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以合作式教學法提昇高中生閱讀能力之研究 / The Use of the Cooperative Language Learning to Enhance Senior High School Students’Reading Comprehension林志雲 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣的英文學習環境中, 閱讀能力ㄧ向被視為學習中最重要的ㄧ環 , 然而, 閱讀所帶來的沉重負擔, 讓許多學生在有限的教學時數之下往往成為了犧牲品,特別是低成就者。班上參差不齊的英文程度,也對老師造成了教學上極大的困擾。
本研究旨在探討 ,以合作式學習法來縮短學習者程度上的差異,進而提升整體的閱讀能力。此外, 互動式閱讀技巧也分別在實驗組與控制組中教授, 以檢視其對閱讀能力的影響。 參與本研究的學生為 79名台北某公立高中的兩班九十四學年度高一新生, 實驗組施以合作式學習法,控制組則為傳統老師講授的方式, 兩組在同一時間內閱讀同一本教科書, 並分別施以前測, 後測。 最後, 並再針對所有研究對象施以問卷調查, 以期了解研究對象對合作式學習法及互動式閱讀技巧之回應。此外, 老師上課的觀察紀錄及小組的檢視表也一併在本研究中被採用。
1. 在學生閱讀成就方面,實驗組以漸進的方式,最後超越控制組。
2. 在一學期互動式閱讀技巧實施之後, 研究對象之閱讀能力明顯提升。
3. 在實驗組中 ,高、中、 低成就者對合作式學習法展現許多雷同與少許差異的反應,但整體而言,皆傾向於正面的肯定。
4. 閱讀技巧在實驗組與控制組中似有明顯之差異, 顯見研究對象會依教學活動採取不同的閱讀技巧。
根據研究結果, 本論文擬提出對現行高中閱讀教學之建議,俾為教師及未來研究者提供參考。 / In an EFL environment in Taiwan, reading is regarded as the most essential skill. However, for most students, abundance in reading material makes them feel stressful--especially the weaker ones who tend to be sacrificed due to limited instruction time. For teachers, how to deal with a big mixed-level class has therefore become the most important task.
An aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of cooperative language learning (CLL) skills in bridging gap among students with differing academic abilities and in enhancing students' overall reading comprehension. In addition, the interactive reading approach was adopted in both the experimental and the control groups to examine its effect upon them. Participants of this study included 79 tenth-graders from two intact classes in one public senior high school in Taipei in the fall semester of 2005. The experimental group was engaged in three CLL activities and the control group was instructed in the traditional teacher-centered methods. Both groups were taught by the researcher with the interactive reading approach. During the span of this study, the participants in both groups were assigned to read nine lessons from the textbook. In the meantime, they were instructed under the CLL methods and the traditional teacher-centered methods respectively. Besides, they were given a pretest and four posttests during and after the study. In time, two questionnaires were adopted: one for investigating the reading strategies used by the participants in both groups and the other for measuring the CLL group participants' attitudes and responses of the CLL group toward CLL teaching. Besides, the teacher's classroom observation and
the group processing checklists were also employed in this study.
After four months of experiment, the main results of this study can now be summarized as follows:
1. The experimental group gradually outscored the control group on the reading comprehension test during the experiment.
2. The participants’ reading comprehension ability improved significantly after the implementation of interactive reading approach.
3. The results showed some similarities and differences among the high/low achievers and the average students in their perceptions toward the CLL. However, the participants' attitudes toward and responses to CLL may be described as being supportive and positive.
4. The adoption of reading strategies seemed diverse between the two groups. On the whole, when exposed to different teaching activities, the participants adopted different reading strategies accordingly.
This study concludes that the effects of CLL might be better than those of individual learning in a big class on senior high school students' reading proficiency. It also suggests that the interactive reading approach can be used to enhance senior high school students' reading ability.
