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國際財務報導準則新擬議現金流量表增額資訊內涵之研究 / A study about the incremental information content of the statement of cash flows under IFRS draft鄭巧明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之實證結果顯示本期稅後淨利與其現金流量項目組成項目皆具資訊內涵,而在IFRS新擬議下之現金流量組成要素亦具增額資訊內涵,代表IFRS草案中變革極具攸關性之資訊納入。 / In 2013, all of the companies in Taiwan will be forced to adopt IFRS when preparing financial statements. In IFRS draft, cash flows from selling and purchasing of property, plant, and equipment should be reclassified as cash flows from operating activities. The primary purpose of this thesis is to discuss whether the cash flows from operating activities in IFRS draft contain incremental information content and is more relevant to investors. Furthermore, this thesis tries to explain the meaning of the cash flows in IFRS draft.
This thesis is composed of five parts: The first chapter is a preface which illustrates the motive, the approaches, and the structure of the thesis. Beginning with the evolution of statement of cash flows, chapter two discusses some literatures relating to the thesis. Chapter three sketches three hypotheses and establishes models. Following chapter three, chapter four then analyses the sample using statistics methods. Finally, chapter five makes conclusions and some suggestions to future studies.
This thesis supports the hypotheses that the net income and cash flows from operating activities possess incremental information contents, as well as the cash flows from operating activities in IFRS draft, which means that IFRS draft reforms the accounting information that is more relevant to investors.
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企業併購交易之所得課稅問題 / 無李慶華 Unknown Date (has links)
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會計制度對壽險公司資產負債管理之影響 / The impact of international financial reporting standards on life insurance company's asset-liability management廖伯軒, Liao, Po Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用模擬的方式,比較不同投資策略的壽險公司在不同會計制度之下的財務狀況,進而探討資產負債管理的策略是否確實能讓保險人在公平價值準備金下較不受利率波動之影響。本研究的結果顯示在公平價值準備金的架構下,採用資產負債管理的壽險公司其損益會較沒採用資產負債管理的壽險公司穩定;若是在帳面價值準備金的架構下,採用資產負債管理的公司反而因為做出了多餘的避險行為致使其損益較不穩定。另外,本研究發現若是保險公司在資產負債策略下所採用的避險指標不符合目前法規,對公司的損益也會造成不必要的波動。因此本研究認為保險公司在實行資產負債管理策略時,應該參照目前會計制度下所給定的方式來做避險,進而達到最大的效益。 / Life insurers' liability value is relatively sensitive to interest rate due to the long term characteristic of the policies. The high leverage ratio strengthens the impact on how interest rate can influence solvency.. Life insurer therefore should manage their assets and liability in a prudent way.
In the past, supervisory authorities used to regulate the insurer to recognize their liabilities in book value, which makes the benefits of ALM insignificant. Under such regulation, the main purpose of asset allocation for most of the life insurers was to generate higher investment return instead of matching asset with the liability, nor to maintain risk at acceptable level under book-value reserving. The international financial report standard No.4 (IFRS4) suggests that insurers should measure their liability under fair value in the future. The new regulation may increases the volatility of the life insurer's liability and emerges the benefit of ALM
The objective of this article is to compare the effect of ALM strategy on life insurer's financial statement under both accounting standards via simulation methods. The result shows that the insurers with ALM face more stable financial statement if they manage their interest rate decently.
One of the results shows that the insurers who manage their asset based on fair value duration faces more volatility than insurers without ALM under book value reserve. This implies that the insurer with ALM still suffers higher volatility if the regulations do not support such behavior. We therefore suggest that the insurers should manage their asset based on their liability interest rate risk under the condition that they choose the appropriate interest rate risk indicator to fit different regulations.
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傳統產業轉型經營創意生活事業之研究 -動態能力的觀點 / The transformation process of conventional industries from manufacturing to creative life business: the perspective of dynamic capability李承陸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究問題有四點:1. 傳統產業轉型經營創意生活事業的動機為何? 2.傳統產業轉型經營創意生活事業的過程為何? 3. 傳統產業如何將產業文化資產活化再利用? 4. 轉型後的企業如何經營創意生活事業?
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無形資產移轉訂價之研究-以成本分攤協議為中心 / A Study on Transfer Pricing of Intangible Assets: Focusing on Cost Sharing Arrangements吳家維, Wu, Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
其次,借鑒相關案例之爭議與本研究之設想,本研究擬定我國未來制定或施行成本分攤協議之法規所可能面臨之問題或應考量之事項,分為稅務面、法制面與稽徵行政面,並據以提供相關建議。稅務面主要可分為分攤協議之成本、使用協議所開發之無形資產、成本分攤給付以及買進與買斷給付之稅務處理,法制面為應考量制定之法律位階與訂定內容之相關配套措施,稽徵行政面則須評估預審制度之效益、權責單位之規劃與其保密義務之限制、專責人員之專業素養與獨立性以及對於成本分攤協議進行技術輸出管制之重要性。 / This research examines whether the transfer pricing regulations of intangible assets in Taiwan are sufficient or not. It focuses on lack of regulations pertaining to cost sharing arrangements (CSA) in Taiwan. With the references to foreign legislations and cases, the research further discusses the legislation defects and provides suggestions for Taiwan’s legislatives as to enactment or enforcement of related regulations in the future.
