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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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莊竣名 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用的投資組合理論(Portfolio Theory)與免疫理論(Immunization Theory)建構資產負債管理模型,希望在於免除利率風險下,能夠極大化勞保基金的投資報酬率。本研究探討勞保老年給付年金制實行後,勞保基金在資產負債管理之下最適資產配置。我們以勞保局編印之「勞工保險統計年報」中勞保基金民國81年到91年實際投資的資料及勞保局委託研究之精算報告對於老年給付年金制實行後未來勞保基金的給付預測值,在不同年金選擇率以及不同的費率與控管年限下,根據勞保基金資產與負債的存續期間,建議勞保基金最適的投資組合,並計算資產負債管理成本,研究結果發現: 1 年金選擇率為100%及80%時,勞保費率提高至8.3%僅能確保未來30年與40年勞保基金不會因為利率變動而導致基金破產甚至無力清償,但考慮年限為50年時,國內市場無法找到存續期間可以配合的投資工具,無法規避利率風險。年金選擇率為50%時,由於未來各年之勞保的給付獲得舒緩,使得資產配置所需的存續期間也降低,故當勞保費率提高 至8%即可確保勞保基金未來50年可以規避利率風險的危機,且在國內市場上可以找到投資工具配合。 2. 要使勞保基金免於利率風險的考慮年限越長,其投資組合的重心應該從現行的銀行存款移轉到債券及股票與受益憑證。 3. 進行資產負債管理是需要成本的,若以資產負債管理前後效率前緣下的投資報酬率的差異為資產負債管理成本,在年金選擇率100%時資產負債管理平均成本為0.3695%;選擇率80%時平均成本為0.434%;年金選擇率為50%時資產負債管理平均成本為0.384%,研究結果顯示資產負債管理平均成本都低於0.5%以下,故建議勞保基金應盡早進行資產負債管理以因應老年給付年金化後利率風險對於勞保基金財務上的衝擊。 / This paper investigates the Asset-Liability Management for Labor Insurance Fund. We utilize Immunization Theory and Portfolio Theory selection model to immunize the surplus of Labor Insurance Funds against interest-rate fluctuations and to maximize expected return of Labor Insurance Funds simultaneously. In addition, we use the data from Labor Insurance Funds from 1992 to 2002 to demonstrate the implementation of our model. We calculate the optimal asset allocation and the ALM cost under different lump-sum/annuity selection ratio、time horizon and contribution rates. The empirical results from this study show that: 1. Assuming 100% and 80% participants choice annuity, to prevent the insolvency of Labor Insurance Fund from interest-rate fluctuations in 30 and 40 years, the Labor Insurance premium must increase to 8.3%. Assuming 50% participants choice annuity, to prevent the insolvency of Labor Insurance Fund from interest-rate fluctuations in 50 years, the Labor Insurance premium must increase to 8%. 2. To prolong the period over which the Labor Insurance Funds can immunize its surplus against interest-rate fluctuations, a large proportion of the investment asset should be allocate from bank deposit to bond and stock. 3. ALM needs cost. Assuming 100% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.3695%.Assuming 80% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.434%.Assuming 50% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.384%. We find the average ALM cost is very small under any lump-sum/annuity selection ratio. Therefore, we suggest Bureau of Labor Insurance should start to implement ALM as soon as possible to avoid the affect of interest-rate fluctuations.


