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顧客滿意度調查實証研究-以藥局為實例 / CUSTOMER SATISFACTION MEASUREMENT RESEARCH劉邦宇, Liu, Pang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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現行國中英語教科書之評估 / An Evaluation of the Current Set of Junior High School English Textbooks吳思葶, Wu, Si Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由問卷調查,探討未來國中英語教科書編寫指引,並回答以下三個具體研究問題: (1)調查國中英語教師對於現行英語教科書之意見,是否符合現行國中英語教科書的編寫原則,並且進一步瞭解(2)在主題、份量、難易度方面,有何意見,以及(3)提供一套未來國中英語教科書適用之編寫指引。研究發現如下:(1)現行國中英語教科書包含溝通式教學法的一些原則,但並非所有的原則;(2)現行國中英語教科書符合部分英語教科書編寫通則,但需要再加強;(3)主題方面,例如日常生活、節慶、電腦受教師們喜愛;(4)現行國中英語教科書之份量與難易度一般而言適中,但份量和難易度並未均衡分佈於各冊;以及(5)未來國中英語教科書教師最愛之六項主題與六項活動。 / This study aims to find some relevant writing guidelines for future junior high school (hereafter JHS) English textbooks by conducting a questionnaire survey. Specifically, the study aims to do the following: (1) to find if the current set of JHS English textbooks has observed closely the guidelines, and (2) to understand teachers’ opinions about the current textbooks on themes, loading, and difficulty, and (3) to provide a set of alternative guidelines for future JHS English textbook writing. And the major findings include the following: (1) the current JHS English textbooks follow some principles of CLT, but do not include all of them; (2) the current JHS English textbooks meet some of the general principles for English textbook writing, but they need to be improved; (3) themes such as daily life, festival, and computer are appreciated by the JHS English teachers; (4) the degree of loading and difficulty of the current JHS English textbooks are moderate in general; however, the loading and difficulty in each volume are not evenly distributed; and (5) the six favorite themes and activities chosen by most teachers have to be covered in future JHS English textbooks.
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我國公務人員待遇調整制度之研究—外在公平的觀點楊景倫 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要係立基於Milkovich & Newman所提出的「待遇管理的基本決策理論」,以呈現待遇管理最重要的目的之一,就是求得公平,並透過待遇公平性理論的探討,將焦點集中在維繫待遇外在公平性的作法(實施民間薪資調查)上。再套用菁英決策理論與團體理論,據以選擇與我國同樣是採取高度中央集權且由專業主管機關主導公務人員待遇調整的國家(例如美、日及新加坡)作為比較研究對象。其主要目的是參酌美、日及新加坡等國政府在公務人員待遇調整上運用比較原則之作法與經驗,以針對現行我國公務人員待遇調整機制之實務作業,提出下列改進建議:
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市場風險值模型與應用 / Market Risk Value-at-Risk Models and Applications廖偉成, Liao, Wei Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
此論文從市場風險管理的歷史發展角度,完整回顧風險值理論及實務應用的相關文獻,涵蓋parametric及non-parametric 風險值模型。同時,對於市場風險管理系統以及實務建置的流程也有完整的介紹和探討,著重在趨勢、方法論及系統實務理論應用上。 / The existence of a bank involves evaluating the advantages of potential trade and with the bank’s ability to survive under adverse economic cycles, which causes
market pressure. The credit rating of corporations in the market affects the market value of shares and bonds, and the rating agency requires high-risk management standards and the capitalization of the corporation to assess the proper credit rating.
The market price of a financial product determines the expected profit and loss for a bank. Based on the market price, a bank may make a decision to hold the position for a while or to build a well-diversified portfolio for hedging purposes. Banks therefore face the challenges of having many choices that they can transfer their market risk into different capital markets, and all decisions are associated with the market risk.
For these reasons, the bank has been responded to disclose the risk metrics that have been set by the financial system supervisor.
In 1993, G30 advised that banks should evaluate the financial risk of derivatives financial instruments by the Value-at-Risk (VaR) system. According to Basel Ⅱ in
1996, banks were required to have an internal model to measure sufficient capital using VaR. However, the calculation of VaR involves many tasks, such as the
selection of a large number of risk factors, the methodologies of generating zero curves, the valuation of financial instruments, sensitivity parameters, loss distribution estimations, portfolio management and risk management reports for compliance purposes. In recent years, because of hedging, arbitrage and speculation purposes, banks leverage a huge sum of money in the derivatives market and make the difficult for the risk management. After the 2008 global financial crisis, BaselⅢ was introduced which asked for financial institutions to strengthen credit derivatives in
trading books and disclose the stressed VaR etc. It is common that a bank has set up a risk management system to fulfill the requirements of the regulatory compliance,
governance and reporting. Usually, banks adopt the provider’s solution for the implementation of a market risk management system.
This dissertation surveys the literature on VaR theory and practices from a historical perspective for market risk. An overall survey of parametric and non-parametric VaR models is provided. The market risk management system and its implementation practices were also surveyed. Emphasis is placed on recent trends and developments in methodologies and system practices.
