描。 論文內容分為五章,第一章為本文之研究動機及目的,第二章為文獻探討,即對有關 理論及研究的探討和比較,第三章為本論文之研究設計和架構以及所使用之技術,第 四章研究結果則為問卷資料之彙總和分析,第五章則是結果之詮釋、研究限制,以及 對爾後研究之建議。


丁明潔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中生樂觀/悲觀傾向、課業壓力評估、課業壓力因應方式與學校生活適應間之關係,以及個人背景變項在這幾個變項間之差異情形,最後並藉由結構方程模式的建立,試圖找出各變項間之相互影響關係。 為達成本研究之目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,加以研覽與分析,據之作為本研究架構的理論基礎。在實徵研究方面,以桃園縣公立國中一至三年級1224名男女學生為受試者,以修訂之「樂觀/悲觀量表」、「壓力評估量表」、「學校生活適應量表」及自編之「課業壓力因應量表」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。所得資料以因素分析、信度分析、描述統計分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及SEM結構方程模式等統計方法加以處理。依分析結果發現:一、國中生之樂觀傾向偏低,悲觀傾向偏高;二、國中生之初級評估結果高而次級評估結果普通;三、國中生最常採取的課業壓力因應方式為「積極情緒焦點因應」,其次為「消極情緒焦點因應」、「積極問題焦點因應」,而最少使用的是「消極問題焦點因應」;四、國中生之學校生活適應情形普通,而在各向度的適應上,以同儕關係適應最佳,學習適應最差;五、國中生之性別在壓力評估、各種壓力因應方式、及多數學校生活適應(學習、同儕關係、師生關係及整體)有顯著差異存在;六、國中生之年級在樂觀/悲觀傾向、次級評估、多數因應方式(積極問題、消極問題、積極情緒)及多數學校生活適應(學習、師生關係、心理適應及整體)有顯著差異存在;七、在各變項間之影響關係上,根據研究者所建構之因果路徑模式圖得知,國中生之樂觀傾向與積極壓力因應方式會導致較佳的學校生活適應情形;國中生之悲觀傾向會透過消極壓力因應方式導致較差的學校生活適應情形;國中生之次級評估結果及樂觀傾向可以預測積極壓力因應方式的使用情形;國中生之次級評估結果及悲觀傾向可以預測消極壓力因應方式的使用情形;若進一步進行影響強弱之分析,則會發現悲觀對學校生活適應不具有預測力存在,而樂觀則對學校生活適應具有高度預測力;積極因應方式對學校生活適應的預測力大於消極因應方式;次級評估對選擇使用積極因應方式的預測力大於樂觀;但次級評估對選擇使用消極因應方式之預測力則小於悲觀。 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the relationship between junior high school students’ optimism/pessimism tendency, academic appraisal ways, academic coping ways, and school-life adjustment; and the differences between junior high school students’ gender and grade differences in these four variables; at last, to find out the influence relation between these variables by establishing a structural equation model. The subjects of this research are 1224 junior high school students in Tao-Yuan. The measures used in this research include: OPI, appraisal scale, academic coping scale, and school-life adjustment scale. And, the statistic methods used in this research include: factor analysis, item analysis, descriptive analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and SEM etc. The findings are as follow: 1.Junior high school students have median-low optimism tendency, median-high pessimism tendency, high primary appraisal, and median secondary appraisal. 2.The frequency of each coping way that junior high school students use most is “positive emotional-focused coping”, then “negative emotional-focused coping”, “positive problem-focused coping”, and “negative problem-focused coping”. 3.Junior high school students have median school-life adjustment, and in all parts of school-life adjustment, junior high school students have the greatest adjustment in “peer-relation” and the worst adjustment in “learning adjustment”. 4.“Age” and “gender” have significant differences in most of the variables. 5.High optimism tendency and positive coping strategy can affect junior high school students’ greater school-life adjustment, and pessimism tendency can only affect their school-life adjustment through negative coping ways; secondary appraisal and optimism tendency can be used to predict positive coping ways; secondary appraisal and pessimism tendency can be used to predict negative coping ways. Further analysis shows that positive coping ways have greater affection on school-life adjustment than negative coping ways; secondary appraisal has greater affection on positive coping ways than optimism and lower affection on negative coping ways than pessimism.