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臺灣地籍圖重測調查指界法制之研究 / Study on the Legal System of Boundary Investigation for Cadastral Map Resurvey in Taiwan吳鴻銘, Wu,Hong-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣之地籍圖,乃係承襲自1903年日治時期所測製完成而以人工方式謄繪的地籍副圖,經國民政府於1945年接收後,由本省各地政事務所延續使用迄今,其齡高達103歲,為我國現今以圖籍記錄人民財產權範圍的唯一原始依據。 / 但日治土地調查規則早於1898年7月的前清時期即已制定,而土地法及其施行法係國民政府在1936年3月訓政時期所令頒施行的產物,兩者法制規範相隔達40年之遙,何以在不同政體下各所依據之法理卻能取得一致?否則臺灣地籍圖依法即無立錐之地。由於歷史承接,混沌不明,以致成為謎樣的年代,相關研究普遍缺乏深入分析,本文為使原貌重現,填補歷史影像,故為論述傾注重心。 / 臺灣省行政長官公署在光復初期,認為:日治時期臺灣省地籍測量與地籍調查之程序與精度符合我國土地法規定,故免予重辦地籍測量,並以局部改正之「修補」方式替代「整理」地籍,一舉完成臺灣土地總登記。 / 事實上,透過我國土地法典分析,雖然日治地籍測量外觀上之「程序」符合土地法第44條之規定,但深入剖視後,其「實體」部分則完全無法見容於我國地籍測量法制規範,縱使1945年5月間存置於臺灣總督府之日治地籍原圖未遭炸燬滅失,仍不能治癒其在法制上之闕失病症。 / 臺灣光復後未及數載,圖籍病態逐漸接踵浮現,已難再掩飾其症,非重新「改測」無以回春。惟臺灣省政府自民國45年度起實施地籍圖修正測量至64年度止之試辦地籍圖重測,在長達二十年間的臺灣圖籍重建工作,竟係處於無法律明文依據之情況下所進行,除明顯未臻妥適之外,更不符「法律保留」原則。 / 迨1975年7月間修正土地法,增訂第46條之1、第46條之2、第46條之3等三個條文,始為臺灣地籍圖重測建構法制根基。但由於立法層面思慮不盡周全,形成重大缺漏,非僅未能有效釐整地籍,反因重測地籍調查指界衍生出更進一步的爭議。諸如:到場指界者顯然逾越至毗鄰未到場之土地所有權支配範圍、抑或毗鄰未登記土地時,剝奪私有地之指界權,但公有土地則自成免疫系統排除法規範約制、甚至限縮各土地共有人依法均得單獨指界之權利及義務、…等多項法制闕失,主管機關仍縱任三十年而未正視,與憲法保障人民財產權意旨似相背違。 / 由於臺灣省猶有高達400萬筆以上之土地,亟待實施地籍圖重測,仍須面對上述各項法律疑義癥結;因此,歸結本研究結果,提出改進方向及相關條文之修法建議,為未來地籍圖重測,尋覓出賡續發展之經營脈絡。 / The Taiwan Cadastral map adopts basically the code of Japanese statutes, which is a manually drawn copy of the cadastral map of a cadastral surveying project completed in 1903 under the Japanese statutes. Since the time it was received by the R.O.C. central government in 1945, it has been used by the various local offices of land administration ever since. It is 103 years old and is now the only original foundation being used as the map document recording the scope of people’s property right. / But the land survey regulations under the Japan statutes was enacted back in July 1898 during the period of the Ching Dynasty, while the land law and its implementation regulation were enacted in March 1936 during the period of political tutelage. There were 40 years between the times of enactment of the two laws, but how could the bases of law principles under different political entities be coinciding? Otherwise, the Taiwan Cadastral map would have no ground to stand. Because of the historical transitions, information and data are indefinite, which was a time of ambiguity. Besides, the related researches are generally lack of in-depth analyses. In order to reappear the original look and to supplement historical images, this writing places great emphases on the studies. / In the early stage of the retrocession, the administrative chief office of Taiwan province deemed that the procedure and accuracy of the Taiwan cadastral survey and cadastral investigation under the Japan statutes were in compliance with the regulations of our country’s land law. Therefore, a second cadastral survey was not needed, and took the way of partial “supplement” instead of “overhaul” of the land file, thus the general Taiwan land registration was completed with a single blow. / In fact, through an analysis of land law of this country, though the “procedure” of cadastral survey under the Japan statutes is in compliance with the regulation of article 44 of the land law; when it is paid an important examination, its “entity” is completely unacceptable to the regulations of our cadastral survey law. Although the original cadastral map of the Japan statutes placed in the Taiwan Viceroy office did not destroyed or damaged by the bombing in May 1945. it would not cure the diseases of the legal system. / In a few years after the Taiwan retrocession, the flaws of the land file began to emerge. It is impossible to cover any more the defects, and the only way to get its healthy condition back was a new “corrective survey.” However, the Taiwan Provincial