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我國地下經濟規模及所得申報之估計 / The Estimation of Black Economy and Income Reported in Taiwan鍾伶婕 Unknown Date (has links)
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不動產仲介業說明義務之研究-以債權債務關係為中心廖政雄 Unknown Date (has links)
基於契約自由及自我負責原則,個人得依自己意思自主形成法律關係,而在契約法上,契約當事人透過自主決定,形成彼此間之法律關係,參與契約之人必須為他方當事人及法律安定性等利益,承擔因自身經驗不足或判斷錯誤,所造成決定自由受妨礙之風險。而不動產交易具有以下特徵:1 買賣雙方皆非經常性交易,2市場交易之價格資訊不易取得(實價登錄仍具有時間上的落差),3尋求潛在買方的交易成本很高,4買賣雙方對交易價格的議價及磋商能力較差,5標的物之瑕疵及法令上的限制,非賣方使用經驗可以探知,需透過專業的調查及說明6.交易金額龐大且需辦理貸款,7.交易時間從簽約到點交耗時較長,8.除標的物之事實交付占有外,需辦理完納稅捐,所有權移轉、抵押權設定、塗銷等程序,9.不動產買賣契約之約定內容多使用法律專業文字,買賣當事人不易理解等。因此,一般消費者在缺乏實際買賣不動產經驗及社會的專業分工下,常委由仲介業處理買賣事宜。所以,買方或賣方願以給付高額仲介服務費,委託仲介業進行銷售或承買,就賣方而言,其委託之目的是希望憑藉仲介業之專業及交易經驗進行「委託銷售」、「履約協力」及提供與銷售及履約有關之「說明義務」。就買方而言,其委託之目的是希望憑藉仲介業之專業及交易經驗「搜尋及承買符合需求之特定標的」、「履約協力」及提供與承買及履約有關之「說明義務」。
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廠商特性與行銷創新之關係 - 台灣地區零售業之實證分析 / Relationships between Firm Characteristics and Marketing Innovation – An Empirical Study of the Retail Industry in Taiwan洪宗瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
3.當零售業廠商的主要顧客類型包含消費者時,除了產品展示方式/管道的創新之外,此項廠商特性對於廠商進行其他五種類型的行銷創新皆有正向影響。當零售業廠商主要顧客類型包含非母企業集團之其他公司時,本研究結論無足夠證據支持其對進行此六種行銷創新是否有正向或負向之影響。當零售業廠商的主要顧客類型包含政府單位時,對於進行產品展示方式/管道的創新有正向影響。 / This research is to study the market innovation of the retail industry in Taiwan. Previous researches had rarely studied on the relationship between firm characteristics and market innovation. This research uses an empirical method to investigate the relationship between characteristics of retail firms in Taiwan and market innovation.
This research first finds out what sorts of market innovation that the firms in the Taiwan retail industry tend to do, then identifies the relationship between firm characteristics and marketing innovation, and finally investigate the impacts of customer types and market area upon market innovations of these retail firms by probit regression model.
The main findings of this research are in the following.
I. Firms in the Taiwan retail industries have higher level of market innovation in every aspect as compared to firms in other service industries. The ranking of the percentage of each sort of market innovation, from high to low, is as follows: channel, design, promotion, display, package, and pricing.
II. The increase of the number of overseas markets will contribute to higher level of five sorts of market innovation, except for the pricing innovation. In other words, the higher the retail firms’ market area, the more likely the firms will have marketing innovation.
III. If the retail firms’ major customers include final consumers, firms are more likely to have channel, design, promotion, package, and pricing innovation, except for the display innovation. If the major customers include the government, retail firms are more likely to have display innovation, but less likely to have channel, design, promotion, package, and pricing innovation.
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個人資料保護法對企業管理與企業營運影響之研究 / The study on the impacts of implementing personal information protection legislation towards industry management and operation馬凱蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
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政策行銷的運用與限制-以ECFA推動過程為例 / The limitation of policy marketing-using the process of ECFA as example何敬欽, He, Ching Chin Unknown Date (has links)
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企業併購流程與評價之個案研究分析 / A Case Study on the M&A Process and Valuation盧圜玉, Lu, Kelly Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis aims at understanding the M&A process from the beginning of strategy development, target screening, transaction execution, to integration and reorganization. On the buy side perspective knowing that during each process what are the key points and issues that a buyer/acquirer will encounter and fully prepare for it. In order to make a successful deal, a company must have a clear plan to fit its corporate strategy under the help with advisors toward the direction by using M&A as a choice to make expansion.
It gives a successful first-timer deal making case study given that the buyer and seller’s company background, the motive behind this merge and the process. In addition to the overview of the case study it also identifies key issues during the transaction execution process. Finally it comes up with a synergy analysis to prove that why this deal is making a success.
M&A is a complex topic involving with many business aspects and therefore in order to avoid failing, specific deal breakers should be careful during the process. There is a saying from Sun Tzu “know yourself, know your enemy, and you shall win a hundred battles without loss” and this is the right attitude toward an M&A deal in considering every issues that might have happened.
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