曾耀泰 Unknown Date (has links)
公司技術鑑價現今仍是有許多爭議,很多專家學者借用財務或者是會計的理論工具來作為技術鑑價的應用。但技術本是不是一個靜態的存在,持不同觀點的學者則認為技術是一個動態且不停的在變化的過程。技術本身所內涵的知識與智慧成分很高,這又更加強了它的易變性;在訪談的過程當中,國內鑑價的業界人士們普遍認為技術在不同的運用方式與經手的技術和經營團對手中,其產生的價值是有明顯的不同;此外一般人會認為評估技術大都用橫斷面的角度來看待技術的價值,不過現在有越來越多的學者會把市場面的管理因素置入技術價值的評估。也有專家或者是學者往上端去探究,認為技術預測以及整個綜觀面的技術生命週期都是技術價值產生中,不可或缺的影響因素。 本研究想著重的就是以智慧資本的概念來衡量技術真實的價值,承續著Skandia的五個焦點;Edvinsson與Malone有強調其中在『流程焦點』的精神就是「在處理技術工具在支援整體企業價值創造時,所扮演的角色」。由此一個更細部以及深入的探究,即本研究想要著眼的地方。 本研究結合技術鑑價以及智慧資本觀點來衡量技術的真正價值。回顧前人在技術鑑價以及價值評估的各種方法,再試著引入智慧資本的衡量模式,予以修正以及改良,發展出另外一種新的技術鑑價模式。這種模式並非偏離先前學者與研究的腳步,而是試著引入更新以及更有效的管理工具得以不斷的補足先人的模型,所以本研究並非標新立異而是採用既有鑑價模型基礎,輔以新近管理評估概念與理論,發展出一種更加完備的模式來進行技術價值的評量。總之本論文之重點在於以下幾點: 一、回顧既往技術鑑價或評價之理論 二、引入智慧資本之概念作為補述以及分析之架構 三、分析現今動畫產業現況以及其特殊性 四、由具代表性之個案驗證智慧資本在企業的評量之意義


郭繼良 Unknown Date (has links)


林郁棻 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,投資理財已經成為全民運動,昔日的定存族早已不復見,投資人在進行資產配置時,除了希望能有固定的保障本金及配息之外,更希望能在市場走勢看好時同時享有增值的利益,而投資組合保險便能滿足這些投資人的需求,部分的投資者及基金經理人,也開始運用投資組合保險進行資產配置。 為了更進一步瞭解投資組合保險策略實際上的運作及其特性,本研究利用蒙地卡羅模擬法,針對不同市場(多頭、空頭、盤整)以及資產間相關係數不同下(高度正相關、低度正相關),模擬多支股票所形成的投資組合,探討「複製性賣權策略(SPO)」、「固定比例投資組合保險策略(CPPI)」、「時間不變性投資組合保險策略(TIPP)」、「固定比例策略(CM)」、「買入持有策略(BH)」在不同市場走勢下相對的績效,並找出在不同市場下最適合各種策略的調整法則。此外,針對CPPI與TIPP策略提出動態調整風險參數m值的概念(MCPPI、MTIPP策略),試著改進此兩種策略在傳統上風險參數固定不動的缺點。在實證部分,除了驗證MCPPI與MTIPP的績效是否真的較佳,並檢驗蒙地卡羅模擬中模擬適合不同策略的調整方式的結果是否正確。 經由模擬可發現:多頭時期,SPO與CPPI策略以每日調整為佳,TIPP及CM策略以5%落差調整為佳,而且SPO策略的平均報酬最高;盤整時期,SPO、CPPI、TIPP策略以5%落差調整較好,CM策略以1%落差調整較好,期末報酬以TIPP策略為佳;空頭時期,SPO與TIPP策略以每日調整為佳,CPPI策略以1%落差調整較好,CM策略以5%落差調整較佳,期末報酬也以TIPP策略為優。經由實證可以證明,不論市場走勢為何,MCPPI、MTIPP策略的績效均比傳統的CPPI、TIPP來的好,顯示動態調整風險參數確實能增加投資組合的績效;此外,若能正確預測市場走勢,並依照蒙地卡羅模擬的結果選擇正確的調整法則,將能有效的提升投資組合保險策略的績效。 / In order to find out the characteristic and operation of portfolio insurance strategies, this study makes an extensive Monte Carlo simulation comparison of five portfolio insurance strategies (Synthetic put option (SPO), Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI), Time-Invariant Portfolio Protection (TIPP), Constant Mix (CM), Buy and Hold (BH) ) . For each strategy, some measures (average return, standard deviation, protection error and opportunity cost) are calculated to compare its performance. Besides, these strategies are compared in different market situations (bull, bear, no-trend markets) and with different asset correlation (highly correlated, low correlated), taking into account transaction costs and the price limit. The Monte Carlo simulations show the optimal rebalancing discipline of different portfolio insurance strategies in different markets; moreover, via the simulation process, we can find out a dominant role of TIPP strategies in bear and no-trend markets and a preference for SPO strategies in bull markets. These results are independent of the asset correlation. In historical simulations, we bring out an extended method for CPPI and TIPP strategies, called MCPPI and MTIPP strategies, which increase the risk multiplier (m) when market price goes up and decrease the risk multiplier when market price goes down. Comparing the portfolio insurance strategies mentioned above (SPO, CPPI, TIPP, CM, BH, MCPPI, MTIPP) ,we can find out that MCPPI and MTIPP strategies can dominate CPPI and TIPP strategies in all market ; besides, if we can use the optimal rebalance discipline correctly, it will effectively enhance the performance of portfolio insurance strategies. Although in historical and Monte Carlo simulations, we can’t conclude any strategy which is dominant in all market situations, but we can summarize that SPO strategy can dominate other strategies in bull market, and MTIPP and TIPP strategies can dominate other strategies in bear and no-trend market.