史浩誠, Hao-Cheng Shih Unknown Date (has links)
一、本研究之目的是探討中共倡導新安全觀目的為何?中共新安全觀與其軍事戰略是否互為表裡,為和、戰兩手策略的運用?中共打贏「高技術條件下的局部戰爭」,其內容為何?如何實踐?對世局、亞太及台海情勢有何影響? 二、冷戰時期中共安全觀區分毛澤東及鄧小平兩個時期,在毛澤東時代的安全觀為「戰爭與革命」,加上與美、蘇為敵,乃認為世界大戰迫在眉睫。因國力衰弱,反映在軍事戰略規劃上為全民皆兵的人民戰爭及以劣勢裝備打敗優勢裝備。鄧小平時代的安全觀則認為是「和平與發展」,各國之間的競爭是以經濟為核心的綜合國力競賽。反映在軍事戰略規劃上是,進行和平時期建軍;提升綜合國力為國防建設奠基;質量建軍-精兵、合成、高效;陸權向權傾斜,兼顧空權;遂行積極防禦的現代化戰爭及以劣勝優。 三、中共新安全觀源起為冷戰結束後,國際局勢形成「一超多強」五大中心,除歐盟與中共無直接利害衝突,俄羅斯因內部問題與中共修好。美、日均與中共有利益衝突,再加上印度想成為強國,與中共有衝突。但中共要發展經濟,蓄積國力,需要一個安全、和平、穩定的國際環境,故中共提出新安全觀。新安全觀的核心是「互信、互利、平等、合作」,各國相互尊重主權與領土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉內政、平等互利及和平共處五原則與其他國際關係準則共處。新安全觀的戰略意圖是要建立有利中共的國際政治、經濟新秩序,俾利中共國力發展及國際地位的提升。 四、中共新安觀下的軍事戰略,按中共唯物辯證法的思維,是和戰兩手策略,利用後冷戰有利的國際環境之戰略機遇期,加速經濟發展,帶動軍事力量提升,以軍事力量保障經濟發展所需要的和平環境。中共認為後冷戰世界局勢的發展是總體緩和、局部動盪,發生世界大戰機率不高,但局部戰爭或武裝衝突為此時期的主要衝突模式。中共要打贏高技術條件下的局部戰爭,必需加速軍隊,為趕上與西方發達國家軍隊之差距,必須採取跨越式發展,軍事力量建設的優先順序是人才培育及信息化裝備發展--航天、信息技術及C4ISR的人造衛星網路。並以信息化提升來帶動機械化,實現軍隊現代化的目標。 五、中共新安觀下的軍事戰略對全球戰略佈局可能的影響為中共仍希望持續發展經濟,不主動尋求與美國對抗,故短期內仍是美國主導全球的戰略格局。對影響亞太區域安全的預判是中共以發展經濟為首要,尚能抑制向外擴張的行為。但隨著中共軍事力量的提升,未來有三項事件可能引發軍事衝突:(一)台灣宣布獨立。(二)中共為確保南海主權。(三)美國為維持獨霸地位。對台灣的軍事威脅主要是:(一)威懾戰略,遏制台獨。(二)點穴戰:若武力進犯,必速戰速決,以信息戰的軟硬殺武器在太空衛星配合下,癱瘓我軍C4ISR系統使我喪失整體戰力。 六、新安全觀是中共國家戰略中屬安全戰略的一環,其目的是反制「中國威脅論」,獲致良好的國際與周邊環境,以利發展經濟。國家戰略指導軍事戰略,以經濟發展帶動軍事力量提升。故中共軍事戰略是防止戰爭,確保經濟發展。為了防止戰爭,其軍隊力量必須要與西方強權並駕齊驅,為了趕上差距,中共採取跨越式發展。最後是作者個人心得為(一)明確的國家戰略為軍事戰略規劃之依據。(二)運用國際力量制約中共軍事行動。(三)提升經濟實力,確保國力發展。(四)借鑒共軍跨越式發展的不對稱觀念,實施建軍備戰工作。