Government implemented a trial new cadastral survey from 1956 to 1975 for a corrective survey. During the 20-year long Taiwan cadastral reconstruction operations, it was inappropriately conducted under a condition without a legal written basis, which is obviously improper and let alone the principle of “Gesetzesvorbehalt.” / It was not until July 1975 when the Land Law was amended with the addition of Article 46.1, Article 46.2, and Article 46.3, the reconstruction of Taiwan Cadastral map was established. Nevertheless, the considerable flaws were resulted due to the incomplete planning and research in the legislate area beforehand. Not only the operations of survey and reconstruction were not effectively performed, but also more controversial issues were produced. For instance, the present landmark indicator obviously goes beyond the boundary to the neighbor land ownership control scope of the absent one; or to deprive the landmark indicating right of private property while the neighbor scope is not property registered. On the contrary, the public property with what is called immune system, is free of the legal constraint of regulations and rules, and further to limit or minimize the legal rights and obligations of single landmark indicating of joint tenants, etc. Such numerous lawful defects are intentionally ignored by the responsible authorities for as long as thirty years, which is apparently against the purpose of protect the people’s property right of the Constitution. / There are more than 400 million land cases in Taiwan demanding a second cadastral survey, with the objective to resolve the above-mentioned crucial problems. To summarize the research result, a correct direction for future development and improvement, as well as some suggestions for amendment of related articles and clauses are consequently presented, with the objective to perform continuous advancement and operation of prospective cadastral survey.
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論前偵查程序林永瀚, Lin,Yung Han Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
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應用自願性地理資訊於社區物種調查之研究 / Application of Volunteered Geographic Information in Community-based Species Investigation郭芳妤, Kuo, Fang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
台灣擁有豐富而多樣的自然生態資源,而物種調查將有助於維護物種之多樣性與生態平衡。然而,台灣生物多樣性高且分布廣闊,調查工作往往需耗費龐大的人力、物力、經費與時間成本。故本研究採用自願性地理資訊 (volunteered geographic information, VGI) 的方式,鼓勵社區民眾參與社區之物種調查工作。藉由社區民眾對社區當地的瞭解與使命感,有效且快速地蒐集物種調查資料。望社區民眾可經由親身參與物種調查之工作,更加瞭解及關注社區生態環境之現況,體認生態保育及生物多樣性的重要性,提升環境保育意識。
而近年來隨著行動科技的快速發展,智慧型手機與平板電腦等行動裝置日益普及。為使物種調查之工作更加快速且便利,本研究利用多數智慧型行動裝置所擁有的即時定位、無線網路及照相等功能,建置社區物種調查系統App。該App可作為物種調查之工具,並提供適時適地之物種資訊查詢服務。此外,本研究亦透過物種空間資料庫與網際網路地理資訊系統 (WebGIS) 平台之建置,提供社區物種資料分享、管理與分析等服務。 / Taiwan is abundant in ecological resources, and species investigation will contribute to preserve species diversity and ecological balance. However, due to high biodiversity and wide distribution of species in Taiwan, the traditional investigation works cost a lot of money, time, human and material resources. Therefore, this study uses the concept of volunteered geographic information (VGI) to encourage the public to collect field data and to participate in species investigation for local communities. With local knowledge and enthusiasm about the community, residents are capable of collecting species data more effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, through volunteered participation in species investigation, residents will have better understanding about the current status of ecological environment in the community. Thereby the residents can realize the importance of ecological conservation and biodiversity, and promote their awareness of environmental conservation.