模擬產險公司最佳化資產配置 / 以模擬最適的方法探討產險公司的資產配置

蘇承懋, Su, Cheng Mao Unknown Date (has links)
本文運用模擬的方法,產生產險業所面臨的損失分佈、投資資產的變動,欲得到最好的資產配置比例,並考慮重新平衡的效果,探討何種方法為產險業最好的資金運用策略。在模擬了1,000次,產生未來23年的年末資產負債表後,我們得到產險公司應如何配置其資金於:現金、股票、1-15年期債券及房地產的比例,加入重新平衡的概念,運用目標方程式的建立,最後得到一個最好的資金配置及平衡策略。 / We applied simulation techniques to imitate some situations that insurance companies have handled, including loss development, asset value variations, and dynamic programming asset allocation. The asset allocation ratios and the timing of rebalancing the assets affected our objective outcomes. After simulating 23 years for 1,000 times, we find how insurance company allocates their capital in four accounts: cash, stock, fifteen kinds of maturity bonds, and real estate. We finally pointed out strategy resulted in the best outcome by comparing between single period optimal asset allocating ratios and rebalanced asset allocation ratio outcomes.

跨期國際投資組合之模型建構 / International Portfolio Management for Long Term Investors: Models and Illustrations

宣葳 Unknown Date (has links)
在此篇論文中我們考慮連續時間架構下, 加入匯差風險與利率風險之跨國投資組合問題. 延續 Lioui, Poncet (2003) 的研究架構, 我們考慮 國內外債券股票與現金的投資組合, 以martingale方法求解避險操作與最佳投資策略. / In this study, we investigate the hedge demands in international portfolio management under a general continuous time framework for constant relative risk averse investors where, in particular, exchange rate risk and the interest rate risk are incorporated. Within this international economy, the changes of real exchange rates, real interest rates and stock prices are assumed to follow the Markovian processes whose drifts and diffusion parameters are driven by certain state variables. Our approach is through the use of the martingale methodology developed by Cox and Huang (1989, 1991) as proposed in the work of Lioui and Poncet (2003). Following their framework, we consider the economy of the investors that consists of one foreign currency and the domestic one, together with their bond portfolios and stock indices. Adding to the previous works, we have compared the obtained optimal strategies with some prevailing ad hoc ones in order to clarify the hedge effects in financial decision from the long term perspective.