廖采如, Liao, Tsai-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
組織如何佈置夥伴關係是近年來學者們熱烈討論的議題。對於出口商而言,阻礙夥伴間的溝通是否可以維持本身的居中地位呢?當全球競爭壓力日趨升高,部分出口商開始思考阻礙其所連結夥伴間的溝通,也許不是唯一的策略,而是應強調如何厚植實力、尋求生存利基。 本研究即是探討焦點廠(出口商)於建構夥伴關係時,可能採用隔離夥伴間溝通的策略或是降低隔離程度讓夥伴間互相溝通的策略呢?又隔離夥伴間的溝通對於焦點廠居中地位之影響為何?以及焦點廠之資源是否會影響隔離程度對於焦點廠居中地位之關係,使得焦點廠可以不需使用隔離程度,亦能維持其居中地位?此外,夥伴間的合作關係是為了共創價值,焦點廠資源是否會影響隔離程度與製造績效之關係? 本研究以焦點廠為中心,三方關係為分析單位(焦點廠與國外客戶、國內供應商的關係;焦點廠與兩家國內供應商間的關係),討論統治機制(隔離程度)應與資源配合,也就是隔離程度對焦點廠居中地位之影響,及焦點廠資源對隔離程度與居中地位、夥伴間關係滿意度、製造績效之關係的影響。 經由實證分析,本研究有下列推論:(1)隔離與居中地位(資訊利益、控制利益)有正向相關。(2)當焦點廠資源愈高,隔離與居中地位之正向關係愈低。(3)隔離與夥伴間關係滿意度有負向關係。(4)焦點廠資源愈高或供應商之技術愈內隱、複雜時,愈降低隔離程度,愈能增加製造績效。(5)焦點廠資源與居中地位、夥伴間關係滿意度、製造績效有正向關係。(6)焦點廠資源愈高且供應商之技術愈複雜時,愈降低隔離程度,愈能增加製造績效。


盧郁伶 Unknown Date (has links)
觀光客倍增計畫自二○○二年制定,是六年國建的國家重點發展計畫。而其中北部海岸旅遊線向來是觀光客最多的旅遊線,轄區內的東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區也因勢在觀光政策行銷有許多改善。本研究以東北角風景區為個案背景,從政策行銷角度探討觀光客倍增計畫下的行銷過程。藉此增加政策行銷理論的應用性,並提供相關個案未來在觀光政策行銷上之參考方向。 本研究以Crompton和Lamb的策略行銷規劃模式為主要架構,再依個案所需有所增減。而將政策行銷流程大致區分為三階段─分析、規劃與評估。分析部份探討個體與總體環境、市場與定位。規劃則根據目標市場訂定行銷策略組合。最後於評估階段檢視行銷策略的實際運作過程,是否達到效率性、效能性與回應性。 研究方法採取文獻檢閱與深度訪談,包含政策的主管單位與政策利害關係人,希望透過不同角度探討問題,以達相互印證之效並切合顧客導向之行銷理念。 研究發現在個案在政策行銷的分析階段,政治環境因素影響最大,同時也是政策行銷與商業行銷的根本差異之處。受限於此,致使無法全然仿效私部門行銷策略。目標市場選擇從差異化行銷到無差異行銷,以求服務到極大多數的顧客群。行銷策略組合規劃與執行階段,產品策略仍需創新產品,以求更加符合定位並突顯與競爭者間差異性。價格策略以對內運作開源節流、對外重視公平效率為導向,顯示政策行銷有別於商業行銷之差異。通路策略中交通系統與資訊提供間尚需更加整合以建立密集通路。推廣策略可多朝向國際宣傳努力,並結合夥伴策略,透過綿密的網絡治理結構,創造更佳的觀光政策行銷效益。

德沃金(Ronald Dworkin)自由主義式平等理論之研究

廖正睦, Liao, Zheng-Mu Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

消費者商品知識與商品屬性對網路口碑效應之影響 / The effects of product knowledge and product attribute on e-WOM effects