With the rapid development of mobile technology in recent years, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers are gaining popularity. In order to make the investigation of species for communities more quickly and conveniently, this study makes use of the functions of most smart mobile devices such as real-time positioning, wireless networking, and digital camera to build a mobile App system for community-based species investigation. The mobile App system can serve as a tool for species investigation, and it also provides with location-based inquiry services timely and efficiently. In addition, Geographic Information System (GIS) is applied to manage the geodatabase, and a WebGIS platform is built to facilitate data sharing and analysis.
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日治時期台灣地權制度變遷之考察 / The study on " The Change of Taiwan's Land Rights System under the Japanese周茂春, Chou, Mao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文以歷史研究法,透過對地權制度變遷之考察,探析台灣地權制度形成與變遷之要因,進而掌握日治時期地權制度之主要面貌。研究發現整個制度之變遷,是緩慢逐漸進行,非遽然大改變;整個制度的變遷屬強制性,由台灣總督府主導推動,引進日本近代化地權概念與現代性民事法,對台灣舊地權制度進行改革,這種具現代化地權制度與法規,對當期經濟有所裨益,更對台灣百年來發展具深遠意義。 / After the Japanese rule in Taiwan, safeguard national interests of Japan ruled Taiwan as the highest policy and actively engaged in colonial governance. To obtain the resources and interests of the colonial, capitalist engaged in Taiwan's economic development. When Japan began to rule in Taiwan, was first announced to maintain private ownership of land rights to the people of Taiwan and recognize the original trading habits. Civil law and real estate law to exclude Japan in Taiwan to implement the establishment of private land rights system. September 1898, after the vines begin investigating the cause of the land, dividing the public and private ownership; buying large rental rights, the complex relationship between land ownership, land ownership into a unity, establishing a modern system of land ownership, the results are very fruitful, Taiwan development of a great contribution. Because of the investigative career of forest land which implementation at 1910 years. Owing without detailed plan and lack of funding on the procession. Cause had a bad result, It have lead to land ownership disputes, continues to this day remains unresolved.
In 1905 the first land registration system in order when the land survey reporting procedures and the production of cadastral atlas, deemed to have satisfied the total land registration procedures, promulgated Taiwan land registration rules require owners the right to have funeral lien rights, fetal rights, farming rights change, and by the registration, not take effect, this is a mandatory registration period. 1922 by the mainland to extend the principle of domination influence decisions from 1923 onwards, the Japanese mainland civil law, real estate registration law implemented in Taiwan, shift to any registration system, made of real property provisions, setting migration changes, as long as between the parties in writing after the contract was signed, that the effect of changes in biological rights, but may be registered against a third party. In addition, the public sector continues to exist authorized worship, was the subject of registration of land for public sector land ritual survives.
Results of the Taiwan Governor award capitalist economic development, resulting in uneven distribution of land ownership, structure formation sharecroppers Squires, tenancy system prevailed, but due to the deterioration of the tenancy relationship, causing the peasant movement, asked the Government to engage in land tenure reform, but because by the Taiwan Communist infiltration, resulting in back harsh repression, Taiwan peasant Movement terminated‧
Japan's unconditional surrender in 1945, Taiwan changed files received by the national government, to retain private land ownership receive, recognize Taiwan original land rights, but the Japanese are excluded, the Japanese and the Crown all the land, should be nationalized . To change the land registration system by any registration system to a mandatory registration system. After the land is cleared, proceed tenancy system and land ownership reform, the implementation of rent reduction, protection of the rights of tenants, the tenancy relationship completely modified, then the implementation of land to the tiller, to support farmers, bad for the Japanese left re-adjust the distribution of land ownership, land rights reform postwar success, the era of great significance for the future development of Taiwan's major contribution.
