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使用AUC特徵選取方法在蛋白質質譜儀資料分類之應用 / An AUC criterion for feature selection on classifying proteomic spectra data葉勝宗 Unknown Date (has links)
表面增強雷射脫附遊離/飛行時間質譜(SELDI-TOF-MS)是種屬於高維度的蛋白質質譜儀資料,主要是用來偵測蛋白質分子的表現。由於SELDI技術的限制,導致掃描出來的質譜儀資料往往存在誤差與雜訊,因此在分析前通常會先針對原始資料進行低階的事前處理,步驟包括去除基線、正規化、峰偵測(peak detection)與峰調準(peak alignment)。本文中所探討前列腺癌資料,可分成正常、良性腫瘤、癌症初期與癌症末期四種類別。我們分析及比較兩筆事前處理的蛋白質質譜資料,包括我們自行處理的以及Adam等人所處理的資料。為了解決SELDI在偵測分子質量時常出現的位移誤差以及同位素的問題,我們提出以”質荷比段落”當作新的特徵變數的想法來進行分析。本文利用「ROC曲線下面積」(AUC)當作選取的準則來挑選出重要的質荷比段落,而分類方法則採用支援向量機(SVM)。在四分類的分類結果中,我們自行處理的事前處理資可以得到訓練資料89%及測試資料63 %的正確率。而Adam等人所處理的事前處理資料,則得到訓練資料94%及測試資料86 %的正確率。本研究結果指出不同事前處理的方法對分類結果確實有影響,同時也驗證了利用”特徵變數段落”的方法來進行分析的可行性。 / The surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) is a technique for presenting the expression of molecular masses. It is obvious that every spectrum has a huge dimension of features. In order to analyze these types of spectra samples, preprocessing steps are necessary. The steps of preprocessing include baseline subtraction, normalization, peak detection, and alignment. In our study, we use a prostate cancer data for demonstration. This prostate cancer data can be classified into four categories, namely, healthy men, benign prostate hyperplasia, early stage prostate cancer, and late stage prostate cancer. We analyzed both the preprocessed data processed by ourselves and the preprocessed data done by Adam et al.. In this thesis, we use segmentations of features as “new features” in attempt to solve problems due to location shifts and isotopes. The selection of important segmentations was based on the values of AUC and the SVM was applied for classification. For four-class classification, 94 % and 86 % of accuracy were obtained for training samples and validation samples, respectively, by using Dr. Adam et al.’s preprocessed data, and 89% for training samples, and 63% for validation samples by using our preprocessed data. This study suggested that the preprocessed method does have effect on classification result and a reasonable classification result can be obtained by using segmentations of features. Read more
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兩階段特徵選取法在蛋白質質譜儀資料之應用 / A Two-Stage Approach of Feature Selection on Proteomic Spectra Data王健源, Wang,Chien-yuan Unknown Date (has links)
藉由「早期發現,早期治療」的方式,我們可以降低癌症的死亡率。因此找出與癌症病變有關的生物標記以期及早發現與治療是一項重要的工作。本研究分析了包含正常人以及攝護腺癌症病人實際的蛋白質質譜資料,而這些蛋白質質譜資料是來自於表面強化雷射解吸電離飛行質譜技術(SELDI-TOF MS)的蛋白質晶片實驗。表面增強雷射脫附遊離飛行時間質譜技術可有效地留存生物樣本的蛋白質特徵。如果沒有經過適當的事前處理步驟以消除實驗雜訊,ㄧ 個質譜中可能包含多於數百或數千的特徵變數。為了加速對於可能的蛋白質生物標記的搜尋,我們只考慮可以區分癌症病人與正常人的特徵變數。
基因演算法是一種類似生物基因演化的總體最佳化搜尋機制,它可以有效地在高維度空間中去尋找可能的最佳解。本研究中,我們利用仿基因演算法(GAL)進行蛋白質的特徵選取以區分癌症病人與正常人。另外,我們提出兩種兩階段仿基因演算法(TSGAL),以嘗試改善仿基因演算法的缺點。 / Early detection and diagnosis can effectively reduce the mortality of cancer. The discovery of biomarkers for the early detection and diagnosis of cancer is thus an important task. In this study, a real proteomic spectra data set of prostate cancer patients and normal patients was analyzed. The data were collected from a Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) experiment. The SELDI-TOF MS technology captures protein features in a biological sample. Without suitable pre-processing steps to remove experimental noise, a mass spectrum could consists of more than hundreds or thousands of peaks. To narrow down the search for possible protein biomarkers, only those features that can distinguish between cancer and normal patients are selected.
Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a global optimization procedure that uses an analogy of the genetic evolution of biological organisms. It’s shown that GA is effective in searching complex high-dimensional space. In this study, we consider GA-Like algorithm (GAL) for feature selection on proteomic spectra data in classifying prostate cancer patients from normal patients. In addition, we propose two types of Two-Stage GAL algorithm (TSGAL) to improve the GAL. Read more
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使用者需求及創新行銷新思考:Illuscook+手繪風食譜App / New Thinking from User’s Needs & Innovative Marketing: Illuscook+,An App of Recipes in Illustrations林冠儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以量化之網路問卷為主、質化之深度訪談法為輔,利用動機理論的概念及Maslow(1943)的需求理論了解數位食譜使用者使用數位食譜的動機、需求,另運用Davis et al.(1989)提出的科技接受模型、張銀益等人(2010)提出的手機線上遊戲特性進行延伸,做為使用者需求問卷調查的評測及分析指標,並依照以下項目分別對使用者的想法進行探討:(1)使用動機與需求、(2)知覺價值、(3)數位食譜三大平台特性與使用意願、(4)數位食譜行銷策略、(5)手繪插畫與數位食譜結合之吸引力。探討數位食譜的發展現況及行銷策略則以質化之深度訪談法進行,訪談國內數位食譜網站愛料理、多多開伙,外國案例則是美國手繪食譜網站They Draw & Cook,並且發現現有數位食譜平台主要的行銷策略以依照節慶或食材進行主題式的行銷活動居多,除了數位食譜網站/App本身的食譜內容外,常見的行銷方式則為(1)社群媒體、(2)異業合作與置入、(3)實體產品發行或實體活動。創新行銷案例探討則以覺旅咖啡為對象,以質化之深度訪談法了解其創新行銷方式,並發現覺旅咖啡將文化價值深植於體驗行銷的概念是數位食譜平台應該加以學習、深化的行銷方式。綜合以上結果,本研究對研究結果進行分析及整理,並對數位食譜的行銷策略與發展提出建議。
最後,本文將研究結果運用於輔助、支持Illuscook+的創作發展與功能設計,將 Illuscook+做為數位食譜創新行銷策略的構想場域,在「資訊有用性」、「介面易用性」及「使用趣味性」上均收到使用者相當良好的評價,未來可持續發展為具有完整功能的數位食譜資訊整合平台。 / With the advent of digital age, the development of digital recipes is a growing trend, they market and promote themselves in various forms. Besides, the cultural and creative industries which integrate culture, creation and marketing are quite popular, bringing cultural values into digital recipes and creating new spark are worth exploring.
In this study, researcher used online questionnaires and depth interviews to understand users’ motivations and needs of using digital recipes, supplemented by motivation theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs (1943), also used TAM by Davis et al. (1989) and mobile online games features by Chang Yin-Yih et al. (2010) as the indicators of evaluation and analysis of questionnaires. This study used the following items to discuss user’s ideas of digital recipes: (1)usage motivations and needs, (2)perceived value, (3)the relations between three characteristics of digital recipe platforms and willingness to use, (4)marketing strategies of digit recipes, (5)the attraction of combining hand-drawn illustration and digital recipe. Researcher explored the current development and marketing strategies of digital recipes in depth interviews, using iCook, dodocook and They Draw & Cook as subjects.
Through the results of interviews, the main marketing strategy of existing digital recipes platform is theme-based marketing activities in accordance with festivals or ingredients, and in addition to their own recipe content of digital recipe website / App, the common ways of their marketing are: (1)social media, (2)cross-sector cooperation and placement, (3)release actual products or hold actual activities. Depth interview was also used to know the innovative marketing of Journey Kaffe, and found that its concept of making cultural values deeply rooted in the experiential marketing is the way that digital recipes platform should learn. Based on the above results, this research analyzed and organized the findings, and made recommendations of digital marketing strategies and development.
