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公平價值避險會計適用之探討-以資產交換交易為例陳櫻桂 Unknown Date (has links)
「如果不具備財務金融背景者,難以一窺究竟」 ,因為金融業為增加業務競爭力,不斷推出創新金融商品以滿足客戶需求,其本身為妥善管理風險亦積極從事避險交易,其適用避險會計之意願與能力理應較一般企業為強,惟實際情形並非如此,本文針對選樣的金融機構展開問卷調查,探討避險會計適用現況與問題癥結。
本論文係利用彭博資訊(Bloomberg LP)提供之功能,用以探討避險會計實例,後續研究者,亦可嘗試以其他資訊系統提供之套裝功能測試是否仍有相同之結果。
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台灣上市櫃公司資產減損之探討楊美雪 Unknown Date (has links)
至於認列資產減損金額之決定因素,本研究之實證結果發現,企業認列資產減損之大小受獲利能力、經營績效以及資產使用效能等企業營運因素之影響。在企業特性方面,本研究發現負債比例愈高及企業信用風險愈差之企業,其資產減損金額愈大。規模愈大之公司,認列之資產減損愈小;以及資訊電子業者認列顯著較高之資產減損金額。由於企業在適用35號公報上保有彈性判斷之空間,因此本研究發現企業認列資產減損之大小受到企業本身承受能力及洗大澡動機之影響,隱喻35號公報可能是管理當局可以操弄盈餘之工具之ㄧ。 / The implementation of new accounting standard (SFAS No.35) on assets impaired is a milestone of moving from historical cost principle towards fair value principle. As SFAS No. 35 may enhance the relevance of financial information at the cost of reliability, there exists the flexibility of reported earnings through the new communiqué. Based on the importance of the SFAS No.35 on a company’s financial and operational reporting, this thesis investigate the accuracy and adequateness of asset impairment, the appropriateness of reporting and disclosures of asset impairment, the determinants of asset impairment and the characteristics across industry are worth studying into thoroughly.
With the topic of the contents of asset impairment in compliance with SFAS No.35, this study finds that the listed companies in Taiwan recognized and reported as asset impairment in the amount of NT $88,094 million for the study period from December, 2004 to June, 2005, of which approximately amounted to NT $20,300 million should be periodically evaluated in accordance with SFAS No.1 or SFAS No.5 before adoption of SFAS No.35. As a result, it metaphors listed company in Taiwan to use SFAS No.35 as an excuse for written off asset value.
We explored the accuracy of asset impairment loss and the appropriateness of reporting for asset impairment for listed companies in Taiwan. When analyzing the reporting quality, we found that there were 163 financial reports of listed companies in Taiwan without footnote of “Accounting change and its effect” or explanationary paragraph for accounting change in auditors’ opinion for the study period from December, 2004 to June, 2005. In addition, we also found that four companies within two consolidated group started to adopt SFAS No.35 at the different timing against the rule of consistency on the adoption of accounting principle among consolidated entities.
We explored the determinants of asset impairment for the listed companies in Taiwan for the period from December, 2004 to June, 2005. Our empirical results show the following: (1) The size of asset impairment is associated with operational factors such as profitability, operational performance and effectiveness of asset utilization;(2) In the perspective of company characteristic, the size of asset impairment is associated with the debt ratio and worse credit risk ;(3) The bigger company recognized the smaller impairment loss . Compared to other industries ( excluded financial institutions and securities),the huge impairment had been recognized in electronic industry .Since the evaluation of asset value involved a lot of professional judgments , we found that the size of impairment loss was associated with the management reporting motivation and capability to afford such losses . It metaphors that the SFAS No. is one of the vehicle of earning smoothing to be used.