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2010年各國戶口普查制度之研究 / An international study of 2010 population census methods顏貝珊, Yen, Bei Shan Unknown Date (has links)
另外,本研究也將整理美國與法國即將採用的調查方法,包括美國社區調查(American Community Survey)的設計與抽樣方法,用於普查以取代長表問卷的可能,並研究抽樣調查蒐集人口的限制,比較普查及調查蒐集資料的優缺點。 / The objective of the population and housing census is to collect the demographic information on the population in a nation or an area which will be used as a reference for government planning and policy making. Because of the dramatic change in the social environment, some problems were generated as a result, such as the increase in survey cost, non-response rate, and data demand. Although many countries are still using the Traditional Census method for the 2010 census, some are active in developing new methods to improve the quality of data collected and to decrease the survey cost.
Following the examples of Singapore, Netherland, and the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), the method for conducting the 2010 Taiwan Census will be different, changing from the traditional census to registered-based census with sampling survey. This method will integrate the official registry system to acquire the basic demographic characteristics, and collect more detailed information on the social and economic topics, including the aspects of education, fertility, and elder care by using sampling methods. Consequently, this research will be separated into two parts. The first part will introduce and analyze several common census methods used, including the Traditional Census method, Registered-Based Census, Registered-Based Census with Sampling Survey, and the Rolling Census. In addition, the target population of 2010 Taiwan Census is De Jure population and we shall also discuss its potential problems.
In the second part, the research will further examine the survey methods that will be used for the U.S. and French census, including the design concept and the sampling method executed by the American Community Survey (ACS) to replace the long-form questionnaire for the 2010 U.S. Census. Finally, we will discuss the restrictions of using sampling to collect data, compare the strengths and weaknesses of census and the different sampling methods, as well as analyze the problems related to the registered population and the permanent residents.
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尋找閱聽人—網際網路閱聽人調查方法及其相關問題之探討 / Looking For Audiences:Inquiry into the Internet Audiences Research Methods and Related Questions高玉芳, Kao, Yu-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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原開發藥廠因應學名藥廠競爭之經營模式調整之研究 / The study on the adjustment of research-based pharmaceutical companies’ operating model against generic manufacturers’ competition藍任堯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討之研究問題包括: 1)在台灣健保逐年調降藥價的政策下藥品三同政策前,原開發藥廠在台的經營模式為何,2)在政府政策培育下的學名藥如何日益茁壯來影響專利藥到期的原開發藥廠市場活動,3)藥品三同政策實施後對專利藥到期的原開發藥廠的衝擊4)主要獲利的專利藥品皆到期的台灣武田藥品公司未來的經營模式從主要價值活動面該如何調整因應。
本研究以Afuah A.(2004)經營模式架構,先從過去健保政策下原開發藥廠的營運模式做說明,再以目前健保政策環境因素的變化,如何影響個案公司的市場行銷活動,而活動又如何影響公司的資源、定位及成本。
本研究發現「藥品三同」對台廠學名藥因具有較佳的成本競爭優勢,對原開發藥廠產生威脅,但因原料的不穩定性讓病患、處方醫師無法信任。所以原開發藥廠除了監督政府長期對學名藥廠品質加以把關、用訴訟延緩學名藥的上市外、另外一方面併購國內學名藥廠,以配合醫療院所對於低價高品質藥品的需求。最後,專利藥到期的原開發藥廠從健保政策中與學名藥廠價格競爭獲得利潤,就必須改變營運模式,首要的就是降低成本。如何從採購及製造方面有效降低成本著手,進一步調整有形、無形資產投入、人員配置培養與組織等策略資源,以及定價、市場區隔等定位修正,是原開發藥廠需要深入思考的問題。 / National Health Insurance (NHI) program has been implemented in Taiwan for almost 20 years. It has earned recognition for the compulsory enrollment for all residents in Taiwan, the benefits covered from basic to complicated medical care, the prevalence of contract medical facility and the convenience of going to doctors.
NHI, however, has caused fiscal deficit for the past few years. Drug cost, among the over 500,000,000,000 NTD health insurance fee, is the second largest expenditure, which takes up 25 percent of health insurance fee. Therefore, Bureau of National Health Insurance has taken measures to manage and control drug cost and drug price multiple times for a long period. Foreign pharmaceuticals have cooperated on the low-priced pricing for new drugs and have lowered drug price after drug price evaluation every two year. However, there is still demand from medical institution for lowering drug price. The profit is therefore significantly affected in the long run.