Finally, the results of study was used to support the development and functional design of Illuscook+, made it a field to realize the innovative marketing ideas of digital recipes, and had received pretty good feedback from users in "information usefulness", "interface usability" and "usage interesting", may develop as a fully functional digital recipe platform in the future. Read more
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2G無線電頻譜回收之研究:以澳門「全城3G」為例 / A Study on 2G Spectrum Reallocation in Macau黃首豪, Wong, Sao Hou Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用文獻分析法,透過蒐集澳門「全城3G」計劃的相關資料,分析澳門「全城3G」計劃的得失,與此同時借鏡與澳門政治體制相似的香港政府的頻譜政策,檢視兩地政府在回收2G頻譜的成效。本研究綜合分析下發現澳門與香港回收2G頻譜最大的差異在於香港回收的是兩個閒置的CDMA及TDMA系統,對業者有一定的影響,但是影響民眾的範圍卻很小,而且給予3年緩衝的時間讓業者轉移用戶,而澳門則是停用一個在世界上仍算主流的GSM服務,而且要在半年內轉移十多萬用戶到3G,加上在過渡期間出現5宗電信故障,讓民眾質疑計劃的可行性,最終把技術問題變成社會問題。因此本研究建議政府未來要避免直接介入市場,以間接的方式例如徵收階梯式的頻譜使用費來推動行動通訊業發展,回收頻譜時要以平穩適度的方式進行,以及提高電信故障的罰款。 / In January 2012, the Telecommunications Regulation Bureau of Macau (DSRT) announced its decision to scrap the city’s 2G network and rely solely on 3G capabilities. Effective on July 8, 2012, the policy change left about 160,000 local users without 2G service, primarily affecting local tourists still on the 2G roaming network. DSRT stated that the objectives of its decision were to create more investment opportunities and to facilitate the adequate diversification of economic development. However, during this time, two mobile operators failed to provide stable and adequate network services and the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macau stated that DSRT’s decision deprived consumers of their right to choose their own cellular network and their right to fair treatment. This prompted the 2G service cancellation to be further postponed until June 4, 2023.
This study used literature analysis to review the termination of the 2G mobile network in Macau, and to examine the 2G spectrum reallocation in Hong Kong. This study found that Hong Kong terminated two unused mobile network services (CDMA and TDMA), while Macau is planning to scrap a GSM service which will affect about 150,000 users in Macau. Therefore, opposition to network terminations are greater in Macau than in Hong Kong. At the same time, the failure to provide adequate mobile services by two network operators in Macau led to public mistrust of the government. This study suggests that 1) the DSRT should not have used administrative means to force consumers into using a specific mobile system, and 2) the DSRT should have amended the penalties for mobile operators to closer reflect the current social situation. Read more
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祭壺器的社會生命史—阿美族東昌村的民族學調查與靜浦文化的考古學研究 / The Social Life of Ritual Pottery : An Ethnological Survey in an Amis Community of Dongchang and Archaeological Research of Jingpu Culture鍾國風, Chung, Kuo Feng Unknown Date (has links)
第三章透過東昌村宗教禮儀機制,描繪禮儀性人工製品diwas如何積極地介入男子成年禮(malengleng)過渡禮儀,sifanohay涉入女子婚後成家操持除穢家屋儀式(miasik to loma’)歷程,diwas與sifanohay等祭祀器物群於社會生命史初始階段如何地被人們所認知、分類、取得、流動於家屋社會。
第八章結語部分,首先回顧東昌村民族考古學田野對於祭壺器等祭祀器物群社會生命史形成脈絡的理解。祭壺器從男女過渡禮儀的性別意識開展進入家屋社會,形塑祭壺器性別風格界限,伴隨宗教儀禮巫師劃設儀式空間界限,再次形構祭祀器物群共伴組合與型態風格。再者,定著於祖靈信仰家戶的祭壺器,再次地劃界出Lidaw浮動的宗教性社會疆界,同時標誌出與奇萊平原臨社間的祖靈信仰光譜與村際邊界。文末提出論文思考與未來延續性研究方向,以期增進本論文研究取向的拓展性。 Read more
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線上遊戲廣告「童顏巨乳殺很大」之性別文化解讀 / The Gender Study for Online Game Advertisement of Baby Face-Big Breast-Big Kill楊曼芬, Man-Feng Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試透過傅柯系譜學的架構,從台灣哈日迷思到數位傳播生態,由歷史、符號、語言等三面向檢視線上遊戲「殺Online」延燒之童顏巨乳現象蘊藏的性別文化與符號意義,從內隱到外顯、從他者到再現,跳出性別二元對立之窠臼,反覆辯證此一女體性象徵符號如何在父權巧妙操控下,孕育滋長壯大卻又悄然銷聲匿跡,以及其與國家機器、社會菁英「論述、權力、知識」間之微妙接合(articulation,闡述與扣連)關係。 / Genealogy as the framework to Foucault, from Taiwan Japanophile myth to digital television environment, using history, symbols, language, three for viewing online game "kill Online" big phenomenon spread of 「Baby Face -Big Breast」 hidden meaning of the gender culture of the times, from the implicit to explicit, from the other to representation, beyond gender dualism of mold, and repeated the dialectical nature of body of women in the patriarchal symbol how clever manipulation, breeding grow stronger but quietly disappeared, and its state apparatus, social elite "discourse, power, knowledge," the delicate bonding between articulation and buckle set relationships.