Specifically, this research locates the legislation deficiencies by comparing transfer pricing systems of intangible assets between major countries and Taiwan. Examples of such major countries are used as a framework of CSA regulations for Taiwan. This framework covers the following main items: definition of a CSA, intangible development costs (IDC), reasonably anticipated benefits (RAB), the consistency between IDC shares and RAB shares, changes in participants and the termination of CSAs, adjustments by tax administrations, tax treatment of CSAs, elements of a CSA, and administration of tax collection.
Based on the above analysis and controversies of related cases, this research points out problems that may arise and issues that should be considered when CSA regulations are to be enacted or enforced in Taiwan. Such problems and issues can be separated into three aspects, namely, taxation, legal system, and administration of tax collection. The research concludes by offering suggestions on each aspect. For the taxation aspect, the tax treatment relating to certain conditions should be contemplated, including IDC shared by each participant in a CSA, exploiting the intangible assets developed by a CSA, cost sharing transaction payments (CST payments), and buy-in/buy-out payments. With regard to the aspect of legal system, the legal position and supplementary measures of CSA regulations should be taken into account. As to the aspect of administration of tax collection, many factors should be taken into consideration, such as assessing the feasibility and benefit of issuing a CSA advance ruling, determining the appropriate tax authorities in charge of CSAs, training and developing qualified tax officials to audit CSAs, and controlling the technologies export via CSAs.
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從政府監管角度論我國資產管理公司的運作葉聞 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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關係效益、專屬資產對業務忠誠度與公司忠誠度之影響─以保險市場為例 / The impact of relational benefit and specific asset on the sales-loyalty and firm-loyalty: a study of insurance industry張恒嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
Robert (2007)針對顧客建立忠誠度的對象區分忠誠度為業務忠誠度與公司忠誠度,探討業務員帶給公司的風險,實證結果指出,部分公司忠誠度是虛假的,若是業務員離開該公司之後,該忠誠度也將隨之消失,因此業務忠誠度將帶給公司潛在的風險。在Robert (2007)的研究中針對兩種忠誠度的來源是透過關係加強活動與顧客所接受到的價值這兩個構面來探討忠誠度的來源,但是這兩個構面為概括性的構面,並沒有準確區分關係加強活動與顧客接受到的價值是由公司或是業務員所提供的,本研究為了進一步探討兩種忠誠度的構成因素,在研究架構中加入Gwinner (1998)提出的關係效益法,藉由關係效益-滿意度-忠誠度的影響路徑來解釋公司忠誠度與業務忠誠度構成的因素;此外,本研究將Williamson (1985,1991)提出的專屬資產納入研究架構中,為公司忠誠度與業務忠誠度的構成提供另外一種可能的解釋因素。
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風險貼水與技術交易報酬-台幣/美元之實証分析 / Risk premium and technical trading return-ntd/usd empirical study邱怡璇, Chiu, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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信用衍生性商品-擔保債權憑證之評價與分析呂建霖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為信用衍生性商品之擔保債權憑證評價,採用Li(2000)之Copula方法與Hull and White(2004)之Probability Bucketing方法做為評價擔保債權憑證之模型,透過個別資產之邊際違約機率與Copula函數之選擇,及其相關參數之估算,即可求算出具違約相關性之多變數聯合機率函數,以利擔保債權憑證之評價,並模擬出可能損失分配,進而求出各個分券的信用價差及預期損失。
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資產減損報導決定因素及對股價影響之研究吳維珍 Unknown Date (has links)
為了使公司帳面價值符合穩健原則,我國財務會計準則委員會於民國九十三年七月一日公布財務會計準則公報第三十五號 -- 「資產減損之會計處理」。此公報規定當資產之帳面價值高於可回收金額,對於超過的部分即須認列減損損失。本文之目的即在於藉由探討資產減損認列之決定因素,係經濟因素或報導誘因,以瞭解第三十五號公報之實施是否真能達到當初制定之目的,而使公司財報更為透明,更能反映公司的經營績效與價值,而非淪為管理階層盈餘管理之工具。此外,本文亦探討公司資產減損之認列與其股價之關係,以瞭解投資人對資產減損資訊之反應,以及第三十五號公報對市場之影響。
本研究之主要發現如下:(1)國內上市公司認列資產減損之決定因素主要係經濟因素,但亦有藉以平穩其盈餘之現象;以及(2)整體而言,資產減損對股價不具有顯著之影響力,顯示市場對於資產減損並無顯著之反應。但市場對於未提前適用之公司所認列之資產減損,則有顯著之負向反應。 / In July 2004, Financial Accounting Standards Board in Taiwan issued SFAS No. 35: Accounting for Impairment of Assets, to enhance the conservatism in corporate financial statements. SFAS No. 35 requires that when an asset’s book value is lower than its recoverable amount, a company should recognize the difference as an impairment loss. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants (economic factors and reporting incentives) of reported impairment losses to evaluate whether SFAS No. 35 achieves its purpose. In addition, this study examines the relationship between reported impairment losses and stock prices to determine the impact of SFAS No. 35 on the capital market investors.
Our empirical results show that economic factors are the main determinants of reported impairment losses of the listed firms in Taiwan. There is also a high association between reported impairment losses and corporate “income smoothing” behavior. Overall, reported impairment losses do not have significant impact on stock prices. However, after excluding the early adopting firms, the capital market reacts negatively to reported impairment losses.
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