Among the impacts, the significant one for research-based pharmaceutical companies is “three sameness of drug” in the 2nd generation NHI, which will be implemented in this coming July. This three sameness policy is to adjust those drugs which are covered by NHI for over 15 years and are of the same ingredients and quality to the same price. If this policy is put into practice, the profit of research-based pharmaceutical companies would plunge, which may result in their leave of Taiwan market. The domestic generic drugs, as a result, would be the only choice for the general public. Moreover, the major flaw of this three sameness policy is that it merely considers the drug price NHI covers, not the costs of pharmaceutical companies. That the drug price is set inflexibly without taking costs difference into consideration is against not only market mechanism but also the essence of NHI.
The questions this study aimed to investigate were: 1. What have been the operating models of research-based pharmaceutical companies in Taiwan in the circumstances of drug price drop year by year before “three sameness policy”? 2. How have the government-sponsored generic drugs affected the market activities of drug patent expiration of research-based pharmaceutical companies? 3. What have been the impacts of “three sameness policy” on drug patent expiration of research-based pharmaceutical companies? 4. How should the operating model of Takeda Pharmaceuticals Taiwan, Ltd. adapt to, from the aspect of primary value activities, the condition of drug patent expiration of its profitable drugs?
Based on the framework of operating model by Afuah A.(2004), this study began with the operating model of research-based pharmaceutical companies in former NHI policy. It then elaborated on how changes of the present NHI policy have influenced the marketing activities of the case company and how these activities have influenced the company’s resources, position and costs.
This study reveals that “three sameness policies” is favorable for Taiwanese generic manufacturers for their costs competition. However, the instability of raw materials could not gain the trust of patients and doctors. Therefore, in order to cooperate on the demand for low-price and high-quality drug, researched-based pharmaceutical companies supervise the government’s check on the quality of generic manufacturers, employ litigation to suspend the launch of generic drugs or merge domestic generic manufacturers. If research-based pharmaceutical companies with drug patent expiration would like to compete with generic manufacturers and make a profit in NHI policy, they would have to change their operating model. How to reduce costs of purchase and manufacture and go further to adjust the input of physical and intangible assets, strengthen professional training of personnel and organization and modify strategies for pricing and market segmentation are the main issues worth considering.
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永無止盡選戰與民主治理:民意調查對台灣地方政府治理運作影響之研究 / Permanent Campaign and Democratic Governance : An Exploratory Study of Public Opinion Polls’ Influence on Taiwanese Local Governance蘇孔志, Su, Kung-chih Unknown Date (has links)
我國行政院在1982年即訂定《行政院所屬各機關民意調查作業要點》,透過社會科學研究方法的運用,瞭解相關人員對政府施政之意見,以作為政策研擬、評估及提升服務品質與機關內部管理等之參考。隨著1987年宣布解嚴,以及後續政黨政治、公職選舉、媒體發展等等因素,使得民意調查的應用更為廣泛,並且成為台灣民主政治發展歷程中相當重要的一環。同一時期,Sidney Blumenthal於1980年出版《永無止盡選戰》(The Permanent Campaign)一書,指出民選首長當選之後,即不斷為連任作準備,為了達到此一目的,不僅過去的輔選團隊會隨著進入到白宮擔任政治顧問的角色,並且選戰思維也會影響著民選首長的決策作為,讓選戰模式變成是一種治理方式,當中最明顯的特點就是民意調查的執行與應用。
台灣從解嚴之後,選舉次數亦十分地頻繁,從地方到中央,從民意代表到行政首長,儼然已經形成一個相當完整的職涯歷程。為探求我國民選首長就任之後,是否會藉由民意調查機制協助他們解決問題並進行相關的決策,本研究透過次級資料分析法、深度訪談法、民意調查法,針對我們地方政府的民意調查執行及應用情形進行調查。研究發現我國地方政府在民意調查的執行部分受到行政程序及財政狀況之影響,因此不若選舉時期來的有彈性。其次,在民意調查機制的應用部份,受訪者表示對於政策環境的釐清相當具有幫助,可以協助他們決定政策方案的採行。最後,為了瞭解「從眾效應」策略性民調結果的公佈是否會影響到一般民眾既有的認知,本研究透過兩階段民意調查的實驗,分別針對雲林縣、台中市的民眾進行電話民意調查,依據差異分析顯示,無法證實民意調查結果的公佈的確對於民眾既有的認知會造成改變。 / In the field of public opinion polls initiated in the 1930s, seeking collective preferences of citizens and customers for the government and the business sector by means of mail, telephone, or face-to-face interviews has brought about a significant impact on human political and business life in the 20th century. In the 1980, Sidney Blumenthal published the book "The Permanent Campaign". In this book, Blumenthal explained how the changes in American politics from old-style patronage and party organization to that based on the modern technology of computer driven polling created a fundamentally new system. The concept of a permanent campaign describes the focus which recent presidents have given to electoral concerns during their tenures in office, with the distinction between the time they have spent governing and the time they have spent campaigning having become blurred and political consultants had replaced the party bosses and brought with them a new model by which campaigning became the forms of governing.