專利資產評估研究 / The assessment of patent asset

簡兆良, Leon chien Unknown Date (has links)
『專利資產評估』依其目的可分為兩個主要方向,一是作為企業策略管理工具,二則提供專利授權、技術交易以及公司購併等的價值參考。前者的評估結果是一組具有策略意涵的指標,幫助企業審視專利管理的有效程度,更進一步作為研發管理(R & D Management)與達成企業目標的策略工具(Strategic Tool)。後者的評估結果是專利資產的一個參考價值,作為買賣雙方交易或進行投資的依據。 本研究以智慧資本理論推導專利資產效度的測量方法,依照員工競爭力、內部結構、外部結構以及策略資本四個面向,分別得出量化的測量指標,並且以這些指標進一步探討其結果在管理上的意涵,形成策略管理工具。 專利資產的價值方面,本研究以無形資產的技術價值理論,探討專利估價的各種模型,其適用場合以及優缺點。本研究進一步探討以專利價值的概念與經驗法則的應用,發展專利價值量表作為初步估計專利價值的工具。這套方法可以作為專利資產效度評估的基礎,相對於各種專利計價模型而言,具有低成本的實用價值。 本研究以工研院為個案研究對象,探討實務上專利資產評估與管理問題,進一步修正由理論推導的專利資產效度評估指標以及專利價值量表方法,使其具備實用價值。以下為本研究之重要結論: 一、提出專利資產評估流程,建議分為『價值的分析』與『管理的分析』進行。 (一)發展專利價值評量表,做為價值分析的工具 (二)發展專利資產管理評估指標模型,作為管理分析的工具 二、提出專利資產評估方法論述 三、提出專利資產評估研究架構 / The assessment of patent asset has two dimensions according to its purposes. One is considered as a strategic management tool, which provides useful information to the enterprise. On the other hand, the assessment of patent asset often provides a referenced value used for licensing, technology transaction, or merge and acquisitions. One of the most important parts of researches performed in this thesis were conducted from the intellectual asset theories, which gathering quantified information from Employee Competence, Internal Structure, External Structure, and Strategic Alliance. These quantified measuring indexes reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of the improvement of the considered patent asset. The information delivered recommends to the management strategy. In order to verify the value of the patent asset, discussions about several kinds of valuation theories concentrated to intangible asset have been carried out. As a result, the valuation method for the patent asset has been revealed. The use of simplified questionnaire method as a tool for the patent asset valuation is suggested here. The questionnaire method used as a valuation tool is comparatively low cost compared to all kinds of valuation methods so that it can be used practically in patent asset valuation. A case study of the ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan) has been conducted as a result. The assessment model of patent asset suggested in this study has been verified and modified from the ITRI case study. The major contributions and conclusions of this study are summarized below. 1. Suggestions of the process for assessment of patent asset: The major process is recommended to “The Analysis of Value” and “The Analysis of Management”. 2. Development of “Patent Valuation Questionnaire” method: as a tool for the analysis of value. 3. Development of “Evaluation Index Model” method: as a tool for analysis of management. 4. Discussions of methodology for valuation of the patent asset. 5. Discussions of the research frame for the assessment of patent asset.


胡涵棻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究引用Myers and Read(2001)邊際違約價值相等原則進行資本配置。以金融控股公司為對象,考慮市場資產及負債,將金融控股公司各子公司資產負債之加總。利用Margrabe(1978)交換選擇權評價模型計算違約價值,推導各子公司邊際違約價值公式,利用邊際違約價值相等計算資本配置。由Cummins and Phillips(2005)估計產險公司各個險種之資本成本,利用CAPM及Fama-French三因子模型估算beta值,估計充分資訊下各子公司beta值與資本成本,最終利用風險調整報酬(RAROC)比較配置資本報酬與資本成本,進行績效評估。


王義榮 Unknown Date (has links)
2002年在文建會積極倡導推動「台灣世界遺產潛力點」之下,將世界遺產的保存觀念陸續引進國內,形成一股風潮,也衝擊著台灣二十餘年來,在文化資產保存工作上的偏差與不足,不論是在保存項目上、保存觀念上、保存工法上、保存法令上,都明顯跟不上世界潮流。世界遺產的研究議題也在這股風潮帶動下逐漸興起,其所涵蓋的學術領域包羅萬象,是門必須跨學科領域的綜合學問。 2005年「文化資產保存法」修正後,文化事權已統一,台灣文化資產保存工作也進入另一個新時期。值此,在國內文化資產保存維護工作如火如荼的向前邁進,並與國際觀念接軌之際,不管是有形的文化資產或是無形的文化資產,都要從世界遺產保存的新視野,重新審視如何加以保存與維護。以世界遺產的觀點來探討雅美族文化資產的保存,希望能從中進一步對台灣文化資產的保存有所省思,提醒我們對於這塊土地最原始的原住民族,所遺留下來具有豐富台灣特色的原住民族文化資產,在長期受到忽視及邊緣化的情形下,有機會被正視及喚醒。 蘭嶼面對全球化、現代化過程,造成雅美族傳統文化的衝擊,值得雅美族人及各界共同關注。而朗島傳統聚落本身就是一部真實且具體的人類文化紀錄,隨著時空環境的演變過程在朗島留下痕跡。維持朗島傳統聚落及文化景觀的永存是一項持續不斷的工作。也必須在保存時不斷思索探討創新問題,以確保其在新的經濟條件下能持續發揮其功能。朗島傳統聚落及文化景觀的永續保存,對當代及未來人類歷史都在在豐富了其在文化上的多樣性與豐富性。而且其中無形文化資產,如傳統歲時祭儀、技藝、語言等,相較於傳統聚落、住屋、船屋等有形文化資產,更有保存的急迫性,因為這些有形文化資產,在拆之前都還有機會留下或復原,但那些無形資產則容易隨著年代久遠而消逝。所以,除了保存,更重要的是傳承,這也是世界遺產強調的精神所在。雅美族人對其後代子孫或全人類究竟要保存些什麼?傳承些什麼?端視雅美族人自行深思與決定。本論文並不期望探討蘭嶼是否能成為世界遺產,而是希望能將世界遺產的保存觀點、管理機制、案例等介紹給雅美族人,讓雅美族人現在及未來面對自己的文化資產保存問題時,多一種思考保存的選項。期盼藉由本論文的研究,呼籲各界重視最具台灣特色的原住民族文化資產,並且讓以往台灣在文化資產保存維護觀念上累積的錯誤經驗,不要重蹈覆轍在原住民族文化資產的保存上。