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建構社會價值創造模型─以台灣上市公司為例 / Modeling the social value creation: A case of listed companies in Taiwan吳浩銓, Wu, Hao Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
近期關於組織目標的研究指出,傳統以營利為目的的公司,隨著政府與大眾對於社會議題的日益關注而開始履行企業社會責任;另一方面,傳統以解決社會問題為目的的非營利組織,為了處理資金問題而開始從事營利行為。因為營利與非營利組織的分界開始模糊,各種混合型態的組織跟著出現,構成了一個組織目標的光譜。然而,這個概念上的目標光譜並不容易呈現,目前針對社會價值的創造(Social Value Creation,簡稱SVC)在量化上的分析成果亦有限。本研究從產業經濟學的混合寡占理論出發,提出一個「SVC投資市場」以衡量組織對於社會價值的重視程度,並使用觀察到的資料描繪出SVC投資市場中的需求。再透過組織目標函數的設定以及在市場中競爭的結果,推估組織考量社會價值的比重,找出組織在目標光譜中的位置。本研究針對台灣上市公司的企業社會責任報告書資料以及財報資料進行分析後發現,目前台灣上市公司的消費者並不太重視公司的SVC活動。政府若欲提升公司對於SVC的重視程度,可以嘗試藉由改變消費者的購買決策來影響公司的目標決策。
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俄羅斯東正教聖樂之調式分析與表現規範-以「符號歌唱音樂」與「多聲部合唱音樂」為例 / Analysis of tonal structure, musical form and manners of performance in Russian Orthodox sacred music – with examples of znamenny and partesny singing蔣易耘, Chiang, Yih Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分為六章:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、研究目的、研究途徑、方法及限制、文獻評論,以及研究架構。第二章介紹基督宗教音樂中,從古猶太音樂、古希臘音樂到羅馬天主教聖樂的發展。內容首先釐清聖樂(sacred music/духновная музыка)的觀念,對相關名詞做清楚的闡釋與分類,然後介紹古猶太音樂中對基督宗教聖樂影響較深的部分、對後世音樂理論影響至深且廣的希臘音樂調式、天主教最重要的葛利果聖歌,以及重要記譜法的演進過程等。第三章集中討論東正教聖樂的歷史,從拜占庭到羅斯 ,包含了拜占庭聖樂中最重要的「拜占庭八調式」(осмогласие или октоих)之理論內容以及實際應用、羅斯的「符號歌唱音樂」(знаменное пение)與「多聲部合唱音樂」(партесное пение)兩大重要聖樂形式的起源發展與結構性質,同時,也會提及「符號歌唱音樂」中的「神聖詩文」(духовные стихи),以及羅斯最早的複音音樂「領唱歌唱音樂」(демественное пение)。第四章從「聲學」以及「曲式學」的角度研究俄羅斯東正教聖樂的內部結構;將畢達格拉斯的「純律」、教會調式、希臘調式、拜占庭的音程單位「莫里亞」、計算音程的單位「音分」等交相使用,分析與證明俄羅斯東正教聖樂的調式,並以曲式學分析其曲式。同時本論文將使用柯爾蒂希《俄國音樂史》(Келдыш, Ю.К., «История русской музыки»)中提供之譜例做為具體分析研究之對象。第五章剖析俄羅斯東正教聖樂形於外部的表現規範,包含作曲者的身分、演唱者的性別是否有限制、純人聲無伴奏演唱法(a cappella)的發展及使用、歌唱與教堂建築間的關係、合唱團在教堂中的位置等層面。第六章為全文之結論部分,除對各章節的研究作一個總結,亦包含本論文所預期之學術貢獻。 Read more
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戰後日本之中國研究系譜 / The Genealogy of “China Studies” in Post-war Japan邵軒磊, Shao, Hsyab Lei Unknown Date (has links)
當代「日本中國認識」1945年二次大戰結束面臨一次重大轉折。戰後開始的「中國研究」主要受到日本對於自身認同重建的看法;以及冷戰國際架構的影響。本文藉由「系譜學方法」,回溯戰後半世紀以來,日本對中國的研究角度經過什麼樣的變化?中日研究群體如何開展及互動?本文發現日本當地中國研究的典範演變,最初是因應西方現代學科的需要,以建立歷史理論與史觀。戰前以東洋史學與區域調查為主要典範。此兩種團體延續到戰後成為史學與區域研究兩種系譜。戰後初期(1945-54)佔有主要論述空間的是左派革命史觀研究群體,主要學術產出是實態調查、社會史方面的資料。第二階段(1955-64)是馬克思主義者對近代化論者,延續戰爭責任論爭中的研究主體問題。第三階段(1965-74)是隨著日本自身發展與文革演進,研究者依照對文革態度而分裂,自此主流是對經濟、政治、國際關係的研究。第四階段(1975-84)民國史觀強調社會主義中國與傳統中國以及中國與周邊國家的「雙重連續性」,這兩個思考脈絡最後集成為溝口的基體論與濱下的體系論。另外出現以近代化(民主化經濟發展)短暫的成為主要論述,之後隨著前兩者理論對西式近代的否定,開始找尋「亞洲價值」。第五階段(1985-94),面臨昭和年代與冷戰結束兩個重要分期,日本學界提出新亞洲學,強調區域多元性以及混成亞洲統合兩大觀念。新亞洲學中,不可避免的也繼承了戰前亞洲學的基本要素。綜觀而言,本研究不僅能提供對中國研究途徑更多的參考面向,也能為台灣的中國大陸研究學界提供更多元的研究方法,更能有助於對當代東亞局勢的瞭解。 / Modern “China studies” (sinology, modern china study, etc.) in Japan began in 1945, the end of Pacific War. It was in a very complicated situation because on the one hand, it must take mission on the revival of national confidence. On the other hand, it was influenced by post-war international system. This article attempts to analyze “Japanese China study” from a genealogical perspective. The article also tries to depict the “genealogy” of academic communities of Japanese China study and their research approaches. It is found that the paradigm