Is campaigning becoming the forms of governing in Taiwan? To answer this questions, this dissertation is beginning with the theory discussion of the perspective of the “permanent campaign” and the “democratic governance”. Then, with the help of the method of interview and secondary data analysis, author discuss the application and limitation of the public opinion poll using in the governance of the local government. Public opinion poll can help the elected leader to find out the problems but it is limited by financial condition of the government itself. The author also designed a two-stage public opinion poll and divided the respondents into experimental group and contrast group. The author hypothesizes that respondents will change their choices because of the impact of “Conformity” and used an evidence-based analysis to testify the hypothesis. Finally, the author gives his conclusion and suggestion.
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金融科技關鍵因素權重評比之研究 / Study of Weighting Assessment on Key Factors of Financial Technology吳泊綝, Wu, Pau Lin Unknown Date (has links)
不同群組的問卷對象之調查結果顯示,專家群組認為「提升消費者信賴程度」(0.1112) 以及「擴增消費者體驗」(0.0586)為前二重要的影響因子;學生群組認為「提升消費者信賴程度」(0.0630)、以及「使用者身份加密機制」(0.0575)為前二重要的影響因子。專家以及學生群組皆認為「提升消費者信賴程度」為金融科技發展中相對重要的影響因子。 / Financial technology is the current trend of the advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. Due to the progress of information technology, the current financial industry that faces the external competitors are no longer confined to the traditional financial industry, the new technology industry also joined the financial services. Disruptive Innovation is accelerating fermentation. The rise of the emerging business model of financial technology involves various different aspects and key success factors. The relative weight between these and the key factors is the subject of the relevant industries and government departments that are worthy of further study.
The purpose of this study is to explore the weight analysis of the key factors of Taiwan's financial science and technology, and to establish a hierarchical structure through the collection and compilation of related literature. The main level structure includes four aspects: government-oriented indicators, industry-oriented indicators, customer orientation, and technical safety Index. Through the four indicators of the integration of the sub-level of the influencing factors, and also through the hierarchical analysis of research and analysis, it is sorted out the impact of the weight of the factors.
Through the market survey, the questionnaire will be divided into two categories, including experts and student groups. It is found that regardless of the expert or student groups, both of them think that "technical safety indicators" is the most important financial technology development Key indicators. In the whole questionnaire, the key factors are ranked as follows: "Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" (0.0864), "Relaxation and adjustment of regulations" (0.0563), "User identity encryption mechanism" (0.0523)," the threat of the software " (0.0488), and "the zombie virus threat " (0.0475).
The results of the questionnaires of the different groups show that the group of experts considered " Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" (0.1112) and the "Expanded Consumer Experience" (0.0586) as the first two influencing factors; the student groups consider " Consumer trust" (0.0630), and the" user identity encryption mechanism" (0.0575) for the first two important factors. Experts and students consider that "Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" for the development of financial technology is a relatively important factor.
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