陳慶緯, Chen, Ching Wei Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

魯迅肉體生命意識之研究 / Study on Luxun's Awareness of Corporeality

劉祖光, Liu, Tsu-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討魯迅思想中言語道斷的、前語言的(pre-discursive)「肉體」(corporeal)成份,其表現方式,及其發展。從知覺現象學角度看,「肉體」生命意指在世存有與生活世界間不依賴語言的本真互動,魯迅所以認為中國人有被世界淘汰的危機,就是因為中國人日漸喪失這一在世存有的本真能力。本文第一章通過魯迅的女性觀來探討肉體生命的社會層次,女性是魯迅反瞻男性乃至人類處境的鏡子,他看到不僅女性被男性宰制為必然,女性對男性的宰制亦不可避免。二章藉魯迅的死亡觀來檢討肉體生命的自然層次,死亡的終極否定力量對魯迅有本體論、認識論乃至方法論的意義,使他產生跨越生死的責任感,具備察見不詳的認識力,以至追求正義的復仇行動力。第三章探討魯迅表現人與生活世界間本真互動的書寫策略,魯迅企圖通過解剖與挖底的書寫、吃與被吃的書寫、綻出式的還原書寫,即描寫與「自性」不可須臾離的肉體的本來面貌,去自我批判,去對抗語言、意識形態的堡壘,以保存生命原始純真的最後陣地。第四章討論形成魯迅肉體生命意識在其生命歷程中的發展,即通過「幻燈片事件」的死亡體驗與中國傳統決裂,通過靈肉合一的愛情與啟蒙陣營決裂,與通過永遠的反抗與左翼文人決裂,終於回歸孑然孤獨的肉身。魯迅的國民性批判的動力來自於他永遠選擇以自我批判開放自己的生命,選擇在既成的僵化體制之間找出路,以死為生,像死神那樣永不止息。 / This dissertation discusses corporeal, ie., pre-discursive element in Luxun’s thought, its presentation and its development. From the perspective phenomenology of perception, corporeality means authentic, extra-lingual interaction between being-in-the-world and life-world itself. For Luxun, Chinese’ gradual deviation from and inability to appreciate this authentic interaction are their true crisis of extinction in modern world. The 1st chapter discusses social level of corporeality through Luxun’s perception of women. Women are a mirror for Luxun with which to reflect upon men’s even human’s condition. Through women he discovers not only the inevitability of men’s domination over women, but also that of women over men. The 2nd chapter examines natural level of corporeality through Luxun’s appreciation of death. The ultimate negating power of death empowers Luxun ontologically, epistemologically, and methodologically. From death he derives a transcendental sense of responsibility across life and death, develops an ability to penetrate pleasing appearance to uncover inconvenient truth, and a determination to pursue justice through endless revenge. The 3rd chapter shows Luxun’s tactics of presentation of corporeality. He seeks to preserve authenticity of life, a liberation from linguistic and ideological shackle through self-criticism by means of writing on the subject of anatomy and excavation, cannibalism, and self-manifestation, ie., writing on corporeal body that is indispensable with selfhood. The 4th chapter discusses the diachronic development of Luxun’s awareness of corporeality through various stages or series of contradictions in his life. At the end of his life, Luxun returns to his lonesome corporeal body after his breakup with Confucius tradition in 1906, with intellectual enlightening camp in 1920s, and finally with left-wing writers in 1930s. Luxun’s strength of criticism on weakness of Chinese characteristics comes from his relentless self-criticism and therefore open-mindedness, his persistence to search for a way out of lethargic institutions, in other words, his emulation of death.

論台灣華語 [gei wo]、台灣閩南語 [ka gua]、及台灣客語 [lau ngai]句式的語法化 / On the Grammaticalization of Taiwan Mandarin [gei wo], Taiwan Southern Min [ka gua], and Taiwan Hakka [lau ngai] constructions

曾柏溫 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用Traugott (2010)及Hopper and Traugott (2003)的語法化觀點,探討台灣華語「給我」、台灣閩南語「共我」、及台灣客語「摎ngai」句式在動前位置的祈使用法,主要分析產生此祈使用法的背後動因與機制,包含類推(analogy)、重新分析(reanalysis)、轉喻(metonymy)、語用強化(pragmatic strengthening)、及語言接觸(language contact)等概念。本論文的另一焦點為探討台灣華語「給我」的評價用法,此為台灣華語的新興用法,尚未見於台灣閩南語及台灣客語中。本研究將提出,語法化、主觀性(subjectivity)、及主觀化(subjectification)能闡釋新興用法產生的動因與機制。 / This thesis aims to investigate the preverbal [gei wo], [ka gua], and [lau ngai] construction in Taiwan Mandarin, Taiwan Southern Min, and Taiwan Hakka. The original meaning of these constructions presents beneficial meaning, but they can also frequently appear in imperative constructions. While the extant literature has discussed the pragmatic functions of the imperative meaning, why and how the imperative meaning emerges is still unexplored. Aspects of grammaticalization are adopted (cf. Traugott 2010; Hopper and Traugott 2003). To elaborate how and why the imperative meaning emerges, syntactic and semantic mechanisms and their motivations are proposed. The other issue of the thesis aims to explore the newly emergent evaluative [gei wo] construction in Taiwan Mandarin. In addition to mechanisms and motivation for its development, the notion of subjectivity and subjectification plays a crucial role to account for the motivation for the emergence of the construction in question. Overall, this thesis illuminates the notion that the emergence of special constructions can derive from their original constructions through cognitive and functional foundation.