change began in the need of discipline modernization,in order to build their historical theory and historical views. Two mainstreams before WWII are “touyougaku (orientalism)” and “regional study”. They became two major studies, “history” and “regional science” after war. In the first period (1945-54), the leading group “revolution historian’ (Marxist or lefters) accomplished much research about “village investigation” and social history. In the second period (1955-64), Marxist (lefters) and Modernist debated the question of “research subjectivity” regarding war responsibility. In the third period (1965-74), researcher groups were affected by Culture Revolution, and became radical. After this deep confliction, they became neutral,and advocated to study economics, politics, and international relations of China. In the fourth period (1975-84), “R.O.C. perspective” emphasized “double continuity “ existing between socialist China and traditional China, and between core and periphery China, consisting of “Mizokuchi theory” and “Hamashita theory”. On the other hand, modernization (development theory) also rose up, considering Asian value as opposite of Western value. Therefore, in the fifth period (1985-94), facing the end of Showa period and cold war, scholars start to assert New Asianism, emphasizing diversity and cooperation among Asian countries. We could discover that New Asianism is similar to wartime Asianism, which is a symbol of Japanese China study that time. This study will not only clarify the Sinology in other culture, but also bring more approaches for scholars in Taiwan. / 日本における「中国研究」の最大な分岐点は1945年である。戦後の中国研究には、日本の自己認識を立て直す考え方が含まれている。さらに、冷戦時代の国際関係もまた中国研究に影響を及ぼしている。この状況の下で、中国研究は複雑な様相を呈している。本研究は、系譜学的方法を以って、この半世紀において、日本における中国研究が、どのような研究視点を採ってきたのか、また、学界がどのように形成され、内部にどのような会話・論争を経てきたのかを分析する。日本における中国研究のパラダイムは、最初は欧米の現代学科を真似て、自国の歴史理論や史観を発見しようとするものである。戦前の主なパラダイムは東洋史学と地域研究で、戦後その二つ系譜も続けている。戦後初期(1945-54)に、左派(革命史観)グループは主流で、実態調査や社会史に多くの力を入れていた。第二時期(1955-64)に、マルクス主義者と近代化論者は戦争責任の問題に沿い「研究者主体」について論争した。第三時期(1965-74)に、日本自身の経済発展や中国の文革の影響により、研究者グループが分裂し、激しい批判も出た。その後、一変して、「無価値」の経済や政治、外交など、つまり、「国情研究」が主流になった。第四時期(1975-84)に、民国史観や基体論、朝貢体系論など、社会主義中国と旧中国との「連続性」や中国中心と周辺国家との「連続性」に着目した研究が現れた。そのほか、アジア的な近代化論も大勢になり、「アジア価値」は再び脚光を浴びた。第五時期(1985-94)に、昭和時代と冷戦の終わりとともに、地域多様性とアジア協力を強調する「新アジア学」も出た。新アジア学と「戦前アジア学」が多くの共通性があるため、同じ系譜に属することを本研究によって解明できる。本研究は、台湾におけるこれまで中国研究に対して、新たな研究方法を紹介し、示唆的な観点を与えることが予想される。 Read more
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食譜粉絲團行銷策略之研究-以 Facebook 之 icook 為例 / The marketing strategies for a recipe community:An example of iCook on Facebook陳婉姿, Chen, Wan Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
全球第一大社群網站 Facebook,在 2007 年推出的 Facebook 粉絲專頁(Fan Page),是一個公開的介面,集合了娛樂、社交、資訊尋求三項商業行銷功能。根據 Facebook 官方統計,目前共有 118 萬個粉絲專頁,由一百多萬個公司團體開立,更吸引了超過 5 億 3,000 萬人次粉絲。近年來,台灣食譜 Facebook 粉絲團備受關注,本研究將探討網友對 iCook 愛料理粉絲團的使用動機。
其次,本研究目的,在探討 iCook 食譜粉絲團之「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」之意涵。探討人口統計變相對「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」的顯著差異性。檢定「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著關係。經由量化分析與質化訪談之相關研究,針對iCook食譜粉絲團提出行銷策略建議。