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台灣債券型基金資產規模變動之研究 / The Development of Bond Funds in Taiwan吳登彰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣債券型基金的發展歷程、相關問題、及主管機關的因應措施,並介紹全球債券型基金資產規模前二大之美國及盧森堡的基金發展經驗,作為台灣債券型基金發展及監理的參考。此外,迴歸分析債券型基金資產規模的影響因素及基金資產規模對金融市場、貨幣總計數M2的影響。本研究實證結果顯示:(1)債券型基金資產規模分別與6個月期美元LIBOR及我國金融同業隔夜拆款利率,呈現顯著負相關;(2)債券型基金持有公司債及金融債與該等債券發行市場的榮枯,呈現顯著正相關;及(3)債券型基金資產規模分別與銀行定期存款、中長期放款、及貨幣總計數M2的成長,呈現顯著負相關。根據本研究的結果,對於健全我國債券型基金的發展,我們建議主管機關細分基金類型、強制投信公司設立獨立董事、強化基金市場機能的發揮等;建議投信投顧公會公布之資訊宜涵蓋銀行所募集的貨幣市場基金;建議投信公司加強風險管理並檢討基金經理人紅利給付方式;及建議中央銀行增列「M2+準貨幣市場基金」的成長目標區。 / The purpose of this paper is to study the development of bond funds in Taiwan. Besides, we introduce the development of bond funds in the United States and Luxemburg. Furthermore, we analyze the determinants of the bond fund assets, and effect of the bond funds on the financial market and monetary aggregate M2 in Taiwan. The main findings of empirical study are: (1)the bond fund assets has a significant negative relationship with 6-month USD LIBOR, Taiwan interbank oversight call-loan rate, respectively; (2)the bond fund’s investment of corporate bonds has a significant positive relationship with the prosperity of corporate bond’s issuance market; and(3)the bond fund assets has a significant negative relationship with the time deposits, long-term loans, and M2, respectively. According to the results of this study, we have the following suggestions. To the supervisory authority: subdivide the type of bond fund, investment trust CO. should establish independent directors compulsorily, reinforce funds market mechanism;to the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Association of the ROC: fund information release should include money market funds raised by bank; to the investment trust CO.: strengthen risk management and review the bonus payment; to the central bank: set up the target zone of M2 plus quasi money market funds grew.
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退休基金的策略性資產配置-以勞退新制為例蔡牧岐 Unknown Date (has links)
如何用一套較為實務上可行的方法,為新制下的退休基金擬定一套合乎其投資目標的長期策略性資產配置,是本研究所關心的課題。本文採用的方法是以多元蒙地卡羅模擬法(Monte Carlo Simulation),依據實際的資本市場假設來模擬整個投資組合期望報酬率的機率分配,並根據結果分析各種配置的優劣、提供決策者做參考。
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美國量化寬鬆政策對商業銀行股價之影響- 暨資產負債表傳遞效果 / The impact of the US QE policy on commercial bank stock returns - balance sheet channel彭仲豪, Peng, Chung Hau Unknown Date (has links)
本研究致力於探討美國聯準會(FED)實施量化寬鬆政策(QE)與否,商業銀行資產負債表對於股價的影響。本文藉由總經指標(工業生產指數、製造業採購經理人指數)、利差變數(公司債利差、10年期公司債利差),以及資產負債表變數(存款、貸款等),對商業銀行股價進行解釋。並透過量化寬鬆政策(QE)的虛擬變數,了解該政策對股價的影響,以及實施該政策是否能夠改善資產負債表變數的顯著程度和影響方向。方法上,本文採用迴歸分析的方式進行實證分析。首先,研究以總經指標以及利差變數對股價進行解釋,且期間限定為量化寬鬆政策期間,藉此確認這兩類變數對股價的影響。後續則以加入資產負債表變數、量化寬鬆(QE)虛擬變數等,並將期間延伸至15年,以進一步釐清實施量化寬鬆(QE)政策的影響。本文實證結果顯示,美國量化寬鬆政策對於商業銀行股的股價有負面影響,且活期存款對股價的影響亦為負向。 / The thesis focuses on the FED policy – Quantitative Easing (QE) and how the policy affect the S&P 500 commercial bank sub-index return. Based on past researches, the article includes macroeconomic variables (IP, PMI), term structure variables, bank balance sheet variables (deposits and loans), and a QE dummy variable. With these variables, the outcomes are generated by regression. It can be observed that with the implementation of QE policy, stock returns are negative on average. Moreover, large banks would benefit from provide more commercial loans; on the other hand, small banks would obtain a positive return by lending more consumer loans. Demand deposits are another significant variable which would have negative impact on stock returns.