客家電視台核心觀眾之研究 / Study on Hakka TV's core audiences

蔡志堅 Unknown Date (has links)
基於保障少數族群傳播權益的理念下,全球第一家客家電視台於2003年七月一日成立後,經一年半的歷程中,有需要了解到底哪樣的人在收看客家電視?本研究旨在利用收視率的分析,勾勒客家電視台核心觀眾輪廓並探其變化。 本研究的主要目的 (一)依據特定人口學變項,勾勒客家電視台核心觀眾的基本輪廓。 (二)分析客家電視台核心觀眾在六季、週間、假日收視行為變化。 (三)以戲劇、綜藝、新聞類核心節目中,針對觀眾收視行為分析。 研究結果發現 1.客家電視台在整體收視以及六季收視變化,呈現出一樣的核心觀眾輪廓:「男性50歲以上」,「小學或以下」、「退休或無業」、「桃竹苗地區」、「常說客語族群」。 2.客家電視台週間假日收視情形,男性收視略優於女性收視率,女性在週間晚間八點到十點間收視率為一天之最,週間假日以50歲以上為主要收視群,其次為35-49歲的觀眾。 3.週間假日觀眾教育程度幾乎落在小學以下有較高的收視率,其次是國/初中,「工作狀況」來區分觀眾收視率情形,以無業退休較居高,家庭主婦其次。 4. 週間假日觀眾收視差異:假日時段整體收視表現較週間高,平均假日收視率是週間兩倍。收視波段在週間呈現多段的收視高峰,而在假日則是明顯以早、中、晚三波段的收視高峰呈現。 5. 週間假日觀眾收視差異:假日早上高峰時段,皆較週間往後推移一個小時,週間晚間收視高峰可以持續到晚上11點,而假日收視高峰在9點以後急速下降。 6.在核心節目觀眾的性別輪廓,戲劇類的「油桐花之戀」節目,較受女性觀眾青睞,綜藝類「鬧熱打擂台」、新聞類節目「非常短評」的收視觀眾性別,男性高於女性收視率。 7.在核心節目觀眾的年齡輪廓,戲劇類的「油桐花之戀」有年輕化趨勢,35-49歲女性人口收視率具可塑性。綜藝節目「鬧熱打擂台」、新聞類節目「非常短評」觀眾的年齡落在50歲以上男性女性為主要觀眾。 8.在核心節目觀眾的教育程度,新聞類節目「非常短評」以大專以上人口收視為多,綜藝類「鬧熱打擂台」、戲劇節目「油桐花之戀」的觀眾以小學以下和國初中為主要收視群。 / In compliance with the ideal as to safeguard the broadcasting rights for the ethnic minorities in Taiwan, a Hakka TV station, the first of its kind in the world, was founded on July 1, 2003. Since its inception one and a half year ago, however, people know little about the majority of its audience and whether its programs have met the requirements of Hakka community. This study has, through analysis of rating and reception quality, come up with a profile of Hakka TV station’s core audience as well as its audience flow. Upon comparison with that of the target audience, the data has provided Hakka TV station a vaulable reference tool for improvement in its future program productions. This study has managed to : 1.Work out a profile of the core audience of Hakka TV station. 2.Define how the profile of core audience of Hakka TV station changes with viewing time (segments of the day, seasons of the year, etc.) Discussions on the difference between them and audience flow have also been held. 3.Analyze the profile of core audience of the most popular programs in each season. Explore their difference as well as audience flow. Analysis was done through discussion on varied theories, documents and academic works , supplemented by data and information gathered from Hakka TV station itself. The secondary analysis was based on rating surveys by some broadcaster groups and on reception quality surveys conducted by market survey companies in their hometowns. These survey shows that the core audience of Hakka TV station during the 1-1/2 year period following its establishment had a profile as follows: male over 50 years of age (54%); with primary educational level or lower (49%); retired or unemployed (36%); living in the counties of Taoyuan, Xinzhu and Miaoli (46%); ethnic group speaking Hakka dialect frequently (44%). The definition of audience ’ speaking Hakka dialect frequently’ can be interpreted as that Hakka dialect has been their mother tongue. In a sense, dialect the audience use is considered the most important contributory factor to the core audience of Hakka TV station.

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