本研究以 馬斯洛《需求層級理論》,探討 Facebook 粉絲團的閱聽眾使用動機,針對經常瀏覽 iCook 粉絲團的常用使用者為研究對象,本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷 506 份,並針對 iCook 愛料理網站創辦人、美食部落客、粉絲團會員重度使用者進行深度訪談。
研究結果顯示, iCook 食譜粉絲團以女性家庭主婦和上班族為主,年齡層以26-45 歲居多,教育程度以大學為最多,居住地區以北部為主。在使用動機、資訊來源及服務品質對於顧客滿意度有顯著正相關;使用動機、資訊來源及服務品質及顧客忠誠度有顯著正相關;顧客滿意度與忠誠度有顯著正相關。
經質化與量化分析,本研究對於 iCook 食譜粉絲團之行銷策略建議如下:
1. 提供豐富多樣的食譜資訊,讓使用者感覺有其價值性
2. 善用社群口碑行銷傳播,以內容取代廣告創造利基
3. 優化服務與開拓異業結盟機會,有助品牌知名度與滿意度
綜合上述,以鞏固其品牌忠誠度,朝長久經營之路邁進。 / Facebook, the biggest social network site in the world, launched the Page service in 2007. It is a public platform including entertainment, social contact and information seeking functions for business and marketing. According to the official statistics from Facebook, there are currently 1.18 million Facebook Pages created by more than 1 million organizations, attracting more than 530 million users. In recent years, the cookbook’s Facebook Pages in Taiwan attract more attention than before therefore the research is going to discuss the motivation of fans using iCook Facebook Page.
Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to explore using motivation, sources, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for iCook Facebook Page. To analyze the demographic variables differences on using motivation, information sources, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty differences. Also to test the relation between using motivation, information sources, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Through quantitative and qualitative research methods, provide marketing strategy recommendation.
The study is based on “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory” and investigates Facebook Page audiences’ usage motivation. The target research group is the user who visits iCook Facebook Page frequently. In order to give consideration to both quantitative and qualitative approach, this study adopts questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews for research methods. There are 506 effective questionnaires from the Internet survey and conducts the in-depth interviews to iCook founder, Cuisine Bloggers and heavy users.
The result indicates that the users of iCook Facebook Page are mainly female, housewife and office worker by occupations, the age between 26 and 45, education background is college and above, living around the northern Taiwan. The using motivation, information sources and service quality have a significant positive correlation with customer satisfaction, as well as customer loyalty. Therefore the service quality and customer loyalty are positive correlation.
Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis, this study suggests that iCook Facebook Page should apply more Social Media Marketing strategies and several recommendations as follows:
1. Providing various recipe for readers to let users feel valuable.
2. To leverage the power of Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) and to replace the advertisement to content in order to create the niche.
3. Optimizing the web services and features to expand cross-industry strategic alliance opportunities, it helps to promote the brand image and reputation. Read more
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