陳重光, Chen,Chung Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討企業處於不同的生命週期階段時,資本市場對於各期的無形資產投入會有不同的評價。本文用Anthony and Ramesh(1992)的方法,選定股利、銷貨成長、資本支出、公司成立年數、研發支出作為生命週期的判斷因子。以薛健宏(2005)修改吳安妮(2004)、Kaplan and Norton(2004)的架構,將平衡計分卡三個非財務構面對應各項無形資產,以人力資本、創新資本、流程資本、顧客資本各項投入作為無形資產投入研究項目,並以Ohlson(1995)的會計評價模式,觀察無形資產投入、人力資本、創新資本、流程資本、顧客資本對於公司評價是否具備攸關性。 實證結果發現,企業於生命週期初期對於各項無形資產的投入,對於資本市場而言都是具備價之攸關性的資訊。無形資產投入在成長與成熟期相比較時,並沒有顯著的差異,而企業於成長與成熟期投入無形資產相較於衰退期,資本市場皆有較高的評價。以創新資本而言,企業於成長期投入創新資本,資本市場的評價大於成熟期與衰退期,而成熟期評價也大於衰退期。以人力資本而言,企業於成長與成熟期投入人力資本,資本市場對於此項資訊的評價並沒有顯著差異,而成長期與成熟期相較於衰退期,皆有較高的評價。以流程資本而言,企業於成長期與成熟期間投入流程資本,資本市場並沒有顯著差異,而成長期與成熟期相較於衰退期,皆有較高的評價。以顧客資本而言,企業於成長期投入顧客資本與成熟期投入相比較,資本市場的評價並沒有顯著差異。而成長與成熟期投入顧客資本相較於衰退期,資本市場的評價皆較高。整體而言,企業於生命週期初期投入無形資產,資本市場皆給予較高的評價,而於企業生命週期晚期,無形資產投入的增加,資本市場並未給予較高的評價 / The purpose of this study is to explore whether the market values intangible asset investment of firm differently at different stage of life cycle. The stage of life cycle in which a firm belongs in determined by using Anthony and Ramesh(1992) model and is classified into growth, maturity and declining stage. This study uses Annie Wu(2004), Kaplan and Norton (2004) framework as amended by 薛健宏(2005) to partition the intangible asset into human capital, innovation capital, process capital and customer capital. Ohlson’s(1995) model is used to examine the relationship between the market valuation and each of the investment of total intangible asset, human capital, innovation capital, process capital and customer capital . The empirical results are as follow: 1. The information of total intangible asset investment at the growth stage is value relevant for capital market. 2. There is no difference between the market valuation of total intangible asset investment of growth stage and maturity stage. However, the market valuation is significant by different between the growth and maturity stage on the one side, and the declining stage on the other side. 3. The market valuation for the innovation capital investment at the growth stage is significant by higher than at the maturity and declining stage. The market valuation for the same investment at maturity stage is also higher than of the declining stage. 4. The market valuation for the human capital investment at the growth stage is the same as at the maturity stage. However, the market valuation for the human capital investment both at the growth stage and maturity stage are higher than at the declining stage.. 5. There is no difference between the market valuation of process capital investment at the growth stage and maturity stage. However, both the valuation at growth stage and maturity stage are higher than at the declining stage. 6. The market valuation to the customer capital investment at various stage is the same as for the process capital investment. An overall conclusion can be reached that market valuation for the investment in intangible asset at growth stage of business life cycle is higher than for the same investment at declining stage.

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