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台灣銀行業國際化與風險之關係探討 / Risk of Internationalization on Taiwanese Banking Industry鄭宇淳, Cheng, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球金融市場的開放,多數金融機構開始向海外擴展業務,追求更高利潤並且取得市場領先的地位。在台灣,銀行業者由於市場規模小、競爭激烈加上存、放款利差逐漸縮小的情況下,許多銀行開始往亞洲其他國家擴展,尤其是中國市場與東南亞市場。許多研究顯示,銀行國際化程度與風險呈現正相關,顯示在銀行向海外布局同時將使其風險增加。台灣過去文獻多在研究銀行業國際化程度與經營績效的關係,對於國際化程度與風險的影響較少著墨,本文使用台灣商業銀行之資料,進一步研究兩者之關聯。本研究實證顯示,整體而言,台灣銀行業可透過海外布局達到降低風險的效果,但進一步發現,台灣商業銀行資產規模大小將會造成國際化與風險的關係有所不同。大型商業銀行,雖然整體風險較小,但當國際化程度越高時,將使得風險提高;反之,小型商業銀行,整體風險較大,但可透過海外布局使其風險下降。 / Global banking system has changed dramatically in the last several decades which make banks encounter difficulties and discover opportunities while developing their business. In this increasingly saturated environment, existing banks start to find a way to expand their territories overseas to set up higher entry barriers. Especially in Taiwan, because of excessive banks, small economic scale and overlap financial services, the financial industry is more competitive than in other markets resulting the interest rate spread becomes more and more narrow. Most of research find a positive relation between internationalization and bank risk. However, this paper employs the data of commercial banks in Taiwan, the result suggests that internationalization of a bank is associated with lower risk for overall banks. Additionally, we find that the bank size has different impacts on the relationship between internationalization and risk. Large bank tend to have the lower average risk but to increase the bank risk when go abroad. On the other hand, small banks have a diversification effect on internationalization but the overall risk is larger and the operation is not as efficient as large banks.
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資本利得稅的風險承擔和閉鎖效果 / The Risk-taking and lock-in effect of capital gain tax彭湘媛, Peng, Hsiang Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
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以技術指標建構市場指標投資台灣股票市場 / The Optimal Asset Allocation in Taiwan Stock Market: Using Technical Analysis as Market Indicator賴欣沅, Lai, Hsin Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文發現綜合信號指標作為市場指標可有效判讀金融事件的發生與結束時間,經由此指標判斷可獲得相當的超額利潤。本論文亦發現當投資組合為5支股票、資產模型為GJR GARCH(1,1)模型、相關結構型態為多元高斯Copula時可獲得超額利潤。
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利差交易新風險因子:無風險實質利率 / Risk Free Real Rate as a New Risk Factor to Carry Trades林品傑 Unknown Date (has links)
未拋補利率平價說的不成立,衍伸出平均報酬大於零的利差交易(carry trades)。
過去基於風險解釋的文獻,提出各種風險因子欲歸因此套利策略的不尋常超額報酬,實為承擔不同風險的額外補償,亦即風險溢酬(risk premium)。
本文主張以無風險實質利率作為風險因子。此想法源於隨機貼現因子(stochastic discount factor)之定義式以及現實環境中的觀察。
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資本利得課稅之探討 / Explore the Taxation of Caiptal Gains程惠美, Chen, Hui Mei Unknown Date (has links)
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